
Powering future

The Truth of Genesis: An Attack on Christians and Jews – Part 2, The Devil Against Man!

The worlds of Creationism and Theology do not understand the text of Genesis, that is why they believe and teach false and foolish doctrines. As explained in the “Observations of Moses” (Genesis 1:2 – 2:3), the seven days are written in the order in which they were revealed by Yehovah to Moses. However, chronologically, they follow the sequence of “the Feasts of the Lord”, and it is the first revelation of Yeshua (Jesus) in the Scriptures. I urge everyone to look up the name “Michael Rood” and “Feasts of the Lord.”

To understand the Gospels and the first of the three advents of the Messiah, you must first understand the Feasts that God gave to Israel, and I believe Mr. Rood is the leading expert in that area. As he says, the “Holidays” are shadows of good things to come.

Resuming from Part 1, it is 245 million BC. C., the end of the first era of humanity on Earth, which began at the end of (our) Creation Week, 4.6 billion years ago. This era is represented by the Fourth Day, Genesis 1:14 – 19. The Earth was a paradise. The Moon, along with all the other celestial bodies in our solar system, originally had no craters. The planet Venus originally had white clouds. The planet Mars was created with rivers of flowing water and abundant vegetation. The fifth planet was a geological wonder, part terrestrial rock and part gas. The sixth (now fifth) planet, which we call Jupiter, had more than 60 moons, but also had an oval comet (S/L-9), which orbited Jupiter every two years.

With the fall of Lucifer, our system suffered his wrath, as he blamed the earthlings for his failures. The fifth planet was turned to rubble (the asteroid belt), and much of the remaining debris was spewed all over our solar system, attempting to destroy as much as it could. This is a time of upheaval on Earth, for original humanity, as described in the first layer of Revelation 12:10 – 17. The remnants of life forms were given refuge in our hollow Earth. In Exodus 20:11 (…and all that is in them), God had already made preparations, and had also made provision for the place called “sheol”, which in the future would be occupied by the righteous souls on one side , and wicked souls in torment awaiting judgment on the other side. God saw “the end from the beginning.”

During this interval, and the others that followed, the Earth was barren and the Sun did not shine. Satan was not happy that there was no life form for him to interact with. However, soon began the fifth day of Moses (Genesis 1:20 – 23), which introduced Week One of the Restoration. This is the era that modern science calls the age of dinosaurs (245 million BC – 65 million BC). It was on this day that God created the plesiosaurs and liopleurodons, which Moses called “sea monsters” (not great whales). God also created archeopteryx (birds of the air) which Moses also saw. However, on the sixth (next) day of this week, God created the terrestrial dinosaurs and the second advent of mankind, but Moses was not shown that particular day.

This second coming of humanity seemed content to use the larger life forms as beasts of burden. It is unknown how far they advanced technologically. Satan tried the same tactics on them as he did on original humanity, but they didn’t capitulate either. By whatever means, terrestrial or extraterrestrial, Satan instigated the second great extinction, after becoming bored with humanity again, in the year 65 million BC.

During the next interval, the Earth was barren again and the Sun and stars did not shine. For Week Two of the Restoration (Genesis 1:24 – 31), Yehovah did something different on the sixth day of this week. It is on this day that God created herbivores (such as the eohippus) and giant mammals (such as the indricotherium). . Later on this day however, unlike the first two advents, this time God made mankind (male and female) in his own image, after his likeness, in 64+ million BC. In this era, specifically the Eocene Period, humanity built cities of stone, stone pestles, and mortar bowls, as discovered during the California Gold Rush (Table Mountain, Tuolumne County) in the mid-1850s. , about which modern science does not want to talk. on. Ask to see them at the University of Berkley.

Since humanity was now in the image of God, Satan changed his tactics and would soon attack humanity directly, trying to corrupt it. He began to accuse humanity, the first such case being that of a righteous man named Job. By revelation, the prophet Jeremiah wrote the book of Job, whose events occurred in the year 55 million BC. The “children of God” were the remnants of previous humanity, appearing during a visit from the Creator within the hollow Earth. However, Satan also came.

