
Powering future

Month: September 2022

Splendid water cooler dispensers that make life even easier

Today, advances in technology have made life even easier with the introduction of cold water dispensers on the market for public consumption. A water dispenser, as the term denotes, dispenses water easily.

For optimal convenience, there is a water dispensing machine that is a water cooler and hot water boiler in one. This means the need to refill a pitcher of water to chill in the fridge is eliminated. Whenever cold sparkling water is needed, it is available at any time of the day.

Boiling water in the kettle to make coffee or tea is also a thing of the past. Any food that requires boiling water for quick and easy preparation now takes less than half the time to consume.

It is a great relief to give up the hassle of boiling water using a kettle. Such a practice is known to be a safety hazard, especially when children are present. Burns, electrical accidents and damage to furniture are common occurrences. Fortunately, today they are greatly minimized with the introduction of water dispensers. Of course, with children around, parents should teach them to exercise due caution when handling any equipment to avoid any unexpected incidents.

Pure water is still a possibility

A science fiction film that dramatizes the tragic effects of climate change ends with the recurrence of the Ice Age. It represents the way nature acts to rid the world of all its toxicities.

Reality says that the purity of the air we breathe has been manipulated for a long time, largely thanks to the advent of technology. The industrialization of nations resulted in progress through global trade. However, the alarming side effect usually called contamination began to take hold. It has worsened and given rise to life and health threatening circumstances including airborne illnesses.

Babies and young children are the most prone to the devastating effects of pollutants in the environment. Recovering patients are also subject to infection risks when they come into contact with air and water contaminants. Older people who are in their twilight are just as easily susceptible to any disease and the most likely to succumb to the most feared reality of all, namely death.

Health awareness was awakened and people started looking for products and measures that promote overall health and wellness. Any product that claims to be nutritious and is backed by popular endorsements and positive consumer reviews wins more customers.

People also realized that waterborne diseases are all the rage. Tap water that undergoes the chlorination process has aroused people’s mistrust due to its chemical content in the form of chlorine, no matter how small.

Parents, as much as possible, want to provide the safest, cleanest water possible for their children. The general public also shares the same desire and hopes for its realization.

Water technology improves over time

Science has answered the call for cleaner, safer and healthier water that the consuming public has long been waiting for. Purified water is being introduced and boasts of nearly perfect water, free from impurities including bacteria and other dangerous contaminants.

Today, there are well-respected companies that have put a lot of research into creating technologically advanced water dispensing machines. These types of equipment are available in stunning designs that are very convenient for you to use. There are models that can be adapted to specific locations, such as homes, offices, stores, hospitals, factories and school teachers’ rooms.

What is even more important is the fact that the water dispensed, whether hot or cold, is the healthiest and safest drinking water available. Surprisingly, it also tastes great.

Water dispensers are great energy savers and make life even easier. That is the true essence of science.

Water cooler dispensers are great time and energy savers. Its invention and introduction to the consumer market remarkably coincide with the high demands of a modern lifestyle.

Water dispenser designs include a model that is a water cooler and at the same time has a second dispenser for hot boiling water. Water technology has never been more convenient and the water dispensed is healthy, safe and pure for a truly delicious drink.

The science of disability insurance

If you’re young and healthy, you’ve probably given the notion of disability insurance little thought. Most of the employees in this age range may even make fun of him as insignificant in view of his youth.

“Disability insurance? Compensation if I can’t work?” they may exclaim. “Wow, this is coverage I really don’t need.”

If you were to talk to the professionals, those who are in the trenches when it comes to related liability and insurance claims, you would hear a very different story. In fact, the discussion would lead him to be very grateful to be covered.

Deep down, every person understands that whatever blessings we have in life should never be taken for granted. Car accidents, business mishaps, devastation at home – all of these things happen. Likewise, no one can guarantee that illness or disease will not disrupt a life once devoid of it, regardless of the current season one finds himself in.

