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Category Archive : Pets

Does your cat have dandruff? Here are some things you should know

Have you noticed that your cat seems to be developing a dandruff problem? Believe it or not, cats can be affected by dandruff just like people. It’s kind of funny when you think about it, but most of us prefer to keep cat scales from getting covered on carpet and furniture, especially when we already have all the hair they shed to deal with.

So why does a cat get dandruff? A common reason for this is if your cat is overweight. With all that extra flabbiness on the way, poor Snowflake has a hard time cleaning herself all over, so her skin dries out and dandruff sets in. Obviously, the best way to fix this problem is to put your cat on a diet. Not only will the dandruff problem be solved, but your cat will be healthier and live a longer life.

Of course, this weight will not disappear immediately, so in the meantime you will have to deal with the dandruff problem in another way. There are pet shampoos specifically targeted against dandruff, so go ahead and purchase one of these at your local pet store. You should always make sure to carefully rinse the shampoo out completely, as any leftovers could irritate your cat’s skin. Also, make sure you don’t bathe your cat too often because cats’ skin produces natural oils, and if you wash it constantly, it could irritate your cat’s skin and contribute to the dandruff problem.

Tea tree oil is another way to help with dandruff. This is beneficial for a variety of skin conditions other than dandruff, and an added benefit is that it will eliminate any itchiness your cat may have.

Behavioral Problems in Puppies and Adult Dogs (Part 3) – Leash Pulling

There are many reasons why a dog will pull on the leash. These range from aggression towards other dogs and/or people, to fear of the environment or conditions. Probably the most common reason for this annoying and potentially dangerous behavior is excitement coupled with a lack of discipline and control on the part of the owner/handler.

There are 6 basic needs that a dog must have in order to survive. These are Food, Water, Exercise, A Package, Leadership, and Love and Affection. Without any of these 6 needs, the dog will not survive for long. The needs that concern us with the problem at hand are; A Pack, Leadership and Love and Affection. Why are these factors so important, I hear you ask? Let’s see them individually.

The package.

Dogs are pack animals. In the wild, like wolves, there is a strict hierarchy among pack members. The pack is normally led by the alpha female. She has gotten to this position through a mix of command, cunning, and her ability to read and summarize situations quickly and accurately. The Alpha Male is next in line. He is the only dog ​​that will mate with the Alpha Female. She has fought against all comers to achieve this position. He normally deals with the group’s defense. It’s your job to challenge and fight other animals who want to take over the herd. All other members of the pack will determine their own place within it through fighting, cunning, and alliances with more dominant animals. Some, as they mature, will try to ascend to alpha male.

That is why it is vital that your dog knows his position in the pack. In this case your family is his pack. You must be the leader of the pack and the other members of the family must always be dominant towards the dog. At no time from puppyhood should the dog show signs of aggression to any member of the family. Punishment for this crime should be swift and uncompromising.


If you were driving from home to say the next town and had no map, were new to the area and alone, as well as being blind as well, you would, I’m sure, agree that the chances of reaching your destination would be quite thin.

Also your dog, in the wild, would be in a similar position. If the pack did not have a leader, the activities would not have a focus. So without the pack hierarchy there would be no direction for the pack and a consequent dissolution would soon occur.

Because dogs hunt in packs, this would end with individual members dying from starvation or predation by other species. The lower orders within the pack never question the decisions of the pack leaders. Failure to behave as part of the pack will often result in expulsion.

love and affection

You have hopefully noticed that if you praise your dog when he does something good, he will wag his tail and sometimes if you scold him he will roll onto his back showing his belly and often leak urine.

The first reaction is the dog’s natural response to love and affection. He will react this way when he greets other pack members. He will show enthusiasm and rush about, sometimes barking and whining or giving small barks of pleasure, as well as showing submission to higher members of the pack.

The second response will often be shown to the leaders of the pack and signifies their submission to them. By exposing her belly, in effect, she offers them her life because she would not be able to defend herself against an attack in this position. Urination in this position emphasizes your actions.

The dog will naturally follow these instinctive behavior patterns, so a combination of strong commands and abundant praise can be taught to do most things. The important things for him to remember are to be consistent, to use the same command every time, to be persistent, not to give in, and to always finish his training session successfully.

