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The JAI Stretch – Incredibly Powerful Penis Enlargement Exercise That Will Add Inches To Your Penis!

Exercises to enlarge the penis are becoming more and more popular. The reasons for this are very simple and easy to understand. Many men are interested in getting a bigger penis, and penile exercises provide them with a safe, natural, effective, and inexpensive option to achieve this. There are many different exercises and training programs that are getting better and more advanced all the time. One of these really effective and useful exercises is the JAI stretch.

When it comes to penis enlargement, it may happen that you do not get any benefit in the first few weeks or even in the first 1-2 months. This is the reason why it is important to follow a proper program for penis enlargement, because if certain exercises or workouts do not work, you can try some alternative exercise or workout. The JAI stretch has been really helpful for many guys.

The JHA section

The main principle of the JAI stretch is that you hold the stretch for only 2-3 seconds and then release the penis for another 2-3 seconds and repeat the process. The reason for this type of stretching is that the stretch reflex inherent in the PC muscle starts after about 2 seconds of stretching.

So with the JAI Stretch, you are basically stretching the PC muscle and ligaments together effectively. Ideally, this exercise should be done after jelqing exercises if you can’t make much of a gain. It is an addition that helps support maximum growth. If you’re struggling to make serious, significant gains, doing 3×12 rep sets of this exercise can help.

Begin this exercise by first inhaling and then stretching the penis. You then need to hold the stretch for 2-3 seconds while continuing to inhale. After that, you release the stretch but not the grip as you exhale for 2-3 seconds. This is basically one repetition and you repeat the process 10-12 times at first.

The reason breathing is important is because it helps you feel the rhythm better. At first, you can use a timer to inhale and exhale correctly. After a little practice, it becomes automatic.

The important thing is also to stretch the penis quite strongly because that leads to the recoil reflex and that is important. So a good firm pull for 2-3 seconds is the key.

For the JAI stretch, you can use the standard OK grip with your palms facing up, holding the base of the penis. In order not to put too much pressure on the head of the penis, the middle finger should support the shaft. You can try different angles to find the most comfortable and effective.

This is just one exercise that can be used in addition to regular stretching and jelqing exercises. It can be quite an effective exercise, but it must be used in conjunction with other exercises and is not a very effective exercise on its own.

One of the problems is that very few men get a proper penis enlargement program. So they are not even aware of exercises like this that can be beneficial. Doing basic jelqing and stretching exercises can certainly be effective, but only up to a point. If the goal is to gain 2 inches or more, then more advanced exercises, routines, and programs are required.

The more routines and exercises you know, the more options you will have available to you when you hit a plateau. Everyone hits a dead end and those guys who don’t want to spend a little extra money on a proper penis enlargement program generally won’t be able to break their dead end.

Unleashing the true power of concentration

Do you know which is the gateway to heaven? It is the latent power of concentration within you. There are caves of power that lie entrenched and unexplored right within you, and if you could be trained to be in command to knowingly use the powers within you, you can achieve much more than you ever thought possible. Therefore, the gateway to heaven is concentration. Until you have built a sanctuary of silence within yourself and have broken down the walls with which your environment has surrounded you, you will never discover the gateway to power. You can shed some light on your perception of concentration by reading books on the subject, but the study of books will not give you the power to concentrate. Our development comes from personal experience.

A small number of people fully understand the meaning of concentration; even fewer men and women really know how to focus. The true meaning of concentration is to gather all your attention on one point, but if your mind is distracted, how can you concentrate? How can you concentrate if your attention is spread over a large area which diminishes its power, but becomes strong when focused on one object? Direct the sun’s rays through a sizable lens to concentrate them into a fine point, the heat is created with such force that it will burn almost anything in its path. Likewise, by unleashing the full power of concentration through scientific techniques, the causes of failures will similarly be burned. Lack of concentration is the root cause of most disappointments in people’s lives.

Spiritual Concentration
Those who want to advance to the inner circle and learn the techniques of concentration and really get an answer from God, must learn how to achieve concentration and then put it into practice to obtain its extraordinary power. The inner circle is made up of those who are constantly steadfast and try day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year to expand their minds and consciousness and discipline themselves. There is not only a spiritual inner circle, there is a spiritual hierarchy that governs and protects this planet. It was the hierarchy of spiritual avatars that so confused the mind of Hitler and his cohorts during World War II with their unseen forces that he mistakenly chose to attack and invade Russia rather than conquer England, drained and weakened by terrible losses. at Dunkirk. For those of you in ‘Rio Linda’, the spiritual ups and downs are not the ones portrayed by Hollywood. When you want to learn about medicine or science, you need a credentialed teacher. When you are in the forest of spirituality or theology, you must have a proper guide to understand the mysteries of God and the science of yoga meditation.