This advent of man lasted until 25 million before Christ. His existence came to an end through years of sin and corruption, followed by war. Satan indulged in what he felt was a great achievement, causing humanity to destroy itself. However, a remnant of humanity survived and joined those already in the hollow Earth.

During this next interval, in 24+ million BC, the Earth’s surface was again barren, and the Sun and stars did not shine, because they are signs given to humanity. Without humanity on Earth, a signal is worthless, because it cannot be seen. After this interval comes the Third Week of the Restoration (Genesis 2:1-3), with the fourth advent of humanity, represented by the seventh day. This is also the era of the prehistoric horses merychippus and pliohippus, which mankind first learned to ride.

Still, as hard as he tried, Satan wanted to possess the soul of humanity, but he couldn’t, at least not yet. The later offspring of the patriarchs (of this age) would succumb to Satan’s wiles, and evil would spread among the majority of the masses. Satan laughed when God sent a flood over the entire Earth, as a judgment to contain the wickedness of man, and a small remnant was saved to live within the Earth.

Yes, the Devil would laugh, thinking that he could obviate Yehovah’s pending judgment upon him. But the next age would bring the first prophets of God and set the stage for the end of Satan, as stated in Part 3.

Hermann Cummings

[email protected]

more than a little

The mountains around us are on fire. The fire actually started in Franschhoek, but was pushed across the mountains by wind. In five hours he was down Jonkershoek toward the city. Finally, the violent fire was contained.

Many people helped control the fire, but unfortunately some properties were damaged. Such fire can be devastating!

Still, I was amazed at how people came together. The needs were communicated in the WhatsApp group of our neighborhood. First, sugary drinks and energy bars for people fighting the fire.

Then came the requests for old furniture, beds, sheets and blankets, food, anything to help people rebuild their burned-down homes. Without hesitation, people raised their hands and said what they had. Would help? Where could they deliver the things?

Someone shared the bank details and the money began to arrive.

It was amazing to see how quickly people got involved in helping others and what a difference it makes in people’s lives when other people help out. Individuals wouldn’t have made much of a difference, but a few together made a huge impact.

This makes me think of a thread that can be easily broken when it’s just that thread. But when some threads are intertwined, it is not so easy to break.

Unfortunately, many people do not understand this simple formula. Some people are so self-focused that they don’t see the need around them. And so, people miss out on an opportunity for growth. A good opportunity to feel good. People become poorer when they don’t give.

Which leads to the instruction that we should not only do things to help others, but also encourage others to do good. We must help them develop a sensitivity to see the needs of other people. So we must help them to help those in need by carrying their load and easing their need.

This verse says it very well: 24 Let’s see how inventive we can be to foster love and help…

For many, this comes naturally. For others, it is not so easy to sow love and be good to others. That is why we must do good to others, and even more. We must give them such a good experience that the fire is lit in them to do good too.

Go and search for places. Keep quiet and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you to people who need a little encouragement to reach out to others. May the world be a different place, because we who receive so much share with others and in this way help others to also make a difference.

Then we will make much more than a little difference.

Holy Scripture

Hebrews 10:19-25


Do you do good to others?

Do you do good to others so that they do good to others?

Who do you have to serve next?


Father, I have not always understood this instruction. I thought I had to do good, but now I realize that I have to do good in such a way that others are also motivated to share Your grace with others. Help me live this commandment. This will have an even greater impact on Your world. I ask this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Astrology Compatibility: Why Sun Signs Cause Confusion

I have been a practicing astrologer for over 16 years, specializing in astrological compatibility. Being somewhat of a technophobe, I have largely avoided the internet for much of that time. However, all good things must come to an end, so here I am, now an avid online reader and writer. When time allows, I read and answer questions on various relationship astrology forums. Inevitably, I read threads that go like this:

I’m Leo, am I compatible with Aquarius?

Answer 1 — yes!

Answer 2 — no! I’m a Leo and I dated an Aquarius. We separated.

Answer 3: Relationship astrology is stupid. I spent 172 hours researching that every sun sign combination has had divorces.

