
Powering future

Month: June 2021

Does Lysol kill lice?

When it comes to lice control, a question that seems to come up quite often is whether Lysol can kill lice. In this article we will see several applications of Lysol and we will deduce its effectiveness in controlling lice.

Piece of furniture

If you suspect a lice infestation and want to remove these pesky parasites from home furnishings, such as a couch, sofa, or even a car seat, Lysol may not be as effective as some other products that are specifically formulated to remove lice and nits. The best way to get rid of lice and nits from your home is to drown the source, meaning to make sure each and every person in the household is lice-free.


No. Conversely, using the product on bedding can do more harm than good, and you should refrain from using it on your bed, pillows, or blankets. Not only will it be ineffective at getting rid of lice, but you can also inhale the chemicals inadvertently. If you use Lysol in bedding, allow it to ventilate well for several hours before using it.

The best way to remove lice and nits from furniture and bedding is to vacuum and wash (if possible) thoroughly.


Even if you have heard claims that Lysol can get rid of lice, under no circumstances should you spray it directly on hair or body parts. The product contains harsh chemicals that can be very dangerous if inhaled and is not intended for use in the body.

The most effective way to remove lice and nits from your hair is by applying a proven treatment, such as an anti-lice shampoo. You may need to apply the treatment once every seven to ten days, over a period of three to four weeks. You can also rely on a number of home remedies to get rid of head lice and nits, including mayonnaise, petroleum jelly, and olive oil. Applying mayonnaise under a shower cap for fifteen to twenty minutes will suffocate and kill the lice.

Although effective in removing lice and nits from hair, the aforementioned home remedies, especially petroleum jelly, can have some undesirable side effects. For example, applying too much petroleum jelly can dry out your hair. If you apply too much petroleum jelly on your hair, you can use baby oil to wash it off.

While Lysol can make life difficult for lice, they are not effective in completely eradicating them.

So does Lysol kill lice? The short answer is no. “This product does not kill lice, it is a disinfectant and not a pesticide.

Shocking fact about Nintendo gaming systems: Nintento brought back the Zapper for Nintendo Wii

The Wii Zapper is an accessory for your NintendoWii system. The Wii Zapper is not similar to the Wii Blaster, a Wii controller. It’s a stylish and sexy accessory that turns your Wii Remote and Nunchuck Controller into a handy new pistol peripheral. Nintendo hasn’t delivered a gun controller since the original NES Zapper for Duck Hunt. Not a lightweight pistol or a controller, the Wii Zapper is a simple, plastic, pistol-shaped housing that holds the Wii Remote and Nunchuck for use in shooting games.

The Nintendo NES Zapper

For the first time in almost 20 years, Nintendo has released an accessory, a fashion device, called the Zapper. It is a 2007 Nitendo Wii version of the NES Zapper controller. The NES Zapper Controller is a bright gray or orange light gun that allows you to shoot ducks, bullseye, and bandits for the NES game system.

The 2007 version of the Zapper is neither a light gun nor a controller. It’s a simple, plastic, pistol-shaped housing that holds the Wii Remote and Nunchuck. This sexy contraption comes with Link’s Crossbow Training, a training game based on The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Crossbow Training is a game that helps you familiarize yourself with the use of the Zapper in a shooting gallery style game.

The Zapper is a handle that holds the Wii and Nunchuck remote.

The Zapper does not add any significant or unique features to your Wii’s control system. Provides an almost ideal grip for shooting games. This cool gadget feels better than just holding the remote and the Nunchuk. It is easy to configure. The Nunchuk’s control stick controls the player’s movement. Aiming with the Wii Zapper moves the crosshairs on the screen.

Games that use Zapper are available now: Medal of Honor: Heroes 2, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles, and Ghost Squad. Others will come later this year. The Wii Zapper only works with games designed to use it. A sexy accessory that is a great peripheral for your Wii system, considering the current crop of shooter games.

The 3 best indirect abdominal exercises

When looking to do abdominal exercises, you should try to work your abs in as many exercises as possible. This is where you want to add metabolism by increasing high intensity workouts that work your entire body.

Sit-ups have been shown to be bad for your back and have absolutely no benefit in losing belly fat. Exercises like the pushup and side plank are best for your abs, but unfortunately they aren’t sexy enough for most people.

The importance of diet cannot be underestimated either, as most eat clean foods like protein, fruits, and vegetables while eliminating all processed junk.

While diet is really the number one factor in losing stomach fat, you also want to do the right exercises.