Awesome men and women spend a great deal of time digging deep within themselves to find the true answers to face their problems head on with the right solutions. To be like them you have to be able to put your whole mind on one object at once. Then, and only then, when your attention is absolutely free of thoughts and sensations, can you focus on one thing at a time. When you focus only on God, that is called meditation. That should be the real goal but to advance in meditation you must go deep within yourself; separate your attention from your five senses of touch, hearing, smell, taste and sight that stimulate and arouse thoughts that are your greatest enemies. Most people have no idea how to enter a state of silence, let alone a state of utter stillness. One must have complete forgetfulness of the body to go deep into meditation. As long as you are aware of your body and move even once to scratch, you can break the magnetic field and may have to start over to gain depth.

Spiritual teachers tell us that it is possible to get a real answer from the Infinite and formless God. The teacher explains that God is spirit and usually will not speak in words, but manifests His consciousness as divine perceptions through the understandable vibratory sounds of Om or Aum and that only devotees can understand with heightened concentration in deep meditation together with a steady rise of deep peace that is more restful than sleep. This experience of inner calm is transformed into a feeling of joy that seeps down your spine. Those who reach this level can call themselves “Sat-Chit-Ananda” by definition means always blissfully aware of their eternal existence. This is what true communion with God is.

You may think to yourself “why is it so hard?” The teacher explains to the student or disciple that God will not manifest himself in any way unless he is totally free from the swarms of restless thoughts that flow in your consciousness. Your inattention indicates that worldly thoughts have not been removed from your mind. He won’t respond and why should he if your mind is elsewhere. The teacher describes God as the mourning God that the Romans called the two-faced jealous God connected with doors and gates. A perfect explanation is that the light from it is similar to a candle flame that cannot tolerate the wind of restlessness. Free yourself from all restlessness and his flame will burn incessantly in the sanctuary of your meditation. You have to be mentally alert with sincerity of heart when you offer devotion to the Divine to get a response.

Next is the cultivation of concentration in your spiritual eye. Your eyes should look up, at the center of your eyebrows. The moment your eyes drop, you can fall asleep and lean forward as many do when concentration is not locked between the eyebrows. One of the true signs of breakthrough is seeing cosmic light and that light is right between the eyebrows and if it turns opal blue with a gold ring you are seeing Christ Consciousness. If you see that light in meditation, beneficial changes will take place in your mind. When you have gone far enough to penetrate that light, you will be able to see the five-pointed star. However, to enter the spiritual eye star, one must have mastered the breathless state of yoga by learning the techniques of Kriya Yoga.

To learn Kriya Yoga, you can read the book entitled “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda, a spiritual classic that explains the actual meditation technique and is given free of charge by Self-Realization Fellowship in Los Angeles California or Yogoda Satsanga Society of India. . in the form of a lesson, mailed to your home.

Most people who start meditating at first only see complete darkness and get so bored that they give up because they see nothing, feel nothing, hear nothing and are reluctant to make the spiritual effort required in the struggle to sit up and meditate while remaining identified with the demands. and the comfort of the body when attached to everything.

Remember the words of the prophets “The harvest is great, but the workers are few.” What does that mean? The hardworking devotee should grow spiritually on the soil of his meditative life. Very few people will live a disciplined life without interruption and meditate for the rewards of contact with God in this short season of life. If this is you, you need to reconsider your values ​​and realize that you did not come into this world to lose yourself but to find your true self and not because of blind beliefs or an undeserved heavenly visitation or hoping to be in His presence through the merit of life. death can reach the Lord of the harvest. At the end of life, the material man discovers that he does not have the realization of God and the riches of worldly life that he sought to protect and defend.

There are universal laws that we are supposed to learn from our parents, but most fathers and mothers unfortunately do not know the spiritual laws and we certainly will not learn them in school. How are we supposed to be educated spiritually? We must become our own psychologist, psychiatrist, lawyer, and own doctor to understand these laws. The masters warn us if we violate universal or cosmic laws, if we cause ourselves undue suffering by the law of karma or by what the masters call the “invisible controllers” that record our every action twenty-four hours a day. There is nowhere we can run to escape our actions and man would do well to come to terms with universal laws.