Each of these answers is wrong, but in general each one will make people agree with it. In forums where votes are cast, one of these answers is usually selected as correct and archived for future generations of question seekers.

So what is going wrong here?

It seems that whenever astrology compatibility is discussed on the internet, sun signs are assumed to be the key to astrology. I suspect this is largely due to a desire to simplify, streamline, and condense everything. However, astrology is a subject where simplification often creates problems.

The sad reality is that there is so much more to people than their Sun sign, and if you want a ‘real’ answer to an astrology question, then you will need a real astrology reading. Going by Sun Signs alone is helpful to get a rough idea of ​​what to expect, but there are plenty of other planets that can override and trample someone’s Sun Sign traits. Each person and natal chart is unique.

This has led to an interesting situation where probably 80% of all the information on relationship astrology on the internet is basically wrong. To qualify that metric, if sun signs could be seen in a vacuum, then the data would be correct. In practice (and people ask that question to make decisions in real life, and not as a hypothetical exercise) it’s not that simple.

An interesting side effect of this seems to be a small army of Internet astrologers doling out packets of neat and tidy information on all aspects of sun signs. Why do they do this? Because the concept of keywords means that a potential visitor is not going to search for “Aquarius Sun, Leo Moon, Aries Mars, etc.”, but “Aquarius”, and woe to any article that dares to lose focus. ! going off topic with qualifications. Anything more complex than that will cause you to hit the browser’s back button, and pretty quickly.

Fair enough, maybe this is happening in all subjects. On the Internet, education is clearly student-directed, and educators are telling students what they ask, not what they need to know. Search engines force websites to satisfy the need for instant gratification.

The problem with astrology is that this obsession with sun signs is undermining the credibility of the subject. People are right to say “wait, I’m a Leo and I don’t get along with Sagittarius! This astrology stuff is useless!” Are professional astrologers also guilty of this? Yes, we are. Because otherwise no one would read our articles! However, it would be quite easy for astrologers to put a disclaimer or warning when replying to posts or writing articles, and maybe that’s the solution.

For more information on astrology compatibility, see http://www.compatible-astrology.com. Just be sure to read the disclaimers…

Motorcycling and Leadership Development

You don’t need to look any further than the motorcycle community to discover behind the leather and armor, it’s the best-in-class curriculum for leadership development. Ironically, while leadership experts have dissected Fortune 500 corporations to understand why they succeed, a community rooted in counterculture breeds leaders with the same qualities that organizations around the world seek.

While it’s true that cyclists love to get out on the open road and ride their bikes, the preparation, skills and experiences that allow that to happen safely also create leaders. Like any community, the individuals within it represent a variety of interests, perspectives, and preferences. What they share, beyond the physical and cognitive skills needed to operate their machines, are the following leadership skills and attributes:

  • independence. Riding a motorcycle is a solitary activity. When we’re riding, it’s us and our motorcycle. We need to be in tune and comfortable with who we are. Even when we travel in a group, we are alone with our thoughts, our fears and our beliefs. When we ride, only we make the decisions about how our motorcycle rides and where it’s going. As we successfully meet progressive challenges, the successes are ours to claim.
  • Change management. A walk is always an adventure to some extent. Things happen when we are out there. It starts to rain, there is gravel around a corner, someone cuts us off, a detour throws off our carefully planned route, our GPS stops working. The list is endless, and when we’re driving down the highway in a five hundred-plus-pound machine, things can develop quickly. We have to have our wits about us at all times. We learn to be prepared for the unexpected and to make quick decisions.
  • Risk management. Although non-cyclists seem compelled to recount horror stories and gruesome details of people who have been killed or maimed, cyclists are already aware of the risks. We accept them and prepare for them. By overcoming initial fears, often exacerbated by exaggerated and unfounded tales, we reap incredible rewards. Nobody knows what’s around the next corner. We have learned to assess the effects of weather, speed, road conditions, travel distances, and fatigue, and to respond accordingly.
  • Confidence. Cyclists have the courage to be who they are and not give in to stereotypes or be held back by being told they are too short, too weak, or too feminine, or they will never learn. Those whose first experiences are in midlife have had more time to accumulate fears that they need to overcome. But when they overcome any self-erected obstacles, the joy they experience is much greater.
  • sense of community. We all seek kindred spirits. Most new riders are in awe of the instant bond and the camaraderie and compassion between the riders. There is a common bond from which we not only draw strength as individuals, but also gather that strength to increase the cohesion of the community as a whole. Motorcyclists tend to contribute extraordinary amounts of time and effort to charitable causes, caring for those less fortunate, and giving back to the community.

