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5 tips to make a small kitchen look spacious

No kitchen is too small to be stylish. There are many adjustments you can make to open up a small space and make it look and feel welcoming. It will take some organization, some tidying up, and some creativity to upgrade a small kitchen, but soon you’ll be more comfortable and able to prepare meals with ease in your newly renovated kitchen area!

Get rid of things you don’t need

Before making bigger changes to your kitchen, the most important first step is tidying up. Get rid of things you don’t need, items you don’t use, and spare parts.

Doing so will free up space and make it easier for you to organize the things you decide to keep. Do you really need to keep your old bulky coffee maker sitting on your counter when it’s only been your new coffee pod machine?

keep everything organized

Who wouldn’t want to walk into a kitchen where everything is in its place? Proper organization is the key to making any room look more spacious, especially the kitchen where there are more elements. Buyers these days won’t have a hard time, as there are plenty of storage options designed specifically for small spaces. So get that sliding spice rack or that magnetic knife rack that you can put on the wall, leaving more space on your counter!

change colors

One of the easiest ways to improve your small kitchen is to change the color of the wall. Using light, neutral colors will really open up a small space. If you want to give it a bit of personality, you can add color accents: you can make your kitchen essentials cohesive in color, or you can paint your cabinets in a bold color option.

let there be light

Speaking of ways to make a room feel bigger, lighting is something to consider as well. Flush mounts, semi-flush ceiling lights, and recessed lights are great options for small kitchens because they don’t take up a lot of space. You can also install one or two mirrors – mirrors bounce light around a room and are also great for opening up a small space.

Replace bulky appliances

Now, if you have the budget and want to go all out to update your small kitchen, you may choose to downsize your appliances. You don’t have to do it all at once. You can start with the small appliances you have: older models that have worked well but need to be upgraded or replaced. It can be your toaster, blender, microwave, and the like. Later, you can move on to your refrigerator and other larger appliances.

Not only will you be able to free up space, but you’ll have newer, more functional appliances to work with!

Follow these tips to make a small kitchen look more spacious!

Autobiographical elements in novels and short stories: do they add value or credibility to the book?

It is well known that those who write autobiographies Tell us that you base them on your personal life. But is it really so? Are they open and honest in telling us the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Either they we believe they do – and we do! – Do you really remember, in detail, many of the varied experiences that you tell us in your autobiography? Memory, as we all know, is selective and is based, at least in part, on our perception. All of this raises the question, what is fact and what is fiction in a writer’s autobiography…

it is not only with autobiographies that the line between fact and fiction is often blurred. it is like that also in fictionwhen the author intends not consciously with the intention of including autobiographical elements in the novel/story. But is it really so? And does it make any difference?

The “connection” a writer feels with another writer whose biography he writes: Stefan Zweig‘s biography honored with Balzac

It’s not just fiction and fact that often blurs in an author’s writing; sometimes there is also a blur between a biography that an author writes about another person to that of the author own life. Such, for example, is Stefano Zweig‘s (1881 – 1942) biography of the French writer honored with Balzac (1799-1850). This biography (published by Viking Press in 1946) has, according to some literal critics, elements of Zweig’s own autobiography as well.

However, only readers who are well acquainted with the lives of these two writers can identify these elements and enjoy seeing the similarities, as well as the differences, in the lives of these two authors.

Feelings of “affiliation” that a writer feels with another writer whose biography he writes: Tatiana de Rosnay biography daphne du maurier

Another case of interest can be found in Tatiana de Rosnay biography daphne du maurier (1907 – 1989). Tatiana de Rosnay (author of “Sarah’s Key”, 2008), affirms that part of what has led her to write a biography of Daphne du Maurier (titled: “Manderley for Ever”, 2015) is a certain affiliation she felt with the famous British writer.

Does this feeling of “affiliation” make the book more “personal” for the writer, and therefore “better”?

Did it happen or was it a dream?

A good example of the intermingling of the autobiographical and fiction can be seen first hand in Pablo NerudaThe speech he gave upon receiving the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971. Neruda (1904 – 1973), Chilean poet and politician, recalled his flight from Chile to Argentina in 1948, when President González Videla outlawed communism in Chile and issued an order of arrest. Arrest of Neruda (because of his political ideology). Neruda escaped through a mountain pass to Argentina.

In his Nobel Prize speech, Neruda recounted how he escaped on horseback and in the snow, adding that he no longer knows if this story really happened, if he dreamed it, or if he twisted it during his writing. But, she added, this doesn’t really matter!