Do you need more on the matter? Here are the sobering facts:

• 1 in 4 young people in their twenties suffers from a long-term illness or injury.
• Each year, there are more than 700,000 workers and salaried employees who receive Social Security disability insurance benefits.
• In general, 1 in 15 employees files a short-term disability claim each year.
• Almost fifty percent of all Americans do not have the money to finance a four hundred dollar medical emergency.
• Breaking or fracturing a leg can cause a break in employment of three months or more.
• On average, a long-term disability insurance claim lasts more than two years and six months.
• A work-related physical disability can be the result of many factors, including chronic headaches, ongoing back pain, cancer-related treatment, the birth of a new baby, vision loss, heart disease, mental illness and emotional and cerebrovascular accidents, as well as other diseases and situations.
• The median income of recent college graduates is about $1,101. Compare that to the average maximum long-term disability claim of $125,450 for lost earnings.

With the data currently available on young workers, a disability that makes someone unable to work would have devastating effects without adequate insurance coverage.

did you know

• Thirty-five percent of young employees experience difficulty meeting daily monthly costs.
• Close to 70 percent of all US citizens do not have even a thousand dollars in savings.
• To make matters worse, thirty-one percent of those in the eighteen to thirty age range have no savings at all.
Life has its financial responsibilities. These can include rent, mortgage, student loans, car payments, and more. Protect your earnings and ability to make ends meet by making sure you have protective compensation from disability insurance.

Candidiasis on the Penis – Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

A yeast infection on the penis can be very painful and embarrassing. If you are struggling with a male thrush problem, there are treatment options available. To get started, we’re going to discuss some of the common symptoms of yeast infections, how yeast infections are diagnosed, and how to effectively treat a penile yeast outbreak.

Symptoms of yeast infection on the penis

Yeast infections in men are caused by the same microorganism that causes female infections. This yeast is called Candida albicans and when there is an imbalance in the body’s chemistry, this yeast tends to multiply. Some common symptoms of a Candida infection in men include:

* Discharge from the penis (white and lumpy)

* Redness and irritation of the penis

* penis pain

*painful intercourse

The above symptoms can be caused by a variety of other medical conditions in addition to yeast, so it’s always a good idea to visit your doctor to make sure.

Yeast Infection in Penis Diagnosis

As mentioned above, it is important to visit your doctor if you experience any of the above symptoms. Your penis will be examined by the doctor and a swab will be taken to test for the presence of Candida.

yeast infection in penis treatment

To treat a yeast infection of the penis, medications are often prescribed. There are prescription strength antifungal medications or you can buy at your local pharmacy. These are the same medications prescribed to women with vaginal yeast. There are also homeopathic treatment methods to stop yeast from multiplying and this includes eating yogurt containing “live cultures”, taking Acidophilus supplements and soaking in vinegar baths.

The Hunt, the Trial, and the Madness of War – Collaborative Fiction

The main continent of the planet Hellifyno, cultural and symbolic center of supernatural activity, is entering the heatwave of its hottest summer months. Across the land, temperatures average 85 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit, with some sweltering days topping 100 in the capital city of Consequence.


Friday, July 9, was the day of the Great Fae Blood Hunt. This is an ancient event practiced by Fae mystics, a magical race of extraordinary power. Locked away in another dimension for centuries, the Fae have recently broken through into the realms of reality and are making their presence known throughout the universe.

The blood hunt is traditionally a Fae event, where bounties are placed on the heads of certain creatures and individuals. Hunters are then paid these bounties if they can kill or capture those on the list. Occasionally hunters can put themselves on these lists and become the hunted. If they survive the hunt, they themselves receive these rewards.

This year, the event was expanded in an attempt by the Fae Overlords to slay the most powerful creatures and sow chaos and confusion throughout the universe. This was done by turning the event into a hybrid hunt, which used racial prejudice and bigotry to fan the flames of violence.

On Hellifyno, the Blood Hunt was specifically perpetrated by the VC Enforcers, a warrior arm of the Hellifyno Vampire Council. Led by Elexin Harbindale, the VC Enforcers began with the best of intentions, seeking simply to register vampires and vampire hybrids across the planet. However, things took an insidious turn when they began imprisoning and even exterminating the creatures they were supposed to protect.

Millions were injured or killed during the Blood Hunt, however many of them were hunters or Fae trying to collect the bounties. Terrified of being ethnically cleansed, the hybrids joined with others of sympathetic value to oppose the hunters seeking to reap the bloody bounties.

