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What is your spiritual point of view?

What is your point of view?

Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nose the breath of life, and the man became a living being … With the sweat of your brow you will eat your bread until you return to the earth. , since from her you were taken; because dust you are and to dust you will return. “(Genesis 2: 7, 3:19 NIV)

Eagles and chickens are quite different and these differences show us a spiritual inference that helps us see how we can be successful in our spiritual walk. An important difference between a chicken and an eagle is their visual points of view. A chicken just lives and concentrates on the ground, while an eagle has limitless visual advantage.

First, the hen in the wild looks for food and gathers it in its beak. The chicken in the henhouse collects food in the same way; however, the chicken in the henhouse does not have to go out looking. The chicken in the hen house has to wait to feed on what the hen house owner brings. The chicken that learns to depend on being fed loses the ability to search for itself. The chicken is programmed to continuously look down for seeds and food scattered on the ground to eat. The chicken’s vision is limited because its focus is limited. The chicken is programmed to seek only the seed (food) that is spread by the farmer or the chicken keeper.

For some chicken coops, the chickens may never be let out, making their perspective even more restricted as they can only see what is right in front of them. Some owners may allow chickens to roam in a limited area so they can see a little more of their surroundings. However, both types of chickens are limited with a downward focus, only looking at the ground.

If we have a chicken mentality, we also walk with a downward focus with limited vision, unable to see more than what is right in front of us. Our minds are trained to search for the seeds that will continue to hold us captive in the cooperative. If we don’t learn through God’s Holy Spirit that this is bad eating, we will continue to keep our eyes on the captive ground there because of the chicken coop mentality. We will continue to feed on the seeds that encourage us to keep our focus on that downward thinking and death. We need to examine to see what things have caused us to have limited vision. We need to learn to be aware of the conditions that lead to limited vision and then examine ourselves to see if our vision is limited.

If your thoughts consist of statements like these, then you have a limited point of view (vision):

  1. I’m not going to do anything really great in my life and I’m fine with that.
  2. I don’t have enough (skill, intelligence, money, knowledge, connections, etc.) to be able to do something spectacular.
  3. I am average, there is not much that is really different about me.

It was not God’s wish for humanity to have a downward focus. God collected the dust and created something new out of it, showing us that the things that are on the ground can be changed into something different when they are. Gotten up. A downward approach continues to limit the chicken’s perspective; the same is true of humanity. It is not until we learn to look up that we really learn to live (Numbers 21: 8, John 3: 13-15 NIV).

Since the chicken in the hen house only knows the existence of the hen house, for many of us all we know is that “grassroots” thinking. We know how to doubt ourselves. We know how to look at our flaws and see them as insurmountable obstacles. Many of us have not yet learned that with every obstacle, there is a strategy to overcome it.

If it weren’t for the Holy Spirit of God seeking us out and speaking to our minds downward, we couldn’t turn our attention to better things. However, without the touch of the master’s hand, we will still be chickens in the henhouse clucking, eating off the ground.

Now let’s look at the kind of vantage point the Lord wants us to have, the vantage point of the eagle.

16 But when someone turns to the Lord, the veil is removed. 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And all of us, who gaze open-faced at the glory of the Lord, are transformed into his image with increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3: 16-18 NIV)

The eagle can fly to great heights. Due to this fact, the eagle can see much more than the chicken that lives on the ground can. The eagle has great eyesight and the ability to see great distances. The eye of an eagle is almost as large as the eye of a human. However, the vision of the eagle is four times sharper than that of a person with perfect vision. Eagles have two centers of focus; this allows the bird to see both forward and to the side at the same time. This vision allows the bird to see a fish in the water from several hundred feet above, as it soars, glides, or flies flapping. This is a great skill because the fish are darker on top, and as a result, they are harder to see from above. The eagle blinks to clean dirt and dust from the eye, but can still see because the membrane that covers the eye is translucent.

Scripture says that when we turn to God, the veil is removed. What separated us from God has been removed. There are no longer any barriers between us. The way the eagle blinks reminds me of an illustration. If you and I close our eyes, we cannot see, our eyes are veiled. However, when the eagle closes its eyes, the membrane is translucent, so there is nothing to prevent it from always having a clear view of what is ahead. When we allow God to be in control of our lives, He does so so that we can have continuous, undisguised access to His truth, through the Word of God and the help of the Holy Spirit. There are multiple things that would make our vision blurred (anger, discouragement, rejection, disappointment, concentration on our circumstances, etc.). These things get in the way, like the skin over our eyes when we blink, and prevent us from seeing the things God wants us to see.

To have this eagle vision spiritually, we need God to free us from the things that weigh on our hearts. These things keep our focus on the ground in that downward focus. When we allow God to work in us, we can see how to prepare for the road ahead. God will light our way so that we can have this amazing ability to see “miles” ahead as the eagle does.

