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Category Archive : Pets

3 reasons to choose a good diet for cats

When you think about your cat’s diet, do you think that any food they will eat must be good food?

While it is true that cats will often devour things that we consider junk food, that is not ‘t‌ ‌means‌ ‌you‌ should‌ ‌feed‌ ‌them‌ ‌waste‌ ‌or‌ ‌trade‌ food.‌ ‌Feeding a cat a good diet is important for health and well-being of your feline friend. being

Often the cheapest cat food has unsafe ingredients, full of toxic preservatives, humectants and flavoring agents to entice the cat to eat it.

You may be saving money in the short term, but it will prepare for ‌ ‌your‌ ‌furry companion‌ ‌.‌ ‌

After all, they are an important member of your family. Cats are known as healers and often have different ways of sharing their affection.

3‌ ‌reasons‌ ‌to‌ ‌choose‌ ‌a‌ ‌health‌ ‌cat‌ ‌diet‌ ‌

Cats, like humans, will not thrive on a fast food, high carb, kibble diet.

If they eat the wrong diet for cats, they can fall victim to arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, and liver disease. ‌ ‌obesity,‌ ‌just‌ ‌like‌ ‌people.‌ ‌

The only difference between us and cats is that once they live in captivity, they have very little control over their diet. Cats trust us to provide them with healthy food, especially when they live indoors.

Cats are natural predators…their diet has to mimic that fact, so here are three reasons to choose a good cat diet that will extend the life of your pet.

1. Dental health

Just like humans, many health complications arise in domestic cats with poor dental hygiene.

Your cat may have bad breath, which is unpleasant, but the infections that can cause halitosis can be much more serious to her immune system and overall health than you think.

Kittens lose their milk teeth between four and six months. During that time, there are gaps in your mouth that are magnets for bacteria.

You probably go to the dentist regularly to make sure your teeth and gums are in good shape.

But how does your cat maintain its oral health? They need good quality foods and treats that help remove plaque and stimulate their gums to keep their teeth strong and their mouths clean.

2. Cats are carnivores

Like it or not, your cat is a hunter, a predator, a carnivore. They will never do well on a vegetarian or vegan diet.

So while you may have chosen to eliminate meat from her diet and replaced protein with beans, meat alternatives, and supplements, your cat needs animal protein.

It is a source of a vital amino acid, taurine, which aids in the development of strong muscles, including the heart.

Fish-based cat food can work just fine: it’s loaded with Omega fatty acids that nourish your feline’s body… and suit her digestive system. However, most fish has been contaminated with heavy metals and other nasty toxins or parasites, and is very unhealthy. Offering fish as an occasional treat to a healthy cat should be fine, but be careful with a consistent diet.

Avoid foods that have an excess of fillers, such as wheat and barley. They may fill your cat’s belly, but they won’t provide her with the protein she needs for healthy development. And they can lead to obesity and diabetes, and many other problems.

Also, cats are naturally designed to hunt and eat their prey raw, not baked in an oven or processed at high temperatures in a can. Prey creatures have blood, moisture (water), and partially digested food in their intestines, bones and organs, and much more.

When deciding what to feed your kitty, choose high-quality wet food, not cardboard dry kibble. Some cats do quite well on quality wet food, and others do better on raw food.

3. Cats need hydration

There is nothing wrong with feeding your feline a diet of dry food occasionally as a treat or topping for food. It’s easier to store, generally less expensive, and has more ingredient options to suit your cat’s palate.

But remember, they too need immediate access to water and can overload on carbs, just like us… so follow the instructions on the package and pay attention to your kitty’s needs.

On the other hand, the wrong wet food can rob your cat of the fiber he needs to keep his digestive system running smoothly. You’ll often see cats and dogs out in the open eating grass…they’re just trying to get their intestines working again so they can clean out their insides.

If you have an indoor cat, consider keeping cat grass (or add some other source of fiber to her food) which will help keep her digestive tract on track.

Your cat can’t go to the supermarket

Your cat has basic dietary needs… and then they develop their own tastes, just like children. In fact, there is a phase as they get older where they learn what is good to eat and what is not good to eat, and after that it can be quite difficult to change their minds about what is acceptable and what is not. is.

Unlike your kids, however, who will grow up to be able to shop on their own and satisfy their taste buds and hopefully make wise dietary choices…

Your cat can’t do the same. It’s up to you to communicate with them, explain why various foods are good for them and why some are not, and then meet their dietary needs.

You may think that good quality food is too expensive, that it’s too much trouble to research the alternatives…

…but think of the bread you could put your fellow cat through if he ends up with kidney stones, ulcers, or abdominal cancer because you’ve overloaded his body with toxic food.

Cats are designed to hunt and eat little during the day, but free grazing (eating whenever they want) with poor quality kibble is a bad idea. Smaller, more nutritious wet meals make for a healthier, longer-lived kitten.