This last point means that no matter how long it takes, you should get the answer you require, even if only briefly. As soon as you get that response, praise the dog and then stop the session.

Your commands should be easy to understand, one word instructions that cannot be confused with each other. They must be delivered in a firm, no-nonsense voice. The commands I use are; Heel, Sit, Down, Stand, Close, Come and Stay. Each of these commands is reinforced with an appropriate hand signal. For example, Sit is indicated with the right elbow bent, hand facing forward with the palm at shoulder height, while Down is a straight arm downward sweep from horizontal to about 45 degrees.

So, to cure the dog pulling problem, hold the leash in your right hand, keep your left arm bent over your body, and give the “Heel” command as you walk away. As soon as the dog’s head begins to move forward of your body line, give the command “Heel” and, at the same time, pull the leash to your right, immediately returning it to its original position. This will throw the dog off balance and shift its attention to you. Your left hand should only be used when turning left to prevent the dog from crossing your body and tripping you. This is done by simply dropping your arm to your left thigh so that you catch the strap between your hand and your leg.

Remember that the important thing is the tone of your voice. It should be an order, not a request, so pronounce it clearly, lowering the tone at the end of the word, instead of raising it and ending with a plea. Whatever happens, don’t lose your temper with the dog. Don’t raise your voice and yell at him, it will only hurt his ears or scare him. When he walks to the letter, praise him for doing well. Use a calm tone, well done, and give him a quick pat.

Small dog treats or small squares of cheese used as shreds work wonders. Hold a piece in your left hand, where the dog can smell it. When you want to get his attention, simply lower your hand to his face. This is easier with a large dog, but can still be done effectively even with a miniature breed.

Gary Halbert and me

You probably already know the story of how I became a copywriter, but I bet you DON’T know the part I’m going to reveal today. The reason I think you don’t know is because I haven’t told a lot of people. But before I launch into the new, let me briefly review the old, okay? Ok, here goes –

In 1999 I took a leap of faith and left my corporate job as a secretary to stay home and raise my two young children. (One of them had a learning disability and they both missed me so much.) So I hung up my shingles as a freelance writer in the world of virtual assistance. Leaving a fixed paycheck was a huge financial strain. She wasn’t really sure how to get clients or build a business at all, just a dedicated mom.

Fortunately, I landed a client right away who introduced me to the world of copywriting. He had a successful network marketing business but hated writing. So he told me what he wanted and showed me some templates. The copywriting was unlike anything he had ever seen before. (Well, I had seen it, but I didn’t realize people were actually PAID to do it.)

Because I was so passionate about it, I kept getting better and better very quickly. But soon my client no longer needed to write, and he had no one else on the list. Journal. So my family started living off credit cards. My husband and I fight like cats and dogs. It stunk.

Thanks for your patience – this is the NEW part

Under the weight of our circumstances, I reluctantly began looking for a new day job. In 2002 I found a listing on CraigsList to write texts for a corporation. (I didn’t know anything about stocks.) They were looking for someone to write in “the Gary Halbert style.” “Who?” I asked. That was the first time I heard Gary’s name.

I didn’t get the job. They stated that they loved my samples, but felt that I just didn’t want another “office job”. That was his excuse. I think it might have been my confession about Gary. But his decision saved my life. I couldn’t have gone to put my feet under me and really grow Red Hot Copy if I had gone that route.

So thanks, Gary. That was the first life-changing moment you were responsible for in my life. There were many others to come.

As soon as I got home from that interview, I did a search on “Gary Halbert” and completely fell in love. Each carefully chosen word drew me closer to your copy. I couldn’t stop reading! The copy of him was so raw and full of personality. He was like a salty old dog who doesn’t care what you think, as he drove you like a speeding car toward the call to action. So in your face. So irreverent. So testosterone. And I wanted to write LIKE HIM.

