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Why India Willoughby is not representative of trans people

When I saw that India Willoughby was going to enter the #CBB Celebrity Big Brother House, I thought it would be good for the trans community and help improve attitudes towards trans people. In the past, trans people have always been popular on Big Brother, and India already has a high profile as a newsreader and panelist on Loose Women.

Oh, how wrong I have been.

She has certainly turned heads. But for all the wrong reasons.

I think part of the problem is that India has gotten into Big Brother’s house too soon. This is something that Shane/Courtney brought up in the conversations. I remember when I transitioned 15 years ago, it was an embarrassment to many people, especially my family.

But what’s worse, I really damaged my own reputation, and that has taken a long time to repair.

The challenge was that when I transitioned, all the pressure of hiding in the closet was released and I was finally able to be the woman I always felt I was. But it wasn’t easy. I didn’t have 50 years of growing up as a girl/woman behind me. I had missed out on the teenage years, dressing up for a night out, wearing spaghetti strap tops and miniskirts.

I had to relearn life now as a woman and build some memories and experiences, which was fun, but frankly a little embarrassing. I also had to unlearn 50 years of behaviors and experiences of growing up socialized as a man, which wasn’t easy either.

I immersed myself in the world of women and found new friends who told me the truth when I was wrong and began to learn the new social and commitment skills that I needed as a woman.

One thing that helped me a lot was going to university, shortly after the transition, to study Gender. Being in college meant that I socialized a lot with younger people, especially women, and also got involved with the LGBT community, where I was generally well accepted despite my age. This entire resocialization process took me about 5 years and is still incomplete.

There are some experiences that I will never have, simply because I was raised as a child. I never experienced the risks of getting pregnant, having periods, or fear of sexual abuse. I never experienced the joy and pain of childbirth and motherhood. I experienced, although I didn’t appreciate it until I lost it, male privilege.

So I understand why some feminists get upset when trans women yell “I am a woman.” as if the transition made them like any other woman. It doesn’t. But I’m not more of a man either.

There is no universal experience of being a woman or being a man and it is much more than the body we are born with. The binary system of men versus women is outdated and obsolete. We need to rethink our entire approach to sex and gender, exploring the rich diversity of third gender options; not something India Willoughby seems happy to do.

The mistake I think she’s making is, in one breath, loudly proclaiming “I’m a woman,” and in the next breath, stating, “I’m a trans woman and an activist.” If you want to identify as female, that’s fine. I know some women who have not even told their husbands that they were born with a male body. And before yelling badly, that is her right by law. It is a criminal offense for any person to reveal a person’s gender history without their permission.

But if you say you’re trans out loud, don’t be surprised if people treat you like a man or a woman. India actually seems to be locked into the gender binary. She sees herself as a woman, not a trans woman, and if she had walked into the house and she had been one of the women, then she would have been accepted.

Which brings me to the difficult topic of Misgendering. Who knew that term before #CBB?

I am a trans woman and I am proud to be a trans woman. There are currently only two legal gender options, so I prefer to identify as female. My driver’s license and passport show me as female. I have a gender recognition certificate and my birth certificate shows me as female. So I expect them to call me with feminine pronouns and titles and to call me madam, not sir.

However, my voice is quite masculine and I haven’t done much to try to change it. As a result, I am often referred to as male, with the wrong gender.

When it happens, I silently correct the person and move on. If they keep doing it, I’ll get irritated and may correct them more publicly. If someone persists in referring to me as a man, I will probably take some action because that is harassment and it can be really embarrassing.

If there was an option to have a third gender significator on my passport and driver’s license, I think I could do it. It’s a new world and it will bring with it some challenges, particularly pronouns. Kate Bornstein came up with the idea of ​​the third gender pronouns ze and hir instead of he/she or him/her, but no one remembers them. The other option is to use the plural pronouns they and their, which are difficult to get used to.

When I write, I use plural pronouns to avoid gendered text. My advice for using plural pronouns when addressing someone who identifies as bigender or gender neutral is to think of them as two people, a man and a woman, in the same body; then it is easy to get the pronouns right.

The government is proposing to introduce a third gender signifier on UK passports later this year. However, changing the law is relatively easy compared to changing attitudes.

What India doesn’t know yet is the huge backlash against her and her beliefs in the #CBB groups on Facebook and Twitter. I think most of that is because she has positioned herself as different from other women by trying to claim that she is the same. It also doesn’t help that she can be very rude and aggressive, qualities that women especially dislike.

I have been running transgender awareness training courses since 2005 and thought I was seeing a steady improvement in attitudes. Okay, 80% of my audience is female, but at least I thought most women were getting the whole trans thing. Apparently not. I have been struck by the level of virulence expressed, often by women, against trans people in general.

Clearly, there is a much larger undercurrent of hostility towards us than I imagined.

The topic of “which bathrooms do trans people use” keeps coming up. This has been a huge problem in the US, with some states passing local laws making it illegal for trans people to use gender-appropriate restrooms.

I thought this wasn’t really an issue here in the UK, but the last few weeks indicate that many people are being swayed by appalling anti-trans campaigns on social media. Then I read an article by India Willoughby telling trans women not to use ladies unless they are transitioning, and by transition she clearly means having genital reconstruction surgery.

1 in 100 people is born transgender – this is around 600,000 people in the UK at the moment. However, fewer than 10,000 have had any surgery. Most trans women will cross-dress and, whether or not they pass as women, they will not be safe in men’s bathrooms. In the UK it is perfectly legal and accepted by them to use female toilets.

The article from India incites harassment and hostility towards trans women and especially trans women who don’t have a good time. What it seems to be doing is creating a distinction between trans women who get surgery and those who don’t, and that’s discriminatory. Her comments about drag queens lead me to believe that she’s also not happy with trans women who don’t look good or wear too much makeup or identify as transvestites.

