
Powering future

Month: June 2022

Ways to involve your child in serving your community

The best way to instill a commitment to service is to start at home. Encouraging small acts of kindness, like helping a family member who has had a rough day or caring for a pet, can even teach younger children the power of caring. As kids get older, you can help them develop empathy and support good causes with these five tips:

Give the children a vote.

Sit down as a group and discuss if there are any people, organizations, or causes that you are especially interested in helping. What talents and abilities do you and your children have that will be most beneficial to them? Even small acts, like donating extra food and blankets to the animal shelter, will make sense to kids, if they choose the cause.

Start local.

While there are numerous worthy global charities out there, young children may find it easier to see the value in helping those in their neighborhood. Shoveling snow or weeding for an elderly neighbor (even if you have to help out in the effort) or running an errand for a sick friend will have an immediate impact on both your child and the neighbor. Use the satisfaction that this experience brings as a springboard to talk about serving the larger community.

When I look back on my childhood, I realize that I did a lot for myself, but not much for the community. As a parent, I want my children to experience the world around them and hope that they will be successful members of the community.

How can children help the community?

5 Ways Kids Can Serve Communities… Encouraging small acts of kindness, like helping a family member who’s had a rough day or caring for a pet, can even teach younger kids the power of affection As kids get older, you can help them develop empathy and support good causes with these five tips: Give kids a vote.

V parents help our children to participate in community service and understand their problems with full enthusiasm. Children need us to train them. We should raise our children that way. Serving the community is the best way to lead our relationship with different people so that our children can understand their problems and difficulties in all fields of life. Community involvement sends a powerful message to… further connect you with your own unique place in the world.

Find a snow cone stall location

Rent, Rent, Rent

A property tycoon, Lord Harold Samuel coined the phrase, “There are three things that matter in property: location, location, location.” No other factor is as important to the success of your business as the location you choose.

Location is not the only consideration. You also need a quality product, a clean booth, and friendly employees. You also need signs that are bright and visible from the main street and sidewalks. None of this will do any good if you can’t attract customers to your area. Careful determination of new sites is essential for most retail businesses. I can give you some general guidelines and things to consider when making this decision. It’s time to put location at the top of your to-do list. Below are some of the things you should consider.


For a basic snow cone stand, a little common sense is the main component in making the decision. There are software tools that will give you traffic patterns, demographics, and other data, but you need to locate your booth not only in your city, but also in neighborhoods that you know. You should know, just from living there, the main areas to look for locations.

You should be looking for an area with young families and kids or high school kids who can drive. Elementary, middle and high schools are good areas. Parks, swimming pools, and children’s sports complexes are also good indicators of the right demographic. High-traffic areas like malls, restaurants, and stores are another good indicator. Depending on your city, pedestrian traffic or vehicle traffic will be much more important. Another indicator is if there are other kid-friendly businesses in the area. Do you see an area with a concentration of ice cream parlors, toy stores, game rooms or other similar businesses? If these businesses are successful in this area, chances are you will too.

Once you’ve decided on the areas to consider, you need to test your locations to see what will work best. The easiest way to check is to simply go out and look at the area. Park in the place that interests you and watch the traffic. Are there many children running around the local park? Do you see as many cars as you expected? Do families go in and out of local businesses? Sitting and watching on both a weekday and a Saturday may be the best way to really get to know an area.

Leasing and Renting

There is more to do for your snow cone stand at this point. Just because you’ve found your dream parking lot or store front doesn’t mean the job is done. Hopefully, there is more than one place that you think will work for your business. If this is the case, you should start contacting business owners to sign a lease. Your rental agreement is almost as important as the location itself. A good landlord can make your business run much better, but a more difficult one can cause you a lot of trouble and stress.

There are generally 2 types of business owners you can work with: small business owners and large chain stores. Small business owners are much easier to work with. You can usually deal with the owner personally and the business owner will appreciate the rental income. The corporate headquarters typically handles the rental of parking spaces for a major chain store. In this case, you can’t just walk into your local Wal-Mart, Target, or Best Buy and sign a lease. Trying to deal with a corporate office means spending a lot of time on the phone trying to find the right person to talk to. Even when you find them, you should expect them to care enough to call you back. The person on the other end of the phone will not see any of your rental income, but they have to go the extra mile to help you. There is no incentive for this to happen. There are also a number of chains that have a general policy of not dealing with small businesses or renting parking spaces.

