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Can a Blow Dryer Damage Your Hair?

Blow Dryer Damage Your Hair

For many, blow drying their hair is a morning routine. However, if you’re not doing it correctly, you could be damaging your mane. There are a few common blow dryer mistakes that you should be aware of before grabbing the handle.

best blow dryer are great heat styling tools but they can also do a number on your strands, especially if you use them too often or in the wrong way. Heat damage can cause brittle, damaged strands that aren’t as strong and smooth as they should be. Fortunately, by making a few small changes to your routine, you can prevent a lot of blow dryer damage and maintain healthy strands.

The first step in preventing blow dryer damage is applying a heat protectant before you start drying your hair. Heat protectants help to dial down the amount of heat that is being exposed to your strands which can make all the difference in keeping your mane healthy.

Can a Blow Dryer Damage Your Hair?

After you apply a heat protectant, make sure to dry your strands in sections. If you dry all of your hair at once, you’re going to be transporting moisture from wet strands to nearby strands that have already been dried, which can cause more damage. When you’re blow drying your hair, take a few minutes between each section to let your strands dry completely.

Another way you can minimize heat damage when blow drying your hair is by using a low to medium temperature setting. The higher the heat settings on your blow dryer, the more heat that is being exposed to your strands and the greater the risk of damaging your cuticles.

Blow drying your hair at a high temperature for long periods of time is one of the biggest blow dryer mistakes that can be made. It’s important to give your strands a break from the hot heat and to only blow dry your hair one to two times a day at most.

If you do decide to blow dry your hair, always use a wide-tooth comb and detangle your mane before starting to dry it. Trying to dry your hair without detangling it first can result in a lot of breakage and damage from unnecessary heat.

If you’re ready to start blow drying your hair healthier, check out our top picks for the best blow dryers for natural hair. And remember to always practice good hair care habits and always wear a protective style to minimize any potential damage. The more you protect your strands, the better they’ll be at handling any additional heat from other heat-styling tools and even everyday heat exposure.

AliExpress クーポン – おもちゃとゲームの割引

ポン – おもちゃとゲームの割引

AliExpress は、ファッションから家庭用品、美容製品や電化製品に至るまで、幅広い消費者アイテムを提供する世界最大のオンライン マーケットプレイスの 1 つです。 2010 年に設立され、アリババ グループが所有するこのサイトは、世界中の買い物客に対応しています。 同社の豊富な品揃えはその低価格と一致しており、顧客はホームページ上で、またはブラック フライデーやサイバー マンデー、独身の日 (11 月 11 日)、 3月末のAliExpressアニバーサリーセール。

同社は、チェックアウト時に適用できるプロモーション コードなど、買い物客が注文の費用を節約できるさまざまな方法を多数用意しています。 これらはさまざまな形式で入手でき、Web サイトまたはアプリで見つけることができます。 まとめ買いをしたり、新学期やホリデーシーズンに学用品やギフトアイテムのセールが行われる時期に買い物をしたりするなど、節約する方法もあります。


さらに節約したい場合は、AliExpress Buyer Protection Plan にサインアップすると、サイトを通じて購入した商品が目的地に安全に発送され、良好な状態で到着することが保証されます。 このプログラムでは、商品が間違っていたり破損していた場合、または予定配達期間内に配達されなかった場合、全額返金を提供します。 顧客は、同社の FAQ ページにアクセスするか、カスタマー サービス エージェントに連絡することで、購入者保護プランと購入品を保護する方法について詳しく知ることができます。

AliExpress クーポン – おもちゃとゲームの割引

購入したい製品が見つかったら、ショッピングカートページに移動し、「クーポン」とマークされたボックスにクーポンコードを入力します。 そして「クーポンを適用する」ボタンをクリックしてください。 割引額は合計金額から自動的に差し引かれます。 アカウントの「マイ クーポン」セクションでさらにクーポンを見つけることもできます。

このサイトを通じて購入できるさまざまな種類のおもちゃやゲームがあります。 人形やリモコンカーから、お風呂のおもちゃやベビーカーまで、AliExpress なら誰でも楽しめる何かが見つかります。 より人気のあるアイテムには、電子人形、恐竜のおもちゃ、バービーやハローキティのおもちゃなどがあります。 家族や友人と楽しめるさまざまなボードゲームやパズルもあります。