The next time you see a motorcyclist, look beyond their gear and consider what they’ve had to accomplish to become who they are. Regardless of the personal or professional choices they have made, they share the above qualities. And who knows? You may just be looking at a community leader, CEO, Member of Parliament, or the wife of the Prime Minister!

Kitchen organizers that make mealtime a doddle

Preparing meals is often a rushed task, with time pressing before and after. When it’s hard to find spices or other foods, containers or utensils, meal preparation times can become frustrating events. But there are plenty of kitchen organizers available to make mealtime a doddle instead of a chore.

Keep spices close to the food preparation area by storing them in the spice stack. Three-thirds of this organizer holds twenty-seven full-size spice bottles or up to fifty-four half-size bottles. A drawer pulls out from each tier and swings down on hinges so you can see what’s in it. The drawers are color-coded so you can organize your spices even better, and the entire unit fits inside a standard-size kitchen cabinet.

If you have very limited space for your spice collection, consider the Spice Clip Set. This allows you to hang your spice bottles inside a cabinet door or on the wall near your meal prep area. The three tiers hold four bottles each, so you’ll have up to twelve bottles of spices within easy reach when you rush to prepare a meal.

Kitchen pants are great places to store a large number of canned goods and other foods. But it can often be a chore to dig through what’s there to find what you need. So why not keep the items you need most on hand? The Slim Slide Out Pantry sits between the refrigerator and the kitchen counter. The wheels give it an effortless glide so you can pull it out and quickly see and grab the exact item you need.

You can fit more canned food in one cabinet when you use the 3 Tier Can Rack. These racks feature three angled shelves that allow cans to roll down; the next can is always in front. The vinyl-coated wire racks hold sixty cans, so you’ll quickly see how much space you can save with these space savers. You’ll also love how quickly you can access what you need because you can easily see and reach it.

Another organizer that allows you to quickly see and access food when preparing food is the adjustable door shelf. Hung on the inside of the pantry door, this 67-inch-tall frame features seven wire baskets, each 5 1/2-inches deep. They can hold canned goods, cereal boxes, or other food—whatever you need to get to quickly. And that means faster food prep time.

Organizers aren’t limited to cabinets or the pantry. The fridge could use a little help, too, to help you quickly find what you need when it’s time to make dinner. The Fridge Roll Out Caddy keeps food readily available. Each wheeled bin rolls smoothly on your refrigerator’s glass shelves, allowing you to pull out refrigerator-depth items for quick viewing. Made from heavy-duty plastic, these caddies are also dishwasher safe.

Install the Stackable Rolling Water Bottle Rack inside your refrigerator to free up valuable space. You can store water or soda bottles on the gravity-fed shelves so the next bottle is always in sight and within reach. Stack a couple of these shelves together and you’ll find you still have plenty of shelf space on top of the top shelf. Smaller items like tubs of butter or cream cheese will fit perfectly in there, leaving other areas of your fridge free for taller items.

Who hasn’t occasionally wished they could turn refrigerated items to see what’s behind them? Place the Fridge Lazy Susan in your refrigerator and you’ll find yourself accessing commonly used items faster than ever. No more searching for that ketchup bottle or pickle jar. And not having to rummage means you’ll be more efficient when it’s time to make condiments for lunch. And this special organizer will stay in place thanks to the suction cups on its legs.

When it’s time to prepare a meal, you also need to get to your cookware and bakeware faster. Freestanding Bakeware Holder fits inside any cabinet and allows you to organize bakeware, serving trays, or platters. Made of rust-resistant, coated steel, this stand is durable and practical.

