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Category Archive : Health Fitness

Enhance Your Dumbbell Training With The Kettlebell Program Layout

Dumbbell training can be greatly improved by applying the kettlebell program design. Dumbbells are one of the most effective pieces of equipment in your fitness training toolbox. Unfortunately, most men and women don’t use dumbbells to their full potential and miss out on the true benefits of building muscle, burning fat, and improving fitness. Ironically, the rise in popularity of kettlebell training has provided the means to resurrect the dumbbell exercise.

For those of you who don’t know, a kettlebell is basically a cast iron ball with a handle. They have been used by Russians and strongmen around the world for centuries for effective physical training. There is no doubt in my mind, this barbaric tool is brutally effective.

But, the biggest contribution of kettlebell training isn’t your form. You see, kettlebells are not adjustable. They are a solid mass of variable weight. (Obviously you can get kettlebells in different weights, but the workout can be done with one kettlebell and one weight.) This seems to go against popular exercise programs that change the weights based on the muscle group they are training.

So can you really get a great workout with just one weight? Absolutely!

Using just one weight, kettlebell trainees are forced to use their imagination and ingenuity to create training programs to improve the entire body. (This is similar to the challenge faced by bodyweight calisthenics, where your body weight stays the same.) And the results are spectacular. Using just a weight and a kettlebell, you CAN simultaneously improve overall fitness, build a strong, athletic body, and burn unsightly, unwanted fat.

But as much as I love kettlebell training, I’m here today to talk about how to improve your dumbbell training. The fact is, most people don’t have access to kettlebells, but they DO have access to free weights. So why not use the effective training methods designed for dumbbell kettlebells?

You see, the effectiveness of kettlebell training proves the common belief that you need a room full of equipment and a host of different weights to create your best performing body. So, using the same dumbbell kettlebell training methods, you can get a great full-body workout that improves muscle strength, power, and endurance while SIMULTANEOUSLY increasing cardiorespiratory endurance and burning massive amounts of fat.

So this is what I suggest.

Stop thinking of your body as a combination of specific muscles. This is what bodybuilders do. They divide the body into different muscles and try to target the muscles for maximum muscle growth. But I want you to start thinking about the body as a whole. And to train the body as a whole you need to use compound exercises that use as many muscles as possible to complete the exercise.

You see, fitness has nothing to do with muscle size. Fitness is a combination of cardiorespiratory endurance, strength, power, flexibility, speed, coordination, agility, balance, precision, and toughness. And using just one dumbbell, one weight, you can target all of these physical skills and create a performance body that not only performs great, but looks great too!

The effectiveness of kettlebell training is a mind-opening experience. The “traditional” methods of using different weights to target different muscles are discarded. Applied to dumbbells, the kettlebell program design builds fit, lean, strong, and athletic bodies.

Isn’t it time you got the most out of your dumbbell training by applying the kettlebell program layout?

How to lose 50 pounds in 50 days

Here’s how to lose 50 pounds in 50 days. But first, you have to understand that losing 50 pounds in 50 days is not easy. Second, it’s not 100% healthy. Third, not all the weight you lose will be fat. If you can accept those 3 things, here are some guidelines for losing 50 pounds fast.

  1. You must eat often. It seems strange, but true. Eating often keeps your metabolism revved up. This allows you to burn more calories every minute of the day that you don’t exercise. Now, you can eat more often, but you have to eat smaller portions.
  2. Eat protein at every meal or snack. Protein is another thing that keeps your metabolism revving like lightning. In addition, it helps slow down the absorption of carbohydrates that interfere with blood sugar levels.
  3. You will need to exercise twice a day to “supercharge” your metabolism. By exercising more frequently, you “hit” your metabolism more frequently, which trains it to work at a faster capacity for longer periods of time. Two 30 minute sessions are better than one 1 hour workout.
  4. Take fish oil pills. These healthy Omega 3 fats balance out all the bad Omega 6 and Omega 9 fats you get. Actually, Omega 6 and Omega 9 fats aren’t necessarily bad… but they are too many compared to Omega 3 fats. You need the balance. Fish oil pills are probably the best long-term weight loss supplement you can possibly take. I recommend at least 6 grams a day to lose weight.
  5. Take extra virgin coconut oil. These are also healthy fats. But they work much faster for weight loss. Research hasn’t really determined why extra virgin coconut oil can help women lose more than 5 pounds in 10-15 days, but it may have to do with these fats being immediately converted to energy rather than stored. as body fat. Take 1 tablespoon twice a day. Just be careful when you take this because if you take it at the wrong time, you can gain weight.
  6. Eat 3 apples a day as snacks or just before meals. Apples are high in water content, high in fiber, and low in calories.
  7. Have breakfast. Here’s a simple fact to know… 80% of fat people skip breakfast, while 80% of skinny people actually eat breakfast. It is the most important food you can eat. I suggest eating 3-4 scrambled eggs or a bowl of rolled oats (not the instant oats).