We need God to help us spiritually discern what we need in order to grow. That requires us to have the ability like the eagle to see what is in front of us, as well as what is to the side. It also requires that we seek God’s help to remove those things that hinder this ability to see. We need to be able to see from many different angles so that we can understand how to live this life in Christ. Can you clearly see the situations in your life? Or has your point of view been limited to the ground because of the things you are focused on? It is time to stop looking at the ground and allow God to reveal the hidden things to you. Are you ready to change your spiritual point of view?

The world of Resident Evil on PlayStation 1

Once the game starts, you are thrown into a world full of horror, suspense, and puzzle solving. Naturally, you start with a standard pistol and combat knife to defend yourself against the horde of zombies. There are many zombies in the game, you don’t need to kill them all for your purpose to survive. Ammo is in short supply and you have to search every corner of the room for any hidden ammunition available, corpses sometimes carry valuable ammo as well.

The inventory system allows you to carry only a handful of items, so bring only the necessary items you need, although there are trunks scattered around the map where you can place items you find along the way, this also means that you have to backtrack to some of the locations and having to find more zombies again. Going back is essential in the first 3 installs of the game due to the puzzle system they have and encountering more zombies is inevitable. Herbs and first aid sprays are scattered in various places, so keep an eye on them as they are the only means of healing your wounds.

In the first game, you were given a choice which character setting you wanted to choose, whether it was Jill Valentine or Chris Redfield. The story begins where your team was chased by zombie dogs into the deep wilderness of the forest and somehow ends inside the mansion, this is where the horror really begins. We all clearly remember the fear we felt when the first zombie in the series turned his head with his mouth stained with flesh and blood towards the protagonist of the game. The controls of the game were at first difficult to handle, the movement, the aim, everything was part of the survival system of the game.

After the events that took place in the first game, the sequel is Resident Evil 2, we are going to take control of either of the two protagonists, each with a different scenario than the other. He was given the option to choose between Leon Scott Kennedy, a rookie cop who starts his first day on the job fighting zombies, or Claire Redfield, Chris Redfield’s sister from the first game. Resident Evil 2 was the same as the original, but the graphics were better and the environment was darker and much scarier. This game introduced several new monsters like the Licker. Don’t worry about the new monsters here because a wide range of weapons is introduced to fight them and level the playing fields.

When Resident Evil 2 was released, a lot of people were already looking forward to a third installment and they weren’t disappointed because a couple of years after the second game, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis came out. This third game in the series made a lot of changes, like the return of Jill Valentine, the inclusion of the 180 degree turn, timed dodge, bullet creation, and a Bio Organic Weapon (BOW) called Nemesis that is seemingly always chasing you. Resident Evil 3: Nemesis was a masterpiece that combines the old and new traits of the series and after this, many more installations were made in the series for the next generation consoles showing how hugely popular the series is. Even as we speak at the moment, it is possible that a new game in the series is already in development.

Flashback: The Best PC RPGs of the 1990s

The 1990s was when RPGs went from being a small genre only played by really nerdy gamers, to a full-fledged, multi-billion dollar industry that found many game developers throwing their heir hat into the ring. Here, in reverse order, are the 10 best PC RPGs of the 1990s.

I’ll go into some detail on why the top 5 are just that, the top 5.

10. Final Fantasy VII

9. Might and Magic VII: For Blood & Honor

8. The Elder Scrolls Chapter II: Daggerfall

7. Darkstone

6. Fallout

5. Fallout 2

This game made the top 5 because of the size of the game. Fallout 2 provided the player with not only a great map to explore, but also deep NPC reactions to dialogue and actions. The gameplay was simple to control and the weapons were super badass.

4. Planescape: Torment

Building on the success of its Fallout games, Black Isle produced this richly detailed game using the same engine as Baldur’s Gate. The game was very extensive with interesting characters, story, and dialogue that made it fun to play for long periods of time.

3. Power and Magic IV: Mandate of Heaven

The Might and Magic series has always been a lot of fun and the new Heroes of Might and Magic games have been no exception. The reason this game sets itself apart from other RPGs is the fact that they stuck to the expansive worlds and rich gameplay that other developers started avoiding. You could choose between a real-time or turn-based game to really suit your style.

2. Baldur’s Gate

This game has confidently moved into second place through the reinvention of RPGs in an addictive real-time format. Taking the ruleset from Dragons and Advanced Dungeons, Bioware created a new story in which you control a group of adventurers with a variety of abilities. This allowed you to experience all the different class styles throughout the game, as there were dozens of NPC characters you could choose from to join your adventurer.

And the best PC RPG of the 1990s is:

1. Devil

By far the funniest PC RPG of the 1990s. While it lacked the ability to influence history, sheer addiction made it a fantastic game. With fabulous graphics for the era and the ability to alter the image of players by changing teams, this is one of the best PC RPGs of all time.

All of these games are worth playing, most can be purchased for less than $ 20 online.