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Bell training a dog: the 4 keys to success so that your dog tells you when he has to leave

Bell training a dog: the 4 keys to success so that your dog tells you when he has to leave

Would you like your dog to be housebroken in half the time it normally takes? Are you looking for a way to make your dog super responsive? Bell training your dog is a quick way to educate your dog. It will be fun and rewarding for both you and your dog. I will reveal the 4 keys to success in bell training your dog.

Success Key #1: Location, Location, Location

Whichever door your dog comes out of, hang the bells there. If your dog uses more than one door, hang the bells there, too. Be sure to hang bells on the inside doorknob(s).

Success Key #2: Stick with a Single Potty Training Command

In my case I use “Let’s Go Pee”. You can use any phrase you choose. Just make sure you stick to it. Make sure your household uses whatever phrase you choose as well. You want to be consistent in your order.

Success Key #3: First thing in the morning

As soon as your dog wakes up in the morning is the best time to start training. This way he will know for sure that your dog has to go. As soon as you give the command “Let’s go pee,” have your dog tap the bells with his paws. Chances are your dog is going to have to get really sick, so just have him ring the bell 2-3 times quickly. As the bell rings, encourage your dog with “Good boy!” or other words of encouragement.

Refrain from giving your dog treats at this time. You don’t want to train your dog to think that ringing the bell gives him a treat. Give him the treat only after he goes out to relieve himself.

Key to Success #4: Consistency and Repetition

Your dog learns mainly through these 2 factors. You are going to want to repeat this process every morning when your dog gets up. After about 4 to 8 hours have passed depending on your dog’s age, repeat this same process. 4 if he is a puppy and 8 if he is an adult. This way you will know for sure that they have to use the bathroom.

Remember that the location of the bells is key. Always follow a potty training command and have your family members do the same. Take your dog out as soon as he wakes up in the morning. Repetition and constancy will make the whole process stick and stay fast. Apply these 4 keys to success and you’ll be on your way to dog owner happiness.

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