Now those are some general guidelines to help you lose 50 pounds in 50 days. If you expect to lose 50 pounds in 50 days. No! Unless you get dehydrated to lose water weight or starve yourself so your body burns through your muscles (both ways are unhealthy).

Soup keeps the hungry beast satisfied

Last week we met two other couples, all long-time friends, for dinner at a local restaurant. We chatted, reviewed the menu, and placed our orders; neither of us ordered an appetizer. We had a lot to talk about since we hadn’t seen each other in a while: news about families, vacations, and catching up with other friends (okay, it was gossip) who weren’t there.

Then one of us commented that it seemed like we were waiting a long time for our meals and starting to get hungry. A couple of moments later, the server came over and told us that the kitchen staff was running behind and our dinner had been delayed, “but she was going to serve us a bowl of soup ‘on the house’ to enjoy while we waited.” “. The cups of soup were delivered along with more bread. The soup was delicious and our hunger subsided as we continued to enjoy the company of old friends.

The conversation around the table continued, but now the topic was that there is a right way and a wrong way to handle a potential problem of customer dissatisfaction in the kitchen and that they had handled it the right way… bravo!

They had three options, one terrible, one neutral, and one that would be sure to attract great “word of mouth advertising” and repeat customers. The terrible option was that they could have ignored the situation and we probably would have complained about “slow service”. The neutral option was that they could have told us about the problem and “thank you for your patience”. But they thought of the best possible result and exceeded our expectations. They kept the hungry beast satisfied and will have six people talking to their friends about the wonderful attentive service and dining experience.

We all know that as much as we want our companies to always satisfy (over-satisfy) our customers, sometimes things go wrong. Sometimes it’s our fault, sometimes the situation is out of our control, but the customer doesn’t care about that. They, quite rightly, care about their own satisfaction. But the way we work to rectify the situation is the real problem.

As our experience at the restaurant above illustrates, we have three options when things go wrong. A business that plans to grow needs to satisfy customers, even when things aren’t going perfectly, and the actions they choose to use to delight rather than disappoint are critical…and I like getting my soup hot!

Nutrition for weight loss: how to determine if your diet is right for you

With 50,000 search results for “diet books” on Amazon.com, it’s no surprise that so many people are confused about what they should eat to lose weight and stay healthy. Many people start out on fad diets without knowing how to tell if a diet plan is right for them or not. In this post, I am going to share with you the principles that I believe all good nutrition programs should follow.

Let’s go for it…

1. Good nutrition controls ‘calories in’ vs. ‘calories out’

This is not just a dietary rule but a fundamental law of nature. Known in the world of physics as the First Law of Thermodynamics, it states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it is only transferred. How does this apply to what you eat? If you eat more calories than you use, you gain weight. Or if you take in fewer calories than you use, you lose weight. And if you eat as many calories as you burn, you will maintain the same weight.

In reality, all calories are not produced equally, and severe calorie-restricted diets can wear down your muscles, which can cause you to regain weight. However, calories are an important factor and may be the only determining factor in whether you are losing or gaining weight.

2. Good nutrition improves your appearance and your health

Not only should you look better with a good nutrition plan, but your blood chemistry should also improve. You should take before and after photos along with measurements to gauge your change in appearance, but seeing your doctor for a blood test is the way to tell if your health is improving. In this way you make sure that your nutrition plan is also improving your health as well as your aesthetics.

