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How to cure stuttering: what is the main cause?

How to cure stuttering: what is the main cause?

Learning how to cure stuttering was something that was at the top of my priority list not long ago. It was something I had suffered with since early childhood, but I always assumed I would get over it with age; However, as an adult I still suffered a lot with speech. Read on to find out what I did to speak fluently and confidently for the first time in my life, and how you can, too.

The main problem in learning how to cure stuttering was actually accepting that there was no cure. After going back and forth with my doctor, who was forcing me to do these silly talking exercises that never really helped me, I began to think that maybe I would be stuck with this condition for the rest of my life.

Growing up as a teenager with a stutter is probably one of the worst things a man can go through, especially since other children can be very cruel. I suffered a lot with a trust problem due to my stuttering and this made it much more difficult to meet new people and make new friends. My social life was pretty poor, not to mention my lack of success with girls! I mean, what girl wants to be with a shy and unsafe stuttering guy anyway?

I knew this was something I wanted to completely get rid of, not just learn to control, I wanted total fluency. I remember my doctor telling me to slow down, so I did it for a while. Okay, it may have helped a bit, but it made me sound like I was some kind of idiot! He didn’t want that, he wanted to speak normally like everyone else!

So I stopped going to see this doctor and instead started trying to figure out how to cure stuttering my way. After reading a lot, I realized that the fact that I was very shy and maybe even had a mild form of social anxiety did not help my problem. I discovered that I had to attack the root cause of my stuttering.

To learn how to cure stuttering I had to strengthen my broken confidence, and this is where it all begins. I met up with other stutterers and we discussed our issues together, which really helped and we started to build our trust by meeting new people and trying to be more open with people.

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