
Powering future

Month: October 2021

Life Success Lessons From 15 Orison Swett Marden Quotes

1. Everyone who has achieved great things has had a great goal, they have set their sights on a goal that was high, one that sometimes seemed impossible. This is something I repeat often, however, I cannot stress enough the need to know what you want and to define a singular and primary goal for your life. We don’t need to know how we will accomplish that, we just need to be aware that the things we do advance this singular purpose.

2. Deep within man dwell those dormant powers; powers that would amaze him, that he never dreamed of possessing; forces that would revolutionize your life if you woke up and took action. As I take action toward my grand goal, it never amazes me how many times seeming accidents and various events happen or come my way. When you’re in action with a big goal, then the resources, the personal power, and the people you need, in the moments you need them, just seem to show up. When I drift away and take my eyes off the target, it seems like not much is going right.

3. If you do not feel yourself growing in your work and your life widening and deepening, if your task is not a perpetual tonic for you, you have not found your place. I really lose myself in time and live the moments when I am doing what you should do. You often hear of people operating in The Zone. I also find myself learning the lessons of life and experience that I need to expose myself to for the next phase of achieving an outcome. I often experience personal breakthroughs that prepare me for further growth.

Four. It is like the seed that is put into the ground: the more you sow, the greater the harvest. An example is the number of readers who subscribe to a member site. The more value you provide, the larger the subscriber list. As the list grows in number of people, it attracts a greater caliber of offers and people who contact the site owner to participate in joint ventures. In turn, this increases the abundance of resources that are also available to the site owner, including financial reward.

5. Most of our obstacles would disappear if, instead of cowering before them, we decided to boldly walk through them. We have all heard that ninety percent of a task is the beginning. When faced with and gripped by fear or doubt, the best remedy is always simply to take action towards the desired result. Just decide and then keep walking. If we look in the right direction, all we have to do is keep walking.

6. Obstacles are like wild animals. They are cowards but they will fool you if they can. If they see that you are afraid of them … they may fall on you; but if you look them directly in the eye, they will disappear from view. Our imagination is a wonderful tool, but it can also be your greatest enemy in the face of great goals. Remember to use the images in your mind to get the most out of it. Avoid allowing your mind to create mountains out of a molehill.

7. There can be no great courage where there is no confidence or assurance, and half the battle is in the conviction that we can do what we undertake. Our greatest job is to create personal and self-confidence, trusting that what is happening today is destined to happen for the greatest eventual good. You have heard the story of the man who cut the cocoon of a butterfly, while struggling to emerge.

8. Unless you’ve prepared to capitalize on your opportunity, the opportunity will only make you look ridiculous. A great occasion is valuable to you as long as you have educated yourself to take advantage of it. This quote reminds me of the saying: when the student is ready, the teacher appears. I’m sure we’ve all experienced this personally in our own lives at some point. Leave spaces for gestation, and develop patience, learn to relax a little!

9. We advance in our journey only when we face our goal, when we are confident and believe that we are going to win. Collect proof of success as you progress on your journey. Build self-confidence by noticing all the big and small victories along the way. It is useful for measuring progress and knowing how far you have come, to increase confidence during the remaining part of the journey. For example, when climbing a mountain, peak bagging is often used as motivation to keep reaching new peaks.

10. You cannot measure a man by his failures. You must know what use it makes of them. What did they mean to him? What did you get out of them? I love the Japanese saying, fall seven times and get up eight. Trust that every time you brush off the dust after a fall and take action on what’s next instead of giving in to temporary setbacks, it will grow. The most inspiring biographies include stories of personal challenges that were overcome and overcome.

eleven. You will never be successful while aching from the monotony of your occupation, if you are constantly obsessed with the idea that you could be more successful at something else. You must not divide your focus. As long as you live with the idea that the grass is greener on the other side, you won’t be able to see that you can create what you want with what you currently have. Instead, you may need to continually wait for the right conditions. I recommend reading Russell H. Conwell’s story Acres of Diamonds.

12. Your expectations open or close the doors of your supply. If you expect great things and work honestly for them, they will come to you, your supply will correspond to your expectations. Raise your expectations. Where the mind stops, the body acts. If you find yourself stuck on a plateau, increase the size of your target to one that inspires more action. The hands cannot have what the mind cannot see.

13. Your outlook on life, your estimate of yourself, your estimate of your worth are largely influenced by your surroundings. Your entire career will be modified, shaped, shaped by your environment, by the character of the people with whom you interact every day. Look around you and see what you are committed to. You created everything around you. Take time to organize things in your environment to enhance your life experience and support the things that you say you are committed to. Mix with people who have set their sights high, stay away from drama, complaints and gossip. If you find it difficult to do it physically, at least remove your thoughts from that conversation and have an alternate mental image that you can focus on in the midst of such situations. Learn and practice strategies to change conversations to make them more constructive.