It helps if you can talk to your cat and find out what suits her palate, what meets her nutritional needs, and what makes her sick or causes pain.

Remember, your cat goes through growth phases, just like us. Food that suits them at six months won’t keep them fit when they’re five… or ten, or twenty.

You can prepare your cat for a long and healthy life without stressful visits to a veterinary clinic by feeding her a diet of quality cat food.

If you would like more information on feline health, please contact us.

St. Paul, an early marketing genius

Having lived for almost 14 years in Israel, I decided a few months ago that it was time to learn a little more about the country and enrolled in Israel history studies. A significant part of Israel’s history is closely tied to Christianity, and I was intrigued by how successful Christianity has been in spreading the Word throughout the world. Today 33% of the people in the world are Christians.

Jesus himself had some good marketing moves up his sleeve. Healing the sick and the blind, telling them to keep it a secret is of course a great way to spread rumors. But even so, Saint Paul was primarily responsible for taking his Word to the rest of the world.

Saul of Tarsus (later known as Saint Paul) was a Jew born a few years after Jesus in AD 5 in a small town in what is now known as southern Turkey. He started out as a fierce antagonist and accuser of the early Christians, and even participated in the stoning of the first Christian martyr, Saint Stephen. He changed his mind when he was sent to Damascus to bring back Jews who had abandoned their faith and converted to Christianity.

On his way a strong light hit him. He falls off his horse to the ground and goes blind. Suddenly a voice speaks to him. “Saul! Saul! Why are you so cruel to me? “Who are you?” Saul asked. “I am Jesus,” answered the Lord. I am the one you are so cruel to. Now get up and go to the city , where they will tell you what to do. The Lord sent Ananias, a healer, to see again. Saul was converted and became a believer.

Saint Paul (Saul) returns to Jerusalem and meets the students of Jesus. In AD 50 the apostles hold a Conference (the Jerusalem Council) where they do some serious strategic thinking. Since Israel as a Beta market had disappointing results, the Jewish people were not willing to buy their ideas; They decided it was time to focus on different markets. They made some major adjustments to their “service”, knowing that their mostly pagan target groups abroad don’t like some of the original ideas, mainly regarding circumcision and kosher food.

Paul is the perfect candidate to be vice president of marketing and sales.

As a man of the world, he traveled the Roman Empire and was born and raised among his new target group. He is familiar with their traditions and experienced the conversion firsthand; he knows exactly what it is to win and how to sell. When it came to effectively spreading the message, Paul’s command of Greek and Hebrew and his political acumen proved to be extraordinary tools, which he used to great advantage. He was so resoundingly successful that today no trace remains of those who believed that Jesus Christ, instead of founding a new religion, had tried to advance the teachings of an existing spiritual tradition.

From then on, he traveled throughout the Roman Empire (Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Italy, Spain, etc.) preaching to the majority of the worshiping pagans on how to live a Christian life. His persistence played a major role in establishing Christianity outside of the land of Israel and undoubtedly earned the title from him. Life for him as vice president of Christian Marketing was not easy at the time. As he writes in 2 Corinthians 11:23b-38, “I have worked much harder, been in prison more often, been flogged more severely, and been exposed to death again and again. Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea, I have been constantly on the move.”

Since Paul couldn’t be everywhere at once, he started writing a blog; writing letters back and forth with groups of Christians abroad. Giving advice on the problems they encounter and providing great content on how to become a good Christian. His letters are called epistles and the church considered them so important that today’s Bible consists of 14 of his letters that add up to almost 30% of the content of the New Testament.

Every marketing executive could learn a thing or two from St. Paul about getting to the “tipping point” and matching offers to the market.

Saint Paul is said to have been beheaded during the reign of the Roman Emperor Nero.

red worm fishing

One of the best baits for fishing is red worm and in this article I am going to give you some tips for fishing with red worms that will make you a much more effective fisherman. My fishing mentor introduced me to the red worm in central Pennsylvania. Before I was introduced to red worms, I always used night crawlers to fish. My mentor enlightened me that these worms can be much better bait than night crawlers for fishing, especially in certain situations.

This type of worm is much smaller than its night-crawling cousins, which often have to be pinched in half to be used effectively as fishing bait. At the end of the day, a red worm resembles a night crawler baby and is much more effective as a fishing bait, especially when fishing rivers and streams.

When fishing for red worms it is important to use multiple hooks in order to rig them effectively. In this way, your red worms can be presented spread out, the way God intended. Multihooks are a pair of small hooks rigged in tandem, and when redworm fishing you should always use a size 8 or 10 multihook. In fact, with redworms size 10 should generally be used. Size 10 hooks are small enough to be hidden by the worm’s body, but not detectable by fish. If you think size 10 hooks are too small to catch big fish, consider the fact that I personally hook and hunt 3 to 5 pound trout and bass on size 10 multihooks.