Autobiographical Elements in Spy Novels and Others

The same goes for John le Carre, the British author of such well-known books as “The Spy Who Came in in from the Cold” (1963). One of his last books (“A Perfect Spy”, 1986), as the author himself admits, is considered his most autobiographical novel, a large part of which is a somewhat disguised account of the first years of the le Carré as intelligence. MI6 officer, the British intelligence service.

Some literary critics point out that some of the characters in the book bear a striking resemblance to le Carré’s own life: Magnus Pym, for example, recalls experiences Carré himself underwent early in his life; and Rick Pym, Magnus’s father in the novel, bears a striking resemblance to Carré’s own father (John le Carré’s newly published autobiography: “The Pigeon Tunnel: Stories from My Life”, Viking, 2016, provides more examples). ).

But does it make any difference to the reader to know that a book and/or a character are based on some of Le Carre’s own experiences? Does it give you more credibility? We can assume that the answer is NO; that most readers have no idea that there are some autobiographical elements in this and other books, and still enjoy reading them.

John Cleese’s autobiography: an example of conscious creativity?

John CleeseThe autobiography of (John Cleese: “So, Anyway…”, 2014) instills in us the notion that Cleese’s autobiography is being told with the utmost awareness, authenticity and honesty.

Recounting his life in chronological order, Cleese presents himself as a person who is self conscious; who says things “as they are”, a person who does not hesitate to say what he thinks even knowing that others will not like to hear what he has to say, a person who feels that there is no need for him to “fictionalize” Elements of his autobiography to glorify his life or record his unfortunate experiences for us.

This being the case, Cleese’s autobiography is different from other books in that it does not mix or blur fiction and autobiographical elements, but instead tells his life as it is. As such, Cleese manages to portray himself as “who he really is,” which is a compliment not all autobiographical writers get to enjoy.

The conscious or unconscious autobiographical elements in the art of a creator

It is interesting to note that not only books, but many other works of creation, be they movies, paintings, photographs, and the like, are also based, at least in part, on segments of the creator’s autobiography, whether the creator does . consciously or unconsciously.

This is, for example, the case of the Spanish director Pedro Almodovar (born 1949) who is considered the most important film director after Luis Buñuel and known as “the king of Spanish melodrama” (having produced 23 films so far).

Almodóvar has never written an autobiography and has never authorized anyone to write his biography. While in Cannes in 2016, for the premiere of his new film Juliet, he said that those who wish to understand his life should look at the characters portrayed in his various films, since they are the ones that form the common thread of life. of the.

The same goes for (some of) Woody Allen‘s, which are based -many say- on his own (neurotic) personality.

Sometimes Allen, very consciously, decides to create a movie based on a real person. Such is the case of Annie Hall (1977). In his autobiographical book “Then again” (2011) Diana Keaton account, among other things, that Allen has consciously written and directed Annie Hall (1977) based on its.

What’s in it for us, the readers?

As readers, we often don’t care if the novel/story/film is based, in part, on some elements of the writer’s own life and experiences. We also don’t mind if a biography written by a writer includes autobiographical elements of the writer himself.

What is important to us are issues related to the quality of the writing; the attractive power of the book; and sometimes its relevance to our own lives.

Would we consider a fiction book as “better” when we know that it is based on (some) autobiographical elements of the author? Would we then consider it more credible?

And would we consider a biography more or less credible knowing that the writer has been blurred with some of his own autobiographical elements?

This is doubtful.

After all, a book, whether fiction, biography, or autobiography, stands on its own merits; its quality of style; character development; its scenes, descriptions and dialogues.

In the end, what we readers bring to reading -our life experiences, our perceptions, our critical eye and our literary taste- all of this, consciously and/or unconsciously, determines the impact that a book has on us, the emotions that arise in us as we read, and the afterthoughts that continue to follow us.

How do I get my child to sleep through the night?

It’s 4 am and you’re up for the fifth time that night. Now you realize you only have 2 hours until you have to get up to start your day. What is your job? Do you get up again or do you go find the little one and take him to bed with you? If any of these sound familiar, this article will help you figure out how to get your child to sleep through the night.

Here it is, simply put, your baby can’t tell night from day. They’re on a 24-hour sleep cycle while inside your womb, so when they’re out in the world you don’t know the difference. At first, your child will eat every 3 to 4 hours and mostly sleep the rest of the time. Yes, right now you need to start teaching your child the difference between day and night. The longer your child sleeps during the day, the less she will sleep at night. How do you do this? Let’s break it down. Whether you breastfeed or formula feed, your child will learn to go longer and longer between feedings. It is imperative that you start nursing or bottle feeding them before bed and “group feeding” them, which gives them everything they need to get through the night. Always have a bedtime routine. Bedtime should be fun. For example, bath, books, breast/bottle, bed. Make it fun and make them want to get into bed! Here are some common parental questions about sleeping through the night.

