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Benefits of having a cat tree

Benefits of having a cat tree

The benefits of a cat tree are far reaching. Cats, despite their willingness to sleep, have a lot of energy and can use more than 30 minutes of play a day. Getting them involved is crucial and often frustrating as they reject or get bored with one store-bought toy after another.

That’s why I love cat condos or climbing towers. Cats naturally gravitate towards the highest points in the house during sleep and play. Cat furniture provides an outlet for safety, relaxation, and playful bursts of energy. Most cat trees are usually wrapped in high-quality carpeting with sisal rope throughout. I would recommend wood or PVC materials as cardboard will quickly degrade with any activity.

Placing the cat tree by a window provides your cat with endless hours of visual and scent entertainment, and helps prevent boredom. When the warm days approach, you will probably see your kitty lying on one of the levels of the cat tree, basking in the maximum comfort.

For older cats who have trouble moving around, a shorter cat tree with beds may be a good option. But don’t underestimate a cat’s desire to climb and jump levels at any age, not to mention the physical benefits!

High-quality trees can be expensive, and their price ranges drastically. You really do get what you pay for, up to a point. Another option is to build your own, and while that sounds daunting to most people, with clear instructions and some basic materials, it can be easily done. I recommend looking at all the options based on your budget, the size of your family of pets, and what type of furniture would best fit into the interior of your home. Small spaces will work well with vertical furniture, while larger homes have more room to experiment with fun designs. Build a piece based on your cat’s personality and interest!

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