
Powering future

Month: December 2021

Do you know how to use reflexology to improve eyesight?

Our eyes are truly a precious gift from God. Only those who have been denied the gift of sight or those who have lost it truly understand its importance.

Reflexology has helped many through different stages of blindness. It cannot harm and is always of some benefit, even if it does not give a person perfect sight. Reflex massage always relaxes, no matter what you are using it for, and that in itself is good.

You can also bring more beauty to the eyes by reflex massage as directed.

Stimulate the kidneys to strengthen the eyes

Two of the most important organs that affect the normal function of the eyes are the kidneys.

To stimulate the kidneys, massage the reflexes in the center of the feet and also the hands.

Now let’s move on to the reflections of the eyes. Massage the reflexes just below the two toes next to the big toe where they attach to the foot, doing this massage on both feet. Use the same massage on both fingers next to the thumb. If they are sensitive, the reflexes need a massage to release certain blocks that affect the normal function of the eyes.

Massage the eye reflexes for a better view

Now we move on to the massage of the reflections near the eyes to correct many eye problems. If there is tension in the muscles around the eyes, they can pull on the eyeball, distort this shape and cut off circulation, causing myopia and hyperopia. Tight muscles in the eyelids sometimes cause friction on the eyeball which can lead to the formation of waterfalls. If the eye muscles at the back of the eye are tight, the drainage ducts will close tightly and will not empty properly. This can cause a build-up of fluid resulting in Glaucoma.

To loosen the eye muscles, take your middle fingers and massage the highlights under both eyes. Press as you go and feel your muscles tense. When you find that a muscle is tight, you will likely also find a hard spot or feel the muscles breaking under your fingers. When it stimulates the reflexes in the eyes, it immediately brings renewed energy and life to your eyes.

Don’t do this very often in the beginning. When you overstimulate your eyes, it can give you a terrible headache. Do this just once the first day – then build up as you feel like you can, without overstimulation. This is valid for the other eye reflex massages and also for the eye exercises that I will give you later.

Move on to the bones at the top of the eyes and repeat the procedure. It may be easier to use your thumbs for this position. Work through the muscles and not with them when doing this massage.

Take your middle finger or thumb and work through the muscles at the top of the nose starting deep in the eye socket. You will probably find this very cute, but remember our motto,

“If it hurts, clean it up”

Do this for both eyes: then go over the forehead muscles just above the eyebrows. If you feel a hard core or tight band, you know you’ve encountered a tight muscle that can restrict the natural flow of electrical energy through reflexes. It is likely to be quite sensitive because vital vital line circulation is blocked by these hard or sensitive areas.

Massaging these highlights around the eyes can also help correct bulging eyes, eyes that are painful or sensitive to light, and skewed eyes caused by muscle tension.

Please give it a try and you will be surprised how better it feels.

Why is he the lion king of the jungle?

It is not the largest of the feline species. Siberian tigers are larger than African lions. In fact, it is not even the largest in the jungle. There are many other animals like elephants, rhinos that are bigger. So why is the lion considered the king of the jungle? I wondered about this for quite some time during my childhood. In fact, they are quite sociable and live in groups called pride. There are about 10-15 lions in a pride and of them only 2-3 are fully grown lions. Others are lionesses and cubs.

There are many stories told here in India about what the lion’s share is. Actually, when lionesses are on a pride hunt, the lion comes in after the fact and takes a share of the kill. That is called the Lion part. This disappointed me in childhood. Not very macho on the part of the big man, right? So, is it just the mane that makes it look majestic? But I have a healthy respect for the older generation and their views that develop over the years of experience. No one has seriously questioned the fact that lions are the kings of the jungle. So there must be some reason why they are considered kings.

The lionesses are the ones who hunt and are mainly the ones who sustain the pride. They are smaller and more athletic and hunt smart. Male lions will hunt only when necessary and when alone away from the pride. But they are incredibly powerful and can take down prey that will take 4-5 lionesses to kill.