Well, not everyone is lucky enough to pass; Not everyone is obsessed with fitting into the binary. No matter what we look like, we all have the right to live free from discrimination, harassment and victimization and without having to undergo invasive surgical and hormonal treatments in order to do so.

All trans people are different India – Get over it.

Teasing – Can’t take a joke?

You hear it on almost every TV sitcom. Funny insults are just part of the comedy. But it doesn’t work as well in real life.

People throw insults back and forth being clever and joking. No one takes it seriously… right?

Teasing can be damaging to relationships when words said in a playful way would be insults and put-downs if they were meant. However, teasing is quite prevalent in our culture. Parents make fun of their children, children make fun of each other, men joke with each other at work.

Joking around: we all do it from time to time; We are all victims from time to time. Sometimes it doesn’t seem to bother us a bit. It can be fun, break the ice, and lift an overly serious mood. Sometimes it hurts a lot and we remember the bite for a long time.

I used a new recipe and it came out weird. Dinner was full of laughs but I never made that dish again and hesitate before trying something new.

Teasing looks like a snowball. It starts slowly and each person wants to get over the other’s comment. The clever retort gains momentum and turns into an avalanche. I heard two guys talking. First there was a little dig, “Is that your face, I thought it was a Halloween mask?” Then came the biggest and best joke in retaliation. “Where were you when the brains passed out, turkey, under the rug?” Two laughs later the banging started and one complained, “I was just kidding, can’t you take a joke?”

The way the routine goes, if you object. then the other person belittles you for being a bad athlete. It seems to do anything acceptable if we say, “I was just kidding.” It’s like a license to kill. I have an image of someone sticking a knife in and saying, “Don’t bleed! I was just kidding.”

I asked the great psychologist Carl Rogers about the effects of teasing. He talked at length about it. “Teasing was one of the main modes of communication in my family growing up. You just had to develop a tough skin and return what was sent to you. It wasn’t until I got married and found out how hurt my wife was that I would just make a sarcastic teasing comment, that I realized the armor we had to develop to live in that kind of atmosphere. I pretty much agree that most teasing has the underlying goal of hurting.”

“I like humor,” Rogers continued, “but that’s a lot different than jokes.” The motivation for most drastic teasing is to hurt, and that hurts relationships. It would be much better to get it out in the open. If I don’t like what you’ve done, it would be better to say it in so many words than to make fun of you or insult you in some subtle way. Teasing can have different reasons and usually they are unconscious reasons and that’s the bad thing. If you’re fully aware that you want to keep a person at a distance, that’s fine, but if you’re joking to do it and you don’t know it, that’s unfortunate.”

The effect of teasing is worse when a person’s self-esteem is low and it is very difficult to judge someone’s level of self-esteem. We all have hidden hot spots, the sensitive spots, that we don’t advertise and that we may not be aware of. I once joked with a co-worker about some stupid thing he had done and he was very quiet. I questioned him and found that my comment had upset him. I thought he was smart and that he knew it, but he didn’t think he was that smart.

Unless we realize the consequences, we may continue to think teasing is harmless. See what happens after you’ve been teased. Monitor your feelings a while later. Sometimes it takes time for bad feelings to surface. I can react fine to the moment I’m being teased, but then I find myself remembering the teasing and wondering about the intent; or I turn blue and I don’t know why.

I grew up in an environment of ridicule. My friends told me that I should learn to take a joke, relax, be able to laugh at myself. I tried. I decided it must be a lack of character, not being able to take the jokes on me, but I couldn’t get over it. I asked my husband if he would please stop bothering me because he never knew if he could take it or if he would care about what he said. He agreed to stop bothering me and I was surprised that he was less stressful and that our whole relationship improved.

When I asked not to be teased, I thought I was the only weak and frail person who couldn’t take it, but I found more and more people who didn’t like being teased either. I decided to stop bothering others. I was worried that life would become boring and conversations monotonous, but there are many fun moments in life. We can laugh a lot without running the risk of hurting others.

Teasing can interfere with deepening a relationship. When I know someone is making fun of me, I have to keep what I say to myself for fear of giving them a chance to “catch” me. I can never be sure that one of my mistakes, weaknesses, or vulnerabilities won’t become laughable material. That certainly reduces spontaneity and keeps our friendship on a superficial level.

What is behind the teasing? Why do we do it? A motive for teasing can be as simple as habit or as complex as seeking power in a situation. A person who can make others laugh is the center of attention, while those being joked about are at the joker’s mercy.

We make fun of others for a variety of reasons, some conscious and some unconscious. Sometimes we want to make people laugh, be funny, smart, shake things up, and keep a conversation from getting boring. From time to time, we would like to convey a message without the risk of confrontation. We can dig our spouse in front of the company because there is security in the group. “Alice is such a bad cook that even the dog gets sick from leftovers!”

Many resentments can be hidden in jokes. Virginia Satir, world-renowned author and family therapist, says, “Teasing is often an unacknowledged hostility. It’s an attempt to avoid the responsibility to be honest. Teasing is often an effort to deny the presence of hostility and, in effect, everyone loses.

Some people want to keep others from knowing them, from being close to them, and will use teasing as a smoke screen. The prankster keeps the spotlight and no one ever finds out about the problems and realities of his life.

Claude Steiner, a psychologist, says that teasing is brutal for children and a form of psychological abuse. It is stressful enough for a child to be teased and lack the verbal ability to retaliate or be prohibited from doing so.

Teasing, joking, and sarcasm, saying mean things in a funny way, is accepted in our culture. It’s a way of paying attention to each other, but what a damaging and cruel attempt at humor. We can all learn to be aware of the effects of teasing. We can find more direct and gentle ways to confront ourselves and more appropriate ways to bring laughter into our lives. We can say to others: “I feel uncomfortable with teasing.”

A poem I found that has an Ogden Nash flavor sums up the whole irritating business: “People need to be teased like a dog needs fleas.”

