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Brazil is close to the lowest cost of living in the world

Brazil is close to the lowest cost of living in the world

Brazil is the largest country in South America and offers ample travel opportunities and a range of life opportunities that you would expect from such a large and diverse country. There are the jungles of the Amazon rainforests, the high plains of the pampas around Brasília and of course the world famous beaches, and much more. The variety of landscapes is enormous. Brazilians are world famous for their hospitality and friendliness, and they welcome foreigners without hesitation. Rio de Janeiro is well known for its beaches, parties, nightlife and the biggest party in the world, Carnival.

Brazil is fun, interesting and warmly welcomes everyone. So you might expect it to be an expensive place to live. It is not. Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil are among the cheapest cities in the world to live in, according to a study by the British consultancy Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU).

It is often said in Brazil: “Either you have a housekeeper or you are a housekeeper.” Even middle-class working families often have a maid or housekeeper in Brazil.

You can withdraw in Brazil. A retirement visa is available, but to qualify for it you must have proof of an income of at least $2000 per month (plus an additional amount for dependents). There is also an investment category, as well as other ways to become a permanent resident in Brazil.

Permanent residents of Brazil can apply for Brazilian passports and can also keep their current citizenships and passports. It is perfectly legal and common to do so. There may be some benefit to having a Brazilian passport. US citizens are sometimes targeted by terrorists when traveling abroad. The Brazilians are not in the spotlight.

Health care is a high priority for retirees. Health in Brazil is very good. The poorest people are entirely dependent on the free national health system. It is not necessary to be a citizen of Brazil to use the national health system. Anyone who is legally in the country can use the national health system. The national health care system does a good job of providing all health care needs at no cost to patients. National healthcare patients pay nothing at all for doctors’ fees, lab fees, hospitalization, surgery, and even prescription drugs are free.

Brazil’s national health system is roughly equal to the caliber and operating style of the VA hospital system in the US There are some drawbacks to this system. You will not receive the best possible quality of health care in the national health care system. There is a compensation. If you want completely free healthcare, including all your prescription drugs, Brazil’s national healthcare system is very good. Free healthcare is a good safety net. If you want the best possible quality of health care, then you have to pay. The wealthiest Brazilians prefer two different private health care providers, such as Blue Cross & Blue Shield.

The first private market medical provider is UniMed, which is owned and operated by physicians. They have their own hospitals and clinics all over Brazil, they use a referral system, while you have a GP and refer you when necessary to a specialist for any special treatment. A plan for a family of three costs around R$600.00 per month (less than $300 USD). I would recommend UniMed if you demand the highest quality medical care. Personally, I prefer the totally free national health system, but each with their own.

The second largest private market medical provider is Banco Bradesco, which is a major financial institution in Brazil that offers health insurance and directly employs a sizeable and high-calibre medical staff. The difference with this type of policy is that they only have private clinics and they have to buy hospitalization coverage from someone like UniMed. The costs are also higher. A comprehensive health insurance policy for a family of three races in the vicinity of R$1,000.00 ($500 USD) per month.

The bottom line is that you can get more for your money in Brazil than almost anywhere else in the world. You can enjoy a higher standard of living for your money.

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