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Category Archive : Health Fitness

What is the buoyancy benefit?

If your body weight is 200 pounds and you are of average height, in our therapy group, your body weight is reduced to only 20 pounds. Just this dramatic reduction starts a healing process for your body. From the moment you immerse your body deep in the warm, relaxing water of our therapy pools, your body’s healing process immediately begins by:

  • Decrease in aches and pains,
  • reduce tension and anxiety,
  • Facilitate better circulation and respiratory flow,
  • Provides a greater range of body mobility, and
  • Puts a smile on your face.

All this from simply stepping into the pool. But if you start a daily exercise routine based on warm water, it will dramatically increase the wellness benefits.

A very good way of looking at it is this: imagine you have two people, of the same age and health, walking up a hill. It’s not a steep hill, just a gentle slope. One person carries 100 pounds on their back in a backpack, while the other carries no additional weight. Which would get to the top faster and with less effort? Now imagine doing that every day. That’s basically what your body puts up with each day you walk, move, and exercise. All the weight of your body is on your hips, your legs, your feet. However, when you submerge your body in one of our therapy pools, this weight is reduced by 90%.

That’s the buoyancy benefit: a reduction in your daily load through lessening of your body weight on the body.

Extension of the benefits of exercise

One of the main drawbacks of exercise is the impact it has on your body. Not to say that exercise isn’t important, just that it affects the body with every pump, jump, and load. An example is running, with each stride your body weight is forced down onto your hips, legs and feet. Yes, special shoes help, but the impact remains the same. Even walking lightly still puts most of your body weight on one hip, one leg, and one foot.

Whereas, in the deep warm body of water, this body weight impact is reduced by 90%. Giving you all the benefits of exercise, without the damage of impact. But surprisingly, exercising in the warmth and depth of our therapy pools takes on a whole new perspective. Daily routines in the outside world weigh on your body. Routines like; getting out of a chair, going up a few stairs, moving an object from one place to another, things you do every day that affect the health and well-being of your body. However, doing those same routines in warm, deep body water actually improves your body. Because each of these movements is performed without the added weight of your body, they are performed in warm water, which amplifies your body’s circulation and blood flow, and provides load-free muscle movement.

The simplest movements in a deep, warm body of water become an essential component of your daily wellness routine. And all this is possible thanks to the depth of our therapy pools.

By contrast, conventional spas do not offer this same type of valuable benefit. Their shallow water depth only provides a very small reduction in their body weight. These types of spas cannot create any movement therapy for you and do not provide any buoyancy benefits, as your small body weight reduction does not help your body. As demonstrated above, the benefit of buoyancy is the key ingredient to an effective aquatic physical therapy routine.

How to live a healthy life in general

There are obvious ways you can stay healthy and “live a long and happy life,” but I want to talk about some of my favorite tips for staying healthy. I know what it takes to be a healthy person, but sometimes it’s even hard for me. Sometimes I read other people’s blogs to motivate myself. Sometimes your mind is not enough. Sometimes you need other people to give you that push you need to keep going. I’ve said it many times before and I’ll say it again: diet and exercise are not the only aspects of health. I like to help people stay healthy, but it will take more than my words and advice to help you meet your goals. One of my favorite tips is to cook meals that you know will fill you up. Also, make sure it’s something you’ll enjoy eating and that will satisfy your cravings. The worst feeling there is is stuffing yourself with a ton of food and realizing that you’re still “hungry” because you’re craving something else. Listen to your body when it tells you that it needs something sweet. There are healthy things that are sweet. Eat an orange! Another piece of advice I have for my viewers is to be honest with yourself. If you’re lying to yourself, how do you expect someone else to be honest with you? I am talking about honesty in all aspects. For example, for one thing, be honest with yourself if you need a cheat meal. It’s okay to have a cheat meal to get you through the week. Your week is going to be just horrible if you’re constantly drowning in lettuce. That’s the physical aspect of being honest with yourself. The mental part of being honest is that you need to be an honest person in general. You attract what you give. You don’t want to be stuck with what you think you want and what you really need. Also, don’t put too much into your body (or mind) that you can’t handle. Only you know what is too much, what is enough and what is not enough. You have to push yourself in all aspects of life, but not to the point of not surviving.