The end result was that the Fae overlords were bankrupt, their armies decimated, and the populations they sought to weaken have now united against a common enemy.


Early in the genesis of the Hellifyno government, Elexin Harbindale assumed the position of leader of the Vampire Council of this planet and liaison between the Hellifyno government and the higher council at large.

After the violence of the Blood Hunt died down, Havoc, Lord Executive of Hellifyno, ordered Elexin arrested for her alleged connection to the planning and execution of that event. This order was carried out by the newly appointed Grand Marshal Demaar Nobu, who reluctantly put the old vampire in silver handcuffs and then, releasing him a moment later, escorted him to a cell in the royal palace.

Lawsuits were immediately filed by the law firm of Luper, Needle and Parker, representing the interests of the United Space Federation. They claimed that Elexin’s arrest was illegal due to him being a Federation diplomat and thus enjoying the luxury of diplomatic immunity. Furthermore, since Havoc had signed a treaty agreeing to make Hellifyno a provisional member of the Federation, his rule was subject to the intergalactic rules of that governing body.

Elexin was brought to trial before the people of Hellifyno, in a town hall-style meeting led by Havoc and his newly appointed Pro Consul, Tye Sampson. There, the people of Hellify could not air his grievances and attest to Elexin’s guilt or innocence in perpetrating the Blood Hunt.

While many had doubts about his role, the final conclusion reached was that a squid-like monster named Bokrug had taken psychic control of Elexin, forcing him to take the actions that led to the execution of the Blood Hunt. . Subsequent verification by Daloki and a government Mind Flayer attested to the fact that the presence was no longer in Elexin’s mind.

After being acquitted, Elexin decided to leave Hellifyno, for his safety and that of those around him.


Lord Havoc, leader and executive of Hellifyno, has officially marked Jayden as his mate. The Pain and Flame ceremony was held on Saturday, July 13, 2010. He effectively unites Them throughout this life and the next, connecting them with bonds both magical and intrinsic.

Elexin Harbindale and Daloki were married Monday night at the Blue Moon Tavern. Harry the Bartender performed the ceremony, and Raelin Wolvarian Aero and John Smith II served as attendees at the event. The after party was catered by Teery.

Amia L Lunarclaw gave birth to twins on Monday night. Cadence and Connor were born healthy and could already walk and talk, thanks to Dr. Dragon Teers’ beeping birthing skills.


Ezra Bin Nod, the creator of Elexin Harbindale and the Kiasyd of the vampire race, was recently kidnapped by Megadon under the auspices of Pentex. This crime was perpetrated in order to extract his blood, to use it in an experimental procedure that is developed under the name of Project Alice. There may also be a connection between this experiment and Blood Hunt’s quest for hybrid vampires.

After he was captured, Devlin Bester, reformed Wyrm Spawn and leader of The Dawn, planned a daring raid on his facility to rescue him from his clutches. Led by Raelin Wolvarian Aero, an elite team broke in and challenged the Wyrm Spawn to rescue him from the Alice Research Base.


Despite the setbacks of the Blood Hunt, the Fae army continues to spread throughout the universe. Every day more planets fall to this growing threat. Hostilities have reached a massive scale, with several empires involved in the conflict. The Fae threaten many fronts, including the Slayer Empire, the Federation, and Lord Viktor’s vampiric territories. No one has been able to mount an effective defense against its unstoppable forces, leading many to pessimistically speculate about the future of reality itself.


Lord Havoc has been expanding the power of the Government of Hellifyno in response to the violence perpetrated across the planet on the day of the Blood Hunt. For this, the following positions have been created in order to attend to the administrative matters of the planet on a day-to-day basis.


Chief Marshal of the Department of Civil Defense

Knight Defender of the Realm

espionage master

Chief Medicus of the Hellifyno Emergency Defense Department

Executive Director in Charge of Taxes

Lord Ambassador for the Planet of Hellifyno

Chief Justice

The government is currently looking to fill these positions with the most capable citizens available, and Lord Havoc will publish a list of those chosen, along with their governmental powers, shortly.

