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Thinking creatively with a business cash advance

Running a successful business requires both creative and effective thinking. With available business financing methods, like the business cash advance, the cash part is easy, as merchants who process at least $3,500 in credit card sales each month can get up to $500,000. However, the creative thinking part may require a bit more work. But once you’ve mastered the first and earned some business cash (hopefully through a business cash advance), combining the two can lead to growth and profitability.

Take the fashion industry, for example. In an attempt to appeal to consumers who have recently cut back or drastically reduced their spending on beauty and fashion purchases, fashion icons Anna Wintour and Diane von Furstenberg are sponsoring an event called Fashion’s Night Out. During this event, “…700 stores in the US and 11 other countries, including the UK, Greece, Japan, China, Russia, India and Brazil, will keep their doors open until at least 11 p.m. on 10 September, the eve of New York Fashion Week”, as stated in the Wall Street Journal.

Stores participating in the event will offer special giveaways such as DJs, live music, celebrities, designers, food, champagne and raffles.

Obviously, such events require extensive commercial funding, but the general idea is that they will produce much more revenue than it costs to host the events.

You don’t have to be in the fashion industry to come up with a creative and lucrative idea. Traders across the country and in various fields can benefit from a great idea and a little cash to burn.

If you have the idea, but don’t have the cash, feel free to apply for a business cash advance. As long as your business processes at least $3,500 in credit card sales per month (as listed above), you have owned your business for at least six months, have no unsolved bankruptcies, and have at least one year remaining on your lease of your business, you can get a business cash advance.

Request your advance today and you can have the funds in your account in as little as seven business days.

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Message from the Universe: May all your dreams come true!

“My wish for you is that you succeed beyond your wildest imagination. That you find love in places that amaze you. And that you have friends who tell you ‘just because’. I dream that you walk more barefoot than with shoes. That you play so hard as you work. And that you laugh more than you cry. I want you to set the bar high, but not too high. To reach for the stars, but with your toes on the ground. And that you never, never stop dreaming, but above all I wish your happiness.

And these dreams of mine are what started it all.


The universe”

Look and listen from within that you will have all your dreams come true. Even if you feel like giving up, don’t, as something up there is watching over you. Imagine our vast Universe, where everything you see happens from that unimaginable force of energy that created what we see today. The Big Bang is something very difficult to imagine, even more difficult to believe. From the vacuum to 100 billion more galaxies and possibly other Universes, the temperature in outer space had to be just right. Scientists are scratching their heads as to how and what triggered all of this. Divine intervention was obviously part of all of this, that’s a fact and even the most atheistic scientist, Stephen Hawking, previously believed that it was all just pure coincidence, until he realizes that coincidence could not have been part of the equation in the Universe. It’s too accurate to just be a coincidence.

So if all this is possible, at the level of our Universe, how easy can it be to make your dreams come true? I mean, your dreams aren’t to recreate something as big as the Big Bang, right? So anything else can be handled by you, and ONLY you. It may have some part in making your dreams come true faster than normal, but it all depends on you starting with these thoughts that will propel you into outer space. Don’t forget to realize that you are human and that the power within cannot be unleashed in nature. You need to contain this force, the power that you possess. I’ll be by your side to make sure you don’t cross the line. The rest, well, you know how to go from here.

Adult daughters and their mothers: a tenuous bond

For many adult daughters, the mother-daughter bond is a tenuous balance of both positive and negative feelings, connection, and autonomy. And for some, the bond is greatly affected by conflicting individual needs. After a particularly tumultuous weekend with my own 92-year-old mother, I began to think about the many stories I heard from my clients about their struggles for love and autonomy with her mother. These stories fall mainly into three groups: abandoning mothers, narcissistic mothers, and symbiotic mothers. Here are some examples:

Diana grew up in a downtown neighborhood. She never knew her father, and her mother was involved with a series of boyfriends, drugs and alcohol. When Diana was a little girl, her mother went to jail and Diana went into foster care. She grew up in several different homes, never feeling that she had a home with parents who valued or loved her.