Relationships are another great aspect of living a healthy life in general. You accept the love you think you deserve. That is why it is so important not only to have a healthy body and a healthy mind, but also love for oneself. You have to love yourself enough to know what you deserve. If someone is not making any positive contribution to your life, then there really is no point in being there. Also, if there are more negatives to a relationship than positives, it’s time to let it go. Negativity in your relationships affects you more than you think. It affects your confidence and your overall well-being. Unfortunately, you are setting the standard for all of the following people to enter your life. They have to know how they should treat you to stay in your life. If you let people walk all over you, they will.

Another thing I want to mention is family. Some people in your life will come and go. Most likely, friends will come and go. Boyfriends/girlfriends come and go, but family is blood and family is forever. You can’t get rid of them. They put you with them for a reason and they are there to help you get through the times when you feel like you have no one. Yes, you can fight with your family. In fact, I fight more with my family than with my friends. But, I also forgive them much faster than anyone else. I know you know me better than anyone. They have known me for longer than anyone in my life and so has your family. While you may feel like they don’t know what you want at times…they know what you need and that’s more important.

Another big part of living a healthy life is sleeping. I’m sure you know that you’re supposed to get enough sleep every night, but did you know that sleeping too much is horrible for you? Did you know that there is a significant correlation between sleeping too much and gaining weight? I don’t know the full reason for that, but I do know that skipping breakfast is bad for your metabolism, so I’m sure that has something to do with it. For me, if I know I have a long day ahead of me, I make sure I get to bed just fine. Ever since I bought a Fitbit, I’ve realized how horrible my sleeping patterns are. Sometimes I go to bed around 10 and wake up at 8 and I’m still exhausted. So, I check my Fitbit and see that I only got 5 hours of sleep. I am obsessed with my Fitbit because it is so accurate. My dad also wears one and says he sleeps well so it’s different for everyone but I’m really glad I got one because now I know why I’ve been so tired all day after thinking I’ve got 8+ hours of sleep.

So with all of that being said, I want everyone to be the best person they can be. Follow all aspects of health and do not focus only on physical characteristics. A healthy mind can also mean a healthy life. I think everyone needs to focus more on the different parts of health. In fact, I’d say weight is just a number. Muscle weighs more fat. People need to stop seeing numbers on a scale as a representation of health. I learned to be happy with my weight, because I know that my body contains a lot of muscle. Once again, thanks for tuning in.

To be honest,


Try a slow carb habit

Carbohydrates, found in grains, bread, pasta, and sugar, as well as vegetables, fruits, tofu, beans, and dairy products, provide the body with the most efficient fuel for energy production and brain activity. They are nutritionally essential, a principle currently downplayed by the “low-carb craze.”

What is important to understand is that not all carbohydrates have the same “fuel efficiency”. Many carbohydrates, called “refined” or “simple,” cause high and low blood sugar levels that can result in a period of high energy followed by a period of extremely low energy, often leaving a person with craving more fast-release simple carbohydrates.

Examples of these “refined” carbohydrates are regular pasta, white bread, snack foods, and baked goods. Weight loss plans that recommend eating less or none of these foods are on the right track, except they tend to rule out the GOOD carbs as well. We’ll call them “slow carbs,” and here’s why:

After you eat them, the carbohydrates in your food are broken down and released as units of sugar (glucose) into your bloodstream. “Slow carbs” are foods that release glucose at a slower rate.

These foods are generally “whole foods”; that is, they contain the fiber and minerals that are often removed when making their refined “quick release” counterparts. (Such is the difference between brown bread and white bread.)

Choosing “slow carbs” over refined carbs helps keep blood sugar in balance (positively affecting hunger, mood, and mental focus, among other things). Fiber also promotes regularity and helps maintain healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood.

Examples of “slow carbs” are whole-grain breads and crackers, potatoes with skins, beans and legumes, brown rice, oatmeal, and whole-grain pasta.

Here are five tips for creating a “slow carb” habit:

1. Whole Foods – Eat as natural as possible. Vegetables, fruits, beans, and lentils are whole foods that contain all of their original nutrients (fiber, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates for energy).

