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Category Archive : Health Fitness

How to lose weight for wrestling!

Let’s take a look at a typical year for a wrestler. During the off-season, the fighter is in the gym lifting weights. The workouts are intense. The wrestler eats normally, maintains muscle and adds strength to his body. The wrestler may occasionally compete in a tournament or go to a wrestling camp. The fighter is learning more moves and abilities, along with improved strength. Everything is good. Things are looking great for the upcoming season!

Then comes the season. The wrestler decides to cut 15-20 lbs. move to a lower weight class, where they will be big, strong and ready for any competition. The wrestler eats very little, runs a lot (even with the plastic suits on), spits, uses saunas, etc. to make weight. The fighter makes weight. The fighter has a good season, gaining weight every week and bingeing after every fight.


The fighter does not understand. He practices hard, very hard! He dropped out of two weight classes and gains weight every week. He trains after practice and works as hard or harder than anyone else in the mat room. He doesn’t strength train during the season because he practices a lot and doesn’t have the time or energy to work out. Plus, all that hard work in the weight room during the off-season has made him really strong!

Or did he?

If you are losing weight for wrestling and want to be the BEST of your potential, make sure you:

1. Keep up your strength training

During the off-season, you want to work on getting as strong as possible. I recommend training 3 times a week in the weight room, working the muscles used for wrestling. Be consistent and document your progress. Always push yourself to add a little more weight or reps. During wrestling season, YOU HAVE TO STRENGTH TRAIN! You won’t maintain the strength gained during the offseason if you neglect training during the season. If you’re losing weight, it’s even more important to keep up your strength training. If you’re losing weight, practicing, and fighting in dual matches and tournaments, your body is using its own muscle for fuel. You can avoid some of this by doing a total body strength workout every 4-5 days.

2. Eat more often

Don’t starve your body to gain weight! If you starve your body, you are slowing down your metabolism. Metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories. A calorie is a unit of energy. By going hungry, you’ll rebound and have even more trouble gaining weight next season. The answer lies in trying to lose fat, not muscle and water. This is accomplished by eating more frequently. Four smaller meals each day will allow you to lose body fat while saving muscle, giving you the energy to fight hard and stay strong throughout the match.

3. Give your body the right amount of calories

To find out how many calories your body needs to maintain muscle while you lose weight, take your current body weight and multiply it by 13. This is the minimum number of calories you need to consume each day.

4. Eat a 40-30-30 ratio

Now that you know how many calories you need to lose weight and still maintain the muscle and strength you’ve built, you need to eat the right ratio of protein, carbs, and fat. 40% of your calories should come from lean protein (egg whites, turkey, lean beef, whey protein powder, skinless chicken). 30% of your daily calories should come from complex carbohydrates (multigrain bread, baked potato, sweet potato, brown rice, oatmeal) and 30% of your calories should come from unsaturated fats (olive oil, nuts). You usually don’t have to calculate fat, other than a little oil on a salad, because the meats you eat will have a small percentage of fat that will be enough for the day.

5. Don’t run too much if your goal is to gain weight

Nothing is more exhausting than a tough high school or college wrestling practice. You shouldn’t get into the habit of jogging for miles and miles every week to lose weight. First of all, it won’t give you the stamina for wrestling like old fashioned live wrestling practice will. If you try to lose weight by jogging, you will start eating away at the muscle in your body. Aerobic activity is NOT an effective means of losing fat. A controlled eating plan is the answer.

6. Don’t get dehydrated

In order to fight at your best and make your body work efficiently, you need all the systems of the body to work optimally. Each of your body systems requires water. If you have to lose a couple of pounds to gain weight after following the tips above, you will restrict your water intake. However, restricting your water intake is not the same as not drinking any water at all. You still need to give yourself 3-4 ounces of water every 3 hours on days you are trying to gain weight. Remember, this is to maintain your strength. You need to plan well to do this well. Do not load weight until two days before and be drastic in your weight loss system.

7. Stay away from sugar

Fighters who lose weight by eating too little and jogging excessively tend to crave sugar. Sugar has no place in your wrestling meal plan. The only time my clients consume sugar is immediately after an intense strength training session. If it’s within 3 or 4 lbs. of your weight class, you may want to consume approximately 60 grams of high-glycemic carbohydrate (sugar) in the form of grape juice or apple juice within 20 minutes of your strength training session. This replenishes the body’s glycogen stores and helps with recovery. In general, stay away from sugars. They have no long-term positive effects on your energy. They are much more likely to be converted and stored as fat.

