
Powering future

How to rank the website on the first page of Google

This will help you understand how to quickly rank a website for the most relevant keywords and get natural and faster search engine traffic from the result.

The first thing to do is find the best SEO tools available. These are typically web counters that tell you which keywords your competitor is targeting. You can also use Ahrefs’ professional feature to locate and target specific keywords. Ahref’s professional feature allows you to identify exact keywords that allow your competitor to rank, narrowing down your own keyword list to better focus.

Another important SEO tool is to use keyword research software. The advantage of doing so is that you can identify and analyze the popular keywords your competitors rank for and incorporate them into your own keywords. Keyword search software can also show you how to rank a website by incorporating the main search terms used by customers searching online. A very good example of this is Google AdWords.

Ranking your website effectively will require you to spend time studying how search engines work. You will need to learn about the various algorithms that search engines follow to rank websites. This will help you determine the factors that affect website rankings. It will also show you how to manipulate the elements of your site to get a high ranking. For example, if you want to rank a website for “motor vehicles,” you will need to ensure that you have a lot of new, well-written content on your website.

Optimized keywords and key phrases are also very important SEO tools. An example is the area platform where you can see how your competitors are using a keyword or phrase. Google’s Competitor Analysis Tool also shows you how to rank a website using keywords and key phrases. These are many blog posts available on EzineArticles that can help you understand how search engines work.

You can find your own set of keywords online in various places. A simple Google search will reveal a list of some of the most popular keywords, which can be used in your own campaigns. These keywords must be competitive but also useful to your customers. For example, if you sell clothing online and one of your keywords is “Cheap T-shirt”, we recommend that you change it to “Unique T-shirt for Men”. Changing your keywords to something more specific and targeted will be less obvious to your competitors and can result in more traffic to your web pages.

Backlinks can be built from other websites, but a link must be built using relevant keywords. You need to think like a customer and create backlinks in a natural way and with a high likelihood of being clickable. You can achieve this by joining social media sites and submitting new products, articles, or videos to popular directories, signing up for article directories, and bookmarking your site’s URL on all of your social media profiles.

Another way to rank a website in the SERPs or search engine results pages is by making sure your website has a set of meta tags and keyword phrases. You need to do keyword research to find out which keywords are most likely to make your customers buy your product or access your website. You should also check out some of the free online tools that rank the website for you. Some free online SEO tools are invaluable in learning how to rank a website and you should definitely check them out when you are starting to learn SEO.

Bonjoie! 7 lessons I learned in Paris

“April in Paris, chestnuts in bloom, Christmas tables under the trees.” -EY Harburg

After indulging in a mountaintop experience, it often takes a couple of days to not only regain altitude and perspective; it takes a little time to fully understand what, exactly, just happened.

Such was our trip to France.

Escorting thirty-six young musicians to Paris for a three-concert tour turned out to be an incredible experience that I cannot fully convey in this newsletter. My words will fall short; our photos will be lost for the most part; and the stories enthusiastically told to eagerly awaiting family members will reveal only a glimpse of the experience. What happens when vision meets strategy, passion meets energy, and divine inspiration meets faith cannot be understood by those who miss the mountaintop. But because it is now a part of who I am, I am moved to try to share it with you.

Paris was, for me anyway, the fruit of almost fourteen years of musical training in my children. And found my heart explode with joy as I celebrated. After listening to “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” played mostly with less than perfect intonation, more than ten thousand times; the footsteps, the rolling eyes, and the “I hate the violin” when my kids were too irritable to practice; of weekly 90-minute round trips to Westport for lessons: seeing not only my own Ben and Cristina, but the children in the orchestra ages twelve to eighteen, performing Beethoven’s “Fifth” and ” Barber’s Adagio for Strings “in a medieval cathedral in central Paris left me exulting. Tears stained my cheeks as the music moved and took my soul to a height never before imagined. Friendships were forged with more unsuspecting partners as common ground was discovered and shared. The barriers erected by political divisions, theological differences, and ideological disparities collapsed under the international language of love for music.