2. Grains and breads: When it comes to grain products like breads, crackers, cereals, and pasta, choose “darker” whole grain varieties. This can be done at both restaurants and the grocery store.

3. Snack: Fruit is a great snack. Consuming the whole fruit provides the slow-release carbohydrates and will keep your energy up for longer, unlike fruit juice, which provides the body with a quick release of fruit sugar into the bloodstream. Another great snack to try is chopped red peppers with hummus (made from chickpeas).

4. Take the time (you’re worth it!): Since some of the slow carb options take longer to cook (eg, brown rice vs. white rice), make them ahead of time and freeze more for later. foods. Brown rice is very versatile; try it in soups, stews, stuffed vegetables, or for (heated) breakfast with cinnamon, raisins, chopped walnuts, or ground flaxseed.

5. Read labels: “Whole wheat” (or other “whole” grain) should appear before any other flour in the ingredients list. White flour can be disguised as “wheat flour,” “enriched flour,” “unbleached flour,” or “grain flour,” to name a few.

Working to replace “slow carb” foods in your lifestyle will ensure you have enough energy, proper nutrition, and maintain a healthy weight. Of course, it’s also essential that you find some ways to stay active and limit high-fat, high-calorie snacks as best you can.

(c) Copyright 2005, Genuine Coaching Services.

Lighten your load with an organized laundry room

Do you dread doing laundry? Are batteries growing out of control? Putting it off won’t make it go away. Let’s face it: dirty laundry is a fact of life. But doing laundry becomes a less tedious task when you have an efficient and pleasant room to do it. If you want to create a laundry room that not only looks good but also works well, here are some tips to help you.

purge first

Before attempting to organize the laundry room, thoroughly purge old and unused supplies. Toss out the misshapen hangers, the box of hardened laundry detergent, and all those mismatched socks you’ve been saving up in hopes of a reunion. Any items that don’t belong in a laundry room can be placed in a ‘move elsewhere’ box for now and distributed to the appropriate room later.

Creating Zones

Consider the various tasks that need to be done and create suitable places for these activities. In addition to a washer, dryer, and sink, you’ll need an area for sorting, air-drying, and ironing. You’ll also need a convenient storage area for supplies.

Classification Strategies

• Save time and trouble by keeping a laundry basket in every bedroom. The lightweight baskets with handles can be easily carried to the laundry room. Ventilated baskets let clothes breathe to prevent mildew.

• Use a clothes sorter to divide dirty clothes into three basic groups: white, dark/colored, and delicate/hand washable. Invest in a sustainable species; one with canvas bags hanging from a metal frame will hold up just fine.

• To avoid lost sock syndrome and make it easier to distribute clean socks to their rightful owners, give each family member a color-coded mesh laundry bag for their dirty socks. Wash and dry the socks while they are still in the bag. Then put the bag of clean socks in each person’s laundry basket.

delicate drying

To air-dry delicate items, use a retractable clothesline, folding clothesline, or shower curtain tension rod hung above the washer and dryer.

iron with ease

If you have a front-loading washer and dryer, install a countertop above the folding machines. If you want to use it as a handy ironing surface, build the countertop out of MDF, glue some foam on top, and cover it with heat-resistant tarp. Alternatively, you can install a hinged table that hangs on the wall and folds down when not in use; Hang the ironing board and iron on a hanger over the door to save space.

storage strategies

• Store laundry supplies in built-in cabinets or shelves above machines or in a separate unit nearby. For both convenience and safety, be sure to install them at a height where you won’t reach too far: no more than 6 inches above shoulder height.

• If space is tight, slide a slim rolling cart into the space between the washer and dryer to store laundry supplies.

• Use wicker baskets or clear plastic containers to store dust cloths, mesh laundry bags, and dryer sheets. Designate a basket for stain removers and sewing supplies (for quick repairs). Group items by type and label each container for easy access.

• A small trash can on a shelf is a handy place to store dryer lint or used dryer sheets until garbage day.

• A small clear jar can act as a temporary home for loose change and buttons that mysteriously appear on machines after a load has been made.

