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How to Write SEO Friendly Content for Free Author Press Releases

You are an author with a great book. Now what? First of all, you need to treat your book and writing career as a business, an online business, where the most successful businesses are these days because the Internet provides a free platform and free resources for authors.

As an author, you must be on a constant search for ways to promote your book and find new ways to use technology to increase your public profile and income. What better way to promote his work, create a public profile and increase your income than to write a series of press releases and articles on the Internet to use as promotions? The internet has changed the writing game and shortened the distance between writers, if you can afford to hire a press agent (which I can’t) to create and write your media campaign, or if you are willing to develop the skills to write news about your own projects (which you can).

This may sound daunting, but if you’re already a writer, producing your own written materials shouldn’t be too difficult for you. Writing press releases and articles on the Internet will require you to learn some new skills, which you may not have needed to write print press releases. There are many resources that can be found with a simple web search that can guide you in the direction of becoming proficient at writing press releases on the Internet, which differ from print press releases in that, for the Internet, news They should attract search engines. the materials published on its websites, blogs, social networks and online news distribution services.

Search engine optimization (SEO) tools, keywords, and keyword phrases are constantly changing with changes in popular trends. As searches become more refined and specialized, keyword research tools must respond, and we must also respond by anticipating changes in the language of the market. When sending press releases to online distributors, take a look at their suggested titles for your topic. Most services have developed SEO tools of some kind that are designed to help you optimize your press releases and articles for your purposes. Be sure to research what they have to offer and use their helpful suggestions to show you what the dealer considers successful for the topic they’re covering.

Today, the immediacy and updating of information are the rule due to the growing importance of blogs, social networks, Internet communities, collaborative platforms and web mobility. Technologies like mobile and smart phones and online book readers increase our need to adapt SEO strategies to survive in the SEO game. Don’t forget, though, that you’re ultimately writing for humans, so the words you think of must also make sense to humans searching for information on the web. Understanding the relationship between human readers and search engines will help you produce press releases that create a strategy to get you and your products in front of a targeted audience. Once you grab the attention of your target audience, send them to your blog or website to learn more about you and your books and services. Once there, you need to convince your visitors to take an action:

  • Hire you to talk to their group.
  • Request your writing services for a juicy contract
  • Place you on hold as a consultant
  • buy your book

The purpose of all press release promotion is to get your target audience to take action when they reach the destination you invited them to explore. Be specific. Don’t assume that visitors will know what you mean without instructions. Make sure you tell them exactly what you want them to do and give them the means to take action. Give them a purchase link for your book; provide the description of your services; and leave a contact email address.

Your success in the area of ​​action you want visitors to take will depend on the attractiveness of your site and the ease with which your visitors can move around your site and make a purchase of books or inquire about your services. Approach internet press releases the same way you would traditional print press releases, with the difference coming in the form of search engine knowledge. In our quest to satisfy the search engines, we cannot afford to forget important basic information.

  • biographical sketch
  • Contact information
  • List of your speaking topics
  • Some Significant Book Honors
  • Hyperlink to your blog, website, or other pages
  • Hyperlink to a video of you in action
  • Hyperlink to news coverage about your book
  • Hyperlink to excerpts from his television appearances

Hyperlinks can provide your target audience with additional detailed information about you, your book, and the services you offer without cluttering your press release. And if you have the opportunity to include images, include an image of your book cover to promote yourself as a published author and a good quality photograph of yourself. Make sure the images are in jpeg format.

Having written press releases for both print and the Internet, I have learned that the difference between an author’s Internet press release and a print press release, both intended to create the publicity described above, is the need for keywords in the Internet press releases, which can be suggested by free or paid SEO services. Be sure to do a web search to find the most helpful SEO resources for your needs. Internet press releases are tools that no author can survive without in this age of online marketing. For more information on this topic, read: Free Advertising or Your Book.

home remedy for a yeast infection

Home remedy for candidiasis – Are you looking for a way to treat your yeast infection with things you can do from the comfort (and privacy) of your own home? Did you know that you can get some relief from the painful burning sensation of sores and blisters that a person with a severe yeast infection can have? So, look around you and pick up a few things from your fridge. Take the yogurt and lemon juice. Open your cupboard and get out some vinegar and olive oil. And let’s start with some home remedies for yeast infection.

Yogurt as a home remedy for candidiasis
You can apply yogurt for a yeast infection by soaking a tampon in yogurt, inserting it into your vagina, and leaving it overnight. The lactobacillus acidophilus that is present in yogurt contains good bacteria that rebalance the pH of the vagina. The lower levels of acidity help reduce and eliminate the candida fungus. This remedy should be repeated every night until the symptoms disappear. Another remedy that includes yogurt is to create a douche solution with water and yogurt. Put the solution in a squeeze bottle and spray directly into and around the vaginal cavity.