The Lid Shelf Organizer is just as useful. It sits inside a cabinet, allowing you to organize your pot lids or plastic lids for easy access. The rack is made of thick chrome wire for sturdiness and at 12.25 inches wide, you’ll have plenty of lids within easy reach.

These days, it’s easy, cheap, and fun to organize the kitchen. And an organized kitchen means an organized cook. With the right accessories, you’ll never feel like a rushed cook again…no matter how little time you have to prepare the next meal.

Cell Phone Tracking Features Explained

Anyone with a WAP-enabled phone can turn their mobile into a very effective tracking device. The technology now exists so that you can easily find your mobile phone and simply keep track of it, 24 hours a day. Mobile phone tracking can be useful for business or personal use and as long as there is a good signal and the mobile phone is turned on, phones can be tracked anywhere in the country.

Features offered by many mobile phone tracking providers will include:

Real Time Tracking – This will allow you to track the location of your designated mobile while on the go. Real-time tracking is a great service for businesses that need to coordinate deliveries, or for concerned parents who want to verify the location of their children. It’s also an excellent security device and means the police can track down and recover your phone if it’s stolen. By placing your mobile phone in your car, it can also serve as a real-time car tracker.

Tracking History – The ability to track trips is useful, especially for sales staff or mobile workers, as your tracking history means that for billing purposes, you’ll be able to check your travel history and easily complete your travel record. trips at the end of the month.

Timestamp – Marking and recording locations is valuable if you need to have proof of time and place. Messaging services would greatly benefit from this type of feature. The date and time stamp is proof of location and that a driver took a particular route.

Descriptive Location: A feature to give users a description of where they are is best when traveling to strange cities or vacationing in new locations. By checking your coordinates, you can find yourself quickly and effectively. This means never having to get lost again.

Automated Tracking – This mobile tracking feature allows you to define the times you want to check the location of a phone. You can select the required days, hours and frequency and then have an update email sent to you with the coordinates attached. It is not necessary to remember when to check the location of a mobile, since the system will do it automatically.

Internet login: the ability to check the location of your mobile phone over the Internet from anywhere. Whether you’re sitting at home, in the office, or on the go, you can log into your account and see exactly where your mobile phones are currently located. For senior executives and managers, being able to take stock of staffing situations or delivery roles can be essential to providing high-quality service to clients.

Feeling anxious about tackling potty training?

Today it would seem from the number of books available that mothers dread the idea of ​​potty training. You may have heard stories from your friends of whole-house disasters, broken new carpeting, and embarrassing moments at friends’ houses or in public places.

Yes, some accidents are unavoidable in the early days, but with a little advance planning and common sense, most can be avoided. Be prepared is the motto here. Always carry spare pants, clothes and wipes when you go out, or in the first few days you could use pull-ups, and reduce the hassle of occasional mishaps when going out or when baby is napping.

. For the occasions when the worst happens and there is a small accident, do not scold or criticize, have a good mood and take it easy. In retrospect, these accidents can seem quite funny.

The tales I’ve heard are of an expensive and beautiful cream rug throughout the floor repeatedly christened. Well, for the first few days of training, when it starts in earnest, the plastic sheeting might have covered the carpet or closed doors in certain rooms, it’s like letting a puppy access everyone’s shoes and then being surprised when they chew on it. . Don’t laugh at that moment, in front of your child, you probably don’t want to either, but it would create confusing messages.

If the worst happens, carpet cleaners are cheap to hire and effective. In fact I took care of one of my granddaughters during her first years and when she was first At birth he suffered from projectile vomiting after feedings. It wasn’t until we were advised to support her in a sitting position for half an hour after the shots that we were usually able to prevent it from happening. Yeah, and we had cream rugs too!

3 Reasons to Delay Potty Training

  • Even if you’ve decided that your little one is developed enough and ready to start potty training, there are times when your plan to start your program in earnest needs to be delayed.
  • If a child is constipated, they delay potty training or may associate potty training with discomfort, or delay its action and worsen constipation. If they are teething or unwell, they are unlikely to be cooperative. They may also have loose stools, which could make things difficult for them and could upset them with any mishaps.
  • If you’re too busy to spend time watching and playing with them, push it back to a more convenient date.