More tips to save time

• Designate a laundry basket in a different color for each family member. Label it with its name so there is no confusion. As the clean clothes come out of the dryer, place them in the corresponding basket. Deliver each person’s basket to their bedroom and ask them to fold and put away their things.

• Teach everyone in your house (over ten years old) how to do their own laundry. This is a life skill that everyone needs to learn eventually. Post the instructions on the wall for easy reference. If your kids are too young, get them involved by helping them match socks or fold towels.

Glow up

Now that you’ve made your laundry room functional, reward yourself by making it aesthetically pleasing as well. Paint it a cheerful color, add a colorful rug, and hang something decorative on the wall.

Following these simple tips will eliminate the laundry day blues, making the task faster, easier and more enjoyable. Once you’ve created an attractive and functional space with easy access to all your supplies, you’ll spend less time doing laundry and more time enjoying life.

The important history of the Super Bowl

Now that the Christmas and New Year festivities have come and gone, it’s time for the most famous super-holiday in all of the United States, the Super Bowl. That’s right, Super Bowl 46 is upon us once again with the New York Giants and New England Patriots. That’s a bit of history, 2 teams meeting in the Super Bowl in 5 years, especially in the salary cap era, and I love writing about history, but this article isn’t going to be another stat-filled Super Bowl lovefest.

No, dear reader, you deserve more than that from me. Of course, everyone cares whether or not Eli Manning leads the Giants to another win over Tom Brady’s Patriots, and everyone cares who the game’s MVP will be, etc., but why discuss all of that when it will be written about him? until death and when there are much more serious things to write about?

There are, after all, so many wonderful things about the Super Bowl, so many things that are so American. From the sheer effort and spectacle of the game itself, to the grandeur and pageantry of the presentation and celebrities in attendance, to the excellent sportsmanship displayed in the greatest game itself. Let’s not forget about those wonderful commercials that appear during the Super Bowl too. It is the biggest publicity event of the year.

However, why discuss the history of the sport and the records of Vince Lombardi and Joe Montana or even consider Geico’s amazing and hilarious new ad when we can look at the greatest gift the Super Bowl makes to American society?

There are those delicious parties. Who doesn’t love going to a Super Bowl party? They have become a part of Americana, a huge celebration that even people who hate sports find worth attending. Why is that? Of course, because of the wonderful food one partakes of. I’d like to mention some of the fabulous Super Bowl party staples, so here you go:

The buffalo wing: Chicken wings, particularly spicy Buffalo-style chicken wings, weren’t invented by a member of the Buffalo Bills, but they get their name from the city that sent the Bills to 4 Super Bowls in the mid-1980s. Teresa Bellissimo, owner of the Anchor Inn in Buffalo, made the first chicken wings as a late night snack for her children, serving them with celery and blue cheese, and voila, we have a classic instant snack, without which no Super Bowl would be complete. .

Nachos: What SPORTS EVENT would be complete without nachos? However, nachos are a Mexican dish that originated at the Victory Club, an American-owned restaurant on the Texas border in Coahuila, Mexico, in the 1940s, when some American soldiers entered the Club at the end of the day. The kitchen was destroyed and the owner made do with what he had, tortilla chips and cheese. He sliced ​​and fried the tortillas and melted cheese and there we have it, an instant Tex-Mex classic that now takes many wonderful forms, from nachos and salsa to shrimp nachos.

Chips and salsa: While potato chips date back to the 1860s, when they were first served in Sarasota Springs, New York (New York is the well-known party snack capital of the world), the dip phenomenon is much newer. Most people credit the first real chip dip, of all things, to the Campbell Soup company, which developed a quick dip recipe using sour cream and French onion soup mix. Today there are literally hundreds of types of salsa, and no party would be complete without chips and salsa, but just 50 or 60 years ago, it would have been hard to find chips and salsa at any party!

There you have it, the story of the top three staples of almost every Super Bowl party. I hope you enjoy these delicious treats while you watch the game. I know I will, and now we both know the story behind where these treats come from!