What you’re used to reading from me is a departure from his style, but trust me, while I’m not Gary Halbert, I learned to write in a similar vein. How can I know? He called me a few years later on the phone and he told me. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

When I first met Gary at a seminar in 2003, it was like meeting a rock star! I was so in awe of him. He was with his beautiful girlfriend, Sirian, who is really one of the most genuinely sweet women I’ve ever met. Gary was unlike his brash personality. You could tell he had that side, but he had such vulnerability and honesty with him.

Over the years we have had sporadic contacts. I wouldn’t go so far as to say we were close, but he did offer me semi-regular advice via email and phone. I would occasionally show you sales copy. He would give me honest feedback. (who was surprisingly gentler than his friend, and one of my favorite mentors, John Carlton, you lovingly brutal beast).

The last time I saw Gary in person was in 2005 at his root canal seminar. It was bright, naturally. But something like a lost lamb since her trusted assistant Teresa had retired. The poor thing even got lost on the way to the bathroom, but he had the good sense to ask someone to find him through his microphone, which he hadn’t turned off. I put his two sons Kevin and Bond in there too, really cool guys.

At the end of the first night’s event, I invited him to dinner. He refused saying that he was tired. Frankly, it looked like he was about to crash and I know how much throwing an event can take away from you. Then about 20 minutes later he surprised us by joining a few of us at the bar. He said that he had changed his mind about being tired. He gave up drinking a long time ago but had a couple of cokes and shared our pizza. I wish I could have recorded that night. Some of that I will NEVER share. But he was so open and honest that I felt like I had known him for years. That’s one of the lessons I learned from Gary. Be vulnerable and be yourself. Because there is nothing worse in life than being BORING or inauthentic.

Gary, you were never boring. He has secured his place in history as one of the greatest salesmen of ALL TIME. You lived life well. Give them hell, Gary. You were one in a billion.

In conclusion

I’d like to quote an excerpt from your online newsletter about your Halbert Index: “The Halbert Index is a totally unique way of ranking people. To be at the top of the Index, you must have the following:

  1. You must have a life, and
  2. You must have a sense of humor and
  3. You must have intelligence and be an independent thinker, and
  4. You must be a generous and generous person but… at the same time…
  5. You must refuse to take shit from anyone who doesn’t have a gun to their head, and
  6. You must be willing to take risks and accept losses cheerfully, and
  7. You must have the capacity and courage for true intimacy with your loved ones, friends…and sometimes…even with your associates and strangers, and
  8. You must be rich always in your mind… and therefore… very often… in your pocket, and
  9. You must be honest and have integrity not defined by laws but by the inner core of your being, and ultimately
  10. You must have a relationship with a higher power (nicknamed “God”) that does not necessarily include and/or often transcends any association with organized religion.”

The 10 biggest and most memorable events of 2011

What was the biggest event of 2011? The Japanese tsunami, the US or European debt crises, or the death of Osama bin Laden, Kim Jong-Il, Muammar Gaddafi or even Steve Jobs? or was it something else?

In a year in which the world population reached 7 billion (October 31), the Gregorian Year MMXI has revealed no less hype, drama and tragedy than we are used to seeing. Perhaps in terms of enormity, the following ten events can be considered (in reverse ‘countdown’ order of importance) as the biggest and most memorable:

NUMBER TEN – NASA Space Shuttle Program Completed

Atlantis’ final flight, STS-135, concluded the final mission of NASA’s Space Shuttle Program when it touched down at the Kennedy Space Center on July 21. 135 missions were flown between 1981 and 2011. Aside from launching space probes, satellites, and working with the International Space Station, the Program’s most memorable legacy may sadly be the 1986 Challenger and 2003 Columbia disasters.

ISSUE NINE – Twin terror attacks in Norway

The world is shocked when it learns of the 76 people killed in simultaneous attacks in Oslo and the island of Utoya on July 22. What is designed by the terrorist to divide the country actually unites it to his detriment. He forces many democracies to reconsider their approach to justice in such situations.

NUMBER EIGHT – Death of Steve Jobs

While the death of Steve Jobs (October 5) pales in comparison to other critical world events of the year, there is no doubting the impact such death, and thus his life, had on the world. Millions of tributes are being written as the world mourns the passing of a technological genius.