DJ Songs – Club DJ Song Recommendations

What types of DJ songs are you looking for? Are you looking for songs to please a group of friends at a house party? Are you looking for songs to play at an extravagant wedding? Are you a DJ looking to spin songs in a packed dance club? In this series, DJ Songs, I’ll address questions any type of DJ may have about finding songs for their specific event. If you’re looking to be a club DJ, the world is your playground (as long as the “world” has a good beat). There are millions of songs from all over the world and from different genres composed for different types of Clubs. Club DJs have the flexibility to be whoever they want to be and create a beat mixing style that is unique by combining songs they love with creative DJ techniques.

As a club DJ, the songs you choose to play will determine what kind of club you want to play in. You can be a TOP 40 DJ (playing the hottest dance songs on the radio), you can play hip-hop, rap, house, and trance songs, or you can even get creative and record your own beats and spin your music. own rhythms in the clubs. What kind of club do you see yourself playing for? Go and visit different clubs in your area and see what styles of music you like the most. Some of the BEST club DJs mix all the different types of songs, including their own beats. I can’t tell you what to play. What I like, you may not like. Personally, I don’t like to mix rap or trance songs, so I don’t look at rap or trance genre when I search for songs. My advice is to go to iTunes (or wherever you find your music) and search for certain genres of music that you like.

Once you have your songs, experiment with them and see which songs go well together. Once you’ve prepared yourself, you may want to learn how to create your own beats using computer software like Reason, Ableton Live, Frooty Loops, and even Garageband. Stay tuned for more great DJ tips and techniques! In short, becoming a successful club DJ is all about finding the right songs that you love and that your audience will respond to. First, think about what kind of club you want to play. When you decide that, search for songs and start your journey as a successful club DJ.

Rockabilly pianists made a great contribution to rockabilly music

When most modern rockabilly fans think of the genre, the image that comes to mind is probably a three-piece band consisting of a drummer, a stand-up bassist, and a singer who also plays electric guitar. That’s the typical rockabilly lineup in modern times. But the piano played a pivotal role in rockabilly music from very early on. Let’s take a look at some rockabilly acts that made the piano an important aspect of their sound.

  1. jerry lee lewis: This one is obvious! Jerry Lee, “The Killer”, is famous for his crazy style and piano antics. Lewis started out as a session man at Sam Phillips’ Memphis Recording Service studios and played piano on many early releases on Sun Records (which Phillips also owned). Before long, Phillips gave Lewis a shot at his own recordings and made the most of them. . Lewis played and acted like a savage and really set the piano on fire, literally in at least one case! In his style and playing, he was the consumer’s showman. Lewis set the standard for rock and roll pianists to follow for years to come.
  2. great to the collapse: Big Al was a bit weird in his early years. He was a simple country boy from Oklahoma who taught himself to play the piano on an old, half-functional upright piano that someone gave to his parents. He started out playing country music, which isn’t that unusual for a white musician, but for a black man (really just a kid about 14 when he started getting attention) country music was really unusual. He also learned a lot from R&B pianists and it was his R&B playing that eventually landed him a gig playing with Bobby Poe and the Poe Cats. Eventually, the Poe Cats became the band of the queen of rockabilly Wanda Jackson and toured extensively with her, as well as playing on some of her rockiest recordings like “Let’s Have a Party.” Downing’s piano playing became a big part of Wanda’s sound. Downing continued to play music and played with countless artists until his death in 2005.
  3. Sonny Burgess and the Pacers: Sonny Burgess and his band The Pacers were one of rockabilly’s wildest acts. In addition to a piano, his lineup included a trumpet; As far as I know, they were the only rockabilly band to feature that instrument! The Pacers’ pianist was Kern Kennedy, who became Phillips’ go-to pianist once Jerry Lee rose to fame. Eventually, Kennedy sat down for a session with Burgess, and the two became lifelong friends. Kennedy’s style was very similar to Lewis’s and perfectly matched the savagery of Burgess’s act.
  4. Jerry Lee “Smoochy” Smith: Yep; another pianist named Jerry Lee. Smith became another of Sam Phillips’ session pianists and appeared on many Sun recordings from 1957 to 1959. His style was similar to that of the other Jerry Lee and the two have become known as innovators in the “single piano” sound. pumping” of the day. He played on records by Billy Lee Riley, Warren Smith, Ace Cannon and others, although he is often not credited on his recordings because he was young and naive and not in the musicians’ union. He was sometimes credited to Lewis and other times the name Jimmy Wilson was used.
  5. rich charlie: Rich is another big name who got his start at Sun Records. He brought a much more melodic, country-sounding piano to his rockabilly recordings and, of course, would become a country music star in later years.

The music these men made with their pianos is as rockabilly as the records that were made without a piano. The piano brought a different dimension to rockabilly music and these piano players brought a lot of crazy antics to the rockabilly stage!

Classic Car History – 1963-67 Corvette Sting Ray

Specs for Corvette Sting Ray 1963-67

Engine: OHV 90 degree V-8, 327 cid, 396 cid, 427 cid

Construction: Cast iron block and heads, single cam, pushrods

Compression ratio: 11:1

Induction: Rochester fuel injection or one or two Carter four-barrel carburetors

Maximum power: 250-375 hp (327 cid) 390-435 (427 cid)

Top speed: 152mph

0-60mph: 5.4sec, 427cid

Transmission: Four-speed, fully synchromesh manual, optional three-speed manual or Powerglide automatic

Body/Chassis: Steel ladder frame with fiberglass body convertible or two-door coupe

Wheels: Five-bolt steel (optional detachable aluminum) 6in. x 15 in.

Tires: 6.7 inches. x 15-inch Firestone Super Sport 170

Brakes: drums until 1965, then four-wheel discs

Front suspension: Double wishbone, coil springs, stabilizer bar

Rear suspension: Semi-trailing arms, semi-axles and wishbones with transverse leaf spring

Wheelbase: 98 inches

Length: 175.3 inches

Height: 49.8 inches

Weight: 3150 pounds

Quarter Mile Performance: 12.8 @ 112

Fuel Mileage: 9-16 mpg.