There are various videos on YouTube and elsewhere on the internet that give you a clearer picture of these magnificent creatures. There is a video in which a lioness tries to catch a wildebeest from a pride. But despite his experience due to the large number of people, he cannot do it. And as the filming continues, a male lion comes out of nowhere and among 100 strong wildebeest fleeing simply plucks a prey. He was horrified to see this. Just the display of courage and strength is impressive to watch.

There is another video showing a group of wild buffalo attacking a pair of lions and lionesses. The big man turned on the buffalo and showed a courage that I can’t imagine any other animal on earth has. He just kept them away with guts, power, and determination. Nobody, just nobody in this world can do this.

There are various speculations about what will happen if a lion and a tiger of the same size fight. The tiger, although it is a powerful animal, cannot really defeat the king. See the available videos. Lions are just fighting machines, born fighters who are destined to lead and have courage. The tigers although better hunters; it cannot outlast lions because lions have stamina for a longer duel. In any case, these two magnificent creations of nature are not often found because tigers live in the jungles and lions in the grasslands.

It would be a tragedy if these creatures weren’t there for the next generation to see. Although efforts are made to protect them, human curiosity is also something to consider during protection.

Best budget smartphones under 15K

Living in this modern age of smartphones is great. But choosing to buy a smartphone from a wide range of options is a difficult task. You no longer have to poke a hole in your pocket with any of those expensive smartphones. There are many brilliant inexpensive phones that serve as alternatives. Some have great performance with good looks, while others focus on quality and camera. We went through a few and made a list of the best smartphones under 15,000.

1) Lenovo Z2 Plus by Lenovo

Lenovo Z2 Plus is undoubtedly one of the best smartphones under 15000. You can choose between 3GB or 4GB RAM with 32GB internal storage. The screen is Full HD with a screen size of 5 inches. The rear camera is 13MP and the front camera supports 8MP for all those beautiful selfies.

The Lenovo Z2 is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor and is powered by a 3500 mAh lithium-ion battery. For the price, it’s probably one of the few power-packed smartphones with great features and user experience.

2) Moto G5 Plus by Motorola

Motorola’s Moto G5 Plus is the most anticipated and best camera phone under 15000. Sleek but powerful, the phone is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 processor and 3000 mAh battery. It has an internal storage capacity of 4 GB of RAM and 32 GB of ROM that can be expanded to 128 GB.

With a 5.2-inch Full HD screen, the Moto G5 plus flaunts a metal unibody design. It has a 12MP rear camera and a 5MP front camera with dual autofocus. Although this phone is a bit over budget, it is excellent value for money given its design, battery, and camera features.

3) Xiaomi Redmi Note 4

Xiaomi’s Redmi Note 4 is one of the latest smartphones under 15000. This beauty has a 5.5-inch HD screen that has a good display quality. It has 3GB of RAM and a 32GB internal ROM with storage that can be expanded up to 128GB.

The Redmi Note is Xiaomi’s most popular series. The Redmi Note 4 is powered by a 4100 mAh lithium polymer battery, with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 64-bit processor. What sets this phone apart are the extra features like fingerprint passwords and the use of dual apps with a second space.

4) Lenovo K6 power from Lenovo

With ever-increasing competition, Lenovo enters as one of the top 10 smartphones under 15000 with its K6 power model. It is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 processor and runs on 3GB ROM. The internal memory is 32 GB with expandable storage up to 128 GB.

Lenovo K6 power has a 13MP rear camera and 8MP front camera that captures beautiful images. The phone has a 5-inch HD screen that is capable of taking sharp images. The most impressive feature of the K6 power is undoubtedly the 4000 mAh lithium polymer battery which makes way for a long lasting battery.

5) The LeEco Max2

The Max2 is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor and is powered by 4GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage. Although the internal storage is not expandable. It has a 5.7 inch Quad HD display that is capable of producing sharp images on the screen.

The Le Max 2 runs on Android 6.0 and is powered by a non-removable 3100 mAh lithium-ion polymer battery. Battery life is approximately 10-12 hours if used efficiently. With a 21 MP rear camera and an 8 MP front camera that takes impressive pictures, the Le Max2 takes a special place as one of the best smartphones under 15,000.