Did you know that in the earliest times the sages of yore threatened terrible punishments to whip the dark minds over the universal laws? They had to use threatening words to get people to change. Unfortunately, fear was the only way to move the dark minds. While we look at those dark minds that lived in the past with utter dismay, future civilizations will look at us in the same way. How could we with all our intelligence have existed in such an uncivilized and primitive way?

Four Tips on How to Sell Tattoo Flash Art

With so many talented tattoo artists selling tattoo designs, how can you get ahead of the game and start making money with your own designs? Yes, talent is an important part of the business, but it is not enough to have talent to design new tattoos; you also have to be skilled as a salesperson.

Even as a beginner, you can show other tattoo artists and sellers what you’ve got by following these tips for you as a tattoo artist and seller:

Tip #1: Brainstorm Your Brand

It is never too early to start making your own brand of tattoos. All you need is to think of a cool brand or business name that’s hard to forget. Try looking up famous brands or trade names online to get a better idea of ​​what your business should be called. Remember that this is a very important step because a good brand will mean that a good number of target customers will take a look at your products and buy them.

Tip #2 – Build your tattoo shop

In order to sell tattoos, you will need to have a place of your own where you can display the best tattoo designs you have. As a start-up business, you are better off choosing a small, strategic location for your tattoo shop so that you save money and figure out things you need to improve before opening a larger shop in about six months. At your tattoo shop, be sure to display your tattoos on a nice set of display racks that will be visible when people walk by your shop. When potential customers walk into your store, be sure to offer them your portfolios and guide them to the best designs you’ve created.

Tip #3 – Get help from other artists

Are you tight on budget? Well, you don’t actually have to open your tattoo shop if you’re not financially prepared for it. I’m sure there are several tattoo artists and sellers who will be willing to help you start your business. To sell tattoos without breaking the bank, offer your original designs to local artists, tattoo gallery owners, and vendors. See if you can win their hearts and get them to agree on how you want your tattoo designs to sell in their stores, even for three months or so.

Tip #4: Get online

The internet tattoo niche is ideal for people like you who are too busy both creating original flash tattoo designs and selling them. In just an hour or two, you can create your own online tattoo shop and sell tattoos in no time. To sell flash arts online, simply go to a web hosting site, create an account, and choose a website hosting service. Or better yet, you can simply hire a business website building expert and let them take your business to the top of the competition.

make money watching youtube videos

Due to the current global recession, many people today are looking for ways to supplement their monthly income in order to meet their daily needs. Many people are being fired from their jobs. They have to look for other methods to earn besides being a regular employee.

With this in mind, many have turned to venturing into online businesses. However, there’s no easy way, as many online businesses have been around since the dawn of the Internet back in the late 1990s. And it’s pretty hard to compete with established sites like Google, Amazon, eBay, and ClickBank. People have to find other alternatives on how to make money without having to compete with the big websites.

So how can we make money online without having to sell anything or display Google AdSense?

How about making money with what you do every day? Something like your hobby?

Looking at current trends, many people today are hooked on two types of sites: social networking sites and video sites.

In this article we will discuss how we can make money from video sites, specifically YouTube.

According to Mashable.com, in 2010, YouTube surpassed 2 billion views per day and is still growing. Imagine a person who watches at least 5 one-minute videos per day, with nearly 6 billion internet users, half of whom use YouTube every day. Imagine if you could turn at least a thousand of those viewers into money-making machines? That would be a lot of money, huh?

So how do we turn those watchers into money-making machines? There are actually two ways: First, you create your own video, then you make it viral, and then you post ads on your videos or links to your affiliate sites. Second, it’s simply earning money by watching YouTube videos.

But let’s be real, not everyone can create videos to post on YouTube. Maybe even the one reading this doesn’t even know how to make a simple 30 second video clip. Despite that, everyone is watching YouTube. That’s simple.

You may be wondering how anyone can make money by watching YouTube. Well, if there is internet marketing, there is also video marketing. Lots of people will pay cash for those people who can drive traffic to their videos. And that’s where the money comes in.

There are many websites that allow you to earn money by watching YouTube videos, even infomercials. Although the salary is not that high, at least, even a five-year-old can do it.

Basic Elements of Technical Writing

Technical writing is a specialized form of writing.

Its goal is to help readers use a technology or understand a process, product, or concept. Often these processes, products or concepts are complex, but they need to be expressed in a much simpler and easier to read form.

Thus, within the genre of technical writing, you will find: technical reports, installation and maintenance manuals, proposals, white papers, online help, process standards, instructions and work procedures.

