
Powering future

9 tips for a great snorkel

9 tips for a great snorkel

Ready to have a great day on your snorkeling excursion? Well, here are some tips to make it much better.

one. Stretch

Really? This isn’t the Boston Marathon, you know. No, it’s not. But a cramp in the water is twice as painful and 10 times more dangerous than the same cramp on land. You are about to repeatedly use your leg muscles in a way you don’t normally. Those muscles can get tired and start to cramp. Take a few minutes to stretch your calf muscles and hamstrings before you begin.

two. of fog

A mist mask takes the fun out of it. After all, we came here to look underwater, not at the clouds. You must defog your mask before each snorkeling session. All you need is Dawn dish liquid or, better yet, a travel bottle of Johnson’s Baby Shampoo (tear-free formula). Just a drop on the inside of the lens, then rub it with your finger to cover the entire lens. (It’s best to do this when the mascara is dry, but it should also work when it’s wet.) When the entire lens is covered, fill the inside with water (salt or fresh) and quickly run your finger across the entire lens. Then empty the water and voila.

3. sunscreen

You know, the kind that stays in the water. wear it. Not only are you sunning your entire backside, but the amount of sun is magnified. Think of the water around you as a giant searchlight. Now think of those water droplets on your skin as little magnifying glasses. The intensity of the sun you receive is much greater than that of the sun itself. And you will start to burn much faster than if you were out of the water. Protect yourself or you won’t be able to dive tomorrow.

Four. splash your face

Excuse me? That’s how it is. Splash water on your face before putting on the mask. If you have followed the advice in number 3, you should have sunscreen on your face. Splashing it with water will remove any excess that could drip into your eyes while diving. It happens more than you think and depending on the brand of sunscreen, it can really hurt when it does.

5. position mask strap

One of the most common reasons why a mask leaks water is that its strap is in the wrong position. Too low in the neck and the water will seep through. Too high on the head and the water will seep in. So where should it be? Okay, take your hands and cover your ears. Do it so that the tips of your fingers just barely touch behind your head. The bottom of the mask strap should be just above your fingertips. Most mask straps split into two parts at the back. You just found out where the bottom goes. The top should be 1 to 2 inches higher and not twisted. Crooked, bad. Without twisting, fine.

6. Buddy

Aw, Ma. Do we have to? No, you don’t. But there are many security reasons for having a partner. Touching this briefly. Two people in the water are more likely to be seen by passing boats than one person alone. Also, if you do get that cramp, it’s good to have a second person around to help stretch it out.

Do you need more reasons? Two pairs of eyes see more things than one pair, so you’re actually seeing more interesting things. And perhaps the most important reason of all is to have a witness. No one is going to believe you saw the elusive Hunky Funky Coconut Fish unless you have a witness to back you up.

7. current check

If you are going to return to the starting point, start diving in the current, if it exists. This way, if you run out of power, you’ll get a little extra push to help you get back instead of having to fight the current on the return trip.

8. Slow down, cowboy

The goal here is to observe underwater activity. To do this, you want to present yourself as a non-aggressive element in your new environment. In English please! Ok, don’t scare the fish! The faster you get closer to something, the faster it will swim away because it feels threatened. But if you quietly creep into his area, you’ll have a much better chance of getting up close to get a good look. Move slow. Slow approach.

9. No arms, no splash

If snorkeling is a sport, one of the goals is to use as little energy as possible. Don’t use your arms to propel yourself through the water. They are inefficient compared to your pinball machines and using them will only tire you out. With your fins on, you have everything you need to move smoothly through the water. Keep your legs straight with a slight bend at the knee and slowly bring them together and apart, as if you were walking in slow motion. The fins shouldn’t stick out of the water much, if at all. If you’re splashing, you’re wasting energy (because kicking air won’t move you forward) and you’re also scaring the fish.

Now go out and find me a Hunky Funky Coconut Fish! And have fun!

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