Vinegar as a home remedy for candidiasis
Create a douching solution that contains one tablespoon of vinegar (you can also use apple cider vinegar if you have it on hand) per one quart of water. Use this solution to shower once a day. You can also take a warm bath where a cup of vinegar is added to warm water to relieve any burning sensations or painful sores or lesions.

Lemon juice as a home remedy for candidiasis
One of the most effective remedies you can use to combat candida is lemon juice. Drink half a cup of lemon juice twice a day. However, be sure to rinse your mouth after every ‘drink’ to protect the acid in the lemon juice from damaging your tooth enamel. Additionally, you can also create a lemon juice douche to help ease the fungal infection. Lemon acid can naturally fight the growth of fungus and other bacteria in and around the vagina. Make sure that the amount of lemon juice you added to the shower water doesn’t sting you too much. If you find showering with the lemon solution more painful, try diluting the solution as it can be a very effective treatment.

Book Review: North Korea: State of Paranoia by Paul French

Paul French has attempted to write about one of the world’s most secretive societies and one that has remained largely unknown to the general public, as well as listening to fears frequently expressed in the media about the threat posed by its nuclear weapons. The task may seem almost impossible, but the author has collected data from various research centers that watch North Korea and the testimony of numerous flaws, including some who previously held high ranks in the long-established regime of the three Kim: the founder, Kim Il-sung, his son, Kim Jong-il, and his grandson, Kim Jong-un. The result is a fairly comprehensive, if rather dated, study of the political and economic status of a failed state trapped by its ideology and the need to preserve the infallibility of its ruling dynasty.

The most illuminating part of this book is its analysis of Juche, a uniquely Korean combination of Marxist-Leninist ideology, with elements of Chairman Mao’s Thoughts, Confucianism, traditional Korean attributes, and attitudes derived from the liberation struggle against the Japanese. In practice, it serves to preserve the Kim government and prioritizes the needs of the military. Juche has penetrated deeply into North Korean society and is the main factor preventing any serious political challenge to the status quo. The government has gone to great lengths to prevent knowledge of South Korea’s prosperity from being available north of the 38th parallel, and has persuaded generation after generation of its citizens that their continued poverty is not the fault of the rulers or their policies.

Although the book first appeared in 2014 and was republished with a revision in 2015, it gives the impression of being a decade earlier. Dates in references to North Korea’s internal affairs do not appear after 2003, although some US military deployments are mentioned as late as 2013. This may be due to the inevitable delay in anything emerging within a closed society, but some confirmation of this situation. it might have been helpful to the reader in defining the historical context.

According to the publicity note on the back cover of the book, one reviewer found that ‘Paul French writes with wit, eloquence, and exceptional clarity.’ This is a generous view of the author’s performance. The writing is in the style of official reports and humor is not a feature, but a text full of acronyms (around 120 are listed) and many foreign names will always struggle for fluency. The edition is incomplete, with remnants of the author’s draft revisions surviving in the published text. There seems to be little reason to rush the printing of the book in view of the inevitable obsolescence of its contents.

Investing for the rest of us – How property passes on death

Death, taxes, and teen texting: these are the certainties of life. The tax code is too complicated for anyone to understand, and why teens can text all day but never write a thank you note is an unsolved mystery.

Death, on the other hand, is somewhat simpler. One day you are reading the newspaper and the next day you are in it. Let’s take a look at what happens to your property once everyone knows where to send the flowers.

First of all, and to the surprise of many people, most of your property probably does not end up in probate court. Only what passes will pass through the process. If you don’t have a will, don’t worry, the state has one for you. Of course, the state has never met you and doesn’t know how you want things distributed, but whose fault is it? Dying without a will is called intestate. You don’t want to die intestate. Go see an estate planning attorney and get cured.

Now that we’ve got that figured out, here’s how ownership passes.

Life Insurance and Annuities

Death benefits are paid to designated beneficiaries. Unless you name your estate as beneficiary, death benefits will escape probate. Generally, it is not a good idea to name your estate as a beneficiary. One reason is that the assets in your estate are available to creditors. Profits also take longer to reach your heirs. An heir has not yet been born who wants your money sooner rather than later.

If you are exposed to estate taxes, you may want to consider an irrevocable life insurance trust (ILIT). An ILIT keeps the death proceeds out of your taxable estate.

Life insurance companies used to send a check directly to the beneficiary. Today they are more likely to send a checkbook that the payee can access. Life insurance companies claim that this is more convenient for the beneficiary. Call me crazy, but I think they do it to keep the money a little longer. Most beneficiaries already have a checking account. Why would they want another?

Retirement Plans

Deferred Retirement Plans, including Individual Retirement Accounts, go through the beneficiary. The same rules apply to the surviving spouse that exist for annuities. Obviously it helps to have a surviving spouse. The people who wrote this tax code were probably married.

A Roth IRA also passes through the beneficiary, but has no income tax ramifications for the beneficiary, even if the beneficiary is not the surviving spouse. The people who wrote this part of the tax code were probably divorced, but had many children.