Production: 118,964 including 1963-67

Price: $4,240 for 1967 Convertible

Corvette Sting Ray 1963-1967

The second generation Corvette was the 1963-1967 Sting Ray, not to be confused with the third generation 1968-82 Stingray (1 word). The styling was the expression of many of the styling ideas of GM’s new chief of styling, Bill Mitchell. The interior implemented a crew cab similar to previous Corvettes, but updated for the Sting Ray. Beginning in 1963, the first hardtop coupe was offered, featuring a two-piece hatchback design. Bill Mitchell intended it to form a visual connection with the raised center sections of the hood. The feature was dropped in 1964 because it limited rear visibility. However, the 1963 Sting Ray coupe is now the most sought after model of the second generation Corvettes.

Like all Corvettes, the Sting Ray’s body is constructed of fiberglass panels mounted on a steel ladder frame. Another new feature was the hidden twin pop-up headlights, which not only added style but aided aerodynamic efficiency. Other styling cues from the Sting Ray include the optional side-mounted exhaust, a power hood bulge (this was wider for Corvettes that had the big-block engine), and the absence of a decklid (access is from behind of the seats). Plus, Corvette’s convertible top folds flat when not in use and stores under a recessed fiberglass panel behind the driver. There was also an optional hardtop. Different model year Sting Ray’s can often be differentiated by their side vent designs, for example 1967 had 5 side vents, 1965 and 1966 had triple side vents, 1963-64 had dual horizontal vents.

Sting Rays came in three engine sizes, the 327 cid, the 396 cid, and the 427 cid. Horsepower ranged from 250 to 435 hp. The 396 engine was only offered in 1965 and was dropped in 1966 in favor of the 427. The 1967 L88 427 cid V8 marked the pinnacle of performance for the second generation Corvette. The V8 engines drive the rear wheels through either a four-speed manual transmission or a three-speed automatic transmission. The Sting Ray also had an alloy clutch housing and an alloy-cased gearbox to help with weight reduction and distribution. The 1963 Sting Ray was the first Corvette to have an independent suspension. The 1965 was the first to have 4-wheel disc brakes.

The 63 Corvette also had a racing option, the Z-06. The Z-06 was created by Zora Arkus-Duntoz as a purpose-built racer. The Z-06 option consisted of a fuel-injected 327 cid V8, a 36.5-gallon fuel tank, heavy-duty brakes, heavy-duty suspension, and removable wheels. Heavy-duty brakes consisted of power-assisted, sintered metal-lined drums backed by a dual-circuit master cylinder. The “elephant ear” blades pushed cool air into the drums, and the cooling fans rotated with the hub.

For 1967, there were four versions of the 427 available. The first version, the L36, was only $200 more and featured a single four-barrel carb, 10.25:1 compression, and hydraulic lifters. It had an output of 390 bhp. Next up was the L68 for $305 which featured triple Holley two-barrel carbs (a first for Corvette) and was good for 400bhp. At the top was the L71 with triple two-barrel Holley carbs, solid lifters, special performance cams and 11:1 compression that was conservatively rated at 435bhp. Extremely rare (only 20 built) was the top-of-the-line L88 for $948 more. The L88 featured new aluminum heads, 12.5:1 compression, and a single four-barrel Holley carb rated at 850 cfm that sat on an aluminum intake manifold with a special raised plenum. Also, it got a transistor ignition and posi-traction differential, but it didn’t get a fan shroud, heater, or defroster. Chevrolet was reluctant to reveal the true potential of the engine and officially rated it at just 430bhp, but most experts believed it was in fact close to 600bhp! In total, 9,707 big blocks were built, which means that 42.31% of all 1967 Corvettes were 427s. Transmission options were relatively simple. With the L36 and L68, buyers could choose between the wide-ratio ($184) or close-ratio ($184) four-speed manual transmission, or the Powerglide automatic transmission ($194). The L71 cam only with the four-speed close ratio. Rear end gear ratios ranged from 3.08 to 4.11. Other options included $132 side-mount exhausts, $263 bolt-on cast-aluminum wheels, and $232 removable hardtop for the convertible.

Statistics per year:


Yield: 21,314

Court: 10,594

Z06 Cup: 199

Convertible: 10,919


327 V8 250 bhp at 4400 rpm, 350 lb-ft at 2800 rpm.

L75 327 V8 300 bhp at 5,000 rpm, 360 lb-ft at 3,200 rpm.

L76 327 V8 340 hp at 6,000 rpm, 344 lb-ft at 4,000 rpm.

L84 327 (“fuel”) V8 360 bhp @ 6,000 rpm, 352 lb-ft @ 4,000 rpm.


327/370: 0-60 in 5.9 seconds, 1/4 mile in 14.9 seconds.


Yield: 22,229

Cup: 8,304

Convertible: 13,925


327 V8 250 bhp at 4400 rpm, 350 lb-ft at 2800 rpm.

L75 327 V8 300 bhp at 5,000 rpm, 360 lb-ft at 3,200 rpm.

L79 327 V8 350 hp at 5,500 rpm, 360 lb-ft at 3,600 rpm.

L76 327 V8 365 hp at 6200 rpm, 350 lb-ft at 3400 rpm.

L84 327 (“fuel”) V8 375 bhp @ 6200 rpm, 350 lb-ft @ 4600 rpm.




Yield: 23,652

Court: 8,186

Convertible: 15,376


327 V8 250 bhp at 4400 rpm, 350 lb-ft at 2800 rpm.

L75 327 V8 300 bhp at 5,000 rpm, 360 lb-ft at 3,200 rpm.

L79 327 V8 350 hp at 5,500 rpm, 360 lb-ft at 3,600 rpm.

L76 327 V8 365 hp at 6200 rpm, 350 lb-ft at 3400 rpm.

L84 327 (“fuel”) V8 375 bhp @ 6200 rpm, 350 lb-ft @ 4600 rpm.