NUMBER SEVEN – Famine in the Horn of Africa

Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya are trapped in a famine affecting the livelihoods of nearly 15 million people; the worst in 30-60 years. Various aid agencies work together in troubled regions to help where they can and to promote the plight of these ultra-poor in the comparatively rich Western world. This crisis sickens social justice commentators for several seasons with the magnitude of the famine and resulting desolation and the comparative apathy of the world’s response.

NUMBER SIX – Muammar Gaddafi assassinated

Reports on the death of the Libyan dictator on October 20 reach the halls. It is a victory not only for the local population, but also for democracy and the hope of a wider region and a more global world. Just two months earlier, during the Battle of Tripoli, Libyan rebels overthrew the Gadaffi regime.

NUMBER FIVE – North Korean “Dear Leader” Kim Jong-Il dies

On December 17, North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il dies of a heart attack at the age of 69. News slowly breaks on national television and leaks into the international community within 48 hours, as many brainwashed North Korean citizens go into severe mourning. Soon the disputed successor emerges: Kim Jong-Il’s youngest son, Kim Jong-Un. This event generates widespread interest and concern about regional and global threats due to political instability. A genocide of a million people and an army of a million people are the legacies of Kim Jong-Il.

NUMBER FOUR – US Debt Ceiling Crisis

At the end of July, the culmination of 30 years of mounting debt, coupled with the fallout from the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, sees the United States within days of bankruptcy; As a result, President Barack Obama designs the Budget Control Law, 2011, in the legislature. The US government bond is downgraded for the first time in the nation’s history.

NUMBER THREE – Osama bin Laden Assassinated

What is arguably the biggest event of 2011, by the magnitude of a terrorist’s destructive legacy, perhaps the greatest influence on world affairs in the first decade of the 21st century, ends on May 1. Bin Laden’s death causes great emotion throughout the world. , significantly months before the 10th anniversary of the September 11, 2001, attacks.

NUMBER TWO – Imminent collapse of the euro

The economies of Greece and Italy, among others, are testing the sustainability of the euro. Major political and economic reforms are under way as the euro system teeters on the brink of collapse, threatening to drag the world into a prolonged recession.

NUMBER ONE – Japan earthquake and subsequent tsunami

On March 11, at 2:46 p.m. (Japan Standard Time), a magnitude 9.1 underwater mega-earthquake in Tohoku, with an epicenter 70 km from the mainland, at a relatively shallow underwater depth of 32 km, hits mainland Japan via a tsunami shortly afterwards. The largest secondary impact is at Sendai and the Fukushima nuclear power plant, starting a protracted national nuclear emergency. With an estimated economic cost of US$235 billion, the World Bank rates it as the costliest natural disaster on record. Almost 16,000 people are killed, almost 6,000 people are injured, and some 3,600 are still missing in 18 prefectures. Significantly, this earthquake moves the earth minutely off its axis.

© 2011 SJ Wickham.

Bullmastiff Puppies And Dogs Information

The Bullmastiff is a large, powerful dog that excels at guard and guard dog duties. Just seeing one of these dogs should put anyone in bad shape. They may live in an apartment because they can be quite lazy and laid back. They are easily trained, need to be socialized with other pets, and do well with older children.

good with children?

Will generally tolerate children. May tends to knock over little kids like a clumsy puppy. As a reminder, she will never leave young children unattended with a puppy or dog.

Good with other pets?

They need to be socialized with other pets early on.


Docile but fearless. She is a dependent family protector.


He is sensitive to tones of voice, intelligent, and does well in training.

Approximate adult size

The approximate adult size (two years and older) of the male bullmastiff is 25 to 27 inches at the withers (highest point of the shoulder) and 110 to 130 pounds. The female ranges between 24 and 26 inches at the withers and between 100 and 120 pounds.

Special health considerations

Most dog breeds have certain inherited health problems associated with that specific breed and the Bullmastiff is no exception. Watch for canine hip dysplasia (genetic-based looseness in the hip joint that can lead to arthritic pain and lameness), gastric torsion, bloat (gastric dilatation: volvulus, the second leading cause of death in dogs, can cause death within an hour, this space is too limited for a full explanation, but you should read about it). Feeding more than once a day and avoiding exercise right after meals can help protect against bloating. Also look for cancer, eyelid problems, and possibly hypothyroidism (sluggish thyroid gland that can lead to weight gain). This list of diseases is an informational guide only. Other diseases can also be significant threats, contact your veterinarian for a complete list.