How to keep a man faithful forever (the 3 most powerful tactics)

A woman does sign an exclusive fidelity contract with her man when entering a relationship, but she often complains that it’s hard to keep a man faithful in a long-term relationship, because he stops doing those little things for her that he used to do. . .

Are you also one of those women who find it difficult to maintain the fidelity of their men? If so, you are not alone. You just need to understand the attributes a man is looking for in a relationship and play the game according to his psychology. Here are some proven ways you have a chance to make your man faithful forever.

make your home better

After a stressful day at work, your man definitely wants to have a nice and relaxing time at home, because his house is his castle. A better home creates a vision of a happy life for him. So if he can improve his home, he can keep his man faithful forever.

For example: Your bedroom is the most important and welcoming room in your home, because it is a place to make love and relax. Choose the right lighting, bedding, candles, flowers, and fragrance to create a calm environment. Use soothing colors like light blue and light green which can keep your man calm, cool and collected.

Variety is the spice of life

One way to stay true to your man includes adding variety to your life. You don’t have to do anything dramatic to add variety, just small changes in thoughts and actions can keep the shine of love in your lifestyle.

Reconnect with old friends, use the fun to change habits, try new foods, travel to new places, or learn new skills. Don’t sit around thinking about fidelity in your relationship, because you have the power to add variety to life and make it exciting and new as needed. Jump into action and make your relationship new and better than yesterday.

the endless mystery

Men are always looking for mysterious women. The mystery behind a woman is one of the key elements to keep a man attracted, because there is something very exciting and seductive about mysterious women that captivates his curiosity.

If your husband already knows everything about you, he won’t waste his time thinking about you. It’s that easy. Smile like you have a secret, have a lot of feminine passion, stay calm in every conversation, use slow body language, and be authoritative in your work. These traits are very mysterious and magnetic for a man.

All about packers and movers in India

Many people have to move their home or office from one place to another, even from one state to another state. While moving house or office, you have to face many unwanted hectic and tedious problems. I think you surely hate these unwanted problems. Packing goods, loading, unloading, unpacking, rearranging goods in place, all these tasks are very boring and make you feel stressful and uncomfortable. You are also afraid that your assets will be damaged while you change your house or office. To reduce and end all your worries related to packing, loading, moving, unloading, unpacking and rearranging or changing all kinds of things, even a single item or the whole house/office, there are many good packing and moving companies in cities like Delhi, Gurgaon. , Noida, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Mumbai, Bangalore, etc. which provide personalized services to their clients/consumers.

When moving house or office, India Packers Movers companies are fully prepared to serve you better. They have professionally trained staff who are experts at their jobs like packing, unpacking, loading and unloading. These companies also provide escort services according to your requirements and demand. They work in a very smart way and make the job of relocation very easy. They are totally dedicated to their work. Their main goal is customer satisfaction and service with a smile. They provide services such as packing services, loading and unloading services, warehousing and storage services, residential or industrial relocation services, cargo services, insurance services, car racing and transportation services, courier services and other related services. In short, India Packers Movers companies provide comprehensive and stress-free relocation services.

The first thing to do while you want to move your home or office to another place is to pack the products. Packing goods is not a very easy task. But India Packers Movers companies make the tedious and hectic work of packing easy. They use appropriate packaging materials according to the nature of the packaging items. They use appropriate cartoons of different sizes according to the size of the packaging items. They also make sure that the valuables in your home or office reach their destination without damage or loss. They even provide insurance services so that if valuables in your home or office are damaged, you don’t have to bear the loss.

If you want to move your home or office, you can get detailed information about relocation services in the Internet Packers Moving Directory. Packers Movers Directories are online directories that provide useful information about some good India Packers Movers companies or Delhi Packers Movers companies. These companies provide all kinds of services related to relocating your home or office such as packing services, loading and unloading services, home or corporate relocation services, warehousing and storage services, car racing and transportation services and many more. others related to relocation services.

How to accept new experiences outside your comfort zone

The term “comfort zone” is a nice one: it has an undeniable gravitational pull. Too much of a good thing, however, is never really good in the end. It’s often wise to step back, look at the big picture, and challenge yourself in ways you wouldn’t necessarily expect.