L78 396 V8 425 hp at 6,400 rpm, 415 lb-ft at 4,000 rpm.


396/425: 0-60 in 5.7 seconds, 1/4 mile in 14.1 seconds at 103 mph.


Yield: 27,720

Court: 9,958

Convertible: 17,762


L79 327 V8 300 bhp at 4,800 rpm, 360 lb-ft at 3,400 rpm.

L36 427 V8 390 hp at 5,400 rpm, 460 lb-ft at 3,600 rpm.

L72 427 V8 425 hp.


427/425: 0-60 in 5.7 seconds, 1/4 mile in 14 seconds.


Yield: 22,940

Court: 14,436

Convertible: 8,504


L79 327 V8 300 bhp at 4,800 rpm, 360 lb-ft at 3,400 rpm.

L36 427 V8 390 hp at 5,400 rpm, 460 lb-ft at 3,600 rpm.

L68 427 V8 400 hp at 5,400 rpm, 460 lb-ft at 4,000 rpm.

L71 427 V8 435 hp at 5,800 rpm, 460 lb-ft at 4,000 rpm.

L88 427 V8 430 hp at 5,200 rpm, 460 lb-ft at 4,000 rpm.


L88: 1/4 mile in 12.8 seconds at 112 mph.

Film Financing: Can Film Graduates Rise to the Challenge?

Graduates of a Film Studies program have a new opportunity in film and video production. Of course, with every opportunity comes a challenge, and in this case, the challenge is finding financing for your projects or those of your employer.

With the advent of digital equipment, the scope of film and video production has expanded. Regular Hollywood-style film production is no longer the only path to a career for film graduates. There are a multitude of opportunities in audio and visual applications in business, government, and the entertainment industry. That means OPPORTUNITY for the most enthusiastic graduates to produce their own film and video projects, or to land the most exciting positions with major film and video production companies.

Financing has been a dirty word for years in the film industry. The ‘Blue Suits’ and the cold heart of the banker are synonymous with the enemy of the creative. However, in this new age of opportunity, it must be both the ‘blue suit’ and the creative.

How do you find a way to learn about movie financing, movie budgets, etc? Let’s first take a look at the Film Studies programs.

There are so many film studies programs available now that I find it confusing, and I have worked in the film industry for over 20 years. Universities are adopting a liberal arts degree approach in their curricula, and colleges/schools are mainly adopting a hands-on technical approach. In any case, it is indisputable that film studios are big business. The following excerpt from The New York Times Company, published
March 6, 2005©, made it clear to me how big the movie studio business really is:

“About 600 colleges and universities in the United States offer programs in film studies or related subjects, a number that has grown steadily over the years…At the University of Southern California, whose School of Film- Television is the oldest film institution in the country.” (established in 1929), half of the university’s 16,500 undergraduates take at least one film/television class.”

Which college, school or university will best prepare the graduate for a career in film and video? If a student has invested 2-4 years of her life in this career, how can she make it a worthwhile career?

Let’s see what the Universities say about their own programs and the type of results they expect, that is, what the Graduate will be capable of when they enter the workforce. This promotional letter, posted on a university website, says it all:

“A Film Studies major is not an occupational or professional degree. However, a good degree program in this discipline should qualify a student for a variety of vocational possibilities. Obviously, an individual will need to employ their knowledge of film in either a creative or practical capacity and, in any case, exercise the judgment and initiative that a rigorous career in Film Studies must develop”.

Using “should” twice in three sentences tells the story: It’s up to you, Bud!

Film studies programs (at any level) do not address, or do not address strongly enough, the main force behind all film and video production: MONEY! If the word money is mentioned, it is just a handshake and a nod. Most undergraduate programs make very little mention of the film budget, and things like cost reports and business plans are treated as completely foreign topics. Master’s programs are only slightly better.

The reason for the lack of information on things like movie budgets, cost reports, etc. in the academic sector it has its origins in the great Hollywood production machine. The perpetual negotiations with the three big unions (SAG, DGA and WGA), as well as with the crew unions IATSE & Teamster has forced the producing studios to be extremely confidential.

That era of total secrecy is not over, however, there is a huge demand to know more about film financing, film budgets, etc. The new generation of independent film and video makers want to make their own projects, find their own financing, and do their own budgeting and production cost reporting. It is even more and more possible for producers to distribute their own projects through the Internet.

Trust me, the film school graduate who has a thorough understanding of their film studies program AND understands the basic processes of film budgeting, cost reporting, and business planning, is light years ahead of the rest. A film studies graduate who can help put together a financing package (ie help put together a film budget and a simple business plan) would leave any independent film and video production company speechless. Can you imagine an Independent Producer who wouldn’t LOVE to get help preparing and submitting a funding package?

I used to assume that film students had no interest in film budgets and costs (of any kind). No longer. I recently did a survey of film students at a respected film school. These are the results of the survey:

More than 80% of students said they felt it was important to know more about budgeting and how it affected their careers as filmmakers.

Film and video production is one of the largest industries in the WORLD (after weapons manufacturing, of course). The widespread use of digital media has created a new opportunity. That opportunity, while less expensive than the Hollywood-style film productions we’ve grown accustomed to, is still expensive and requires financing. How do you get that financing? Where do you start?

Answer: Start with the basics of film budgets, cost reports, and very simple business plans. If you can calculate a focal point or learn to operate a video camera, a film budget is a piece of cake.

Based on my experience over the last 20 years in the film industry, I can confidently say:

1. Graduates of film studies programs who know the money basics of film and video production (budgets, cost reports, and business plans) will find that they can take on more responsibility for their film and video projects, and

2. As a result, they will have more successful careers than their peers who haven’t learned how to make Movie Budgets, who don’t understand any Production Cost Reports, and who have never seen a simple Business Plan.

So how does a film student get to grips with budgets, cost reports, and a simple business plan? I have been a production auditor for 20 years and I have NEVER shown a team member a final budget or weekly cost report (the universal standard financial report that is given to financiers and producers every week) in all that time. They are considered sacrosanct by studio executives, producers, and financiers the world over.