3. Good nutrition pays off

“I don’t understand. I eat weas but I keep gaining weight.” I have news for you: you are not following an adequate eating plan if you are not losing weight. Maybe your diet is not right for you, maybe your diet is good but you are not following it well, or maybe your diet is not right for anyone. The fact of the matter is that a good nutrition program is the one that provides results.

4. Good nutrition has flexibility

I call this the 90/10 rule. I follow a pretty strict diet about 90% of the time, but the other 10% I cheat. Never having ice cream, or drinking alcohol, or eating pizza is not my idea of ​​having a good time. Let’s face it: some of the things that are “bad” for you are also very tasty!

I encourage my clients to reward themselves each week with “cheat” meals. Knowing that you will eventually be able to eat something you want helps you stick to your nutrition plan. There is also evidence that cheat meals can help with your results through a hormone called leptin.

WARNING! You may need to be very strict for several weeks (or even months) to start developing the new behaviors that will set you on the path to success. Another problem I see is that people think they cheat 10% of the time when they actually cheat more. Do not do that! As I mentioned earlier, if you’re not getting results, chances are you’re either not sticking to your program or your program isn’t good for you. Using a food journal is one way to make sure you know exactly what you’re eating. No need to weigh your food, just start writing things down.

the lead

The big takeaway here is that your nutritional plan should get you results, improve your appearance and health, and allow yourself some room for a few treats in the process. If not, something has to change!

lose weight while you sleep

Lose Weight While You Sleep – Wow!

I have many clients who constantly ask me how to lose weight, but very rarely do people consider the fact that you can speed up your metabolism while you sleep. I think this is because most people associate fat loss with hard work and high intensity exercise. This is definitely true, there are no quick shortcuts to achieving the body you want. However, there are little tricks you can do to help increase the number of calories you burn.

So let me explain how to burn fat while you sleep, losing weight while you sleep is one of the easiest tricks to burn more fat. The first tip that is probably the most important is to increase your overall resting metabolism.

In addition to increasing your RMR (resting metabolic rate), there are other solutions for losing weight while you sleep. One such solution is to focus on specific types of training that break down more muscle tissue.

Weight training in general has been shown to be the best way to break down muscle tissue safely and effectively. Slow reps with heavy enough weight are one of the best ways to maximize hypertrophy, or muscle breakdown and gain.

When your muscles break down, it takes time and energy (also known as calories) to repair the damaged muscles. So if you do weight training and break down your muscles, while you sleep at night your muscle tissues will use calories to repair themselves.

The other very effective and simple way to lose weight while you sleep is to have a meal rich in fat and protein before bed.

Although a high-fat meal before bed sounds a bit counterintuitive, trust me, give it a try. Fat slows down the digestion of any food we just ate. So if I eat a piece of steak, it will most likely take a lot longer to break down than a whey protein shake.

Don’t eat fat after your workout because you want the protein to break down and get to your bloodstream and muscles as quickly as possible. To further slow the digestion of the food you eat before bed, have a slow-digesting source of protein. Again, whey protein is not very slow-digesting, but there are many slow-digesting protein sources to choose from. This, combined with the fat, will literally create a weight loss dinner.

Protein sources like casein, cottage cheese, milk, pork, steak, chicken, turkey, salmon, and nut butters. Be careful with nut butters because a macronutrient that we do not want to have before bed is carbohydrates. Nut butters typically come with carbs, so if you were trying to cut down and lose weight, you’d probably avoid them altogether.

I hope I have helped answer the question of how to lose weight while sleeping. Go have a weight loss dinner that is high in fat and protein.

Zero Calorie Sweeteners: Not Good Say The Experts

Once again, non-nutritive or “artificial” sweeteners are in the news. New evidence shows that there are negative biochemical changes in the body in response to these low-calorie sugar substitutes. 1

We already know that sugar has detrimental effects on blood sugar, insulin, and the waistline. It is common knowledge today that the consumption of sweets should be reduced and kept to a minimum. Then came those nifty zero-calorie sweeteners that promised a similar taste without all the unhealthy side effects. While they were initially considered safe and FDA-approved, research for some time now has hinted that they are not as benign as advertised. We now have even more evidence that they are doing more harm than good.

