
Powering future

Tongkat Ali stimulates the production of testosterone in the testicles

Tongkat Ali stimulates the production of testosterone in the testicles

Nature is a great teacher and represents the most powerful collection of forces that we know of. And a lot has been learned about nature, mainly by Asian cultures because they were the first people to develop a civilized society thousands of years ago. One of the most important lessons that nature has taught us is that everything is connected and, sadly, the majority of Western society still does not understand the importance of this fundamental law of nature. In Asian medical and healing practice, the mind and body are viewed and treated holistically and every effort is made to return the mind-body experience to its proper balance. The Western approach is arrogant because its doctors are committed to the view that they know better than nature and that somehow each symptom of a patient can and should be treated in isolation for total health outcomes.

This is clearly the case when looking at low testosterone levels that Asian cultures diagnose early with any occurrence of increased body fat and loss of muscle mass. Healing medications such as Tongkat Ali tree root extract will be prescribed and the patient will also be advised to do short bursts of intense weight training to make the brain direct the production of more testosterone.

The western physician will not even investigate the testosterone level unless the patient pressures him to do so and will use a multitude of highly addictive medications to treat complaints about depression, sexual dysfunction, diabetes, and circulation problems and if low levels of Testosterone is ever established, then synthetic hormones with all their attendant negative side effects are prescribed, which makes the patient have to continue with these drugs for life.

Tongkat Ali increases the natural production of testosterone in the testicles. Steroids shut down all natural production and shrink the testicles.

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