14. When we are sure that we are on the right track, it is not necessary to plan our trip too far in advance. There is no need to burden ourselves with doubts and fears about the obstacles that can hinder our progress. In the words of Martin Luther King, we cannot take more than one step at a time. You don’t have to see the entire staircase, just take the first step. He did not see the end of the work he started, but it came to fruition.

fifteen. This is the test of your virility [humanity]: How much is left in you after you have lost all that is outside of you? Many of us are now used and programmed to measure ourselves and others by tangible possessions. Remember intangibles too and begin to see their true value. Know who you are when you leave that job, home, or car. If you don’t own any of those, what gifts do you bring to the table?

What is your sustainability IQ?

Do you know your sustainability IQ? How sustainable is your organization? Do you know where you have your greatest strengths and organizational assets? Do you know your risks and how to minimize them? And do you have a roadmap to build your sustainability?

Building sustainability is critical in today’s challenging fiscal, programmatic, and public policy environment. This article will provide you with an overview of the key areas of sustainability and how to develop a more sustainable organization. My company has developed a Sustainability profile, used in consulting and training, which identifies five key organizational areas to consider: (1) Mission, Programs, Planning, and Evaluation; (2) Finance, Fundraising and Marketing; (3) Human resources; (4) System; and (5) Culture.

A. Mission, programs, planning and evaluation. Most nonprofits and local governments excel here. It has developed programs and services that address the needs and relate to the core mission. Sometimes, however, one finds “slow mission”, where programs are added that are not so closely related to the main mission. Has your organization added programs in recent years that were originally well funded, but are now less well funded? And do they draw resources from the mission’s core programs? Do your shows make a difference and how do you know? Can you demonstrate significant results and impact? Are the programs a model or are they based on models and effective practices? Another area you may want to look at is planning. Although most organizations carry out an annual strategic plan, few are able to implement the plan in such a way that it is a living part of the job. There are strategies that can help your planning come to life, such as incorporating goal reports into meetings, developing a plan template that is used for quarterly monitoring, and celebrating benchmarks.

B. Finance, fundraising and marketing. According to national research, a large percentage of nonprofits are still struggling with budget cuts and hiring challenges. So this is an area of ​​concern for many. Although the budget of an average organization has taken multiple hits, it is possible to reduce risk: develop a conservative budget; identify ways to expand and diversify income; analyze cost overruns; create strategies and incentives for cost reduction; and involve staff in these efforts. Have you analyzed what works and what doesn’t with the development of your fund? Identify some fundraising strategies that allow the organization to expand and diversify revenue. Nonprofits can often find ways to strengthen donor giving, with good database analysis. Board participation in fundraising can lead to many more gifts, especially once it becomes a regular part of the board’s work. Build profitable marketing and leverage your organization’s reputation through social media, traditional press, community outreach, and meetings or events. Have financial policies and a financial plan to handle cuts; a fundraising plan and a marketing plan. They can be short bulleted documents. However, having them will improve everyone’s ability to focus on priorities and stay focused. Staffing is often low, so look for trusted volunteers and interns to do some of the work.

C. Human resources. In non-profit organizations and local government, people are the main asset. Review any budget to see that the largest percentage of revenue goes to staffing, which drives programs and services. Look at the board and other volunteer work to determine the value of volunteer time, and you will find that it is substantial. Make sure you have a human resources plan and policies that cover staff, the board, and volunteers. These will typically be found in different documents, human resource policies, board bylaws and policies, and volunteer policies and procedures. Make sure the CEO and chairman of the board provide a model for the board and staff. Make sure people know what is expected of them, that they receive feedback, support, and praise for a job well done. Offer training and evaluation, and involve people in making plans that affect their work.

D. System. Agency infrastructure is often lagging behind in development and may be the first to fall for cuts. That can really affect organizational effectiveness over time. When funds are limited, look for ways that staff and volunteers can participate in evaluating and improving the organization’s system, administration, internal communications, and technology. Look for retired managers and retired consultants who can provide specific pro-bono services to help you keep your organization’s system and processes on track. Consider partnering with youth organizations for young tech gurus to work with you if you need a video or specific tech project. Develop priorities for updates and changes, and look at the return on investment they will provide.

E. Culture. The Sustainability Profile has identified a number of elements that are an important part of the culture of a growing organization and reflect the capacity of that organization. These are diversity, collaboration, innovation, and mindfulness. When an organization pays attention to these areas, investing energy and organizational resources, the organization builds its resilience. It becomes more focused and effective; more proactive and responsive; better able to direct and take advantage of resources; stronger and better able to withstand challenge and change.

Develop your sustainability IQ and the sustainability of your organization by following these steps:

  1. Analyze your organization’s strengths and weaknesses in each of the five key areas identified above.
  2. Point to your greatest strengths and describe strategies to build on those strengths.
  3. Identify your greatest weaknesses or risk areas and create steps to develop those areas and minimize risks.
  4. Implement your sustainability roadmap.