1. At what age can my baby sleep through the night? At 4-6 months, your baby will begin to stay up longer during the day and to play. At this time, the night shots of her will be shorter and shorter. Night shots should be quick, quiet, and with the lights off.

2. Should I change his diaper when I go to feed him? At first, you will change your baby as much as needed, but as time goes on, you will be able to sleep longer and not want to wake your baby to change. This is your decision and how full the diaper is at the time of feeding.

3. I am breastfeeding; Does my baby need milk at night? The only reason your baby needs milk at night is if he’s used to it or if she doesn’t get what she needs to eat during the day.

4. How can I tell if my baby is hungry or just used to waking up? If your baby wakes up at the same time every night, he’s used to waking up. If your baby sleeps longer and longer and still wakes up. Most likely they are hungry and need to eat.

5. Should I let my baby cry? This is a truly personal choice and one that each parent must decide on their own. You can only handle so much and you need to sleep. Remember that if your baby has a need like food or a diaper change, then cio is not the answer. CIO is just to make your child sleep more and more. If you want to try this, set a time limit on how long you can drive, 15, 30 or even an hour and if your baby is still crying at your limit then go to them. This is her child and she needs to feel confident in how she is raising him.

6. Should I use a pacifier at night? I’ve heard too many stories about using pacifiers, they work great but then they fall off and the baby wakes up and cries until you go in and put them back in his mouth. All babies know how to calm themselves. They will find a way to comfort themselves when necessary.

7. What happens if I sleep together? Can my baby sleep through the night? Yes, yes, yes, but of course it is more difficult, especially if you are breastfeeding because they can smell your milk. You need to set ground rules for your baby and stick to them.

8. Is it okay to take my baby to bed with me? I don’t think this is a good idea and should be done only as a last resort. They are opening up a lot more problems throughout the night and neither of them is sleeping well. If her child sleeps in a separate room and is upset, go over to him, stay with him, and then have him sleep in her crib or bed.

Once your baby sleeps through the night, the challenge is to keep him asleep. You should always remind young children that bedtime is important, staying in bed is the right thing to do, and start learning about time. Your child loves to learn, let him learn the right way to be and he will have a long history of sleeping well and getting plenty of sleep.

If you have any further questions or comments about this article, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]

What is the most important machine in your life?

What do you consider to be the most important machine in your life: the car? Computer? Mobile phone? TV? Anything else? On a scale of 1 to 10, how important is it to you? Why? What are all the reasons that make you a 10 in your life?

If you think the car should be at the top of your list, how much time and money do you spend taking care of it? Do you use old fuel, consider checks a waste of time, ignore car washes, etc.? You probably have your own special rules for whatever machine you have.

Next question, do you treat and take care of your own body with the same amount of effort? For example:

What quality of fuel (food) do you give it? Do you give him an adequate supply of water? Do you skip boring routines like yearly checkups because there are other things you’d rather do? Do you keep doing what you’ve always done (too many calories without exercise) and expect to get different results? Do you expect the doctor to prescribe some “magic” pill to take when you’re sick, as long as no change in your regular activities is required? Do you avoid making new, healthy clothes because the old way is so comfortable?

We cannot exchange our old body for a new one; life doesn’t work that way. As Mickey Mantel once said, “If I’d known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself.”

There has been a change in attitude in recent years. It’s rare to find magazine articles promoting the newest diet guaranteed to erase all the extra weight from holiday season indulgences or how to get ready to wear that new bikini to the beach.

We now recognize that diets, especially crash diets, are no longer acceptable. Lifestyle plans are the newest buzzwords. Sometimes it sounds like another variation on the one size fits all idea. It is not so simple!

Sure, the same basic principles are necessary: ​​more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, lean protein, less sugar and fat, portion size control, exercise, exercise, and water instead of soda. Unfortunately, not enough attention is paid to the uniqueness of each person. We start from different bodies, jobs, family situations, personal and family backgrounds, likes and dislikes. Thank God, there is more than one way to get the desired results.

The biggest challenge is deciding how important we consider a healthy lifestyle and what we are willing to do to achieve it. Honesty is the first step. Whether we like what we see in the mirror or not, it was our past choices that brought us to this point. No one else can be blamed for force-feeding us junk food or tying us to a chair in front of the TV. And no one else can make decisions every day that lead to better health in our future!