Here’s an example of a hard abs workout that doesn’t involve any of the obvious, straightforward abdominal exercises. Perform the following workout, exercise after exercise, with each exercise performed for 3-4 sets of 8 reps.

* Renegade Dumbbell Rows: Begin in a push-up position with your hands on the dumbbells. Slowly bring your right elbow back, keeping it tight against your body, and slowly lower your back. Then do the same with your left elbow. While swinging on one arm, the core will hook and strain

* Barbell Front Squats – Hold the barbell across your shoulders with your upper arms parallel to the floor. This is a difficult exercise, so maybe ask your trainer to help you with it and make sure you start low and progress to heavier weights. Squat with the correct form and then get back up. Again, as you balance the bar and move up and down, your core will have to work hard to maintain balance.

* Mountain Climbers – Down in an upward flex position. Bring your right knee to your chest and then bring your right foot back. Then the left foot. As you get used to it, try to go as fast as you can while still maintaining good form. This exercise can be done on time instead of repetitions, say 30 seconds.

Another trick to enhance the benefit of these exercises is to pull the navel inward and contract the transverse abs, particularly the rows and climbers.

So be sure to give this a try and see how it goes.

4 ways to increase your natural testosterone levels

When it comes to hormones, testosterone is considered the king of hormones. In men, testosterone is produced mainly in the testes. In women, testosterone is produced in the ovaries, although in much smaller amounts. Testosterone production in the body begins to increase significantly in the late teens and begins to decline after age 30. Testosterone is the main sex hormone and has a huge effect on muscle mass and bone density, body fat levels, mood, and the color red. production of blood cells.

Low testosterone levels can cause a wide variety of symptoms including weight gain, low sex drive, low energy, depression, and low self-esteem. While testosterone levels naturally decline as you age, there are a number of ways you can boost your testosterone levels to maintain optimal levels of this critical hormone.

Signs and symptoms of low testosterone levels:

(in men)

  • Little interest in sex (low libido)
  • Unable to maintain or have an erection
  • Unable to build muscle
  • Depression
  • Lethargy, weakness, and low energy levels in general
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Low motivation
  • Unexpected weight gain
  • Hair loss
  • Decreased strength during exercise.
  • Signs of gynecomastia, an abnormal enlargement of breast tissue

(in women)

  • Tired
  • Depression
  • Decreased muscle and bone mass
  • Difficult to focus
  • Weight gain
  • Painful intercourse

If you experience at least 3 of the above symptoms consistently, meaning they are present every day, and you have been experiencing them for more than a few weeks, see your doctor for a testosterone level blood test. , then take the following steps …

How To Increase Your Natural Testosterone Levels:

  • Reduce your stress levels

In today’s fast-paced and fast-paced society, reducing your stress levels can be easier said than done. We worry about our jobs and our children and stress about finances and relationships. Research has shown that chronic stress increases cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone that your body releases in small amounts throughout the day in response to different stimuli. However, chronically elevated cortisol levels can cause your testosterone levels to plummet quickly.

  • Get plenty of sun (vitamin D)

Vitamin D is known as the sunshine vitamin. In addition to having numerous health benefits including helping with weight loss, it can also work as a natural testosterone booster according to a study by German researchers. Ideally, you will want to ballast 20 minutes of sun exposure per day to optimize your body’s vitamin D levels.

If you live in the far north in a climate without a lot of regular direct sunlight and daily sun exposure is unrealistic for you, I recommend supplementing it with a quality vitamin D product.

  • Fenugreek supplement

Fenugreek is a plant that has been used in Chinese and alternative medicine to treat various health conditions. Fenugreek is a plant that grows in the forest with pods containing tiny golden brown fenugreek seeds. It is commonly used as a spice and is sometimes found in personal care products such as shampoo and soap.

Fenugreek is a good source of several important nutrients, but its beneficial effects are primarily used to increase testosterone and libido. In one study, researchers provided 500 mg of fenugreek per day to 30 college-age men. The men combined fenugreek with an 8-week weightlifting program and performed four training sessions per week, with half of them receiving the supplement.

When the researchers compared the fenugreek supplement group to the no-supplement group, they observed a slight decrease in testosterone in the no-supplement group and an increase in testosterone in the fenugreek group. The fenugreek supplement group also experienced a 2% reduction in body fat.

  • Don’t shy away from meat, eggs, and butter

Meat, especially red meat, if it is one of the leaner varieties, such as sirloin, top round, or London Broil, is an excellent testosterone booster. This is because red meat is high in cholesterol, and cholesterol is a direct precursor to testosterone in your body. As with any other food, it is important to choose only the highest quality meat you can find in the supermarket, this means that grass-feeding is a must and organic if possible.