Red worm fishing obviously also involves taking the worms with you, and it’s also important to have an effective way to accomplish this task. Having an effective way to transport your red worms is especially important for the river/stream angler. Simply tossing the Styrofoam container into your fishing vest will do the trick, but having an effective red worm carrier is a big plus.

An effective worm carrier keeps your worms within easy reach, while keeping your hands free for fishing. This way your worms will always be at your fingertips and you will know exactly where they are at all times. The most effective worm carrier I have found is the JRW bait bag. This is simply a small bag that clips onto your fishing vest, shirt, or pants and carries your live worms while you fish. Using a bait bag is a must for anyone who is fishing for red worms.

My favorite place to use red worms for fishing is in the flowing waters of rivers and/or streams. Allowing a red worm to flow naturally with the current, as it rolls along the bottom, is an extremely effective fishing technique. This technique is effective for trout, bass, and walleye. Heck, it’s effective for any fish swimming in the current of your favorite river or stream. The bottom line is that fishing with these worms can be much more effective than fishing with other worm species.

Cat scratching posts – give your pet a good scratching place

The new fluffy cat you brought into your home likes to do one thing and that is to scratch your furniture as much as possible. So, he needs a way to keep it from ruining your furniture, well, turn to cat scratching posts to solve the problem.

Cat scratching posts will provide your cat with a lovely scratching place. The reason is because of the design of this cat furniture as it simply sits on a pedestal and has a post that sticks up in the air. The plinth that the pole sits on will be weighted so the entire unit won’t topple over and will typically be made from some type of wood and then covered in a durable fabric such as carpet. There are some options that are even made with sisal rope instead of just carpeting, giving your feline better position and play.

And speaking of places for your cat to play, there are a lot more options than just cat scratching posts. For example, maybe your cat loves to run and jump on things, especially your furniture again. Well, you can give her her own special place to play by buying her a cat tree. It has the same kind of shape as a real tree and is made of wood and is usually covered with mats just like the scratching posts. Your kitty can jump from limb to limb to have a good time. Or, if you want to give your kitty an even better place to play, you can buy her a cat gym. This selection is like a fancier version of a cat tree because in addition to having branches, it also comes with perches, ramps, tunnels, hanging hammocks, and even hanging toys built into them. If you don’t have a lot of space to work, but you want your furry companion to have something nice to play with, you can always get them some toys like those motorized mice that move across the floor by themselves or other toys that have catnip in them.

If you feel like pampering your cat, you should not only look for cat scratching posts for him, but also other luxury cat furniture, such as a stylish place to put his litter box. There are actually picks that enclose his litter box so he can have some privacy when he does the business on him. There are also perches that you can attach to the windows of your house so that you have a nice place to enjoy the view outdoors and even cat fences to keep your cat in your yard if it goes outside. For a great way to check out all these cat supplies, just fire up your computer and do some shopping online. It’s an easy way to check things out and when you decide on something you can usually get it for a pretty reasonable price.

In the end, if your cat likes to scratch, give him a lovely place to scratch with cat scratching posts. One would be a good way to make sure his furniture doesn’t get ruined.

Carleton Sheets – Biography of a Real Estate Investing Educator

Breaking into the real estate market is not an easy task, but with the help of Carleton H. Sheets, it can be a lot easier. Author of the best-selling program No Down Payment, Sheets allows the public to benefit from his experience in making millions in real estate. His no down payment home study course has been successful for decades and he continues to provide educational opportunities to the public through his online learning and home study courses.

Carleton Sheets was born in Illinois, where he lived with his parents and younger brother for several years before moving to Ohio. He went to college and graduated and eventually got married and had two children. During his career he has moved throughout the United States with his various positions within the workforce. He has lived in Illinois, Ohio, California, Georgia, North Carolina, and Florida.

His entrepreneurial spirit began as a child when he took the initiative to mow the lawn and deliver newspapers in the neighborhood for extra money. He borrowed money from his parents to start their businesses which he paid back as he earned money. When he was ready to join the corporate world, he took a position at Armstrong Cork and then at Lykes Pasco, where he was fired for not having enough experience.

So he decided to venture into the world of real estate where he had a rocky start. Having obtained his real estate license, he attempted to sell commercial properties starting with an apartment building. This was unsuccessful as the building needed some work. Carleton took this as a sign and used his contacts to negotiate a partnership to purchase the building himself. Carleton had his partners put up all the money while he took the lead in setting up the deal and coordinating it. A year and a half later, the building was sold at a profit that was split three ways.

After five years of similar investment opportunities with and without partners, Carleton’s status as a successful real estate investor skyrocketed. He now owned nearly five hundred rental units. He earned a reputation for finding lucrative deals, building creative financial procedures, rehabbing properties, and selling them at a profit.