You should visit the vet several times during the first year for shots, boosters, and checkups. Then, as an adult, he should visit the vet annually for shots and checkups. As he grows older, from the age of six, he should visit the vet twice a year for checkups and vaccinations. Remember; Avoid giving your dog candy.


The Bullmastiff has a short, dense and somewhat harsh coat, ideal for protection against the elements. She shed little, but should be brushed regularly to help her maintain a clean, healthy coat and help you keep a closer eye on her health and strengthen your emotional bond with her.

Their teeth should be brushed at least twice a week with toothpaste and a toothbrush designed for dogs. Brushing removes plaque and tartar buildup that can cause tooth decay (rarely) and periodontal disease. Dog periodontal disease can lead to pain, tooth loss, bad breath, and other serious illnesses.

Your toenails may need to be checked for growth and cut regularly. Back toenails grow more slowly than front toenails. Generally, a guillotine-style trimmer is best for this task, and competent instructions for accomplishing this can be found online.

Life expectancy

It was developed in England to ward off poachers. The Bullmastiff can live between 6 and 10 years with proper nutrition, medical care and excellent living conditions.


The Bullmastiff is a cross between a Mastiff and a Bulldog. They were developed in England around 1924 to help protect against poachers. They were trained to find and hold poachers, not kill them. They were first registered by the American Kennel Association in 1934.

some records

  • American Bullmastiff Association.
  • United Kennel Club UKC
  • NKC National Kennel Club
  • Continental Kennel Club CKC
  • APRI Americas Pet Registry Inc.
  • American Kennel Club AKC
  • FCI International Cinological Federation
  • NZKC New Zealand Kennel Club
  • KCGB Kennel Club of Great Britain
  • ANKC Australian National Kennel Club
  • American Canine Registry ACR

litter size

5 to 8 bullmastiff puppies



terms to describe

Affectionate, fearless, intelligent, loyal, great strength, stamina, alert, active, powerful, sweet, kind, affable, agile, aggressive


  • Very good guard dog.
  • Good obedience.
  • fast learner
  • Very smart.
  • Even tempered.


  • Very good guard dog.
  • An experienced owner is preferred to determine dominance issues.
  • She can be stubborn.
  • She can be lazy and can be prone to weight problems.
  • She tends to drool.
  • It should be socialized with people and animals at a young age.
  • Will not back down.
  • Tend to snore.

Other names known by

Nightdog Ranger.

Every dog ​​is an individual, so not all of this information may be correct for your dog. This information is a good faith guide only.

Puppy Training Part 3 – Three initial steps on how to train your dog to "to come"

Learning to train your dog to “come” is perhaps the most important skill you need as a dog owner. Why is this commandment so important? just think for a moment.

  • Some kind of danger is present (approaching cars or whatever).
  • You command ‘Come’.
  • Your dog obeys. Everything’s fine.
  • Your dog doesn’t know. In the worst case (a) his pet is dead. (b) Not so bad – injured. (c) At best, fine, but an accident waiting to happen.

When you have taught your puppy to ‘Come’, you can have your dog where you need them anywhere at any time and it is vital to keep your dog out of dangerous situations in the future. This command is very forceful and will require more time than the ‘sit’ and ‘lie down’ commands to fully master.

But once your pup knows how to do it, he’ll realize the value of the command and be happy with the amount of time you spend on it. He Possibly he will find that his dog is more obedient than his children! Certainly the most important thing about the eat command is that it has to get an instant response. You simply have to make your dog respond in the same second that you have given the command.

There’s no way you want them to get used to hearing you say it 5 or 6 times and then wander off whenever they feel like it. Regardless of what they are enjoying or how far away they are, they should stop and come directly to you.

Why is it so difficult to obey this command?

For any of us, it is extremely difficult to simply stop something that interests you and respond to another request (from your spouse, for example!). There are several factors in the difficulty involved:

1. You may not have started training your pup in this response until he is a bit older, so he has already developed a habit of not responding and just ignoring you.