In this new study, the researchers took several groups of rats and fed them diets high in glucose, fructose, or artificial sweeteners (aspartame or acesulfame potassium). Acesulfame is sold in stores at Sunnett or Sweet One, and aspartame is sold as Equal or NutraSweet. Both are currently FDA-approved artificial sweeteners.

Within three weeks, the researchers found discernible differences between the groups based on the blood samples collected. They noted that the artificial sweeteners seemed to change the way their bodies processed fat and energy in general. They also noted that acesulfame potassium accumulated in the blood and had a negative impact on the cells lining the blood vessels.

Bottom line? Don’t think switching to artificial sweeteners is the answer. For one, how many skinny people do you see walking around drinking diet soda all day? They don’t seem to work. This study helps us understand why. Also, continuing to drink sweet drinks hinders the ability to acclimate to less sweetened drinks and foods. It keeps the sweet craving going, per say, and doesn’t solve the craving problem. In fact, it can make things worse by starting an insulin response but, without sugar getting into the body, you end up with lower blood sugar and a “crash” so to speak. The desire cycle continues.

The article ends by trying to answer the question, which is better? Sugar or artificial sweeteners? How about none? My advice is to ditch sweet-tasting drinks entirely and switch to good water, just the way nature intended.

But you hate the water, you say? If that’s you, think of a few simple flavors like lemon, lime, or other fruit soaked in your H2O. Perhaps you dilute a favorite drink half and half and keep increasing the water until you want the sweet taste less and less. Drink sparkling mineral water and lime if soda is your thing. There are ways to make better choices to keep these harmful chemicals out of your body for good.

In the end, if weight loss, blood sugar control, and heart health are your goals, artificial sweeteners have got to go. Period.

1. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/04/180423085440.htm

The Chicken Tastes BORN in the Sauce

When people ask me to think of my favorite restaurant, for some reason I inevitably think of Gardens of Taxco first. I don’t go there very often, really just for special foods, but my memory can’t get past all the colors and flavors this amazing West Hollywood spot has to offer.

Unfortunately, I’m not the only one who loves the Taxco Gardens, so parking can be a bit tricky. There is a small parking lot in front of the restaurant that is almost always full and street parking can be tricky in this neighborhood. Your best bet is to go ahead and pay the $4 for valet parking. I promise, it’s worth it.

Gardens of Taxco serves the most amazing and hearty five course traditional Mexican meal you will ever taste. The flavors are so delicate and unusual that they are nothing like the watered down, greasy nonsense you find in popular, flavorless chains. Even before your main course, they offer appetizers of spicy pickled vegetables and fresh tortilla chips with homemade salsa, a quesadilla with Oaxacan cheese and homemade guacamole, a tempting enchilada, and a spicy soup. And dessert (cream banana pudding with cherries and a complimentary glass of sherry) is so good that even if you’re full, you’ll find room for it.

While every offering at Gardens of Taxco is wonderfully spiced and tastes authentic, not to be missed is any dish with mole. The mole served at this elegant restaurant is unlike anything you’ve ever dreamed of, and as the human menu narrates, it’s “the best mole in town.”

Gardens of Taxco offers a variety of wines and beers to pair with a Mexican palette, and sangria daiquiris by the pitcher to keep the party buzzing.

The vibe here is hard to define. Small tables and booths spread throughout the dimly lit restaurant, accommodating both large parties and intimate rendezvous.

You will feel transported to a strange and resplendent land with a fusion of Spanish and Mexican décor. the atmosphere is lively

without being too loud or boisterous and the roaming mariachi gently strumming their guitar makes Gardens of Taxco a romantic place to bring a date. There are no menus, there is simply a man, who has been there since opening day, reciting the menu like an epic poem and designing his dinner treats based on his personal tastes.

You won’t know what to expect when you walk through the door: the atmosphere is whimsical yet somber, lively yet refined. Just know that you will be treated like a VIP and savor every bite of the delicate and unique cuisine.

taxco gardens

1113 North Harper Ave.

West Hollywood, CA 90046

(323) 654-1746

Tuesday to Thursday, Sunday: 4:30 p.m. to 11 p.m.

Fri/Sat: 4:30 pm-midnight (reservations recommended on weekends)

PS Since I’m always in favor of discounts, I’m not ashamed to promote Garden’s version of an “Early Bird” special. If you go Tuesday through Friday before 7 pm, you can enjoy this incredible five-course meal for half price. Visit their website for details on the coupons they offer.