If taxes are due when received by a beneficiary, taxes can be spread out over multiple years using different techniques, including a “rollover beneficiary IRA.” See a financial planner to see what works for you.

Jointly owned property

Many properties, such as real estate, bank accounts, and brokerage accounts, are jointly owned. The most common form of joint ownership is “joint owners with right of survivorship (JTWROS)”. The surviving owner automatically gets the asset upon the death of another owner.

JTWROS should not be confused with another type of joint ownership called “tenancy in common.” Tenancy in common divides property into real parts and when an owner dies, he can will the property to whomever he pleases. Take a country house on the coast owned jointly by two married brothers. If one dies, he can leave his share to his wife and children. They can then continue enjoying their vacation by the sea. Naturally, as this passes from generation to generation, it creates a veritable nest of family rats, but if you can’t fight with the family over who gets the best weeks of summer, who can you fight with?

Property in your own name

Now we come to the property that passes by will. If you only own something that does not pass in the manner described above, it becomes part of your probate estate. For example, if you have a savings account in your name only, it goes through your will. Your will names an executor, a thankless but necessary job. It is up to the executor to take an inventory of his estate and eventually distribute it to his heirs.

Many people are establishing and financing “living trusts.” These trusts are established during your lifetime and funded with assets that would otherwise pass through a will. Since most people are their own trustees, control of assets is not an issue. Upon the individual’s death, the assets are placed under the control of a new trustee. Since the assets are already in trust, they escape the probate process. The assets are still subject to estate taxes because you controlled them during your lifetime.

That’s the basics. Consult a financial planner and estate planning attorney to work out the details. This is an area that is not fertile ground to do it yourself, and death does not allow mulligans.

The opinions expressed in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. To determine which investments may be appropriate for you, consult your financial advisor before investing. All performance referenced is historical and is not a guarantee of future results. All indices are unmanaged and cannot be invested directly.

Are you seriously allergic to your own pet?

pet allergies

Well, it goes without saying that perhaps two of the most allergic pets known to man are the dog and the cat. I am a pet lover and I know for a fact that my blood pressure has dropped due to having two pets, a cat and a dog. Not only do they get us up in the middle of a blizzard to take them out for walks, but the countless hours they’ve spent playing and snuggling with us. In a word: Priceless!

If you just snuggle up for a moment with your favorite pet and it causes sneezing, watery eyes, and even hives, then please don’t get rid of that pet. You have to imagine how confused he or she must be after being introduced to this wonderful family and being rejected again. Well, we are here to tell you that there is something else.

It doesn’t seem to matter where you are, this type of allergy symptom exists everywhere. So the good news is that you are not alone in this battle and the bad news??? Well, let’s just say we can work on the bad news!

It can affect older adults, adults, adolescents, and even young children. Yes, that means everyone! Including you and me. If you!

This is what we do to clear someone of their pet allergy. Basically, you have to plunge your head into the toilet bowl and hold your breath for five minutes. Any year less time means you would have to do it all over again. Oh, and the toilet bowl must be full of urine from six days ago.

Ummm… If you’re thinking there’s no way I’m going to do that, then you’re right. No way would I ask you to do that! It’s just my sick attempt at humor. I know, I know… You can get back at me later (much later).

OK… This is what you really have to do. A sample of the hair or fur is taken by brushing the upper back, above the butt and below the belly. This is placed inside a zipper bag. He should have collected approximately a “25 cent coin” worth of hair or skin samples. You can separate the cat from the dog if they have several of each, otherwise keep them all, cats for example, inside a bag. At the same time, a sample of your dog’s or cat’s real fur or coat will be put into the machine. Now, he can finally get back in balance.

Unlike food or seasonal allergies, the elimination procedure for any dog ​​usually requires 2-3 sessions. For cats, it is even worse, it will require 3-4 sessions. But once the allergy is removed, it is removed in 3-5 years or permanently!

Why 2-3 sessions for dogs and 3-4 sessions for cats? I don’t know. That is just what has been found. But wouldn’t you rather be dog or cat allergy free than have it persist?

Heatley trade and other news

Dany Heatley is now a member of the San Jose Sharks. However, the Sharks also got a pretty good deal, which is a statement that makes sense if you’ve been following. San Jose managed to return nearly the same amount of salary (they got about $0.2 million more at Heatley), and they only had to give up Jonathan Cheechoo and Milan Michalek to get it. (SJ also gave up a 2010 2nd Rounder in exchange for a 5th Rounder.) Michalek and Cheechoo bring grit and determination to Ottawa, as well as offensive potential. Cheechoo is certainly not the 50-goal scorer he once was (emphasis on the time), but Michalek is a star in the making. As for the Sharks, one thing is for sure: they became an even bigger threat to capturing the Pacific, and maybe even the President’s Trophy again. Interestingly, the last team to win the President’s Trophy in consecutive seasons also won the Stanley Cup for the second time. Can you name the team?