Start by deciding how you want to look and feel. All the things that make life rich and pleasant (vigor, vitality, optimism, strength, absence of disease and infirmity) deserve first place. It may seem trivial, but having deep and meaningful reasons is critical to success.

You are the only person who can make lasting changes in your life. Acknowledge up front that it will take time. After all, no one goes from star athlete to flabby couch potato in a month or two, and it doesn’t work any faster the other way around.

A sudden drastic overhaul of everything in your life just won’t do! More can be achieved by making small changes, one small step at a time. Once the first few changes become habits you are comfortable with, you can be sure to move on to the next goals. Trust yourself and your ability to change. Very soon, you will have concrete evidence of progress.

What makes more sense: lose 15 pounds in a month but gain it back before the end of the year? Or avoid feeling like some kind of martyr, losing 4-6 pounds a month and not gaining it back for the rest of your life? Also remember, there is more than one way to exercise and find what you really like and enjoy doing.

Success lies in the united effort of mind, body and emotion. You may find that writing a personal journal that reports your before and after story is an excellent incentive to stay on track. Begin your book with photographs and the usual records of weight, measurements, health profile, and physical condition. It will feel good to add new data as you go. Statistics are necessary, but probably most important is the part of the journal that records your feelings about changing results.

What you experience along the way becomes as interesting as where you think you are going. Record the pleasure you find in discovering new flexibility when you stretch, the pleasure of finding foods that taste as good as they are good for you, the freedom to live without those annoying aches and pains, and of course, the new energy that lasts all day. time. The day. Every once in a while, look back and enjoy the progress you’ve made by taking one step at a time!

We can’t hand over our bodies to shiny new models, but we can feel and look younger than the calendar suggests. The important thing is to start taking care of our most precious machine: our own body. Picasso said this: “Only leave until tomorrow what you are willing to die without having done so.”

Enjoy the journey to a healthy and happy lifestyle!

AccessMyLibrary, Squidoo, Know It Now, and Wikipedia: The Four Best Free Resources on the Web

The other day a friend of mine was talking about Wikipedia (http://www.wikipedia.org). He had just looked up something on the site and commented, “Why is this site so awesome? I mean, seriously, have you figured out that it’s really the best way to find what you’re looking for?”

At first, I wasn’t so sure.

It is true that I have been a little hesitant to jump on the Wiki bandwagon. After all, what’s wrong with referencing your standard, tried and trusted online encyclopedia? For years I had searched American Heritage’s free online dictionary, encyclopedia, and thesaurus with abandon for my information. What could a user-influenced site like Wikipedia offer me besides irrelevant data and riddled with errors?

Comments like my friend’s, however, made me wonder if I was missing something useful. All around me, people were talking about Wiki-this and Wiki-that; Could there be any benefit to searching in the middle of editable content?

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that the typical descriptions in run-of-the-mill encyclopedias are maybe a little too clichéd and outdated. What users are really looking for these days is not so much a verbatim write-up on the platypus, but rather an interactive approach to providing and receiving information. Users are drawn to Wikipedia because it allows them to showcase their individual expertise and inform the general public about their vast knowledge of what it has.

Squidoo (http://www.squidoo.com) is another site where users are responsible for its content. Based on the premise that “there should be a way for everyone to benefit from what everyone knows”, Squidoo offers users a unique way to obtain and publish information. The same appeal that applies to Wikipedia also applies to Squidoo. Essentially, it all seems to come down to this: users have something to say, and if the site allows it, they will say it. Allowing John Doe to give his opinion on the Ohio State Buckeyes for all to see gives others the opportunity to see a “real” person’s point of view, while giving Mr. Doe a boost to the ego. Better yet, let him tag other pages or “lenses” to his delight and you’ll have a site indexed (quite accurately) by your users and a community based on technology and common interests.

Also noteworthy is http://www.KnowItNow.org. According to the website,

“KnowItKnow is a live, online information service provided free of charge to Ohioans by the Ohio State Library and your local public library. Professional librarians are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to answer your reference questions and assist you in finding information Once you’ve logged in with your Ohio ZIP code, you and a librarian will engage in a “chat” session. The librarian “pushes” authoritative and to your screen. You can watch and participate as librarians skillfully navigate the Internet to find accurate answers to your questions. At the end of each KnowItNow session, you will receive a full transcript of your session via email that includes links to all resources online shared during that session”.