As an adult, Diana takes pride in her professional accomplishments, but feels like a complete failure in relationships. She is extremely needy and undifferentiated in intimate relationships, requiring constant attention and proof of her partner’s devotion. In the work we have done off and on for several years, she has learned that she is clearly looking for what she did not get as a child, but that another healthy adult will never give her the undivided attention she seeks.

Looking at Diana, it is clear that she never had the healthy early symbiosis (unity with her mother) that is necessary for optimal separation or differentiation from a parent. A loving, reflective parent is essential for a child to feel valued, secure, and trusted. No wonder Diana tests her lovers constantly and she is subject to panic and deep depression when she doesn’t get the attention and admiration she needs to feel encouraged. She had not one, but two parents who abandoned her.

Connie and her two young daughters live with Connie’s elderly mother, who is chronically ill. When she asks Connie about the stress of this relationship, she sighs in frustration. Recently divorced and excited about the possibilities of a new life, Connie feels “sucked” by her mother. She tells me that she “never had a self” before, having moved from her parents’ home into an unhealthy marriage. She never felt differentiated from her mother or her ex-husband and she is only now beginning that process. Her mother’s inability to support Connie’s differentiation due to her own need creates a tense situation in which Connie feels held hostage.

With Connie I see that there has always been an overly entangled mother-daughter bond. Connie has come to understand this in therapy and now she is working hard to become her own person. However, it can be very painful for both mother and daughter when the adult daughter turns to herself and the undifferentiated mother feels threatened by the “loss” of her bond. The will of the mother is also needed to work on the understanding that the differentiation process is healthy and does not have to mean the loss of love.

Paula is a single young woman with an extremely narcissistic mother. She has never felt safe setting appropriate limits because Mom can’t tolerate limits and all hell would break loose, leaving Paula desperately alone. Many months of work have been necessary for Paula to really feel the pain of having compromised her autonomy. Now her attempts to establish even the smallest boundaries with her mother feel like pushing against an impenetrable wall of resistance. Breaking an unspoken agreement with a narcissistic parent can seem downright desperate. For Paula many times it has been easier to fill the void with various addictions.

Many undifferentiated adult women have narcissistically toxic mothers or fathers. An adult daughter of a narcissistic mother will report feeling empty inside with no sense of self. She often feels treated as if she is the “possession” of her mother, as if her “job” is to glorify her mother. Narcissistic parents reward children for being like them, but may condemn, judge, or criticize a child for her true uniqueness.

Paula feels that she is in a “no way out” situation. If she makes her own decisions, she risks Mother’s hurtful criticism and her wrath. If she complies, she’s still a child, an appendage of her mother. Autonomy is a very slow and painful battle.

Additionally, a mother’s response to a daughter’s trauma will certainly affect their bond. Even a securely attached daughter will feel tremendous abandonment when her mother denies the reality of childhood physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. The mother is supposed to be the protector in all cases, but sometimes mothers would literally rather die in denial than acknowledge the possibility that something bad has happened to a child for whom they are responsible.

Shelly, for example, tells me that her mother finally admitted on her deathbed that Shelly’s childhood sexual abuse was real. And for Shelly, this admission had tremendous healing power in her relationship. Petra, for her part, remembers that her mother died refusing to admit the possibility that Petra suffered sexual abuse at the hands of a relative. This denial only confirmed the profound abandonment and isolation that Petra has felt since her childhood.

These customer examples are, of course, just a few of the many ways mothers and adult daughters relate. Each individual brings specific developmental and attachment needs to any relationship, and each mother-daughter relationship has its own unique struggles.

Are cheaters shamed for their lack of integrity and character?

It is human nature to doubt the claims of someone who has already lied or deceived you. So, the spouse who had an affair may claim that he is beyond sorry, embarrassed, embarrassed, and even mortified by his behavior. But his wife can’t help but wonder why he wasn’t feeling any of these emotions when he was having the affair. Many people wonder how “real” these claims really are.