Stationary bikes vs. Treadmills

You have decided that you want to exercise at home. There are hundreds of home cardio equipment available. The most popular are treadmills and stationary bikes. When deciding between the two, you should compare long-term sustainability, workout efficacy, and safety.

overcoming boredom

The biggest obstacle to a home exercise routine is sticking with it. You don’t have to drive to a gym, so your home exercise equipment is more convenient. The problem is that other distractions are just as convenient at home. The key is to make your routine fun. You want to look forward to your daily workout. You have to be realistic. Fiddling with the heart rate monitor or watching the calorie counter go up will only be fun the first few times you exercise.

or Treadmill vs. boredom

On a treadmill, you walk. Walking is not so much fun. You can walk at different speeds, but that’s not much more fun. If you get a treadmill that offers an incline, that keeps it a little more interesting. Walking uphill isn’t exactly fun, but it’s different. Present a challenge.

You can’t really read on a treadmill because you’re bouncing up and down. You can’t keep your eyes on the same sentence and usually end up with a headache. Basically the only fun thing to do on a treadmill is watch TV or movies. If you really like TV or movies and can put your treadmill in front of a TV, you can probably keep your treadmill workout from getting too boring. The problems consist of commercials, the noise coming from the machine, and again, the bouncing.

o Stationary bikes vs. boredom

Stationary bikes are unique in that many of them come programmed with various cycling routines. You simulate different rides that require you to run, ride uphill, and perform at different levels within a workout without having to keep pushing buttons and changing everything. You can even select random shows so you don’t know what’s coming up, which really keeps you on your toes. Some stationary bikes can even be connected to TVs and video games to allow you to interactively pedal through visual courses.

On upright stationary bikes, you run into some of the same problems as treadmills when it comes to reading. Recumbent bikes, however, allow you to keep your hands free to hold a book or magazine, video game controller, or phone. Multitasking during a stationary bike workout keeps it from getting boring and allows your workout to fit more easily into a busy schedule.

Beating boredom to successfully maintain a long-term exercise routine is much easier with an exercise bike than with a treadmill.

The caloric factor

In a study conducted by Nordic Track, healthy young people used various exercise machines and performed cardiovascular exercises. Although they felt they used the same intensity on all the machines, they burned the most calories on treadmills and ski machines.

On average, most people burn about 750 calories per hour on a treadmill. The same people are likely to burn around 550 calories per hour on a stationary bike. So it’s a no-brainer, right? You should get a treadmill because they burn more calories.

Well not exactly. He can’t get so caught up in which machine burns more calories. Many other factors must be taken into account. How likely are you to stick to a treadmill routine rather than a stationary bike routine?

Because stationary bikes are usually more fun than treadmills, you’re much more likely to stick with them for the long haul. This means that while you may burn more calories on a treadmill, you’re also more likely to stop using it altogether.

You may also find it difficult to use it long enough per training session to reap the full benefits. Most people find it easier to exercise for 20 minutes on a stationary bike than 20 minutes on a treadmill. You have to think about it. If you’re likely to only do 10 minutes on a treadmill but can easily do 20 minutes on a stationary bike, you’ll burn more calories per session on a stationary bike.

So by strictly sticking to the numbers, treadmills burn more calories. If you get bored easily or have tried and failed to stick to exercise routines in the past, you may want to consider burning fewer calories per hour in favor of a sustainable long-term stationary bike regimen.

your security

The biggest difference between stationary bikes and treadmills is the overall safety for your body.

The first security case is the most basic. You can fall off a treadmill. However, it is very difficult to fall off a stationary bike. In fact, you would probably have to try to fall while riding an exercise bike. While you might be thinking that you would have to be pretty clumsy to fall while walking, it happens more than you think. People get involved watching television or to the rhythm of music. One wrong move and you can seriously insult yourself. It is also possible to spill water or sweat on the track of the treadmill, which can cause a safety hazard that you may not notice until after you slip.

Another safety hazard is injury from the activity itself. A treadmill puts some stress on the joints, especially the knees and ankles. Even if she invests in a treadmill with some degree of shock absorption, when she finally reaches a jogging or running point, she can place severe orthopedic stress on her body, even up to three times her body weight. People with existing conditions such as arthritis will sometimes find a treadmill painful due to this stress. Failure to do so can result in injury to healthy people and possible long-term damage over time.

Stationary bikes put much less stress on your joints. A properly positioned exercise bike supports your weight and still allows you to receive the benefits of a higher impact cardiovascular workout. Upright bikes can sometimes stress your back because of the way you have to bend over to reach the handlebars. However, recumbent stationary bikes can improve existing back pain by forcing proper posture and providing support while you exercise. On any exercise bike used correctly, the knees and ankles are not subjected to the same stress as on a treadmill.