With some planning, potty training isn’t that hard. Ideally, when the baby is sitting comfortably, she will sit him on a small potty next to her lap after feeding or bath time and share a book or toys for a few minutes to get him used to sitting on a potty. Sometimes she will get results and make potty training easier when he or she is older than the baby and familiar with the potty. Be patient with her little one, it’s a whole new learning curve.

In search of good health

Fitness is not a destination, it is a way of life. Regular exercise is the most important thing you can do for your health, helping you control your appetite, improve your mood, and improve sleep. Being healthy and fit allows you to stay active and further increases your confidence and power of concentration. Staying healthy and fit is not difficult if you take it as the top priority. Maintaining the balance of thoughts, a nutritious diet, rigorous exercise, Yoga, an optimal level of sleep are actually the main factors that contribute to our well-being and a healthy and fit lifestyle.

Shake off your lethargy with a visit to the state-of-the-art gym at Ramada Resort, Kochi. Exercise and come out feeling charged. Keep up with your fitness routine while you’re out and about in our fitness center. Packed with cardio and resistance equipment and free weights, you can relax after a busy day in the city. At Ramada Resort we offer a fully equipped health club and other recreational facilities to keep you fit even on vacation or business travel. Open all day, well equipped and perfectly adapted to all health and fitness needs.

Ayurveda refreshment program

This general medical care package includes health assessment and advice on lifestyle and diet by the doctor, traditional massages (Herbal Soothe, Tranquility, Body Revive) and a proven Ayurvedic lunch and herbal teas to completely refresh the body and mind.

Duration: 3 days

Rejuvenation Program

This package includes detoxification and rejuvenation of the body through oils and herbal medicines, and is an effective treatment for tension and stress.

Duration: 90 minutes a day for 5 days, 7 days, 14 days or 21 days

Weight Loss Program

This package consists of body massage with special herbal powders and internal herbal medicine. This treatment helps to balance the metabolism of fats, which according to Ayurveda, is the best way to lose weight.

Duration: 90 minutes a day for 5 days, 7 days, 14 days or 21 days

Panchakarma (Detox) Program

This is a quintuple treatment that includes different massages, internal infusions and special therapies. It tones the body, mind and nerves, purifies the blood and improves mental and physical well-being.

Duration: 90 minutes a day for 5 days, 14 days or 21 days

Spine Care Program

This program includes special treatments for neck pain and low back pain in conditions such as spondylosis, spondylitis, etc.

Duration: 90 minutes a day for 5 days, 14 days or 21 days

skin care program

This treatment is to improve the complexion and tone the body and includes detoxification and beautification therapies. It is effective in conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, scabies, dermatitis, premature aging/hair loss, etc.

Duration: 90 minutes a day for 5 days, 14 days or 21 days

No more dry, itchy skin! 10 natural home remedies

Do you always feel like scratching your skin? Do you feel your skin dry all the time? One of the skin conditions that distress many people is itchy or dry skin. Based on the degree of roughness, it can be quite annoying. In reality, it can be intensely aggravating. Not only that, itchy and dry skin can also disrupt sleep and daily activities.

Some miscellaneous causes of itchy and dry skin include:

  • some medications

  • Detergents and soaps

  • Dry weather

  • skin infections

  • insect bites

  • Allergic reactions

The good news is that you can enjoy relief from dry, itchy skin from the comfort of your own home. Here are the top 10 natural remedies for dry, itchy skin:

1. Baking soda

Baking soda is not only effective in treating itchy skin but also rashes. It has a calming effect due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Also, it is a natural acid neutralizer, which is helpful in relieving itchiness.

2. Colloidal oatmeal

Simply put, colloidal oatmeal refers to the extremely fine powdered version of ground oats. This powder is highly effective in comforting and calming itchy skin. Contains calming, anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant properties. All these properties are great for providing instant relief from itching.


For centuries people have used lemon to treat itchy and dry skin. Lemon is rich in acetic and citric acids that have anti-irritant, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, and antiseptic properties. While lemon is effective in this regard, it is not recommended for people with sensitive skin.