The more successful he was, the more he wanted to give back to the community and allow others to benefit from his experience. He has authored and co-authored courses for both the National Association of Realtors and the Real Estate Securities and Syndication Institute. He also taught real estate investment strategies to the local community.

In 1984, No Money Down was born. Partnering with the Professional Education Institute, or PEI, Carlton Sheets began a campaign to market their program to the masses. He went on the speaking circuit, was invited to a variety of TV and radio talk shows, appeared in magazines and had the longest running infomercial in history. Today, he is semi-retired but still continues to invest and write. He recently modified his courses to adapt them to the Internet as a means for millions to access and learn his real estate knowledge, all at no cost.

Cebuano English 2

In the previous article, Cebuano English 1, we learned how to ask questions in Cebuano and then look at their equivalent English sentences. Now we will continue learning with Cebuano with another set of questions that are common in everyday conversations in Cebuano.

E. Common Question 5: Are you tired?

English – “cebuano”

Are you tired? – “Gikapoy kaba?”

I’m not tired yet “Wala pa ko gikapoy”

Yes, I’m tired now – “Oo, gikapoy na ako”

I’m almost tired “Hapit Nako Kapuya”

I do not get tired – “Dili man ko gakapuyon”

F. Common Question 6: “Where is your friend?”

English – “cebuano”

Where is your friend? – “Asa imong higala?”

He is in his room “Naa sa iyang kwarto”

In his class – “Tua sa iyang klase”

He is not here – “Wala Dinhi”

I don’t know – “Ambot lang”

He’s gone – Gilakawna

G. Common question 7: “Do you know him?”

English – “cebuano”

Do you know him? – “Kaila ka niya?”

Yes, I know – “Wala ko makaila niya”

Forget your name – “Nalimtan ko ang iyang ngalan”

H. Common Question 8: “Are you coming to the Philippines?”

English – “cebuano”

Maybe next year – “Cuenca sa sunod tuig”

I’m not sure – “Dili ko sure”

Not yet; No- “Dilip, dili”

I. Common Question 9: “When will you study Cebuano?”

English – “cebuano”

When will you study Cebuano? – “Kanus-a ka magtuon ug Cebuano?”

I will study next month. “Sa sunod bulan ko magtuon”

I want to study now “Taste ko magtuon na karon”

I want to study NOW! – “Gusto ko magtuon na karon dayon!”

Practice these questions together with the questions from the first lesson. Remember that it is not that difficult to learn Cebuano once you really put your heart into it. With the right introduction to the language and the best Cebuano material available, you’ll learn Cebuano quickly and easily.

The importance of nursing home activities

Many people think of a nursing home as a disgusting, soulless place where residents lie in bed or sit endlessly in a rocking chair, waiting out their days until the inevitable happens. The reality – at least in a good nursing home – is far from that. Many people enter a nursing facility while they are still very much alive and look forward to years of fun and companionship, with daily activities to keep both body and brain active.

In fact, studies have shown that regular stimulating activities help reduce depression in half among nursing home residents, warding off dementia and keeping both spirit and body alive. Activities are vital to maintaining the mental and physical well-being of residents, and even staff and visiting family and friends can willingly participate in the activities that a good nursing home offers.

If you are looking for a nursing home for a loved one who is still capable of loving life, it is important to find out what types of activities are offered and how often they are available. In fact, nursing homes that accept Medicare or Medicaid patients must have a designated activities director to obtain adequate funding. But how well they do their job is something you will have to assess yourself…

“I think the residents I talk to who tell me they can’t do anything but sleep, eat and read the paper find a purpose for getting up every morning,” Vicki30CNA writes on the allnurses.com website. “They don’t look forward to the next day as they all run together. And our not-so-abled residents get little to no stimulation other than going to the bathroom and showering. Some fold their bibs each morning and see it as their ‘job,’ but that job takes them half an hour. So what, they tell me. I hate to see their last years, months, days so empty and purposeless.”

If you want to prevent this from happening to someone you love, keep reading. A wide variety of activities should be offered at every nursing home, so make sure this is the case when considering a nursing home. Some residents may enjoy going out for lunch several times a week, shopping, or visiting the local art gallery or movie theater. Others will prefer on-site activities that stimulate their hearts and minds.

It might be a good idea to talk to the nursing home activities director to see what’s available. Here are just a handful of activities that a good nursing home should voluntarily provide…

Auto Start Activities

Great because they require little preparation and can be planned by the residents themselves. They include:

Gardening. Depending on the extent of mobility and interest of the residents, gardening can be as rigorous or delicate as they want. If there is an actual garden that is fantastic, if not, then hanging baskets, small herb pots and indoor cactus or orchid collections can hold interest.