Well, I’m about to tease you with some relevant articles that will open the door for you enough to let you through. They’re written for complete beginners, so be patient if you’ve already been exposed to budgeting and cost reporting.

Sex offenders-Pedophilia or ephebophilia-The truth

The media reported the Michael Jackson case incessantly for the duration of his trial. What was tragically missing are facts related to pedophiles/ephebophiles and child sexual abuse.

Studies reveal that 62% of girls and 31% of boys will be sexually abused before the age of 18, which is considered low by health services.

–80% are sexually abused by a family member

–19% are abused by someone the child knows and trusts

–1% according to government statistics are abused by strangers

The unbelievable truth: Pedophiles/Ephebophiles behave average and ordinary to the world. He or she may be a leader in the church; community; or business. Pedophiles/ephebophiles seldom fit a classic stereotype: education, socioeconomic status, career, or culture.

Furthermore, sexual abuse/incest is more difficult to believe or accept when the person we like, admire, love and/or marry is the perpetrator. This is precisely why Jackson’s family, fans, and the uninformed can unequivocally believe he can’t possibly be an ephephobe: sexual attraction to teenagers.

Pedophiles/ephebophiles are cunning predators with a sophisticated mode of operation. They are experts in manipulation, thus escaping from adult reality. They feel entitled, justifying their actions as loving; not harm the child. They expend considerable energy maintaining this illusion for themselves and for others. They create a personality of irreproachable goodness. They try very hard to present themselves as exemplary people, who love children. Jackson’s defense attorney, Mesereau, invoked this devious tactic in response to the judge’s ruling that previous sexual abuse claims, which were resolved, were admissible. Mesereau replied, “He [Jackson] it has also spent millions on children with AIDS. We can teach you by examples of where Mr. Jackson has been so benevolent, so generous, so charitable, so generous for good causes, that it will make the theory of him seem silly.”

Mesereau’s statement exemplifies that anyone who sees through the perpetrator’s façade receives a reprimand and rebuke for being judgmental, irrational, racist, exaggerated and/or jealous. The perpetrator is the emperor of the family without clothes. “I know my son, and this is ridiculous,” Jackson’s mother, Katherine Jackson, said in an interview on CBS’s “The Early Show.” She said the people who believe Michael is guilty “don’t know him.” Jackson’s father said his son was loved around the world but he had problems in the United States because of racism. He said the accuser’s motives were clear: “It’s about money.”

Even more frightening Pedophiles/ephebophiles do not have beliefs that reflect the moral and ethical values ​​of society. Therefore, coupled with the innocence of the child and the trust of the abuser, pressure or violence is rarely required. Thus, the perpetrator can state unequivocally, “I love children. Never ever. I could never harm a child or anyone. It’s not in my heart. It’s not who I am.” –Michael Jackson, 1993.

There is another insidious aspect to Jackson’s contact with teenagers: he touts the relationship as “sweet and innocent” and berates anyone for believing it to be sexual. Using the definition of sexual abuse, the fact that Jackson befriends teenagers under the guise of helping them with a life-threatening illness and/or sleeping with them, even though he slept on the floor and the boy slept in his bed, it is itself sexual. abuse.

“Incest is both sexual abuse and abuse of power. It is violence that does not require force. Another is to use the victim, treating her in a way that she does not want or in a way that is not appropriate on the part of a person with whom a different relationship is required. It is abuse because it does not take into account the needs or wishes of the child, but instead meets the needs of the other person at the expense of the child. If the experience has a sexual meaning for another person, rather than a nurturing purpose for the benefit of the child, it is abuse. If it’s unwanted or inappropriate for your age or the relationship, it’s abuse. Incest [sexual abuse] it can occur through words, sounds, or even the child’s exposure to images or acts that are sexual but do not involve the child. If she is forced to see what she doesn’t want to see, for example by an exhibitionist, it is abuse. If a child is forced to live an experience that is sexual in content or tinged, that is abuse.

Whenever a child is induced to engage in sexual activity with someone who is in a position of greater power, whether that power stems from the perpetrator’s age, size, status, or relationship, the act is abusive. A child who cannot refuse, or who believes they cannot refuse, is a child who has been raped.” (E. Sue Blume, Secret Survivors).

Is that a back massager or a sex toy?

How about BOTH? Remember that infamous episode of “Sex & The City” when Kim Catrell’s character “Samantha” tried to return her VIBRATOR to The Sharper Image and got into a huge debate with the Sharper Image salesman about it being a massager. back and no sex. toys Turns out they were both right!

For decades, women have been buying “back massagers” from the Sears & Roebuck catalog! Mommy’s little helper came in the form of Valium and “Oster” massagers.

Modern women can buy a “back massager” at Walgreens, CVS, and just about any other local drugstore in the neighborhood. I remember buying my Hitachi Magic Wand at a local Walgreens about 20 years ago and it still works fine. I bought it at the pharmacy thinking I was being discreet. (He was 21 at the time…so naive.) I didn’t realize that everyone in the FREE WORLD used their back massagers for other areas and not just a tight neck or back. What can I say, I was a late bloomer.

The Hitachi Magic Wand is probably the most INfamous back massager. Every lesbian I’ve ever met and talked to about sex toys has mentioned the magical Hitachi’s electric wand, often referred to as a “magic wand”. I always joke that lesbians KNOW THEIR TOYS! And, here in the Bay Area, where we do our Bliss Pleasure Parties, we meet plenty of gay women who aren’t too shy about sharing their favorite sex toys with us.

The magic wand is a beautiful toy and is also a FAB back massager. It plugs into the wall so it’s very reliable. There are no batteries to wear out or die on you right then oh so important moment! Seriously, it’s a great massager that also works great for masturbation and partner sex. It’s not the sexiest vibrator and it’s not the prettiest, but I can tell you it’s VERY reliable and will get the job done EVERY time.