AliExpress の Web サイトには子供と赤ちゃん向けの専用セクションがあり、PatPat、Disney、DAVEBELLA などの人気ブランドのおもちゃやゲームを幅広く取り揃えています。 このサイトには、幼児用寝間着からベビーモニターまで、親向けのさまざまなオプションも多数掲載されています。

さらに割引を希望するには、AliExpress モバイル アプリにサインアップすると、購入に使用できる追加の毎日のコインが提供されるだけでなく、ゲームをプレイして友達と共有する機会も提供されます。 このアプリには、ユーザーが購入時にポイントを獲得し、クーポンと引き換えることができる専用のボーナス バディー プログラムもあります。

제휴 프로그램을 통해 Ali 프로모션 코드를 찾을 수 있나요?

Ali 프로모션 코드를 찾을 수 있나요

온라인 쇼핑 시장인 AliExpress는 경쟁력 있는 가격으로 다양한 제품을 제공합니다. 거래를 좋게 만들기 위해 현명한 쇼핑객이 추가 할인 및 비용 절감에 사용할 수 있는 프로모션 코드를 정기적으로 제공합니다. 이러한 독점 쿠폰 코드는 AliExpress 뉴스레터 구독, 소셜 미디어의 제휴 마케팅 담당자 팔로우 등 다양한 소스를 통해 찾을 수 있습니다. 결제 시 자동으로 할인을 검색하고 적용하는 인기 있는 브라우저 확장 프로그램도 많이 있습니다.

AliExpress 제휴 프로그램은 개인과 기업이 세계에서 가장 인기 있는 온라인 소매 플랫폼 중 하나와 파트너십을 맺을 수 있도록 하는 수익 창출 마케팅 이니셔티브입니다. 판매를 효과적으로 홍보하고 촉진함으로써 제휴사는 회사의 제품 제공에 대한 수수료를 받을 수 있습니다.

알리 프로모션 코드

AliExpress 제휴 프로그램에 참여하려면 온라인 플랫폼에 대한 안정적인 트래픽 흐름이 있어야 하며 회사의 제품 및 서비스를 홍보할 수 있는 능력을 입증해야 합니다. 또한 프로그램의 정책과 지침을 준수해야 합니다. 여기에는 일반적으로 일반적인 윤리 및 법적 표준을 준수하는 것뿐만 아니라 온라인 콘텐츠가 최신 상태이고 정확한지 확인하는 것도 포함됩니다.

제휴 프로그램을 통해 Ali 프로모션 코드를 찾을 수 있나요?

소득 잠재력을 극대화하려면 AliExpress 카탈로그 내에서 경쟁이 낮은 틈새 시장을 선택하는 것이 가장 좋습니다. 이렇게 하면 귀하가 군중 속에서 눈에 띄고 귀하의 사이트에 더 많은 구매자를 유치하는 데 도움이 될 것입니다. 때로는 다른 판매자의 정책과 다를 수 있으므로 AliExpress 가격 및 배송 정책도 잘 알고 있어야 합니다.

AliExpress 제휴 프로그램에 가입하면 웹사이트나 소셜 미디어 플랫폼에서 공유할 수 있는 고유한 추적 링크가 제공됩니다. 누군가 귀하의 링크를 클릭하면 특정 기간(“쿠키 기간”이라고 함) 동안 검색 행동을 추적하는 쿠키가 장치에 다운로드됩니다. 해당 기간 내에 구매를 완료하면 판매에 대한 수수료를 받게 됩니다.

사내 AliExpress 제휴 프로그램은 수익성이 높을 수 있지만 많은 야심찬 제휴사에게는 실망스러울 수도 있습니다. 회사의 지원 절차는 혼란스럽고 번거롭기 때문에 회사로부터 귀하의 상태에 대한 답변을 듣는 데 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다. 이 문제를 방지하려면 Awin 또는 CJ Affiliate(Commission Junction)와 같은 제휴 마켓플레이스에 가입하여 프로세스를 간소화할 수 있습니다.

또는 AliPlugin 또는 AliDropship과 같은 플러그인을 활용하여 제휴 기능을 기존 웹사이트에 통합할 수도 있습니다. 이러한 도구를 사용하면 사용자 정의 링크를 만들고 자동으로 전환을 추적할 수 있으므로 AliExpress 수익을 쉽게 관리할 수 있습니다. 또한 이러한 플러그인은 제휴 마케팅 활동을 향상시킬 수 있는 다양한 기타 기능을 제공합니다. 예를 들어 프로모션 캠페인을 자동화하고, 여러 계정을 관리하고, 마케팅 전략을 최적화하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 결과적으로 전체 수익 잠재력을 최대 50%까지 높일 수 있습니다.

