
Powering future

Month: August 2023



Telegram 是世界上最受欢迎的消息应用程序之一,允许用户与朋友和家人共享所有类型的文件。 这款多功能应用程序提供了多种功能,使其不仅仅是一个简单的信使,例如频道、群组和可编程机器人。


Telegram 还允许您保存在聊天中收到的所有文件,如果您想保留它们供以后使用或需要与其他人共享它们,这将非常有用。 您甚至可以下载和存储大文件,当您需要在设备之间传输它们时,这会很有帮助。

在计算机上使用 Telegram 有多种方法,包括使用网络版本或下载适用于 Windows 和 Mac 的官方应用程序。 最好的开始方法是将手机上的 Telegram 应用程序与桌面同步。 这将允许您查看 PC 上的所有消息、音频和视频文件以及图像。 您还可以访问保存的聊天记录和表情符号以及数千个贴纸。


Telegram 应用程序还提供以其支持的任何语言翻译消息的功能。 要启用此功能,请前往“设置”并点击“翻译”。 然后,选择要使用的语言并点击任意聊天或群组中的翻译按钮。 该应用程序将自动检测消息的语言并将其翻译为您选择的语言。 您还可以通过从同一菜单的列表中选择某些语言来从翻译中排除它们。

免费版 Telegram 提供此功能,但您可以通过高级订阅获得额外福利。 例如,您可以实时翻译整个聊天内容。 如果您正在与来自不同国家的人交谈或试图理解不熟悉的语言,这会派上用场。 唯一的缺点是翻译功能使用谷歌的服务器,这可能会影响某些用户的隐私问题。

另一个很酷的功能是能够将标准表情符号变成动画头像。 这将使它们更具个性并让它们使用起来更有趣。 您可以通过转到“设置”并点击“表情符号”来启用此功能。 从那里,您可以在各种样式和动画之间进行选择。

Telegram 是一个提供端到端加密的安全消息传递平台。 这意味着除非拥有您的密钥或密码,否则没有人可以阅读您的消息。 该服务还提供了帮助您保护隐私的工具,例如自毁聊天记录和密码锁。 然而,使用任何消息应用程序都存在一些风险,包括恶意软件。 黑客可以利用任何信使来传播恶意软件,包括附件和链接。 因此,务必保持谨慎,避免点击可疑链接或下载附件。 在使用任何消息应用程序时,您还应该始终使用 VPN。

Air Purifier For Laser Cutting

Air Purifier

Laser cutting machines use a laser to cut or engrave materials, such as wood and plastic. They can also be used to cut leather, paper and even metal. When using a laser cutter, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and wear the proper safety equipment. In addition, an air purifier for laser cutting can help to reduce the harmful smoke and fumes created during the process. This air purifier can filter out PM2.5, PM10, formaldehyde, TVOC, and odors to protect your health.

If you are looking for a high-quality air purifier for laser cutting, consider the Glowforge Pro from MakerGear. It looks like a standard printer but has the ability to cut and engrave wood, tiles, metals, ceramics, leather and paper. Its design keeps any mess inside the machine, and it can be controlled via a bespoke app that is compatible with most operating systems. In addition, the Glowforge Pro can work at a much faster rate than most other models on this list.

Another great option for laser cutters is the xTool P2. This model is smaller and more limited than the Glowforge Pro, but it is still suitable for most users. It features a 0.00199mm accuracy and a workspace that can be expanded to 400 x 115 mm with the purchase of a tray accessory (sold separately). It can be operated using cloud-based software, or offline software such as K40 Whisperer and Lightburn.

Air Purifier For Laser Cutting

The xTool P2 has a number of upgrades available, including a honeycomb work table, rotary attachment, and air assist kit, to name just a few. It can also be powered by a water pump and has a large radiator to keep it cool and prevent overheating. Moreover, the machine is very easy to set up, and the user manual includes clear instructions for the process.

Unlike the other laser cutters on this list, the base X7 Pro does not come with an air assist. This can make it more difficult to work with materials such as plywood, which require thick cuts that create a lot of smoke and other particles. If you want to work with these types of materials, consider purchasing an air assist kit from Atomstack.

The WIZMAKER AP1 is a great air purifier for laser cutters because it removes harmful gases from the workplace and prevents them from causing further pollution. The AP1 has a 3-layer filter element that can eliminate PM2.5/PM10/formaldehyde/TVOC from the workspace, keeping you and your family healthy while working on laser cutting projects. The AP1 is also portable, making it ideal for small workshops. The filter element can be replaced in just three steps, and it offers a long service life of about 3-6 months. This makes it a good investment for laser cutting and other types of DIY projects. The AP1 is also energy efficient, so it will not raise your electricity bills when in operation.

The Carbon Credit Exchange and the Carbon Trading Desk

As companies commit to cutting carbon emissions, the market for trading credits is growing. Purchasing a credit can help an emitter offset the equivalent of one ton of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The credits are created through projects that reduce emissions, such as reforestation and afforestation or by investing in clean technology that helps reduce energy consumption.

But with no centralized exchanges and a fragmented ecosystem of standards, projects, and brokers, it can be difficult for trading firms to determine which are high-quality versus low-quality credits. Additionally, over-the-counter trade is a time-consuming process, making it inefficient and expensive for businesses to participate.

The first carbon.credit exchange on a formal exchange, the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), was launched in 2009. It was a public market that allowed participants to buy and sell emissions reductions and credits that could be used as substitutes for fossil fuels. The CCX ultimately failed due to its market design flaws, which included a flooding of the market with offsets that unbalanced supply and demand, a lack of clear rules on how to meet emissions reduction targets, and negligible penalties for failing to comply.

Despite its ills, the market for voluntary carbon markets (VCM) remains large. Last year saw a record $1 billion worth of transactions, and commodities giants Vitol, Glencore, and Trafigura all opened carbon trading desks to take advantage of the growing interest. But illiquidity, the lack of price discovery and pricing transparency in the VCM, is threatening the success of these efforts.

This is partly due to the influx of new players, such as banks, investment funds and big industrials that want to offset their own emissions or those of their clients. But also because of speculative trading by third parties seeking gains from a growing market. The market needs a radical overhaul, says Gilles Dufrasne, who leads the Carbon Market Watch, an advocacy group for the sector.

A key part of the solution lies in introducing a central carbon exchange. This would improve market liquidity, reduce costs and volatility and make it easier for traders to calculate the emissions associated with their trades on a trade-by-trade basis. This will be crucial to demonstrate that they are not simply offsetting their own emissions with credits from projects that are not necessarily delivering on their environmental claims, he adds.

BBVA Corporate & Investment Banking has already made a step towards this goal with the launch of its own carbon credit exchange trading desk. The desk will offer its clients the opportunity to purchase and sell VCM products in a safe, secure, and transparent environment. It will be backed by the same rigorous risk-management and compliance standards that apply across all of BBVA’s global businesses. The aim is to support its clients in their transformation toward a more sustainable business model.