
Powering future

Month: February 2022

e-Marketing strategy: 7 dimensions to consider (the e-Marketing mix)

What is electronic marketing?

E-Marketing is still quite a controversial topic to talk about, as no one managed to unify the various theories around it; However, there is one thing that is not in doubt: that e-Marketing first appeared in the form of various techniques implemented by pioneering companies selling their products over the Internet in the early 1990s.

The frenzy around these new marketing techniques created by e-tailers and supported by the Internet quickly gave birth to a new dimension of what we knew as Marketing: e-Marketing (Electronic Marketing).

There are many definitions of what e-Marketing is, the simplest and briefest is the Mark Sceats formula: e-Marketing is Marketing that uses the Internet as a means of expression. A working definition is the one that comes from a group of CISCO specialists: e-Marketing is the sum of all the activities carried out by a company through the Internet with the purpose of finding, attracting, winning and retaining customers.

e-marketing strategy

The e-Marketing strategy is normally based and built on the principles that govern traditional offline marketing: the well-known 4 P’s (Product – Price – Promotion – Positioning) that form the classic marketing mix. Add the extra 3 P’s (People – Processes – Tests) and you get the whole expanded marketing mix.

So far, there are not many aspects that differentiate e-Marketing from traditional offline Marketing: the extended Marketing mix (4 + 3 P’s) is built around the concept of “transactional” and its elements perform transactional functions defined by the paradigm exchange. . What gives e-Marketing its uniqueness is a series of specific functions, relational functions, which can be synthesized in the 2P + 2C + 3S formula: Personalization, Privacy, Customer Service, Community, Site, Security, Sales Promotion.

These 7 functions of e-Marketing are at the base of any e-Marketing strategy and have a moderating character, unlike the classic Marketing mix that only includes situational functions. The moderating functions of e-Marketing have the quality of moderating, they operate on all the situational functions of the mix (the 4 classic P) and among themselves.

1. Personalization

The fundamental concept of personalization as part of the e-Marketing mix lies in the need to recognize and identify a specific customer in order to establish relationships (establishing relationships is a fundamental objective of Marketing). It is crucial to be able to identify our customers on an individual level and collect as much information as possible about them, in order to understand our market and to be able to develop customized and personalized products and services.

For example, a cookie strategically placed on a website visitor’s computer can give us vital information about the available access speed: accordingly, if we know the visitor is using a slow connection (for example, dial-up), we’ll offer a Low volume. variation of our website, with reduced graphic content and without multimedia or flash applications. This will facilitate our customer’s experience on our website and prevent them from leaving the website due to pages taking too long to load.

Personalization can be applied to any component of the Marketing mix; therefore, it is a moderating function.


Privacy is an element of the mix closely related to the previous one: personalization. When we collect and store information about our customers and prospects (hence when we do the personalization part of the e-Marketing mix) a crucial issue arises: how this information will be used and by whom. An important task to perform when implementing an e-Marketing strategy is to create and develop a policy on the procedures for accessing the information collected.

This is a must and a necessity for any conscientious marketer to consider all aspects of privacy, whenever data about individual persons is collected and stored.

Privacy is even more important when setting up your e-Marketing mix, as there are many regulations and legal issues to consider regarding the collection and use of such information.

3. Customer Service

Customer service is one of the necessary and required activities among the necessary support functions in transactional situations.

We will connect the appearance of customer service processes to the inclusion of the “time” parameter in transactions. By changing from a situational to a relational perspective, and e-Marketing is primarily based on a relational perspective, the marketer was somehow forced to consider support and assistance on a non-temporary level, permanently, throughout over time.

For these reasons, we must consider the Customer Service function (in its broadest and most complete definition) as an essential function within the e-Marketing mix.

As we can easily deduce, the service (or assistance if you wish) can be performed on any element of the classic 4 P, hence its moderating nature.


We can all agree that e-Marketing is conditioned by the existence of this impressive network that is the Internet. The mere existence of such a network implies that both individuals and groups will eventually interact. A set of entities that interact for a common purpose is what we call a “community” and we will soon see why it is of absolute importance to participate, to be part of a community.