2. Your pup may just not realize what “come” means.

3. They may be engaging in natural canine behavior, such as chasing a cat or tracking a scent when you say to come.

4. Maybe you adopted your dog from an animal shelter. The previous owner may have taught the ‘come’ command but then inflicted a punishment.

You watch the dog owners. Very often they give the order to come, but when the dog obeys, they punish him by saying ‘bad dog’ and maybe even start hitting him. They may have been punishing him for a previous action, but all the dog knows is that he is being beaten for “coming.”

All of which leads to the absolute first rule of dog training: never discipline the dog using physical force. There are many better and more humane ways to reprimand your puppy and improve his behavior than hitting him.

Here are three steps to start teaching your dog how to come

Step 1 – Take the initiative and praise your puppy every time he approaches you. A puppy will naturally run to you, so he begins to develop the association of coming to you and receiving praise. This is an essential first step.

Step 2 – When he starts to get close to you alone, start looking when he starts to get close. Just as he’s getting to you, say ‘come’ (and of course, praise him when he gets to you).

Step 3 – Start in the association between the act and the mandate. Crouch down and say “(dog’s name), come.” Hold out one of her favorite toys or treats if she needs a little more encouragement to come closer to you.

These are just a few strategies. For four more steps on how to help your pup master this absolutely imperative command (and for all aspects of puppy training), visit my website listed below.

Two types of businesswomen at their best in relationships

Often switching instantly from one role to another throughout the day, women entrepreneurs must become adept at managing their clearly separate relationships, from one moment to the next, sometimes instantly. While this ongoing evolution of Clark Kent becoming Superman may seem difficult at times, there are strategies to handle it well.

A recent study reveals that there are five different types of women in business. Based on professional market research of over 2,500 female entrepreneurs, this study shows that each type of female entrepreneur has a unique approach to running a business and handling the other details of her life, and therefore each has a unique mix of needs. . This article describes two of the five types and provides tips for getting the most out of your relationships.

Tenacity Jane is an entrepreneur with an undeniable passion for her business and who tends to struggle with cash flow. As a result, she works longer hours and earns less money than she would like. However, Tenacity Jane is committed and determined to make her business a success. With 31% women entrepreneurs, the Tenacity Janes are the largest group of women entrepreneurs.

While Tenacity Jane’s passion is what will lead to the strength and growth of her business over time, it can also get in the way of her forming healthy relationships while working so hard in the business.

• In Business: Tenacity Jane wants her business to succeed so badly that she sometimes ends up going to great lengths to serve difficult customers, putting her own needs on the back burner. Not only will this habit deplete your business’s resources (since you’re spending time, and therefore money, on customers who will take whatever they can get), but it will also deplete your emotional reserves as you struggle to satisfy customers who just don’t care. they will not be satisfied. -to the point of her own exhaustion. Therefore, Tenacity Jane must set boundaries for herself with her clients. If she feels that a relationship with a client or colleague is exhausting and she is unable to satisfy the client or colleague, she should consider ending that professional relationship. Ending a draining relationship will give Tenacity Jane more energy and time resources to find new, healthy clients that are mutually beneficial.

• At Home: Again, because Tenacity Jane is so passionate about her business, she risks neglecting her personal relationships. Also, because Tenacity Jane often lacks focus and is working on multiple ideas or projects at once, she may believe that she doesn’t have time to rest or relax, and that can be frustrating for the people who love her. By finding focus on her business, Tenacity Jane is able to better manage her time and then challenge herself to make more time for the important relationships in her life.

Go Jane Go is passionate about her work and provides excellent service, which is why she has so many clients that she has a hard time keeping up with the demand. With 14% women in business, she may be a classic achiever and she may also take advantage of volunteer opportunities, because she is eager to make an impact in the world and often has a hard time saying no. Because she wants to say yes to so many people, she may even be in denial about how many hours she actually works over the course of a week. As a result, she may be functioning poorly and feeling guilty for neglecting herself and others who are important to her.