Regular or conventional beef does not have the same health benefits as grass-fed beef due to the difference in feed between feedlot cows and pasture or grass-fed cows. Like lean red meat, eggs are an excellent source of saturated fat and cholesterol that help boost your natural testosterone levels.

Persian cat – an elegant and affectionate breed

Persian cats are stunning long-haired cats. That said, according to the Cat Breeders Association (CFA), in 2015 the Persian cat breed was ranked as the second most popular breed in the United States. The first most popular breed is the exotic. The exotic breed looks like a short-haired Persian. As a result, I think these people love Persians too.

NOTE: The Exotic breed was created by crossing a domestic shorthair with a Persian. Therefore, eventually, domestic short hairs BECAME exotic due to the Persian in them. (So ​​I suspect that keeping shorthair shorthair may have some influence there … Also, prior to the creation of exotic shorthair, domestic shorthair cats were not allowed to participate in cat shows.)

The Persian cat has a distinctive appearance: a large, round head; big round eyes; a short nose full cheeks; and small ears with rounded tips. The head is supported by a short, thick neck and a muscular, seemingly robust body. The paws of a Persian cat are short, thick and strong, with large, round and firm paws. The tail is fluffy and proportional to the length of the cat’s body.


Persian cats can have different “appearances”. The selective breeding process carried out by breeders has allowed the development of a wide variety of coat colors. It has also led to the creation of increasingly flat-faced Persians (or Peke’s face). This head structure, favored by many cat fans, can bring with it a number of health problems. Some breeders have made efforts to preserve the older type of cat, the traditional breed, which has a more pronounced muzzle, which is more popular with the general public. These are called “doll-faced” Persians.

The “doll-faced” Persians are said to have a more old-fashioned appearance, with a face that is not as flat as that of the Persian show or the Peke-faced Persian.


The dignified and docile Persian is known for being calm and sweet. She is an adornment for any home where she can enjoy sitting on a lap, surely her rightful place, being caressed by those who are demanding enough to recognize her superior qualities, and playing house with kind children who will gently comb her hair. hair, they will spin it. in a cart, wagon or buggy, then they serve you tea at your parties. Persians are loving but discriminating. They reserve their attention for family members and the few guests whom they feel they can trust.

Persian cats and are calm cats that prefer a serene home where little changes from day to day. Also, they are happier when they are not in a noisy environment.

Persians use their large, expressive eyes and a voice that can be described as soft, pleasant, and musical. Persian cats make their simple needs known: regular meals, a little playtime with a catnip mouse, or a teaser of feathers, and much love, that they return ten times.

Because Persian cats’ legs are short, they are less likely to climb excessive heights, but as kittens, they will try more than as adults. It helps them to get their own furniture and toys. When you are at work or busy at home, the Persian is content to adorn a chair, sofa, or bed until you are free to admire it and give it the attention it welcomes but never demands.

Care and Grooming

The most important thing to understand about caring for a Persian cat is the need for daily grooming. That long, beautiful coat doesn’t stay clean and tangle-free on its own. You should comb and brush gently but thoroughly every day, and it is a good idea to bathe regularly, at least once a month. Regular nail trimming is also easy to do.

Litter boxes should also be kept scrupulously clean. A Persian cat often supervises this activity and immediately checks behind his work after cleaning the box. They can come while you are cleaning the box and observing. When you’re done, they can come in, snoop, look at you, like saying they approve, and then leave. So make sure you do a good job – daily is preferred.

Persian kittens and Persian cats should not live outdoors. They are only exclusive indoor cats.

Excessive tearing can be a problem in this breed. The simple solution is to clean the corners of your eyes daily. These spots under the eyes prevent them from forming.

All Persian kittens for sale in our herd are only indoor Persian cats.

Make sure that they will bring you a lot of joy and love, climb on your lap or caress the crook of your arm, just to be close to you.

The Mortgage Funds Flow: Your Local Bank for Mortgage-Backed Securities

The availability of funds in the primary market is highly dependent on the existence of secondary markets. First, the mortgage funds are loaned to a home buyer by a lender in the primary market. The mortgage is then sold to a secondary market agency who, in turn, can sell it to other investors in the form of mortgage-backed securities. Mortgage-backed securities are divided into two general types: bond-type securities and transferable securities. Bond-type securities are long-term, pay interest semi-annually and are repaid on a specified date. The most common transferred securities pay interest and principal payments on a monthly basis. Some types of transferred securities pay even if the payments are not collected from the borrower.