It was an extraordinary experience and I learned a few lessons along the way:

1) We lean on the high shoulders of the spiritual giants who lived before us. When one visits a city with cathedrals still standing after the frenzy of the Crusades and the many battles that were fought there, one realizes the magnitude of the spiritual convictions of those who came before us. Studying Chartres Cathedral – and walking the corridors of La Trinite and the Cathedrals of Magdalena where our children performed – allowed me not only the luxury of admiring stained glass windows depicting prominent biblical themes; It allowed me to reflect on the vision, inspiration and dedication with which they were created. In earlier times in Paris, religion was not a part of life. It was life.

2) Art, music and literature are necessary components to create a life worth living. As good shoes, good mattresses and good books are necessary elements of every childhood; good art, good music, and good literature provide the necessary nourishment for the soul. Wandering through the halls of the Louvre, and my favorite museum in Paris, the Musée D’Orsay, made me appreciate even more the importance of fabulous art. They don’t call these guys masters for nothing. I am convinced that the world would be safer and happier if everyone learned to paint, played a musical instrument or sang in a choir and read classical literature on a daily basis. Music remains the universal language of the heart; Anyone who doesn’t understand this had better start listening to Mozart.

3) Celebrate serendipity. As I have already explored a lesson in both my book and previous newsletters, it bears repeating here, as I witnessed, embraced, and practiced what I preach. Most of you will already know that I have an inordinate passion for the color lime green (or disease, depending on your perspective). It was pure chance that, while we were walking down a Parisian street in search of ceramics and French candles, we came across a lime green sofa against the brick wall of a store. I started laughing hysterically. Where but in Paris would you find a lime green sofa in the middle of the street? I immediately sat on it, reveling in the experience, and letting it be captured on film. It was a fluke that, while walking through a tony shopping district, I was grabbed from behind, only to find a non-English speaking Parisian lady trying to communicate that her last name was “La Coq” and I could tell her where she was. Could I buy the Vera Bradley backpack I wore that sported roosters and eggs? Happily I told him, in English, that it was no longer available, but I told him in sign language to get out a piece of paper and a pen so that he could write the website where he might have some luck. The chance of that encounter still makes me smile. Perhaps it was a coincidence that our tour guide was almost perfect; that our flights were uneventful; that our hotel was perfectly located; and that the Parisian orchestra, which played a joint concert with us, was well prepared and charming. Serendipity or angels watching over us: we celebrate each and every little victory.

4) Food plays a very important role in celebrating life. Being French means having a passion for everything related to food. They unapologetically indulge in the culinary arts and enjoy all of its inherent stress-relieving side benefits three times a day. They support a modus operandi of “live to eat” rather than “eat to live.” And you can see it. “Coffee to go” is an oxymoron. It just doesn’t exist in France. Coffee should be taken sitting down, preferably with a friend or two, along with a baguette or crepe filled with sugar or chocolate. While French women may not get fat, American women visiting France can. I embraced the French gastronomic philosophy for eight days and came back with more “wiggle my wiggle”, if you know what I mean. Que sara sara (or is that Spanish?)

5) The charm and charisma still work. They are not overrated. From the hotel staff to the Parisian waiters to the Ralph Lauren store receptionist – everything met our needs with grace and charm. When an unsuspecting but gorgeous flower arrangement caused a constant tickle in my throat, the “Polo employee” asked for a glass of water for me. It was delivered on a cloth napkin on top of a silver tray. (When was the last time it happened to you in America?) When our orchestra met with the community orchestra for a joint concert, we were all captivated by its Parisian conductor, Sylvan. Young and vibrant, he exuded charm with his humility and kind demeanor towards us; the hot pink tie against his completely black “uniform” demonstrated once again, the magic of charisma.

6) “Hello” means something. The French refuse to start a conversation without him. Once when I broke into my explanation that I needed several Eiffel Tower charms for bracelets without the mandatory opening of “Bonjour”, the store clerk stopped me mid-sentence, interrupting my jokes with “Bonjour, ma’am, How can I help you? ” How wonderful to remember at every step that today is indeed a good day!