Lose Weight By Eating More: Foods That Are Virtually Impossible To Store As Body Fat

Certain foods are extremely difficult for the human body to convert into body fat, not impossible, but close to impossible. By consuming calories derived from these foods, the anabolic margin of error is dramatically widened, meaning it will be easier to lose fat and gain muscle, if desired.

Lean protein, protein devoid of saturated fat, has been the staple, foundational nutrient of elite athletes for 50 years. Why? You can eat a mountain of lean protein and not get fat, assuming you train hard enough to trigger muscle growth. Lean protein is difficult for the body to break down and digest. As a direct result of this digestive difficulty, the body revs up the metabolic thermostat to break down protein into amino acid subcomponents.

The human body wants to preserve stored body fat as a last line of defense against starvation. If you are overworked and malnourished, the body will prefer to eat muscle tissue to save precious body fat.

Obese people who follow strict diets, cutting calories precipitously, can lose 100 pounds of body weight and still appear fat. Despite losing, say, 350 pounds to 250 pounds, they still look fat because they’re still fat. The body has cannibalized muscle tissue and stored fat. Although they may weigh 100 pounds less, they still have a body fat percentile of 25-40%.

Lean protein is the essential nutrient in the physical renewal process because it provides muscle tissue damaged by high-intensity weight training with the necessary amino acids to heal, recover and build new muscle tissue. Lean protein is a basic nutrient in the physical renewal process because it causes the basal metabolic rate (BMR) to rise; the metabolic thermostat, the rate at which our body consumes calories, increases when digesting protein. Lean protein is a basic nutrient in the physical renewal process because it is almost impossible for the body to convert it into body fat.

The other critical nutrient in the physical transformation process is fibrous carbohydrates: carrots, broccoli, green beans, bell peppers, spinach, cauliflower, onions, asparagus, cabbage, salad greens, Brussels sprouts, and the like. Fibrous carbohydrates, like lean protein, are almost impossible for the body to convert into body fat. Fibrous carbohydrates require almost as many calories to digest as they contain. A green bean or carrot may contain 10 calories, but they are so dense and difficult to break down that the body has to expend almost as many calories to break down that bean or carrot as the vegetable contains.

Fibrous carbohydrates have a wonderful “Roto-Rooter” effect on your internal plumbing: as they work their way through your digestive tracts, they scrape mucus and grime from your intestinal walls and help keep sludge buildup to a minimum . For this reason, fibrous carbohydrates are the perfect addition to a lean protein diet. Too much protein can cause bile buildup – fiber is the Yin to the Yang of protein. The two nutrients must be eaten together.

Both protein and fiber have a beneficial buffering effect on insulin secretions. It is no accident that professional bodybuilders, the best dieters in the world, able to drop body fat percentiles to 5% while maintaining incredible muscle mass, build their diets around protein and fiber.

The best way to eat is to eat often. If you eat 3,000 calories a day, the best way is five 600-calorie meals or six 500-calorie meals instead of a 400-calorie breakfast, a 1,000-calorie lunch, and a 1,600-calorie late dinner. Avoid calories that are easily converted to body fat.

Eat several small meals in the 400-600 calorie range made up exclusively of foods almost impossible for the body to convert into body fat. In addition, these foods cause the metabolism, the BMR, the body’s thermostat to rise in order to digest them. Optimally, you should eat every three hours: around the time the nutrients from the previous meal have dwindled, been used up, and depleted, around the time the elevated metabolism is ‘getting back on track’, eat another small protein/fiber meal. This restores anabolism, speeds up metabolism once again, and gives the body more practice in assimilating and distributing quality nutrients.

They say practice makes perfect and by eating small, energy-packed, hard-to-digest meals every three hours, the metabolism stays elevated, anabolism is established and maintained, and the individual never feels hungry. A person who is not hungry is much less inclined to binge on sweets and treats, junk and junk than strict dieters/calorie cutters who always feel hungry, deprived, listless and without energy.

The small meal/protein/fiber approach has been used successfully by elite athletes for decades and is not some unproven dietary abstraction, rather it is the proven method of choice, one that has stood the test of time, one that is has used for decades. And it has proven itself time and time again.

If a person is able to establish a multiple meal schedule consisting primarily of lean protein and fiber consumed every three hours, and then adds serious weight training and a cardiovascular regimen to this eating schedule, physical transformation is a biological certainty.