What if you start thinking about the term comfort zone differently? What if it’s more like a zone of mediocrity, a boring zone, or a drab space? How much pull does it have then? A comfort zone is a safe haven, but not necessarily a place where euphoria and growth occur. The truth is, while keeping you safe, your comfort zone can also keep you stuck. But it can be difficult to recognize this problem on your own.

So what exactly is the problem with having a comfort zone? The underlying problem is that you don’t really move into new territory by staying in your comfort zone. I have often seen the following anonymous quote about regret: “In the end, we only regret the risks we didn’t take, the relationships we feared to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make.” Experience shows that people will be more disappointed by things they never actually did than by things they tried and failed to do. When you stay in your comfort zone, you don’t give yourself a chance to try those new things.

If you want to start making changes, get out of your comfort zone, and leave regret behind, but are afraid to do so, start your journey by taking the following steps:

1. Decide today that it is okay to feel embarrassed or insecure. Whatever transition you’re making, this is new territory that you don’t have a personal background to help you navigate. Given his lack of experience, how could he expect everything to be perfect? Give yourself permission to feel uncomfortable and fearful about starting something new.

2. Find the humor in the journey you are about to embark on and be willing to laugh about it. Laughing at things that make you uncomfortable can make for a much more enjoyable ride than an anxiety-filled roller coaster. Singer Amy Grant hit the nail on the head when she said, “More important than talent, strength, or knowledge is the ability to laugh at yourself and enjoy pursuing your dreams.”

3. Identify exactly what you are afraid of. Owning your fears, instead of letting them own you, is an important step in overcoming your limitations. Don’t let the unknown become a fear that prevents development. Work to understand your fears and then start facing them.

4. Take risks effectively. Start by understanding the difference between a calculated risk and a pure bet. A calculated risk is one where you can identify the probabilities of certain outcomes and therefore make an informed decision. A bet is to leave a decision totally and absolutely to chance. Be willing to make decisions with calculated risks while staying away from full bets.

5. Start trying new things. The easiest way to challenge yourself and start moving beyond your comfort zone is to take baby steps. For example, trying a new food, visiting a different part of your city, or taking a class in something you were interested in but had never done before are small ways to take a step in the right direction. If it helps, start by doing these things with a friend. These little adventures outside your comfort zone will condition you to feel more relaxed in the face of uncertainty. Over time, you can move on to testing the bigger, more calculated risks you want to take for yourself.

As you begin to slowly move out of your comfort zone, you’ll learn to manage anxiety, begin to see that all obstacles aren’t automatically daunting, and gain confidence that you’ll not only be able to survive a new experience, but thrive as well. Follow these steps and learn to accept the experience outside of your comfort zone today!

Superior mobile app development solutions platform

The appearance of mobile devices and the subsequent exponential growth in the field of mobility has represented an immense opportunity and a challenge at the same time for companies, organizations and institutions. The mobile world brings with it a huge opportunity in terms of the increased reach you can have for your products and services. The biggest challenge is being able to provide a great user experience while also selling your product or service efficiently.

The mobile application for your company or organization will become your best tool to market your products or services. Depending on the domain your organization works in, your app can be the first point of contact between you and your potential customer, or it can be a platform where your customers can buy your products or services. Whatever the case, you as an organization need to transition to a mobile mindset to keep your business relevant in today’s age.

There may be several factors that come into play when deciding which way to go:

1. What mobile platform should we do our mobile app development on?

The answer to this question will depend on who your target audience is. It’s best to do some background work to understand the device (and therefore platform) preferences of your current and potential customers. Based on this, you can decide whether you need your app to be on a single platform (eg Android) or across platforms (eg Android, iOS, Windows, Blackberry).

2. Should we go for native app development or use cross-platform development?

Native apps are generally preferred if you have enough budget allocated for your mobile app development solution. Some of the reasons for this choice are:

  • The taste in terms of UI/UX of an Android user is different from that of an iPhone user. Also, design standards vary from platform to platform.

  • It is easier to implement hardware-related functionality efficiently. For example, gestures or geolocation.

