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How to do homework in a noisy environment

How to do homework in a noisy environment

When you’re studying, the last thing you want to hear is a group of loud people having a very audible conversation in the next room. There is something you can do to save yourself and your brands from people who just talk too loud:

1. Tell them to shut up.

Honestly, if you’re in a library or some similar place and there are loud people doing loud things next to you, just ask them to stop. Being able to study in peace is your right from the moment you enter the library. Don’t let loud people ruin your exam review.

Ask him nicely, and if he ignores your request, tell the librarian or move to another place in the library.

2. Background music

This is a somewhat controversial topic. Many people say that music helps them focus, but others won’t have it at all because they focus their drive away from studying and more on the music. Listening to music while studying can do a lot more harm than good if used incorrectly.

When you’re listening to music, make sure it’s one of those hour-long music mixes (see YouTube) or a playlist of tracks you know you can study so you don’t have to go back to your iPod every 5 minutes to pick a song. Obviously, just make sure the music suits the mood required to study effectively. I prefer music without words (ie only instrumental music) to study. You can’t really hear someone talking while you’re trying to read or solve a question. Something atmospheric and slow-paced is ideal for a good studio environment.

I think background music can really put you in the zone if there are loud people around you. It should be loud enough that your mind isn’t distracted by the conversation going on next to you, but not so loud that it prevents you from studying.

3. White noise

This is a little trick of mine that I often use if I want to study in a noisy environment. I much prefer it to music. If you don’t know what white noise is, it’s the constant background noise you get if you turn on your radio and it’s not tuned to a certain channel. Apparently, it also helps you focus better if you have ADHD.

Turn up the white noise and you won’t even have to worry about loud people around you; it really allows you to enter your own little world where you can study in peace.

Where do I get white noise from, you ask? There are many downloadable white noise mp3s or websites that generate white noise. Otherwise, just do it the old-fashioned way: bring a pocket radio, tune it to an empty frequency, and get to work!

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