Com que frequência você apresenta novas ofertas ou promoções especiais?

Com que frequência você apresenta

Descontos, cupons, promoções e códigos de ofertas são formas de economizar dinheiro em produtos ou serviços. Eles geralmente são encontrados impressos ou online e podem ser aplicados a um pedido durante a finalização da compra, inserindo o código fornecido no cupom. Algumas ofertas do Gshopper podem ser combinadas com outros descontos, promoções ou códigos de frete grátis. Se você estiver interessado em um produto ou serviço específico, não deixe de conferir o site do Gshopper para obter mais informações.


O programa de indicação de um site de comércio eletrônico é uma forma de recompensar os clientes por sua fidelidade e incentivá-los a continuar comprando na empresa. Esses programas podem oferecer incentivos como descontos, mercadorias gratuitas ou vantagens especiais em troca da indicação de amigos e familiares para o site. Dependendo dos termos de um programa específico, as recompensas exatas oferecidas podem variar bastante.

Na Gshopper, acreditamos em manter a experiência de compra atualizada e emocionante para nossos valiosos clientes. Para conseguir isso, introduzimos regularmente novas ofertas e promoções especiais, garantindo que há sempre algo atraente para você descobrir.

Com que frequência você apresenta novas ofertas ou promoções especiais?

Nossa equipe se dedica a estar à frente da curva quando se trata de adquirir os produtos mais recentes e mais procurados. Este compromisso estende-se à nossa abordagem a ofertas e promoções especiais. Entendemos que a variedade é fundamental, por isso pretendemos apresentar novas ofertas semanalmente. Quer sejam descontos exclusivos em eletrônicos de última geração, roupas elegantes ou utensílios domésticos essenciais, você pode esperar algo novo e emocionante a cada semana.

Além das promoções semanais, alinhamos nossas ofertas especiais com eventos e feriados importantes. Isso inclui vendas sazonais, descontos temáticos de feriados e promoções especiais vinculadas a ocasiões como Black Friday, Cyber ​​Monday e muito mais. Esses eventos oferecem excelentes oportunidades para nossos clientes acessarem produtos premium a preços imbatíveis.

Além disso, trabalhamos em estreita colaboração com a nossa rede de fornecedores e parceiros de confiança para lhe oferecer promoções exclusivas. Essas colaborações nos permitem oferecer ofertas exclusivas que você não encontrará em nenhum outro lugar. Quer se trate de um desconto por tempo limitado em uma marca popular ou de um pacote especial, essas promoções exclusivas são projetadas para oferecer um valor excepcional aos nossos clientes.

Para quem deseja ainda mais economia e comodidade, nosso programa de assinatura Gshopper Plus é a solução definitiva. Os assinantes desfrutam de acesso antecipado a ofertas e promoções especiais, o que lhes dá uma vantagem inicial para garantir as melhores ofertas. Além disso, os membros do Gshopper Plus se beneficiam de frete expresso gratuito para pedidos qualificados, garantindo o recebimento de suas compras em tempo hábil.

Na Gshopper entendemos que nossos clientes têm interesses e preferências diversos. É por isso que as nossas ofertas e promoções especiais abrangem uma ampla gama de categorias, atendendo a diversas necessidades e gostos. Quer você seja um entusiasta da tecnologia, um indivíduo moderno ou um comprador de itens essenciais para a casa, você encontrará algo especial esperando por você.

Em resumo, no Gshopper nos dedicamos a proporcionar uma experiência de compra dinâmica. Ao apresentar regularmente novas ofertas especiais e promoções, garantimos que há sempre um motivo para explorar a nossa seleção selecionada de produtos de alta qualidade. Junte-se a nós hoje e experimente a emoção de descobrir ofertas fantásticas no Gshopper.

Descubra o mundo emocionante da coleção de cartas do Gshopper: cadastre-se agora e ganhe US$ 500 em presentes incríveis

CODE: GPSEP8 100-8
CODE: GPSEP15 200-15

Who does my boyfriend call on his cell phone?