The less stress you put on your joints, the less likely you are to sustain an injury during your workout. You are also less likely to feel pain afterward. Most importantly, a non-exercise related injury doesn’t always have to disrupt your exercise routine on a stationary bike. If you hurt your back or neck, you’ll find that the support of a recumbent exercise bike will prevent you from having to completely discontinue your exercise regimen. Let’s face it: if you have to stop, you’re less likely to start over.

An exercise bike is better for your health than a treadmill

As you can see, both home gym equipment have advantages. While the treadmill remains the most popular piece of home fitness equipment, an exercise bike is more likely to be used faithfully by most people. This means you’re more likely to have to dust off a treadmill until you get the garage sale sticker.

natural cure for diabetes

Food therapy should be followed under the supervision of your doctor. Check your sugar level frequently so that sugar levels do not exceed the recommended level

Foods to Avoid

It is always advisable to avoid some foods if you are diabetic such as refined sugar, sweets, syrups, glucose, jam, molasses, fruit sugar, ice cream, cakes, pastries, sweet cookies, chocolates, soft drinks, condensed milk, cream and fried foods. Fats such as butter, ghee, and hydrogenated vegetable oil should also be avoided. White sugar and white flour should be drastically reduced. Avoid all processed foods, junk food, pastries, cookies, preserves and preserves. They contain harmful preservatives and a lot of salt. Avoid soft drinks as they have a lot of sugar. Try to avoid fried foods from your diet.
Smoking results in depletion of oxygen in the body. It will result in the body needing less oxygen to metabolize glucose. Therefore, smoking should be avoided.

foods to limit

Salt intake should be kept to a minimum. You will get enough salt from the vegetables and fruits you eat. Reduce foods of animal origin, especially red meat. Reduce birds and egg. Reduce caffeine and alcohol. Do not drink tea and coffee more than 2 cups a day. Try replacing it with green tea or herbal teas like parsley tea, cranberry leaf, tea made from young walnut leaves, water in which bean pods have been cooked is good for diabetes.

Do not consume alcohol on an empty stomach. Fasting alcohol can cause low blood glucose, or hypoglycemia. Foods that should be eaten in moderation are honey and other natural sugars such as palm sugar, dates that can be used instead of white sugar. Remember that these should be consumed in very little amount only. Pasta, coconut, other nuts, unsweetened juices, eggs should be limited. You can substitute it with whole grain, unpolished rice and soy products. Try to eat whole wheat bread instead of white flour. Fats like olive oil and peanut oil are more recommended than hydrogenated fats. Low-fat foods such as skim milk and low-fat homemade cottage cheese can be taken in moderation. You can also substitute it for yogurt. Seafood and fish can also be taken in moderation.

Food to take

Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
An alkaline diet with natural foods is recommended. Whole grains, fruits, nuts, vegetables, and dairy products make a good diet for diabetics. Raw vegetables can be taken in large quantities. Cooked foods have been found to raise blood glucose more than unpeeled raw foods. Cooking destroys many of the enzymes and some vitamins and minerals.

Eat at least five fruits every day. Fruits such as grapes, pomegranate juice, Indian mulberry, banana, granny smith apples, figs, blueberries, blackberries, kiwis, and citrus fruits are recommended. It can be taken as a snack. cucumber, lettuce, onion, garlic, green beans, cucumber, radish, tomato, carrot, leaves; turnip spinach, cabbage and Jerusalem artichoke are good for diabetes. Colored vegetables are good for the functioning of the pancreas. Drink unsweetened fruit juice. Brewer’s yeast and sprouted alfalfa and mung beans are good for the body. The green plantain can also be cooked and eaten.

Most important of all is to eat a high fiber diet that reduces the need for insulin. It releases energy into the body slowly. Diabetes has also been found to decrease and may even disappear in people who eat a high-fiber or whole-food diet. High fiber diet has more chromium and chromium is very good for people with diabetes.
Eat plenty of potassium-rich foods such as raw peanuts, tomatoes, bananas, melons, dried peas, potatoes, apple cider vinegar, skimmed milk, wheat, but do not take potassium supplements.