  • Performance is better due to faster code execution.

On the other hand, if you’re on a budget but would like to target users on multiple platforms and are okay with making a small trade-off between performance and cost, cross-platform app development is the way to go. With improved tools like PhoneGap and Ionic, the overall performance of these apps has also improved over time.

3. What should be the UI/UX for the app?

This will depend on the nature of your business and what you want to achieve through the mobile app. However, as a general rule, your app should be easy to use, attractive, and have a clean design.

4. How do we advertise our app so we can get maximum reach?

You can send emails, advertise on your social media pages, or send messages to your existing customers. There are professionals who can help you with marketing your app, especially reaching potential customers.

5. Who should we hire for Mobile App Development Solution?

There are many companies that offer personalized services. mobile application development solutions. It is best to hire a company that has enough experience and knowledge in mobile application development, preferably in your area of ​​work. It is also recommended to go for a company that also provides other related services such as web design and development, digital marketing, app marketing, etc. This ensures that you can get all your work done through one company and don’t have to deal with separate vendors.

Six Worst College Majors for 2017 and Future Employment

The astronomical cost of college today makes finding the right major even more important. Getting the most out of your college education is vital to your career success. While finding something you love is a blessing, keeping an open mind about the job market and employment opportunities is mandatory.

With student loan debt increasing every year, our college students need to be very careful how they spend their money on education. His ultimate goal upon graduation is to find a career and a job that makes him happy and allows him to earn a decent living.

Parents should help their high school students research career opportunities that will be available after they graduate. Before making your final decision on which college major to pursue, you need to weigh the pros and cons of your desired field of study. The end result is that students will make better decisions about what the future holds.

Here are six college majors with limited employment opportunities upon graduation:

1. Religion: Traditional universities are not the way to go if you are looking to dedicate your life to religion. Most religious careers have low earning potential and provide high self-fulfilling rewards for the right candidate. If this is the career you want to pursue, talk to your local priests, bishops, ministers, or rabbis. They can guide you down a path that probably won’t cost you anything and provide the guidance you’re looking for.

2. English Literature: While literature is a wonderful way to enjoy your free time, it may not be the best career path in today’s job market. It can help you develop some great skills, but in the real world, you’ll be overlooked by others with a more diverse set of business, computer, or technical training. Careers in this area pay very little and would not help pay off your student loans that you incurred during your education.

3. Anthropology: There are very few opportunities for recent graduates in this field and in the years to come, there will be even fewer. While this can be an interesting and enjoyable hobby for many people, it is not a promising career alternative. Something in the medical sciences would be a better alternative and would provide many different avenues for career advancement.

4. Fine Arts or Photography: Being an artist or photographer is a wonderful talent and it can be nice to imagine your final work. But the reality is that careers in this area are not very profitable or abundant. With the advent of great cell phone cameras and sophisticated, easy-to-use editing software, digital arts and photography have become simple for the average person to achieve great results.

5. Music: If you are talented and focused, you will succeed. Usually that’s true, but careers in music are very hard to come by. Success rates are similar to those of professional athletes. Many great voices, many great musical minds are left behind as only the top 1% make a reasonable living in this field. It can be a great side job or hobby, but if you plan to turn it into a career, it’s going to be a bumpy road.

6. Exercise Science: For those considering this specialization, please reconsider. Your employment opportunities are no better than if you were a high school athlete looking for a job in a gym or as a personal trainer. The pay scale is generally low and there are no specific jobs that require this title for employment.

Summary: These six majors offer less than desirable potential for jobs after graduation. Be aware of your need to earn a living and pursue a passion. Unless you are independently wealthy and don’t need to work, the cost of your education would be better spent building an enjoyable and prosperous career.

On the shelf (continued) 13 large volumes

It occurred to me, as I was writing my letter above, that committing myself to registering all the books in my collection was a bit ambitious. Having done a quick scan of the shelves in my study, I can safely conclude that I must be one sandwich away from a picnic. Here I only counted more than 1000 books, 1047 if you insist, and I would suggest that the house must contain more than 3000 titles. Assuming, of course, that I don’t buy any more, it will only take me about three lifetimes to properly review what I have. Please forgive me, therefore, if I seem to be skimming the shelves periodically, stopping perhaps on an old but much-loved friend or, indeed, a friend I never knew I liked.

