
Powering future

Resistance vs acceptance in the MLM industry

Resistance vs acceptance in the MLM industry

No man, idea, or institution will become great until the Great Resistance is met. Greatness cannot be achieved until this concept is understood. It is true that what you resist will persist, especially when you resist a better method whose time has come.

In almost every field of activity – the arts, science, medicine, and business, most new ideas have always met resistance and rejection at first. The more unique and revolutionary the idea, the louder and louder the opposition. People have always been afraid and have even ignored the ideas and methods that can result in change. The fear of change caused the ridicule of Christopher Columbus, Louis Pasteur, Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein. There are other examples of how fear of change had an effect on progress.

In the 1800s, people bought what they needed in small family stores. Then a man named WT Grant had an idea that sparked a change. What if we combined all these separate little stores into individual departments under one roof, into one large store? A new and better way of doing things was born. Customers loved it. The sole proprietors who owned the “old-fashioned” retail stores saw their business decline. The shopkeepers defended themselves politically. There were thousands of them with thousands of votes, and they pushed for their right to do things the same way. They eventually got state and local governments to ban Grant’s department stores. Ultimately, Grant’s department store won. If there is a better way, it will persist.

In the early 1960s, franchises were a revolutionary new technology in business. He also met resistance. The newspapers and magazines wrote what was a scam and a franchise scam. Stories of people who lost their life savings due to some franchise were everywhere. There was a strong movement to outlaw franchises. In fact, franchises came within 11 votes of being banned by Congress. Today, this alleged scam is responsible for 34 percent of all retail sales in North America. Franchises today sell about $ 800 billion in goods and services. Every industry goes through an evolution similar to this one. Chiropractors were considered charlatans in the 1970s, the stock market was seen as murky and a form of gambling, and the first newspaper in British North America, the “Public Occurrence” (1690), was suppressed by the governor of Massachusetts. Now, we can hardly do without these industries.

The 21st century will record a brilliant history for the MLM industry and the establishment of a permanent place for anyone who chooses this way of life, which is the freedom to make our dreams come true, for ourselves, our children, and the millions left to make. . come.

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