Metcalf’s law (named after Robert Metcalf) states that the value of a network is given by the number of its components, more precisely, the value of a network is equal to the square of the number of components. We can apply this simple law to communities, since they are a network: then we will conclude that the value of a community increases with the number of its members. This is the power of communities; that’s why we have to be part of it.

The customers/clients of a company can be seen as part of a community where they interact (either independent or influenced by the marketer), therefore, developing a community is a task that must be carried out by any company, although it is not always seen as essential.

Interactions between members of such a community can address any of the other e-Marketing features, so it can sit alongside other moderation features.

5. Website

We have seen and agreed that e-Marketing interactions take place in a digital medium: the Internet. But such interactions and relationships also need a suitable location, which is available at any time and from any place: a digital location for digital interactions.

Such a location is what we call a “site”, which is the most common name for it. Now it is time to mention that “website” is simply a form of “site” and should not be confused or viewed as synonyms. The “site” can also take other forms, such as a Palm Pilot or any other portable device, for example.

This special location, accessible through all kinds of digital technologies, moderates all other functions of e-Marketing; is then a moderating function.


The “security” function emerged as an essential function of e-Marketing once transactions began to take place through Internet channels.

What we need to be aware of as marketers are the following two security issues:

– security during transactions carried out on our website, where we must take all possible precautions so that third parties cannot access any part of a transaction in progress;

– security of the data collected and stored, about our customers and visitors.

An honest vendor will need to consider these potential causes of further problems and cooperate with the company’s IT department in order to formulate compelling (and true, honest!) messages to customers from whom their personal data is protected. unauthorized eyes.

7. Sales promotion

At least but not last, we have to consider sales promotions when building an e-Marketing strategy. Sales promotions are also widely used in traditional Marketing, as we all know, and it is an excellent and efficient strategy to achieve immediate sales objectives in terms of volume.

This function relies on the marketer’s ability to think creatively: it takes a lot of work and inspiration to find new possibilities and new approaches to develop an efficient promotion plan.

On the other hand, the marketer needs to continually keep up with the latest Internet technologies and applications in order to exploit them to the fullest.

To conclude, we have seen that e-Marketing implies new dimensions to consider apart from those inherited from traditional Marketing. These dimensions revolve around the concept of relational functions and are essential in any e-Marketing strategy to be efficient and produce results.

Reduce symptoms of panic attacks caused by "over breathing"

Panic Attacks and “Excess Breathing”

What is a panic attack?

A panic attack is a period of intense fear or discomfort, in which four (or more) of the following symptoms develop suddenly and peak within 10 minutes:

1) palpitations, palpitations or rapid heart rate

2) sweater

3) trembling or shaking

4) sensations of shortness of breath or choking

5) feeling of suffocation

6) chest pain or discomfort

7) nausea or abdominal discomfort

8) feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded, or weak

9) feelings of unreality or feeling separated from oneself

10) fear of losing control or going crazy

11) fear of dying

12) sensations of numbness or tingling

13) chills or hot flashes

A panic attack is actually a completely natural bodily reaction that occurs OUT OF CONTEXT.

Faced with the idea or sensation that we are in danger, we have an instinctive response that produces a sudden surge of adrenaline, and a very intense desire to flee or escape from the situation or circumstance. It is interesting that the intensity of the reaction and the strong need to escape are things that would ensure your survival if you were really in danger…

During a panic attack, your body goes through the same physical processes as it would if you were in real danger.

The fact that symptoms can arise, in situations that on the surface do not make sense, only makes the situation that much more frightening.

Due to these panicked feelings, it is very common to “make up” or attribute danger to the accompanying bodily symptoms… heart attack, going crazy, etc.

Most of the main symptoms of a panic attack are actually caused by excessive breathing.

When you start to slip into a fight or flight response, your breathing quickens and becomes shallower. As a result:

  • Too much carbon dioxide leaves your body.
  • This makes the blood less acidic (increases the Ph level in the blood)

This in turn causes:

  • The blood vessels constrict so that less blood reaches the tissues and the brain.
  • The oxygen remains chemically bound to the red blood cells and is not as easily released into the body.