While this is just a small list, there are several makes and models that may interest you. If you ever feel confused when choosing a smartphone, always choose the one that best suits your needs.

Is it a fatal attraction? 5 warning signs

Some of us enter into relationships in which we practically destroy them because we ignore the initial warning signs that the person we are attracted to is an emotional train wreck or a time bomb.

Too often we indulge in physical, mental, or sexual attraction only to end up heartbroken, angry, bitter, vindictive, or stuck on an emotional roller coaster.

These five warning signs will help you know early on if he / she is an emotional train wreck or a time bomb:

1. Has superficial emotions: is quick to share too much early in the relationship, to say “I love you”, to want to marry or commit to you. Usually in less than a few weeks of dating someone, you will hear that you are the love of their life, that they want to be with you forever, and that they want to marry you. You will be overwhelmed with instant attraction, endearing names, and overwhelmed with attention and promises. Remember the old saying “If it’s too good to be true, it probably is (too good to be true)!” Quick warm-up is always a sign of shallow emotions that then cause her to separate from you as quickly as she committed.

2. Can’t handle emotions: Easily emotionally overwhelmed and holds a grudge, clings to bitterness, can’t handle frustration, criticism, or rejection. On first dates, you will often hear stories of what others do or did to him / her and how “evil” the world is, etc. But these stories quickly revolve around what you are doing or not doing and what is hurting you emotionally. The relationship becomes one of blaming, accusing, arguing, explaining, defending yourself, trying to convince him to feel different about this or that, etc. You feel like you are constantly walking on eggshells.

3. Does not show emotions: does not get emotionally involved, is not emotionally expressive (for example, has trouble getting excited about things) and does not sympathize with the pain of other people. To put it coldly, it’s emotionally bland and cold. From the first date, he will play with your emotions: he is late, he promises to call you but he does not, he agrees to meet and “forgets” to call you to cancel, “forgets” the things that are important to you, and so on. Most of the time you are not sure where they stand regarding their feelings for you. When confronted, you may admit that you don’t really feel anything for you, and you do so very coldly.

4. Prone to emotional outbursts (short fuse): Explodes easily, yells or is rude to a waiter / waitress, customer service people, other drivers and even perfect strangers or does dangerous things like driving too fast because / she is angry, breaks / throws things, gets into fights, threatens others, etc. He / she is clearly letting you know that he / she has that ability and ability, and that it could come your way. There will come a time when he / she will have no one to vent to and you will be the obvious and soft target. And it’s not just the men. Women may not necessarily be physical with her temperament, but every sentence she utters and the many lies she can make up are just as hurtful.

5. Use emotions to manipulate – Create situations in which you become the center of attention – everything is exaggerated and distorted in dramatic proportions. This playing the victim as being persecuted by others (“I am a very misunderstood person”); feigning or exaggerating an illness or causing or causing an injury (for example, he / she appears with bruises and cuts and expects you to feel bad for him / her and even take care of the injury), etc. You find yourself spending all your time trying to make him feel good about himself. The more attention you pay to it, the more plans it will come up with. It’s like trying to fill a bottomless pit!

Take a few words of wisdom from someone who has been there: If it doesn’t fit, don’t force it.

If you are emotionally healthy yourself, your emotions are your source of energy for making good decisions, reading and dealing effectively with other people’s feelings, optimizing your ability to have healthy relationships, enjoy work, and enjoy life.

After Eyelid Surgery I Can’t Close My Eyes – Help!

Eyelid plastic surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is typically a very safe and rewarding procedure that will leave you looking and feeling great. It is extremely important that you choose a surgeon who specializes in cosmetic eyelid surgery to ensure that you receive the best possible treatment. However, there is always the small chance that something will go wrong in any surgery, and you need to know what to do if you experience complications.