You might hear someone say something like, “Here’s what I want to know. Are cheaters really embarrassed or embarrassed by their behavior? This is why I’m asking. In the last two months, two of my very good friends found out their husbands were cheating. Coincidentally, my husband and I were attending a sporting event that was popular and drew a large crowd. We actually saw one of these men with the other woman. Instead of sneaking out and trying to hide from us (which is what I would have done) this guy literally puffed out his chest like he was proud to be seen with this much younger woman. He looked at my husband like my husband should be envious. This guy acted like he was ecstatic that he was with a woman young enough to be his daughter while his family was home and heartbroken, and yet the wife had told me that he was begging her not to give him up. she left her as she told him how embarrassed she was. Well, he sure didn’t seem embarrassed to me. , one of my best friends is full of guilt because her old boyfriend looked her up on Facebook and she didn’t tell her husband right away. Nothing happened. She gave the boy a quick reply telling him how happily married she was. This was not cheating. And yet my friend is so embarrassed, like she did something wrong. I’ve heard people on TV say that cheaters are embarrassed, but I don’t believe it. It seems to me that people who don’t get to cheat are embarrassed or embarrassed, while real, blatant cheaters don’t.”

I can understand why it would appear this way. And I would probably assume the same in a similar situation. In fact, I often doubted my own husband’s supposed embarrassment because I thought most of that embarrassment was happening simply because he got caught. But, once I started writing articles on this topic and started getting responses, I have to say that I heard from many people who deeply regretted cheating on their spouses and felt very deep shame. Granted, so very rarely do I hear of the outraged cheater feeling little to no remorse, but I know there are people who do. So I can’t say precisely what percentage of people who cheat are ashamed.

But I sincerely believe that some do. And my theory on this is that the higher the quality of the person and the stronger his character, the more likely he is to feel shame. Because let’s be real. A cheating husband who never does what is right, who cheats with his taxes, is stingy with his emotions, and who is cruel to others will not feel much shame when he cheats because this is the norm for him. It is in his character to act in a way that most of us would find unpleasant.

But people who are known to be good, decent, and caring in all other areas of their lives and who make a mistake usually feel real remorse and real shame. Now, I’m not going to tell you that these good people don’t compartmentalize or try to find a justification for their behavior. If they couldn’t do this, then they might not be able to carry out their deception. I’m also not going to tell you that good people don’t try to take a stand and pretend they feel they had their reasons, even though in their hearts they know they didn’t.

But usually, when good people see the pain in their spouse’s eyes and take the time to look honestly at what they’ve done and who they’ve hurt, then yes, they are ashamed and often very ashamed. . This is just my opinion from the things I’ve seen and the stories I hear. But I do believe that there is often regret and remorse, even if it is suppressed. But I also think it depends on the character of the person you’re talking about.

Don’t get carried away with a urinary tract infection

For those who don’t know, yeast infections are actually caused by Candida albicans. An overgrowth of this fungus can actually cause a vaginal infection. Candida albicans is normally a part of the body, but as the fungus increases in numbers due to a person’s decreased resistance, it can actually cause a cheesy white discharge, some women who have experienced this infection also show signs of irritation Intense, itchy also have a burning sensation. Finally, a reddening effect is produced in the affected area. Although the increase in Candida albicans is the main reason for the proliferation of the infection, there are some factors that can trigger its cause. For example, poor hygiene may be one of the factors. Women who have problems with their normal flora and PH balance can get the infection. Once the infection occurs, the only question later is how to treat a yeast infection.

There are many ways on how to treat this infection. There is the natural way to manage the infection and there is also the medical way. Of course, the medical way of treating the disease would be with PH balancing chemicals and other drugs that would control the PH levels within the body. This is by far the most effective yet unnatural way to control the infection. Women who have tried over-the-counter products would actually see results in more than a couple of days, depending on the intensity of the infection. There are some yeast medications that are actually prescribed by doctors, so be sure to consult your doctor before using anything. Of course, if this does not have a good effect on the body, there are actually some natural ingredients that can be used. For example, there are herbs that can be used for douching. In addition to herbs, there are other ingredients that can be used to treat a yeast infection. A good example of other natural chemicals include vinegar, acidophilus, lactobacillus made from and even garlic mitts.