Is it possible to eat Medifast style without buying the food?

Someone recently contacted me and said that she was very impressed with what she had been reading in her research on the Medifast diet. She felt something similar might work for her, but she was hesitant to spend the money on diet food. She wanted to know if it was possible to eat similar foods with items that she could buy at the supermarket. This is a relatively common question that I had myself. And earlier, I tried to achieve something similar. I will discuss more about this matter in the next article.

What you would need to accomplish if you were trying to eat on your own Medifast-style: One of the main reasons for the success most people have with this diet is that it can put you into ketosis, where you quickly burn your own fat. You can usually do this because the ratio of calories, carbohydrates, and protein is very specific and favorable. I know from experience that it is quite a challenge to find foods that meet this criteria. And, if you can do it, it’s usually quite expensive and time consuming.

Also keep in mind that you will be eating six times a day. When you’re on this diet, you eat five of the plan’s prepackaged meals and then have a larger main meal on your own. This is necessary for a couple of reasons. First of all, eating this often helps keep hunger at bay and keeps your metabolism running for ketosis purposes. And yet, while you’re eating that much, you’re only consuming about 1,000 calories per day. Not only that, but the carb to protein ratio stays mostly even.

If you haven’t already researched the foods you’re going to use to accomplish this, I can tell you that “safe” products under this umbrella are hard to come by. Many will have too many sugars and carbs that are not keto friendly. It is common to compensate for the low amounts of calories and fat with added sugar so that the flavor remains palatable.

I’ll look at the new Medifast brownies as an example of what I would need to accomplish. This product has only 110 calories and 2 grams of fat. There are 15 grams of carbs, but this is balanced by a very high 11 grams of protein. There are only 8 grams of sugars and 4 grams of fiber. Even if you look in health food stores, it will be quite difficult to find a comparable product with as much protein and fiber. And, even if you do, you’ll likely find it’s more expensive and you’d still have to think of four similar meals for the day.

I know a lot of people research Medifast DIY because they think “doing it themselves” will save them some money. But in my experience, this is not the case. If you use the good Medifast coupons, your cost per meal for Medifast is just over $2 per meal. It is extremely difficult to find meals that cost less than this, especially since you will need many special ingredients. I tried something similar when I was on the zone diet. Not only do I think I never came close to the Medifast calorie/carb/protein ratio, but I also know that I spend way over $10 a day for 6 meals.

That’s not to say that if money isn’t an issue and you just like to cook, you can’t find something that’s low in calories and carbs and high in fiber and protein. I’m sure this is probably possible for at least a few meals a day. But I also suspect that it would be quite time consuming, expensive and challenging. However, I am generally someone who does not have a lot of patience and prefers comfort.

Women’s health: nutrition during pregnancy is for all women of childbearing age

During pregnancy your nutritional needs will increase. Even before you get pregnant, it’s a good idea to do everything you can to start eating healthy and taking a women’s multivitamin. A prenatal multivitamin is a better choice during pregnancy.

Let’s start with the recommended daily food intake during pregnancy.


7 or more fruits and vegetables (3 fruits/4 vegetables)

Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C are the best. These include strawberries, melons, oranges, papaya, tomatoes, bell peppers, greens, and broccoli.

9 or more whole grain products

A fortified breakfast cereal that contains iron and folic acid is the best way to start each day. Enriched bread, rice, pasta, and any whole grain products are your other options.

4 or more dairy products

Low-fat or fat-free milk, yogurt, and cheese are the obvious choices.

60 grams of protein (two or more 2-3 ounce servings of lean meat)

Other sources of protein include eggs, nuts, dried beans, and peas. Do not eat undercooked or raw meat or fish. (NO SUSHI) Do not eat cold cuts



Some fish have a higher mercury content than others. Mercury can cause problems with your growing baby’s brain and nervous system.