The amount you must pay for rent will vary considerably from city to city and place to place. In my experience, $250-400 was an average rental range, but this may not be accurate for your situation. I suggest asking other snow cone and concession stand owners to get a range of the going rate. Be sure to indicate if the lease includes electricity for your booth and how you get the power. Other topics that are easy to forget are where you can empty your dirty water tanks and dispose of your garbage. You also need to make sure there are places for your customers to park and the hours you can keep the stall open. This may seem obvious, but you need to make sure that you and the owner are on the same page. If you don’t explain this in detail, then a different set of ideas can get you into a lot of trouble.

Take into account all the costs associated with the initial opening of your business and the location. This information is crucial to correctly budgeting and planning your opening. When it comes to starting a business, underestimating the costs and time involved is one of the most common and dangerous mistakes new entrepreneurs make. It is also one of the simplest to avoid.


The best advice I can give someone is to be thorough in your research. There are no perfect or simple answers. Know your city, area and particular location. Test your assumptions and do the legwork to make sure the place is as busy and kid-friendly as you thought. Good luck!

Protect your back during the snow season

brrrr! “Baby it’s cold outside”! Now that winter is here, snowfall is certainly in the Mid-Atlantic forecast. Many people pick up white things without due caution and end up bending, twisting, and lifting a lot of weight. Improper biomechanics when shoveling and blowing snow can lead to back pain, shoulder pain, and other injuries that lead to muscle strains, sprains, and even herniated discs. Here are some guidelines to help relieve excessive stress on your spine during snowy weather.

Stretch and warm up!

Most people who are about to tackle snow removal don’t properly prepare their muscles beforehand. Just like warming up for exercise or running, proper stretching before shoveling snow reduces the chance of injury. Start by stretching your hamstrings, quads (upper thigh muscles), calves, groin, and buttocks. A chiropractor or fitness trainer can provide a list of appropriate stretches, and instructions on how to do them correctly are often posted online. Hold each stretch for 15 seconds. Ten minutes of stretching and warming up is recommended.

According to a report published by the US Surgeon General, just 15 minutes of shoveling snow is as much effort as 30 minutes of regular physical activity. If you are considered to be at risk of a heart attack, you should be very careful with physical exertion. Paying someone else to shovel snow can be a very wise decision, possibly saving lives. Dr. Thomas Campbell, director of Emergency Medicine at Western Pennsylvania Hospital in Pittsburgh, says, “Snow shoveling is a very risky job. Lifting 10 snow shovels in 1 minute can take as much energy as climbing 7 flights of stairs.” He also advises people over the age of 40 or 45, those leading a sedentary lifestyle, or those with known high blood pressure to avoid shoveling altogether.

Correct biomechanics during shoveling

Snow varies from wet and heavy to powdery and dry. Depending on the amount and weight of snow, using a lighter plastic shovel may be advantageous during heavier snowfalls. Spraying a silicone spray or a product like WD-40 on the shovel blade will help prevent snow from sticking and make snow removal less strenuous. Choose a shovel with an adjustable, curved handle, which is a design that works well regardless of a person’s height or size.

It is smarter to push the snow than to drag it. The key to lifting snow correctly is to squat down with your buttocks low and bend at the hips and knees. Hold the shovel with your hands 12 to 18 inches apart, with one hand on the handle and the other closer to the blade. Always face the pile of snow you are going to lift instead of twisting your spine to reach it. In fact, twisting your spine while leaning forward can increase pressure on your lumbar discs up to 100 times. Use your leg muscles and contract your abdominal muscles each time you lift, almost lunging through the snow.

Stretch your legs, glutes, back, shoulders, and arms the entire time you spend paddling. Stretching increases flexibility and warmth and limits the chance of injury. Some shovelers choose to wear a corset or brace to support their back muscles, further reducing the potential for damage. While shoveling, stay hydrated by drinking fluids frequently (non-alcoholic, of course!), as it’s surprisingly easy to get dehydrated while shoveling, even in colder weather. To prevent slips and falls, for kitty litter or salt on walkway areas that are icy or have already been shoveled.

