
Powering future

Month: June 2022

10 tips for building an effective management team

A team culture is necessary for success. Working together effectively is not automatic. It requires a specific effort and the development of a culture supported by executive management. Shared experiences create unity and value. Knowledge transfer is essential for the growth of an organization. Without the transfer of knowledge and the sharing of successes, it is difficult for the group to share a vision and work towards common goals.

1. Create an intentional communication strategy. Your management team must understand and support a common vision. This requires clarity. Clarity begins with effective communication. Make sure your management team’s communication reaches all employees.

2. Do not establish intentional competition in the workplace. Try to make sure that individual skill sets complement each other rather than compete with each other. Distribute responsibility and authority by alternating leaders for various tasks. Look for potential stars and introduce coaching and mentoring as a skill set.

3. Create team ownership in the decision-making process, but not committee management. Avoid groupthink by making sure people express opinions openly without intimidation. Responsibility must be accompanied by authority and accountability.

4. Build trust and respect by giving trust and respect. Act as a coach or mentor and not as a boss.

5. Create off-site team building activities on a quarterly basis. Social gatherings, sports activities, laser tag or other activities that generate unification and mutual trust.

6. Don’t just talk about empowerment and delegation, believe in it and demonstrate that belief by allowing team members to make decisions and act independently.

7. Take complex plans and strategies and assign responsibility and ownership. This creates more efficiency and boosts creativity. Assign responsibility according to individual passions.

8. Brainstorming should be encouraged to unleash team innovation. Bouncing ideas off each other stimulates creative thinking that leads to creative solutions. This in itself unites individuals in a common purpose.

9. Ask for solutions assigning both responsibility and empowerment. Ownership of ideas and initiatives generates commitment. Involving the team in creating directions and solutions through empowerment generates commitment to the tasks necessary to meet the objectives.

10. Challenge your management team. Confidence in team effectiveness minimizes risk by being more flexible and adaptable than relying on one person. No single individual can jeopardize success. The loss of a team member can be overcome without losing sight of the goals.

Health Benefits of Calendula Tea, Oil and Flowers

Calendula tea is a remedy for sore throats; In case of a sore throat, you can gargle with calendula tea three times a day to relieve the pain. Calendula is useful for sore throats due to its ability to reduce swelling and pain.

Calendula is used to relieve acne; Washing your face every night with calendula tea helps relieve acne. Acne occurs as a result of inflammation of the sebaceous gland due to bacterial infection. Calendula tea has active anti-inflammatory agents that reduce swelling and powerful antibacterial compounds that kill bacteria.

Calendula tea soothes blisters in the mouth or swollen gums; either bacteria or a virus can cause these conditions. The antibacterial and antiviral activities of calendula tea will heal the sores. In addition, the anti-swelling properties reduce the swelling of the gums.

Calendula oil has healing properties. Speeds up the healing process of cuts and bruises.

Calendula oil is highly effective in reducing inflammation anywhere in the body. For example, swelling arising from gout or joint-related arthritis is very painful. In such cases, applying calendula oil to the joints relieves pain and inflammation. In cases of ulcers, a cup of calendula tea will soothe the sores due to its anti-inflammatory effect.

Calendula is effective in treating infections. The herb has antibacterial, antiviral, antiprotozoal, and antifungal properties.

Calendula has some anticancer properties. Calendula oil has antitumor properties. Along with the antioxidants in calendula tea, it can stop oxidation and uneven cell growth. The beta-carotene in calendula also helps reduce cancer risks, improves heart health.

calendula extracts Aids in digestion; Calendula oil is vital for keeping the digestive organs healthy. Calendula oil stimulates the release of bile from the gallbladder, which in turn speeds up the breakdown of food in the duodenum. Additionally, calendula has an inhibitory effect against common gastrointestinal bacteria, such as Campylobacter jejuni, which cause diarrhea in children. Note that this herb can control prostaglandin-E1. As such, it protects the lining of the stomach and intestines. Furthermore, it restricts the adverse impacts related to gastritis, stomach cancer, and peptic ulcer.

Detoxify the body; A dose of three cups of calendula tea is essential for cleansing the body’s organs, especially the liver. The herb stimulates the proper functioning of the gallbladder.

