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How can listing my business on a social networking site increase traffic to my business?

When it comes to your business, online marketing is no longer an option. Social networks provide you with backlinks for sites that Google indexes. However, the seeker also counts +1 actions. If your link performs well on social media, it helps you rank higher in the search engine. It’s not just Google+ that Google considers, either. Before the arrival of Google’s own social network, the search engine counted the popularity of content shared on Facebook and Twitter.

If your video, meme, or link goes viral, it will only help increase your visibility on social media and search engines. Going viral generates more traffic, and if you’re writing about something that others find newsworthy, you might find an article about your website in the Huffington Post, The New York Times, or a local ABC affiliate.

With tools like TweetDeck or the Buffer App, you can schedule posts to go out on your social channels multiple times throughout the day. Using different text appeals to different parts of your demographic while posting multiple times ensures that you catch followers who operate on different schedules or in different time zones. Technology allows you to tackle social media without sacrificing too much time for the work you already do, and we all know how addictive Facebook can be!

Social media is also necessary when it comes to connecting with local consumers. Even though they may walk by your office every day, these potential customers may not give your sign a second glance. Social networks like Facebook and Google Business help consumers in the area discover your business, while you should consider listing local businesses to gain visibility to people who might be looking for you on social media, search engines, and websites. review like Yelp. Don’t forget about local social networking sites to increase traffic.

Listing your business on these sites doesn’t just make it easier for people to find you. Google uses contact information, website URLs, and even reviews of your business that are collected from these sites to populate search engine results pages with information about your business. If your URL is on those sites because you’ve put in the effort to add the correct information about your business. This information also appears in apps like Google Maps, which help you connect with mobile users who might be looking for your address specifically or just a business in the neighborhood that provides the products or services you offer.

Improving business acumen: the five essentials

To lead an effective, dynamic and successful organization, leaders must possess a strong business acumen. Unfortunately, we are not born with this vital leadership skill, it is cultivated over time. When asked to define business acumen, senior leadership’s response is basic and direct. Most believe that business acumen means being financially savvy; but that my friend is just one element of business acumen.

There are five essential components that make up a strong business vision: intelligence, strategy, communication, innovation and responsibility. As you review the qualities of each, assess yourself and other leaders on your team to see where strengths and weaknesses exist within your organization. Then start with an action plan to close the identified gaps and drive organizational success to the next level.

#1 – SMART: Yes, leaders who possess this business acumen component are adept at creating, reading, and analyzing financial reports and budgets. However, they are also comfortable when it comes to explaining this sometimes complex information to others. This is a quality that most senior leaders admire and think of when they imagine someone with great business acumen. Along with financial intelligence, leaders who possess this component of business acumen have an overwhelming hunger to learn more and increase their knowledge and intellect. They not only read business books, magazines, and white papers to gain knowledge, but also to gain skills and techniques that can be applied in their line of business and day-to-day work.

#2 – STRATEGY: Leaders who possess this business acumen component know the key priorities (business goals) of the organization and have proactively formulated a written action plan to get the team there. They don’t wait for the strategic plan to come from the corporation, as soon as they learn the key business goals, they start to focus on how their team will contribute to and impact it. Again, having business intelligence is not enough, leaders must also be able to turn all that wealth knowledge into actionable behaviors that will engage the entire workforce or team and drive positive results.

#3 – COMMUNICATION: Leaders who possess this component of business acumen are excellent communicators, both verbally and in writing. They know that simple, clear communication is the key to achieving key business priorities and strategy. If you ever look at leaders with great communication skills, you’ll notice that they communicate clearly up and down the organizational ladder. They can delicately convey a point at the executive level and easily simplify the message to relate to the daily activities of line staff.

#4 – INNOVATION AND RESOURCES: Leaders who possess this component of business acumen have the great ability to work with little and produce a lot. They are not constrained by a lack of resources, but are innovative enough to create new ways of getting work done effectively and efficiently. While having all the tools at their disposal to get the job done right would be great, they don’t let the lack of them create dissension or negativity in the team. Their greatest joy comes from being able to overcome barriers and obstacles to create a product or service that is exceptionally better than they expected. Leaders with strong business acumen are not spendthrifts, but rather innovative and resourceful.

#5 – RESPONSIBILITY: Leaders who possess this final component of business acumen understand the importance of employee responsibility in optimizing productivity and achieving success. Without accountability, none of the other components that make up strong business acumen—intelligence, strategy, communication, and innovation—will have any value. To hold employees accountable for driving the organization’s key priorities, the leader must set the standard or expectation, communicate it for employee buy-in, integrate it into all aspects of the work environment, evaluate employee performance in relationship with him and then reward. and recognize those who consistently meet and exceed the expectation or standard.