Injuries to the coccyx (tailbone) are relatively common during the snowy season, when slippery conditions make it more likely that you will fall and land on your back. As you shovel snow, always turn your entire body, making sure your belly button is your “pointer” and is facing where you intend to shovel the snow. Walk toward the area where snow is accumulating instead of throwing it over your shoulder or twisting your torso to reach it. When operating a snow blower, use the power of your legs and buttocks instead of your shoulders. Contract your abdominal muscles and keep your spine straight as you maneuver the machine.

shoveling frequency

Remember to take frequent breaks while paddling. A quick rest every 10 to 20 minutes often helps muscles rejuvenate from fatigue. Shoveling smaller snow drifts more often is a better approach than trying to move heavier drifts in a marathon session. Contrary to some opinions, shoveling snow during snowfall is smarter than waiting for a big snowstorm to end.

Appropriate clothing for snow removal

Dressing appropriately for extended exposure to cold weather should be a no-brainer! Proper clothing is essential for the prevention of frostbite and other ill effects. Boots should have a good sole, and using kitty litter or an ice melt product where needed for good jogging can help prevent slips and falls. Layer your clothes. Wearing waterproof items under thicker clothing and including wick-absorbing underwear can help prevent exposure and illness. Keep in mind that mittens trap heat much more efficiently than gloves.

What to do if you are injured

Even mild physical activities can cause herniated discs, back pain, neck and shoulder pain, radiating pain, and muscle pain. If, despite precautions, you experience an injury or develop muscle pain or strains during snow removal, stop all efforts. Help is available! Contact Corrective Chiropractic and let the trained professionals make you more comfortable and help you recover faster through a variety of relief therapies.

Review of LEGO Jurassic World for PS4, Xbox One and Wii U

LEGO® Jurassic World Review

Traveler’s Tales does it again with LEGO® Jurassic World as the latest addition to the popular LEGO® game franchise. Do you want to play as a ferocious velociraptor or a T-Rex? How about charging and trampling everything in your way a living triceratops tank? If you’ve ever wanted to hunt or hunt dinosaurs, or even search for an important item in a huge pile of dinosaur dung, this game may be perfect for you.

This title stays true to the Jurassic movie franchise just like the other LEGO® games released. LEGO® Jurassic World manages to include the quirky humor of the LEGO® brand in the game and does a good job of making the game friendly to younger players. It’s even somewhat educational, as the ever-cute Mr. DNA shows up during load times to enlighten us with real dinosaur facts.

LEGO® Jurassic World incorporates the first three Jurassic movies along with the most recent Jurassic World movie in this title. Everyone loves to revive the T-Rex by shaking the ground as the huge beasts get terrifyingly close. The vibration function of the remote control works perfectly in this scene. What is different about this title is that you can choose which movie you want to play using an in-game monorail system. This means you don’t have to finish the sequences in chronological order and you can skip straight to the last movie if you want to. That’s different from previous LEGO® games like the Star Wars series.

Much of LEGO® Jurassic World remains repetitive, as you’ll spend a lot of time taking the scenery apart to build the new elements you need. The break-down-and-rebuild action is present in every LEGO® game, and you’d expect it. Why not? This is supposed to be a LEGO® adventure anyway. Repetition isn’t a fan favorite and can get boring, so Traveller’s Tales chose to cut this action down heavily for LEGO® Jurassic World. Older players may welcome this change, but young children who don’t really get into the more sophisticated elements of a game and just want to fight and have fun may suffer from a shorter attention span when playing this game.

LEGO® games are not well known for their superior graphics, but LEGO® Jurassic World contains the best graphics to date for Lego titles. The animation is very well done and the cut scenes are incredibly enjoyable.

As with other LEGO® games, the controls are still a bit clunky. Camera angles are often frustrating as the camera doesn’t move accordingly. This will make precise jumping more difficult even if it should have been easy. Another annoyance out there is minor bugs involving your peers crashing or not keeping up. These rare cases can mostly be fixed by logging out and back in again.

The missions are more guided than in previous titles. The large open world that exists in other LEGO® games like The Hobbit has been scaled down considerably for LEGO® Jurassic World. This more linear format provides a faster pace for this game. Exploration is not greatly missed, as the mission will also require less round trip time from point A to point B.

Another traditional winner of LEGO® games is cooperative play. This always makes for a great time as a couch based event. This is a great way to get valuable bonding time with a young child. You can share both the scares and the laughs. Tell me if you and your child won’t laugh after a terrifying velociraptor leaves a steamy smiley face after breathing on the window.