Go Jane Go, the epitome of a people person, is as generous as anyone could be, whether volunteering her time or running a business designed to help people. So while it may seem like relationships should come easy for this fantastically people-oriented businesswoman, her generosity can cause some challenges.

• In Business: Go Jane Go takes business very personally, resulting in a two-sided relationship coin. The silver lining: Your employees and team members often feel valued, appreciated, and listened to. The challenges: You can hire someone you really like, even if that person isn’t qualified for the job. You can also work tirelessly to provide opportunities for an employee who always says he’s interested but never follows through. In cases like these, Go Jane Go must work to think of business as business, so she doesn’t exhaust her own resources trying to help others.

• At home: Go Jane Go is committed to everything she does. She is committed to her business, her volunteer opportunities, and her friends and family. Without a doubt, she will always put others before herself. Although this may work for a while, she will eventually end up feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Also, if one person in a relationship is always giving, the relationship is not built on a solid two-way foundation and will eventually risk falling apart. To remedy this, Go Jane Go must carefully examine her own needs and then ensure that they are met. She should schedule time for herself on her calendar (and honor it), and she should also take turns with her spouse, children, and friends choosing restaurants, movies, or other leisure activities, and making larger decisions.

Each type of businesswoman exhibits her own natural tendencies when engaging in relationships, just as she does when running her business. While some of those trends can create relationship challenges, the good news is that with a little extra work, every entrepreneur can learn to create a balance that leads to harmonious and healthy relationships.

Different types of sound systems

Setting up the right mix of sound equipment is no easy feat. Manufacturers will surely be able to help you decide and choose the right type of PA sound system for your needs, as well as help improve your communication and listening experience. This type of sound system is actually used in many different applications and different applications require different types of PA sound system. Before deciding on a specific audio device, you need to consider several factors, such as the venue, the size of the venue, the number of people who will attend or listen to your speech, presentation, concert, conference, and the like. These are just some of the basic but very important things to check to make sure you have the right system or equipment.

In this article, we will discuss the different types of audio systems that we all see and use in our daily lives. The first systems we are going to talk about are wireless intercom systems. Intercoms are very useful, especially in a very large company with large offices or factories. This will allow and enhance communication between workers. These devices are very portable and can cover a wide range; They also come with rechargeable batteries. Even if these devices are wireless, the sound quality is still excellent.

Another type of audio system is the PA sound system. This type of audio device or system is very useful in many different applications such as schools, gyms, large gatherings and the like. It will also be of great help to you if you need to send an important message to a large group of people. You can find many different types of this audio system and each one offers unique qualities.

You can also find portable PA systems. These are great because they are very similar to an ordinary PA sound system, except that they work without wires, which are very inconvenient and can restrict movement during speeches, presentations, conferences, concerts, and the like. But before choosing a PA system, you need to consider several things, as mentioned above. You also need to keep your spending budget in mind because these audio devices are not cheap so you need to make sure that the system you will buy meets your needs.

A Beginner’s Guide to Goat Care

Your goats need the majority of their diet to be natural forage from shrubs, woody plants, hay, tree bark and more. Chances are the fiber they eat doesn’t provide them with all the nutrients they need to maintain perfect health. It will probably be necessary to supplement their diet with a coarse grain such as goat feed, corn, or another good grain product.

If you feed your goats a diet that is almost all grain, they will develop kidney problems that can be fatal. They may also develop a bloated stomach or gain too much weight. A goat should have a balanced diet that contains 75% to 80% of its dietary intake from plants that provide natural forage.

You may have heard that a goat can eat anything, or that a goat will eat anything. This is not true. Many natural plants can make your animal seriously ill or, in some cases, can cause the animal to die prematurely. Plants that will make your goats sick.

• hemlock

• Wild cherry

• Azalea

• Black Walnut

• Rhododendron

• Sheep Laurel and Mountain Laurel

• Juniper

• Ponderosa Pine

• Yes

• Mesquite pods

Keep enough fresh water available for your animals at all times. The amount of water they will need will vary depending on the moisture content of the food they are eating. In the winter months, if you live in an area where temperatures drop below freezing for long periods of time, you’ll want to get a submersible heater to place in the water bowl so the animals’ water doesn’t freeze.