For more information on your sustainability IQ, including articles and an outline, see our website.

How do you know if a guy is confused about his feelings for you? Know this before it’s too late

Are you feeling down and a little taken aback by the way your guy has been behaving lately? Do you feel that he is confused about how he feels about you? If you’re not sure if your guy really knows if you mean a lot to him or not, look for these signs that will give you clues as to whether he’s actually confused about his feelings.

Will act unsafe around you
If he’s not sure if he really loves you or not, he will act insecure and even nervous around you. He will not know how to react to you. You will seem worried and a little uneasy because it will be difficult for you to resolve the myriad feelings that run through you. This type of insecurity should let you know that you are confused.

He will keep asking you about your feelings.
Do you find your guy wondering all the time about your relationship, your feelings for him, and other issues related to your future together? He’s probably unsure of his own feelings for you, whether or not he wants to commit to you, and whether he’s ready to be in a relationship in the first place. ‘

He will act suspicious
If he is confused about his feelings for you, he will never be able to relax in your company. Not only will he be afraid that you will force him to do something he is not prepared for, but he will also be suspicious of everything you say or do. This is because he is not really sure of himself and is confused as to how he feels about you.

He will blow hot and cold
You may find that your guy acts like he’s crazy about you one minute and wants to withdraw from the relationship the next! This is because you are getting carried away by your emotions and what you are feeling at that particular moment. As a result, you will find it blowing hot and cold.

He will put you to the test
If he’s not sure how he feels about you, he may try to blame you and test you to see if you deserve his love or not. If you find that he’s constantly testing you to see if you really love him, then he’s showing you that he doesn’t really trust you and therefore doesn’t love you the way he’s supposed to!

I may ignore you until I’m sure
If he is afraid to commit to you or has started to calm down and ignore you, it could be because he is not sure how he feels about you. Because he is confused, he will try to keep you at a distance until he is sure of his feelings and his willingness to commit to you.

It says one thing but it means another!
Many men who are confused about their feelings for their women try to cover up this confusion and fail to say one thing but mean another. If you find that your man constantly says things that he doesn’t really mean, you are confused about his feelings for you.

The Hyduke Mine Road

Our family has been taking semi-annual trips to the Colorado River for as long as I can remember. Tradition dictates that we go to the same place, a sandbar a mile upstream from Picacho on the California side. Picacho, a former mining town, is located about 30 kilometers north of Winterhaven. Getting there requires taking the infamous Picacho Road. It’s a long reddish dirt road that takes out all but the friendliest campers. It is a test of your vehicle and your nerves.

There is a shorter way to get to Picacho from the west on a road called Hyduke Mine Road. My brother John and I learned about it from a former trucker, who said he used it to bypass the Interstate 8 farm inspection station. We figured if a truck driver could get around Hyduke Mine Road, so could we.

Our vehicle was a Chevrolet Caprice Classic; a policeman because. John was driving, his future wife was riding a shotgun, and my girlfriend and I were sitting in the back. We assure you that this was the best way to go. Hyduke Mine Road begins at Ogilby Road and after about 16 miles it connects with Picacho Road just 5 miles south of Picacho. While we were on Ogilby Road, we saw the Hyduke sign written on a piece of wood and nailed to the ground. We stopped at the trailhead and took stock of the situation.

To the east of us was Picacho Peak, a prominent hill sticking out of the desert that can be seen for 100 miles on clear days. According to the map, all we had to do was keep heading towards it and pass its north side. How could we get lost with such an outstanding feature to navigate?

Within the first 8 miles we encountered only a few obstacles. We crossed numerous dry washes and plowed some sandy embankments. These things were good for a laugh and instilled in us some confidence that this was going to be a piece of cake. The whole time we are heading towards Picacho Peak. I felt a bit uncomfortable because we had not seen a soul and now we were in the middle. It would take 8 miles to walk in either direction if there were car issues. On this day the temperature was about 95 degrees. We had the windows closed, the air conditioning turned off the cold and the Van Helen tunes playing all the time.

At this point we find difficulties in rapid succession. The car’s check engine light came on, drawing John’s attention to the temperature gauge approaching the red zone. John knew exactly what to do. He ordered us to roll the windows down and turned the heater on high. As crazy as it may sound, turning off the air conditioning and turning on the heat provided the extra cooling effort needed so the engine wouldn’t overheat and thus leave us stranded in the desert. The grunting of passengers aside, this was a prudent move.

We came across an area where the road was washed away by a wide stream. The creek bed was now dry, but the road on the other side was 24 “higher than the creek bed.” We can’t climb that, “was what we were all thinking. The military shovel came out and a level of ingenuity that only despair can muster. In half an hour we had built a ramp with sand and rocks. John and I carefully studied the situation and decided that we would need momentum, timing, and perfect tire placement. After agreeing to the plan, John jumped into the car, gave the obligatory thumbs up, and stepped on the gas. I can still see the event perfectly in my mind. John’s car hit the ramp and the front end came ashore as planned. The rear tires rolled to the middle of the ramp and the tires began to spin. The tires were turning little by little the rest of the way and finally grabbed, launching the car on the road and ripping the muffler. ”After thunderous applause, a pat on the back, and a sigh of relief, we all got into the car and sped off.