Include soluble fiber in your meals like barley, oats, almond flour, dried beans, kidney beans, cooked black beans, peas, cereals, chickpeas, Bengal gram which has a low glycemic index, black gram, lentils, and corn or chickpeas for help. significantly in lowering blood sugar levels. Soy products such as tofu, tempeh, soy milk, soy powder, bean sprouts, nuggets, etc. they are also very good at containing the neurological complications of diabetes. You can make bread with any of the whole grains. Get plenty of soluble fiber into your diet. When you eat a lot of bread, cereal, and starchy vegetables, you will get enough starches, which is very helpful for diabetes. Insoluble fibers, found in bran (oat bran, wheat bran), whole grain breads, whole grains, and nuts, act as intestinal scrubbers by cleansing the lower GI tract. Fiber cleanses the intestinal tract by moving food out so it doesn’t sit there and rot. Butter milk and yogurt diet are very beneficial.

Useful herbs and vegetables

1. Bitter Gourd (Karela): Momordica-charantia bitter gourd or bitter melon juice contains plant insulin and should be taken 2 ounces 2 times a day on an empty stomach. It has been found to be very effective for diabetes.
It can be cooked like any vegetable and eaten.
Bitter melon powder can be made by drying. Take bitter gourd powder 1 teaspoon daily on an empty stomach.

2. Taking half a teaspoon of cinnamon a day can help prevent the onset of diabetes. Even steeping cinnamon sticks in your tea could also benefit non-diabetics who have a blood sugar problem but don’t know it.

3. 30 grams of fenugreek seeds can be soaked in a glass of water overnight and after 12 hours take it and grind it into a paste with the soaked water and drink it on an empty stomach.
2 teaspoons if the powdered seeds can be taken with water or milk.
You can add fenugreek to anything you cook.

4. Eating up to 3 grapefruits a day has also been helpful.

5. 1 tablespoon of amla (Emblica officinalis) after removing the seeds, extract the juice and mix with a cup of bitter gourd juice and take daily for 2 months on an empty stomach.

6. Gymnema Sylvestre a traditional Ayurvedic herb whose leaf should be taken up to 4 grams per day.

7. Mulberry Seeds or Jamun Seed Powder (Jamun’s scientific name is Eugenia jambolana or Syzygium cumini L) are very good for diabetes. Take 1/4 teaspoon with 1 teaspoon of honey for 50 days.

8. Eating freshly crushed raw garlic 3-4 grams a day lowers blood sugar. You can wash it down with a glass of water.

9. Neem seeds daily 2 times per pinch. Taking one gram of neem leaf a day helps in diabetes.

10. Bael (Aegle marmelos): The leaves of the bael tree when chewed are very helpful in diabetes. The pulp of this fruit can be dried and taken in doses of 5 to 10 g per day.

11. A pinch of pure turmeric powder mixed with amla (Indian goose berry) juice and eat every day on an empty stomach.

12. The use of turmeric and gooseberry in equal amounts in the form of powder taken with warm water is very helpful in this regard. These activate the pancreatic cells and more insulin is produced.

13. Black color wild jeerakam cumin seeds 60g in 1 liter and boil and reduce to 1/4 liter and take half divide it into two equal parts and drink one part in the morning and one part in the evening 2 times a day .

14. Grind (Bacopa monnieri) Bhrahmi and add a teaspoon to milk and drink.

vitamins that help

Supplements in natural forms are more conductive to the body.
Magnesium supplementation has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity.
Vitamin C: 500 mg is recommended. Vitamin E: This vitamin is very valuable for diabetes. A daily dose of 200 iu of vitamin E is recommended for fifteen days.
Chromium: Whole grains, seeds, mushrooms, corn oil, and brewer’s yeast are relatively good sources of biologically valuable chromium.
Vitamin A:. Take a dose of 15,000 IU every other day.
Vitamin B: Avoid large doses of vitamin B because this vitamin interferes with the absorption of insulin by cells.

things to do

Controlling your weight is the best way to treat diabetes. Exercise improves the body’s response to insulin. An exercise program should be started only on the advice of a doctor to avoid unnecessary complications. Walking, light games, jogging, and swimming are also good.

Yoga can help a lot. To relieve stress, meditate once a day for 10 to 40 minutes. Yogic asanas like Siddhasana, Vajrasana, Talasana, Yastikasana, like Yogamudra, Hastapadasana, Paschimottanasana, Chakrasana, Ustrasana, Bhujangasana, Sarvangasana, and Viparitakarani, like halasana, shalabhasana, dhanurasana, Pratipaksabhavana, and shavasana will also be beneficial.