Arts and crafts. Even older residents enjoy doing something, especially when they feel like it’s for a good cause. Knitting blankets, making baby clothes, or entering art or photography contests can keep people busy and help them make a contribution to society at the same time.

Games. You might think bingo is the most popular game in nursing homes, and you’re right. But there’s more to competitive gaming than just bingo. How about bridge, mahjong, canasta or chess? The sky is the limit. One-on-one games are great for fostering closer relationships between residents, and group games are also good for fostering a sense of community.

Music-based activities. Don’t limit the fun to singing, you may even have professional musicians among the residents, or you may discover some hidden talents.

Volunteer Led Activities

Nail care, Bible study, hair day—all you need is a volunteer with a skill, and the time to make a difference in someone’s life.

School groups. It may sound cliché, but the young have a lot to learn from the old. This can take the form of Granny teaching little Albertine to knit, or visiting a school once a week and reading to the little ones. Many schools, in fact, encourage outsiders, assuming they’ve been checked by the police, to help kids who need a little extra with one-on-one reading or math exercises.

Local community groups. People who have a special talent often enjoy visiting nursing homes regularly and sharing their skills. This could be giving residents massages or reflexology sessions, teaching them a special point about gardening, or giving a talk on orchid growing.

Scout groups. Scout troops often visit nursing homes and get together to do something fun, like bake chocolate chip cookies or build a birdhouse. The two groups can learn from each other and make use of each other’s skills and talents.

Local charities. People from charities often dedicate their time to the elderly, whether that means planning outings or having a pet therapy day when the local vet or animal shelter employees bring animals to visit.

Activities run by nursing homes

Theme events, such as birthdays or religious celebrations. Some creative residents meet with the staff to plan events like Hawaiian nights, Chinese New Year celebrations, or Halloween or Thanksgiving festivities. Friends and family can be invited to join, perhaps even residents of neighboring nursing homes.

Outdoor activities such as barbecues, picnics, or a walk through a park or garden center. In some cases, volunteers may be asked to assist residents with mobility issues.

A little culture. Going to the theater, opera, museum or cinema may require some planning, but it is worth it. Again, volunteer helpers and drivers may be needed.

Alternative therapies. Everyone can benefit, as long as they are not too intrusive. Massages, yoga or Tai Chi can help residents have fun, get fit and relax.

Keeping people as happy and healthy as possible for as long as possible. both physically and mentally, should be the goal of every nursing home. Activities should be varied and interesting, appropriate to the different abilities, needs and interests of the residents. They should not only be fun but also valuable, allowing residents to form new relationships, develop new skills and maintain their fitness levels.

“We have a ‘prom’ in May where local single Marines escort our residents (wheelchairs and all) out to dance and eat,” CoachCathy writes on allnurses.com. “We have dresses and suits donated by the local thrift stores. Local hair salons come in and do the hair and nails. Everyone has a blast.

“And we had a winter wonderland theme last December: we made snowmen out of diaper boxes painted white, and we had a snowman decorating contest. Residents had a snowball fight in the interior (with cotton balls). It was a lot of fun!”

Cat Behaviors: Eating Out and Breaking the Bag of Cat Food

We had a guest cat who lived with us for a while and brought some strange feline behavior with him. One of the things he does is bite and scratch the cat food in the bag, even if the bowl is full. I think it’s a game for him, but he makes a real mess. It doesn’t stop until he opens it up and spreads it all over the floor.

Now he’s not our cat, but I figure he needs to live by our rules. We could put out the food but now we have two cats and our cat Sid eats out of the bowl and we can leave the bag of cat food on the floor next to where we feed the cats. It’s convenient for us and that’s the way we humans like it.

When we trained our Sid from a kitten, we had certain rules in mind and those were the cat behaviors we worked to teach him.

These are cat behaviors that we think any cat in our house should obey (and Sid does).

  1. Eat cat food from a bowl and not from the bag of food

  2. Know your name and come when called (at least most of the time)

  3. stay away from the sink

  4. Use the cat box at all times

Do not bite the hand that feeds you

When it came to the new Tabby cat, he needed some discipline, so we started working with him after a period of time, at least until we knew he was comfortable in our house. We used the same tactics that we used with Sid, as they worked quite well on him. There are many lines of thought to train a cat, but this is what we did,

  1. We use repetition when we teach him his name, call him a lot and all be consistent. Don’t use similar-sounding words when calling your cat. Continue until you get an answer.

  2. Teach them the word NO. Again be consistent and get an answer. Everyone should use the same word, not stop or not do that, stay with the same word.

  3. To bite use OUCH or NO and out loud. Make sure you don’t pet your cat to the point that he has had enough. They will bite to tell you to stop. Sometimes they just want to sit on your lap.

  4. We use a water bottle for really stubborn behavior. A quick spray and a strong NO will work great. All we have to do now is pick up the water bottle if Sid is misbehaving.