Less oxygen to the brain produces many of the common symptoms of a panic attack:

  • Dizziness
  • dizziness
  • weak feelings
  • Blurry vision
  • feelings of unreality

Less blood to the extremities produces other common symptoms:

  • Sensations of numbness or tingling
  • cold feelings

Overexerting the chest muscles through rapid breathing can cause chest pain:

either sharp or dull.

…..So what happens?

After a while, your body will try to calm down again… the kidneys kick in to lower the Ph level and the sensations are reduced… but the slightest changes in breathing or exertion can trigger them back in full force.

The symptoms of a panic attack are not actually dangerous to your body.

These are normal physical reactions to rapid breathing. and they happen whenever you take a deep breath, for example when you are laughing or in a lively discussion when you are gasping with emotion.

Excessive breathing is harmless Your body is made to handle it. The symptoms of shortness of breath are paradoxical… you feel like you’re suffocating because you’re actually breathing too much!

a vicious circle

Unfortunately, the existence of these symptoms/natural responses to overbreathing often increases the level of anxiety unnecessarily by convincing the sufferer that something worse is going on.

To control the symptoms of hyperventilation

Slow down your breathing.

Hold your breath several times in a row for as long as is comfortable for you (10-15 seconds). This slows down the loss of carbon dioxide.

  • Breathe into a paper bag. Re-inhale the carbon dioxide.
  • The best solution: practice deep diaphragmatic breathing. Use all your lung capacity

Or… Accelerate the body

Vigorous exercise will cause your body’s consumption and metabolism of oxygen and carbon dioxide to “match” the rate of your breathing.

  • Run up and down stairs, do spot aerobics, run or walk briskly.

diaphragmatic breathing

How to breathe using the diaphragm:

  • Sit or lie down comfortably, loosen belts or belts on clothing.
  • Put one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach.
  • Inhale slowly through your nose or through pursed lips (to slow down your inhalation).
  • As you inhale, feel your stomach expand and raise your hand.
  • Your chest should inflate from the stomach up. The hand on the stomach should be raised before the hand on the chest.
  • Exhale slowly through pursed lips to decrease the release of air.
  • Rest and repeat.

Practice this breathing pattern for 3 to 5 minutes two to three times a day until it feels safe and familiar. Use it to break the cycle of symptoms and increase fear when anxiety triggers excessive breathing.

Note: If this is your first time experiencing these physical symptoms, it is important to seek a medical opinion to rule out serious medical conditions. If your doctor tells you that your heart and lungs are fine, your problems are probably due to anxiety, stress, and the resulting excessive breathing (also known as “hyperventilation”).

In addition to managing the physical symptoms of anxiety, it may be necessary to talk to someone about life situations or internal stressors that are raising your anxiety level.

Do you want to lower high blood pressure?

I was diagnosed with high blood pressure (hypertension) about three years ago. After a series of tests, my doctor told me that there was no medical reason for my high blood pressure; it had to be hereditary. Since there is no medical reason why he had high blood pressure, then it could be changed. I made up my mind to get it down and off the meds. I was taking 2 chartia pills a day, time released.

After taking medication to lower my high blood pressure, I noticed a difference in how I felt. It seemed to calm me down and I had fewer headaches. Even though the medication was helping me, I didn’t want to depend on it. I was afraid that my 2 pills would increase to 3, then 4 and so on. I took this as a wake up call to make a switch and lower the 2 pickups to 1 and then to none.

Here is what I did…

I found a way to lose weight. I don’t like to exercise, but I did too. I did as little exercise as I could. I have a treadmill at home and I walk while watching the shows I like. Some of my favorite shows are Bones, Haven, The Middle, and Modern Family. I recorded the shows and watched them while walking on the treadmill. I’d skip all the commercials by doing a 1 hour show that’s about 30 minutes long. This is the time he needed to walk to have a healthy heart. Those 30 minutes would take me between 1 mile and almost 2 miles depending on how fast I walk. Every day is different and I would adapt according to how I felt. However, I made sure to always walk, even when I didn’t want to.