7) “Bonjoie” means even more. Late on the second night of our trip, brimming with energy and excitement after traveling to the top of the Eiffel Tower, I accidentally said “Bonjoie” (jwahr) instead of “Bonsoir” (swahr). Sarah, the perfectly fluent escort to whom I directed this misstep, proclaimed, “Happy joy in life to you too!” As I walked up the escalator to my hotel room, I didn’t realize the extent of my mistake. But the next morning on the bus, everyone greeted me with “Bonjoie.” And so it was. It became our password for life in April in Paris. I can’t think of any better.

Our kids sparkled like sugar-coated gummies strewn across the streets of Paris, dotting top sights and sweetening each and every meal. I was thrilled and honored to have been a part of an event of such historical significance to our young and tiny youth orchestra. They were goodwill ambassadors for our symphony, our city, and our country. I have never been prouder as a music lover, as a father, and as an American. Perhaps my experience provides an idea of ​​how you too can celebrate life.

Playing video games with consoles versus playing with handheld devices

Video games have always been one of the greatest inventions in entertainment. But now there are a variety of ways we can enjoy it. From consoles to handhelds, there is simply no way to stop game developers from fully satisfying the deepest desires of a gamer from all over the world and in different ages. But what exactly is the difference in how we want to play those games, do we want something affordable or something more attractive? Some of those who play video games care much more about the graphics and others about the game. Let’s start with where it all started first:

Video games are first created from a PC or personal computer, so games were first available on floppy disks and can be copied from different computers. Then consoles were invented, which is a fixed device that allows you to watch the game by connecting to a television and playing with a controller. Video games now come in cartridges since programs are stored on microchips.

Portable video game players were also made that came from black and white and then full color, video game companies also created their own version of portable video game players that require larger game cartridges. When compact discs were used, new consoles were created to make use of this new storage technology that can store a greater amount of data. Which means better graphics and sound, which made the games more engaging and engaging with more hours of playtime.

These are just some of the few factors that affect the player, both young and old:


Older gamers tend to spend more time and money playing on consoles, while really younger gamers prefer something simpler like playing on handheld devices like the handheld Playstation or Nintendo 3DS as they have small hands and it is easy to operate.


Being affordable is also a factor, those who are wealthy care much more about the quality of the game, while those who are on a tight budget would get anything they can play with to kill time or just to have fun.


A handheld device lets you play anywhere and anytime you want, the quality of the game is also improving as technology develops. The consoles are only good for playing at home or on a gaming network, you basically can’t take them anywhere with you.

It really depends on the operation, the time and the budget. A gamer may also prefer both for those who are really addicted to playing video games wherever or whenever they get the chance.

Fast food: an addiction or a lack of self-control?

I would like to emphasize this to all my readers, if you really want to kick the habit of unhealthy eating, you must embark on a lifestyle change. You will need motivation and determination to change a habit, if you want to learn how to change a habit, my friend Bryan has written an article on how to break a habit. Is fast food addictive? Yes, it is addictive. Scientists have claimed that hamburgers and fries can be just as addictive as heroin. Researchers in the US have found evidence to suggest that people may become overly dependent on the sugar and fat in fast food.

Evidence? Dr. John Hoebel and his colleagues have based their theory on a study of rats. Rats that were fed a diet containing 25% sugar entered a state of anxiety when the sugar was removed. Its symptoms included chattering teeth and tremors, similar to those seen in people who abstain from nicotine or morphine, according to the researchers.

What does this mean? High-fat foods stimulate opiates or “pleasure chemicals” in the brain, which also means that some people may become overly dependent on sweet or fatty foods.

The Science Behind Why Fast Food Is Addictive: Researchers who have been studying the biological effects of fast food are discovering that it can trigger hormonal changes in the body that can make eating more difficult to control. Fast foods offer almost the recommended daily intake of calories and fat in a single meal. As people gain weight, they become more resistant to the hormone leptin, which is strongly related to weight and appetite, and a brain peptide called galanin that stimulates eating.

“Your brain loses the ability to respond to these hormones as your body fat increases,” Professor Michael Schwartz, an endocrinologist at the University of Washington in Seattle, told the journal.