Sometimes, we think that our boyfriend is, in fact, cheating on us, but we don’t really have any evidence. We suspect he’s calling another woman, but all his calls are on his cell phone and there’s no way we can access the information. What if there was a way to find out who he is calling? Finding the truth about a boyfriend can be difficult, but there is an easy way to find out the truth. By using a reverse phone lookup, you can access his cell phone information to find the facts. This is how you do it.

The first thing you are going to need is your boyfriend’s cell phone. This can be done by asking him or even by staying up until he falls asleep. Once you have his phone, he writes down about 10 numbers that look suspicious to you. These could be numbers that are not registered to your phone, or they may have a unique name.

After you’ve written down all of these numbers, you’ll need a reverse phone verification. This can be found anywhere on the internet, but you need to make sure that you provide these three important factors

#1 – You need to be able to access cell phones, landlines, and even unlisted numbers

#2 – Must be constantly updated

#3 – It has to be reliable and provide accurate results

Once you’ve found a reliable reverse phone lookup, simply type the numbers into the boxes and wait for the results. Here you can find out the name and where the girl lives. You’ll also be able to look up criminal records, warrant searches, and even phone numbers that are also associated with the same account.

Viral Marketing: An Easy Way To Get The Word Out

Viral marketing refers to a marketing technique that uses social media to expand brand awareness and achieve other marketing goals. It can be transmitted by word of mouth or with the support of the network effects of the Internet. Viral marketing is done in the form of video clips, interactive flash games, media, e-books, branded software, images, or text messages.

The goal of marketers who embrace viral marketing as a method of increasing brand awareness and other goals is to create messages that appeal to people with high social networking potential (SNPs) and have a high probability of being featured and disseminated by these individuals and their competitors in their communications with others in a short period of time. It is basically a marketing phenomenon that facilitates and encourages people to convey a marketing message.

For viral marketing to work, three basic criteria must be met, that is, delivering the right message to the right messengers in the right environment:

Delivery courier

To transform an ordinary message into a viral message, three specific types of messengers are required: market experts, social hubs, and salespeople.

Market experts are people who are information specialists; They are usually among the first to know the message and those who spread it in their immediate social network.

Social hubs are people with a large number of social networks. They act as a link or bridge between different subcultures as they often meet hundreds of different people.

Sellers are the people who receive the message from market experts, enhance it by making it more engaging and moving, and then forward it to the social hub for further distribution. Market experts may not be particularly convincing in conveying the information.


Only a message that is memorable, compelling, and interesting enough to pass on to others is capable of fostering a successful and healthy viral marketing phenomenon. Small adjustments can make a big difference and cause an expansion of the viral marketing sphere.


Small changes in the environment strongly affect the results, and people are much more sensitive to the environment. The timing and context of the campaign launch must be chosen wisely.

The methods used for viral marketing are:

Customer engagement and survey services Contributions from industry-specific organizations Internet search engines and blogs Mobile smartphone integration Multiple forms of print and direct marketing Outbound/inbound call center services Targeted marketing Web services Search engine optimization (SEO) web development Social media interconnectivity Television and radio

Humanity – Creationism, Darwinism and Now Realization

Christians around the world readily accept creationism, Jesus the son of God, the virgin birth, the resurrection. Its acceptance is due to ‘blind faith’.

Realizationism like Christianity also requires this blind faith. So an open mind is important when exploring this new concept.

How did humanity evolve so quickly during the Holocene era to become an integral part of the Earth’s fabric? Throughout history, why have humans always been so smart?

This introduces the key leap of faith in Realization:

Is the arrival of extraterrestrials on our planet in our prehistory the only logical and common sense explanation for our truly remarkable evolution from the indigenous people? Homo sapiens/ Neanderthal species during such a short period?

Did they genetically experiment with various deceivers on Earth to suit their purposes? Did any of these experiments involve genetic manipulation of our Homo sapiens ancestors, perhaps our mitochondrial DNA, creating the human race? According to Darwin’s theory, those Homo sapiens possessing the alien visitor gene had a significant advantage and began to replace those without it, resulting in a dramatic shift in human evolution. The highly intelligent human race then rapidly evolved from this distinctive “Eve” point.

Was this ET-inspired civilization, which built pyramids on every continent on Earth, destroyed by a tsunami (possibly caused by an asteroid) that occurred around 8,000 years ago – ‘Younger Dryas Global Event’ – also described in the book Noah’s Flooddevastating this incredible early civilization, starting “The Planet of the (intelligent) homo sapiens“?