Although KnowItNow is only available in Ohio, several other sites of the same type are popping up in quite a few states. Although underutilized, KnowItNow is an important resource for a number of reasons. For example, it allows users at home to benefit from library services and promotes internet awareness and education for the less tech-savvy crowd. It also serves as an indication that libraries are keeping abreast of evolving technology and are striving to integrate it into the services they offer.

Another online site that is gaining momentum is AccessMyLibrary (http://www.AccessMyLibrary.com). This site functions as an online magazine/newspaper library and, like Squidoo and Wikipedia, AccessMyLibrary provides valuable information over the Internet. With over 16 million articles (and growing), there is literally something for everyone on this site. The content ranges from the obscure (Sticky Tech) to the very popular (O, Oprah Magazine) and, of course, it’s free.

While its number of articles is certainly impressive, it’s actually the quality of the content that really stops the show for many users (i.e. Macworld, The New Yorker, Allure, Booklist and the list goes on from there).

AccessMyLibrary has proven to be a gold mine of searched content. With relevant articles on valuable topics for all interests, its appeal is widespread.

And meanwhile, web users love it. Free content, free access, free speech (online). Fundamentally, the Internet is changing for the better.

Don’t get carried away with a urinary tract infection

For those who don’t know, yeast infections are actually caused by Candida albicans. An overgrowth of this fungus can actually cause a vaginal infection. Candida albicans is normally a part of the body, but as the fungus increases in numbers due to a person’s decreased resistance, it can actually cause a cheesy white discharge, some women who have experienced this infection also show signs of irritation Intense, itchy also have a burning sensation. Finally, a reddening effect is produced in the affected area. Although the increase in Candida albicans is the main reason for the proliferation of the infection, there are some factors that can trigger its cause. For example, poor hygiene may be one of the factors. Women who have problems with their normal flora and PH balance can get the infection. Once the infection occurs, the only question later is how to treat a yeast infection.

There are many ways on how to treat this infection. There is the natural way to manage the infection and there is also the medical way. Of course, the medical way of treating the disease would be with PH balancing chemicals and other drugs that would control the PH levels within the body. This is by far the most effective yet unnatural way to control the infection. Women who have tried over-the-counter products would actually see results in more than a couple of days, depending on the intensity of the infection. There are some yeast medications that are actually prescribed by doctors, so be sure to consult your doctor before using anything. Of course, if this does not have a good effect on the body, there are actually some natural ingredients that can be used. For example, there are herbs that can be used for douching. In addition to herbs, there are other ingredients that can be used to treat a yeast infection. A good example of other natural chemicals include vinegar, acidophilus, lactobacillus made from and even garlic mitts.

Surprisingly, some experts believe that eating yogurt-based products may also help treat the disease. Yogurt-based products are really effective when it comes to treating fungus, including the bifidus and acidophilus products that make the list. Yogurt is effective when it comes to destroying the infection and best of all, users can choose how the yogurt is applied. Yes, this product can also be applied topically to the affected area with an applicator. Cold yogurt can be used to decrease itching and irritation at the affected site.

Aside from yogurt, another good way to treat a yeast infection would be by using gentian violet. This traditional remedy is actually very effective when it comes to treating vaginal infection and also other forms of diseases. Gentian violet can be purchased at any drug store and is actually very easy to apply. A swab is needed when applying the product. The application would be two or three times a day depending on the condition. A thick pad can also be used to apply this remedy.

Cat Spray – An Appeal To Be Fair To You And Your Cat – How To Stop Cat Spray Problems

Nothing smells worse than cat spray. Along with cat urine outside the litter box, cat spraying is one of the leading causes of cats being given away, abandoned, or euthanized. Marriages have been put under enormous strain, when one spouse puts their foot down to stop the cat spray problem or give up the cat. The owners have forced the tenants to move out or get rid of the spray cat.

This is very sad, because cat spraying problems can be solved or greatly reduced in many cases. First though, we need to differentiate between cat spray and cat urine. The spray is actually a bit of urine mixed with pheromones secreted from your cat’s glands. The positions your cat takes to spray are also different from those to urinate: they stand upright and lift their buttocks into the air to spray instead of crouching down to urinate.

Spray for both male and female cats. Unneutered males are the most likely to have this problem, neutered females the least likely. Although people find spraying a problem, it is perfectly natural behavior for cats.

Be aware that your cat may suddenly start spraying when sick. For example, bladder inflammations are known to cause cats to spray. If your cat is neutered and suddenly develops this behavior, you should take him to the vet before doing anything else.