Animal studies by Associate Professor Sarah Leibowitz of Rockefeller University in New York have also shown that young rats fed a high-fat diet early in life became obese adults.

What can / should you do to overcome this? I will answer this with just 3 simple words, Exercise, Motivation and Discipline. You’ve created a bad habit by indulging in fast food, being lazy, and always giving in to your cravings. What you need here is not a world-class fitness instructor, what you need is a wake-up call. You are destroying yourself in more ways than one, the battle is now raging within you. I can only do this by telling you what you can and cannot do, the rest must be done by yourself.

Exercise: Get some form of cardiovascular activity at least twice a week. Running through your urbanization will be a good start. If you don’t have time, try the 12-minute-a-day method. It is very important to increase your physical activity as this will help you lose weight.

Motivation: Everyone needs motivation, so do you! Find your source of motivation, it can come from yourself, a friend or even your idol. Everything is fine, as long as it motivates you towards your goal. One method I can suggest is to “hang a rubber band around your wrist. When you think about eating fast food, stick with it. ”Bryan has also written a very informative article on how to motivate ourselves. [http://www.figurelicious.com/articles/motivation/losing-motivation-and-how-overcome-it] and I highly recommend that you read this once you are done with this article.

Habit: you must change your habit [http://www.figurelicious.com/articles/motivation/new-healthier-habit-30-days]. Instead of eating fast food 4 times a week, be sure to gradually reduce the number of times you eat fast food each week until you can finally kick the habit. It takes effort and discipline to be able to do this. Try eating fruits or other healthy snacks too the next time you have a craving! It can help you fight those hunger pangs.

Conclusion: I hope you remember what I have mentioned, exercise, motivation and discipline. Ultimately, you are helping yourself, so if you cheat, you are only cheating yourself. To all of you who read this article and want to kick your fast food habit, I wish you all the best and remember to stay in the picture of the spirit.

Reference: http://www.abc.net.au/science/news/stories/s773973.htm

Real Estate Attorney Fees: How Will Your Attorney Charge The Fees?

Hiring a property attorney without knowing the real estate attorney fee system can lead to a major financial mishap. To make a better decision regarding the hiring of a lawyer, we must know the fee generation system, since its cost can be substantial. The amount alone can ruin your bank account, if you are not prepared for it. When you have decided to receive legal support from an attorney, you should be eager to resolve any property-related issues that also impact your finances. So, are you ready to attract another financial hardship with little knowledge of attorney fees that can make or break your financial condition?

Basic factors behind high attorney fees

You should have clear communication and negotiation with your real estate attorney regarding your fees before signing a legal agreement. So how long do you wait and have you set aside your expenses to pay attorney’s fees? Many of the highly reputable attorneys in their field of operations may charge higher fees than their counterparts.

However, real estate attorneys take into account a multitude of conditions and factors when deciding on their fees. The following factors are usually considered by them:

1. How complicated is the case?

2. Period of time that the legal representative is likely to spend resolving or resolving disputes, including the time required to investigate, interview all witnesses, gather facts, prepare documents, and so on.

3. The appearance of new and sudden events during the trial period can extend the case for a longer time and this can extend the number of digits in the attorney’s payments.

Different categories in attorneys’ fees

A client may be charged attorney’s fees for the first meeting. After the amount charged for the first meeting, your legal representative may charge you a fixed or hourly rate or a retention, legal, or contingency fee. An attorney may charge you more money for the time you spent on the trial period in the courtroom than the time you spent on the investigation and other work related to your case that you did while sitting in offices or libraries. You can also agree to pay either of these two or a combination of these two. Talk about the cost, along with your case, when you find a legal representative. Online databases of real estate attorneys that list top-tier attorneys in the country include their payment system and the amount, if fixed. Spending a little time browsing these directories and databases will pay off because it will save your pocketbook.

Romance Novels To Read – 5 Historical Girl Movie Books

A story of romance novels

Romance novels are among the most popular forms of literature today. Most of the time, modern love stories are written with feminine sensibilities in mind, specifically from a woman’s point of view. The romance book industry is largely a female-driven medium, focusing on the various areas of life that women consider important.