Until now, we always had Picacho Peak in sight. This aided navigation and provided reassurance for women who had begun to lose faith in our plan. As we made our way to the foothills of the Chocolate Mountains, the peak was lost from sight. Our spirits sank along with him. John and I tried to appease the ladies by reminding them that we carried camping supplies with us for an entire weekend. In the worst case, we would just have to camp, which is what we came here to do anyway. Neither of us dared to point out that the water, our most necessary asset, was already running out.

We come across a deep pond with a soggy earth dam on the south side. The path passed over the dam, which was wide enough for the car to pass. I got out of the car to watch John roll over. To his right was a shear drop, to his left was this pond slowly seeping over the dam and under its tires. It seemed that when passing over it, the dam collapsed, the tires slipped and more and more water began to fall on the dam. After it crossed, we had the impression that we could never go back. Nobody could, really.

Later we came to a fork in the road and decided to take a left as it seemed to be busier. We continued for half a mile as the road turned to coarse sand. John gave him enough gas to continue. Soon we came to a dead end, a dead end with the thickest sand we had seen so far. I figured this is where we would be forced to camp that night. This I think is where John’s 4-wheel instincts first manifested. John hit the gas and spun the car around this cul-de-sac in the widest allowed arc he could get. The tires slowed and began to skid, but the car kept moving. The car’s speed gradually increased and soon we were back at the fork. This time we made the right decision.

Stopping to rest, I took stock of our situation. I realized this was a 4×4 road. No police cars. In 2 hours we had covered about 12 miles. We lost sight of our point of reference. Each of us was sweaty, dirty, and bitter. We had long since removed the least layer of clothing that decency allows. The secret of the water supply was now public knowledge. The car was malfunctioning because the muffler was ripped off. This hurt our ears because we rolled down the windows. We couldn’t roll them because we were in the desert with the heat on. Of course, we did this because the car was overheating, and so on. At that moment, John and I felt like we were past the point of no return. The ladies, on the other hand, saw every hit and turn as a sign that we should turn around. Our stubborn refusal to back down led to hurtful accusations and a “them versus us” mentality that persisted well beyond the completion of Hyduke Mine Road.

In the late afternoon we reached the top of a hill and contemplated Picacho Peak on our right. It was close, so we knew we didn’t have to go far. Going down the hill we enter White Wash. We continued on this wash at about 30 miles per hour not daring to slow down or even turn sharply for fear of digging and getting stuck. After a few scary spots where we slowed to a slow, we were in sight of Picacho Road. We saw that the road was flanked by sand embankments that were used to prevent drainage from flowing onto the road. John didn’t even consider slowing down. He hit the 2 ‘sand berm at full speed, breaking his way over it and onto Picacho Road.

Our misadventure was over. We found our way to Picacho and jumped into the Colorado River to cool off.

How To Lose Belly And Thigh Fat Fast For Women: 10 Weight Loss Tricks To Follow

Women accumulate fat in different areas of the body. For most it is in the stomach area, for others it is the thighs, while for some the fat is in the arms. Whatever your problem area, the secret to losing weight lies in strengthening and toning the core muscles in that area. If you want to lose weight in the stomach or thigh area, there are 10 tricks to lose weight that can make it easier for you.

1. To get rid of stomach fat, you must perform exercises like sit-ups and sit-ups. These abdominal exercises train the rectus abdominis and oblique muscles. Toning the muscles of the abdominal section creates a strong core while increasing stability and improving posture. To vary your abs, do reverse and oblique crunches in addition to regular crunches.

2. To get rid of thigh fat quickly, your focus should be on your quads and hamstrings. Therefore, you must work these muscles through exercises such as lunges, squats, and leg extensions.

3. Don’t just rely on one-off reduction to lose weight; it will not work. Exercising the entire body is essential for the body to enter fat burning mode.

4. To make your exercise routine more effective, you must add resistance in the form of dumbbells or bars. Increased resistance increases the challenge involved and pushes the body another mile.

5. Cardiovascular exercises are beneficial for weight loss in general. It helps you lose weight in various areas like the arms, stomach, and thighs. Cardiovascular exercises help burn fat by raising your heart rate. You can perform exercises such as walking, swimming, running, jumping, and cycling.

6. To have a flat stomach and slim thighs, you must also adopt a healthy eating strategy. Your diet should be balanced with a higher ratio of protein and fiber and controlled amounts of fat and carbohydrates.

7. For those of you who are unable to cook food at home due to time constraints, you should be sure to read the nutritional labels on packaged foods to verify the ingredients. Eat sensible portions.