UltraFit Amino Diet – A Review

The UltraFit Amino Diet was developed by Dr. Joe Davis, an internal medicine physician. After years of research, Dr. Davis discovered that by putting patients on his amino acid diet, he could lower cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, and eliminate oral medications from type 2 diabetics. He published a national book that explains how to obtain and maintain a healthy lifestyle by following a simple but structured program of nutrition and exercise. His book will help you achieve goals and keep them for life.

This program allows a person to lose a significant amount of weight in a relatively short period of time. On average, men lose 15-20 pounds and women 8-10 pounds in a month. The other benefits are lowering cholesterol and triglycerides, stabilizing blood sugar, and increasing energy levels.

Dr. Davis discovered that most people ate too much protein and fat in their diet, which is the root cause of most health problems today. An adult needs only 40 grams of high-quality protein per day, and any excess protein is stored as fat.

Dr. Davis developed a protein tablet that contains all 22 amino acids and 10 essential building blocks found in protein. Dr. Davis uses egg white, the highest quality protein known to man, because it contains the highest concentration of essential amino acids, but with ZERO FAT. During the Amino diet, the only protein consumed is the predigested amino acid tablet, because all other proteins have fat. By removing fat from your protein source, fats will be removed from your blood and body. You will only lose fat and not muscle.

You will take 6 protein tablets 6 times a day combined with complex carbohydrates such as fresh fruit, high fiber cereals, whole wheat bread, rice and potatoes. Complex carbohydrates are converted to glucose, a natural fuel, which the body uses to burn energy. Mitochondria are fuel-burning units that fill the muscular system, helping to produce energy. If we don’t consume a complex carbohydrate to fuel the body, the mitochondria start using muscle for their fuel burning units, thus destroying themselves. You will stop this muscle loss by giving your body the correct amount of protein and fuel (complex carbohydrates) every 3 hours. This nutritional program, along with exercise, will increase your mitochondria, allowing you to lose weight more easily, have more energy, and stay in shape.

You will never be hungry, because the predigested protein goes directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive process and becoming immediately available to the body. The satiety center of the brain is what controls your hunger. Predigested protein immediately raises your blood sugar and amino acid level, which shuts down your hunger center in 10-15 minutes.

So, in summary, with UltraFit Amino Diet, you will only lose fat, not muscle, increase your energy level, never feel hungry as long as you eat every 3 hours, and most importantly, improve any and all health problems, even lowering any medications!

Which is better, animal or vegetable protein?

There are two types of protein, complete and incomplete, which come from plant or animal sources. Protein supplements, no matter what type they are, are also derived from plant or animal sources. Which is better between animal or vegetable protein depends on a number of factors. There are those who choose not to eat meat or animal products for moral, ethical, and religious reasons. There are those who find themselves unable to afford many forms of animal protein most of the time. Then there are those who love the taste of a good juicy steak served with a nice cold beer. For our purposes, protein comparisons will be based on these factors:

– Nutritional value

– Cost versus value


What is a protein?

The human diet is made up of three macronutrients and many micronutrients. Unlike carbohydrates and fats, protein is not easily stored by the body, so there is a daily need for it. This is not to be confused with a free license to eat unlimited protein, as your body can, wants, and stores extra protein calories as fat, but does so with more difficulty. Proteins are vital to every cell in the body and play a role in a number of important functions. Half of the protein we get from our diet is used to make enzymes, which then digest food, make new cells and neurotransmitters, which in turn send nerve messages throughout the body.

Protein plays an important role in the creation of RNA and DNA, the building blocks of life and the carriers of our genetic material. Proteins are used to create contractile muscle tissue, connective tissue, and cell membranes, contribute to the formation of the bone matrix, and help maintain fluid balance. Regulates the pH balance of the blood, works on the formation of hormones and enzymes that play a role in digestion, and helps regulate sleep and ovulation. It also contributes to the body’s immune function because antibodies are proteins. (Source: Nelson 2009)

Complete versus incomplete proteins

Proteins are broken down into amino acids during the digestive process, absorbed, and then used to make new amino acids. The body cannot make eight of these amino acids, which are called essential amino acids. These are leucine, isoleucine, valine, threonine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, and lysine. In children, an additional amino acid, histidine, is added to the list, but most adults can create it themselves. (Source: The Vegetarian Society)

All animal proteins are considered complete proteins because they contain all eight essential amino acids. Plant-derived proteins, on the other hand, are considered incomplete because they lack one or more of the essential amino acids. For example, cereals, nuts, and seeds are low in isoleucine and lysine. Vegetables, on the other hand, are low in the amino acids tryptophan and methionine. (Source: Best)

Many people assume that because plant proteins, with the exception of soy and soy products, are incomplete, animal proteins are better. However, with a varied vegetarian or vegan diet, there are more than enough protein sources to get all the nutrition and the right amount of protein every day. In addition, whey protein is the best natural source of branched-chain amino acids, the only amino acid that is directly metabolized in muscle tissue and used first during exercise and resistance training. (Source: Whey Protein Institute)

The bottom line: in this field, the advantage goes to protein of animal origin with all eight essential amino acids. Honorable mention goes to soy-based protein, which is also a complete protein, and whey protein, which is also complete and the highest natural food source of BCAAs.