Recent NHL Roundup:

The Vancouver Canucks found several replacements for Mattias Ohlund: they traded with San Jose for Christian Ehrhoff and Brad Lukowich, as well as signing UFA Mathieu Schneider. For the Sharks, who brought back a couple of minor leaguers, the deal was seen as little more than a salary dump. For the Canucks, though, the move makes their defensive corps stand up to the revamped blue line of their biggest division rivals, the Calgary Flames. Vancouver also locked up star goalkeeper Roberto Luongo, signing him to a 12-year deal worth $64 million.

The Tampa Bay Lightning signed Alex Tanguay to a one-year deal. With Tanguay to Vincent Lecavalier’s left and St. Louis to his right, the Lightning have an incredible front line, and they’re all from Quebec.

Peter Forsberg was included in the 2010 Olympic roster invitee list for Team Sweden. He plans to play this season for the Swedish Elite League Mode, but a strong Olympic performance (and the ability to stay healthy) could mean a return to the NHL.

While the Pittsburgh Penguins await the construction of the new arena they will use in 2010-11, The Consol Energy Center, a couple of other teams are also pushing for a new building. New York Islanders are trying to get their Lighthouse project approved, and the Edmonton Oilers estate has also announced plans to buy land and build.

The Oilers also signed unrestricted free agent Mike Comrie to a one-year deal. Comrie, an underperformer last season for the New York Islanders, was traded at the deadline to the Ottawa Senators, where he managed just seven points in 22 games. He is a delicate player: a lot of positive points, but a real hit for inconsistency.

Thinking of Buying a Condo Hotel? Here are 20 things you need to know!

1. What is a condo hotel or condotel?

Think of a condo hotel (sometimes also called a condotel or condo hotel) like buying a condo, even if it’s part of a four-star caliber hotel. So, as an owner, when you’re on vacation, you’ll get the benefit of more four-star services and amenities than you would in a typical condo.

2. What types of services and amenities are found in condo hotels?

If you can imagine the niceties you would find in a luxury hotel, then you can imagine an apartment hotel. Features often include resort-style pools, full-service spas, state-of-the-art fitness centers, fine-dining restaurants, concierge services, and room service.

In some places, like Las Vegas, you’ll find condominiums with their own casinos, shopping areas, and entertainment venues. In places like Orlando, you’ll find condominiums with their own water parks and convention facilities.

3. What is the difference between a condo hotel and a traditional condominium?

The big difference between a hotel and a condo hotel is that a hotel usually has an owner, either individual or corporate, but a condo hotel is sold unit by unit. Thus, a 300-room condo hotel could have as many as 300 unit owners.

4. Is it obvious to hotel guests whether they are staying in a condo hotel or a traditional hotel?

A hotel guest may never know that the hotel has multiple owners because the property operates like a traditional hotel and is often managed by a well-known hotel company such as Hilton, Hyatt, Starwood, Trump or W. In addition, each of the individual condo hotel units will look identical in design and décor, just as they would in a traditional hotel.

5. Who usually buys condos?

They are primarily sold to people who want a vacation home but don’t want to deal with the hassles typically associated with second home ownership, such as property maintenance or finding renters in the off-season.

6. What is the demographic of the typical condominium hotel buyer?

The spectrum of hotel condominium buyers is quite broad. There are families who want a second residence in a vacation destination. There are baby boomers who are retired or close to retirement and want a place where they can spend the winter. There are also many investors who purchase a condominium hotel unit with little intention of ever using it; they’re in it for the potential appreciation of real estate.

7. Can you live in a condo hotel?

Condominiums are generally not offered as a primary residence. In fact, many of them limit the unit owner’s use of the condominium hotel unit (usually 30-60 days per year) because the unit is expected and needed in the hotel’s nightly rental program where it can be offered to guests and generate income.

8. Who receives the money when your condo hotel is rented?

The hotel management company splits the rental income with the individual owner of the hotel condominium. While the exact percentages vary from property to property, the typical rent split is in the 50-50% range.

9. Who finds the hotel guests and then cleans and maintains the condo hotel units?

The hotel management company markets the property and books hotel guests. It also maintains the unit and ensures the proper functioning of all hotel services and amenities.

10. What are the advantages/disadvantages of buying a condotel over buying typical rental properties?

Benefits included:

· Uncomplicated ownership; no owner issues

Rental income to offset some or perhaps all of your property expenses

A fantastic holiday home available to use whenever you want

A real estate investment at a time when other investments may seem less attractive

High probability of appreciation

Pride of ownership: “I own a piece of Trump”

The disadvantages include:

Annual cash flow could be equal to or less than annual costs of ownership

· Pets are generally not welcome.

An owner’s condominium hotel unit can be rented whenever the owner wants, so advance reservations are required to ensure availability.

