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Benefits of Botox for the Jawline

Benefits of Botox for the Jawline

Botox for the Jawline

Injectables are a go-to for smoothing fine lines and wrinkles, but they can also be used to shape the jawline and balance facial proportions. At our practice, we use both fillers and Botox to contour the lower face. For example, we use JUVEDERM VOLUMA to add structure and fullness to the neck and jawline that frames our patient’s striking smile. But we also use masseter Botox to slim the jawline, which can help patients achieve a more feminine appearance and minimize the look of a square jawline. In addition, masseter Botox reduces the tension caused by teeth clenching and grinding (bruxism) and minimizes pain and damage to the jaw joint, or temporomandibular joint (TMJ).

The masseter muscle is located on each side of your jaw, and it is one of the main muscles involved with chewing. The muscle can grow in size if you clench and grind your teeth excessively or if you have a genetically square-shaped jawline. This can result in a wide jawline that is unattractive or masculine. Injecting the masseter muscle with Botox slows down contractions, which causes the muscle to shrink in size and cause the Botox Jawline to appear softer and narrower. The results can take up to six weeks before you can see a significant difference and may last up to a year.

While we don’t recommend masseter Botox injections if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or taking any medication that affects blood clotting or circulation. Additionally, we recommend avoiding cardio or any other activities that increase your heart rate for 12 hours after your appointment to avoid causing the muscles in your jaw to tighten prematurely.

Benefits of Botox for the Jawline

The benefits of jawline Botox include reducing the size and prominence of your masseter muscle for a softer and slimmer face, minimizing TMJ symptoms and alleviating bruxism, a common disorder that causes you to clench and grind your teeth, resulting in damaged teeth and chronic headaches. In addition, jawline Botox is a relatively non-invasive treatment that can be performed in the comfort of our office and is effective for both women and men.

The jawline is a key part of your facial profile and can make or break your smile. We all want a strong and defined jawline, but the muscles in the jaw naturally deteriorate as we age, leading to sagging and laxity of the skin, jowls and a less-defined jawline. Injectables can address the loss of collagen and elasticity in the skin, but masseter Botox is a great option for addressing skeletal changes that can occur as you get older.

We can inject masseter Botox for a variety of cosmetic or functional purposes, including reducing the jawline’s width and feminizing your profile. For more information on this procedure or to schedule a consultation, contact our office today! We look forward to speaking with you. We are conveniently located in Atlanta, GA and have several board-certified physicians on staff to provide you with the best care possible!

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