Can you believe that short love story book you just read has a long and famous history? The romantic books that fill your shelves have been around for centuries.

Where did it all start?

Marking her birth during the English Renaissance, female fiction was written by a male pen and guided by the male point of view on the subject that is purely female. As a result, patriarchal ideas have been reinforced through literature and promoted the female sphere during the period that saw the rise of women’s literacy. However, the appearance of the translation of the Spanish novel The Mirror of Knighthood by Margaret Tyler and Urania by Mary Wroth have become notable exceptions to this theory.

The commercial success of Renaissance romances can be attributed to the emergence of a greater number of female readers. Most of the Jacobean and Elizabethan romantic authors attribute their fame and commercial success to noble readers or those who belong to the middle ranks of society, which assures their loyal followers of their unconditional dedication.

A short list of the best romance novels of all time

The romance book genre has surely had a rich history. However, it is said that passion, devotion, relationships and love are easily experienced, but they are a bit difficult to express in written words. However, over the years, there are good romance books that have managed to capture the hearts of readers from all walks of life, earning the title of being the best romance novels of all time.

  • Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

This romance novel has sold more than 120 million copies, with numerous imitations and adaptations, proving that it has withstood even the harshest test of time.

  • Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë

Largely ignored and initially criticized for its inadequate depiction of blind love, this is a true romantic classic that is considered one of the best-known love stories English literature has ever produced.

  • Jane Eyre by Emily Brontë

Widely recognized for addressing issues of sexuality, feminism, religion, and class in first-person narrative, it is a popular romance book that has a rebellious streak that breaks the 19th century status quo.

  • Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

Hailed by Times magazine as the greatest romance novel ever written, Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina is a true masterpiece.

  • Margaret Mitchell Gone with the Wind

Taking second place among America’s best romance novels, the romantic classic explores the life of Scarlett O’Hara. It is also the same story that earned the author her Pulitzer Price in 1937.

It would be impossible to list everyone’s favorite romance book of all time, but the list above is a good place to start developing your taste for romance literature.

RV Information: RV Travel Safety

For a minute, try to think how a criminal would think. If you were at a rest stop looking for your next target or victim, what would you look for? Suppose for a moment that you are going to target a vehicle. What would be more attractive, a car whose owner stopped to go to the bathroom or an expensive-looking Class A caravan whose owners are walking their dogs? I don’t have the mind of a criminal, but this is an easy choice. That expensive-looking caravan probably has expensive contents inside it, like jewelry, cameras, and a laptop.

Well, we have come to the conclusion that we RVers are the main target of the criminal mind, so what can we do to protect ourselves? That’s what this RV Safety Checklist is for. To give you some ideas on how to protect yourself and your personal belongings when traveling in your RV.

Don’t spend the night at a rest stop. Rest stops attract criminals. If you stop at a rest stop, it should be only for a short break and then get back on the road. Close the RV and take turns using the facilities, always leaving someone in or near the RV. Always be on the lookout for anything or anyone that seems suspicious. Keep your cell phone handy in case you need it, and don’t open the door for anyone unless you know who it is.

Rest stops aren’t the only place you need to worry about. Every time you stop to refuel, you have to take certain precautions. It’s easy to be vulnerable to a thief at a gas station or truck stop. I have a bad habit of leaving my wallet on the console of our Class C motorhome. The door is not locked and your spouse is taking the time to walk the dogs. This is how fast it can happen. Get into the habit of locking the doors whenever you or someone else is not physically in the RV.

Most robberies occur at night, and most travel-related robberies occur at rest stops, gas stations, convenience stores, and ATMs. Try to schedule most of your stops during daylight hours, and whenever you stop, be aware of your surroundings. If something doesn’t look right, go away.

Wal-Mart or other parking lots where you might stop for a few hours sleep can also present safety concerns. You should always park in a well-lit area and the motorhome entrance door should face where most of the activity is. A thief prefers to work where it is dark and where he is least likely to attract attention. Close curtains or blinds so that someone cannot look inside. Don’t open the door for anyone unless you know who it is. If you are a security guard, ask for identification before opening the door.