One of the main reasons cats spray is to attract mates. Thermal spray cats to announce that they are ready. Male cats spray to mark their territory: they say “Get out! The females here are mine!”. This is one of the reasons why you should always neuter your cats. Unneutered male cats are very prone to spraying. Once he develops this behavior it is very difficult to stop him even after neutering him. Many vets are willing to neuter your male cat as long as he is at least 6 months old. Some prefer to wait until he is 9 months old while others are willing to do it even sooner. You should also spay cats when they are 6 months old, before their first heat.

When you bring a new pet or a new family member home, this can also cause your cat to spray. Whether you explain it as stress and insecurity or territoriality or dominance behavior doesn’t really matter. The point is to make the kitten feel safe and secure again. Once you successfully make him feel that he is still Number One, he will stop spraying. While your vet can help you investigate why your cat is spraying, you know Kitty best. You are the best person to find out why she is spraying. Asking your vet to play private investigator can be time consuming; he will take a methodical, step-by-step approach to the problem. Cases have been published in veterinary journals where it took years to resolve the problem. If you really love your cat, you’re still the best person to get him to stop spraying.

Once your cat has sprayed a particular spot, she will likely go back and spray it again. One way to stop this is to thoroughly clean the area you sprayed. Regular soap and water will not do the job. Just because you can’t smell anything doesn’t mean your cat can’t smell anything. The best solution is to use a black light (UV lamp) in the dark to find the stains and clean them with an enzymatic cleaner like Nature’s Miracle.

Cat spray is a very smelly problem that has caused many cats to be abandoned by their owners. However, this is a problem that can be solved. If you love your cat, you have an obligation to him and to yourself to prevent him from spraying.

Real Estate in Cuba

Cuba is a country on an island just 90 miles south of the United States, it became a communist regime under totalitarian rule over fifty years ago. It expropriated personal, commercial, and real property from its citizens, foreign residents, and foreign countries like the United States under absurd and unjustified pretexts and never paid anyone a hundred of its value. They only achieved failure, waste, and the disruption of lives and wealth. Natural resources have been depleted and damage to ecology and the environment have rendered land value worthless for modern use and development. Commercial buildings of beautiful Spanish, French and American architecture have been allowed to fall into disrepair from lack of maintenance across the country.

Modern agricultural and commercial enterprises, on a par with the rest of the world in efficiency and productivity, became the product of a system that reflected similar failures in the countries taken over by Russia after World War II. Which delayed their progress for years behind most civilized countries. Russia’s failure to satellite Cuba played a role in its downfall as the leading communist state.

Cuba’s refusal to compensate for the expropriations of the United States and all other countries that had investments in Cuba forced the United States to impose an embargo on Cuba, as a result, all credits and commercial agreements were suspended, all credits, deposits and monetary accounts. de Cuba in US banks, were frozen. and trading stopped. between the two countries. Capital fled by any means possible until the Cuban revolutionary government learned ways to stop the flow of funds in convertible currency such as the US dollar that had free exchange and circulation on par with Cuba’s currency (peso). But the land and buildings could not leave the country nor could they be sold to get their monetary value out of the country because the revolutionary government took control of all the banks, property registries and converted the currency (peso) to a new peso of lower value. . making the old currency (peso) useless and illegal.

Since then, obviously all the property cannot belong to the revolutionary government but they have full and absolute control over it. Will this change in the future? The answer is yes.

Cuba had a preferential sugar supplier quota to the US that had been earned by Cuba’s support of the US during the war years when Cuba was ruled by democratic governments. That quota of preferential seller of sugar to the United States had been the agreement that turned Cuba into one of the best economically developed countries in the world and the second with the highest per capita income in the American continent. Cuba’s preferential sugar quota was removed and delivered in parts to four other countries in Central and South Latin America.

The Russian economy was unable to sustain Cuba because its methods of development, production and distribution were never followed by a Cuban population established in the capitalist ways of its closest and most profitable trading partner, the US.

Real Estate begins with the land and its highest and best use. If you buy land in the rough and pay a market price, you won’t make a profit when you sell it unless the economy around you improves, or unless you change its use to a productive purpose. Because in a communist country all property belongs to the state and every citizen is under the control of the state or government, there is no personal initiative, interest, and much less freedom to perform and do the best that a person can do. to improve his or her life and that of his family. Therefore, at the individual level in Cuba, Real Estate has no value. Since Cuba controls all property, from raw land to improved real estate, be it industrial, commercial or utility facilities. The Cuban government owns everything and manages every productive element that keeps the country running. They do so mainly through members of the armed forces who have been replacing the regular work force of Cuban society. As in most countries, US soldiers are paid less than civilians, regardless of job performance.