While each discipline has its specific requirements, some basic elements are common. But before looking at them, the most important thing for a technical writer to consider is the audience.


  • How familiar are your readers with your topic and with the specialized terms and abbreviations you need to use?
  • What is the best way to explain those terms or abbreviated forms: footnotes, endnotes, glossary, table of abbreviations, appendix, links?
  • Do you need to accommodate secondary readers (for example, the manager or financier who will make the decision on the proposal), and how will you do it?

Now for those all-important items:

  1. Clarity – The logical flow of the document will help readers to understand the content. It may be helpful to ask someone unfamiliar with the subject to proofread your writing before finalizing it. Using headings, illustrations, graphs or tables can be helpful – your goal is to make it as easy as possible for your readers to understand what you have written. Consider how the text is placed on the page or screen – another clue to maximizing clarity for your readers.
  2. Precision – The information and interpretation of the data submitted must be truthful. If not, your readers will question the credibility of the content. Take care to clearly differentiate between fact and opinion, and to accurately cite references to other works.
  3. Brevity – Strive to find a balance between the amount of information presented and the time needed to read the document. Remember that you can use an appendix or link to provide additional or background information. Consider using an illustration, table or graph instead of words to explain a concept, but remember, if you use a ‘picture’, don’t give a long written explanation.
  4. sentence length – Generally, complex or unfamiliar concepts are best presented in shorter sentences. This will give readers time to digest small bits of information before moving on to the next. While this can be difficult to achieve, try to aim for about 25 words per sentence. If you find that you have written a series of long sentences, look for ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘however’ and similar words where you can break up the sentence.
  5. paragraphs – The old rule of one topic per paragraph is a useful guide. That doesn’t mean you can have only one paragraph for each topic, but it does mean that having only one topic in each paragraph makes for clear and logical writing.
  6. Reader-focused – You are writing for your readers. Make it as easy as possible for them to understand your work.

Keep these basics and other principles in mind as you do your technical writing assignments.

What kind of live streamer are you?

“You take this too seriously,” a viewer once wrote during a live broadcast show.

At first, I was offended. After all, her point was valid. People can jump into the live stream and have a good time. It breaks the boredom and monotony of our lives because with the push of a button we can go live and have anywhere from 1 to 101 people in our kitchen while cooking dinner.

It is truly magical. And here I am, taking it so seriously and soaking up the fun. But I am?

A friend told me that he wanted to set up a program and asked me to help him. It got me thinking about what it takes to start a live streaming show. Live streaming is becoming mainstream and has started to attract so much attention that it is changing the way we do business, both in real time and on social media.

I’ve come to the conclusion that a live broadcast show is much different than streaming from your kitchen while you cook. Some of these things need to be defined and explained as live streaming is becoming more important. Here are the top four definitions for four types of Live Streamers you’ll be in the ocean with if you access Periscope, Meerkat, YouNow, UStream, YouTube Livestream, or any of the many live streaming apps available today.


SHARK STREAMS – Famous personalities who want to connect with their audience on a personal level. These are the streams that usually make it to the trending charts or stand out because they are visible to thousands of viewers and viewers. This is good for the app, the famous person, and the viewer. Everyone wins. Those viewers come from an established following and it requires no work or construction. The only thing the famous does is hit ‘go live’ and show us a perspective of his reality.

These people can be actors, singers, and even politicians, and advertisers can organize or schedule them to increase their numbers and popularity.

FRONT COILS – These are made by people just for the halibut (heck). They are looking for connection and the live broadcast is an answer. This was once true for me. After coming home from a deployment, live streaming was an answer for me to connect with the world again. HALIBUT STREAMERS will usually broadcast while driving, watching TV, doing things around the house, or letting viewers look in their fridges. It is done with no other end in mind than to eradicate loneliness and connect with others.

DOLPHIN BATHS – Now we come to the live broadcast program. This is a serious live streamer who wants to create happiness and a new reality for the viewer by leading them into an experience. There are no hard and fast rules for these kinds of streamers because the show relies on your creativity. They usually provide a kind of entertainment. These may be the sunset reaches for the game show reaches. Money or not, these people like to connect with humanity and provide something for the world.

SUCK COILS – Suckerfish are competitive opportunists who come fast with their internet marketing infomercials, books and money-making programs (brace yourselves, I’m about to be offensive), suckerfish observe.