I also changed the way I ate.. I didn’t want to be on a diet, but I needed a little help with what to eat, so I found a site where I could do this. It was not a place where they sold food, but simply a place where I could learn about the correct foods and how and when to eat them.

I got rid of anything easy to do first. All those boxed meals like tuna helper and stuff. They are very high in salt. Think about it. Companies need to somehow preserve them and I think the way they do that is by adding a ton of salt. Salt not only contributed to my high blood pressure, but also prevented me from losing weight. Also eliminate canned soup. After eating canned soup, people would ask me if I was feeling okay, but I never understand why. Yes now. They said I looked blushing; that my cheeks were red and my nose too. I think to this day it was all the salt in the soup.

I started buying fresh fruits and vegetables before shopping at the grocery store. I bought fresh fruits and vegetables. The stand is much cheaper than the grocery store and the produce tastes better. The stall I shop at packs up small pots full of plums or tomatoes for a low price. Every week the items change in the pots, which helps me change the products I buy. I spend an average of $15 for a week or more. I can tell you for sure that the same items I buy at the stand cost twice as much at the grocery store and have no flavor.

I cut the white items to include bread and sugar. I buy brown rice pasta and spinach pasta now. If I eat bread, I try to only have one slice of bread and make my sandwich thicker in the middle. I buy multigrain breads. I ditched the sugar and used honey instead. I even cook with honey.

All these things I did are easy to do.

In 1 year I was completely off meds and lost 19lbs. I still want to lose more weight, but I seem to be having a hard time achieving it. I’ve been slowing down my treadmill workouts a bit and that might be why. Even when life gets hectic, I try to find time to work on myself and stay healthy.

I don’t want to be dependent on medication again. I recommend that you get a blood pressure machine and monitor your pressure, check it several times a day at first and only once or twice a week after that to make sure your blood pressure stays below 120/80.

Do you really need New Years resolutions?

The year has just begun and you may have a list of resolutions that you have already set. The question is, do you really need them? For many people, setting New Year’s resolutions is little more than a tradition that they participate in. It can feel good right now, especially when you’re caught up in the wave of “New Year, New Me” excitement.

But the truth is that the new year arrives and you are still the same as always, with the same quirks and beliefs. And you know what? It’s okay. You have a uniqueness about you that you shouldn’t try to force into a box with resolutions you don’t really believe in.

Studies have shown that approximately 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by the second week of February.

So again, do you really need New Year’s resolutions?

Short answer: no, you don’t.

Why?, you ask.

Well, let’s find out, okay?

too much self-criticism

The first reason you don’t need New Year’s resolutions is that they are a prime source of crippling self-criticism.

In my article The 3 Differences Between Resolutions and Intentions, I mentioned how resolutions are a corrective measure. This means that you should focus on each negative thing about yourself and then see how you can solve the problem. The result? You hit yourself too hard.

Paying too much attention to the things we do wrong is not a healthy way of life. In fact, a Good Therpay article claims that excessive self-criticism can have adverse effects on our mental health, including feelings of worthlessness, depression, and body image issues. Imagine starting your year with this kind of weight on your shoulders.

And because resolutions have an enormous chance of failing, by the time February or March rolls around and you’ve resigned yourself to the fact that another year will pass and you still haven’t succeeded with your resolutions, you’re likely to develop negative thoughts that make you feel bad. like a total failure.

Self-criticism is important for cultivating perspective and humility, but it should never be allowed to grow to the point where it interferes with your health or progress in life. And if New Year’s resolutions make you self-critical, then you really don’t need them.

no room for mistakes

Another reason you don’t need New Year’s resolutions is that they are often inflexible. People usually put more than one resolution on their list because they want to fix everything, they feel like their current life is wrong all at once. As you can imagine, this can quickly become overwhelming.