Essential in oral health; Due to its antibacterial properties, calendula is an effective mouthwash. As such, it can be an ingredient in toothpaste and mouthwashes.

improves vision; Due to the antioxidants present in calendula, calendula treats eye infections and improves vision. Beta-carotene, the antioxidant responsible for improving vision, makes up the bulk of calendula. Calendula flower extracts have been useful in the treatment of conjunctivitis. In this case, it reduces the inflammation and redness of the eye. In addition, the consumption of calendula tea drastically prevents the development of macular degeneration and the development of cataracts.

Reduces pain associated with menstruation; Calendula tea is known to reduce pain during menstruation. Abdominal cramps usually cause this pain. At this time, a woman may experience headaches, nausea, or even vomiting. A cup of calendula tea will relieve the above symptoms in the shortest possible time. Also, calendula tea is known to regulate the entire menstrual process. In some animals, it has been used to start the menstrual process. Due to its estrogenic effects, it reduces menstrual cramps and relieves breast tenderness.

Reduce cramps; Calendula extracts have antispasmodic activities. People suffering from nervous disorders and those who have severe cramps during menstruation are advised to drink at least three cups of calendula tea.

Prevents muscle spasms; Calendula extracts are effective in preventing muscle spasms by relaxing spontaneous and K+-induced contractions, which relies on calcium channel blockade along with the cholinergic qualities of this herb.

Prevent premature aging; Calendula’s restorative properties make it a tremendous anti-aging food. The oil is wonderful for healing wounds, moisturizing the skin, and making the skin more supple. It is very important to include calendula tea in your diet. Also, calendula oil can be applied around delicate parts of the body, such as the eyes, to prevent puffiness. Calendula’s antioxidants prevent cell aging by stimulating blood flow to skin cells. The result is that even scars and wrinkles will disappear. For more excellent results, the application of organic compounds containing calendula oil will work well.

Heals rashes; Calendula oil is helpful in treating any rash. Applying calendula oil to the affected areas twice a day will return the skin to its natural state in a short period of time. Diaper rash is a common occurrence in babies. In such cases, the application of calendula oil will heal the skin due to its anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties.

Eliminate stretch marks; Calendula oil is a purely natural remedy to alleviate stretch marks. It is difficult to completely remove it, but calendula oil is effective in healing and smoothing damaged skin.

skin problems; Topical application of calendula oil is effective in soothing the skin. Conditions like eczema and dermatitis can be relieved efficiently through the use of calendula oil. Additionally, calendula oil has been found useful in the treatment of ringworm and athlete’s foot.

Useful in the treatment of insect bites; Most insect bites cause inflammation of the cells. For example, a bee sting can cause a lot of swelling. To relieve such swelling, applying calendula oil topically decreases swelling.

Antihemorrhagic and antiseptic; Calendula flowers have extracts that stop bleeding in addition to acting as an antiseptic.

to dye; Calendula flowers were used to make dyes that were used to dye fabrics. Floral tints come in brown, yellow, and orange colors.

culinary uses; Marigold petals were used to add color to cheese and butter. In Germany, the flowers were common ingredients for making soups and stews, hence the nickname “marigold”.

Remedy for varicose veins; A varicose vein is the abnormal swelling of the valves in the back of the legs. The valves of the veins swell and become flaccid. Calendula in the diet helps relieve inflammation of the valves.

The secret to not being hungry

You should be able to skip a meal and not be hungry. If you’re the type who can’t skip a meal or have to eat at a certain time without feeling dizzy or hungry, chances are you’re burning sugar all day instead of fat.

My wife and I went out to dinner with friends this weekend. As soon as we sat down, one of our friends said that he was very hungry and asked the waiter to bring bread quickly. I immediately thought to myself “his body must have been surviving on sugar for fuel instead of burning fat”. I know it’s common for people to be so hungry that they can’t wait for their main meal to arrive and have to instantly eat tons of bread to get some sugar into their systems and feel better; I witness this all the time.

Unfortunately, it’s not good to be so hungry and have to quickly eat a bunch of empty sugar calories like bread to feel normal again. You should be able to skip an entire meal or not eat for several hours and not be too hungry. If you can’t do that, I’d bet you’re eating too many empty calories and I guess you’re most likely overweight. Even if you’re not eating a lot, but eating small amounts of sugar throughout the day, like crackers or soda, what you’re doing is programming your body to burn sugar all day long and not allow fat to be released into the bloodstream. blood to be burned as fuel.