Like a waterfall, business acumen starts at the top and filters down through the entire workforce. If senior leadership does not possess these essential components, the organization’s effectiveness and success are not sustainable. Now that you’ve been equipped with some level of clarity regarding business acumen, the next step is to work on closing your career gaps. Simply put, developing strong business acumen doesn’t start and stop with the ability to analyze financial reports; Developing a strong business acumen is multidimensional.

Angel Investor Directory: How To Use One To Raise Capital

This article provides tips and strategies on how to raise capital using an angel investor directory. If you’re currently working with investors, these tips should help you do it more effectively.

Angel Investor Directory Tips for Raising Capital:

  • First, make sure you get a high-quality directory that provides prorated refunds for incorrect data. Also be sure to get this resource from a well-known organization that appears to be a real business and not just a small media company.
  • Meet face-to-face whenever possible so you have a chance to really read the investor’s response and get as much feedback as possible. See each meeting as a learning experience and take very good notes and listen carefully to what the angels say. Their tips could help you land an investment with the next investor or keep your company from going out of business.
  • Don’t be too arrogant or too confident about your prospects in business. Most businesses fail after a few years and everyone thinks they have a billion dollar idea, be modest and plan everything after you do your homework not before.
  • Work daily to reach new angels and expand your reach. This way you will always discover new opportunities and learn more about the process of raising capital. If you reach out to 20-30 potential investors every day and refine your approach as you go, it’s only a matter of time before you’re successful and you may find your idea fails to get funding.

If you follow the tips above, you will most likely be 70% more effective at raising capital than your competitors. Good luck fundraising!

Cyprus Investment Firms: Forex

Foreign exchange (Forex) trading is an innovative type of business that brings together buyers and sellers from all over the world, regardless of time and place. In other words, sellers and buyers make foreign exchange transactions immediately. Cyprus is considered an attractive place for the Forex market. Attractive regulatory and tax schemes along with low cost of operation and high-quality financial, accounting and legal services motivate international Forex firms to set up their business activities in Cyprus. Furthermore, Cyprus legislation is harmonized with EU Directives, as Cyprus is a full member of the European Union. Precisely, as an EU member state, Cyprus is fully harmonized with the EU Market in Financial Instruments Directive.

However, it must be underlined that a Forex company must be authorized by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) in order to start its business activities and offer its services in Cyprus. Forex companies belong to the category of Cyprus investment companies. Consequently, Forex companies must comply with the provisions of Law 144(I)/2007.

Application procedure:

A main requirement is that the Applicant must be a Cyprus company, with a specially drafted Memorandum and Articles of Association. In addition, the Company must be based in Cyprus.

Criteria for granting a license:

1. Submit all corporate documents such as the certificate of incorporation, certificate of directors/secretary, shareholders, articles of incorporation and articles of association, etc., together with the Cyprus Investment Company Application Form (Form 144 -03-01).

2. Submit a three-year business plan, internal procedures manual, and anti-money laundering and know-your-customer (KYC) procedures.

3. CySEC will decide within six months after receiving the application and supporting documents.

Main requirements:

  • The Company Memorandum must clearly indicate the nature of its business activities.
  • The Applicant must meet the minimum capital requirements.
  • At least one director is a permanent resident of the Republic of Cyprus and meets the CySEC criteria, i.e. directors must be reputable individuals with sufficient experience.
  • The company needs to have an office in Cyprus.
  • The company is obliged to develop internal control mechanisms, procedures and policies.
  • CySEC must be satisfied that the company has internal procedures in place to avoid a potential conflict of interest with its clients.

Application fee:

In accordance with the provisions of Part I of Directive DI144-2007-04 of 2011 and Directive DI144-2007-04A of 2012, the Applicant must pay the corresponding fee.

The fee to be paid is 3,000 euros increased by:

on. 1,000 euros for investment service of sections 1, 5 and 7 of Title I, Annex III of the Law;

B. 1,500 euros for investment service of section 2 and 4 of Title I, Annex III of the Law;

against 2,000 euros for investment service/activity of sections 3 and 6 of Title I, Annex III of the Law;

D. 10,000 euros for the investment activity 8 of Title I, Annex III, of the Law;

me. 500 euros for complementary service of Title II of Annex III of the Law;

Reporting and compliance requirements: Finally, it should be noted that CySEC licensed investment firms have an ongoing duty to report to CySEC. In addition, they are required to comply with anti-money laundering regulations and develop “Know Your Customer” procedures.