This is a rare problem, but very serious if you really have it. Temporary swelling is a normal response to surgery, and this may mean that closing your eyes requires extra effort and your eyes are drier than usual. If you have dry eye after eyelid surgery, be sure to use eye drops as directed by your doctor to improve irritation in your eyes. Since the swelling is temporary, this problem should resolve soon and your eyelid will quickly return to normal function.

After about six weeks, the postoperative swelling should have subsided and the dry eye symptoms should disappear. However, sometimes overly aggressive surgery can cause long-term damage that can even make existing dry eye symptoms worse. This can happen when too much skin and / or muscle is removed from the upper eyelid, which means that your eyes may not close completely at night when you are relaxed and not thinking about them. Fortunately, this is a concern that can be addressed as long as you are sure to see a doctor about this problem. If you are unable to fully close your eyelids, either awake or asleep, it is recommended that you be evaluated by a fellowship-trained ophthalmologist or plastic eyelid surgeon, who is a board-certified ophthalmologist specially trained in eyelid plastic surgery.

What type of treatment do I need?

This depends on the exact nature of your problem and the unique individual circumstances. Surgery may damage the same nerves that supply the muscle you use to close your eye, thereby weakening your blink reflex. This can occur when skin and muscles are removed at the time of eyelid surgery. The result is that you may not be blinking fast enough or forcefully to close your eye completely. This means that your eyelids will not be able to properly move tears around the surface of the eye to keep it moist.

The first method of treatment here is to increase the frequency of the eye drops and perhaps use an ophthalmic ointment based on what your doctor prescribes. Your surgeon may recommend the temporary use of a plug to close your tear drains to help keep your eyes moist. When these measures are not adequate to restore comfort to the eyes, it is time to consider reconstructive eyelid surgery. Your original surgeon will likely be eager to resolve your concerns. When possible, we recommend that you seek the help of your original surgeon. However, if you are no longer comfortable with your eye plastic surgeon or are concerned that your need exceeds your skill set, it is a good idea to seek multiple opinions.

This is especially important when your surgeon is not an eye plastic surgeon, but is trained in some other surgical specialty. The first task of the second opinion consultation is to determine what the basis of the problem is and if all the appropriate medical measures have been taken to improve the comfort of the vision. You likely have a variety of options depending on the severity of your problem. In some cases, you may need an eyelid reconstruction to help you repair the eyelid surgery. The goal of any solution is to make the lids close together easily and to allow enough closing force to help spread the tears over the surface of the cornea.

You need an experienced oculofacial plastic surgeon

Your surgeon should always work carefully and operate conservatively to minimize the risks of surgical complications and ensure natural results. It is true that prevention is the best treatment, but if you are already suffering from the effects of overly aggressive eyelid surgery, then you need a solution to reverse the damage you have already suffered. Now is the time to find a doctor with specialty, training, education, and experience in eyelid surgery repair.

If your relationship with your surgeon has deteriorated for any reason or if you are concerned about your physician’s abilities in this particular area of ​​expertise, we urge you to exercise your best judgment and seek a second or third opinion. This is a good idea even if you have been told in the past that there is nothing wrong or that nothing can be done. There are times when it makes sense to switch to a doctor who dedicates a large part of his or her practice to reconstructive eyelid surgery to correct previous treatment.

5 great kitchen and bathroom countertop options for 2021

Greatly designed kitchens and bathrooms with aesthetic appeal are essential aspects of modern homes. The year 2021 is expected to bring even more innovations in this area, as people would supposedly spend more time in their respective homes. As more and more people explore their culinary skills, kitchens have become their favorite mini picnic spot. A spacious kitchen built with ergonomics in mind is nicely complemented by a good kitchen worktop. All of these add up to make your dining experience enjoyable and worthwhile. Similarly, a wise selection of your bathroom countertops can give you a look that stands out. Let’s look at some of the bathroom / bathroom countertop options that promise to be all the rage in 2021.

