
Powering future

10 reasons to learn Mandarin Chinese

10 reasons to learn Mandarin Chinese

Very often, people will have their own reasons for learning a new or foreign language, but some languages ​​have additional benefits or advantages in today’s world. Mandarin Chinese is one of them.

There are many reasons why Chinese is one of the second most important languages ​​that people from any country can learn, but here are just 10.

1) Almost a quarter of the world’s population speaks Chinese.

This in itself may not be an overwhelming reason to learn the language, but when you consider that there are over 1.3 billion people in China, not to mention the millions elsewhere in Singapore, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, the Americas and Europe who they also speak Chinese. , it is obvious that the language is spreading and growing all over the world. Being able to speak the language then will obviously open up billions of new friends, clients or potential partners than you had before.

2) China has had the fastest growing major economy in the world for the past quarter century.

From a business perspective, China is the place to do business. Its economy has been growing steadily (until very recently) at just under 10% per year. This puts China on track to become one of the biggest economic powers on the world stage within a few years and quite likely the world’s largest economy. Just as people learned English to enter US commerce, Chinese will soon become one of the world’s leading business languages. Why wait?

3) One of the main trading partners of the US.

Imports and exports flow like water between China and the US. It is mainly US imports that have driven the Chinese economy so strongly in recent decades, and yet the newfound wealth allows the Chinese middle classes to enjoy of western luxuries. This open trade between the two countries has made many companies very successful. Learning Chinese will give any business an edge over the competition within this market.

4) Ultimate advantage in the competition for jobsLearning any language is an advantage when looking for a job. Employers like bilingual people. In addition to showing dedication, it also gives them an additional language available within the workforce. Chinese is probably the biggest advantage of all. Any company that is involved in overseas trade or communication will reward Chinese-speaking applicants above all else. As stated above, Sino-American and Sino-European trade is huge and businesses are crying out for people who can talk to the locals. Learn Chinese now and multiply your job prospects.

5) Excellent option for Application for admission to the University.

Mandarin Chinese is rapidly overtaking German, French, and Portuguese to be one of the most studied languages ​​in the US and Europe. Schools that once taught exclusively French or Spanish now offer Chinese as an alternative or replacement, and children are being educated to speak Chinese. Why is this? Aside from the obvious business and employment opportunities provided to those learning the language, Mandarin students are also looked upon favorably when considering to apply to university. Just like employers, universities see the dedication that learning Chinese takes and the opportunities it offers later.

Learn Chinese today and stay ahead of the rest of the crowd.

6) mentally challenging

It is scientifically proven that learning a language is good for the brain. It keeps the brain young and healthy and can improve learning in other subjects, even seemingly unrelated subjects like math. Bilingual students have been shown to consistently score higher on their SATs than non-bilinguals. This also applies to older people: people who learn languages ​​have been shown to be less susceptible to Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia and can keep their brains fit for much longer. This effect is even greater for Chinese: the fact that Chinese is so different from English in sound, tones, and writing means that learning it is even more mentally challenging than other languages. Learn Chinese and keep learning for a long, long time.

7) Chinese culture is one of the oldest in the world.

Chinese culture is ancient. They invented gunpowder and paper, and discovered America even before Columbus was born. Its history and culture are vast and colourful, diverse and fascinating, and learning the language will give you an insight into this history and culture that you would never have otherwise. If you are interested in Chinese medicine, Chinese opera or theater, or even Chinese Kung-Fu movies, then learning the language can give you an added appreciation.

8) It has never been so easy

Possibly not the best reason to learn a language, but definitely the best time. Since the introduction of Simplified Chinese to unify the different dialects and form a national language, the Chinese language has been more accessible than ever. This was made even easier by the government’s radical introduction of Pinyin, a transliterated version of the Mandarin script into Roman letters. This means that anyone can be speaking and reading Pinyin in days and then progress to the more difficult script later on. Of course, there are also now a multitude of great courses available to help you learn Mandarin Chinese. These range from small free vocabulary websites to huge software programs that can teach you everything there is to know about a language… for one price. However, if you are serious about learning Chinese and want to reap the rewards that Mandarin Chinese will bring, then it is definitely worth both the time and money.

9) World Affairs

Sure this is related to some of the reasons above, but it’s just as important in its own right. China is playing an increasingly important role in world affairs today, not only economically but also politically and environmentally. China is becoming a superpower, but it has a long way to go before its environmental and human rights policies are globally acceptable. These issues will become increasingly important as China grows, and if you have an interest in these issues, learning the language could certainly put you in a good position to change some of them.

10) Similar languages

Learning Chinese can give you a strong foundation for learning other languages, especially Japanese. The Japanese and Chinese scripts are almost identical, and while being able to read the script doesn’t mean you can speak Japanese, it will certainly give you a good foundation for learning.

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