Using all of the above, we have taught Tabby to leave the bag of cat food alone and eat from the bowl. She has also learned to recognize her name much better and she comes to me sometimes, all are great developments as Tabby has been an outside cat and her internal manners needed improving.

A history of Vickers VC10 aircraft accidents

As one of only four first-generation four-engine long-range airliners, along with the Boeing 707, McDonnell-Douglas DC-8, and Ilyushin Il-62, the Vickers VC10 was one of only two to have wings. uninterrupted. , aft-mounted Rolls Royce Conway turbofans and a T-tail to maximize her short-field, high-lift performance.

Although it was praised by both passengers and crew members, its oversized and oversized design, produced in both Standard short-body and Super long-body versions, limited its sales to just 54 aircraft, including those for the Royal Air Force. , and made it a technological success, but a financial failure.

This study looks at his brief accident history.

In addition to the initial stall and drag deficiencies encountered during the VC10’s flight test program, the type experienced few airframe and engine failures, reflecting both its superior engineering and relatively few in operation.

However, initial problems arose in December 1964 when an undercarriage warning light was illuminated on a BOAC Standard 1101 while approaching Manchester. Although it landed safely after the landing gear was extended by gravity, the anomaly was identified as the gear sticking down, which was later changed. The real culprit, however, would surface later.

The same plane issued the same warning three weeks later as it approached Jan Smuts International Airport in Johannesburg, South Africa. Despite several attempts at extension, it did not lock into place. During their next circle to burn fuel and reduce the risk of fire after landing, the crew finally managed to lower the gear and landed without incident.

Its more permanent grounding, during which engineers flew in to discover the real problem, led to the discovery that a corroded spindle had been behind the incident and it was recommended that further corrosion protection be applied later. Although all VC10 operators were informed of the finding, no further incidents occurred.

Another, albeit relatively minor, incident occurred on August 9, 1967 when a BOAC Super 1151, en route from Lima, Peru, to New York-JFK, with an intermediate layover in Jamaica, detached from a four-inch wing section. eight feet. , which traveled behind the wing and then fell to the ground, puncturing the roof of a home at 214 North Street in Manhasset Hills, Long Island. There were no injuries among those in the house or even awareness of those on board, so Flight 500 landed safely at 19:56 local time. As the passengers disembarked from what they considered “routine” combat, the incident testified to the aircraft’s design, as the missing flap did not even affect its lift during approach or landing.

Far more far-reaching was his hijacking on September 9, 1970, along with a TWA Boeing 707 and a Swissair McDonnell-Douglas DC-8, carried out by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, or PLFP, in Dawson Field of Jordan. , the largest-scale and unique event of its kind in history. Since the passengers had been allowed to leave the plane, there were no fatalities.

However, the type suffered two fatal accidents during the 15-year period between 1964 and 1979.

The first of these occurred on November 20, 1969 with the 5N-ABD aircraft operated by Nigeria Airways on a multi-sector flight from London to Lagos with intermediate stops in Rome and Kano. The aircraft itself, the first production standard VC10-1101, was originally registered as G-ARVA and served BOAC for five years, between 1964 and 1969. It was only operated by Nigeria Airways for two months and had 18,431 hours on its airframe in time.

The crew was hardly inexperienced. Captain Val Moore, 56, had flown for BOAC on several notable piston and pure jet types, including the Halton, York, Hermes, Argonaut, Comet 4 and VC10. Of the 15,173 hours in his log, 3,323 of them had been in command of that very Vickers design.

First Officer John Wallis, 30, had also flown the type with East African Airways for two and a half years. Of the 3,500 hours on it, 900 of them had been on the VC10.

Also in the cabin were flight engineer George Albert Baker, 50, and navigator Basil Payton, 49, both serving Nigeria Airways but employed by British United.

The four crew members operated all three sectors.

Flight WT 925 had left London the previous evening at 22:10, undergoing routine operations to both Rome and Kano. But, before he left Lagos, the captain requested 30,000 kilos of additional fuel, fearing that the civil unrest raging in Lagos would prevent his landing and force Kano to turn back.

Takeoff of the short 66-minute segment at 06:24 resulted in an estimated time of arrival (ETA) of 07:28.

At 07:11, or six minutes after the aircraft made its initial contact with air traffic control (ATC), it requested descent clearance from its current altitude of 35,000 feet to 14,000 feet, the latter to avoid the interference from a Fokker F leaving Lagos. 27 Turboprop Friendship. After visually checking and passing the Nigeria Airways quad-jet, the VC10 itself was given further clearance to descend and maintain 5,000 feet.

His subsequent request for a direct approach to runway 19 was granted, although he was required to report that he had reached 2,200 feet.

The misunderstanding of the local weather conditions seems to have played a crucial factor in the event. While the airport was under clear skies, the area around it was not. Heavy fog, from treetop level to about 2,000 feet, covered the ground one mile to the north, and poor visibility rose to 5,000 feet.