As much as we would like to believe that the campgrounds are 100% safe and secure, don’t let your guard down. You don’t need to be paranoid, just use a little common sense. Don’t leave expensive equipment lying around unsecured. Tow bars, hitches, bicycles and other elements of the vehicle must be locked.

Keep all valuables inside the RV insured and out of sight. It is a good idea to purchase a small fireproof safe for storing valuables and important documentation. The safe can protect your valuables from the dangers of a fire, but it should still be stored in a safe and secluded place inside the motorhome.

Always lock up the motorhome when you are not physically at camp. Do not store valuable equipment in outdoor storage compartments. Believe it or not, the vast majority of RVs use the exact same key as yours for exterior storage compartments. If you store valuables such as golf clubs, fishing gear, or tools in the outer compartments, you may want to change the locks.

Before you go on a trip, make sure your Emergency Road Service Plan is up to date. In the unfortunate event of a breakdown on the road, try to start as safe as possible and call for help immediately. Stay with the RV until help arrives.

It is unfortunate that we live in a time when we need to take these additional measures to protect ourselves. I don’t want you to feel that everyone you meet during your travels is a thief or has bad intentions. Just use common sense and be aware of what is going on around you.

Plan your trip, travel safe, and enjoy your RV experiences. Remember, getting there is half the fun!

Happy Camping!

Copyright 2006 by Mark J. Polk Owner of RV Education 101

The many ways to free yourself from your timeshare obligations

While it is true that a timeshare contract is a binding legal document, it is often mistakenly thought that such a contract cannot just be canceled. In fact, most timeshare companies maintain that their contracts cannot be canceled.

This misconception is perpetuated by timeshare companies and user groups that are funded, maintained and controlled by the timeshare industry.

The truth of the matter is, under the law, contracts are subject to being canceled for a variety of reasons, including fraud and error.

In addition, a person who is burdened by the obligations of a contract may “terminate” the contract and no longer be bound by the contract for reasons other than breach.

“Cancellation” occurs when either party terminates the contract for breach of the other and its effect is the same as “termination” except that the canceling party also retains any remedies for breach of the entire contract or any unfulfilled balance. “Uniform Commercial Code 2106 (4); see 13 Corbin (Rev. ed.), §73.2; 13 Am.Jur.2d (2000 ed.)

“Termination” occurs when either party, pursuant to a power of attorney created by agreement or by law, terminates the contract in any way other than by default. Uniform Commercial Code sec. 2106 (3)

Since it is the law of the country, that a breach of contract by one party to the contract may result in the other party being released from their obligations under the contract, the notion that one is bound forever by a timeshare contract is erroneous as a matter of law.

The purpose of this article is to provide a ray of hope to those timeshare owners who are no longer interested in being tied to their timeshare and their financial obligations for life.

For starters, when you first purchase your timeshare, most states have a rescission or “cool-down” period during which timeshare buyers can cancel their contracts and receive a refund of their deposit. This is known as the “right of withdrawal”.

However, once this period expires, most timeshare companies will lead you to believe that your contract cannot be canceled, and thereafter, you are obligated in perpetuity to pay the escalating maintenance fees that accompany timeshare ownership.

Additionally, timeshare property advocates would have you believe that once the initial “right of rescission” expires, the only legal way to terminate timeshare contracts involves a transfer of ownership, whether by selling, donating or giving away. .

In fact, most timeshare user groups and virtually all timeshare companies want you to believe that under no circumstances will a timeshare company voluntarily take back your timeshare. Again, this is not true.

What is certain is that most timeshare companies will not voluntarily take back your timeshare. As will be seen below, when faced with litigation or the possibility of litigation, many timeshare companies will in fact take back their timeshare or simply agree to release the timeshare owner from any future liability in relation to the timeshare contract. shared.

Before I discuss the latest developments in timeshare cancellation, I’d like to spend a little time on the more traditional means of canceling or getting rid of an unwanted timeshare.

As mentioned above, the traditional way to get rid of an unwanted timeshare is through a sale, donation, or transfer.