5 interview mistakes that can lead to hiring the wrong person

Mistake #1: Going with the flow

Inexperienced interviewers sometimes fall into the trap of letting the interview go “freeform,” spending different amounts of time on different questions, basing follow-up questions on candidates’ answers. This can result in a candidate taking control of the interview and taking him or her where he or she wants to go, rather than where he or she can get the information that he or she needs.

Solution: Ask everyone the same questions. Prepare a list in advance, based on the information you need, and use it as a guide throughout the interview. Put each question on a separate sheet of paper and prepare a set for each candidate. As you go through the questions, use the appropriate sheets to take notes on the answers and your own observations and impressions. You can vary the follow-up questions as needed, but keep your notes on the main question page. When you have followed this structure with all the candidates, you will be able to compare them on an “apples to apples” basis.

Mistake #2: Asking predictable questions

Job applicants have many sources of interview help, and it’s easy to learn acceptable answers to standard questions. That means even the wrong candidate for her position could answer questions in a way that misleads you into thinking he or she is a good fit.

Solution: Ask candidates questions that force them to expand on their answers, illustrating their thinking skills as well as their attitudes and job skills. Such questions may include:

  • If you could design your own work, what would it be like?
  • What is your favorite part of the work you do now? Because you like that?

Ask questions like these, and instead of practiced answers that tell you next to nothing, you’ll gain insight into who these people really are.

Mistake #3: Laundering work

If you have a candidate in front of you who seems like a great choice, you obviously want that person to accept your job offer. Sometimes, however, you know that the job has inherent challenges or drawbacks, and you may be afraid of losing a good employee if you talk about these things. The problem is, if you hire them and they find out the negatives themselves, you could lose them in the first week!

Solution: Be honest about challenges at work or within the company. Look out for candidates who accept and enjoy challenges, and who can see past the negatives. These can become your most valuable employees.

Mistake #4: Ignoring the question of “fit”

Every organization has a culture. It comes from a combination of the industry you’re in, the ages of those who work there, the size of the company, the number of people, the geographic location, and many other factors. But that culture creates its own work environment, and if employees don’t feel comfortable with that environment or don’t work well in it, they don’t “fit in.” This person will never be an asset to your company and, in fact, can leave very quickly.

Solution: Ask questions whose answers demonstrate the candidate’s personality and character, their attitudes toward the workplace. An example of that type of question might be: Do you prefer a structured environment or a more laid-back, laid-back one? Why?

Mistake #5: Letting a candidate’s main positive blind them to the negatives

Sometimes a person can have an outstanding positive aspect: they worked for their main competitor, attended a university with a history of successful graduates, or simply come from their hometown. If you also instinctively like the guy, it’s tempting to be too swayed by this fact and not pay enough attention to others who aren’t as attractive.

Solution: When you record your notes on each candidate (see the solution to mistake #1), be sure to record both the negatives and the positives on the appropriate pages. When you review your notes after the interview is over, you’ll be better able to balance the pros and cons in an unbiased manner.

Candidates are usually sophisticated job seekers who are well prepared for the interview. To avoid costly hiring mistakes, hiring interviewers must be equally prepared for the process.

Simple Christmas Tradition Ideas for Moms

Christmas traditions are something we all cherish and remember throughout our lives. Take some time this year and make new Christmas traditions with your family. I’ve put together a list of twelve easy Christmas tradition ideas for moms.

1.) Use the 12 Days of Christmas theme and give your children inexpensive gifts for each of the twelve days of Christmas.

2.) Put together a family Christmas photo book for each Christmas.

3.) Have a special Christmas movie night with Christmas food.

4.) Pack holiday gift bags for your family and friends. Include candy, stickers, and a little craft for each child in the family.

5.) Make a gingerbread house together. Let each person choose a package of her favorite candy to decorate the gingerbread house.

6.) Make your own Christmas greeting cards.

7.) Go caroling in your neighborhood at a family member’s house.

8.) Volunteer, sponsor a soldier overseas, or donate gently used clothing and toys to less fortunate families.

9.) Make at least one new ornament per person in the family each year to put on the Christmas tree.

10.) Let your child choose and buy an inexpensive gift for a child in need.

11.) Make your own garland out of nuts, fruit, greeting cards, popcorn, or candy and hang it on your tree.