Surprisingly, some experts believe that eating yogurt-based products may also help treat the disease. Yogurt-based products are really effective when it comes to treating fungus, including the bifidus and acidophilus products that make the list. Yogurt is effective when it comes to destroying the infection and best of all, users can choose how the yogurt is applied. Yes, this product can also be applied topically to the affected area with an applicator. Cold yogurt can be used to decrease itching and irritation at the affected site.

Aside from yogurt, another good way to treat a yeast infection would be by using gentian violet. This traditional remedy is actually very effective when it comes to treating vaginal infection and also other forms of diseases. Gentian violet can be purchased at any drug store and is actually very easy to apply. A swab is needed when applying the product. The application would be two or three times a day depending on the condition. A thick pad can also be used to apply this remedy.

Restore a youthful face in 6 easy steps: naturally

Rejuvenation of the face and throat depends primarily on its success in developing the underlying muscles, and it must support the skin and other tissues that cover it. If the supporting muscles are weak, floppy, and shrunken, a youthful appearance is impossible no matter how bright the complexion. And any artificial coloring only emphasizes any “sagging” indication of age.

This is written for both genders, and in it I will briefly describe the methods I practice to improve the skin covering the face and throat, as well as the underlying supporting muscles.

Do you have a flaccid face? How can you “tone” and strengthen the flabby muscles of the face? And how can the gaps be filled? Muscular activity as in exercise is the secret. The same methods that you practice when you are developing or “building” your arms, legs or any other part of your body. Because all muscles, when they are exercised, grow and when they do not shrink, they thus lose their strength and elasticity. Then the marks that we know as the indications of advancing age will begin to appear.

The skin, like any other piece of leather, is improved by friction. And the best instruments to polish it are dry palms and fingers. Additionally, this rubbing process will remove fine superficial lines, which begin to appear as we age and therefore when skin texture is not as fine as before. But don’t do it too hard, either by massaging or creating friction. Doing so will probably irritate the skin, or massaging too hard into the muscles of the face can cause pain.

I will now describe the practices by which my facial rejuvenation has been achieved.

FACE AND THROAT RUBBING – The best and least expensive method of throat whitening is rubbing with dry palms and fingers. It is also good to whiten the sides and bridge of the nose by the same method.

MASSAGE OF THE MUSCLES OF THE FACE – The cheeks are supported by eight muscles, four on each side. They are attached to the cheekbones, immediately below the eyes. From that point they descend and join the strong muscle that surrounds the mouth and further down they join again the broad band-like muscles of the jaws. You can contract these supporting muscles of the cheeks at will, this action forming a bunch on the cheekbones, below the eyes. In youth, these muscles must support the overlying tissue and skin, giving the cheeks the plump appearance characteristic of youth. But over the years, if they are not exercised, like any other muscle, they shrink, lose strength, size and elasticity.

For these deep wrinkles, atrophied chin and sunken cheeks, there is only one cure and that is to strengthen and increase the size of the supporting muscles. Contracting or bunching the cheek muscles can accomplish this. Then press firmly with the palm of your hand on the cheek you want to start with. Rub those bunched muscles firmly, deliberately, and well toward the temples or corners of the eyes.

THE MOUTH -An exercise that I practice to strengthen the “sphincter” or muscle that surrounds the mouth:

I insert my little fingers into my mouth and then alternately pull and relax. This exercise will quickly strengthen the surrounding mouth muscles and firm the mouth, resulting in a youthful mouth. This exercise will not stretch or enlarge the mouth, but will eliminate gout or sagging.

THE MUSCLES OF THE CHIN – In connection with the exercise of the mouth, you must also develop the muscles of the chin. The remedy is persistent rubbing of the tip of the chin.