On the topic of selling a timeshare, many unsuspecting timeshare owners looking to get rid of their timeshare downfall pray to listed companies proposing to put their timeshare up for sale. Such businesses have been investigated by the State Attorney General for fraudulent and deceptive practices and a proposed timeshare seller who wishes to sell his timeshare obligation should first consider selling his timeshare by listing it on sites like eBay or Craigslist.

Other options are to list it through the developer, if the developer handles resales, or through a timeshare resale broker. One thing the proposed timeshare seller should not do is pay an upfront fee for the sale of your timeshare. It is these prepayment practices that have come under the scrutiny of state attorneys general.

Another frequently discussed solution to the problem of how to free yourself from the financial burdens of your timeshare is to donate the timeshare. Where once there were a number of organizations that accepted written timeshare donations, with the ever-increasing burden of maintenance fees that seem to increase each year, these organizations are a dying breed.

Transferring ownership to a third party who will simply take over the annual maintenance obligations is another “exit strategy.” However, these people will not pay you for the timeshare and in many cases the timeshare company will simply refuse to acknowledge the transfer or alternatively impose onerous resort transfer fees, causing the transfer to a third is prohibitive for those facing financial difficulties.

In recent years, however, new techniques have emerged promoted by real estate attorneys who specialize in timeshare litigation. These techniques reached their final fruit in a series of lawsuits filed in California that resulted in the release of each and every claimant from their timeshare contracts.

Similar actions have been taken, all seeking damages for the kind of fraudulent and deceptive conduct often used by timeshare sellers to induce unwitting potential owners to sign on the dotted line.

Such conduct includes the following statements, generally made at the time the timeshare was sold:

To. That the purchased timeshare interest would appreciate and the resale price and value would increase over time.

B. That the acquired timeshare interest can be freely exchanged, transferred and sold.

vs. That the purchased timeshare interest was a financial investment.

D. That the purchased timeshare interest would result in the buyer receiving reservation priority over non-purchasing vacationers who wish to stay in one or more of the defendant’s owned and / or maintained timeshare properties.

As a result of the filing of such actions, timeshare companies have become much more willing to release timeshare owners from their timeshare obligations even without resorting to litigation.

To take advantage of this solution, you must hire an attorney familiar with timeshare laws and the various techniques for terminating a timeshare contract.

In short, don’t believe the naysayers who tell you it’s impossible to get out of a timeshare contract. If you are the victim of one or more of the above misrepresentations, you may also be able to cancel your timeshare contract.

Sony PS4 Game Console Technical Details – Part Two

Following its crowd pleasing presentation at the E3 entertainment expo, Sony has revealed the full specification of its next-generation PlayStation 4 gaming console. Ready to go head-to-head with Microsoft’s Xbox One, these details bring us one step closer to understanding all the capabilities of this new machine.

The first part of this article looked at the main and graphics processors, internal storage, RAM, and the integrated Blu-ray optical drive. Here we take care of the video and sound output, connectivity specifications, the DualShock 4 controller, and the included and optional accessories that will be available.

Video and audio output

When the PS3 and Xbox 360 were released, analog connections were the most common ways to connect your console to your television. Display technology has progressed at an alarming rate in recent years, and as a result, the PS4 only has digital outputs. For video, an HDCP encrypted HDMI port is the only option, while for sound there is, in addition to the audio through the HDMI output, an optical Toslink SPDIF connection.

Wired and wireless connectivity

Wireless options on PlayStation 4 will be in the form of 802.11 b / g / n wireless network connectivity and built-in Bluetooth 2.1. Wired connections come in the form of a Gigabit Ethernet port (also backward compatible with 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX), two USB 3.0 ports, and an AUX port as used for connection to the motion detection device. PlayStation Camera.

The controller (see below for details) uses Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR technology to achieve a wireless connection, although the USB port can be used to charge and play games with a low battery level. The USB ports maintain a source of power even when the console is off.