What you have to do is reprogram your body to burn fat. You do this by eating protein and healthy fats while cutting back on simple carbohydrates that raise insulin. When you eat sugars, the first thing your body will do is burn the sugar for fuel. If you eat too much sugar, your body will produce insulin, a storage hormone that helps remove sugar from the blood vapor and can store it as fat. If you’re eating carbs like pretzels all day, you’ll always be hungry. As soon as your body removes the sugar (pretzels) from your bloodstream with insulin, you’ll be hungry again and you won’t have burned any fat. You’re practically living on sugar all day.

If the above scenario sounds like you, your goal should be to eat mostly organic vegetables for your carbohydrates with organic meats, poultry, fish, and eggs for your protein and fat. Snack with nuts, seeds and some fruit. By eating this way, your blood sugar level will be more stable. You’ll keep your insulin in check, you won’t be too hungry if you skip a meal, and your body will be programmed to burn fat for fuel whenever possible.

I know that conventional wisdom suggests that all that matters is calorie intake versus calories burned when it comes to losing weight. But my 25 years of experience have shown me that it is not that simple. My contrary opinion is that insulin can play a major role in weight gain, hunger, and a host of other health-related issues.

If you always reach for bread before dinner, try eating like I recommend in this article for a few weeks and let me know if you feel less hungry and have lost some weight.

Best – Mike Cola

Be an outstanding communicator who achieves goals

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve”

– Napoleon Hill, “Think and Grow Rich”

Your ability to communicate with confidence, clarity, energy, and persuasiveness, in every conversational situation, is directly related to your success, no matter your field or profession.

I always ask my clients during their executive voice training program, “Why do you want to be successful?” Many say they want enough money to have the freedom to do whatever they want in life.

• Return

• Help their children succeed

• Be self-employed

• Work less and “play” more

• Spend more time with the family

• Help other people to live better and

• Travel more

There are several steps to ensure that one achieves goals.

Step One: Identify your personal reason for being successful in life.

Step Two: Write an incredibly detailed picture of what your success looks like. Get into the details. For example, if you want to travel more, how many days a year? Where do you want to go? What does it take to give you the time and money?

Step Three: Define the role that outstanding communication will play in achieving your goals. In most professions, your ability to communicate is the number one differentiator.

John was a young marketing manager at a leading national retail store whose vision for success was to open his own unique retail chain. He clearly defined the vision of him, yet he was a soft-spoken man who sounded shy and monotonous. He told me, “I need to sound confident, authoritative, powerful and enthusiastic.”

With the Executive Speaking Skills program from Voice Power Studios, John gained control of his voice; he learned to speak in a deep voice, well projected, articulated, expressive and easy to listen to. He gained the confidence to become an outstanding communicator in every business interaction: meetings, presentations, negotiations, and stakeholder interactions on his way to achieving his goal.

Try these tips to improve your voice.

• Slow down your speaking rate to 150 words per minute by breathing between thoughts and saying the ends of your words. It takes time to do this and therefore it will slow you down.

• Speak clearly. Say the whole word without cutting off the end. Murmuring and running the words together is a direct result of speaking too fast. If they don’t understand you, it’s hard to persuade your listener to buy.

• Never discard the last word of your thought. The last word is the most important word and if your listener doesn’t hear it clearly, your thought loses its impact and you risk losing their attention.

Wake up your voice daily:

• Lip roller: take a deep breath and exhale forcefully with your lips closed, which will cause your lips to move or move.

• Resonator buzz: mAHmAHmAHmAHmAHm. Alternate between the (m)hum and the vowel. Then add the other vowels until you can do the following in one breath with the resonance always on the lips: mEEmEHmAHmOHmOO.

Sandra McKnight is an internationally renowned keynote speaker and executive speech and voice coach with over 30 years of private and cross-cultural coaching and coaching in executive voice training, accent reduction, speech, voice, public speaking and presentation skills. Her clients include CEOs, lawyers, executives, entrepreneurs, business owners, sales professionals, and companies such as Northrop Grumman, Nestle, Intel, Microsoft, DDI World, Inc., IBM, and Ernst and Young (Hong Kong). .