However, none of the top shelves fall into this category. They’re all relatively recent acquisitions that just didn’t fit in the obvious places. However, it would be fair to say that I have barely skimmed through them. Two of them are still wrapped in the cellophane wrapper, while the first eleven show all the characteristics of the eternal reserves. Crisp sleeves, clean joints, quiet words. Unfortunately, despite my best intentions, squad rotation is an innovation that has yet to reach the farthest corners of my studio, so let me linger on these volumes a bit longer.

The first two I bought at a book fair associated with Jewish Book Week. They refer to the American Jewish communities in South Carolina and Brooklyn, respectively. The first is a beautifully produced work entitled “A Portion of the People” and offers a fascinating insight into the development of the Jewish diaspora in and around Charleston. This charming and historic city was home, in the first quarter of the 19th century, to the most prosperous Jewish community in the United States, surpassing that of New York in financial, cultural and numerical terms. Its inhabitants included, for example, “the first Jew elected to public office in the Western world, the first Jewish soldier to die in the American Revolution, and the first dissidents to introduce Reform Judaism to the United States.” The book, the result of a seven-year collaboration, is finely illustrated and is a glimpse into both life left behind and life ahead of the Jewish immigrant population. This is a book I will certainly return to, especially for its detailed focus on prominent families and their personal narratives.

This last point is relevant in more ways than one. I have been involved on and off for the past five years in genealogical research on my own family. This is a major effort using mainstream media, so I’m always intrigued to read actual or anecdotal evidence from secondary sources that might make my queries easier. As five of my great-grandmother’s siblings settled in the United States, I continually seek additional clues and information, where possible, from the vast amount of material out there that may better define their experience. So here I am, two days after Christmas and many months after the purchase, piercing the cellophane and checking out another gift for myself.

Despite its protective cover, I can instantly see that the book is not in perfect condition with a small tear to the dust jacket and some dents to the spine. Internally, though, “Jews of Brooklyn” proves to be a delight and is actually a solid 55-essay series by cultural historians, museum curators, residents, and others. The subject ranges from “Nice Jewish Girls: Growing Up in Brownsville, 1930 – 1950” to “Brooklyn Jewish Radio, 1925 – 1946” and “Cruising Eastern Parkway in Search of Yiddishkayt.” As will be revealed in due course, I am a great admirer of the essay as a literary form, and this book is just as engaging as the last.

The next mini stack includes a slightly mixed bag. There are three books here, namely “The French Painters of the 17th Century”, “Creative Advertising” and “Sign Language: Street Signs as Folk Art”. I’ve flirted with the first two, but the last one is genuinely virgin territory that I’ll deflower like a bookseller once the cellophane is peeled. The survey of French painting is by the distinguished scholar and art historian Christopher Wright. I also own a sister publication by the same author of 17th century Dutch painting which ironically I have been reading over the weekend as my father has just lent it to him. This sits on a completely different shelf with a copy of Taschen’s “1,000 Favorite Websites,” a recent addition that’s still covered in plastic. I’ll get to that pretty sharp, don’t worry. Taschen is synonymous with quirky, lavishly illustrated titles that cover everything from design to eroticism and beyond. It sets a standard that few other publishers match. Take a look and you’ll see why I’m so passionate about Taschen.

Fast-forwarding, as we must, attention can now turn to a subject that I have always held dear. I remember being invited by a friend about twenty years ago to a private screening of the international advertising industry awards. It was a revelation. Not only was the quality very high, but I was surprised by the number of featured ads from unexpected sources like Sweden and Brazil. I think there’s an element here of a complete underdog emerging out of nowhere. I had a similar feeling watching Abebe Bekila and his Kenyan compatriots suddenly and thrillingly sweep the middle-distance track and field events at the 1972 Olympics. Or the Fiji rugby team of a similar era whose power, drive and sheer exoticism turned them into another surprise package.