We share 98.4% of the genetic makeup of our closest relative, the African chimpanzee. Is it likely that in 8,000 years the chimpanzee will be able to design, build and drive a car? The answer is yes, but only with genetic manipulation on our part!

Now we come to the interesting part: a group of our first human survivors, perhaps Noah, who as a leader, understood and witnessed this amazing first civilization. Did he, along with other leaders, save much of the incredible knowledge and records run by ET? We assume that the ‘Ark’ is a large ship where Noah brought the animals “in pairs”. Was it logical to save animals in the event of a global disaster? Has this word ‘ark’ been deliberately misinterpreted? Sounds like another red herring? Was the “Ark” more likely to be some sort of storage facility, perhaps one of the surviving pyramids in Egypt with the information moved long ago to a more secure secret location?

Was this information/knowledge, after the devastation that occurred after the massive destruction of our planet, extremely important to the survival of the leaders through the manipulation of the confused remaining survivors?

Has our early ET civilization been deliberately obscured by a group of ‘Elites’ who knew about ET and have continually hidden and distracted this from us in order to have power over the rest of us from now on?

This is not a new question. It has been explored through generations and is even mentioned in the Bible and cleverly depicted in the Monty Pythons movie “Life of Brian” which was strangely banned by the Church.

It seems our understanding of humanity has been deliberately restricted to creationism, begrudgingly expanded by Darwinism in the 19th century and then by intelligent design with the ever-present ‘Nature vs. Nurture’ debate.

Creationism, then Darwinism, and now is the opportune moment to discover a new possibility of understanding our non-Darwinian human progress through Realization!

I believe that we can change humanity for the better by advancing this concept of ‘realization’ in our goal of understanding our being!

So what is Realization?

1. The conscience we have ALL inherited a transgenerational ‘alien memory gene’ located in our unconscious mind that contains universal knowledge going back to the universe and creation.

2. ALL Human beings are very valuable.

The words Humanity, Equality, Diversification are now commonly used.

3. We know everything unconsciously but we don’t know everything.

This blind faith that we know we have all the knowledge in our unconscious memory (like Microsoft’s operating system). Is there any consolation in believing that we already know everything? Does this make us fearless in both life and death knowing that we have the potential to eventually know everything even though at this stage of our evolution we don’t?

Do we already have all the answers to the birth of the Universe – ‘Inflation’ and the energy of the ‘Grand Unification’ still hidden in our unconscious memory?

Realizationism like creationism requires faith!

4. The recognition that our subconscious mind/memory is constantly being manipulated by the ‘Elites’!

So, we must first realize that there are elites among us who rule our planet. Your ancestors had figured out some time ago how to manipulate and control our collective subconscious minds by primarily playing on our fears and greed. This has created his continued success! See ‘Humanity, our extraterrestrial past’ article.

They likely evolved from a long line of secret societies: Knights Templar, Freemasonry, etc., with the intent of preserving the remnants of an elite Aryan-type race from an extraterrestrial colonization of Earth some 13,000 years ago.

5. Achievement leads to Personal Transition. Live a life that is real and does not contain us. There is no dress rehearsal, this is it!

With this new found freedom of mind, we can dismiss the negative manipulative propaganda that is often irrelevant to our individual lives! Ask where your loyalties, superstitions, and beliefs come from. Take control and, when and where possible, try not to take life too seriously. Be positive, have fun!

Every day there are more people writing books, music, painting, in other words, discovering their own creativity!

6. We can regain control of our subconscious from the ‘Elite’. We can easily peel away the layers of ‘baggage’ and conspiracy accumulated over the centuries around our collective unconscious minds that are holding us all. We can become truly present to what is happening.

Many people on the planet who are not really here never really connect in a meaningful way with the world!

Realizationism is a individual mental process to regain control of our subconscious and collective subconscious from the manipulative elites.

So our approach can be described by the experience of Viktor Frankl, a Jewish psychologist who ended up in Auschwitz during the Holocaust era. He survived the horrors by clinging to the idea that even if suffering is inevitable and inescapable, he will never be able to. Take away your inner freedom face it with courage and dignity.

Frankl survived these ordeals during the war to become head of the department of neurology at the Vienna Polyclinic Hospital.