  1. Quartz and quartzite countertops: Quartz countertops are increasingly becoming the most sought after option for kitchen countertops. Quartz is actually a natural stone; however, it is designed to make it a great choice for your countertops / countertops, proving to be even more durable than granite and marble. These countertops are made in such a way that they become scratch resistant and non-porous. As they are not absorbent, they do not collect stains. Apparently they require almost no maintenance. Plus, you have a wealth of options when it comes to choosing the colors, patterns, and shades of your quartz countertops. A great choice is certainly a boost to your luxurious and elegant lifestyle. However, keep in mind that they are not a good choice for outdoor kitchens because they will gradually lose colors in the sun. Quartzite countertops are also widely used; however, they are different from quartz in a way that they are not designed and are natural stones like granite and marble. Quartzite is formed by natural pressure and heating and is made up of more than 90% quartz. While it is quite hard, it is also porous in nature, which means that it can absorb liquids and pick up stains. Additionally, complex quartzite installations are more expensive because natural stones require custom cuts due to their additional hardness. Therefore, quartz is more likely to be preferred over quartzite countertops.
  1. Porcelain countertops: Americans are always looking for a different and elegant surface for their countertops. As a result, porcelain countertops are becoming increasingly popular in America. They have already been among the coveted countertop options in Europe. Non-porous ceramic clay is fired at extremely high temperatures to produce porcelain countertops. This makes them resistant to scratches, cracks, heat, and UV rays. Considering that they are protected from UV rays, they are also a good option for outdoor kitchens. However, porcelain countertop patterns are not as deep as granite and marble countertops. Also, since they are mainly imported from Europe, they may not offer very good value for money compared to quartz countertops. However, it will continue to be in demand due to its uniqueness.

  2. Soapstone countertops: Soapstone countertops are high-quality, low-maintenance countertop options. Soapstone is again a natural stone made from quarry stones and there are fewer color options to choose from and yet it offers impressive design options. Color options range from white to charcoal with no pink, blue, or green options available. Soapstone is non-porous and hard, making it scratch and stain resistant, and it doesn’t even crack easily. Considering that they assure you over 20 years of durability, they certainly become a fashionable option for your kitchen and bathroom countertops.

  3. Marble countertops: Marbles are widely used as kitchen and bathroom countertops. Marbles are metamorphic rocks and acquire a crystalline nature due to their formation by recrystallization. This makes them suitable for polishing. Their dazzling appearance and ultra durability make them timeless, classic, and highly sought-after as kitchen and bathroom countertops. However, they are softer than granite and more porous in nature, making them more vulnerable to stains and scratches. Still, their profitability will keep them in demand as ever.

  4. Granite countertops: The popularity of granite may have dropped a bit due to the quartz; however, it is still popular. While granite kitchen countertops are commonplace, granite bathroom countertops are highly sought after as well. This natural stone is exceptionally durable and heat resistant. It also comes in various colors and textures and is easily available in black, blue, green, and red, etc. So there is no shortage of options to choose from and its budget friendliness is a bonus. However, they require sealing from time to time as they are porous in nature. Still, they will continue to offer a great alternative and bring great value to your home.

How to become a successful student

All students want to be successful, plus, who doesn’t? But schools seem to ask so much of students that they find success so vague and out of reach. Well, as the old maxim goes, all the qualities that a successful man has can be acquired by anyone, all it takes is guts and perseverance.

A common problem for students is meeting the deadline of their requirements. For some, writing essays and final papers is very challenging, even impossible. But with the right dedication and a competitive spirit, good quality production can be created. Others find it difficult to seek resources when doing their final papers or writing their essay, especially when they have little or no knowledge on the subject. So how can students overcome these problems?

The first is the first. Organizing your time correctly can help you meet deadlines and finish your work early. Making a priority list may help. Write down all the things you need to do within a specific timeframe and rank which comes first and how important they are. Be determined to follow the plan you made and not waste a single second of your time.

Ask for help. If writing is difficult for you, don’t get so anxious and / or depressed. There are many resources where you can get ideas and insights on what to write. A more efficient way is to browse archives and libraries, either online or in offices. They are of great help to everyone. They not only help you work with your homework, but also give you more knowledge about the world and gain many useful experiences. Asking people with more experience for help is also a great way to be successful. What books can’t teach you, people can. Often we have questions whose answers cannot be found in books, but can only be taught with experience. But that doesn’t mean you have to experience them; it is not necessary to touch the fire to know that it is hot. That is why other people exist, so they can help you by sharing what they know.

