
Powering future

Life Success Lessons From 15 Orison Swett Marden Quotes

Life Success Lessons From 15 Orison Swett Marden Quotes

1. Everyone who has achieved great things has had a great goal, they have set their sights on a goal that was high, one that sometimes seemed impossible. This is something I repeat often, however, I cannot stress enough the need to know what you want and to define a singular and primary goal for your life. We don’t need to know how we will accomplish that, we just need to be aware that the things we do advance this singular purpose.

2. Deep within man dwell those dormant powers; powers that would amaze him, that he never dreamed of possessing; forces that would revolutionize your life if you woke up and took action. As I take action toward my grand goal, it never amazes me how many times seeming accidents and various events happen or come my way. When you’re in action with a big goal, then the resources, the personal power, and the people you need, in the moments you need them, just seem to show up. When I drift away and take my eyes off the target, it seems like not much is going right.

3. If you do not feel yourself growing in your work and your life widening and deepening, if your task is not a perpetual tonic for you, you have not found your place. I really lose myself in time and live the moments when I am doing what you should do. You often hear of people operating in The Zone. I also find myself learning the lessons of life and experience that I need to expose myself to for the next phase of achieving an outcome. I often experience personal breakthroughs that prepare me for further growth.

Four. It is like the seed that is put into the ground: the more you sow, the greater the harvest. An example is the number of readers who subscribe to a member site. The more value you provide, the larger the subscriber list. As the list grows in number of people, it attracts a greater caliber of offers and people who contact the site owner to participate in joint ventures. In turn, this increases the abundance of resources that are also available to the site owner, including financial reward.

5. Most of our obstacles would disappear if, instead of cowering before them, we decided to boldly walk through them. We have all heard that ninety percent of a task is the beginning. When faced with and gripped by fear or doubt, the best remedy is always simply to take action towards the desired result. Just decide and then keep walking. If we look in the right direction, all we have to do is keep walking.

6. Obstacles are like wild animals. They are cowards but they will fool you if they can. If they see that you are afraid of them … they may fall on you; but if you look them directly in the eye, they will disappear from view. Our imagination is a wonderful tool, but it can also be your greatest enemy in the face of great goals. Remember to use the images in your mind to get the most out of it. Avoid allowing your mind to create mountains out of a molehill.

7. There can be no great courage where there is no confidence or assurance, and half the battle is in the conviction that we can do what we undertake. Our greatest job is to create personal and self-confidence, trusting that what is happening today is destined to happen for the greatest eventual good. You have heard the story of the man who cut the cocoon of a butterfly, while struggling to emerge.

8. Unless you’ve prepared to capitalize on your opportunity, the opportunity will only make you look ridiculous. A great occasion is valuable to you as long as you have educated yourself to take advantage of it. This quote reminds me of the saying: when the student is ready, the teacher appears. I’m sure we’ve all experienced this personally in our own lives at some point. Leave spaces for gestation, and develop patience, learn to relax a little!

9. We advance in our journey only when we face our goal, when we are confident and believe that we are going to win. Collect proof of success as you progress on your journey. Build self-confidence by noticing all the big and small victories along the way. It is useful for measuring progress and knowing how far you have come, to increase confidence during the remaining part of the journey. For example, when climbing a mountain, peak bagging is often used as motivation to keep reaching new peaks.

10. You cannot measure a man by his failures. You must know what use it makes of them. What did they mean to him? What did you get out of them? I love the Japanese saying, fall seven times and get up eight. Trust that every time you brush off the dust after a fall and take action on what’s next instead of giving in to temporary setbacks, it will grow. The most inspiring biographies include stories of personal challenges that were overcome and overcome.

eleven. You will never be successful while aching from the monotony of your occupation, if you are constantly obsessed with the idea that you could be more successful at something else. You must not divide your focus. As long as you live with the idea that the grass is greener on the other side, you won’t be able to see that you can create what you want with what you currently have. Instead, you may need to continually wait for the right conditions. I recommend reading Russell H. Conwell’s story Acres of Diamonds.

12. Your expectations open or close the doors of your supply. If you expect great things and work honestly for them, they will come to you, your supply will correspond to your expectations. Raise your expectations. Where the mind stops, the body acts. If you find yourself stuck on a plateau, increase the size of your target to one that inspires more action. The hands cannot have what the mind cannot see.

13. Your outlook on life, your estimate of yourself, your estimate of your worth are largely influenced by your surroundings. Your entire career will be modified, shaped, shaped by your environment, by the character of the people with whom you interact every day. Look around you and see what you are committed to. You created everything around you. Take time to organize things in your environment to enhance your life experience and support the things that you say you are committed to. Mix with people who have set their sights high, stay away from drama, complaints and gossip. If you find it difficult to do it physically, at least remove your thoughts from that conversation and have an alternate mental image that you can focus on in the midst of such situations. Learn and practice strategies to change conversations to make them more constructive.

14. When we are sure that we are on the right track, it is not necessary to plan our trip too far in advance. There is no need to burden ourselves with doubts and fears about the obstacles that can hinder our progress. In the words of Martin Luther King, we cannot take more than one step at a time. You don’t have to see the entire staircase, just take the first step. He did not see the end of the work he started, but it came to fruition.

fifteen. This is the test of your virility [humanity]: How much is left in you after you have lost all that is outside of you? Many of us are now used and programmed to measure ourselves and others by tangible possessions. Remember intangibles too and begin to see their true value. Know who you are when you leave that job, home, or car. If you don’t own any of those, what gifts do you bring to the table?

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