The condo hotel unit is subject to the same market downturns that affect all hotels in the competitive market: hurricanes, terrorist threats, warm northern winters, gas prices, etc., all of which can affect the rate. of occupancy of a unit and the amount of income it generates.

11. Are condo hotel units difficult to finance?

Not at all, but they usually accept a 20% down payment, while condos can be purchased with less down payment. It’s also important to make sure you’re using a mortgage broker that has been successful in financing condominium hotel deals. Many banks still don’t, but more and more are getting involved as condo hotels become more available.

12. How long have the condominiums been around and where are they located?

Condo hotels have been around for several decades, but the great wave of four and five star condo hotels that have made their way across the country began around the year 2000 in the Miami area. The Miami-Fort Lauderdale area still has the most condo hotels, but areas like Orlando and Las Vegas are developing condo hotel properties at an even faster rate and will likely overtake South Florida soon. Other promising areas are places like the Bahamas, Panama, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Canada and Dubai.

13. How much do the condo hotel units cost?

That’s like asking how much a car costs. There are condominiums of different qualities. Some require larger amounts of money than others, obviously.

There are cheap condo hotels for as low as $100,000. They are usually found in properties that have converted their use of an existing hotel. They are the size of a hotel room, lacking kitchen facilities, luxury franchises, and other first-class amenities.

Then there are the four-star or higher properties that can start in the $300,000 to $400,000 range, but can go as high as $800,000 just for a studio unit. One- and two-bedroom units cost substantially more than a studio. Of course, the studios come fully furnished and finished, and will be significantly larger than a typical hotel room, and may attract guests due to their name like St. Regis, Ritz, or W.

14. What are the typical maintenance costs?

On average, about $1.00 to $1.50 per square meter. ft., but the range may exceed $2.00 per square foot. foot in the most luxurious properties.

15. Do you buy condo hotel units after they have been built, or can you buy pre-construction condo hotels?

Unless you’re in a hurry to start your vacation or need to complete a 1031 exchange, it’s best to buy preconstruction condos as soon as possible. That’s when prices are lowest and unit selection is greatest. You may have to wait two years or more before closing and taking ownership of your condominium hotel unit, but you will have locked in the price and reap the benefit of maximum appreciation.

16. Is there anything else investors should know about condotels?

There is more to buying this type of real estate than the old phrase, “location, location, location.” While most condo hotels are located in attractive resorts and business areas, the most important thing is a good franchise with a strong reservation system.

Also, don’t be fooled by an aggressive rental division. One way or another, the developer of the property will need to staff, maintain, and operate the hotel and its services, such as restaurants, bars, spas, and pools, from their share of the revenue. If you’re giving him a very favorable share of the rent, you’re also more likely to be charging him a higher monthly maintenance fee. Of course, this goes both ways. If the maintenance split on offer is closer to 50-50, then your maintenance should also be more reasonable.

17. Any suggestions for investors when choosing which condo hotel to buy?

Get good advice. That means you don’t want to rely solely on the presentation provided by an on-site salesperson at a condo hotel. You want to talk to a broker who specializes in condo hotels and who knows and understands the entire condo hotel market, not just the facts surrounding a single property. He or she will listen to your wants and needs and then offer recommendations on which properties best suit your requirements. You will have the opportunity to compare stores and consider the pros and cons of each available property.

A good broker can be the difference between buying a condo hotel that will be troublesome and not up to your expectations or one that will give you years of great vacations, good annual income and a substantial profit when you sell.

18. Does it cost more to use a real estate broker to purchase a condo hotel than to purchase a unit on your own?

No. With new condominium hotel properties, prices are always set by the developer and are exactly the same whether you buy directly from an on-site seller or through a broker.

The broker commission is always paid by the developer and is already included in the price, regardless of whether a third-party broker is involved in the sale or not. Since broker representation is free to buyers, it makes sense to enlist their help and benefit from their advice before making a purchase.

19. How can prospective buyers find a good condominium hotel broker?

Ask your friends for broker recommendations or search online for “hotel condo broker.” Check out condo hotel broker websites and see if the information they provide seems complete and unbiased. If your website seems to focus on selling homes or office space, and the condo hotel information seems like an afterthought, stay away. Your best option is to work with a condominium hotel broker who specializes.

20. How can buyers find out about new hotel condominium properties coming on the market?

Condo hotel brokers can be good sources of information, as they often learn about properties before they are released to the general public. Another option is to subscribe to a condo hotel newsletter like the one we publish called Condo Hotel Property Alert. We offer it for free on our website http://www.CondoHotelCenter.com and it features a different condo hotel property coming to market in each edition.

SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) of a marriage of three decades

When we got married a couple of decades ago, I was an asset to my spouse, and my spouse was an asset in my life. Marriage is also a product, with a limited shelf life. In the good old days, marriage was a long-term investment: “Till death do us part.” Today, marriage is a short-term investment. Soon, it will be a trader’s investment. Now we are neither an asset nor a liability to each other. We simply live a colorless, neutral life, without emotions or enthusiasm.

because the problem

Spouses these days are: overly ambitious, with giant egos, who prefer to isolate themselves from in-laws and believe that ‘family’ means only the new family: my spouse and me. Spouses believe that old relationships, in-laws, and past lives are irrelevant after marriage.

Can we afford to be ungrateful to parents?

Can we forget the wonderful time we shared and their sacrifices?

They gave us their time and took care of us, when we were vulnerable.

Are they now in second childhood, in old age?

Will we abandon them in nursing homes?

We have to do the right action:

(1) There are no broken homes, children need us.

(2) There are no nursing homes, we owe gratitude to our parents.

We see broken families around, spouses had an ego clash and couldn’t reconcile. They couldn’t ask for forgiveness and wanted the spouse to repent first. Now they repent of obstinacy, they show themselves.

a new universe

Each couple is the source of a new universe of humanity, similar to Adam and Eve. Unlike animals, human couples have longer associations. Marriage is a benchmark of human civilization. The longer our marriage survives with dignity, the higher we have set the benchmark. No other species shares such strong, lifelong bonds.

To do?

Married life may seem to some of us to be a perpetually negative and incurable experience. The alternatives are far from satisfying:

(1) A broken home, and

(2) Let’s continue: let’s keep the status quo for the sake of children.

There is no way out: spouses must resolve differences with a flexible attitude.

SWOT analysis of the typical married life of a middle-aged couple


They are a retired couple, self-employed, well settled and in good health; who are self-sufficient, financially, socially, and emotionally. They are a blessed family with well-employed, adult, married children and grandchildren. The spouses were always loyal and faithful to each other. They may still not have harmony in life. Being a devoted husband/wife or a parent is an essential condition, but it is not a sufficient condition for harmony between spouses. They may be living together without love and respect.

Continuing to live together without love and mutual respect is hell.

Living with a spouse who loves and respects you is heaven.


Familiarity breeds contempt. Imperfect – only God is perfect – spouses observe imperfections in each other:

(1) Inability to forget the wounds of decades, mutually caused by spouses with indiscreet comments,

(2) Inability to behave diplomatically with each other’s parents and siblings,

(3 Inability to share life in middle age, as there is very little to share in life, when the main duty of preparing children is successfully completed.

(4) There is a cold and mechanical communication between the middle-aged spouses, mainly in administrative matters only. Love is missing in life due to ego clashes and past hurts. Even if they still love each other, they feel shy to exhibit romance or express love with romantic words from the honeymoon period in old age.


(1) Now is the time to live for each other. No worries, no career goals to achieve for yourself or your children, and no interference from other people’s in-laws.

(2) Just learn to respect others’ points of view and show warmth towards your spouse’s parents and siblings. These are some desirable qualities that we must instill.

(3) Spouses may still have common problems: (a) love or cold behavior of daughter-in-law/son-in-law, (b) sharing warm childhood memories of spouse with siblings and parents, and (c) affection of grandchildren


(1) When spouses value individual ambitions in life more than family goals, it affects the harmony between spouses,

(2) If a spouse believes, “I’m always right.” then it has a negative impact on married life.

(3) The rigidity of opinions and never asking for forgiveness, as a principle, has a negative impact.

(4) Sarcastic indiscreet comments negatively affect marital life: “You shouldn’t have gotten married; you are not marriage material. You cling to your parental values ​​and ideals like a child”,

(5) Indulging in other hobbies such as: loving pets or home gardens, as a substitute for friendly relations with the spouse, is a bad strategy, which is not conducive to harmony between the spouses, and

(6) Spouses often resort to showing financial muscle in the relationship.

It has a negative impact: either a greedy spouse gives in or a self-respecting spouse promises to live within their means. There are spouses who are greedy and love to take advantage of the advantageous financial position of the spouse. If the spouse’s family is richer, it can lead to expensive gifts, which can negatively affect the harmony between the spouses.

What are the options!

Despite all the boredom and fights, marriage, as an institution, is a valuable experience that we should enjoy. Single people have their own problems. Their lives are far from perfect or in harmony. The solution lies in resolving the differences between the spouses.

Shape of things to come!

We are in a transitional phase of human history. On the one hand, gender equality has made humanity stronger. On the other hand, intolerant and ambitious spouses have diluted the sanctity of marriage. It’s a temporary setback. Sooner than later, we will realize our madness. Ambitious spouses will curb their ego clashes. There will be fewer divorces in society. Young girls will not be hungry for money, to pursue successful, wealthy and eligible singles. Young boys will not value rich spinsters as friends, for monetary considerations. Love and marriage will not be like a business.