Suppose you miss a day of exercise or your reminder to drink water comes at the most inconvenient time. You would have already fallen behind on one resolution, and in trying to get back on track, other resolutions are bypassed.

Before you know it, you’re behind on all your resolutions and feel so overwhelmed by the need to catch up that you just throw in the towel.

When it comes to self-improvement, having a clear structure is very important. Therefore, some aspects of your life will have to be strictly adhered to, for example, your sleep schedule. However, because resolutions leave no room for error or mere chance, they will almost certainly fail. You can definitely do without resolutions for this reason.

you fear them

Have you ever really thought about the resolutions you put on your list each year? How do you feel just thinking about them? Most of the time, resolution lists are full of things people are afraid to do.

No wonder they fail so often and so quickly. No one likes to do things they dread every day for so long. If you’re someone who hates exercise and your resolution says you have to do an intense HIIT workout five days a week, then the task of working out becomes a burden to cross off your list instead of something you really care about. please.

Sure, there are some things you have to overcome that you don’t particularly enjoy. However, as long as you can avoid it, these things should not be self-imposed. If you fill your days with things you fear, your days will be (obviously) terrible. They will go on seemingly endlessly, and the motivation to abandon all your resolutions will be that much stronger.

And that was the long answer as to why resolutions are unnecessary.

So if you don’t need New Year’s resolutions, what do you need for proper self-improvement?

The answer is simple. Set goals.

A goal is something you hope to achieve, something you enjoy working towards. Even if some of the steps you’ll need to take to achieve it aren’t exactly what you want (like getting up earlier so you can work on your new book), the result is very powerful and aligns with your purpose and essence. beliefs that you will stand firm.

If this article got you thinking about your own goals for the year, schedule a free consultation with me right now at www.tawawn.com and I’ll help you plan your year in a way that gets you excited to get started. immediately.

Vaginal candidiasis and hot tubs

Many women around the world have questions about their bodies regarding yeast infections. While yeast infections primarily affect women, they can also affect men. Men often get yeast infections as a result of having unprotected sex with a woman who has a yeast infection. Yeast infections can be spread through vaginal fluids and other body fluids, but they are not airborne and cannot be caught from the toilet seat or simply by being in close contact with someone who has a yeast infection . A common question women have is about vaginal yeast infections and hot tubs.

So is it okay to get in a hot tub with a yeast infection, and is it safe for you? The short answer here is yes, you can swim or get in a hot tub if you have a yeast infection, but there are a few things you should know. If possible, you should avoid getting into a hot tub or swimming, but if you must, there are certain things to keep in mind. Yeast affects women primarily because their vaginas are perfect breeding grounds for yeast that loves warm, moist areas to flourish. This is the reason why men do not usually get yeast infections.

If you are going to swim or immerse yourself in water such as a hot tub, it is extremely important that when you get out of the water you remove your bathing suit as quickly as possible and start washing your vagina thoroughly. Water entering and surrounding the vagina increases the conditions under which the yeast took hold in the first place, and can actually make your condition worse if you don’t get out right away and start flushing. It is also highly recommended that you treat your yeast infection as soon as possible because if left untreated, it can worsen and become more dangerous to your body.

Men dating women – Facts about women you never would have guessed

Most men who date women have no idea what they are doing, they are just frustrated and angry at women not knowing what is really missing in their love life. These facts are what every woman wants a man to get and understand, and these facts are what most men never seem to understand.

Men dating women today are really misleading, there is a lot of talk on TV, magazines, internet and radio about what works and what doesn’t with women.

The truth is that this information for the most part is just false assumptions made by guys or even girls who don’t seem to understand what women want because everything they say doesn’t really work.

  • The first fact men who date women should know is that women are looking for a good/bad guy.

This will sound very confusing and it is, but it is the reality. You may have noticed this at least once: a woman is going out with a guy who is abusing her and giving her a hard time, but it doesn’t look like she’s going to leave him before her. And a woman who goes out with a guy who is very nice and affectionate but she cheats on him or leaves him.

Well, this is totally normal for women if you know what they want from men.