4 milk

Milk has calming and anti-inflammatory properties. It is of great help in solving problems related to itchy and dry skin. Also, the lactic acid contained in milk is effective in exfoliating dead skin cells. By doing that, milk helps increase the skin’s ability to retain moisture. Also, milk is excellent for helping to lighten the complexion.

5. Coconut oil

One of the best home remedies to treat dry skin is coconut oil. It brings with it large amounts of fatty acids, which compensate for the loss of moisture from the skin. All you need to do is apply warm coconut oil to your face before going to sleep. In the morning, wash it off. By doing this every day, you will make your skin look soft and smooth.

6 honey

Honey is undoubtedly one of the best natural moisturizers. It is loaded with moisturizing, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. When you apply honey to your skin, it will be able to lock in moisture and make the skin softer and smoother. Honey is also great for relieving itchy skin.

7. Cold water

Itching and cold sensations travel along the same nerve fibers within the body. Therefore, applying cold water on the affected skin gives instant relief from any form of itchiness. You can rub ice cubes wrapped in a cloth on the affected areas. Alternatively, you can choose to take a cool bath or shower.

8. Cloves and Juniper Berries

When you use cloves and juniper berries together, they make a fantastic home remedy for treating itchy skin bumps. While cloves contain extremely powerful essential oils that are helpful in numbing nerve endings and relieving itching sensations, juniper berries have anti-inflammatory properties.

9. Yogurt

Yogurt has always been, and still is, a great moisturizing agent for the skin. Also, its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties are useful in helping to soothe itchy rashes and dry skin. The high dairy content of yogurt is effective in killing bacteria and germs, which can be the cause of itching or dryness.

10. Olive oil

Olive oil is rich in healthy fatty acids and antioxidants, which are great for the skin. This home remedy has the ability to condition and soothe dry skin all over the body.

Flaky, itchy, and dry skin affects many people. This is especially true during the winter. The cold, dry air of winter tends to suck the life out of silky smooth skin. Some of the other factors that can contribute to dry skin include genetic predisposition, nutritional deficiencies, and aging. The market has many moisturizers and lotions to combat itchy and dry skin. Unfortunately, most of them contain harmful chemicals or are expensive.

Home remedies are not only pocket friendly but are very effective when it comes to moisturizing and nourishing dry skin. The above are the top 10 natural remedies for dry and itchy skin.

How runners can stay motivated

As much as we love to run, there will be times when we don’t feel like running at all. We become lazy and less motivated. Are you experiencing this right now? In the last few days, have you started to find excuses not to exercise and not to exercise? Well, let’s get over this problem right now.

Remember the reasons why you run

Whenever you feel less motivated, remind yourself of the reasons you started running in the first place. Write down these reasons, either to get healthier or to lose weight, on a piece of paper and keep it in a safe place. Any time you feel less motivated to run, read this document and use it as a tool to inspire yourself to get out there and run.

Always prepare your undercarriage the night before

If you’re a morning runner, put on your running gear the night before. When you’re feeling less than motivated in the morning, the last thing you want to do is reach for your running clothes. If you’ve placed your running clothes next to your bed before you go to sleep, you’re more likely to start wearing them for running.

Participate for an event

Participating in an event is a great motivation for a runner. It doesn’t have to be a distance running event, you can choose events that are less intimidating, like a 5.1K run. Sign up for an event, set up a training plan, and stick to it. You may want to choose an event that has a charity program. This will allow you to focus more because you want to help raise money for your favorite charity.

run with friends

There are runners who can run alone because they love solitude. However, others need friends to keep them motivated. You can find running buddies by joining a running group or by asking your friends who also like to exercise. Training with others can be fun and empowering, especially when everyone has the same goals.

Listen to music

Upbeat, upbeat music can be very motivating. Music can give color during your run so you don’t get bored easily. A little reminder, don’t put the music volume too high, especially when you are running in the streets for safety reasons. It’s best to incorporate music into your run when you’re running in a safe indoor environment, such as on a treadmill at a gym.