Nutritional value

Animal proteins are complete proteins and also provide a series of vital micronutrients per serving. However, there are also other things that you get from most animal proteins: saturated fat and cholesterol. There are better choices and substitutions that can be made, but it’s still clear that in terms of fat, calories, and cholesterol, plant-based proteins are the clear winners. If you’re a devoted meat eater, there are ways to minimize the damage they can cause, including limiting red meat to just a small serving every ten days or less and opting for healthier cooking methods when choosing foods. Good sources of animal protein include roasted skinless turkey breast, salmon and other fish (which are also good sources of omega-3 fatty acids), eggs, and low-fat milk and cheeses.

Plant proteins, while not complete, tend to have a lower calorie count and little to no saturated fat for the most part. However, there are a number of plant-based proteins that are higher in calories than others, including nuts and rice. Opting for brown rice increases the fiber content and makes it a healthier option than white rice.

Both animal and plant-based proteins can have their place in a well-balanced and nutritious diet, however it is important to watch portion or portion size as well as calorie count to avoid overeating and getting too much. of the most important nutrients.

Cost vs. Value

For many people, the cost of meat may cause them to consume less animal protein than they would on their own. Meat is expensive, especially some cuts of beef. Turkey and, to a lesser extent, chicken are better sources of protein and tend to be cheaper. Buy what you can afford and learn ways to stretch your food a little further. Remember, the need for protein is important, but the amount you need to eat each day is not huge.

Beans, one of the cheapest sources of protein, can be purchased in bulk and stored in the freezer until needed. There is literally no limit to the ways beans can be used, even for baking in place of oil or other fats. You can choose from beans of all sizes and colors and never have to make the same recipe twice.


There are so many different types of protein that you can literally find them everywhere. Animal and plant-based proteins are widely available, including soybeans and soy products. Additionally, protein supplements are often found in stores along with other products or online for easy purchasing. Protein supplements include liquid protein shots, shakes, puddings, powders, and bars. When looking for a good supplement, make sure it has high-quality protein and doesn’t have a lot of added sugar or other unnecessary ingredients. Some of the protein bars have very little protein but contain enough sugar and calories to qualify as a candy bar. Profect, an injected liquid protein supplement from Protica, is only 100 calories, contains no carbs or fat, yet provides a full 25 grams of protein per serving.


Ben Best Does excess protein cause kidney damage?

Lisa Nelson Protein and Heart Health: How much do you need? Health Central Highbloodpressureconnection.com. November 30, 2009

The Vegetarian Society

The Whey Protein Society

The lazy man’s path to perfect abs

Did you know that burning fat is one of the most effective ways to get amazing abs? It may not seem like the best way to sculpt your abdominal region, but most people don’t realize that the easiest path to great abs is to trim the fat around your midsection so that the big muscles that stick out hidden below can be shown. So how do you burn fat? Cardiovascular exercises are the most effective way to lose weight in the middle part of the body. It’s simple and it works.

Incorporate walking, jogging, swimming, aerobics, bicycling, and other sports into your exercise routine if you want to lose those extra pounds and put your metabolism into fat-burning mode. It sounds too easy to be true, but that’s how the body works. Cardiovascular activity increases the heart rate; As long as you can keep it in the right zone for a minimum of twenty minutes, you’ll burn fat. As you start to lose more belly fat just under the skin, you’ll start to notice the abdominal area getting tighter. As you burn even more fat within the muscles, your abs will also look more toned and firm. Cardio five times a week is extremely important when it comes to burning fat to improve abdominal definition.

Another way to increase your body’s fat-burning capacity is to combine cardiovascular exercise with a general muscle-building routine. This can help you burn fat faster, but it’s important to realize that you have to work on more than just your abs. When you work on all the muscle groups in your body, your metabolism speeds up because you’re adding more muscle mass. Gaining muscle requires more fat for energy, so your body responds by speeding up your metabolism.

Plus, all the extra calories your muscles need to function properly will be taken from the fat that would normally be stored in your body’s pockets. More exercise also means a healthier heart, which is also better at burning calories.