Women want a bad boy, by that I mean a boy who is mature, daring, aggressive when she provokes him (wow cowboy, don’t hit her for a yes or no, aggressive simply means that it doesn’t make her look ridiculous or downgrade it).

And women also want a good gentleman. Don’t get me wrong here, she wants the same guy, but for her to be able to take on two different roles. For example, he is usually a nice, funny, funny guy, who also decides for her and guides her and when she tests him or gives him a hard time, he is ready to leave her. A woman wants a guy who knows her true value and is clear about what he wants and how she wants to be treated.

  • The second fact that men dating women need to know is how women will remember you.

Sometimes I hear guys talking about women and I realize that they usually have it all figured out wrong. For example, they believe that a woman will remember you more because of the way you dressed or the way you made her laugh. They’re not totally wrong, but it doesn’t work that way with women for the most part.

Women will remember you more if you: SMELL good.

So simple and yet so careless.

For a woman, the way you smelled is very important and she would remember you for a long time just by the way she smelled on you. This should never be neglected by you, from now on choose your cologne very wisely and ask women for their opinions on a great cologne, their help is very important to you, you should also read this article on how to attract women , it will give you great advantages over the other men who have no idea about these things.

Rustic luxury interior design

Rustic Luxe decor is a look that’s here, there, and everywhere. Describing this look would be where city chic and rustic barn style overlap in a cool way. Rustic woods, earthy elements, antiques, faded fabrics, and soft cotton throws come together in Rustic Luxury. Together they create interiors that bring together the best of both worlds. Both feminine and masculine, yin and yang, mixed with a palette of warm browns, subtle taupes, white washes and multi-layered textures.

Distressed reclaimed wood furniture is a style that speaks to various interior decorating styles, but it should have a luxurious rustic look. These beautiful barn doors are made from reclaimed wood from old Havelis or Indian buildings. An old door table immediately becomes the statement piece when added to a room. For the finesse of reclaimed wood, try a sideboard with wrought-iron railings and original tile.

Metallic tones create the modern dimension of this style that brings luxury to high fashion. Mirrors lined with old jharokha windows or through accessories like metallic-toned fabrics and bright chandeliers. A traditionally inspired silver finish armchair, the Queen Of Hearts adds a touch of classic luxury to the room. This classic stands apart from more worn pieces and feminine metallic accessories. The kitchen uses rustic antique manjoosh, an Indian chest on wheels with carved elephants and peacocks as an island combined with crystal wine glasses create a luxurious, practical yet eclectic décor.

Deluxe cabinetry styles with raised edge glazed doors in a distressed white finish with a ceiling braced with warm cedar beams and planks make a big statement. Earth-toned granite countertops, a backsplash, and rustic bar stools pick up on the story started by a professional stove and built-in refrigerator with custom doors made from old distressed wood.

The kitchen pantry is wrapped in rustic paneling and a sliding barn door does the trick, working well with the mirrored tile and cabinet hardware that is hand-painted porcelain knobs. The straight, clean lines and the warmth of the old woods close the gap between the traditional and the rustic. .

Creating a kaleidoscope of ideas, mixing unusual earthy tribal colors, straying from the norm, yet keeping it chic and sophisticated, rustic luxury is the norm of the tribe. Warm sideboards with turquoise patina, softly textured wood tones contrasted with sleek clean lines, upholstery fabrics with fabulous multicolored textures set against smooth calf leather, mirrors and splattered glass for decorative elegance.

Rustic Luxe is a lifestyle trend that allows the freedom to combine favorite items so that a person’s individual style shines through. Create Rustic Luxe interiors with hand-carved antique doors that tell stories from the past, distressed finish consoles and dining tables, and cabinets with tribal paint – a timeless design trend and as beautiful as you are!

Sports and active activities in Ireland

When visiting Ireland on holiday, you may have in mind to just relax, take it easy and not get involved in anything too strenuous; That is certainly the accepted idea when considering a vacation! But vacationing in Ireland isn’t like vacationing elsewhere; You’ll have a chance to relax, it’s true. You’ll also have endless opportunities to immerse yourself in all sorts of exciting activities, perhaps some you’ve never had the courage to try before, and you’ll go home talking about them for years to come. Ireland has a wealth of sports and active activities for all visitors, so pick your thrill and make it happen!