LEGO® Jurassic World is fun and well done. If you like movies you will enjoy this game.

LEGO® Jurassic World is ranked 7 out of 10.

LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO® group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site or this article. The ® symbol is not allowed in EzineArticles titles, so it has been omitted from the title but should be understood as a registered trademark.

Belize Beaches

Belize is a small country of 8,868 square miles, located on the east coast of America near the Caribbean Sea. A tropical island full of nature activities and adventures including cave tubing.

Cave-tubing is one of the most famous water sports here and often the main attraction for visitors. In Belize City, you have direct flights from the United States, but if your destination is elsewhere in Belize, shuttle service is available. You can use these buses to go everywhere in Belize. Belize City is the ideal destination to find luxury hotels, offering fine dining and a real treat for guests. Your hospitality is important to attract visitors again and again. The rich culture reflects much of the lifestyle in Belize. Being here will teach you about their history and culture while having fun at the same time.

If you are looking for a romantic destination, Palencia is one of several beaches that are an ideal place for lovers. Palencia Belize is without a doubt the best beach destination in the country, and the beaches of Palencia are sure to be relaxing and refreshing, not only for your body but also for your mind and soul. Palencia is located on the southern Caribbean coast of Belize, about 150 miles south of Belize City. You can come by plane, bus, or rental car from Belize City, and each of these transportation options is fairly easy to arrange. It’s possible to rent a car when you arrive, but the city is so small that getting around on foot is usually a much better option. Placencia is a good starting point for many natural attractions. Nearby are the Monkey River, the Cockscomb Basin and the Mayan Ruins. You can kayak through the nearby mangroves or paddle out to one of the cays.

One of the best hotel options is the Inn at Roberts Grove. This hotel is a place of peace, not only does it offer a great atmosphere, but also the service is second to none. On the list of services are excellent restaurants, fishing, diving and canoeing. What could be better in the tropics than a spa? Inn has the best and best spa accommodations in the area. For adventure seekers, the Inn at Robert’s Grove is proud to be a top dive center in Belize and one of the few to have a 5-star PADI rating. The New York Times called Roberts Groves “home to the most reputable dive shop in Palencia.” Roberts Grove is ideally located for those looking for a Belize dive vacation that includes visits to several of Belize’s best dive sites. The reason is that the edge of the reef is to the south along the coast of Belize, it is becoming more and more separated from the mainland. The result is a vast coral reef with channels that drop 90 to 110 feet but rise steeply into shoals and cays, offering plenty of nearby snorkeling. In the last official census, there are at least 20 named dive sites in the waters of southern Belize, near Robert Grove, teeming with fish and many intact corals.

Ambergris Caye is the name of the largest island in Belize. Larger and more populated than the main island of Belize, Ambergris Caye also has an exciting history. Dating back to the Mayans, European pirates and Mexican refugees fled to Ambergris Caye during the Caste War. In fact, most of the current population on the island is descended from Mexico. The island’s economy once depended on the coconut industry, followed by the fishing industry, but now depends on tourism. It has more than 400 small islands, and all these islands have the best panoramic views in the country. In Ambergris you will find luxury hotels with gourmet restaurants. If you want to enjoy fishing and diving or want to get closer to nature, there are many forests, savannahs and lagoons here, you can have fun with mother nature in the area you want. If you want to make your stay more exciting, you can rent a golf cart or bike and explore the sites yourself.

Belize isn’t the biggest tropical vacation destination, but it does offer a long list of resorts worth visiting, from budget to ultra-extravagant, and the sheer size of the island offers all of this within a few miles. Satisfying adventure seekers and chill-outs alike, it’s definitely an experience you’ll never forget. All that is required is your favorite beach chair, beach umbrella, and sunscreen.

How to Become an Occupational Health Nurse CEU

Occupational Health Nurse CEU

Occupational health nurses typically hold a 4-year bachelor’s degree in nursing and gain experience in other areas before becoming certified. Once certified, occupational health nurses often decide to pursue graduate school, earning a Master of Science in Nursing. They can also specialize in public health, providing health and safety programs and services to communities and employers. Their job is to promote health and prevent illness, as well as protect workers from work-related hazards.

Occupational health nurses play a vital role in the workplace, working to protect workers from harmful exposures. They often assess workers’ health conditions and treat injuries caused by unsafe working conditions. These professionals also coordinate care for workers and ensure that they are receiving adequate treatment. Their work minimizes medical benefits for employers, reducing medical expenses and lost wages. By providing health care for workers, occupational health nurses can make a positive impact on the bottom line of any organization.