We don’t need to PUT THE HEAD ON THE BARAPET. There is no need to participate in protest marches or become a whistleblower. Many brave souls have been ‘boiled’ and threatened or worse and, in the case of whistleblowers, exposed and their reputations and careers irrevocably damaged. We just need to control our subconscious to ‘go on strike’ when we recognize that we are being manipulated!

Until ‘Brexit’ there was no real democracy. Alex Geairns’ book ‘Mindful’ highlights how we can change the government tailored by the establishment run ‘Elites’ in this ‘Westminster bubble’. Realism can provide a backdrop to understand why the political landscape must change to become more democratic!

If we could positively influence how our lives are manipulated through Realization, then impositions like fracking, untested drugs, and the other compromises that are forced upon us would soon stop. THEY STILL NEED US!!

Examples of Realizationism:-

“When you call yourself an Indian, a Muslim, a Christian, a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of humanity. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who seeks to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the full understanding of humanity.” Jiddu Krishnamurti

Does this mean, through our understanding of Realization, that ‘man’s inhumanity to man’ will disappear?

Another example in the famous poem by Robbie Burns: A man is a man for that. Verse five is a prayer that meaning and value will eventually agree with all mankind. Burns envisions a future world in which all people will live as brothers, in mutual trust and respect. “He’s still coming, for that.” Well, Rabbie hasn’t arrived yet, but we can help him on his way!

Nelson Mandela defeated the ‘Whites’ who were seen by him and his people as ‘Elites’. Mandela – freedom fighter to president. Unstoppable by whites but possibly not by elites?!

Our ability to collaborate separates us from all other creatures on Earth. The introduction of the transistor, the ‘silicon’ chip and, in turn, the Internet has rapidly increased our ability to collaborate and thus the rapid increase in our creativity and knowledge. Is credibility and our use of the Internet slowly eroding? The ‘Elites’ don’t like to see groups as an even better platform for sharing ideas, encouraged by the World Wide Web!

Was allowing the internet to happen an accident? Has the introduction of the Internet by elites to monitor us more closely failed? Did the elites not realize the power of the Internet? Or maybe the compensation for having the opportunity to collaborate on the World Wide Web is a calculated risk?

Is the Internet unstoppable, to be recognized as an important tool in Realism and our ascent in knowledge down the bathtub curve towards a better humanity? Or is there a secret agency that has granted major hackers amnesty if they can crack Microsoft’s operating system and thereby drastically limit our ability to use the Internet?

So, we don’t have to be manipulated. TO DO WITHOUT!! Maybe sometimes it’s not easy!

If you are not satisfied with the media propaganda? TO TURN OFF!!

Realizationism, of course, is already happening. A good example is in sports. At the recent Commonwealth Games in Glasgow we witnessed athletes with the attitude “Anything is possible!” We also saw a greater awareness of self-discipline, dignity, generosity and personal responsibility, intrinsic to the ideal of Realism.

For some of us, it is important to be aware of Realization.

So Realization is not a new idea. I just put a tag on it!

I don’t think we’re going to be saved by an outside force. We need our individual presence in the world to solve our own dilemmas.

It may not be possible to achieve world in peace thanks to the Elites, but through Realization we can fight for Peace in the world.

Will the introduction of Realization inspire the next phase of our Humanity at the beginning of bear exploration of the universe

Quit smoking… the temple of success

If you want to quit smoking, you’ll need all the help you can get, including friends, family, and your own temple of success.

Just imagine having a place where you can go, where you are completely safe and can create all the changes you want in your life. A place where you could easily and quickly make changes.

As you read this, imagine a great old temple unfolding before your eyes, maybe like in an Indiana Jones movie, but of course without the snakes and crushing rocks.

You walk through the jewel-encrusted halls and enter a beautiful room. In the middle of the room is a circle. In the circle is a gold tablet with a word inscribed on it. Maybe it says strength, or power, maybe confidence.

This word will help you quit smoking. You step into the circle, bend down and pick up the tablet and take a deep breath of the word. Then you walk out of the circle taking the tablet with you, absorbing the meaning of the word into your own cells.

You then repeat the process as many times as necessary to feel empowered, and then do it again another day if necessary.

You then continue exploring the temple until you find another room. You walk in this one has three people. You are left feeling a sense of security because each of them is someone you know or would like to meet, each of whom has a special message of support for you.