THE TEMPLES – The supporting muscles of the temples generally sag and “sunken temples of age” appear with age. Persistent rubbing of these temple muscles will remedy this problem. And frequent friction of the temples well towards the corners of the eyes is advisable. It will produce the smooth temples of youth and will also eliminate crow’s feet.

THE JAWS – Deep, firm rubbing of the jaw muscles will develop these muscles. The jaws will then become rounder and a more youthful appearance will be obtained.

I practice all my facial rejuvenation exercises daily, since I go to bed very early in the morning, before getting up. Mental attitude is a very important factor because if you have decided to succeed in “get your youth back”, you will follow my example and make persistent and determined efforts to succeed. Then improvement will surely result. In all exercises, the results depend on you.

Ideal Places to Skateboard: 4 Perfect Places to Practice

1. The outdoor skateboard park. Surely you have come across one at some point in your city and have seen people walking on a piece of wood with wheels at the bottom. The local skateboard park is specially designed with skateboarders in mind. Many of the obstacles in the parks are designed like things you would see on the streets of a city. With handrails, boxes, stairs and benches. Most parks are made of concrete. Many have inclines, hills, ramps, and often some metal rails. These public skate parks often have a wide variety of obstacles for users to practice and learn new skills. The first outdoor skateboard park opened in 1976, in California. Since then many have emerged in different places and countries around the world. The park is calling. Grab your board and head to the nearest one.

2. The indoor skate park. This is another great option for interns. Okay, you love to skate, you wake up on a Saturday morning and it’s raining. (If you’re a skater you know you can’t skate in the rain) Outdoor parks will be wet and not good for serious skating. Don’t worry! The indoor skate park is the best place for skaters on a rainy day. Exceeds all weather conditions. Some indoor parks cost a small entrance fee, but you can skate to your heart’s content. Many indoor parks require you to wear safety gear (at least a helmet). Many indoor skateboard parks are designed in the same way as outdoor parks. An indoor playpen is usually made of wood or even metal. Filled with many of the same obstacles an outdoor park would have, from stair sets to rails to bowls to ledges. Another form of indoor skating is done in houses. Some have gone as far as installing ramps and half pipes in an abandoned house or even in their own home. There is sure to be a challenge in every indoor park. There is a lot to enjoy for both beginners and professionals.

3. The streets. Yes, the streets of your city or town. Most cities, whether big or small, have a variety of places where you can skate. If you don’t live in a very small or remote town, with only dirt roads, surely there is a place you can find to skateboard. In fact, most skate parks are designed with many of the features you see in a city (because they’re so good). The hills are great for thrill seekers. A mix of tricks can be done on handrails or benches. You will find many man-made and even natural things scattered throughout the city, which can be good for skateboarding. The smallest and largest things can be used for skating. Skating through the streets offers you more rush; You don’t know what will be around the next corner. Take a walk through the streets or find a flat concrete slab and practice tricks on flat ground. All up to you. You don’t have to look far to find a place. The sidewalk or parking lot is ideal for practice. However, when skating in the streets you have to be very careful, never skate in prohibited or crowded places. Always respect the wishes of the public.

4. Skating in the pool. While different from indoor and outdoor parks, pool skating offers only one main skating obstacle (or in this case). A pool that has been drained and has a rounded bottom is excellent for skaters. This method of skating has been done since the early years of skateboarding and is still popular today. You have the option to navigate the four walls of the pool or use the top edge of the pool, to slide or grind, or even throw yourself out of the pool. Skating in a pool allows you to use all four walls to maintain speed, so you save more energy by not having to exert yourself. Pool skating is another great option for guests.

cure your acne with ginseng

Ginseng is a type of plant that has existed since ancient times. This particular plant had gained so much attention as one of the herbs that can be used to cure all forms of diseases and infections. Sometimes the plant is called panax ginseng. This name means panacea or panacea. The plant has its ancestral home in China, Siberia, and North Korea. This particular plant has been found to be able to cure acne and any form of blemish you may have.

