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More general TF2 achievements and how to get them

More general TF2 achievements and how to get them

Potency offense:Win 2 Fort with a shutout.

The easiest way to get this achievement is to play on the 2Fort servers 24/7. 2Fort is one of the most popular maps played on TF2, so it shouldn’t be difficult to find one. Since many of these servers have regular players who work well together, you’ll want to join their team.

If the teams seem to be pretty even, I suggest going to Scout if you just want to run the information yourself or ask your friends to help you with an assault class / Medic combination. This is another achievement that will happen eventually.

Blitzkrieg offense:Win Well in 5 minutes or less.

Since CP_Well is a checkpoint map, this achievement is all about offense. Having a good balance of Scouts, Soldiers, Demoman, and Medics will make this achievement that much easier. Soldier and Medic with a Kritzkrieg can easily pass through checkpoints in less than five minutes.

Relentless offense:Win Hydro without giving up a catch.

Hydro is one of those maps where one team will win easily or no team will win. It is very rare for Hydro to be a balanced couple. This is why it is the least played stock map. This is great for you though, as Hydro almost always finishes without anyone winning. Just play enough and you will get this one.

World traveler:Play a full game on 2Fort, Dustbowl, Granary, Gravel Pit, Hydro, and Well (CP).

There is nothing more to say about this achievement. Just play a full map of each of those mentioned above and you will get this.

Team doctor:Accumulate 25,000 heal points as a Medic.

I suggest you wait until you go for your Medic achievements to get this. When you are trying to get your Medic achievements, you will make a dent in this number.

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