You approach them one at a time; you listen to their advice and personal messages for you and then you embrace them. Consider your words and how they will help you quit smoking.

The message can be clear or it can be cryptic, it only makes sense to you later. You can continue to explore your temple and note any other messages or offers of help. Knowing that you can return at any time you need it.

This whole process may seem too magical or maybe just ridiculous, but consider that it is just a way to activate your mind and access your inner knowing, to allow yourself the freedom to follow what you already know and understand on a deep level.

Of course, your temple can be used anytime you want to build the courage to move on in your life and put the past behind you.

Top 7 tips to save energy with compressed air

Would you like to reduce the electrical costs associated with your compressed air system? Most likely you can. Start by determining your annual compressed air electrical costs using this formula:

Brake Horsepower X 0.746 X Annual Running Hours X KWH (Kilowatt-hour) Cost (divided by) Motor Efficiency

NOTE: 1 CFM (cubic feet per minute) @ 100 PSIG (pounds-force per square inch) PER 8760 HOURS COST $110.00 PER YEAR IN ELECTRICAL COST

Next…follow these top 7 tips to save energy with compressed air:

1. Fix your air leaks

If you do nothing else, follow this tip: find and fix your compressed air leaks. Air leaks are the “biggest losses” in the industry!

The average plant loses 20-30% of its compressed air through multiple small air leaks. The money spent on labor and parts to find and fix these leaks is well worth it. Note (1/4-inch orifice will flow 103 cfm at 100 psig)

2. Change to Synthetic Lubricants

If you are using petroleum-based lubricants, you could experience up to 8% energy savings by switching to synthetic compressor lubricants. Plus, extend equipment life and save on oil changes and disposal costs.

3. Reduce the operating pressure of the plant

If possible, reduce overall plant pressure. Less pressure > Less CFM used > Less power consumed.

TIP: Reduce plant pressure 2 pounds at a time, then test run for a minimum of 24 hours. If any equipment is having trouble… increase pressure 2lbs until it runs smooth again. For every 2 pounds of pressure reduction, you save 1% of the electrical cost to run the air compressor.

4. Check differential pressure across air compressor filters.

Start at the compressor cabinet filter and then check the compressor inlet filter.

Note: A dirty inlet filter can cost you 1-3% in additional electrical costs. Because? Because decreased airflow to the compressor inlet valve increases compression ratios, resulting in more run time.

Next, check the differential pressure of the air/oil separator at full load. A new separator causes a differential pressure drop of approximately 2-3 psig. When your pressure drop reaches 8-10 psig, then it’s time to change the separator elements. A dirty separator element can cost you up to 5% in additional electrical costs.

Then change the control air filter element. This is often overlooked, but it’s still an important filter where the controls receive their air signal. A pressure drop here causes the controls to receive the lower pressure signal loading the compressor more and using more electricity.

5. Reduce compressor inlet temperature

By reducing the intake air temperature 10°F below 70°F, you save 2% on electricity usage. Your profit increases up to 8% on a 30°F day. But raising your inlet temperature 10°F above 70°F will cost you an additional 2% in electrical usage for every 10°F up to 10% at 120°F. (Inlet temperature has very little effect on lubricated screw compressors)

6. Check differential pressure across compressed air line filters.

Size compressed air filters to be twice (2x) the CFM flow rate of your compressor. This will reduce your pressure drop by approximately 2-3 psig and save 1% on energy costs. Elements will last twice as long (2x) and you’ll save on maintenance costs.

7. Know what quality of compressed air your plant needs.

The cleaner and drier the compressed air, the more energy it will use.

Check with your equipment manufacturer to determine the required air quality.

Technology trends that will dominate 2017: Big Data, IoT, AWS and IA

Technology has dramatically changed the way we live today, there’s no denying it. Compared to our ancestors, we are far removed from them in the use of different technologies for our daily work.

So many technologies have been developed in recent years that have revolutionized our lives, and it is impossible to list each one of them. Although technology changes rapidly with time, we can observe the trends in which it changes. Last year 2016 brought many innovative and fresh ideas and creations towards automation, integration etc., and this year 2017 is expected to continue a similar trend.

In this article we are going to discuss some of the outstanding trends for this year, which will make us look beyond the horizon.