Fish to completely avoid:

King Mackerel
golden snapper
white snapper

Limitations to eat fish:
Limit your fish intake to 12 ounces a week
Limit your consumption of albacore tuna or tuna steak to 6 ounces per week

Safest fish to eat:

light tuna


Calorie intake should only be increased by 300 per day during pregnancy for the average woman.
Weight gain should be around 28 to 40 pounds for women who are underweight during pregnancy.
Women who are overweight in pregnancy should only gain 15 to 25 pounds.
Weight gain should be about 2 to 4 pounds in the first trimester and 3 to 4 pounds per month the rest of the time.
It is difficult to lose excess weight after pregnancy because body fat increases by up to a third during pregnancy.
Breastfeeding burns 500 or more calories per day, which makes it easier to lose weight.
Check with your health care provider for your specific healthy weight gain.

Vitamins and minerals

See the RDA table for your needs during pregnancy.

Folic acid it is of particular concern because a deficiency can lead to neural tube birth defects. Your multivitamin should contain 400 mcg of folic acid. Birth defects happen even before you know you’re pregnant, so always take a multivitamin with folic acid during your childbearing years.

Vitamin C taken in doses higher than 500 mg/d can cause your baby to be born dependent on large amounts of vitamin C.

Iron It is also of particular concern because the average American diet does not provide enough iron during pregnancy. If your prenatal multivitamin does not contain enough iron, your doctor will prescribe an additional supplement. Iron is necessary for you and your baby to have healthy teeth, bones, and blood.

Water It’s often overlooked during pregnancy, but it’s vital for you and your baby. It carries nutrients from your body to the baby and helps prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, bloating, and urinary tract infection. A minimum of 6 eight-ounce glasses per day is required. The juice can count toward your 6 glasses, but watch out for the extra calories. Any drink that contains caffeine actually depletes the fluid in your body and can’t count toward your 6 glasses.

Calcium you and your baby need it for strong teeth and bones. During pregnancy you need 1000 mg/d and 1300 mg/d if you are under 18 years old.

alcohol consumption

There is no safe time or amount of alcohol to consume during pregnancy. Not drinking alcohol is the only way to ensure your baby’s health. The alcohol you drink reaches your baby through the umbilical cord. Alcohol affects the baby’s growth, the baby’s brain, and can cause birth defects. These effects will stay with your unborn child throughout their lives. FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders) is the name given to anyone affected by their mother’s alcohol use during pregnancy. Learning problems, memory retention, and hearing problems are just some of the things that alcohol can do to your child.


Caffeine in large amounts can cause underweight babies. It also reduces the amount of vital water in your body. Although not yet proven, some studies suggest that it may harm the fetus. Although it is not as dangerous as alcohol, it should be avoided.


Diabetics can have perfectly normal babies just like any other woman. There are just a few things you need to be careful about.
1. Keep your blood sugar under control for at least 3 months before you get pregnant.
2. Make sure you get enough folic acid at all times during your childbearing years (400 mcg/d).
3. Don’t let your blood sugar level get too high during pregnancy. This can cause birth defects or your baby to have blood sugar problems.

Ways to control morning sickness

*Eat 6 small meals instead of 3 large ones

* Do not stay without eating for long periods of time.

*Do not drink liquids with meals

* Do not eat greasy, spicy or fried foods.

*Avoid unpleasant odors

* Do not get tired

The Burger King Story – It Was Almost Called Insta-Burger King – Seriously

In 1952, Keith Cramer owned a carhop restaurant in Daytona Beach, FL. He flew to California, on the advice of his stepfather, Matthew Burns, to see the latest innovation in restaurants at the time: McDonald’s.

Cramer was impressed with the speed and automation, and he and Burns purchased the rights to George Read’s Miracle Insta-Machines. These were Rube Goldberg-type devices designed to make fast food really fast. One of the models made multiple shakes while the other, called the Insta-Broiler, could cook twelve burgers simultaneously. Four hundred hamburgers can be cooked in an hour with a single machine.

In 1953, Cramer opened his fast-food burger joint in Jacksonville and named it after the chef: Insta-Burger King.

His burgers sold for 18 cents each (McDonald’s burgers at the time were 15 cents each) and were a huge hit.

Two franchisors, James McLamore and David R. Edgerton, Jr., liked the concept and launched several Insta-Burger King restaurants in Miami in 1954. Fortunately, as you will see, they failed.