The respective Swedish and Brazilian ad directors may have only been household names in their own homes before the screening, but the collective purr told me they were definitely on the map after that. I realized that the perceived backwaters of human effort had the ability to not only upset the apple cart but also tip it over. More importantly, I witnessed for the first time cultural differences expressed in native languages ​​and understood, albeit tentatively, the breadth of the global marketplace. “Creative Advertising” is primarily aimed at art directors and copywriters but, in its coverage of ideas and techniques from the world’s best campaigns, it also has great appeal to the voyeur in me and maybe you too.

“Sign Language” is a wonderful little number that I suspect, however, will show up on a few shelves other than mine. The author has had a lifelong love affair with handmade street signs, makeshift billboards, and the like. The book is something of a hymn to the wonders of typography in all its shapes and forms. I, too, enjoy a twinge of nostalgia at the sight of Cromwell Road W, for example, or the first mottled blue signs around London. For me, they particularly embody the life of the city with their distinctive lyrics and distinctive experience. “Sign Language” is a charming and entertaining book, though probably not for everyone.

It is followed by “Havana in my heart”, a retrospective of 75 years of Cuban photography. I just spent ten minutes flipping through it and am a little embarrassed that I ignored the evocative and powerful images of it for so long. Lo and behold, another Taschen title is introduced, namely “Country Houses of England”. I must admit, now that I’ve dove into the interior, this isn’t a typical purchase, but I was drawn to it, spare me a thought, by its padded covers. It has been written simultaneously in French and German, but the entire production has been executed in the usual Taschen style. I was quite intrigued by the French version of the title – it was translated as “Les Maisons Romantiques d’Angleterre”, but the French often seem to have a way with words.

The final book in this batch is a heavyweight. It is “Harvard’s Museums”, an impressive tome that reflects the three outstanding collections under the auspices of the university. All of them are probably worth mentioning, as I had only heard of one and had no idea how highly regarded the cognoscenti are. They are the Fogg Museum of Art, the Busch – Reisinger Museum, and the Arthur M. Sackler Museum and, among others, exhibit an exceptional variety of paintings, drawings and prints, photographs, classical sculptures, Indian miniatures, etc., by old masters and modern. This is a big, serious book, not recommended for reading on the subway or quietly over lunch.

The artistic theme is substantially maintained in the remaining five books on this shelf. The first refers to a subject with which I am very familiar. It is titled “To Have and to Keep: An Intimate History of Collectors and Collecting” and prompted one reviewer to rave that it was “never less than fascinating, often brilliant. delighted.” Do not say more. I also have a copy of “Art Since 1945”, a relatively early Thames and Hudson edition, undated but probably published around 1959. This is a comprehensive analysis of modern art and comes with 60 color plates and 120 etchings. The dust jacket may have seen better days but make no mistake, this is an elegant contribution to contemporary art criticism. I don’t remember where I bought it but it is nevertheless an excellent resource and one to which I will return.

Now I am heading towards the home stretch, after which I have seen another book still wrapped in cellophane. It is “Cabinets of Curiosities”, also from the Thames and Hudson stable, and a book with which to hide oneself. This exceptionally stimulating and illuminating study traces the rise in Baroque Europe of “halls of wonder.” The desire to create a universe of complete and private knowledge reached its peak at this time and was pursued by antiquarians and princes, merchants and statesmen. Collections often include beautiful minerals and corals, scientific instruments, monstrously deformed nativities, automatons, preserved and pickled animals, wax effigies, seashells, exquisite ivory carvings, etc. This is a fabulous read which, if you have a bit of a book to spare, I can’t recommend highly enough.

The penultimate title had a tough act to follow and I’m afraid it flopped miserably. “National Trust Treasures” sits firmly in the dignified but dull apartment. Arguably the most interesting aspect is the publisher, a certain Robin Fedden, whose unusual last name made me wonder if he was related to the modern British painter, Mary Fedden. Sorry, just the workings of a disordered mind. Normal service resumes with the final offering, “Morocco – Decoration, Interiors, Design”, a Conran imprint and a distant cousin of Taschen. I have never been to Morocco but I hear good things and this polished effort brings me a little closer. By the way, I loved the cover design, an exquisite blue damask that highlights a mysterious red symbol. Probably Moroccan.