Homedics Shiatsu Massager with Heat: The Benefits for You

A spa massage at home whenever you want, what do you think?

The Homedics Shiatsu Massager can give you just that. As a product, it is very versatile and offers great features such as:

  • Designed with spinning balls that move up and down; giving you the best possible massage.
  • It offers many massage options depending on your mood and needs.
  • Useful and practical massage control pad.
  • Choose the areas of your back that you want to massage in particular.
  • You can set it to give you a full back. Y shoulder massage
  • A perfect complement are the soothing heat functions available to complement your massage.
  • Velcro straps to make it easy to attach to the desired chair; but it also provides easy movement capability.

The shiatsu massage cushion is very versatile and you can choose a chair or a convenient place to place it, whether it is an office chair, an armchair or a dining chair. Because of this, you can use it while you work to relax or de-stress in the middle of the day; or enjoy 10 minutes in your comfortable chair later in the evening after a tiring day.

Now that you know something about the product, let’s learn the benefits for you!

  • A massage promotes relaxation and relieves tensions that are of great benefit to our health. Everyone needs to relax and recharge regularly.
  • It can save you time as you don’t have to book massage appointments and then find the time to attend, which in turn means you’re more likely not to.
  • It’s like having a spa treatment in the comfort and convenience of your own home.
  • Find a quiet place, put on your favorite music, maybe even light a scented candle and just take about 15 minutes and turn off the world and get lost in your own world. You will feel rejuvenated and relaxed, which in turn lifts you up and makes you feel happy.
  • Another great health benefit is that regular massage relaxes the muscles while gently stimulating them, helping with any aches and pains that may arise; or better yet, prevent them from appearing in the first place with regular use.
  • The shiatsu massager with heat will pay for itself over and over again by saving you the costs of a regular spa massage.

PGCL: The Next Big Thing for Anabolics of 2009

PGCL is a compound you might be hearing a lot about in 2009. It has been described as highly dangerous and not for 95% of bodybuilders, but since it is already starting to have a place in top level bodybuilding, let’s discuss it further. .

It is a veterinary compound used to induce labor in farm animals. Weekly dose at 500 mcg for adult human males, is stacked with human growth hormone (HGH) to burn body fat. It is a shallow injection, after keeping refrigerated. The injection schedule should be a single injection of 40 mcg, two or three times a day.

PGCL has negative side effects. PGCL is not for women. Infertility is the first concern in young men. Difficulty breathing has also occurred. Nausea, diarrhea, and sweating also occur due to elevated body temperature. The drug, designed to induce labor in animals, causes the body to eliminate a large amount of waste in a very short time. After taking the photo, stay near a bathroom, as you’ll likely spend some time there soon after. Cramps also occur due to dehydration and loss of electrolytes.

Good side effects have been reported. Weight loss of 1.5 to 2 pounds per day is normal, while muscle tissue becomes fuller and harder. Food is eliminated from the intestine very quickly, so the subjects were able to eat a large amount of protein without feeling full. Increased libido has been reported. Above all, the subjects were able to lose a large amount of body fat without dieting. Subjects continued to eat their normal diet and lost body fat. Metabolism and red blood cell count remain high, but subject was able to lose body fat anyway.

The body loses weight using PGCL due to increased nutritional absorption. This is a new and unique aspect of PGCL that is beginning to open minds to new possibilities in bodybuilding nutrition. Imagine if the days of dieting are over. Imagine if a single compound could be stacked with HGH and will result in the subject losing body fat rapidly with no change in eating patterns. Much of the pre-contest muscle loss will be avoided. Therefore, PGCL is opening many eyes. The drug itself may not be the ultimate dietary solution bodybuilders have been searching for decades, but the process involved might be. What if the solution to high body fat, for bodybuilders and everyday Joes too, isn’t diet control? What if the solution is to manage faster removal of food from the body? It’s opening up a lot of possibilities. Keep an eye out for PGCL and its next generation descendants in 2009!

