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8 basic techniques for successful bunker shots

8 basic techniques for successful bunker shots

The bunker shot is probably the only shot in golf that strikes fear into the hearts of even the strongest and most courageous golfers. Nothing to fear though, bunker shots are simple when you understand the basic principles behind playing them.

I’ve outlined 8 basic techniques below that, with a little practice and patience, will allow you to confidently play those bunker shots on a regular basis and almost look forward to the next opportunity you get to practice your new skills.

8 Basic Techniques to play Bunker Shots!

1. Establish a firm base – It is vital to establish a solid base when playing bunker shots to ensure that you can take your full swing without slipping or moving too much laterally. So tuck his feet in until you feel sure he’s fully supported. Nb, the longer the bunker shot, the more solid the base will be.

2. Get into an open stance – This will help restrict the length of your backswing and accentuate your approach angle to allow you more control and deliver the ball with a higher trajectory. It will also help you better visualize the shot.

3. Open Clubface – Make sure the clubface is open at address to allow your bunker shots to have more lift so they can land more smoothly on the greens.

4. Weight to the left side – Shift your weight to favor the left side, this helps to avoid too much lateral movement and will give you more control.

5. Vertical Swing Plane – Swing the clubhead off your intended line and back along the same path, this will help create a steeper plane to also help with lift and control.

6. Hit the ball 2-4 inches from behind: The sand will do the work for you, so try to hit the sand 2-4 inches from behind the ball.

7. Keep the clubface open at impact – Make sure you keep the clubface open at impact to ensure the ball comes off with the required lift.

8. Accelerate through the ball – Make sure you complete your swing and are always accelerating through the ball at impact, slowing down will only put the ball in the bunker!

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