Contrary to popular belief, we lose data equally throughout the body as a whole. So as you burn fat through cardio and muscle conditioning, it will continue to disappear around your abdomen.

3 Simple Tricks on How to Stop Stress Eating (This Helped Me A LOT!)

One of the main reasons I ended up overweight was because I couldn’t stop eating due to stress! As soon as I ran into stress, I would immediately start wishing for all kinds of bad things! This didn’t help me at all since I live in Philly (think Philly cheesesteaks and Philly pretzels), and there are plenty of quality delivery restaurants within a few mile radius of where I live (lol)!

The good news is that I was finally able to beat my stress eating… and I’ll show you how I did it below and I hope these tips help you beat this dangerous habit too!

fast stress buster

One of the things I learned on a stress and anxiety relief program is that you should always have a few quick de-stress exercises to turn to whenever you encounter stressful situations.

Now, these types of exercises must be able to be done instantly and at any time. The only exercise I went to almost every time was simple deep breathing exercises.

By doing deep breathing exercises, you will decrease tension, stress and anxiety. Also, another benefit is that deep breathing will also directly help to decrease cravings.

The kind of deep breathing he always did was very simple. All you have to do is slowly inhale through your nose for 3 seconds and exhale through your mouth for 6 seconds. Repeat for one to two minutes. You should feel a sensation of warmth followed by an incredible feeling of relaxation and inner peace! Not to mention, you can do this ANYWHERE at ANY TIME!

Prevention snack

Another tip to help overcome the stress response with food is to identify common times in your daily life when you may encounter stress (like coming home to your spouse… I’M JOKING!) with a high-stress meal or snack. fiber content before this time.

Protein and fiber are 2 quality nutrients that are not only great for weight loss, but also help keep you full and satisfied…which of course will help curb your cravings.

Some examples of these types of foods that I would personally choose would be a whey protein shake and an apple. Simple!


This hack combines 2 troubleshooters in one! The first problem solved is keeping bad foods out of reach to begin with, and the second, of course, is curbing cravings. This trick is to have alternatives to the usual foods that you crave!

For example, one of the things I LOVED to eat when I was stressed was cereal. Give me a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and the IRS could come knocking on my door and I wouldn’t care one bit (LOL)!

So what would be a smarter, healthier version of this specific craving you had? Easy: Get healthier bread (like Ezekiel bread), brush it lightly with a little olive oil, sprinkle on a little cinnamon, and pop it in an oven or toaster oven until toasty. Healthy, delicious, quick, satisfying, and oh yeah, did I mention: HEALTHY!

24 pounds lost from running and eating

I have passed my first month of career in sports fields. I look back at my progress and realize that I have done something amazing that started with a promise I made to myself to get going immediately after car racing. The promise was easy, everyone makes promises to themselves and breaks them all the time. The difference here was that I mustered enough courage, strength to take the first step and repeat until I was done.

I prepared by walking the dog a mile every day for a couple of weeks before my first run, but the result is a success because of the planned walk.

The last day of my first month I was very nervous about my race, I was looking at the long term goal which was to complete 6 miles. Just like the first day, I decided that I would take the first step and move. My pace was a little different today because I had been tracking my workouts and before I started I only had 600 more yards to go than my last run to reach my goal.

One observation I made during my career was my lack of focus on utility poles. Normally my goal is to run past each utility pole, this time my focus was on the end of each field over 300 yards away.

This race was serious, so when the tunes started playing in my head for the first mile, I turned them off because it was too early for that. I never dreamed of this race, as some dog owners decided to let their dogs run free to run through the fields. I run with my dog ​​on a leash, but the loose dogs created distractions that kept me from reaching my dream state (the zone). We kept running no matter what was happening around us.

I had read an article about eating while running. The fuel you put into your body must be of the highest quality, which means you can’t just eat whatever you want. The biggest danger to your plan is people telling you you can eat crap because you just ran a couple of miles. A sit-down meal from the trash can more than undo the calories burned running in a week. A week may sound like an exaggeration, but feelings of hunger will lead to more consumption later in the day or the next day.

I never thought I would be a salad eater, but I found a way to enjoy a great salad by adding beef to my salads. A few days ago I was wandering the isles of a large Asian grocery store. I noticed very thinly sliced ​​meat packages. The round beef eye slices were thicker than lunch meat but thinner than I could cut through beef. I had to stop and stare at it for a while as my mind figured out different ways to eat thinly sliced ​​beef.