8. Keep track of your progress throughout this phase. Measure your hips and thighs and do it at regular intervals, like once a week, and write it down in your journal. The numbers will motivate you to work harder to reach your goals.

9. Get enough sleep every night. Insomnia affects the levels of hormones in the body, especially those that control fat burning and fat formation, as well as appetite.

10. If you want to lose belly fat and you are also working to lose fat on women’s thighs, it won’t help if you work out for a few months and relax for the rest. It involves making healthy lifestyle changes and committing to an exercise strategy to maintain results.

In closing, we would like to mention a little tip. To make your belly fat loss methods fast and safe, be sure to consult your doctor before making significant changes to your diet and exercise routine.

Do different colored leis mean different things?

The lei not only represents a welcoming greeting, but is also a common symbol of love, friendship, honor, congratulations, celebration, and more. Many brides and grooms planning their wedding in Hawaii choose to incorporate the charming lei as part of their celebration.

You may have noticed or thought that Hawaiian necklaces come in a wide variety of flowers, vines, and colors. You may have wondered if there is a meaning behind all the different colors of leis. Do different colored leis mean different things?

It turns out that the color or colors of a Hawaiian lei often mean something. Here’s a breakdown of the most common Hawaiian leis and their colors, and what these colors mean or represent. If you are planning a Hawaii wedding and want to include leis as part of your celebration, you may want to keep these meanings in mind.

Carnation Leis

Carnation-based leis are very popular in Hawaii. These necklaces have very full flowers and are known for their strong yet sweet fragrance. Carnation leis come in different colors, with each color serving as a symbol for something:

-White carnation leis: luck

-Pink carnation leis: friendship

-Light red carnation leis: admiration

-Darker red carnation leis: love

Due to the beauty of blooming carnations and their sweet fragrance, many brides in Hawaii may choose to select a carnation lei, such as white for luck or dark red for love, to wear themselves.

Green maile vine leis

The very fragrant green Maile vine lei is a traditional and common lei that is used and gifted in Hawaii. This lei is traditionally seen as a symbol of peace and is often worn by the bride and groom at their weddings, something to keep in mind if you are planning a wedding yourself.

Ti Leis of green leaves

Another green leafy lei in Hawaii is one made from the Hawaiian ti plant. Like white carnation necklaces, ti plant necklaces are given to bring good luck to the wearer. Traditionally, they were made to defend against evil spirits. This type of lei, symbolizing luck, could be a suitable choice for the wedding.

Ohia Blossom Leis

Ohia flower necklaces are also worn and gifted throughout Hawaii, particularly on the Big Island of Hawaii, where this red flower blossom is the official flower. The red lei of the Ohia flower also represents Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of fire, also known as the goddess of volcanoes.

Ilima Flower Leis

Some in Hawaii prefer necklaces made with the ilima flower. These flowers come in a wide range of shades of red, as well as orange and yellow, and symbolize both the island of Oahu and love, for all the colors of ilima. If you are getting married on Oahu and enjoy shades of red, orange and yellow, ilima flower lei, symbolizing love, would be a great choice for your wedding.

As you can see, there are a wide variety of necklaces available in Hawaii, each with its own unique look, color, fragrance, and meaning. If you arrive in Hawaii and are presented with a lei, you may be able to identify the flower, vine, or plant, as well as the meaning! Also, if you are planning a Hawaiian wedding and plan to include leis as part of it (whether it’s just for the bride and groom, the entire wedding party, the party plus the family, or even all the guests), now you have some ideas of what leis might be. be the most appropriate.

5 business growth strategies to survive a growth streak

They say slow and steady wins the race, but in business the race never ends and slow and steady will soon be left behind. The problem is that the faster the growth rate, the greater the risk. Many companies that experience their first accelerated growth fail to get out the other side. If you are a small business owner, be sure to familiarize yourself with these business growth strategies before hitting the first and all-important growth push.

1. Increase Your Profits, Not Your Income – It’s easy to go blind when you see your income increasing rapidly. Don’t forget that your expenses are surely growing too, perhaps even faster than your income. Growth breeds more growth, and many companies fall into the trap of embracing growth before laying the right foundation. Poor growth management can cause efficiencies to decline and overall costs to rise dramatically. Don’t sacrifice profit margins to increase revenue, they are not sustainable business growth strategies.

2. Develop your infrastructure – That brings us to what sustainable business growth strategies are: the companies that surprise in their growth streak are those that have a well-developed infrastructure. Make sure you have systems in place that allow your company to absorb and respond to new challenges effectively and efficiently, such as clearly defined work procedures, communication channels, short-term and long-term goals, etc.

3. Have a bold vision – Speaking of goals, what are yours? All business owners have a vision, their business wouldn’t get very far without one, but there are many out there. What sets you apart from the rest is the boldness of your vision. In this age of instant gratification, if you are not trying to find a new or innovative way to meet people’s needs, you should not be comfortable with the idea of ​​long-term growth.