Love will involve:

(1) A pure love, between spouses, who are not interested in financial status,

(2) There is respect for the unique identity of the individual, and

(3) There is freedom to dwell on past memories and interaction with siblings and parents. An optimal shared life before marriage and after marriage will add to the richness of life and not be a burden.

Life will always be a mixture of happiness adorned with pain. There will always be a painful conscience, a feeling of failure in the marriage as a spouse; since no marriage is perfect. We are not alone. All over the world, spouses feel harassed, cheated or dissatisfied. We feel, others are lucky, with a better spouse. Tolstoy also had his wife, not very accommodating. He was fed up with her, he felt that human beings are incorrigible. His solution to the problems of humanity was: complete celibacy. “The human species is not fit enough to survive. It needs to go extinct.”


It is not like this?

We are all imperfect, we feel hurt and we want to quit, but we continue to selflessly fulfill our duty as parents. We play our part and vanish into thin air. Buddhists call it “void theory”. Why are we in this world? Nobody knows. We don’t need to know. It goes on, like water in a river, It moves, where? Nobody knows. Leave the spectators behind. It moves forever. Where? Nobody knows.

PG Slot – สล็อตเว็บตรงที่ดีที่สุดที่จ่ายเงินจริง


สล็อตเว็บโดยตรงเป็นวิธีที่ง่ายที่สุดวิธีหนึ่งในการเพลิดเพลินกับเกมคาสิโน พวกเขาไม่เกี่ยวข้องกับคนกลางหรือตัวแทนใด ๆ และคุณสามารถมั่นใจได้ว่าข้อมูลส่วนบุคคลของคุณจะไม่ถูกบุกรุก นอกจากนี้ สล็อตโดยตรงยังมีซอฟต์แวร์ที่ทันสมัยและกลยุทธ์ในการชนะ เพื่อให้มั่นใจว่าคุณจะได้รับการจ่ายเงินสูงสุดเท่าที่เป็นไปได้ ทำให้เป็นวิธีที่สะดวกที่สุดในการเล่นออนไลน์

PG Slot เป็นเว็บไซต์สล็อตเว็บโดยตรงที่มีมาระยะหนึ่งแล้วและได้รับความนิยมเพิ่มขึ้นอย่างต่อเนื่อง ขั้นตอนการลงทะเบียนนั้นง่ายและต้องการเพียงชื่อและนามสกุลของคุณและหมายเลขบัญชีธนาคารที่ถูกต้องเท่านั้น ไซต์ยังมีเครดิตฟรีทุกวัน ดังนั้นคุณจึงสามารถเล่นได้ทุกเมื่อที่ต้องการ และไม่ต้องใช้บัตรเครดิต นอกจากนี้ คุณสามารถฝากและถอนเงินจากบัญชีของคุณได้ทันที

pgslot เว็บตรง

สล็อตเว็บโดยตรงเป็นวิธีที่ยอดเยี่ยมในการเล่นด้วยเงินจริงโดยไม่ต้องออกจากบ้าน คาสิโนที่แสดงรายการในหน้านี้ประกอบด้วยเครื่องสล็อตหลายร้อยเครื่องจากผู้ให้บริการชั้นนำ รวมถึงโปรเกรสซีฟด้วย คาสิโนยังมีโบนัสสล็อตที่ร่ำรวย คุณสามารถเลือกจากเกมคาสิโนที่หลากหลาย รวมถึงสล็อต 3 รีลสุดคลาสสิกจากนักพัฒนาในสหรัฐอเมริกา

PG Slot – สล็อตเว็บตรงที่ดีที่สุดที่จ่ายเงินจริง

การใช้ Direct Web PGslot Register เป็นวิธีที่ยอดเยี่ยมในการเริ่มต้นในอุตสาหกรรมการพนันออนไลน์ เว็บไซต์ Direct Web PGslot เข้ากันได้กับระบบมือถือส่วนใหญ่ คุณสามารถจัดการบัญชีของคุณผ่านมือถือและสมัครเครดิตฟรีได้ นอกจากนี้ ไซต์ยังให้การสนับสนุนตลอด 24 ชั่วโมง ทำให้ง่ายต่อการเริ่มต้นใช้งานบัญชีของคุณ

PGSlot เป็นเว็บไซต์การพนันออนไลน์ที่ปลอดภัย แม้ว่าการพนันจะเป็นเรื่องใหญ่สำหรับคนทั่วไป แต่ผู้คนยังคงเข้าใจวิธีการเล่นการพนันและรับเงินจริง และ PGSlot อ้างว่าเป็นไปตามมาตรฐานสากลและยุติธรรมในนโยบายของตน คุณยังสามารถเล่นเกมสดและเดิมพันฟุตบอลซึ่งเป็นงานอดิเรกยอดนิยม