We have all been fools. My gosh, I watch the Home Shopping Network myself. I just saw the other day that cable started charging for a subscription to a package of HSN channels. People pay to see these things! It is our human nature to want, acquire and succeed. It makes sense that the people who offer a lot of money if you follow their shows and learn Periscope, Webinar, Kindle Book, Crochet, Dog Watch, and the list goes on…it makes sense that ‘those’ people are there to put your money into their pocket.

Do not misunderstand. I am an astute business woman and I want to make money. I write books and programs and I am building a brand, products and a business. There is no shame in it.

What kind of live streamer are you?

I’m in the Dolphin Streamer category. Going back to my friend who asked me about starting a show. I want to help him get closer to the shore so we can all watch him jump out of the sea, back droop in the sunbeams and a bright, sparkling dolphin glow.

But there are questions that a Dolphin Streamer must ask before starting. I developed them from my streaming experience followed by nearly 350 live streams to date and a show that has evolved to nearly 6,000 followers (they make 5,000 organic followers *wink*).

What is your motive?

Why do you want to do this program? That’s the first question I ask people. It can be just to have fun and make friends while sharing your passion. It may be finding others who share the same passion. It can be a fun experiment that you just want to try and see what happens and where life takes you. Maybe it’s to earn money and start a business.

There is no wrong reason to start a show anywhere. However, know that a show is a commitment. You will be more successful if you can establish your motivation early on because that will keep you going when you want to give up. And believe me, you will want to give up at some point.

Research the pros and cons of what you’re getting into.

For many rewards that live streaming can bring, having a constant live streaming schedule of any kind can also be a war in many ways. Even if you’re just live streaming your surroundings, you’re wasting your energy and we don’t have much to give.

I do a morning show every weekend morning and have been through livestream training at a military school with threats that I would be sent home if I failed. That experience wasn’t enough to understand the strength it would take to keep my commitment to doing a morning show every weekend morning. It’s like running a marathon with hills and valleys, ebbs and flows of energy, restarts and roadside stops for high-carb energy shots.

Will this show build on something you already do or is already part of your life?

When deciding to put on a show, consider the people and things in your life. A woman does a YouTube show with her daughter to include the family. There is a man whose family regularly appears in his Vine videos.

Live video is more demanding than pre-recording. Is your show going to be about something you’ll have plenty of material on, or will you enjoy and have time to research? Do you have time in your life for this show, as well as your family and friends? What will he suffer if he has a regular show? It is suggested that you do a live stream once every 24 hours to increase the audience. Something in your life will go away to have a regular and consistent show.

I had to pick a time of day to stream constantly. I think of a time ‘frame’, EST Morning Times. But that means I have to get up earlier to exercise. My exercise has suffered when I have decided to sleep in a little later. It has been a sacrifice and I have had to reshape my schedule in other areas to accommodate my fitness. It has been a great challenge.

These are just some of the things to consider when thinking about starting a live streaming morning show and wanting to be a Dolphin. The Sharks will always be fine, the Suckerfish, well, it’s their life and they are used to the hustle and bustle. Halibuts are fine too because it’s just a hobby that makes them happy. But dolphins, dolphins are different.

Do you have what it takes to be a Dolphin Live Streamer? YOU are the only one who can answer that question.

What you need to know about Google’s new advertising brands and products

For the past decade, both small and large businesses have relied on the internet when it comes to advertising and marketing, and Google obviously leads the way. So when Google announces its new products and introduces new branding for its advertising products, we’re all ears.

Google Ads, Google Marketing Platform and Google Ad Manager are the new Google brands that incorporate some pillars for the benefit of millions of advertisers.

From early June through July, Google will introduce simpler branding and solutions for advertisers. So if you plan to advertise on Google, read this article first and get oriented on the changes that are happening in Google’s advertising products.

It is now Google Ads

Google AdWords debuted in 2000 and served as a platform for running text ads on the Google search engine. Eighteen years later, AdWords evolved from a text platform to a platform that supports different ad formats such as video, app, shopping, and more.

Now, its evolution has reached the point of renaming Google AdWords to Google Ads for the purpose of simplifying its complex product line.

With Google Ads, marketers can buy ads on all Google properties, as well as on partner websites. So if you are a marketer, now you can easily reach people who find answers on search engines, YouTube, Google Maps, among others.

There is hardly any difference between Google AdWords and Google Ads, but the good news is that the platform is more simplified and becoming an automated interface.

But that is not all.

Google has announced the launch of its new advertising product created exclusively for small businesses.