Because a primary lender sold the mortgage, the lender can take the money it receives from the sale and make another home loan, then sell that new loan to the secondary market and continue the cycle. The secondary market agency can bundle the mortgages it buys to create mortgage-backed securities, which it then sells to investors. As the secondary market agency sells the mortgage-backed securities to investors, it now has more funds to buy more mortgages. You can then create more pools of mortgage-backed securities to sell back to investors, and the cycle continues.

The marketplace can work the way it does because standardized underwriting criteria are used to rate borrowers and property. The secondary market will only buy a mortgage if the primary market lender complies with the secondary market underwriting rules. Since lenders want to sell their loans, they must follow the underwriting standards of those agencies. The top three agencies in the secondary market are Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Ginnie Mae. Therefore, a conforming loan is typically a loan that conforms to Fannie Mae’s underwriting guidelines. Private companies such as hedge funds and investment banks also participate in the flow of mortgage funds by purchasing mortgage-backed securities. The recent credit crisis and economic downturn were due in part to the buying and selling of mortgage-backed securities. Investors borrowed incredible amounts of money and were so dramatically leveraged that when the value of mortgage-backed securities fell, it was enough to create huge liquidity problems for companies and many closed (Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch, etc. ). Unfortunately, many of the same dynamics that caused the financial collapse are still at work today. The secondary market still exists with Fannie Mae (infused with taxpayer money) now buying up to 99% of all loans originated in the United States.

Huawei Mate 10 Pro Vs Google Pixel 2 XL: Which one to choose?

If you’re going to buy a new Android flagship sooner rather than later, chances are you’ll find Google’s Pixel 2 XL. It’s one of the best Android devices on the planet, backed by a big-name technical name, “Google.”

But wait! There is another competitor that offers some cool features to its customers. The Huawei Mate 10 Pro smartphone closely matches Google’s Pixel 2 XL in some main features and various technical specifications; however, there are some key details that differ between them. Here, we will show you the salient features of these two devices with the comparison so that you can see where one performs better than the other. Then let’s get started.

Design and display

Both the Huawei Mate 10 Pro and the Google Pixel 2 XL feature few design elements from 2017. The Pixel 2 XL phone device has relatively larger dimensions that features impressive rounded corners and tiny bezels.

However, the Huawei Mate 10 Pro doesn’t have rounded corners, but it does have a nice big screen. The Pixel 2 XL comes with a mix of glass and metal on the back. On the other hand, the Mate 10 Pro smartphone fully adheres to the glass at the rear.

When it comes to display, both phones offer a large enough 6-inch screen; However, the Pixel 2 XL has a P-OLED screen and the Mate 10 Pro is backed by an AMOLED screen. Google’s Pixel 2 XL offers slightly better screen resolution and density of 2880×1440 and 537ppi respectively than the 2160×1080 pixel resolution and 402ppi pixel density of the Huawei Mate 10 Pro. Other features are nearly identical in both screen protection. as in the relationship between the screen and the body.


Google Pixel 2 XL comes with the same 6-month-old Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 processor chip. It’s certainly one of the fastest chips out there, but compared to the latest Android flagship phones, it’s considered outdated. Still, you have plenty to experience a super fast and crazy smartphone experience with enough 4GB of RAM and the latest Android 8.0 Oreo on board.

And when you see the Huawei Mate 10 Pro, it has a new and updated HiSilicon Kirin 970 chip, which is much better than its predecessor. Backed by an internal neural processing unit for artificial intelligence requirements, as well as adaptive machine learning functionality, this is truly a master of speed, particularly with 6GB of extended RAM.

All in all, the Kirin 970 compares very well, in terms of speed, performance, and everyday use, to the Snapdragon 835 chip in benchmark tests.


Google Pixel 2 XL includes a powerful lithium-ion battery with a capacity of 3520 mAh. Huawei offers an even more powerful 4000 mAh lithium polymer battery. This is a fundamental difference. And both phones offer fast charging.


Huawei Mate 10 Pro goes with the dual camera approach similar to what it found on the P10 and P10 Plus phones, with a 12-megapixel primary sensor and a 20MP monochrome secondary sensor. The Mate 10 Pro’s camera quickly focuses on everything it shoots and adjusts accordingly, thanks to its artificial intelligence skills. This is truly one of the leading smartphone cameras on the market today, hands down.