Apart from being able to cure acne, ginseng has been found to be very useful in treating various other types of human problems. It is capable of acting as a tonic pill and as a male stimulator. It can lower blood cholesterol and can help replenish expended energy. It has been found to be very helpful in this regard for the elderly and athletes. In fact, you can make use of the ginseng plant to take care of any kind of health problem that you may be facing.

Ginseng is a plant that is capable of cleansing your body system of toxins. It is also an antioxidant and has been found to have the ability to protect the liver. Through the actions mentioned above, ginseng is able to prevent acne and blemish formation after acne has been treated. Ginseng cures acne because it does not remove any impurities from the body system through the skin. Instead, all impurities are removed through your digestive system. This way, there is no chance of the impurity causing acne or skin blemishes.

Ginseng is also helpful in preventing acne by helping with the hormonal balance in your system. It is very useful in reducing the hormonal imbalance, which makes it very possible to totally prevent the appearance of acne. The best help partner you can give your immune system is ginseng; prevents any acne breakout.

Ginseng is not only useful for preventing acne. It can also be very helpful in taking care of your acne so that your body will be better able to get things under control. The pus-filled acne you have on your skin can be very painful at times. But when you use the ginseng plant, it will help you reduce pain. It can also help you reduce any form of infection that acne may cause.

To suit all forms of users, ginseng has been prepared in all forms of forms. It can come in powder, tea, soup, tincture, capsule, and even tablet form. The common dosage for the ginseng herb is just 200 mg one to three times a day. You will need to take it for two alternate weeks. You should avoid taking an excessive amount of ginseng. Overdose intake can lead to various forms of side effects such as headache and insomnia; to name a few.

Useful herbs to treat heartburn

Most people head to the cabinets for antacids whenever heartburn rears its ugly head. However, as with virtually all medications, you should be aware that there are side effects. This is especially true if you wear them for a longer period of time than you’re supposed to.

It may be better to take a more natural approach to treating your symptoms. There are several herbs that are rumored to be very effective in treating heartburn. The following are some of the most common.


Cinnamon’s properties make it a great herb to take when you have digestive problems. Not only is it good for treating heartburn pain, but it can also help relieve abdominal pain, diarrhea, and gas. Cinnamon combined with honey and milk is a great concoction to try the next time you’re in trouble.


Another herb that is a useful aid to the digestive system is ginger. It has been used for quite some time thanks to its benefits. Just grind a small amount of fresh ginger and soak it in boiling water for about ten minutes. This type of tea is also helpful if you experience nausea or abdominal cramps. Ginger also combines well with other herbs.


This is not the white sandwich you are thinking of. Marshmallow root will help soothe your digestive tract when you make it into a tea. Those who practice traditional herbal medicine have long used it just like ginger.


Another herb that can help treat heartburn pain is meadowsweet. This herb is said to neutralize excess acid, which in turn will help soothe the digestive tract. If you have ulcers, it is said to help with them too. Like the aforementioned options, this herb can be made into a tea to see results.

It’s important that you don’t just buy any herb and expect to reap the benefits. Get organic herbs whenever possible. You don’t want anything that has come in contact with chemicals like herbicides and pesticides.

If you suffer from heartburn frequently, then it is a good idea to have some of these herbs in your kitchen. You don’t want to waste time having to travel to the store when you feel uncomfortable.

Also, remember that the use of herbs to treat heartburn doesn’t exactly have much scientific backing. Do not rely on these remedies to treat serious problems. Your doctor should be consulted in these cases.

Women are naturally sexually passive with a lover

Imagine a woman who is more like a man. She approaches sex already aroused and gets aroused by stimulating a lover. She caresses and kisses the body of her lover from head to toe. She concentrates on her penis and gives him fantastic oral sex. Where would the human race be now if women behaved like this? Most men would ejaculate before having sex.