So McLamore and Edgerton began to experiment. They soon got rid of the Insta-Broiler and created

a similar flame rotisserie, which made its renowned Burger King famous. They also introduced a much larger burger, the Whopper, of course, and they sold it for 37 cents. This was considered a very risky business move at the time but, as we know, it paid off. It became their flagship product and their catchphrase became “Burger King, Home of the Whopper”.

They soon acquired the Insta-Burger Kings, renaming and refurbishing them for their new products. They began franchising en masse in 1961 and soon their new restaurants were all over Florida and the rest of the nation.

Burger King was the first fast-food burger joint to install indoor eating areas at its outlets, back in 1967, a year before McDonald’s did the same.

Pillsbury acquired the chain in 1967 and began a massive promotional campaign. The slogans and jingles, such as the well-known “Have it Your Way,” were a huge hit, and Burger King grew to become the second-largest hamburger restaurant in the world.

In 2004, Burger King had more than 11,000 outlets in 61 countries and territories around the world, including 7,000 in the United States.

Healthy food helps you burn fat

Without a doubt, burning fat is about consuming healthy foods. When we eat right, we eat healthy foods, we no longer have to worry about burning fat. Exercising in the gym for hours burns calories will not reduce your weight and will burn enough fat when you do not consider what you consume. It means that burning fat just by exercising is not enough. Yes, you can burn fat and lose some weight by exercising, but if you don’t keep what goes in your mouth, you’ll soon gain back the fat you burn. The root of the problem is controlling what goes into your body. And eating healthy food is the solution.

What does it mean to eat healthy food? The term healthy depends largely on the quantity and frequency with which the food is consumed. There is no single food that contains all the nutrition our bodies need. Therefore, eating healthy foods actually speaks to a series of healthy foods over time, in other words, having a healthy lifestyle. You don’t get healthier immediately after eating a piece of lettuce; You also don’t get significantly higher cholesterol from eating a piece of fried chicken. It is the series of eating those foods that affects your health. It is the constant action of eating the foods you choose that affects your body. Therefore, the healthy eating lifestyle is what is important.

How to choose healthy food? There are two common characteristics of healthy foods. First, the food is not processed. Second, the food is organic.

First, the food is not processed. It means that we eat what nature gives. Most of the food reaches our table after several processes. They are boiled, fried, grilled or preserved. Most of these processes do not make food healthier. Unprocessed food includes fresh fruits and fresh vegetables. To name a few, whole grains, vegetables, raw nuts, fresh sprouts, etc. Probably the only process food can go through is the cleaning process. The food has to be freshly made at our table as if we ate it directly after starting it.

Why do we avoid processing food? After processing, foods can lose the nutrition our bodies need; lose totally or something in quantity. For example, we lose healthy plant nutrients after cooking. After processing, foods may contain ingredients that are dangerous to our bodies. For example, higher concentration of heterocyclic amines (HCA) or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) after the roasting process. HCA and PAH can cause cancer. PAH is also found in tobacco smoke.

Second, the food is organic. It means we eat pesticide-free food. The food is natural, not genetically manipulated and irradiated. This type of food offers you the highest nutrition and the purest flavor of all available foods. Choose organic food when you go to the restaurant. Include organic foods on your monthly shopping list. Select packaged foods that have an organic label, though you may need to check more on this one. goorganic.

Not only the selection of the type of food in question, but also the nutrition that the food contains. Between carbohydrates, proteins and fats, proteins are the ones that consume the most calories. What does it mean? It means that when you consume more protein, your body burns more calories. When your body burns more calories, your body is using more energy. It’s identical to having to run for a longer period on your treadmill. You burn more of your body fat. Therefore, the food you eat determines how you will burn fat and lose weight.

Finally, your dream of burning more fat is not just about exercising. Exercise is, of course, very good. But you also need to watch the food you eat. By having a healthy eating lifestyle, rest assured that you prevent the fat you burn from replenishing your body again. Consider healthy food as your daily menu. Filter your food choice. Get rid of those unhealthy foods. Make eating healthy foods your lifestyle; Choose unprocessed and organic foods. You’ll be amazed at how this can work on your weight loss progress.