With water all around it, it should come as no surprise to learn that Ireland is considered a paradise for boating enthusiasts. You can choose to rent a boat or hire a captain to accompany you, then head out to the open sea, or one of the calmer waterways that run inland, and try your hand at seamanship. Deep sea fishing is also a popular activity in Ireland, so why not cast a line or two and see what you can take home?

If open water isn’t to your liking, come inland to try your hand at angling or snorkeling just off shore. Experienced guides will be available to teach you the basics of your gear, taking most of the risk out of this activity.

If you want to avoid the water altogether, you can try bicycling or perhaps horseback riding; the Irish countryside is stunning, and when viewed outdoors from the seat of a bicycle or from the back of a horse, it is truly incomparable.

Of course, you can’t get around Ireland on horseback; If you plan on participating in a lot of active activities, you’ll want to rent a car from a reliable company to get from place to place. Many of these places are far enough off the beaten track that a bus is just an inconvenience anyway, so it’s best to take a car and make sure you don’t miss a moment of your vacation.

Factors affecting the choice of distribution channel

Distribution is an activity that involves effecting the flow of goods and services from the point of production to end users or consumers. It is the means or process by which goods and services move from the point of production to the point of consumption. The primary importance of distribution is to help bridge the gap in time and place that separates goods and services from those who need them.

The distribution channel is the means by which goods and services are made available to consumers in the marketplace. It is an organized system of agencies and institutions, which in combination carry out all the activities required to link producers with consumers in order to fulfill the desired marketing task.


There are two main types of channel system which are;

1) Conventional Marketing System – This includes an independent producer, wholesaler and retailer. Each is a separate business entity seeking to maximize its own profits. It’s more or less a highly fragmented network in which loosely aligned manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers have haggled and negotiated terms of sale.

2) Vertical Marketing System: This is a type of distribution channel where coordination is achieved because the producer, wholesaler, and retailer act as a unified system. Any member owns the others, and no individual member can dominate the system. It is also effective in controlling channel behavior and eliminating conflicts that arise when independent channel members pursue their own goals.


Any of the types mentioned above can take any of these forms.

There are three forms of distribution channel which are;

I. Direct Channel – It is when producers decide to sell directly to consumers. It is especially common in the sale of industrial and perishable consumer goods. It is a zero level method. That is, Manufacturer – Consumer. This form is primarily service based. For example, hairdresser, doctor, etc. There is no intervention of intermediaries in this form of distribution channel.

II. Indirect channel: implies the intervention of intermediaries to carry out the movement of goods to final consumers. It is a single-tier method. That is, Manufacturer – Retailer – Consumer.

third party Multi-channel: uses one or more channel systems to reach the market. It is a two-tier method. That is, Manufacturer – Wholesaler – Retailer – Consumer.

Factors affecting the choice of distribution channel

The choice of the channel is based on the analysis of the consumer, the type of company, the characteristics of the product and the consideration of the company’s environment.

1. Consideration of the market: the following analyzes must be carried out at the market level:

I. Consumer or industrial market

II. Number of potential consumers

third Geographic concentration of the market.

IV. order size

2. Product Consideration: A thorough analysis of product features should be done as this affects the choice of channel. These include:

I. Unit volume

II. bulk and weights

3rd Perish ability

IV. Product Line Extension

3. Company Consideration: The company’s reputation, resources, experience, and desire to control the channel are important factors that can affect channel choice. For example, companies with adequate financial and non-financial resources will be less obliged to use intermediaries.

4. Consideration of intermediaries: Under this, we consider the type of service provided by the intermediaries, the availability of the desired intermediaries and the sales volume opportunities.

5. Environmental Consideration: Environmental factors to consider include economics, technology, legal, competition, etc. In most cases, when economic conditions are depressed, producers resort to the shortest and cheapest channel.

