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Increase testosterone and eliminate gynecomastia

Increase testosterone and eliminate gynecomastia

What is testosterone?

The hormone testosterone gives men their masculine characteristics, including deep voice, high muscle mass, facial and body hair, and aggressiveness. It also controls sexual function, fertility, and libido.

Testosterone is heralded as the secret to youth, as it can increase muscle mass, decrease body fat, strengthen bones, and increase libido.

High Testosterone Benefits

Reduced or non-existent man boobs.

Increased muscle size and strength.

reduced body fat

More powerful sexual drive and sexual stamina.

improved mood

Decreased levels of bad LDL cholesterol, therefore a longer and healthier life.

Testosterone and Man Boobs (Gynecomastia)

You may get man boobs if your testosterone levels are not high enough to combat the increased estrogenic effect on your body. Even if your testosterone levels are normal, increasing your levels can go a long way in getting rid of your man boobs.

Since man boobs are primarily dependent on the estrogen to testosterone ratio, increasing testosterone is just as important to losing man boobs as lowering estrogen.

testosterone and estrogen imbalance

Avoid a combination of increased estrogen and decreased testosterone, which is what happens to most men with man boobs. It has a massive feminizing effect on the male body and makes him prone to a number of dangerous, life-threatening diseases.

Also avoid testosterone supplements, testosterone is converted to estrogen by the aromatase enzyme. Testosterone injections, pills, gels, and patches can also cause side effects such as acne, high cholesterol, shrunken testicles, and liver damage. They can also increase your risks of prostate cancer and heart disease.

How to increase testosterone naturally

-Get enough sleep!

Studies have shown that men who sleep less have lower blood testosterone levels in the morning. Lack of sleep is actually one of the most common causes of low testosterone in men. Higher cortisol levels have also been observed in sleep-deprived people, causing testosterone levels to plummet by up to 40%.

-Eat the right foods

Diet plays a crucial role in the production of testosterone.

Your glands need minerals like zinc and magnesium to stimulate testosterone production. Your body can only make testosterone if it has access to cholesterol, since testosterone is made from cholesterol.

Go back to previous presentations on what foods to avoid.

#1 Testosterone Boosting Food: Fatty Cuts of Meat

Studies have shown that people who eat a diet high in cholesterol have higher levels of testosterone. Studies comparing the testosterone levels of vegetarians with those of non-vegetarians have found that non-vegetarians have significantly higher levels of testosterone than vegetarians. This is largely because meat eaters consume more cholesterol than vegetarians.

-Food to increase testosterone # 2: oysters

Oysters have long been heralded as a powerful aphrodisiac due to their testosterone-enhancing quality. They have been found to contain high levels of zinc and the amino acid N-methyl-D-aspartate, both of which cause an increase in testosterone levels.

Oysters also contain the hormone dopamine, which independently increases libido.

-Testosterone Boosting Food #3: Nuts

Researchers have discovered that the highest levels of testosterone are found in men whose diets are high in monounsaturated fats.

Nuts are an excellent source of monounsaturated fat. Examples include walnuts, almonds, pistachios, and Brazil nuts.

Brazil nuts have the added benefit of being high in selenium. Selenium not only helps increase testosterone levels, but also improves sperm quality and fertility.

Other foods high in monounsaturated fats include avocados, seeds, olives, and olive oil.

-Testosterone Boosting Food #4: Nettle Root

When testosterone binds to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), it loses its biological effect. What you need in your body is not just higher levels of total testosterone, but higher levels of FREE testosterone, testosterone that is NOT bound to SHBG.

European researchers have found compounds in nettle root that bind to SHBG instead of testosterone, thereby increasing free circulating testosterone.

-Testosterone Boosting Food #5: Cruciferous and Leafy Greens

They contain large amounts of zinc and magnesium, which help improve testosterone production.

Green leafy vegetables like spinach and Romanian lettuce are also high in these minerals.

Where grain-based carbs are deficient in the vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay healthy, what your body really needs is to replace those grains with meats and vegetables (also nuts and seeds). The right meats, vegetables, nuts, and seeds will give your body everything it needs to flatten your chest and find your way back to masculinity.

Exercises and increase testosterone

The two specific forms of exercise that increase testosterone are high-intensity interval training and compound weight training with heavy weights. Many studies have shown that men who engage in any of the above types of exercise have higher testosterone levels than those who primarily focus on constant cardiovascular exercise.

There are 4 weight training exercises that stimulate powerful increases in testosterone. In order from highest to lowest testosterone, these are barbell squats, deadlifts, pulldowns/pull-ups, and bench presses.

Post-Workout Shake And Testosterone

A multitude of studies have suggested that a post-workout drink containing both protein and high GI simple carbohydrates dramatically increases the release of testosterone and growth hormone. The two apparently work together to create a male anabolism response that is greater than either of the nutrients alone.

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