Losing weight is all about counting calories, carbs and exercising, right?

5 tips to keep in mind when you want to lose fat forever.

With two-thirds of our population overweight (one-third in the obese category), controlling our weight is no longer something we are doing to look more attractive, or perhaps even thinking about doing. It has become a necessary action to prevent diseases and increase health costs.

With reduced physical activities in schools and backyards, and more opportunities to sit in front of televisions, computers, and game boys, even our children are joining the ranks of the sedentary lifestyle that an overweight population promotes. Diseases of adults are becoming more prominent in children. Adult-onset diabetes has been renamed to accommodate all children who are diagnosed, some as early as infancy.

So if you’ve “given up” because counting and exercising haven’t worked for you, consider the following five tips. Which ones can help you?

1. Check if you are sabotaging yourself in any way. Many of us find very unique ways to sabotage ourselves. Although they are not related to food, they can wreak havoc on our weight. Sabotage often happens when we are not aware of it. Being aware of sabotage is important, but it is only the first step. We must also be prepared to put our sabotage behind us. If we ignore the sabotage and keep trying to lose weight… well, you know the story.

2. Get the right nutrients. It’s not just about the right amount of carbs, fat, or protein. A proper balance of the nutrients contained in those carbs, fats, and proteins can play a role in whether you’ll happily lose weight and keep it off or if it’s just another diet you have to endure to wear a smaller size. A client of mine said it best when she told me that she “died her way to morbid obesity.” She started at 106 pounds and after years of dieting peaked at 255 pounds.

3. Use a balanced approach to lose and maintain your weight. Yes, it is important to watch what you eat. Yes, it is essential to exercise in order not to lose lean mass (muscle, bone, organ tissue). It is also important to examine your stress levels and where that stress is coming from. We all must eat. We all have to move. We must even have some stress. But what kind of diet, exercise and stress and how much of each we should have is important. A good balance of each individually and in balance with each other is of great importance in reaching and maintaining our weight goals.

4. Modify your lifestyle. “Lose 20 pounds in 10 days!” “Look great in your bikini in just 30 days!” We are led to believe that weight loss is a quick fix and anyone can do it. I went to college with a beauty queen who told us I could lose 5 pounds in a couple of days when I had to make an appearance. At that time she impressed me. Now I know that we can all do it. All we have to do is stop drinking water and eating food. The food in our digestive system at any one time and the water in our blood and cells can easily weigh 5 pounds. But isn’t losing weight supposed to eliminate fat?

Well, the scale doesn’t know the difference. Long-term weight loss success comes from understanding that extra pounds don’t add up in a few weeks or even a few months. If we are willing to make weight loss/management a long-term project, we can achieve a lifetime of success. By making small, incremental lifestyle changes and having the right support system in place, we set ourselves up for a happier, healthier journey toward our weight goals.

5. Forget losing weight and work on being healthy. Have you ever met someone who has been on a diet for decades and all they got was sporadic success with long-term failure? Then, when they finally decide to learn to love themselves just the way they are (all? pounds of themselves), and turn their attention to becoming healthier…the weight loss begins! Well, our body doesn’t care how we look, but it does care if we are healthy. Our bodies continually strive for homeostasis (a state of balance).

When our bodies are balanced, we are healthy. When something is out of balance, our organs and cells will work hard to bring it back into balance (no wonder we get tired). When we sabotage (that word again) our bodies by not giving them the nutrients and exercise they require and/or giving them too much stress or the wrong kind of stress, they can become overworked, resulting in loss of energy, weight gain ( or inappropriate loss) and/or illness.

So if you want to look your best and feel energized, you may want to shift your thoughts from losing weight to improving your health. Just changing your thought patterns from losing to winning can put you in a more positive state of mind and could be the first step on your personal journey towards your goals.

Omega-3 Fish Oil: Which Is Right For You?

Omega-3 fatty acids they contain eicosapentaenic acid (EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA), which are found in fish, and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is found in plants. Unlike the saturated fats in foods that can raise unhealthy cholesterol (LDL), the polyunsaturated fats found in fish oil help reduce cholesterol and inflammation.

