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Business Startup Ideas – Use Internet Business Plans or Fail

Business Startup Ideas – Use Internet Business Plans or Fail

Internet business plans are a central component of a successful Internet business. Without a workable plan with detailed steps to follow, you are more likely to fail. The novice salesperson is easy prey for all the new products, launches, emails promising riches, and tempting shiny new items offered by the wolves of the Internet. Having a strong desire to be part of a growing empire (and maybe tell the ‘boss’ where to push it); Lets believe all the hype being put out by the unscrupulous ‘fleeers’, who are very, very good at what they do.

Let’s face it, there will always be sheep and there will always be wolves. They are neither good nor bad in themselves, they just ARE. Knowing that in the early stages you are vulnerable puts you 50% ahead of those who are too lazy, too arrogant, or too impatient to chart a path; because forewarned is forewarned!

If you have any kind of budget, get a mentor! Sure, you don’t NEED one, you can do it with careful planning, attention to detail, and studying other successful internet business models. It will take more time and you’ll probably spend unnecessary money on one or six products, but you’ll get it done. But if you’re reading this and haven’t maxed out your credit card yet, get a mentor. You can always find one at your budget level, and this is a promise to you: The list of mentors at the end of this article are honest, ethical people who are very good at what they do.

That is the reason why I am affiliated with them. Without your guidance, I simply wouldn’t be here right now. There must be many more whose services I have not found or used, but this is my personal recommendation and I will stick with what I know.

I learned the hard way. Two years ago, I thought I didn’t have the money for a mentor, and I thought he was smart enough to figure things out on my own. 18 months later, I REALLY had no money; in fact, he was up to his neck in debt! I had to eat humble cake and be the recipient of what seemed to me charity. Ignorance and arrogance have a cost! Actually, it was just a helping hand from good friends, but I’d rather give than receive. Who does not! I bless learning and humility, but in hindsight I wish… well. That is why I can write this with authority!

I spent months gathering information; I endured long periods of exhaustion having gathered TOO MUCH information; I went into depression thinking this is too hard; I struggled with technical distractions, mental blocks, and widgets that didn’t do what I wanted them to do (and weren’t necessary in the first place!).

We are not taught to be entrepreneurs. The school teaches us with a curriculum; and working for someone else gives you tasks that you have to finish. Here we are totally alone, and we need to continuously motivate ourselves and eliminate distractions.

Using a business plan sends a message to your conscience that you mean business. Having a path to follow helps you stay focused and on track. When you have a long-term plan, you have a daily, weekly, and monthly checklist. Committing to doing everything you can on your checklist is an achievable goal, and each ‘done’ mark gives you a sense of success and boosts your confidence. Keeping your inner eyes focused on your goal/reward, short term and long term, also helps to maintain focus. And knowing that you have charted a path to success, that if you simply follow it you will achieve your goals, is a powerful tool indeed…!

Until you can afford to outsource, stick with what you know. Knowing that you are avoiding doing a certain task because it is a weak point means being able to forgive yourself (understanding is the basis of forgiveness) and ask for help. Ask around on the forums (Warriors, Backlinks, and Keyword Academy come to mind), and in the meantime, move on to the next item on your checklist. Fivers is also a great resource for those on limited budgets, if you really can’t figure it out.

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses highlights your motivational triggers; use this knowledge to post images or photographs or whatever media you need to keep your focus on your long-term goal. By the way, you need to know exactly what this is! Or how can you stay motivated? Find pictures or some kind of visual representation of what you intend to achieve. If you want a house, post pictures of houses that you find desirable. The same goes for cars, places abroad, whatever reason you have for wanting a successful internet business. Concrete reminders help us learn to ignore the voice that says: too loud, too tired, this won’t work.

With so much to learn and do, without a ‘what to do’ checklist, you may not be properly focused on taking the steps that will bring you success. Using internet business plans and a properly constructed checklist means you’ve freed up to focus on your goal: building a successful internet business.

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