4. Stay Loyal – Just because your business is growing doesn’t mean your head should be growing. No one is successful without the help of their partners, employees, and customers. As your business grows, don’t neglect the people and community who helped you get this far. “Think Global, Act Local” is one of the business growth strategies that applies regardless of shape or size.

There are many ways to grow your business, but you need to be careful that you don’t like to let growth slip away. Negative cash flow is the reality for many young growing companies, but it doesn’t have to be. Follow these to make sure your growth is sustainable.

How to save money

It is important to learn how to save money, otherwise it will never improve your situation. You may already have a large debt to your home and just want to start paying it off; the ideas in this article will help you do that too.

This article is primarily for people who have no assets or savings and need to start at the beginning. It is important to have this basic skill. Without it, you will not learn to manage money. So even if they gave you a large sum of money, you wouldn’t know how to handle it, if you don’t have this ability.

So this is for people who want to buy a house (or an asset) and have no savings to do so. This will teach you how to save. The easiest way is to save 10% (or more) of your income.

Your self-employed income won’t be taxed until you file your taxes, so you need to have money for this too.

So the best way to save 10% is for your employer to put 10% of your salary in another bank account, perhaps a bank that is not in your town or city and does not have an access card or Internet access. . So 10% just comes into your every week and you don’t even know it.

Then you can spend the rest. Obviously this is a slow process to get rich and if your income is $ 50,000 then it is only $ 5,000 per year. But it’s better than nothing.

So that’s the BEST way to do it. You know why? Because you don’t see it, you can’t spend it.

If you wait until your pay goes into your bank account and then you transfer it yourself or have set up a direct debit, it is not the same, as you read the chapter on goal setting.

If you have a goal of buying a $ 300,000 home in one year, then you will need the deposit and closing costs.

Let’s say you need $ 40,000, so break it down into weekly. Assuming your income is $ 50,000, 10% of it is $ 5,000, so you need to get an additional $ 35,000. Ideas appear and other means will come your way.

When this happens, you should notice them. There’s a name for this, but we’ll call it ‘luck’ and when things start to fall into place, then take every opportunity that comes your way.

If your goal was a home in 1 year, you are now on your way to buying your first home. If you already have a home, you are paying for it faster now. Why do you want to pay off your home loan faster?

The reason you want to do this is that you can use equity, which is the difference of what you owe and how much it is worth, to buy another home, rent it, or future investments. Wealth is not built on owing a lot of money, you must start paying it off. Then you start to build equity.

The reason you want to buy another home is that in the long run it will give you asset growth and income in the form of rent.

You need asset growth and income to become a millionaire.

Okay, now let’s get back to savings. Here’s another idea or additional way.

Drop all your coins into a jar at the end of the day. Do not harden the jar.

When it’s full, take it to the bank and collect the money.

Don’t spend it on a night out; transfer it to the out of town bank account.

Another way is to really save on your daily expenses.

Stop buying a daily coffee.

Do not take the car to work and take the bus.

Shop at the largest mall in the lowest social and economic area closest to you.

Why? Because the supermarkets there will be cheaper than those in the middle class areas.

Pack your lunch at home and take it to work, this can save you $ 50 a week, and guess where the $ 50 a week goes. Bank account out of town.

Stop going out to the movies and to dinner.

Cut off your credit card (s) if you have them, and never use them again.

If you need credit card numbers to buy things online, get a MasterCard or Visa debit card.

Pay them ASAP and never use one again.

No one you’ve ever seen with multiple credit cards and carry-over balances every month is rich.

As for points? Who cares, he won’t take any plane rides until he’s rich.

Watch the use of utilities, take shorter showers, do not use heating or cooling devices unless necessary, turn off the lights, watch less TV; it’s rubbish anyway and you need a good night’s sleep so you can go clean at 230am anyway. . (Do you see how having additional jobs / sources of income will save you money in other areas?)

Don’t have a mobile phone unless you need it for your business. If you want to talk to people, tell them to come visit you.

Do not have anything that is costing you money, that will not help you earn money.

I think this is going to help me earn money, if I don’t get rid of it, don’t buy it or don’t use it.

Sell ​​it on eBay.

Food: do not buy junk food, you will lose weight and it always has a higher price than fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables are usually cheaper in the outer suburbs that are close to fruit and vegetable growing areas, so shop there.

Maybe it’s cheaper to live there too, so maybe move there.

If you rent, get the cheapest apartment or house, and get someone to share with you or rent free rooms.

If you have a mortgage then you need to start paying it off, if it is too high and it is a good time to sell, sell the house and buy something cheaper than you can afford.

Rent any room or free space that can be rented.

Pay off your mortgage loan biweekly if it is a variable loan.

You will save money.

If you have a high income, look for loans where your income can go directly to them.

If you don’t need your car, sell it.

If you can take a bus or train to work and decided that the cleaning and lawn mowing business weren’t for you, then sell it.