But, here is some very good news that I am very excited to share with all of you. The company that makes the Hitach magic wand is now shipping a new wireless and waterproof wand called the Mystic Wand. I think it’s PERFECTION and I’m so excited that my clients seem to agree. I’ve been showing it off for about a month at our house parties and everyone who touches it falls in love with it too.

The new Mystic Wand has this delicious skin on the wand/bulb which is called “skin safe silicone”, so this vibrator can be used all over the body, even on sensitive skin! Massage sore shoulders and soothe sore necks, then guide the rounded head to more intimate areas of your body for truly awe-inspiring sensations. The flexible neck allows this massager to be used at any angle, hitting sweet spots you didn’t even know you had!

This new “back massager” is like the sweeter, sexier, more portable version of the Hitachi Magic Wand. It runs on 4 double AA batteries and has LOTS of power for those who like their toys louder. It has 6 speeds, so something for everyone! And it is WIRELESS much easier to share with your partner and use together.

Both wands are made by one of my favorite sex toy manufacturers, Vibratex. Vibratex is the maker of the Original Rabbit Pearl, the “rabbit” that Charlotte from “Sex & The City” became addicted to. Vibratex makes great quality toys and in my opinion this new cordless “back massager” is at the top of their TOP 3 sex toys. They have a knack for making durable toys, they are made with women in mind and they also think a lot about ergonomics. (Plus, their sex toys come with a 1-year warranty!)

Do you want one of your own? Tell Santa what a good girl you’ve been! Add it to her wish list and tell Santa she can use coupon code “WAND” to get a FREE bullet with her purchase of a “Back Massager”!

My Husband Is A Bad Boy – I Used To Love Him But Now He Drives Me Crazy

I find that as we get older, the things that initially attracted us to other people can sometimes change. For example, when I was younger, I valued money and material possessions in my friends and people I wanted to date. If a guy had a nice car, that scored a few more points with me. I didn’t consider that the guy’s father could have bought him that car and that he didn’t do anything to earn it. I never considered what this might have said about someone’s character. Today, I don’t care what kind of car someone drives. I am more concerned about your financial responsibility and your character.

The same can be true about bad guys. Many young women like them and pursue them. I think part of the reason for this is that young women are exposed to this as “cool” with movie and rock stars. As a result, they sometimes turn a blind eye to that geeky but sweet kid in his art class because of the guy in the leather jacket who doesn’t even show up for class. And it’s one thing to do this in high school and then put it behind you. But what if you marry a bad boy and he never grows up? Well, sometimes it requires honesty and adjustment.

A wife could tell a story like this. “When I met my husband, his hair was down his back and he rode a motorcycle. He was older than me, so he never went to my high school. We met when he walked into the restaurant where I worked. My parents didn’t like it.” From the beginning. They felt that he was very irresponsible, that he would never grow up and that he would never amount to anything. In a way, his concerns were justified. We ended up getting married because I got pregnant. Looking back now, I realize I was a little happy about the pregnancy because I knew this was probably the only way I was going to get her to marry me. He wasn’t the tied-up kind of guy. Today, his hair is shorter, but he still likes leather jackets and he would still be what he would consider a bad boy. He still smokes and occasionally drinks. He doesn’t accept anything from anyone and rarely commits. He works when he wants because he owns his own but is content to get ahead. He is not a great communicator. I’d say he’s a better father than anyone thinks, but he’s not always the best husband. He’s not overly sweet except when he surprises me on rare occasions. He still has dangerous hobbies like racing his motorcycle. He never wants to talk about finances, the future, or other things that would show responsibility. Some of my co-workers have their houses paid for and are looking at second homes as an investment to increase their wealth. My husband would never do this. It took me years to convince him to buy instead of rent. He’s very much a fly by the seat of your pants type of person, whereas I see him acting like a child. Sometimes when I look at him and base it solely on his looks and our chemistry with him, my heart beats a little faster. And other times, when we discuss everyday tasks that adults have to think about, I feel nothing but frustration towards him. I’m starting to think that marrying a bad boy was a huge mistake. I’m starting to think that bad boys will never make good husbands.”

I understand where you come from. When she was in high school and college, she also loved bad boys. I think that’s common among some teenage girls. However, today I would not classify my husband as such. Or maybe I would classify it as refurbished. And I can tell you that no marriage or partnership is perfect, no matter what kind of personalities you were dealing with in high school. Even that geeky guy in art class I talked about earlier probably had the flaws of him. I can also tell you that the bad boy who used to drive me crazy in his muscle car now drives a mini van and is crazy about his kids and his wife (a woman I also went to school with). He still has an unconventional way of thinking at times, but he adores his family and would do anything for them. The point I’m trying to make is that I believe all people are capable of change when faced with adult responsibilities. I was much more superficial and indifferent when I was young. Today, I cringe at some of the things I said and did. Some of my past behavior shames me today. But I can’t change that. I can only try to be better today.

Similarly, I suspect that your husband has grown as a person in some areas. And I also suspect that, with a little work, she can change in other necessary areas if it would benefit her family to do so. The first step is to make him aware of the need to do so.

But before you do this, you need to prioritize what you want to change. If you just throw all your complaints at him, it sounds like you’re just criticizing. Maybe his smoking could be the first course of business because it endangers his future. If he gets sick from smoking, he may not be able to be as present to his children. Talk to him about the most important things first, one at a time, and tell him how much you love him and want him to be with you as long as possible. Tell him that you have the courage to say this because you want him to be around you for a long time.

Be careful not to attempt a full review of it. You don’t want to erase the edge that made you fall madly in love with him in the first place. You don’t want to change the core of who he is. She just wants him to make some of the compromises that adults and family men have to make.

However, to address one of the initial questions, it is my opinion that ex-bad boys can make good husbands, particularly those who are willing to adjust their habits for the benefit of their families. I’m not proud of all aspects of my old self, but most of my selfish behavior disappeared when I had to think about other people. I think this is true in many cases; you may need to draw their attention to this delicately.