In Cuba, every citizen has to serve in the military, in a country where private enterprise is not allowed and anyone caught operating a private business is arrested, prosecuted, and imprisoned, the average citizen has minimal options in life.

School is free, but most of the curriculum is political indoctrination to eventually feed the workforce, which is the military, they demand a free, high-quality public health system, but it’s not true, they go through school free, many doctors who never get supervised practice and are sent to poor countries to serve the people, but in essence practice their specialty without responsible supervision. Cubans have few options, the army, a profession of social worker such as being a militant observer of their family and friends, a doctor without a practice, engineers without a job or a surviving mother in a society without a private company.

. When an individual cannot follow the few options mentioned, this person becomes what they call in terms of socialist countries an “Antisocial”, which means that the person with a lot of tolerance works when they find something to do, like repairing a car. or a household item, I deal in black. consumer goods market, and steal from the government anything a friend in the military lets go unnoticed. When we examine this reality, it becomes clear why so many risk everything to leave the country by any means. A raft sailing to the Florida Keys or Mexico, by marriage to a foreigner, or by becoming a citizen of another country such as Spain by descent in some proven way.

Real Estate in Cuba began as a colony of Spain, the first settlers who had an interest in raising cattle, or growing tobacco chose an area of ​​land where of course there were no fences. To claim a parcel of land, a person could take a stick and throw it as far as he could and then mark a circle around it and measure the land inside the circle. This was called a herd or corral, and was later recorded as a parcel. Real Estate was a rudimentary way of knowing who owned the land, so the system was open to numerous claims, with no solution in sight. We must give credit to the late university professor and Doctor of Commercial Sciences, Mr. Paulino Urbieta who, as a thesis at the University of Havana, carried out Real Estate and many other valuable research items back in 1940 to continue improving and better preserving the property. public. and statistical records using the metric system of measurement. It was before that year that agronomists began to record and measure properties with greater precision. The registration was carried out by a Notary Public who, contrary to the method in the United States, a Notary Public in Cuba had to have the same university credits as a lawyer, in essence, to be a Real Estate Lawyer. Guardian of property records.

When the communist revolution came to Cuba in 1959, the government used property registries only to distribute property in the way it saw fit for its particular plans and uses. Therefore, most property records in Cuba are in woeful disarray.

Many second- and third-generation exiled Cuban lawyers and realtors have been able to unearth Cuban property records of prime land, buildings, and real estate in order to establish claims to recover properties taken from their rightful original owners for the time being. fifty. communist government.

The fact that more than fifty years have passed under communism in Cuba shows only a struggle on this continent between Capitalism and Communism, something that Europe has experienced and continues to experience in a somewhat colder confrontation, and which is now called Socialism. . It is spreading throughout Latin America and becoming a threat to peace, democracy and peaceful social order in the region, it affects people’s right to Real Estate Property, which is the starting point for progress and a better life. .

When Cuba and the US move towards better relations and US interests change, Real Estate will continue to be a value that can only work if its owners have rights to use, sell and transmit it to their heirs.

For the next several years, Cuban Real Estate will continue to be a very difficult property to determine who owns it, as the Cuban government has leased it to foreign investors, hotels and light industries have been built, and rights of use have been granted to other countries. . , even countries enemies of the US Eminent domain is the most common and the only way to designate the use of Real Estate in Cuba.

The fact that Cuba is only 90 miles away, a small island surrounded by water and now part of the global economy and a springboard for other countries with ambitions, resources and political domination in Latin America, sooner or later the US government USA, your people. and allies will have to confront not what eleven million Cubans have done, but what a few thousand that make up the now called socialist Cuban government have done with the Cuban people and are responsible for having made Cuba go back in time and progress until the point of having reduced it to the second poorest country on the continent.

The Cuban people live in housing below our description of “Marginal” condition, several families of ten or more share houses built for one family and several houses share a single bathroom people sleep in bunk beds one above the other on two or more levels under one roof. People can’t move from one house to another let alone buy it so everyone rents from the government. When a real need for a bigger or smaller house arises, the head of the household goes to the government housing office, but there is never a vacancy, the country trailing housing needs by thousands of unknown units. So a lot of illegal and tolerated housing activity takes place in the streets or mainly in the central park of the city.