Shelter is a must for your animals. They need a dry place where they can shelter from the rain and where they can sleep without dew falling on them. Their shelter should provide them with a way to escape the cold winds that blow in the winter and provide safety from natural predators.

Most goat owners place a thick layer of straw or hay inside their shelters so their animals have adequate protection from the cold and wet ground. You can put a wooden floor in your shelter if you wish.

A large dog house is also a good alternative shelter for a goat. The animal will go inside the structure and will also climb on the structure. Many owners buy the small igloo dog houses and place them inside their enclosure so that their small animals can get into them.

You will have to learn how to trim the hooves of your goats. You can put stones or concrete blocks in the pen with the animal to help it naturally support its hooves, but from time to time you need to put bugs on its hooves and trim off the excess.

good fencing

You must install fences that the animal cannot pass through and cannot lift to get under. Goats are notorious for sticking their heads through the fence and often have their horns hung on the fence.

You need strong fences with secure gates to contain these animals. They will often push against the fence as if they are scratching their sides on the fence, so it is very important to have the fencing material properly secured to the fence posts.

Signs that your goat is sick

No matter how well you take care of your animals, there will be times when they will get sick. The best way to determine if you have a sick animal is to pay attention to their normal behaviors. Then, when one of the animals begins to act differently than he normally does, he will quickly notice the difference.

Some signs of disease in goats are:

• When they don’t ruminate

• When they refuse to get up

• When they are not eating as they normally do

• When your poop is solid or liquid instead of granules like it should be

• Walking and crying more than usual

• stop drinking

• They start to grind their teeth

• Have a limp

• They are amazing

• Your udders are warm to the touch

• They are coughing

• Your eyelids or gums are beer-colored

• Have a runny nose

These animals have great personalities and will entertain you for hours. They will help keep the property clear of bushes and weeds, and the youngsters will bring a fair price when you sell them. Caring for animals isn’t really that hard to do, and the rewards outweigh any problems caring for them presents.

Do not do this to your cat, it could upset him

What makes cats unhappy?

Cats are among the most popular pets around the world. This is because they are adorable, playful, fun, and curious, plus they require little maintenance compared to dogs and other animals. However, they are very peculiar and each feline has a list of things that they like and dislike. Here are 6 of the things they usually hate.

car rides

Cats, like humans, have habits. They have their own territory and routines, plus they really hate it when changes happen. Also, the idea of ​​a moving vehicle makes them feel confused and unhappy. However, there is a good reason cats don’t like cars. They have the tendency to experience dizziness and vomiting due to anxiety.


There’s an old tale about cats that hate getting wet. First of all, unlike humans and dogs, cats do not need to be bathed as they are good at grooming themselves. However, there are some breeds, like big cats, that love things that are wet. In general, a normal house cat will go to great lengths to avoid water.

tummy rub

One of the areas that differentiates cats from dogs is the former’s hatred of having their bellies rubbed. Cats have a very strong instinct and the most vulnerable part of their body is their stomach. When a person strokes a cat’s belly, this elicits a defensive response, such as the cat may attack your hand with all four paws, claws out. The cat’s reaction is a reflex that occurs naturally, so it is best to avoid touching its belly.

Loud noises

When a cat hears a loud noise, he thinks danger is coming, so he will elicit a fight response. Cats often run away when they feel commotion, such as fireworks, car horns, and loud parties. Sometimes a cat can be startled by just a sneeze.

being brushed

Brushes are acceptable for cats that have been trained to tolerate them while still young. Otherwise, a cat will fight and try to run away when someone approaches it with a brush. Cats can be very flighty and will let people know if they like being brushed or not.

aggressive caresses

Cats may want to show that they are tough predators, but deep down they are really soft and cuddly. When people pet your cat too aggressively, she gets angry and may even hit you with her paws or claws. Also, this will over-stimulate your pet feline and trigger her fight response.

too much attention

Dogs always like to get attention from their owners, but on the other hand, cats like minimal attention. Cats can’t stand being followed, carried all the time or forced to endure constant petting. When cats want their owner’s attention, they meow continuously and rub their legs. There is no need to force this.