12.) Make a favorite holiday recipe together. Splurge on ingredients for the recipe. Go for something extra tasty even if it’s expensive or full of fat.

I hope these twelve easy Christmas tradition ideas bring joy to your family for years to come.

Christian Funeral Services in Wheaton

Christian Funeral

Christian Funeral Services is a local, family-owned company that provides services to families in the Wheaton, IL area. They are a great choice for a meaningful memorial. The staff at Christian Funeral Service will work with you to create a touching tribute that honors your loved one. You can choose a sympathy flower arrangement or choose a flower arrangement that was especially chosen for the deceased. You can also arrange for burial at a nearby cemetery, or direct guests to a cemetery.

If you wish to have a traditional church service, you can visit a Christian Funeral Services in Wheaton. The service is free, and you can meet with the pastor or other clergy member to discuss your wishes. A typical Catholic funeral includes a mass. There is a fee for a remembrance mass. The Reverend is also responsible for reading Scriptures and preparing the service for the deceased.

There are several different types of religious services, and choosing the right one will depend on your beliefs. The most common type of funeral service is a funeral mass. If you’re a Catholic, the priest will preside over the service. A Christian funeral is an important part of a Christian’s faith. The clergy at a Catholic funeral will do their best to help you celebrate your loved one’s life.

Christian Funeral Services in Wheaton

You can find a Christian funeral home in Wheaton by looking for “Christian” in the phone book. You’ll find a list of churches in your area and click on a link to view their offerings. Some of the services are held in a chapel. A Catholic church is a good choice for a religious ceremony. The clergy at a Christian funeral home will be available to assist you with the arrangements.

If you’re looking for a Christian funeral service in Wheaton, you’ll want to ensure that the service is held in a church. If the deceased is a Catholic, they will be honored at a Catholic funeral. If the deceased was an Episcopalian, you can also choose a church that meets your family’s needs. A Methodist funeral will use the orthodox service, while a Protestant funeral will use a modern service.

When it comes to choosing a church, the funeral home should be able to accommodate your preferences. If you are a Protestant, the funeral service will not be appropriate for an Episcopal service. You’ll want to find a Christian funeral home that will honor your loved one’s religious beliefs and give your family peace of mind. They will be able to guide you through the process and help you choose a service that will honor your loved one’s religious faith.

During a Christian funeral, a priest or deacon will deliver a homily. In a Catholic funeral, the homily speaks of Christ’s death and the deeper meaning of life. It is delivered in the context of a funeral Mass. The purpose of this service is to bring comfort to family members and friends. The homily is a critical part of the liturgical service.

Entrepreneurs using SaaS-based expense management solutions are more efficient and competitive

It is very likely that you have read this far because you think I am crazy. As effective as an ashtray on a motorcycle or as useful as a cup of chocolate tea. Maybe it is, a little bit, but there is no doubt that an entrepreneur who decides to use a SaaS-based expense management software will become more efficient and competitive thanks to it.

Here’s my innovative thinking: SaaS, or software as a service, for the uninitiated, is a method of using the computer on your desk, or on your lap, or in your hand, if it’s a smartphone, to operate using software. retained in the cloud to do your work for you. (Don’t be afraid of the notion of cloud computing; it’s what it means to access software that isn’t on your computer, but in a server farm or two, somewhere else on the planet. We all do it, often Without us realizing ).

Having WiFi, you can manage expenses

Now, because this could-based expense management software is accessed through any device you choose, using a WiFi connection, the savvy businessman or woman can use it whenever and wherever they want. It’s always on, always available and always ready to support registration, claim, processing and payment of expenses. It no longer has to be a chore by the time you’re back in the office at your desk.

And because homework, which is after all merely administrative, can be managed whenever you have a few free minutes, there’s more time for you to get on with the things that really matter; things like meeting new customers, opening new markets, making new sales, and generally doing the things you run your business for. In short, that is what is included under the heading of ‘added value’. Said like this, it is clear that dedicating time to an administrative thing, which does not add any value, but which is nonetheless vital, must be done in the shortest possible time.

Smart developers get the job done

Using a SaaS expense management package is just the tool to achieve this. Because smart developers have thought of a lot, all you have to do is record the expense in the correct category, after which the software is able to remember it, add or subtract taxes, and make sure the figure is passed on. , without error, to your organization’s finance staff.

They have made it possible to integrate credit card spending management app, so spending becomes an automatic record (how good is that?), and so flexible that it will work in any currency anywhere in the world.

Plus, if you’re diligent about carefully recording expenses (which applies to everyone in your organization), you eliminate the margin for error, which can be a real cost saver in itself.