Men assume that it is their role to give the woman the orgasm that she cannot give herself. However, this is a fallacious thought because orgasm occurs as a result of stimulating tumescence caused by our own mental arousal. Men are proactive because they are sexually aroused. If a woman was aroused by a lover, she would be motivated to get his own stimulation from her. The sexual passivity of women, which results from her lack of arousal, allows a man to assert his own sexual needs. Intercourse provides male release and optimizes reproduction, but it has nothing to do with achieving female orgasm.

Initially, a man may offer pleasure other than intercourse, but over time men focus more and more on intercourse because women do not respond positively to other pleasures. Women reject manual stimulation of the clitoris, which is too sensitive. Many women dislike the idea of ​​cunnilingus. Even if she allows her lover to stimulate her clitoris with her tongue, the woman feels almost no sensation and little pleasure. The lack of sensitivity of women ensures that sexual activity is focused on intercourse.

Given the lack of arousal for women, a woman does not have a sexual agenda to approach sexual activity with a lover. Whatever stimulation a man provides, a woman has little interest in knowing the explicit details. A woman closes her eyes and lets a man explore her body as she sees fit. Women simply accept or reject the stimulation that men offer.

Men’s sexual drive provides much greater motivation (in the short term) to initiate intimate interaction with others. Men accept failed attempts as a natural aspect of being a man. If a man doesn’t want to have sex with her, it’s hard for a woman to persuade him. A woman learns that if a man doesn’t find her attractive then there is no point in her approaching him.

Women rarely dictate sexual activity with a man. Even prostitutes provide what a customer asks for. Some women may initially explore a lover’s body to give pleasure. But in the long run, women lack the motivation to be sexually proactive because they’re not turned on. A woman naturally assumes a supportive role by accepting the pleasure a man offers based on the excitement she enjoys exploring her body. The easiest role for a woman is to cooperate with intercourse for as long as the man needs to ejaculate.

A woman is naturally in the position of having something sexual done to her (especially penetration). A woman cannot penetrate or fertilize a lover. She can only be penetrated and impregnated by a man. In the early days, novelty meant the automatic arousal of a man so that a woman could enjoy being the object of her desire without having to contribute much. She may feel pampered instead of needing to act like the concubine who is focused on helping with male arousal. This also explains why rape fantasies are popular with women. Here it is important to distinguish between the reality of rape (a brutal act) and the fantasy of being taken by a man (an act of submission).

What is the anatomy involved in the female orgasm? What erotic arousals does a woman need for orgasm? These are basic questions that confuse most heterosexuals. Most men appreciate that their partners don’t masturbate. Some men say their partners use a vibrator, but are unaware of the research finding that most sexual activities women engage in do not end in orgasm. Although men initiate intercourse, women are also supposed to orgasm due to intercourse because this is the only sexual activity that women engage in. Straight people assume that the vagina is the female sexual organ because it is usually the only female anatomy that is stimulated. The conclusion that women don’t have orgasms never seems to occur to anyone.

There are many slang terms for intercourse that are sexually explicit. The activity is called fucking. The verb fuck is commonly used because it very succinctly reflects the male urge to push into a vagina until ejaculation. Hitting and fucking tend to offend women because they emphasize women’s passive role as objects to be penetrated. Fucking can be used as a more mutual term and implies that a woman can be more proactive in helping with penile stimulation. However, the vast majority of women prefer the term lovemaking, which men also use in the presence of women, knowing that it is a less explicit way of referring to copulation.

We say that a man makes love to a woman. We do not say that a woman makes love to a man. First of all, the acute arousal of men when approaching sex means that they focus primarily on penile stimulation. Making love involves non-genital activities, such as talking about love, caressing, stroking, kissing, and massaging the breasts, buttocks, and other non-genital areas. Making love is an activity that a man uses especially with an inexperienced woman or at the beginning of a relationship as a step prior to intercourse. A man does not make love to a prostitute because her consent has already been agreed.

…women are generally less erotically receptive than men, and for that reason…take the lead less often in any sexual game. (Alfredo Kinsey 1948)