How much does it cost to replace my roof? What you need to know about home insurance

When your roof has been affected by hail and wind damage, or whatever else Mother Nature wants to throw your way! – It’s important to get your home insurance involved in your roof repairs right away. And when it comes to making those complicated insurance claims to replace your roof, time is definitely of the essence.

So if you’re using your home insurance, how much will it cost to replace your roof? By using the tips and techniques below, you won’t have to pay a dime, because your home insurance will cover it all for you!

1. First, it is important to contact a local roofing company to assess the amount of damage to your roof. Remember, many insurance companies will not accept your claim unless it is backed by a contractor. The best companies often provide free insurance consultations, as long as you hire them to do the repairs afterward. This helps hold the adjuster and insurance company accountable to you, who may now be very knowledgeable about the roof damage. The roofer will probably ask you to sign an agreement that if your roof needs to be completely replaced, you will use them, check carefully beforehand. Make sure they have been in business as roofers in your area for quite some time, so you can be sure they have a good reputation.

2. Once you have filed a claim, the claims adjuster will come to your home or business to assess the amount of damage that has been done. While this may seem unnecessary, especially if the roof of your home or business is about to collapse! – This step occurs to prevent any type of home insurance fraud from taking place.

3. Once the claims adjuster has approved the damages, you, the adjuster and the contractor will work together to create an estimate necessary to get your roof looking like new again.

4. And finally, when the budget has been approved by your home insurance, you can hire your professional roofing and construction company for the work. Best of all, you can sit back and relax. Depending on your home insurance policy, you may have to pay a penny or two for it! However, insurance deductibles for major roofs and roof repairs range from $500, $1,000 and up to $5,000.

Remember, having a professional roofing and construction company on your side can make the homeowners insurance claim process much easier!

Note: If your roof is totaled, many insurance companies give you a replacement cost that is actually 15-20% lower than the actual replacement cost. While you can find a roofer who will do this, you will probably get what you paid for. By working with the roofer up front, they can negotiate with the insurance company for full replacement value. Also, most insurance companies are holding back on “depreciation.” That means not prorating your ceiling. This is the money that should be paid to you for your roof replacement, after the job is complete. If you find a roofer who cuts the price, you will not only have a worse result, but you will also allow the insurer to keep your money. Depreciation is money to spend on repairs to your home, so use it to do your best work.

10 Things I’ve Learned About Organizing As A Professional Organizer

1. No client or space is the same. My clients come to me for different reasons and each of their cases is different. No house is the same, so no space is the same.

2. Clutter attracts clutter. Many of my clients have a space that seems to accumulate clutter and clutter. The reason is because that specific space doesn’t have a specific use, so it just attracts clutter that doesn’t have a home.

3. Lack of time management creates clutter. It is very difficult to control the amount of clutter when one does not have the ability to manage time. Without scheduling homework time, things spiral out of control and clutter accumulates.

4. The inability to make a decision creates disorder. I have clients who find it very difficult to make decisions when it comes to what to do with specific items. This means that nothing has to be done with the item and the clutter builds up again. The same can be said for paper and emails.

5. Shopaholics are often trying to replace something in their lives that is missing, and clutter is the end result. I have many customers with unopened boxes from Amazon, QVC, and various other stores. Once the items are purchased, the “high” of the purchase is gone and when it arrives there is really no interest in it.

6. A space gets messier before it gets better during the organizing process. For many customers, the organization process is very stressful and they get very anxious when their items are spread out and many of them visible for the first time. It gets worse before it gets better is a very true statement in the organization.

7. Frequent cleaning is the key to maintaining space and conquering clutter. The best way to keep all the clutter from coming back is to purge often. Some customers do well with 1 new item in, one out. This is especially true when it comes to clothing.

8. Having countless bins doesn’t make you organized. A system is needed, and in most cases, a change in behavior is needed to get organized. It takes time and effort to achieve organized space.

9. Paper needs to be tackled on a consistent basis or it will get out of control pretty quickly. The trash can, recycling bin, and a shredder should be your friend when it comes to getting paper into your home. When you have your mail, try to remove anything that can be thrown away or shredded before you take it home.

10. To-do lists will never get done unless they are scheduled. To complete that infamous to-do list, you’ll need to put it on your calendar like a doctor’s appointment.