But when we look at the Pixel 2 XL camera, it offers several exciting new features, like laser autofocus and phase detection, and it can take impressive shots quickly. Thanks to Google’s next-generation image processing capabilities, you’ll get something amazing every time you shoot, and even in low-light conditions. But still, it is a single lens shooter.

The best places to retire? Where?

Are you plagued with this list and the list of the best places to retire?

Don’t be overwhelmed.

You see, the places of retreat are already there; It’s just a matter of you making an informed decision to choose where you want to retire, based on the research and information available to you.

And, of course, the ingredients of a retirement place, such as the economy, climate, cost of living, access to healthcare facilities, crime rate, social and cultural venues, and transportation, must be your deciding factors when choosing one as your retirement, to spend. your golden years there.

Armed with this, I give you my own list of the best places to retire in the US.

(P / S: the number in the list does not mean the sort order. It’s just a convenient way to organize things)

1. Largo, Florida

On its own, Largo is already a vacation spot. Therefore, you can also understand its attractiveness as a place of retirement.

Its famous place is the Largo Cultural Center, where it hosts many music festivals.

The diversity of people who live here gives birth to a wide range of tantalizing cuisines from Spanish, Portuguese, Italian to Mediterranean, Asian, Japanese, Chinese ……

Largo sure has many things for you!

2. Ann Arbor, Michigan

It is a city blessed with beautiful landscapes with parks and beaches to enhance your sense of closeness to nature.

The pride of the city, the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, features plays, concerts and cultural performances to whet your artistic appetite.

3. Franklin, Tennessee

It has its unique small town charm, supposedly such an alluring charm that it convinces people who have already settled elsewhere to come here.

The charm? Calm and relaxed life; clean and serene environment; low cost of living; relaxed and carefree lifestyle.

For scenery, Franklin boasts of scenic beauty with long stretches of rolling hills.

4. St. George, Utah

St. George has the most picturesque setting, located near Snow Canyon, Bryce Canyon, and Grand Canyon.

It is a charming city with novel and attractive features of cultural life, such as the Shakespeare Festival, the Tuacahn Theater and the Huntsman Senior Games …..

5. Fort Collins, Colorado

This one draws you in with its unique combination of living somewhere between a city and a town.

Its main crowd draw is the Rocky Mountain National Park.

For shopping, dining, and theater, stop by Denver, which is nearby.

6. Savannah

It has an old world charm with many mansions, old oak trees, and walking trails.

The lifestyle here is easy and orderly, with plenty of places to relax and have fun.

7. San Antonio, Texas

It is a mix of terrain and cultures and a bargain in terms of low cost of living (Note: home prices are $ 50,000 below the national average and there is no income tax). The city enjoys the rich Mexican heritage, which infuses all aspects of life here, from food to culture to the arts.

It is also home to a dynamic business environment and offers excellent medical facilities.

Culture abounds in San Antonio too, from a rich ethnic environment to fine arts and museums.

8. Gainesville, Florida

The beautiful Florida sun; the wonderful warm freshwater springs where you can swim, fish or canoe; affordable housing and the best healthcare facilities, give you a quick idea of ​​whether you want to retire here ……..

9. Portsmouth, New Hamsphire

You’ll love the art galleries, boutiques, used bookstores, and seafood outlets.

Portsmouth is also a working boardwalk where tugboats and tankers dock along the Piscataqua River. The Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, dating back to the 19th century, is the oldest shipyard in the country and continues to be a major economic engine in the region.

10. Ashland, Oregon

Ashland is a welcoming town of 20,000, tucked away in the foothills of the Siskiyou Mountains in conservative southwestern Oregon.

It is the host of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival (held every year from February through November). It also houses numerous theaters in addition to the Shakeperean type.

Recreational activities are everywhere, from walking and biking in the 93-acre Lithia Park, a downtown oasis, to skiing and camping in the nearby mountains.

So, are you interested in exploring these best places to retire further?

Well, choose one of them if you think it suits you.

Sex on a yacht

When a lost customer a couple of years ago phoned me from Washington, I was delighted. He had been reading Boat International magazine on a flight and realized that I had left my old brokerage to start working for Camper & Nicholsons. When the global recession began, he had instructed me to sell his small fleet of 88 ‘to 112’ yachts as quickly as possible, recognizing that assets like these would lose value quickly and that by liquidating them he would be in a strong position to survive and even prosper. during the turbulent times ahead. Now, he told me, he was back on the market and would like me to help him find his next yacht.