Wanting to be successful is an innate attribute of man. Who cares if people call you ambitious? The most important thing is that you follow your dream. Success begins as soon as you solve it and keep working on it, despite failure. Consider what Thomas Edison said: “I didn’t fail; I just found 1000 ways that don’t work.” So when you fail the first time, don’t give up. Keep trying. Perseverance is the key to everyone’s success.

Flash Game Whooly 2

Flash games are a great way to spend your free time on the computer. The flash game Whooly 2 offers you a lot in terms of different graphics and scenes. Your character looks like a little fox trying to get his spaceship back. You go through each level collecting the different treasures to get to the spaceship and rescue it. You have to overcome some bad guys and know how to jump through each level.

This flash game also has collectible hearts that give you lives. You also collect stars to get points throughout the game. You want to try to collect all the stars. In this flash game you will also have to dodge the creatures that can end your life. These include crabs and snakes as the bad guys.

Controlling your character is also very easy in this free flash game. To get around, all you have to do is use the arrow keys. To jump, simply press the up arrow and to shoot press the control button. Hence, this flash game has made it very easy to navigate each level and advance through the game with ease.

Playing free flash games can offer you a lot in the gaming world. Even if you don’t think that playing a free flash game can offer you much in the gaming world, you will be pleasantly surprised by the Whooly 2 flash game.

You will get great graphics, interesting characters, and fun music to listen to while playing the game. Once you sit down and start playing this free flash game, you will have more fun than you probably expected. This is a great game for young children and even serious gamers looking for a break from the everyday grind.

This is a flash game that you can be happy to let your kids play. It is fun and not difficult to play. They will be able to sit back and enjoy a fun game that you won’t have to worry about them playing. Even the violence that is involved in the game is not typical violence. It is done in a way that is fine for the younger generation to be able to play.

Playing free flash games can be a lot of fun. At first, you may think that they are cheesy and not as up-to-date as the games you can play online. Once you start playing flash games, you will have a great time and enjoy a break from the rat race.

If you are looking for free flash games or just free games to play online, all you need to do is do a little research. So if you want to play flash games, check out the flash game Whooly 2. This is a flash game that is a lot of fun and will keep you busy for hours.

Hot tub maintenance: keep the water clean and sparkling

Hot tub maintenance is required to keep the water clean and sparkling. This will enhance your enjoyment of your spa. Although maintenance can take some time, it is worth the effort to have a clean and healthy spa that you can immerse yourself in after a long day at work.

There are many reasons why your hot tub water can be cloudy, too foamy, discolored, or cause skin irritation. Most of these can be cleared up very quickly with testing and adding the proper chemical component to the hot tub water. A few tips will enhance your enjoyment of the hot tub …

Cloudy water

– Try cleaning the filter to remove dirt and particles.

– It can also have a high level of total dissolved solids (TDS). If this is the case, it is recommended that the hot tub be completely drained and refilled.

– Test the pH level in the tub. If it is not at the correct level, use the pH solution to bring it to the correct level.

– If you have a high calcium level, drain the tub halfway and then refill – If there are dissolved solids in the water, add a little clarifier to do the trick.

– If you have a high level of bacteria, you should add a little disinfectant to the water.

Discolored water

– If the water starts to turn brown, green, yellow, discolored, or dirty, you may have several problems.

– You may have a high mineral count to which you will need to add a stain and tartar preventative.

– Test the alkaline level and add pH or Alkalinity to the hot tub water to clarify it. Yellow water generally means that there is a low pH and a pH or Alkalinity Up needs to be added. – Check the sanitizer level and add a little more if it is low. Green water can indicate algae growth which can be deterred by adding disinfectant.

White scaly deposits

– White scale deposits indicate a low level of disinfectant in the water. This can be improved by simply adding a few.