50 years ago: "1968 was a horrible year"

1968 was a horrible year

Horses are big business in Kentucky, and even schoolchildren were aware of the controversy in Louisville 50 years ago. It started with the horse race on the first Saturday in May, as far as we knew.

with Kentucky Governor Louie Nunn and presidential candidate Richard Nixon watching from the stands, Dancer’s Image came from last place, 14 lengths back, to overtake 13 horses and cross the fence a length and a half ahead of Forward Pass. Nunn chuckled as Nixon dramatically tore his losing ticket in half.

But Nixon may have been a bit hasty, depending on which horse he chose. Three days after the race, stewards at Churchill Downs ordered Boston car dealer Peter Fuller to return the trophy and winning bag, and named Forward Pass the winner of the 1968 Kentucky Derby. race revealed that Dancer’s Image had phenylbutazone in his blood sample.

It is an anti-inflammatory analgesic, commonly used today when horses suffer from inflammation in the joints. But in 1968 it was illegal on Kentucky racetracks. Fuller’s vet prescribed it during training, but allowed it to wash out of the horse’s bloodstream for six days before the race. Fuller, his veterinarian and the horse’s trainer could not explain why Dancer’s Image still had phenylbutazone in his system on race day.

I was an odd eighth grader who fluently read previous Racing Form performance charts and had memorized a lot of racing trivia. But we were also a politically aware family. My father ran for the House of Representatives on “Clean Gene” McCarthy’s anti-war ticket in Kentucky’s 1st Congressional District. Bobby Kennedy was campaigning for the presidential nomination across the river in Indiana.

Martin Luther King was brought down exactly one month before the 1968 Derby, but he was in Louisville a year earlier to help local blacks, led by his brother, AD King, protest housing discrimination.

Locals had disrupted a race at Churchill Downs the previous year and wanted to disrupt the 1967 Derby, but King convinced them to hold the protests downtown, due to the potential chaos on the track.

In April 1968, Fuller entered Dancer’s Image in a tryout for the Derby, the Wood Memorial Stakes at Aqueduct Racetrack in New York City.

When his horse won, Fuller donated the bag to Coretta Scott King, who had just been widowed. I have seen two different numbers: $62,000 and $77,415. Either way, it was a lot of money in 1968 dollars. He didn’t advertise it, but it was common knowledge at the track, and a race announcer mentioned it on TV.

The gift made friends and enemies for Fuller. There was hate mail. There were anonymous death threats. There was a mysterious fire in one of his stables. So he asked Churchill Downs management to put up additional security. They refused.

Fuller was a pretty demanding guy. He was a former Marine and the son of a former Republican Governor. His father was one of the richest men in America, and Fuller was not far behind.

After growing up in a household with 11 maids, Fuller was accused of getting away with murder. It was customary to provide Derby horse owners with four tickets. He asked for 50.

The brash, aggressive Yankee may have alienated the southern courtiers he should have been trying to charm. Instead, he made condescending comments about “rednecks.”

The bottom line is that he didn’t get the extra security from Churchill Downs, and he didn’t hire his own. Security at his racing stable, he recalled, was “an older guy in a chair and asleep.”

Fuller later said that he believed he had been “tricked”, that an unknown intruder entered his horse’s stable to inject the disqualifying phenylbutazone. Either that or the blood sample was tampered with.

Fuller appealed the track marshals’ decision to the Kentucky Racing Commission and lost. He took his case to court and won in 1970. Dancer’s Image was once again the winner of the 1968 Kentucky Derby.

But then the state of Kentucky took that decision to a federal appeals court and won the case against Fuller and Dancer’s Image. That was definitive. Fuller said he spent $250,000 on his pointless lawsuits.

A billboard on his horse farm in New Hampshire stubbornly boasts that it is the home of Dancer’s Image, winner of the 1968 Kentucky Derby. But that sign is false.

Forward Pass is the winner of the 1968 Kentucky Derby. The colt was no fluke, either: he won the Preakness and barely missed a Triple Crown sweep on June 1 after leading the Belmont to the final 16th pole.

Three days later, as the 13-year-olds began their summer vacation, there was another real-world tragedy, the second in two months. that made horse racing seem terribly frivolous.

“Give me your weary, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your crowded shore,” wrote the poet Emma Lazarus, addressing the Old World. Send me these, storm-tossed. I raise my lamp by the golden gate.