DualShock 4 is the new standard PS4 controller and contains several new features over its predecessor, the DualShock 3. The first is a clickable capacitive touchpad built into the front of the controller. Another new feature is a light bar on the front of the device that is capable of displaying different colors and can be used for things like identifying players in multiplayer games or to indicate a low battery level. The light bar is also used by the external camera to measure movement and depth. Also included is improved motion detection using a 3-axis gyroscope and 3-axis accelerometer along with an improved vibration function.

Some of the buttons have been revised. The HOME and SELECT buttons have been removed and replaced with a single OPTIONS button, while a SHARE button has been introduced, presumably to allow uploading of images, videos, or statistics of your games. Joysticks and triggers have also been redesigned.

The controller features a 3.5mm stereo jack and a micro USB port for charging and connecting to the console when there is not enough charge on the controller to continue playing wirelessly.

Regarding backward compatibility of controllers, PlayStation Move controllers will be compatible with the new console, however the DualShock 3 will not be compatible with PS4. Sony will include a free PS4 controller with the console, with additional units available at a cost of $ 59 USD or £ 44 GBP.


In addition to the DualShock 4 wireless controller (see above), the Sony PS4 will come with a free mono headset that can be connected to the controller. Although the free headphones are mono, the connection connector of the controller is capable of outputting a stereo signal.

An HDMI cable will also be included with the PS4 package, although due to the omission of analog ports on the console no other video cables are included, although the user could purchase some sort of digital-to-analog converter if this is the only option. open connection. to them.

The PlayStation 4 Eye camera will not be included with the standard retail package, but will be available as an accessory for $ 59 USD or £ 54 GBP.

This concludes our look at the technical specifications of the Sony PlayStation 4. Look for other articles comparing the new consoles to their main rival, the Xbox One.

The ’68 All-Star boasted twelve Cy Young winners, nineteen Hall of Famers, but zero races participated.

July inevitably leads to memories of the All-Star Games, whether of heroism on the field or the injustice of players being snubbed by not being selected. Since almost the beginning of this century, all baseball fans have remembered the 2002 contest with a feeling of regret.

With both managers (Joe Torre of the New York Yankees and Bob Brenley of the Arizona Diamondbacks) running out of players to use, the game was called off in the eleventh inning with the score tied at seven. Commissioner Bud Selig was especially upset that the game had been played at Miller Park, home of the Milwaukee Brewers team that he once owned.

He immediately took on the task of making sure there was never another Midsummer Classic without a winner, and thankfully that 2002 game is still the only one to end in a draw. However, exactly thirty-three years before that date, a quick glance at the box score could lead one to assume that the All-Star Game must have ended in a draw.

Neither team managed to get an RBI in the contest, so the zeros in the bottom row of the scoring chart seem to indicate that the game ended in a goalless draw. There were probably a lot of them in the 1968 regular season, when pitchers were so dominant that Major League Baseball decided to get off the mound starting the following year.

American League hitters, despite a lineup of players like Harmon Killebrew, Mickey Mantle, Brooks Robinson and Carl Yastremski, did not record a single. His offense was limited to three doubles by Tony Oliva of the Minnesota Twins, Don Wert of the Detroit Tigers and Jim Fregosi of the California Angels, neither of whom produced a single run.

When you consider who was on the mound in front of them, the lack of offense seems less surprising. Steve Carlton, Bob Gibson, Juan Marichal and Tom Seaver were four of the powerful arms that combined to shut out American League hitters.

His Senior Circuit opponents proved almost as unproductive on offense, even though the lineup featured more future Hall of Famers. Willie Mays was in first place, followed by legends like Johnny Bench, Hank Aaron, Ron Santo, and Tony Perez.

Even with that roster of prominent sluggers, NL hitters couldn’t come in with a single RBI. With all the blanks in that column, it would be easy to assume that neither team scored.

Two spaces to the left in the score chart, the career column shows the only difference in the two clubs that day. The NL managed to score a run, when Mays crossed the plate when his San Francisco Giants teammate Willie McCovey rebounded on a double play off Boston ace Luis Tiant in the bottom of the first.

After that short run in the opening inning, pitchers from both teams dominated the offense. That minimal production represented the lowest scoring game in All Star history but regardless of what the RBI column indicates, it was not a tie.