The Smart campaign is a new type of campaign in Google Ads that brings a machine learning technology (that’s AI right there) that creates ads. This allows advertisers to identify the actions they are prioritizing, for example phone calls, store visits or purchases. This will help small businesses to focus first on bringing their business to stability without wasting too much effort on online ad campaigns.

Google Marketing Platform

The following products may not be familiar to small businesses, but if you are an advertiser for large international companies, then take a look here.

With the explosion of channels, data, and formats, consumers are now highly oriented about how they are advertised or identified as a target market.

Do you remember the privacy scandal that happened a few months ago? That’s how it is. People are now aware that some of their private data is used for advertising purposes.

That’s why Google created another tool that puts privacy as the top priority.

They introduced Google Marketing Platform, a collaboration of DoubleClick advertiser products and the Google Analytics 360 Suite.

Marketers can do all their tasks in one place. Now they can evaluate their customer experience, measure their optimized digital campaigns, and other tasks in one place without compromising their customers’ private data.

On the Google Marketing Platform, Google is also introducing new products called Display and Video 360. These products bring together the features of DoubleClick Bid Manager, Campaign Manager, Studio, and Audience Center. This means all departments can now collaborate in real time and run ad campaigns in one place.

Google Ads Manager

Automation continues to move towards managing ads on Google. Google Ad Manager is a complete advertising platform that will help you maximize your profits in the reserve, private markets and open auction.

Google Ad Manager also offers a single platform for serving, measuring, and optimizing ads, regardless of where your audience interacts. This includes TV, mobile apps and other platforms like YouTube or Google Maps.

Ad Manager also helps you select who can access your inventory and other programmatic demand.

Technology is changing, and sometimes it’s too fast that we need to take a step back, look at the big picture, and start creating a way to simplify everything. Google is doing a great job on that.

Advertising on Google is much easier now, and the fact that they are more focused on consumer well-being and privacy is a huge plus.

Paid Survey Websites – Are Paid Survey Websites a Legit Way to Make Money?

There are millions and thousands of claims that people can make money by taking surveys. However, there are also thousands and thousands of claims that they are a complete scam and a waste of time. Therefore, the question to ask yourself is, which statements are true and which are false? The answer will be revealed during the review of this article as well as whether they are a scam or not.

Some information

Most paid survey websites are completely free to join and participate. The legitimate ones will never require you to spend money. There is absolutely no limit to how many you can join. However, sometimes there is a limit to the number of surveys you can take each day with a particular site. Therefore, joining some of them is not a bad idea.

Generally speaking, paid survey websites offer surveys that take 10-20 minutes to complete, but some take around 30 minutes while others only take around 5 minutes. Some also offer Focus Groups which could take around 1-3 hours to complete, but the payouts for those are generally higher.

To keep it simple, generally speaking, the longer a survey or focus group takes to complete, the higher the payout will be once it’s completed!

The questions that companies ask are hard to pin down because, honestly, they can be all over the place. They ask a wide variety of questions, listed below are some frequently asked survey questions.

1. Opinion about the product/service – In this case, you will be asked questions related to a specific product or service that you have claimed to experience. For example, if you’ve tried a Red Bull Energy Drink, you may be asked for your opinion on the taste, texture, price, how much you like the look of the can the drink is in, and many other related questions.

2. Subjects related to art – Have you already had the opportunity to listen to “Hello” by Adele? If so, there might be a poll asking how you felt about the song. What are your thoughts on the lyrics, the studio quality, the instrumental and many more? How did you feel about the song when you heard it for the first time? Did it make you feel sad, happy, angry, scared (for whatever reason), etc.?

3. Questions about… surveys – Partly a joke, but also likely to show up one day if you take enough of them. They may ask you how it feels to take them. How do you feel about the amount of time it takes to complete them? Are they too long or too short? Have you been able to earn the amount of income you expected? Is the income you are getting satisfactory?

Now that we have information about the surveys themselves and the types you may be taking, let’s move on to the fun! Can you really make money answering surveys? If so, how much money should you expect to earn?

Money money money!

So the second most important question is: can you really make money taking surveys? The answer is yes, as long as they are legit!

Please note that some are indeed scams, so be careful! However, there are plenty of others that will legitimately pay you money. I’ve created an article a while back explaining some legit paid survey websites as well as some that are outright scams. So for the ones that are legitimate and actually pay people to complete them, how much money can you expect to make?

In general, payments range from $1 to around $80 per completed survey. For focus group types, this payment could be around $100 or more, but as mentioned above, it takes much longer to complete than regular surveys. Payouts differ, therefore I cannot give you an exact number of payouts you can earn.