And so Palestinian immigrant Bishara Sirhan brought his family to the United States. The poet also asked the Old World to “maintain, ancient lands, their historic pomp.” But when Bishara brought his 12-year-old son Sirhan Sirhan to California, he imported a monstrous ego and many centuries of ancient hatreds into his American sanctuary.

Young Sirhan looked westernized in his teens, with a tufted hair style, and even in old age today he looks like a kind gentleman. But he testified in court that he murdered Bobby Kennedy “with 20 years of premeditation.” His diary confirmed that he was full of resentment against the Jews and against the senator from New York who was in favor of selling warplanes to Israel.

He checked out the Los Angeles hotel where Kennedy would watch the primary election results with his supporters. Kennedy won the California and South Dakota presidential primaries on June 4. Incumbent President Lyndon Johnson had long since withdrawn from the race. There was great hope among Americans who had supported the late President John F. Kennedy eight years earlier.

As Bobby Kennedy was leaving the celebration through a hotel kitchen, Sirhan intercepted him and shot him three times, one in the head and two in the back. Like phenylbutazone, Sirhan nullified the victory. And in my mind, I see Richard Nixon putting together the pieces of his Derby ticket.

Of course, no one knows how the world might have been different if Bobby Kennedy had been elected president that November instead of Richard Nixon. Like his older brother, he had a penchant for adultery. But he was a practicing Catholic, under the influence of Cardinal Spellman. Unlike his younger brother, Teddy, he did not try to harmonize public policy with his personal immorality.

If older brother John’s sole appointment to the Supreme Court is any indication. a Court populated by three Bobby Kennedy nominations could have decided Roe v. Wade differently.

Byron White, JFK’s appointment to the Court, not only dissented from Roe, but from all subsequent decisions that applied him as binding precedent. Nixon, unlike JFK, nominated pro-abortion Justices Lewis Powell and Harry Blackmun, and pro-abortion Chief Justice Warren Burger to the Court.

If Bobby Kennedy, instead of Richard Nixon, had filled those Supreme Court vacancies with the same kind of justices as Byron White, they could have combined with William Rehnquist and White to form a 5-4 majority for child protection. unborn. Tens of millions of American children could have been spared the post-Roe v. Wade, and continues today. Thanks to Sirhan Sirhan and the people who welcomed him to our country, we will never know for sure.

“1968,” Fuller said, “was a horrible year.”

by Bart Stinson

Protect Yourself From Adult Content – Protect Your Kids From Adult Media

Imagine that your son is working on a school project with some friends in his room. He’s in high school and your only concern is that they don’t finish by dinner, right? As you head to his room to get everyone a snack, you hear some giggling. Upon entering you find your son staring at the screen in disbelief. However, when you look, they’re just working on his PowerPoint again. Knowing that something was up, you look at his web history later that night and what you find is very surprising. His son and his friends were not only working on a PowerPoint, they were also viewing mature content.

With over 1.5 billion unique users, the Internet is truly the world’s largest knowledge portal. Unfortunately, a large percentage of all Internet traffic involves visiting adult content websites. While this is appropriate for adults at certain times, we have an obligation to protect children from these images and videos. While looking at such sites is sometimes the result of a “challenge”, many times it happens unexpectedly. Often the culprit is a computer virus that sends pop-ups containing adult content to unsuspecting users. Even more dangerous, however, is when a normally safe website gets hacked and redirected to an adult site.

I remember a good number of years ago, when I was in sixth grade, I was on the Internet with the intention of looking at the weather forecast for my city. Little did I know that the site I was connecting to had been hacked earlier that day. I was directed to an ad for an adult website that had stuff I had never seen before and it freaked me out. I quickly climbed out the window and closed the browser, afraid to tell my parents what I had seen because I thought they would be upset.

This is a reality for thousands of children each year. Firewalls, while effective, do not block all sites. Additionally, firewalls often miss new sites, as the companies behind the firewalls are often more concerned about copyright infringement than adult content. To get a good night’s sleep, you need to use a program created exclusively to block adult content. This program must be powerful, quickly blocking new sites, and at the same time stealthy enough so that users’ browsing experience is not affected.