Many occupational health Nursing CEUs are faced with tough discussions. Sometimes, they must present positive alcohol or drug tests to employers. In other cases, they must tell workers that their symptoms are not consistent with the real medical diagnosis. As a result, these discussions can be difficult. However, the rewards for completing this training make this field rewarding and challenging. If you’re passionate about providing care to those suffering from work-related injuries, becoming an occupational health nurse may be right for you. This profession is one of the fastest-growing fields in health care.

How to Become an Occupational Health Nurse CEU

To become an occupational health nurse, you must first acquire a certificate. To obtain a certificate, you need to take 50 contact hours of occupational health practice every five years. If you are unsure of what type of certification you need, you can use Incredible Health’s online course offerings to earn the required CEUs. It is accredited by the American Nurses Credentialing Center. It also has a comprehensive list of resources that will help you complete the certification process.

A certification for becoming an occupational health nurse is not hard to get. The American Board of Occupational Health Nurses provides a list of accredited programs. COHNs are registered nurses who have undergone training in occupational health. By becoming a Certified Occupational Health Nurse, you can earn higher salaries and improve the working environment of your employer. You can also lower the number of worker’s compensation claims by helping management comply with OSHA regulations.

In order to become an occupational health nurse, you should first earn a bachelor’s degree in nursing. A master’s degree in nursing may help you advance in your career, but the majority of these roles require RN experience. In addition, occupational health nurses must have at least three years of experience in a related field. A bachelor’s degree in nursing may also help boost your career. The following are the most common ways to become an occupational health nurse:

The definitive signs of spiritual puberty

A spiritual person who follows the path of spirituality is completely alone. The world around him is not a world of things and beings but of thoughts and memories.

When a seeker walks the path of spirituality, he encounters the same obstacles in finer and more subtle form at every stage of his spiritual journey. Resolute will and unwavering effort are only equipment for success on the path of spirituality.

It is very difficult to measure progress in spirituality. It may be that when a seeker feels elated and overconfident that he is actually making good progress, he may actually be going downhill. On the other hand, it may be that the seeker feels totally lost, confused and in danger, he may actually be making very good progress.

All forms of meditation and spiritual practices have been a means of shutting out the outside world in an effort to open an inner channel, through which higher forces could enter, the invisible could be perceived, and the presence of God could be felt.

On the higher path of spirituality, whenever you reach a state of inner peace, tranquility, relaxation and are aware of body, mind and soul simultaneously, your own body gives definite signs of spiritual advancement or evolution related to perfect harmony. of the nervous system. The harmonization and synchronization of one’s own natural forces and energies result from the regular practice of spiritual techniques.

During puberty, our body undergoes a series of physical, mental, emotional and hormonal changes that will take us from childhood to adulthood. Some common signs of puberty are growth of body parts, hair growth, appearance of facial hair, cracking and deepening of voice and sexual development, etc.

Therefore, there must be some set of visible and obvious standards or milestones that are definite indicative signs of spiritual progress known as spiritual puberty. There are many certain and specific signs by which a seeker’s progress on the spiritual path can be determined.

Two very important and observable indicators of advanced progress in spirituality are

Opening of Sushumna Nadi

It is a strict law that on any spiritual path, whether consciously or unconsciously, unless the kundalini is awakened, there is no benefit of any kind. Whenever by devotion, knowledge, renunciation, divine grace, yoga, asana postures, meditation, austerities or shaktipaat, when the kundalini is awakened and starts moving upwards through the Sushumna Nadi, then only higher level spiritual progress is indicated and this is the fixed rule.

In the human body there are 72,000 nadis or channels through which prana circulates. There are 10 important Nadi of which 3 are the most important. Sushumna is the main Nadi and flows through the central channel within the spinal cord, it is responsible for all spiritual consciousness. Ida is situated on the left side of Sushumna and controls all mental functions, while Pingla, situated on the right side of Sushumna, controls all vital functions of the body.

Ida is related to the respiratory flow in the left nostril and the parasympathetic nervous system, while Pingla is related to the respiratory flow in the right nostril and the sympathetic nervous system.