You can buy one later when you are rich.

If you need to go somewhere where a train or bus cannot rent a car.

I could go on and on about finding ways to save money, but you get the idea, look at everything you do, and remove what you don’t need.

You don’t need cable TV, I don’t care who you are.

If you want to save money, get rid of it.

I know people whose loans are behind, and yet when you look at their bank statement, they have internet, cell phones, and cable.

Clearly, watching sitcom reruns is more important than keeping your house for some people.

You might think, but if I get rid of this or that or stop going to the movies every week with my friends or go out drinking and spend $ 200 on Saturday night, you will run out of friends and everyone will make fun of you at work. Why did not you do it. Watch the 9 hour 2 and a half man cable marathon.

Look at your friends, neighbors, or co-workers.

They are rich?

They could have the latest car and a big screen TV and go out in the latest clothes three times a week, but if you can calculate their salary and they don’t get up at 230 AM. M. To go cleaning, then they are basically one. stay away from bankruptcy.

If you want to be rich you have to do things differently from anyone else, otherwise everyone would be rich.

If you don’t have a couple of investment properties and have to check your bank account balance at the ATM before you buy your lunch, you are not rich.

You need to find new friends who are just like you.

Wealthy minded people who are rich or want to be.

Sometimes these people will give you an idea, a real estate development, or a way to make money that you can benefit from.

Whereas your friends only care if you are wearing the right clothes for the club tonight.

Most people are one step away from bankruptcy and you don’t want to be that way and that is why you are reading this book.

If you wanted to be one step away from bankruptcy, you wouldn’t have bothered to read this.

So you need to save money and look for ways to cut your expenses, although it may have increased with the added income, now is the time to ‘seize the day’ and ‘make hay while the sun is shining’. to make good use of all the extra money.

Yes, if you increase your income, you can spend it and impress your friends with the latest big screen TVs and electronics, and you don’t need to put them on a credit card either.

But this is not the point.

You are making money so you can get rich and if you follow my simple advice then you are more likely to get rich.

And telling your old friends who are partying, buying more gadgets and are in vogue that you are now a millionaire in 5 years is going to sound pretty good.

Sure they laughed at you then, but when they get kicked out of their house for not paying the mortgage rent and you have 5 houses and can buy a big screen TV with cash, then you will be the one laughing.

So you need to start saving money and then look at all the ways you can save money.

Without pain there is no gain.

So you may be reading this and not wasting your money now, you just don’t have enough money.

The only way to improve your situation is to increase your income.

If you don’t have the money to buy a mop or vacuum, or you don’t have a car, then you should have a lower goal.

I would suggest getting a second job, or finding a higher paying first job, and then start saving so you can start your business.

If you can’t afford to save because you have too much debt, let’s say you have personal loans and credit cards and are already behind on these payments, then you really need to earn that much money and pay them off.

There is no one-time savings money if you have $ 80,000 in unsecured debt at 20% interest. You need to focus and pay for it.

If you have a financed car, decide if you need it so that you can generate a second income or if it is better to sell it and reduce your debt.

And break your credit cards right now and never get one again.

Saving money is the most important thing you will need to learn, whether it is buying cheap food or saving 10% of your salary every week, if you have nothing saved now, you need to learn how to do it.

Saving money is the most important lesson to learn, because you can earn as much money as you want; If you don’t save it, you will never be rich.

How to learn songs on guitar the hard way

That? Why the hell would I want to do that ??? I’ll tell you! There are practically two ways to learn to play the guitar. Take lessons and start playing. When you receive lessons, you are told what to do in bite-sized parts that make learning easier. All guitar learning systems use this model. The snippets may be less noticeable, but they all involve mastering one element and then moving on to the next element until you become a pro. This method works quite well and you can achieve a lot doing it, so I am not going to miss it at all.

However, when you start to play, you are deciding to use a technique known as “playing by ear.” This involves getting a guitar and listening to the songs you want to play and just learning them by trying to copy the notes until you get them. This is by far the hardest way to do it, but the rewards are immense. The best way to really learn your guitar is to use it to make the sounds you want to make! Before you get overwhelmed and think I’m crazy, don’t worry, here are some tips on how to make the “hard” road a little easier. Many, many guitarists learned by playing by ear, but the truth is that most will use a combination of techniques to master the guitar. This is what I recommend.

So how are you going to do this? Start a good method first. Find out what kinds of lessons you can afford and work to your schedule. It would be great if we all had the time and money to get a private tutor. Individualized teaching from someone who knows what they are doing and can show you what you need to do is practically impossible to beat, so if you can do it, definitely do it. Now for the rest of us, you’ll have to find a lesson system. Find one that works well for you. Online or in a book or maybe at a local community college are all good options. It doesn’t really matter what lessons but who is willing to give them! The best guitar lessons are the ones you actually do! Now do them! Well, after you finish reading this article anyway.