However, legitimate paid survey websites will let you know how much money the payouts are for each one before you start. Again, the rule of thumb is that the more extensive and longer it takes to complete, the higher the payout generally!

How to charge?

Now that we know we can make money, I’ll talk briefly about how you’ll be compensated. There are several different types of payments, I’m going to go over a few.

1. Points – Some companies have payments in the form of points. With this payment, you have a few options to choose from. You can get real physical money, you can use the points toward an item like a new Xbox 360, or you can choose to spend your points on a raffle ticket for a chance to win something awesome like a new Nissan. Versa.

2. PayPal – Companies are starting to switch to this payment method. PayPal payments are becoming the new norm when it comes to compensation. Why? Because it’s easy and direct. You can take 5 surveys in one day and see your total payment at the end of the week by logging into your PayPal account. Then just take that money and transfer it to your bank and boom!

3.Check – Some companies, however, pay by check. They usually do it monthly. Generally speaking, they require some type of minimum earnings before you receive your check, like $50.00. Most companies that make payments this way have a set date each month to send checks. So as soon as you complete enough surveys to earn $50.00, they send you your check of $50.00 or more on that specific day of each month, like the 7th of each month.

Are paid surveys a scam?

To keep it simple, no! I mentioned this before, some paid survey websites are in fact scams. However, there are many that are not! There are several that will actually pay you and have paid those involved for years and years now, and those who do this for a stream of income are quite pleased with their results, generally speaking of course.

To conclude, both statements are true!

Some are scams and a waste of time and some are not! You just have to know what to look for. I have also listed some tips during this article, such as a legitimate company that will let you know about payment before you actually start taking the survey.

Can you quit your job?

Absolutely! You can always quit your job, if you want!

However, the income you will earn will never be enough security for you to quit your job and feel comfortable. I don’t care if you manage to take 50 surveys every hour. Paid surveys are not a way to earn a substantial amount of income from home and they are not supposed to be!

They are designed as an easy way to earn some sort of side income during your spare time. If you can generate more income than you did from your actual job, you probably didn’t choose a very good career in the first place.

They are designed to put an extra $300 in your bank account per month if you hit the industry hard and take action every day! They are not designed to give you a run!

How to get a prospect to commit after months of sitting on the fence

be tenacious

First of all, you must be tenacious. You have to be able to follow someone until they specifically say “no, I don’t want to” or start being rude to you.

If they start to get rude, you don’t want the prospect on your team anyway, they wouldn’t be a good fit, and they would start causing problems within your team.

Treat your team like you would your family

Treat your team like you would your family. If you are happy to spend Christmas with your team member or have dinner with your team member, they are a good choice. You want to have positive team members, don’t let negativity seep into your team. Negativity will promote a poor work ethic and, in turn, lead to poor results.

Instantly disqualify a potential customer if they become negative or rude.

If they’re anything but negative or rude, follow up with them and don’t stop until you’ve checked them in.

Now you might be thinking “I don’t want to have to chase hundreds of people every day” and that’s totally fine, that’s not what we’re doing. We’re not chasing, we’re not begging people to join and we’re certainly not annoying people.

Measure the level of interest of your prospect

With each failed follow up, spend less time tracking down. A failed follow-up isn’t just someone saying “call me on Thursday”, that’s quite a positive from some perspectives. However, if they told me to call me on Thursday and then didn’t return the call on Thursday, that’s a failed follow-up and you need to check your follow-up efforts.

By monitoring your follow-up efforts, I’m not saying don’t call someone on a certain day if that’s what they’ve asked for, I’m saying instead of checking in with them every week, move it to every other week and then if you still don’t have success, check every month.

By using this strategy, you ensure that you are not wasting all your time with people who are just cheating on you and are too polite to say no. Stay busy and don’t spend too much time on each conversation. No one wants to sit on the phone for 2 hours talking about whether or not they want to sign up to join your team. Create a short, snappy, engaging pitch that you can use to easily gauge the interest of each prospect. This will help you determine how much time to spend on each lead.

Be honest and give people a way out.

Some people really can’t just say no. They are too polite and feel that saying no might hurt your feelings.

You have to be honest and somewhat direct when you suspect that someone is not that interested and is trying to put the conversation off until another day.

People are happy to offer a little white lie to keep the peace instead of tackling the problem head-on and simply saying they’re not interested.

An example of this is if you have a lead on a call or 1-2-1 session and they say something like “Yeah, let’s talk Monday” after asking if they’re interested or not. not. You have to go back and push a little bit, you have to make sure they don’t waste your time.