Gartner’s 2016 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies has identified a number of technologies that will be trending this year. The cycle illustrates how technological innovations are redefining customer-retailer relationships.

This year, Gartner has identified Blockchains, connected homes, cognitive expert advisors, machine learning, software-defined security etc as well as broader technology trends, which have the potential to reshape business models and offer companies the definitive route to emerging markets and ecosystems.

#1. block chain

Popularly known as ‘Distributed Ledger Technology’ for both financial and non-financial transactions, it is one of the perplexing concepts that can only be fully understood by technologists. Various advancements in blockchain have helped many people and more companies in 2016 to experience its potential in the banking and finance industry. This year, it is anticipated that blockchain technology will go beyond the banking sector, helping new and established companies address market needs with different application offerings.

#2. Internet of things and smart home technology

With the advent of IoT, we are already looking at the world of interconnected things, aren’t we? Our dreams of living in smart homes are fulfilled to some extent in 2016. So what is stopping us from fulfilling our dreams of living in connected smart homes?

Well, the fact is that the market is full of abundant individual devices and applications, but only a small number of solutions integrate them into a single and inclusive user experience. It is expected that 2017 will notice this trend to take a big step towards fulfilling our dreams.

#3. Artificial intelligence and machine learning

In recent times, artificial intelligence and machine learning have conquered the entire world with their amazing inventions and innovative technologies. Looking at the ongoing advancements in this field, it will no longer be an imagination to experience the world where robots and machines will dominate the society.

Last year, we witnessed the rise of ML algorithms on almost all major e-commerce portals and their associated mobile apps, which is expected to spread to all social media platforms, dating websites, and marriage websites. in 2017.

#4. Software Defined Security

In 2016, we have seen significant growth in increasing server security. Many organizations have begun to recognize the importance of cybersecurity to enable their movement to emerge as digital businesses. The growth of cloud-based infrastructure is causing a huge demand for unstructured data management, and furthermore, the lack of technical expertise and the threat to data security are the key factors hindering the substantial growth of the cloud computing market. software-defined security this year.

#5. Automation

Automation will be the mainstay throughout 2017, the next few years will be transformative for the IT industry, allowing the automation of tasks performed by humans. When machine learning is combined with automation, marketers are likely to witness vast business opportunities with enriched market outcomes.

#6. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

AR and VR transform the way users interact with each other and with software systems. The year 2016 has seen revolutionary advances in AR and VR technology.

With the launch of the Oculus Rift, the market received an overwhelming response from users, giving way to a large number of VR-based apps and games. Also, when Pokémon Go was released, the definition of gameplay was completely redefined. It was one of the most profitable and downloaded mobile apps of 2016.

The response that AR and VR technology received last year was over the top, and it forecasts that the world is ready to take this trend to the next level in 2017.

#7. services on demand

Since the last few years, the global market has experienced a great response for on-demand services. Thanks to startups like Uber, Twiggy, etc. which started the fleet of offering on-demand taxi services and food delivery services with just a few clicks. This trend has triggered the development of various mobile applications, which offer multiple on-demand services at your fingertips. Although these services were limited to defined regions, they are expected to reach peak locations in 2017.

#8. smart apps

Smart applications include technologies using personal digital assistants (PDAs) that have the caliber to transform the workplace into a more interactive one, with effective communication. By using artificial intelligence technology, service providers will focus on autonomous business processes that will make full use of big data tools, to improve customer experience levels.

#9. Humanized Big Data (Visual, Empathetic, Qualitative)

Since the past few years, Big Data has been the big topic and created a buzz in the global market. The intent is that the massive amounts of collected data, to which we have access, can help us in every little thing, that is, from planning advanced medical treatments to deploying exceptional business promotion strategies.

Big Data’s greatest strength is its quantitative and numerical base, which is also a great weakness. When experiencing the success that Donald Trump had in the US elections, a big question arises about the analysis of Big Data and its practice in decision making. Big data in 2017 is expected to experience great advances, which will help marketers to humanize themselves and look for empathic and qualitative bits of data to project them in a more visualized way.

What do you think of these emerging trends?

Most of us know that making assumptions is generally an amazing feat, but literally predicting something related to future technology over the course of a year is an exercise in futility. There may be additions to the above-mentioned trends, but the above-mentioned ones are more likely to attract market attention in 2017. This forecast will certainly help marketers plan their future business strategies and deploy the right resources having proven experience in these technologies