Bodybuilding as an aphrodisiac: how can weightlifting replace sexual enhancement drugs?

With all the benefits of sports listed above not seeming too appealing to you, maybe this one can make a world of difference. Bodybuilding is known as a sexual aphrodisiac for men and women. Bodybuilding is an exercise in discipline, and like most disciplines, exercise helps develop superpower.

Having sex is the best way to build superpower. Exercising every day with different exercises, different combinations, and different angles can make you build the most symmetrical and flawless bodies known from Greek mythology. Having sex in different positions and at different angles can make you the best lover for your girl. The more you have sex, the more control you will have and the more you will learn.

Any vigorous exercise stimulates the production of testosterone, the hormone responsible for your desire. Some sports, like competitive soccer, prevent players from having sex before the game, because it increases aggression if the guys haven’t had sex for a while. This same aggressiveness is necessary in court. The level of testosterone in a man’s body increases after vigorous training. Testosterone is the most powerful naturally produced anabolic steroid. Damn, better than the illegal one the professionals get and a lot cheaper. In reality, if there was a way to extract testosterone from your own body after exercise, and conserve testosterone, and re-inject it when needed, the black market for this drug would eventually go bust. Testosterone is produced primarily in the testicles, but its peak production is influenced by increased blood flow due to intense exercise. So if your level of exercise isn’t enough to bring maximum blood flow to the genital area, gentlemen, it’s like playing pool with a string. Imagine that!

The superpower is not only found in your sexual progress in bed. It also has to do with a high level of well-being, both mental and physical. It is difficult for most men to admit that they have a problem with an erection. In fact, it becomes a common problem when we see advertisements about it. Talk about having the guts to admit on TV that you can’t get an erection without the help of some medication. It is becoming more of a concern when 99% of your spam is about pills that can give you an erection for a decade, however make sure you go to the ER if it lasts longer than 4 hours.

The solution to avoid using these miracle pills that will eventually make you dependent on them is to get fit and stay fit. Exercise, or should I say resistance training, is your best aphrodisiac. First, it’s a hell of a workout having sex. In an hour of intense sexual intercourse, you can burn up to 400 calories, if you move in the right way. If you expect the woman to climb in and drive you like a wild stallion, you are in for a big surprise. You have to be the one who moves like the animal. When you start to feel the muscles in your arms, legs, back, and abdomen, that means you’re getting the right exercise. In most sexual positions, these are the muscles you will engage the most with. So if they go flaccid, well, your penis will go with it. So if you don’t have time to go to the gym and lift weights, try staying in shape by doing exercises like pull-ups, push-ups, and sit-ups. Cardiovascular fitness can’t be left out either. If your cardio sucks, you’ll eventually struggle in the area of ​​getting enough blood in there and getting the help you need to play all night. Doing aerobic exercise 4-5 times a week can be beneficial for your sexual health, so make sure you take care of it when you hit the gym. If you skip cardio, then you’re going to suffer from having sex, and when you start gasping for air with every heartbeat, that’s going to signal your brain that you’re exhausted and eventually send another message to your artillery that you need to rest, which is exactly what your penis will do.

Eating can actually be a big part of erectile dysfunction, as it is correctly used in medical terminology. If you eat junk (includes fast food, junk food, candy, etc), you will eventually feel it when trying to maintain an erection, or even trying to get one. A diet low in fat (by the way Atkins), and high in fiber will help you to cure any of the erection problems. Clean arteries are the solution to great health. Having low LDL (bad cholesterol) will greatly increase your stamina by having clean blood flow to the necessary places around the genital area, plus your heart won’t need to work harder to get you hard. Before taking a woman to bed, you must first drink wine and have dinner with her, which can be romantic. Winning too much can be detrimental, yes it’s fun and you feel hotter being drunk, but when it’s time to act, well, you’ll be playing pool again with the same string. Having eaten too much can also work against you when you need it so much. You will feel slow and heavy and you will not be willing to act either. Be sure to avoid dinner rich in garlic or beans. You will probably need to call the paramedics before entering the bedroom. Also, wearing an extra firestone tire around your waist isn’t really a turn-on for women, unless she has a fetish for having 300-pound fat men on top of her. Having a nice slim body excites women and men feel more confident carrying muscles instead of large amounts of fat. So if my calculations are correct, with the current statistics of 62% of Americans being overweight, we have about 31% of them as men, so the balance of fit women, who make up about 19% of the population, … hmm, where am I? goes with that? Regardless, women are more likely to end up with big, fat men.

It can be a bit strange to see a stunning baby with a 400-pound man walking around, holding hands. Either that 400-pound man owns a piece of Microsoft Corp, or the woman is doing some kind of experiment, like trying to win a bet with her friends. Either way, the boy can and will go through that ordeal. After reading all this, every man is wondering why on earth I’m putting men down here. It seems that men are the ones being insulted in this scenario. Well, you’re right. It’s about how exercise can get her the woman she wants, having the right body and the self-confidence she needs to perform properly. Women suffer from the same predicaments as men, overweight and low self-esteem. However, when it comes to sex, they don’t need an erection to perform. You may be in the worst health imaginable, but you can still have sex.

Body image is one of the most important requirements when it comes to performing in the bedroom. It is like selling a product that you are representing. If you don’t believe in it, how can you sell it? So I guess we’re all smart enough to make the analogy. You need to believe in yourself before someone else can believe in you. You have to see yourself looking great before others can do the same. You can see, as I did, that some people are not the prettiest things to see, but these people can sell snow to Eskimos and, in hindsight, they can force themselves to have whoever they want. Yes, sometimes it’s hard to believe the kind of power they have, and the reason is that they look beautiful. If life hasn’t given you the right genetics or the right body, you can still beat adversity by showing determination and a desire to achieve small goals one by one so that eventually you can believe in yourself. everyone around you can do the same.