Unless Ida and Pingla are balanced, there will be many obstacles to spiritual progress. Balancing occurs naturally as a definite sign of advanced spiritual puberty. The opening of Sushumna is indicated by breathing through both nostrils simultaneously. When Ida and Pingla flow together, the third flow of Sushumna Nadi opens.

On a higher spiritual path when the body [Pingla] and mind [Ida] are balanced and synchronized a third force spiritual energy arises, this is a definite sign of spiritual puberty, when breathing through both nostrils simultaneously.

khechari mudra

Khechari mudra is a simple but very important technique that is used in many spiritual techniques. It involves bending the tongue back and placing it against the upper palate. In Kechari mudra the prana is located above the nasopharynx, removing the need for respiration from the tissues and cells and placing the body in a state of suspended animation or hibernation.

Khechari naturally induces a seeker into a higher state of spirituality. It is a neurological switch that indicates a state of the purified nervous system. Khechari is an ecstatic connection that lights up our entire nervous system. It is the higher spiritual practices that send us to Khechari, when every cell or fiber of our being wants self-realization or enlightenment, the tongue automatically goes back and up or, in a slight way, we can say that it can touch the upper palate.

Khechari encourages the greater opening of sexual neurons in the head. Khechari as spiritual puberty is a constant internal orgy of radiant ecstatic bliss indicating the cosmic sexual union of Shiv and Shakti or Yin and Yang.

So opening Sushumna Nadi or breathing through both nostrils and Khechari mudra or rolling the tongue and touching the upper part of the palate are the ultimate signs of spiritual puberty, resulting from a purified, enlightened and enlightened nervous system. These two signs indicate the higher spiritual transformation of the seeker.




Choose hemp clothing for health

You no longer have to worry about hemp clothing being boring and scratchy because it is now fast becoming one of the best eco-friendly materials and becoming trendy modern clothing available in a wide range of colors and textures.

But why would we want to wear hemp clothing? Well, some would say that the benefits of clothing made from hemp far outweigh commercial cotton clothing, and I’d have to agree. First of all, the hemp material is a natural, plant-based material that has not been exposed to harsh chemicals or pesticides, making it a suitable choice for your health and that of those with sensitive skin. Commercial cotton is one of the most chemically treated crops in the world and chemical residues are absorbed by our skin when we use it. Second, it is a very economical product because it is very easy to grow, can be planted several times a year and requires less water and no chemicals. Third, clothing made from hemp is very durable because the material is strong. It also reduces perspiration because, being a natural material, it is more breathable than synthetic fabrics. And lastly, hemp clothing is more resistant to mildew as it has antibacterial properties and is also good at protecting you from UV rays. As you can see, hemp clothing is wonderful for both your health and the environment.

The idea of ​​hemp usually makes us think of the more well-known cannabis, but you should not worry if your clothes will have any property of the drug. Commercial hemp plants used for fabric production are made from low-THC hemp plants. These plants do not allow any physical or psychological effect because they only contain minute amounts of THC, which is the psychoactive drug.

So how does a leafy hemp plant turn into clothing? First, the pectin that holds the hemp fibers together must be dissolved in order for the plant stems to soak in water. This allows the fibers to be separated and then processed and woven into yarn. Modern techniques now also allow hemp fibers to be mixed with natural bamboo and organic cotton. This provides more textures and soft, luxurious fabrics to make more clothing variations.

Without a doubt, hemp clothing is the best option for your health and the environment. Hemp is not just made into clothing, but there is a fantastic and expanding range of hemp products including bedding, bags, shower curtains, shoes and yoga mats. Hemp clothing is also available for men, women and children. So when you choose hemp clothing the next time you shop for clothes, you’re not only making a better choice for our health, you’re also helping the earth.

Before you buy a gas station business, know the five dangers

A large number of entrepreneurs want to buy gas station business opportunities because the industry seems to be thriving whether the economy is strong or sick. Just like a grocery store or an energy supplier, the gas station provides something that most people need.

And connecting with a complementary business, such as a car wash or convenience store, can generate substantial profits for the entrepreneur with a ‘buy gas station business’ strategy. No special knowledge is needed beyond basic business proficiency to run it efficiently.

However, there are risks particular to this type of business, which a prospective buyer must understand. Understanding those risks and how to avoid them can help the entrepreneur enjoy success with a good purchase at a gas station.