Excessively foamy water

– The water is very soft.

– The water is contaminated.

– The water has a high TDS level.

– Add a stain and scale preventative, pH or Alkalinity Up and disinfectants to the water.

Ring around the hot tub

– Filtration problems. Check the filters and clean them thoroughly. This is the most common reason.

– Too many oils present in the water. Add a chemical cleaner like Natural and Clear or Scum Bug to clean the ring quickly.

Skin irritations after soaking

– Reduction of the level of disinfectant. Try this and add sanitizer if necessary. If your skin is sensitive to this, always wait twenty minutes before entering the Jacuzzi.

– Staying too long in the hot tub or submerging too long at too high temperatures. Consult manuals, dealer or doctor for duration of use and temperature.

And you thought you’d be working all night in the hot tub 🙂

Wear proper protective gear when handling spa chemicals and cleaning filters. And wait the recommended time after adding chemicals or cleaners. But the most important thing is that you take a break from your work and enjoy the benefits of your now spotless and sparkling hot tub.

Intestinal Candida: Is It The Cause Of Belly Fat And Bloated Feeling?

Does your belly feel bloated often? Are you finding it difficult to lose belly fat? You may have intestinal Candida symptoms. Our current diets can encourage Candida overgrowth, leading to health problems, especially in the digestive tract.

When yeast or candida multiply beyond normal levels in the body, they can threaten the immune system. Sometimes we don’t realize that we are feeding yeast and causing Candida overgrowth. Intestinal Candida can cause bloating, gas, and cramps. Candida overgrowth can also cause desperate cravings for sugar and carbohydrates that cause belly fat.

If Candida is fed and grown, it can penetrate organs, multiply, and invade the digestive tract, nasal passages, tongue, and vagina. Candida can produce a by-product called acetaldehyde and it is the same compound responsible for the hangover effect. Acetaldehyde is a toxin and can build up in the muscles, brain, and spinal cord. It will cause aching muscles, fuzzy thoughts, and pain.

Common symptoms of Candida overgrowth:

* Bloating or abdominal flatulence

* Unexplained fatigue

* Recurrent candidiasis and cystitis

* Food cravings, especially sugar and bread (carbohydrates).

* Fungal infections of the skin or nails, athlete’s foot, psoriasis.

* Headaches

* Acne

* Rectal itching

* Chemical and food sensitivities

* Endometriosis

* Abdominal bread

* Numbness, tingling, and weak muscles.

* Constipation

* Muscle aches, joint pain.

* Blurry vision

* Earaches

* Recurrent sore throat and stuffy nose

* Difficulties with gaining or losing weight.

* Symptoms are worse in humid climates or places, moldy environments

* Alcohol intolerance

* Mood swings, feeling of space, memory loss and depression.

Reducing Candida can be challenging, but it can be done. You can’t completely get rid of Candida, but you can stop the overgrowth through diet and nutrition.

Foods that contain yeast and you should avoid:

Cakes, breads, biscuits, crackers, muffins, buns, pastries, filling mixes, breadcrumbs, soy sauce, nuts, all fermented beverages such as beer, spirits, wine cider and malted products, vinegars, miso , tempeh, tofu, smoked meats and fish, processed meats, and peanuts.

You should avoid eating sugar, nuts, and some natural fruits at first. Some people cannot eat fruit at all. You must see how your body responds. Avoid alcohol as it turns into pure sugar and will feed the yeast. Avoid refined carbohydrates that easily convert to sugar. These foods are usually white flour products and processed foods. Try to eat natural and organic food, especially a lot of vegetables.

In the beginning, when you are not eating the usual foods your Candida is used to, it can suffer from life-threatening effects. Candida is protesting and clamoring for more food to feed the yeast. Side effects can include headaches, aches and pains, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, and excess mucus. The effects of death can mimic everything you are struggling to get rid of, but stand your ground and know that the new diet is working.

In no time these side effects will pass. It’s your body’s way of saying “we’re fighting candida, so please don’t feed the yeast!”