Example: a typical “antisocial” citizen knows someone who needs a bigger house, so in the public park the word spreads and soon someone appears with another house or apartment to change, they make a verbal agreement and pay a commission to the third party. party finder , then they go to the government office and request permission to make the change which they usually get, as a result, that is the typical way a real estate transaction in Cuba can be done every day. by the citizens

In a very limited number of Spanish citizens they have leased prime land and built condominiums for seasonal occupancy by tourists where the Cuban government is always a 51% owner. it is doubtful that in a turnaround in Cuba these investors could establish any legal claim to a new government, be it communist or capitalist.

For years to come, Cuba Real Estate will continue to be one of the worst investments anyone can make. For second homes, nursing homes, resort investments or any other real estate investment.

There are countries where real estate agents who are professional international property specialists certified members of the National Association of Real Estate and your state and local association can provide a real estate investor, buyer or seller with a lot of advice to achieve an investment. safe and worth it.

Netbook Protection: An 8-Step Guide

Here are some easy-to-follow guidelines you should follow if you want to make your netbook as secure as possible…

Engrave your netbook – Marking your laptop reduces its value to potential thieves by making it more difficult to resell. Have your name, address and phone number on the outside cover in a prominent place. It can even lead to it being returned to you if you lose it.

Register your netbook: Register your netbook with the manufacturer. Registering your netbook in this way will increase the chances that you will get it back safely if the person who took it ever tries to upgrade or repair the machine.

Cable locks – While cable locks may not stop targeted individuals with bolt cutters, they will effectively deter the casual thief. Many of today’s netbooks are equipped with security slots that allow them to connect to an alarm or cable lock.

Privacy Shield: Privacy shields limit the viewing angle of a netbook screen, allowing only the person sitting directly in front of it to clearly read the information displayed, meaning others cannot peek sneak up on the screen.

GPS Tracking – This technology has been used in cell phones for a while now and is becoming more common as a way to protect netbooks as well. A small GPS chip embedded inside your netbook will help identify its location if it’s lost or stolen.

Tracking Software – This special piece of software automatically connects to the Internet when a netbook starts up and records the user’s location. It runs hidden in the background, so anyone using it after it’s been stolen won’t know it’s being tracked.

Install a firewall – There are obvious problems with someone having free access to valuable data such as customer addresses, credit card details, etc. Firewalls like ZoneAlarm are an inexpensive security layer that acts as a buffer between you and data collectors. They only take minutes to install, but can save weeks of headaches.

Safe to go: Even the most careful homeowner is at risk of accidents happening. Cables can easily be tripped over or coffee spilled on a keyboard. An extended warranty or insurance policy should be considered.

How to choose your best pair of soccer shoes

If you are on this page, you are most likely looking for a good pair of soccer shoes. While playing sports, putting on the right pair of boots is essential. Primarily, the shoe should be designed for the type of surface you are going to play on. In this article, we are going to share with you a couple of simple tips that will help you choose the best pair to suit your needs.

First, you may want to consider the type of surface. This is one of the main factors to consider before making this purchase. Below is a description of the different types of surfaces and the type of boots that will be suitable. Read below for more information.

1.Dry surfaces

Dry surfaces are quite common these days. If you’re going to be playing on a dry surface, you may want to choose shoes that have cleats for firm ground. In general, these types of surfaces have natural grass. This is why, for a better grip, your boots should have traditional cleats or cleats. Without proper grip on the ground, you can’t play well. After all, if you can’t do your best, there’s no point in playing.

2.Soft surfaces

Unlike dry surfaces, soft serves are wet and muddy. Therefore, it is better that you opt for a soft sole. Ideally, these shoes should allow you to adjust the height for better support. Apart from this, these shoes will help you to have a better grip on the ground. Therefore, you will be less likely to slip and fall.

3.Hard surfaces

Hard surfaces may include consolidated services or indoor synthetic turf. For these types of play areas, we suggest investing in a hard floor sole. These sports shoes should have small rubber studs so that you can enjoy stronger support. And the good thing is that you won’t be locked on your feet.

4.Smooth surfaces

Smooth surface types include smooth concrete, PVC, and parquet, just to name a few. For this purpose, experts suggest that you choose a smooth sole that offers a stronger grip so that you can control yourself while changing direction and speed. What you have to do is opt for a sole that offers better cushioning. This is quite important if you don’t want to get tired after a few minutes of playing.

5. Synthetic surfaces for exteriors

If you are going to be playing on an outdoor synthetic turf, you may want to purchase an artificial turf pit. These boots have many studs so they can better absorb shock.

In a few words, these are just some of the recommendations if you are going to buy soccer shoes based on the type of surfaces you are going to play on. So, if you are going to buy your first pair of soccer shoes, we suggest you follow these steps to make the best choice.