You could eat this stir-fry, put it on a sandwich, add it to an omelet, or put it in a salad. When my mind said we could poach it, chill it, slice it thin, and throw it in a salad, I grabbed a packet. Thinly sliced ​​beef does two important things for me: first, it allows me to eat my salad much slower, which helps prevent overeating; Second, it gives the salad some staying power so I don’t feel hungry right after eating my salad.

Skin Firming Effects of Vita Glow Night Cream

Effects of Vita Glow Night Cream

Advanced Vita Glow is an anti-aging and skin whitening cream that contains glutathione. It helps whiten the complexion and removes freckles, dark spots, fine lines, scars, blemishes, acne, tan, wrinkles, etc. It also reverses aging by eliminating the free radical damage to your cells and tissues, giving you a youthful glow. It works on all three layers of the skin – epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. It also works as an antioxidant and detoxifies the skin and body. It contains natural oils and bee wax that moisturize the skin. It also has kojic acid that acts as a melanin inhibitor and prevents the formation of Vita Glow Night Cream.

Unlike most other products, this one is safe for all skin types. It is also fast-acting and leaves no greasy residue. It is made with a blend of powerful natural ingredients, including glutathione, coconut oil, niacinamide, and zinc oxide. It is also enriched with mulberry extract, rosehips, jojoba oil, and aloe vera.

It is formulated to work while you sleep, leaving your face looking refreshed and radiant in the morning. Its ingredients help brighten and even out your skin tone, while nourishing and hydrating it. It also reduces the appearance of dark spots and hyperpigmentation, resulting in a more uniform skin tone.

Skin Firming Effects of Vita Glow Night Cream

This product is safe for all skin types, but it is not recommended for sensitive or dry skin. It is important to use this product consistently for best results. To do so, apply the cream before bedtime and massage it into the skin until it is completely absorbed. It is important to avoid putting any other products on your face or neck while using this cream.

Vita Glow is a skin-whitening and brightening cream that contains a potent combination of ingredients. The main ingredient is glutathione, which has a variety of benefits for the skin. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that can help reduce the appearance of dark spots and discoloration, as well as improve overall skin brightness.

The other active ingredients in this product are niacinamide and zinc oxide, which help whiten the complexion. It also contains jojoba and shea oils, which are both known for their moisturizing properties. The jojoba oil in this product also helps keep the skin barrier intact and encourages collagen production, which can firm the skin.

Vita Glow’s night cream is a rich and thick formula that is designed to work while you sleep. Its antioxidant-rich ingredients help to lighten and brighten the complexion while nourishing and hydrating the skin. It also helps to reduce the appearance of dark spots and other discoloration, as well as firm the skin and boost elasticity.

This product is made with a unique blend of natural ingredients that make it effective for all skin types. It is a non-greasy formula that is easy to apply and does not leave any greasy residue. It is also free from parabens and other harsh chemicals. It is recommended to use this product daily for the best results.

P90X Training – Best Practices: Where to Start

So you’ve decided to try the P90X exercise series? If you’re not sure where to start, this article will present the best P90X training practices to get you started on the right track. If you follow these steps, you’ll be well on your way to reshape your body and have a ripped figure in a full 90 days.

First, set up the area where you will exercise. You will need an area that is at least six feet wide, preferably 8 or 10 feet wide with a DVD player and TV. You will also need a few pieces of basic equipment. Hand weights (dumbbells) in at least three increasing weights would be perfect. For example, I have a set of 5, 8, 10, 15, and 20 pound dumbbells.

Also, you will need resistance bands to exercise. I use mine in place of pull-up bars, however if you have a door frame you can hang it from, you may want to consider the pull-up bar. Since I don’t, I asked my husband to give me a sturdy hook that I hang my resistance bands from. Make sure it’s super solid because it’s going to take a beating. A yoga mat is the only other equipment you’ll need to do P90X workouts.

Next, you’ll want to set up your kitchen. Ideally, toss out any junk food that may be lurking in your cupboards and fridge to reduce temptations. Next, make a list of the healthy foods you’ll need to buy for this week’s menu. All menu plans are set up for you in your P90X nutrition guide. I highly recommend that you follow the menu as closely as possible to get used to what the P90X is like. Don’t worry, you won’t starve. There are many delicious foods that will keep you satisfied and trim the fat.

The best way I have found to get the most out of your P90X program is to do the workout in the morning. Get up early and head to your workout right away with a large bottle of water. Don’t even think about it, just do it. If you wait until later in the day, you’ll find all kinds of excuses not to work out… at least that’s what happens to me.