Descending through 2,200 feet at 07:29, VC10 complied with its earlier report request and was asked to do so again by the tower when it reached a point six miles from landing. No further transmissions were received.

Shortly after the departure at 08:05 of two Nigerian Air Force planes from Lagos, they saw smoke rising through the clouds on the approach route to runway 19.

Nearly in its final landing configuration, with 35 degrees trailing edge flap, landing gear extended, and a nose-up tailplane configuration of 6.7 degrees, aircraft 5N-ABD had brushed the tops of the trees 207 feet above the ground, losing his number two and three. port flaps and left main landing gear bogie. After another 350 feet, she lost her entire port wing.

Going through three more trees over the next 250 feet, she lost more of her structure, in this case the number two, three, and four right wing flap panels. After covering a distance of 1,700 feet from its initial collision with a tree, it impacted the ground nose up and left wing down, losing its tail and four aft-mounted engines, before the rest of the aircraft stopped. 300 feet beyond this point.

Fuel that burst from the tanks ignited a fire with no survivors.

Although the aircraft was not equipped with a flight data recorder and no definitive cause was determined in the sequence of events leading to the destruction of the aircraft, it was evidently unable to clear obstructions in its approach path and monitor its altitude and rate of descent during what was, but should not have been, a visual approach during instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) at the end of a high three-sector flight, which placed the crew outside their legal duty time.

VC10’s second fatal accident occurred three years later, on April 18, 1972, when a Super 1154, registered 5X-UNA with 18,586 hours on its frame, crashed during takeoff from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Operating East African Airways Flight EC 720 to Rome and eventually London, it was granted its start-up clearance at 09:21 and subsequently followed the east taxiway to runway 07. Winds were reported to be none variable directions. at five knots.

Cleared for takeoff at 09:38:40, it made its acceleration run. But, just before reaching its V1 speed, or the point at which its takeoff had to be aborted or continued, its nose wheel plowed through a steel jack pad left behind by an earlier departing Cessna 185, resulting in in the perforation of the right of its two tires. The cabin crew experienced the collision as a strong shock and vibration.

The nose rose briefly, but hit the ground again.

Upon aborting takeoff, the captain pulled the throttles back to idle and switched on the thrust reversers, while the T-tail quad-jet banked slightly to the right and one of the main gear tires blew out. Now turning left, it struck an embankment, causing the port wing to lift momentarily and then intercept the runway 25 steel lattice approach light stud.

The impact, which ruptured the 1A fuel tank, unleashed a cascade of flammable liquid as the aircraft fell 10.6 meters to the lower ground beyond the runway and broke apart. Eight of the 11 crew members and 35 of the 96 passengers died.

According to the investigation report, “The accident was due to a partial loss of braking effort derived from an incorrect assembly of part of the braking system, for which reason the aircraft could not stop within the remaining emergency distance after a correct procedure. Abandoned take-off executed”.

cherry tree myth

First of all: George Washington did NOT cut down a cherry tree. The fable had young Washington ‘confessing that he was “barking” at his father’s prized offspring.

Yet the entire story is a moral lesson concocted by the patriot’s first biographer, a former Anglican pastor and Bible peddler named Mason L. Weems.

Known nationwide as “Parson” Weems, he wrote several books on good conduct to supplement his Biblical treatises.

His most popular book was: “The life of George Washington with curious anecdotes equally honorable for himself and exemplary for his young compatriots.”

The book was published a year after Washington’s death in December 1799. It contained a wealth of factual information, but it also launched several captions, making our first president seem somewhat of a prude.

This is unfortunate because myths have obscured the true personality of our first president. He was a man of great dignity, but a vital and emotional man. He was ambitious, hardworking, and sensitive to others.

Washington’s integrity was recognized by everyone he met. However, he worked throughout his life to control his temper.

There is no documentation of Weem’s enchanting tale of the cherry tree. He writes that he heard the story from “a distant relative close to the family.”

A close relative claimed they had never heard the story. However, the alleged incident is in keeping with Washington’s childish persona.

He was taught until he was 11 years old by his father, Agustín. The elder Washington emphasized honesty and obedience, as George’s marked textbooks and copy papers still extant attest.

After his father’s death, young Washington taught himself the art of surveying. At the age of 15 he was actively engaged in that occupation. This trade steadily took him across the frontier as far west as Ohio and Kentucky.

In 1754, the governor of Virginia sent Washington to drive out a French force occupying a fort at the fork of the Ohio and Allegheny rivers, now Pittsburgh. The young American commander was defeated and forced to sign a humiliating surrender document. It was the beginning of the French and Indian War.

In later campaigns, George Washington vindicated himself and was chosen for several important military assignments.