And because you’re doing all of that, it’s time for you to be more efficient and competitive, making all those deals that will add more value to your business.

Or maybe you could take a little more time over lunch, or save some time and sneak away to play golf or watch football, if your conscience allows. After all, it is your freedom; if you choose not to become more competitive and efficient, well, that’s your decision. You are the businessman, after all…

Knowledge Management Systems Examples – How to Make the Most of Your Enterprise Knowledge Management Solution

Knowledge Management Systems Examples

Using a knowledge management system is the best way to improve your customer service. It can help you answer questions quickly and efficiently, while ensuring that employees and customers receive the information they need. This can help you create a better customer experience, which in turn can help your company grow and prosper. Here are some examples of how you can make the most of your knowledge management system. Read on to discover how it can benefit you and your business.

An effective knowledge management system will include a variety of media. You can use a FAQ feature, a user forum, instructional videos, or any other type of media. Advanced customer education training is also a great way to enhance your customer service. Fortunately, there are many tools available that allow you to deliver this kind of training to your customers. Using Google Analytics and Optimizely can help you create a better knowledge management system that meets the needs of your customers.

The first step in creating a enterprise knowledge management solution is to document what your customers need. A document with common questions, benefits, and stories about your product or service should be created. Depending on your customers’ expectations, a knowledge management system may have a FAQ feature or a user forum, or even an instructional video. For advanced customer education training, you can use the services of Google Analytics or Optimizely. The benefits of knowledge management programs are endless, and the investment is well worth it.

How to Make the Most of Your Enterprise Knowledge Management Solution

Developing a knowledge management system can be simple. A good example of a knowledge management system would have a search bar that is easy to access and an easy to navigate process for customers. In addition, an effective knowledge management system would also include a search bar in the centre of the site that makes navigation easier. Ultimately, it is all about what works for your business. If your customers need help, it will be easier for them to get the information they need to be successful.

A good knowledge management system should include a search bar that allows you to search for information quickly. The search bar should be easy to use and provide a quick and accurate way to find content. The most important feature of a KMS is the ability to track updates and contributions in real time. There are several ways to implement a knowledge management system, but one of the most effective is by following the best practices. It’s a must-have for any business today.

A good knowledge management system should have a search feature and a community. People don’t like to repeat tasks. They want to learn new things. In order to keep their employees motivated, they should be able to access useful information easily. A good knowledge management system should also allow them to collaborate with other employees. Learning and sharing are two of the most important features of a knowledge management system. Keeping track of your contributors and their work is a key element of any knowledge management system.

What Makes a Good Team That Builds Sucess?

Good Team That Builds Sucess

What Makes a Good Team? A good team is made up of members who are invested in each other’s success. They are collaborative and don’t spend time breaking up arguments. Teams with these qualities can do incredible things for an organization. They can have different orientations and makeups. Listed below are some characteristics of a good team. Read on to discover how to create a great one!

A team has a culture of trust. There is an atmosphere of mutual trust. Everyone is supported and respected. It is not a cutthroat environment. If it’s competitive, it’s not worth it. There’s no reason to make a work environment feel like the real-life Hunger Games. A team should operate with a mindset of cooperation and teamwork. Each member fills a necessary role and contributes to the long-term goals of the organization.

In addition to a good working environment, a good what makes a team successful should trust its members. They must be able to trust each other that their work will be done on time and to the highest quality. The team should also have a clear structure that helps everyone know their responsibilities and stay motivated. The goal of the team is to create a successful business, and a good team can do that.

What Makes a Good Team That Builds Sucess?

Teams are made up of individuals who have different skill sets and professional backgrounds. A team needs people who are willing to work independently and respect each other’s ideas. A team needs members who respect each other’s opinions. If this can’t happen, the team won’t be very effective. In addition, a good team should have guidelines and rules to make the process run smoothly. They will be more productive if they have clear rules and expectations, and they can communicate openly and clearly.

A good team will be a highly productive group. The members of a team need to work well with each other. They need to be able to communicate effectively and cooperate with one another. A good team should be flexible and able to adjust to changes in the environment. When a team has flexible members, it can adapt to different challenges. A team should have measurable goals. They must also be tolerant of each other.

A good team must have a good leader. A thriving team is one that values its members and respects its leader. A good leader is able to create an open culture and foster employee engagement and development. He or she should also be a good listener. A good team needs to be able to communicate effectively with each other. If the leader is not a good listener, they will not be a very effective team.