How do I get my Jack Russell to stop urinating in the house? – House Training A Jack Russell Puppy

Good question. House training a Jack Russell puppy is one of the most daunting tasks he will face as a dog owner. However, because Jack Russells are so intelligent, house training a Jack Russell puppy can be accomplished quickly and easily if you follow a few basic guidelines.

Puppies 8 to 10 weeks old

Depending on how old your puppy is, you may be waiting too long. If your pup is too young, physically, he may not be able to hold his intestines. Most dogs arrive at their new homes between 8 and 10 weeks of age. At this stage, they cannot hold their bladder overnight and must be emptied every few hours.

If your JRT is less than 6 months old, be prepared for less than perfect home training compliance and occasional accidents. Be patient and stay positive.


First of all, if you really want to learn how to homeschool a Jack Russell puppy, you need to be willing to take at least 2 weeks off work. Why? Because he will have to watch his puppy very carefully so that he can feel when he has to urinate and then intercede.

Designate your own space

Designate a space just for your JRT. Make it a space where the floor is easy to clean. This will be his play and dream area. It should be an area that can be closed off easily and is small enough to be manageable.

This will be your terrier’s “room” until house training begins and until you enter the crate. Get him a blanket, preferably one with his scent, a bowl of water, and some toys, and store them in his new “room.”

Don’t let your home roam free

If you are serious about house training a Jack Russell puppy and want quick results, your Jack Russell may not be allowed free access to the house until he is fully house trained.

I know it sounds cruel, but in the beginning there is a good reason for this kind of rigid restriction. If you give your dog free rein in the house, he will urinate everywhere. You won’t get a chance to intercept him and take him to the appropriate spot you want him to take out, which is outside.

When you are learning how to house train a Jack Russell puppy, you will be asked to do many things that will seem cruel to your dog at first. But you have to trust the process and do what is asked of you if you want results.

Keep your eyes on him every minute

Your job is to watch over your pup like a hawk. If you have to do the dishes, put a leash on him, this way he can only go so far and you can still catch him in the act if he starts going to the bathroom.

During Jack Russell house training, it is important that you catch your dog in the act, pick him up and take him outside so that he associates grass, dirt and cement with going to the bathroom.

Be prepared to make many trips to the bathroom

If you can’t stay home with your puppy for two weeks, find someone who can. The more you can catch your dog in the act and pick him up and take him outside when he has to urinate or defecate, the faster he will be house trained.

buy a box

I know you think it’s cruel to put a dog in a cage. But really, dogs love the idea of ​​having a den. They like to curl up in corners and hide. He comforts them. So a box for them is like their own house.

The purpose of the box

The purpose of the crate is to teach your dog that it is his safe haven and not to make a mess. So how does this help with home training?

Dogs hate sleeping where they poop.

So when your dog is in his crate at night and starts whining, it’s a sign that he needs to go potty. Immediately take him to the backyard and let him relieve himself. Then praise him, even if it’s 2:00 am!

By the way, if you are in the house but you can’t take care of your puppy, you can put it in the crate. But just leave it there 2-3 hours. Then take it out to go to the bathroom.

What size box should you get?

His crate should not be so large that your pup has a lot of room to move around. If that happens, he’ll just go to one end and use it as his bathroom. We want to avoid that. Get a box that is big enough for him to stretch out and stand on.

Don’t leave him in his cage overnight with no way to relieve himself either! Remember, if he is less than 6 months old, he has not yet developed strong bladder muscles.

When should I go to the bathroom?

There are three times when one more puppy needs to relieve itself:

1. When you wake up for the first time

2. After you have eaten.

3. After a vigorous game

If you pay close attention to your puppy, he will notice when he has to go to the bathroom and will begin to do so before he shows symptoms.

Your Jack Russell will also need to go to the bathroom just before bed and a couple of times during the night.

Remember, your pup is still learning and doing his best. When he has an accident, and he will, don’t yell at him, rub his nose (that doesn’t work), or hit him. You will only scare him. Praise him for the great job he does when he goes to the bathroom in the right place!