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How to clean your statue

How to clean your statue

When you’re cleaning anything made of stone, you should take some care, depending on the type of stone it is and the size of the statue. Outdoor garden statues and monuments will need special care, as they are prone to all the prey of the elements, including fungus, lichen, mold and mildew. Without regular cleaning, several layers of dirt can build up that will eventually end up chipping or cracking the rock. A good statue cleaner will break down these layers, nourish the stone, and help with the restoration. However, be sure to determine what type of stone you are working with first, because the cleaner will depend on the stone.

Softer stones, such as limestone, sandstone, or marble, will need a softer type of statue cleaner. However, hard stones like granite are more durable and will hold up better to the elements and harsher cleaners. A good rule of thumb is to deep clean outdoor statues every six months if you live in a harsh or high humidity climate; and annually in other climates. This will keep them in good shape, keeping them looking clean all year.

To start, it’s a good idea to rinse the statues thoroughly with water. This rinse will remove any surface dirt that has stuck to them. Then, using a paintbrush or toothbrush, you can start brushing around the statue to get into all the details and remove dirt that is more deeply embedded. After this first brushing, you can take your statue cleaner and mix it with water if the instructions say so. Using this mixture, you can brush the cleaner onto the stone in a circular motion. Rinse the statue well after this second cleaning and allow it to dry completely.

Finally, once the statue has dried, you can take a good look at it and see if you have removed most of the debris or not. If stubborn marks or dirt remain, you may need to repeat the cleaning process with the statue cleaner. After performing this cleaning, the next step would be to polish the statue with a polishing solution of some kind. This can be more difficult for ornate statues or sculptures, but it will help restore the shine to the natural stone and can really make your sculpture come to life.

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