1. Soil contamination is common among petroleum retailers that have not upgraded to newer leak-proof storage tanks. Most communities enforce environmental regulations for gas stations. Any businesses leaking oil will be forced to close so that contaminated soil can be removed and storage facilities upgraded. Finally, a new station is built on the site. What a problem for a new station owner! Anyone seeking gas station business opportunities is advised to insist that any purchase agreement require soil sample testing and that the results show no contamination.

2. A related issue is the condition of the storage tanks. Older steel tanks invariably begin to leak after years of use. Newly installed and renovated gas stations are equipped with double-walled fiberglass tanks (known as DWFG in the industry). And the tanks are equipped with leak detection sensors. Any offer made to purchase gas station businesses must include a provision requiring upgraded fuel storage to be part of the agreement.

3. Failure to determine who owns the property the station is on, before the purchase is complete, can lead to a terrible surprise. In many cases, even dealers from California’s major oil companies have placed their large, familiar signs on property they don’t own. Imagine the anguish of brand-name oil company franchise owners who find out, the hard way, that the franchisor’s rights to the property were “on a short fuse.” A ten-year sublease is meaningless if the sublessor, the oil company with the main lease, loses its right to conduct business on the site.

4. When bidding on a gas station, it is reasonable to expect that access to the property will remain as easy in the future as it has been in the past. But what if the local government plans to demolish the streets adjacent to the station to repair underground utilities or improve roads? Most commercial offers do not include the contingency of obtaining satisfactory information from the city’s planning and development department. But a condition with that requirement must be included in any offer to buy service station business assets.

5. The possibility of paying too much for a company in this category is a significant risk for someone willing to buy gas station business opportunities. It is a mistake to believe the seller’s or broker’s claims that the appropriate price is determined by gross sales or the number of gallons pumped each month.

Like any small business, a gas station should be valued based on the seller’s earnings before deductions for interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. Pumping volume or gross receipts may have no bearing on profits and should not be considered when determining the value of a station. The buyer is safe using the multiple earnings applicable to most small businesses.

The top of the multiples range is about three times the average annual earnings reported in the past three to five years, and can apply to a business with a salesperson ready to help finance, plenty of equipment in good repair, and a lease agreement. in the long term at competitive rates in the market.

The buyer who has “buy gas station business” on their to-do list and is considering a business that does not offer these benefits should consider the correct price to be about twice the average annual earnings. And many opportunities in the industry are valued using a multiple between two and three.

The entrepreneur looking to buy gas station business opportunities could invest in a company or companies that are highly profitable and not too complicated to operate. But the benefits will only accrue to a buyer who is cautious to avoid the risks inherent in buying this type of business.

Green Home Remodeling Helps You Live a Low-Impact Green Life

More and more homeowners are concerned about its effect on the environment. After all, American consumers create 21 percent of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions and make up less than five percent of its population. Reducing your carbon footprint and participating in low-impact living means more than just recycling newspapers. It can expand to almost every aspect of your life. Here are some tips on how to go about it through green home remodeling and everyday lifestyle choices.

Energy efficiency in the home: Any green home remodeling project should implement plans to make your home more energy efficient. Measures include adding insulation, replacing windows and doors, purchasing an efficient water heater, and upgrading your heating and air conditioning systems.

Energy saving appliances: Exclusive use of Energy-Star certified appliances conserves energy, water, saves money and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Start with your refrigerator, which is often the biggest energy user in the house. Consider purchasing Energy Star-qualified versions of dishwashers, washing machines, and televisions.

Sustainable materials: Choose sustainable materials like cork or bamboo flooring, furniture made from sustainable wood, and recycled glass tile or countertops. Also consider how you can recycle materials like used doors or old furniture.

Turning on: There are many ways to reduce your electric lighting costs. If you’re planning to remodel a green home, include plenty of windows and skylights to reduce your need for electric light. Choose energy-efficient lighting fixtures and compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs). Look out for LED lights, which have just hit the market in full force. Although they are more expensive, LED lights use very little electricity. Each reportedly can last up to 20 years without changing the bulb.

composting: Build a composting area into your exterior design. When you compost table scraps, you reduce the amount of waste that goes into landfills. Many gardeners also like compost to use as a high-quality free fertilizer.

Transportation: Carpool or take public transportation; ride your bike; Reduce or combine car trips when possible. Think about how your purchasing choices impact transportation. By buying local produce and other products, you lessen the environmental impact of transporting those products to your home.