Next, start working on an ear playing regiment that works for you. Even doing a daily “find the note” exercise with children’s tunes can help you improve your skills. Again, the best way to play by ear is what you will actually do.

Some methods

The first method I’ll call finds the note because it sounds like child’s play and that’s the best way to do it. You know the songs; You have been instilled since you were a child! Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Happy Birthday, Mary had a little lamb, etc. etc. Anything you can easily hum. Well do it or find the song online and start singing or playing it. While repeating, place your finger on a fret and play a note each time you hear the first note of the song. Is it the same note? No, try the next freight. If you can tell if the grade is higher or lower, move in the right direction. If not, don’t stress it out, that skill will come to you as you learn, just know for now that higher up the fretboard and neck there is a higher note and the inverse is lower. Once you have the first note, look for the next one keeping in mind that the next note is very, very likely to be within the first 12 frets.

The following method is similar but employs some cool technology so that you can do this more easily with “real” songs. Go online and get a slowdown tool. Roni Music makes one for $ 50 called Amazing Slow Downer. You can use theirs or find a different one, it doesn’t matter as long as you slow down your music file without changing the pitch. The critical part is that it doesn’t change the tone. It doesn’t help if it’s slower if you’re learning the wrong notes! Again, you’ll be using the game to find the pitch, but since you can slow down the song so that each note stays playing for a long time, you’ll be able to search for the note longer. In fact, many of these tools will even let you go through just one section so that you can have it repeat the first couple of notes or maybe even a single note for as long as it takes to find it. Technology is great!

There you have it, some really good tips on how to learn to play by ear. Now get up and start rocking!

Keep rocking!

Attendance and punctuality cost businesses a lot of money

If you have ever simply observed people at work, you will find that many times they are late or completely absent from work for days on end. We may be able to make a connection in our reasoning that all these people who are 10 minutes late can add up to a huge loss of revenue for the company. The problem is how to handle attendance issues and still treat everyone fairly.

A CCH study of truancy indicates that 83% of employers feel that truancy will continue to increase. The problem is that absenteeism costs have been on the rise, now hovering around $ 800 per employee per year. It doesn’t sound like much, but when this cost is multiplied by 10 or 20 employees, the numbers speak for themselves.

Absenteeism and punctuality policies

Having an absenteeism and punctuality policy is important for any business with employees. Such policies help to keep records of time lost from work, encourage employees to attend work, and establish a case for termination when an employee fails to comply with the obligation of their employment terms. The right type of policy can save your business tons of money over the years.

The first thing an owner has to determine is what condition his employees are in. Salaried and professional employees are generally considered “exempt,” while hourly workers are “nonexempt.” Exempt means that employees are not based on their time at work but on their job function. They can work longer hours without paying overtime. Non-exempt employees are paid for every minute they are on the job and are entitled to overtime pay.

Hourly or non-exempt workers may have their pay reduced for any time they miss work while salaried or unless workers are unable to do so. For example, if a salaried worker loses 4 hours a day but works any part of that day, his salary will not be affected. The only time a salaried worker’s salary can be adjusted is when he is on a leave of absence or when he misses an entire day for personal reasons. Punishing the tardiness of a salaried worker by adjusting the salary creates the risk that he will be entitled to overtime.

Support policies vary from company to company and state to state. However, the best assistance policies usually have a progressive component. For example, verbal warning, written warning, suspension, and dismissal would be part of a progressive discipline policy. The other method that could be used is the point system. As the worker receives points for attendance, he will incur more discipline. Once you have reached the threshold, you will be fired.

Using an absenteeism policy that is progressive ensures that all workers are treated fairly. They are warned every time they are disciplined and cannot plead ignorance. Additionally, documentation provided at each level of discipline gives an appearance of professionalism on behalf of the organization and a sense of fairness to the employee.

Salaried workers can be under the same progressive assistance system as an hourly worker. The difference is that their salary cannot be deducted. Once you should also consider that salaried workers should be given notes to file instead of employee advisory (discipline) reports so that their “at will” status is not in jeopardy.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, a total of 2.8 million work days are lost each year due to illness or injury. Assuming the average worker earns about 40,000 per year, we would add 35% so that benefits come to a total compensation cost of 54,000 per year per employee. If we divide these 54K by 2080 worked in a year, we arrive at a labor cost of $ 25.96 / hour. The absence of a single employee for a day would cost the average company about $ 207.68 per day. So if you have 10 absences a year, your cost would be around $ 2,000. This figure does not include the cost of the actual profit you would have lost by not finishing your products or services.

Methods to reduce absenteeism

1.) No-fault attendance policy

2.) Progressive discipline

3.) Incentives for good attendance.

4.) Make the workplace more fun.

5.) Pre-employment physical and drug exams.

6.) Conduct background investigations before hiring.

7.) Assess the assistance and contribution of each worker.

8.) Attendance must be included as one of the criteria for raises / promotions.

9.) Request medical documentation for all unexcused absences.