Washington was 44 years old and a successful tobacco planter when the American Revolution began. As such, he was reluctant to challenge his homeland militarily.

However, he obeyed the call of the Continental Congress to take over the small army in Boston that had resisted the British siege at Breed Hill, not Bunker Hill as is popularly said.

It took an honest man to face the realities of an irrevocable break with Britain, to take on the dangers and difficulties of creating a new nation against armed might.

The War of Independence is now remembered as the Revolutionary War. In fact, it was our most unpopular war, the Civil War and the Vietnam War notwithstanding. Many colonists were loyal to England and bitterly opposed separation.

Washington’s patience and perseverance achieved resounding success in a bad war. He rightly deserves the nickname: “Father of the Nation.”

It is unfortunate that his true talents and achievements are obscured by the do-gooder image that a well-meaning Parson Weems foisted on his memory.

For example, here is the complete tale of the cherry tree as told by the enthusiastic Weems:

I can’t tell a lie

“When George was about six years old, he became a wealthy hatchet owner, who, like most little boys, was very fond of, and was constantly going about and buying everything that came his way. in the path.

“One day, in the garden where he often amused himself by cutting his mother’s pea-sticks, he unfortunately prodded with the edge of his axe the body of a beautiful young English cherry-tree, at which he barked so terribly that I do not believe the tree ever got the best of him.

“The next morning, the old gentleman (Washington’s father), hearing what had happened to his tree—which, by the way, was a great favorite—came into the house. He fondly inquired after the mischievous author, declaring at the same time that he would not have taken five guineas for the tree from him.

“No one could tell him anything about it. At that moment, George and his ax made their appearance. ‘George,’ said his father, ‘do you know who killed that beautiful cherry tree in the garden?’

“This was a difficult question, and George staggered for a moment, but quickly recovered. Looking at his father with the sweet face of youth, alight with the inexpressible charm of all-conquering truth, he bravely cried: ‘No I can Tell a lie, Pa. You know I can’t tell a lie. I did it with my hatchet.

“‘Run into my arms, dearest boy,’ cried his father in a fit. ‘Run into my arms. I’m glad you killed my tree, George, because you’ve paid me a thousand times over for it. Heroism in my son! It is worth more than a thousand trees even if they flourish with silver and their fruits are of the purest gold!'”

I know you were here

Parson Weems was apparently not satisfied that he had adequately described all of Washington’s virtues. He embellished it in the same book with another myth:

“One day Mr. Washington went into the garden and made a little bed of finely pulverized earth. On it he wrote George’s name in large, full letters. Then he put in plenty of cabbage seeds. He covered and smoothed them very well with the roller.

“This bed he made on purpose near a gooseberry path which he knew would be honored by George’s visits when the fruits were ripe.

“It hadn’t been many mornings before George came in with his eyes rolling back and his little cheeks ready to burst with great news.

“‘Oh, Dad! Come here, come here. I’ll show you a show like you’ve never seen in your whole life.’

“The old gentleman, suspecting what George was up to, gave him his hand, which he took with great enthusiasm; and dragging him across the garden, led him point-blank to the bed on which was inscribed in large letters: and on all the freshness of newly sprouted plants: the full name of GEORGE WASHINGTON.

“‘Dad,’ said George, in an ecstasy of wonder, ‘have you ever seen a show like that in all your life? Who did it there?

“‘Grew up there by chance, I suppose, my son.’

“‘Oh dad, you mustn’t say chance did all this. In fact, someone did; and I dare say now, dad, you did it just to scare me because I’m your little one.”

“His father smiled and said, ‘Well, George, you were right. In fact I did; but not to scare you, my son, but to learn something important that I want you to understand. I want to introduce you to your real Father.’

“‘Stop, Dad, aren’t you my real father, who has always loved me and been so good to me?’

“‘Yes, George, I’m your father, as the world calls him. I love you very much too. But, with all my love for you, I’m just a poor, good-for-nothing type of father compared to one you have.

“‘Yeah! I know full well who you mean, Pa. You mean Almighty God, don’t you, but where is Almighty God? I’ve never seen him yet.”

“‘True son of mine; but though you never saw him, he is always with you. You did not see me when ten days ago when I made this little bed of plants where you see your name in such beautiful green letters. Though you did. You do not see me here, but you know i was here

“‘Yes, Dad, I know. I know you were here!'”

* * *

So far the poetic license. The truth does not need embroidery.

Washington was that rare historical figure: the right man at the right time in the right place. His whole life was a dedication to the greatest good for the greatest number.

It wasn’t easy for him, but he worked to discipline his shortcomings, replacing pride with honesty, temper with duty. His life is a more inspiring example of our own imperfect nature than the preaching of moralists.

By bundling his birthday with Abraham Lincoln’s into a convenient Presidents Day, to give us another long weekend, we may be missing out on the real lessons these great heroes left us.