However, there was a small problem. As a result of the massive growth of his business, he had decided to hire someone to handle all of his acquisitions; properties, planes, businesses and yes, boats.

This “someone” was an accountant.

Now I have nothing against accountants. They serve a useful purpose in doing work that most of us find tedious and boring. A good accountant can save a business substantial amounts of money through smart tax planning and up-to-date advice. However, there are certain decisions that an accountant should NOT be involved in, and buying a yacht is one of them.

Honestly, as soon as I would invite my accountant to a Boat Show, I would invite my Mother to a strip club, or I would ask an accountant to help me buy a yacht, rather than ask my Mother to help me. find a girlfriend. Fundamental traits like a curvy body, a sexy smile, and how fun she is on a date would be totally ignored in favor of other less important attributes like reliability, longevity, and … ahem … a two-year warranty. A mother will make a decision based on thought and logic, a man on the other hand will base his decision on feelings and passion. A friend of mine once told me that his mother burst into tears when he introduced him to his girlfriend simply because she didn’t like her. Strange, that’s the exact same reaction my client’s accountant had when I told him what the running costs are for a 46 meter yacht.

And this raises the rather interesting question of “why do financially successful people buy yachts?” How is it possible that a man who has spent years developing an enviable ability to generate profit and avoid losing money suddenly buy an object that will do the exact opposite?

I discussed this with a yacht owner more than a decade ago when I was working as a Sales Manager for the Ferretti Custom Line shipyard. The client had an insatiable appetite to negotiate the price of each change order and clearly felt that controlling costs was just as important as seeking profit. One night at dinner, the customer talked about how hard he had worked to achieve his wealth and said that, as a result, he was not spending money without giving due consideration to all purchases, both small and large. I ventured to ask what “due consideration” had led him to purchase a superyacht, knowing that the annual running costs alone would finance a small military coup.

I’m not very diplomatic of myself, I know … but I just had to ask.

A smile spread across the customer’s face. “David,” he said, “you can’t imagine.” “Everything you do on a yacht is so much better. I eat on a yacht and the food tastes better, I lie down on a yacht and I sleep better, and David,” she said as the smile spread even more. better. We have a yacht. “

About a year after that conversation, I was able to put these comments to the test when, in a moment of extraordinary generosity, another client invited me to board his 100 ‘yacht for a week’s vacation. Just for clarity, and knowing that my wife will probably read this article, I must add “Yes. This was the week we went to Mallorca together.”

People talk about spending “quality time” with their partners, as opposed to what I imagine of the “poor quality time” that can be spent in front of the television too tired to chat after a day of firefighting in the workplace. work and, if you have small children, possibly also in the living room. If the quality of time can be measured in the same way that we measure the quality of food and drink, then “yacht time” is a Pata Negra Iberico de Bellota, they are shavings of Italian white truffle from Alba on a plate of the best pasta. It is a plate of Danish oysters washed down with a cold bottle of Chablis, an experience so intensely pleasant that during the brief moments when you are enjoying its pleasure, nothing else matters, no problems come to mind, no difficulties exist. They are there, in the moment, together and happy.

Another yacht owner put it well when he spoke of his grandfather, an extraordinary man who had started his business in a garden shed and built it for a business empire employing more than 50,000 people. The family owned spectacular properties around the world and regularly stayed in the best hotels this planet has to offer, yet said that “the only time I see my grandfather relaxed is on his yacht.”

This is a common theme when talking to families of highly motivated CEOs and business owners. They just never completely disconnect from their business, not at their home in town, not at their country residence, not at their Malibu beach house, not even in a Burj Al Arab penthouse suite. But they relax on their yacht. It may take a week to resist answering your cell phone and another week to stop checking your emails, but by the third week they have finally synchronized with “yacht time.” Stress levels return to normal, priorities refocus, food tastes better, sleep is deeper, and life’s most intense pleasures are magnified to unforgettable proportions.

And herein lies the secret that unlocks the disciplined dominance that many high-net-worth people maintain in their purchasing power. Business success and financial rewards are exhilarating and leave a legacy that can benefit generation after generation of descendants, as well as providing work for an army of delighted accountants. However, the frenetic intensity of this lifestyle requires a balance, a pressure valve that brings the PSI of life back to a safe level. A yacht is not a luxury for these men and women, but a necessity, albeit an expensive one, to enrich their lives in a way that is not quantifiable on a balance sheet, to receive a return on investment that is not measured in currency or values. of actions. .

My advice to UHNWIs around the world who may be reading this and thinking of attending the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show this year is simple.

Leave your accountant behind.