Direct Web PGslot Register นำเสนอเกมที่หลากหลาย คุณสามารถเลือกจำนวนเงินเดิมพันที่หลากหลายและเล่นเพื่อรับเงินจริง Direct Web PGslot Register ยังเสนอโบนัสมากมายให้กับผู้เล่นใหม่ นี่เป็นวิธีที่เหมาะสมที่สุดในการสัมผัสกับโลกออนไลน์ของเครื่องสล็อต

ในการเข้าร่วมไซต์สล็อต PG คุณต้องลงทะเบียนบัญชีบนเว็บไซต์ก่อน ขั้นตอนการลงทะเบียนนี้อาจใช้เวลาเพียงห้านาที คุณต้องลงทะเบียนด้วยชื่อ อีเมล และหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ของคุณ หลังจากนี้ คุณต้องยืนยันรายละเอียดเพื่อเปิดใช้งานบัญชีของคุณ เมื่อคุณทำเช่นนั้น คุณจะสามารถเข้าถึงคอลเลกชั่นเกมมากมาย ยิ่งไปกว่านั้น คุณสามารถเล่นเกมบนอุปกรณ์มือถือได้โดยไม่ยุ่งยาก

Email Security: Be Smarter Than A Politician

About 20 years ago, my life was in transition. I worked full time for a non-profit agency for a couple of years. The work was exhausting and involved a lot of travel. My boss was a highly motivated man who had little interest in life outside of work and expected the rest of us to be the same.

I wasn’t. I finished college, wrote a book, ended a bad relationship, and felt genuinely free for the first time in a long time. He wanted to work for the property rights of poor South Africans, but he also wanted to play the guitar.

Around that time, I started listening to a popular British band called Radiohead. I remember telling a date, a teacher, that I liked them. She said, “Oh yeah. My eighth graders too.” That was our last date.

One of the band’s great songs, which includes a searing solo by the incomparable guitarist Jonny Greenwood, contains the following lyrics:

You do it to yourself, you do it

And that’s what really hurts

Do you do it to yourself, only to you?

you and no one else

I’d like to dedicate that song to Hillary Clinton, her campaign chairman, John Podesta, and the Democratic National Committee…

hacked to pieces

Hillary Clinton’s email problems are legendary.

First there was the private server at the base. Then DNC emails were hacked, costing chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz her job. And this month, the whistleblowing organization WikiLeaks, which, contrary to press reports, is not pro-Trump but rabidly anti-Clinton, seized John Podesta’s personal emails.

Regardless of what you think about the content of these leaks (which, frankly, I find boring), the fact that these powerful people have been hacked so easily is astounding. What were they thinking? Didn’t they realize that email is just as secure as regular mail, if a determined hacker is after you?

clearly not. Like Colin Powell, whose own private emails were hacked a while back, Podesta was using a business email provider: Gmail.

For a famous person, using a free advertising-based email service like Google or Yahoo is like a platoon of Marines driving through Mosul in a VW minibus. Someone is going to put holes in you.

The Obama administration blames Russia for these hacks, which suits Hillary very well: she can deflect all the trouble by focusing on the perceived threat to our national security and electoral sovereignty. But if a Russian did the trick, he could have been a 10 year old…because the technique used was the simplest and oldest trick in the book.

Go Phish

Cybersecurity firm SecureWorks says the hacking method used to gain access to Podesta’s email account involved a link in an innocent-looking email doctored to appear to come from Google. The email asked Podesta to sign in to his Google account by clicking a hyperlink, which he did.

When Podesta clicked on the link, he was taken to a fake Google landing page where he entered his username and password. With that, the hacker had access to his entire email history.

It’s called phishing. Instead of a sophisticated brute force attack to crack Podesta’s password, the hacker tricked him into voluntarily handing over his login details.

In other words, Podesta did it to himself. Just him and no one else.

Avoid the email phishing hook

How can you avoid the same fate? It is easier than you think:

  • When you receive an email that asks you to log in to a website, be sure to check the link. All you have to do is hover your mouse cursor over the link. Google’s real address ends in .com. That’s the last piece of text before the first backslash in the link you see when you hover over it. This one ended in “tk,” which refers to the island of Tokelau in the South Pacific: a dead giveaway, if you’re looking, that is.

  • If you click on a link like Podesta’s, check the URL in the address bar of the web page you land on before doing anything else. If it ends in something other than the actual domain name of the correct publisher (ie Google.com), you are being phishing. Podesta’s phishing link ended with “tk,” the last part of the address before the first backslash. That would have been clearly visible in your web browser’s address bar, again, if you had been paying attention.

  • Don’t use free email for anything sensitive. No Google, Outlook, Yahoo, AOL, or Mail.com. As well as being ridiculously easy to hack, they all mine your personal emails for information about you that can be used to target advertisements to you.

go to the last mile

To be super safe, sign up for a secure email service like Protonmail or Tutanota. As well as being securely encrypted and unreadable by the companies that host them, both are run by privacy fanatics and based in Europe, out of reach of American spies.

There you have it. When it comes to email hacking, there is absolutely no need to do it yourself.