Reply with something like “Are you sure? You’re not just trying to hang up on me, are you? It’s totally fine if you’re not interested in joining, I’m busy and I’m sure they are. I’ll get back to you if you’re serious and “You’re going to move on, but I don’t want to waste our time. We can still be friends if you don’t want to move on.” This gives the prospect an out if they’re not that interested and aren’t actually going to buy. You also stay on good terms with the prospect, so you can follow up with them in a few months to see if they’ve changed their minds.

Always keep the door open to work together in the future.

If they come back and say they want to work together now, great. If they’ve done this before and haven’t joined yet, don’t go into ‘cool, let me do it all for you right now’ mode. You need to play hard to get it. Send something like “Okay, great, I’m about to make another call, but here’s the link if you want to join. If you don’t, that’s fine. I know you’ve changed your mind a few times before. Anyway, I have to leave, I have another call in five minutes, I’ll get back to you later.”

Now, because you haven’t fallen head over heels when they said they’d join and called them the few times before that they said they’d join but didn’t, they’ll be more determined to join. and you will want to prove your mistake. They will sign up even if they didn’t plan to just to avoid getting called again.

Everybody ‘In The Know’ – Communication Tips for the New Department Head

Creating an effective communication network in your department will go a long way in creating a harmonious relationship between your staff, as well as improving the educational environment for your students.

If your staff are fully informed about the issues affecting them and the organization of your subject department and the school, then they will be more prepared to offer assistance and suggestions to improve the functioning of the department and help resolve any ‘problems’ that may arise. . . Helps create an “all in this together” atmosphere between you and your staff.

Therefore, it is important that you, as the curriculum leader, keep everyone well informed. I did this in several ways.

  • Departmental meetings at the beginning of each term, usually on students’ free days.

  • Regular memos to all staff as issues arise. Each teacher had their own lockers where all the memos and personal information went. I used different colored papers on which he posted notes. for example, yellow could be used for important notices; green can include information about the evaluation; blank may contain information of a general nature. The advantage of colored paper is that it doesn’t get lost among the reams of white paper that teachers collect during the school year.

  • Use of email. Remember that emails are stored on the computer and are not lost. You can opt for a code to tell teachers the priority of each email.

  • Once a week, at a staff morning tea. Here, on an informal basis, I kept my staff abreast of current and developing issues.

  • Staff meetings during the period were only called when a new issue arose that had not been considered at the beginning of the period meetings. He would lead these meetings before school for a maximum of 30 minutes starting at 8:15 am. This allowed staff time to get ready for the 9 am class.

  • One-on-one meeting. In addition to my end of the year meeting with the teachers one on one, I would meet with a teacher when problems related to them were referred to me, either by the administration or at the request of the teacher. Sometimes a fellow teacher might pull me aside to explain that a colleague was having trouble and needed help.

  • Open door policy. This allowed teachers the immediate opportunity to bring serious issues to my attention quickly instead of waiting for the next department meeting. Your department will only be successful if every staff member, from the youngest to the most experienced, feels like a valued member of your team. There are ways to develop this feeling of inclusion. One is to have an open door policy where any teacher can talk to you privately about any issue that concerns you.

  • Solicit opinions from staff. An extension of the previous idea, in the departmental meetings that you chair, is to ask the opinion on the topics under discussion to the young teachers or teachers who generally prefer not to comment. Here you are working to make them realize that their opinion is valued and that your department needs their experience and knowledge to get the best result for their students.

  • Coordinator meetings. Each separate subject or grade level had a coordinator. This person set the work schedule, offered teaching suggestions, including which teaching aids, computer software, and calculator programs to use; He wrote evaluation items and overlooks the correction of these tasks. Whenever possible, he would attend these meetings to keep up with progress in each area, even if he wasn’t teaching at that grade level.

  • Report of the meetings of Heads of Department. These meetings with the administration established the directions in which the school would move. I often gave this report at our weekly department morning tea meeting.

  • Looking for advice. No one is the source of all knowledge, no matter how experienced they are. It’s important to be humble enough to seek advice from others who have experience within your department. This again adds credibility to your attempts to make all of your staff feel valued. It is also important to listen to the young staff. Your knowledge of the use of modern technology and the educational pedagogue can prove invaluable.

  • One last point: there will always be one or two staff members in a large department who aren’t always up to date with what’s going on. Be aware of who they are and send them silent reminders in private to keep them out of it.