EPA and DHA are essential fatty acids because the body does not produce them, so it is necessary to obtain omega-3 fatty acids from the diet and supplements. You can find omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseed, walnuts, walnut oil, and winter squashes, such as pumpkin, nutmeg, and acorn. The best source of omega-3 oil is cold saltwater fish, such as sardines, anchovies, tuna, and salmon. Warm water and freshwater fish may be good for you, but they are not considered acceptable sources of omega-3s.

Research has found that omega-3 fatty acids are proactive for health in many ways:

  • They help lower triglyceride levels by up to 30%, and LDL (bad) cholesterol — the fatty substance that can build up and clot arteries, increasing the risk of heart attack or stroke.

  • They can lower blood pressure and inflammation in the body, the precursor to many autoimmune diseases.

How do you know which brand or type of fish oil to buy? If we had two different bottles of fish oil side by side, and each bottle contained 1000mg capsules, each capsule could be very different. There can be big differences in their sources, quality, potency, and quantity. To choose the correct omega-3, we must look at what type of oil extraction process is used, as well as the removal of PCB’s, toxins, lead, mercury and other heavy metals.

How do you determine the correct amount to take? An average adult should take at least 1,000 EPA per day. EPA is the necessary component of fish oil. It is crucial that EPA is taken with DHA. DHA is also an important source of nutrients for babies. Two 1000mg capsules from two different manufacturers may have very different amounts of EPA. Some contain less than 80 mg, while others may contain more than 750 mg.

How do you know which one to buy? It is best to buy only the finest and purest quality omega-3 oil. It is best to buy omega 3 from a reputable source, although it may be more expensive than what you can find in a supermarket or drug store. I prefer the Nordic Naturals brand. Each dose of fish oil capsules used by our patients contain no less than 650 mg of EPA, 450 mg of DHA, and 180 mg of other omega-3s, and are purified from contaminants such as mercury, lead, and PCBs. Ours also doesn’t have a “fishy” smell or aftertaste, and is 3rd party tested.

Have you ever wondered how many people eat fast food?

When you’re sitting in your car in the drive-thru lane, waiting for your order to go out the window, have you ever stopped to think exactly how many people eat fast food? How many restaurants do you pass on the way home? With variety and convenience, a restaurant franchise is a guaranteed and lucrative investment.

Did you know that in 2007 McDonald’s had 390,000 employees? They also earned more than $22 million that year. With 31,000 restaurants in nearly 120 countries, it’s no wonder they say “Billions Served”!

Franchising is a nearly 125 billion dollar a year industry. While it requires a lot of hard work, the payoff can be exceptional. This is exactly due to the number of people eating on the run.

So how many people eat fast food? Over 50,000,000 people daily in the US alone. That’s a lot of burgers and fries! When you have work, school, and soccer practice to manage, eating out is more convenient than cooking at home. It’s also an inexpensive way to feed the whole family. Plus, the options are mind blowing!

KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN- For the chicken lovers in the family

MCDONALD’S, BURGER KING – For those who prefer burgers and fries

PIZZA HUT – On the Italian side

TACO BELL- When you feel a little south of the border

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. There is a fast food restaurant for almost every taste, so even the most demanding can find a place where they can enjoy a quick and convenient meal. Americans will spend more than $110 billion this year on fast food—that’s more than a quarter of all Americans. Most of them have even worked in the FF industry at some point in their lives.

Some people question the benefits of eating at FF franchises, saying it’s unhealthy, high in calories and full of fat. But there are also some good places to eat out. If you’re looking for a healthier place to dine, there are some restaurants that serve low-fat, sugar-free meals. Don’t be intimidated by the claims of detractors. You can find everything you are looking for in a restaurant easy, convenient and cheap. And with so many to choose from, you’re guaranteed to find what you’re looking for, close to home.

A person looking to invest in a business opportunity should really consider franchising restaurants. With more and more people dining in restaurants and restaurant franchises popping up around the world, this is an industry that shows no signs of slowing down.

With food to suit every taste and budget, speed, convenience, and meal planning options are as simple as a short drive to your favorite restaurant. Based on the number of people who eat out, franchising is one of the most lucrative business ventures available. Remember, franchising is the best kept secret of the 21st century!