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Parenting 101 – 10 keys to raising children

All adults who have children know that it is a challenging and extremely rewarding experience, especially as children grow into responsible, independent, caring, and productive adults and parents in their own right. After helping raise my own children, being a professional martial arts instructor since 1979, teaching thousands of children, and helping other parents raise their children (so I’m told), here are 10 keys I think are important to raise children successfully.

1. Leadership

Kids need a leader, someone who is strong, responsible, caring and committed to their highest and best good. What children do not need is to be the father of their parents. Children do not need to be buddies, pals or best friends with their parents until they, the children, are adults. Children are children. They need leaders to guide, guide and direct them throughout their first years of life. Those leaders are the parents who should be at the forefront of raising their children. For children to be successful in life, they need a strong foundation from their parents, one that puts them ahead of their parents’ careers, activities, relationships, and jobs. Children should never be considered as appendages of the parents’ lives. Until the children are of legal age, the children are the life of the parents. When children are given this commitment, it is a boon to their early development and later success as responsible, independent adults.

2. Structure

Children need structure. They need fundamental guidelines. They need to know what they can and cannot do. They need to know that if they go outside the boundaries of the structure set for them there will be consequences. If they stay with the boom, everything is copacetic.

Life and Society Governed by ethical, moral, social, family, national and spiritual laws and norms. This is life. When laws and rules are not established, children learn not to respect them because they were never taught to respect or live by them in the first place. Therefore, they are at risk of becoming lawless, defiant, and potentially trouble-filled adults. Therefore, the home, and the karate studio in my personal case, must exhibit definite rules to create the necessary order for a fundamental structure in which all prosper, succeed and learn to manage the limits of life in all its aspects. .

3.Cause and consequence

Continuing with the structural aspects of children’s lives, they must be made to understand that every cause has a consequence (effect), that every action has a reaction, and that a wise person always looks at the consequences of his actions. prior to he commits them Cause and effect is a law of life. It’s not just a nice thought. No one escapes the law of cause and effect, and when children are not raised with an understanding of this very basic and critical law of life, they are headed for a brick wall at speed. Nothing good will come of a person’s life if, as children, they are not taught that every cause has a consequence. Good actions create good consequences; bad actions create bad consequences. A life of causes without consequences is an illusion and a harbinger of hardships and problems to come.

4. Discipline

Discipline is the crux of success. A garden that is not treated, weeding, water, fertilizes, cuts and cuts regularly becomes an ungovernable disorder and out of weed control, vines, businesses, trees and grass. There may be life without discipline, but it will be no more a good life than a garden left unattended will remain beautiful. When babies are born, they represent life in its purest, most beautiful and innocent form. To keep it that way, children must be taught to be disciplined, to think before they act, to exercise self-control and judgment. An undisciplined horse, for example, is a dangerous animal, but when trained to be calm, disciplined and controlled it can be an excellent help, resource, companion and friend. Indisciplined children run the risk of becoming not only in rebel gardens, but also wild horses: out of control and extremely dangerous for themselves and for others. A simple look at the lives of many celebrities reveals the human remains thrown on the rocks of an undisciplined life.

5. Property

One of the most fundamental principles of a successful life is this: Our life; Our responsibility. In the same way, as children grow up, it is important that parents continue to reinforce the following phrase in their young minds so that when they are adults it will manifest: It’s your life; it’s your responsibility.

My children will always be welcome in my home, as I am sure your children will be in yours. This is how loving families work. That said, to ensure that children have successful lives, they need to be functionally aware that their life is their responsibility and they need to grow up in that concept. What happens when the parents are gone? What happens when they die? If children are empty in their responsibility for their own lives, then what? It is the love of parents that generates self-responsibility in children. To test this, simply ask yourself as a parent, “What if my children were left alone on a desert island? Could they survive? Would they be strong enough? Enough resilient? Enough resources? Balanced enough?” It’s your life; it’s your responsibility, at least they would have a fighting chance of survival. However, if they were looking for someone or something else to care for them, the prospect of their survival would be dubious at best.

Too many children are not being taught this basic life principle of taking personal responsibility. This is obvious because too many adults do not understand it or live by it. Regardless of what anyone wants to believe, no one is responsible for us but us. It is not the responsibility of the government to take care of us. It is not the responsibility of our friends, neighbors, associates, or even family to take care of us once we come of age. It is exclusively our responsibility. Raising children to live by this principle is critical to their well-being and success in life.

6. High grades

For children to have a sound sense of themselves they must be made to strive for high marks, not mediocre or low marks. Therefore, parents must set the bar high for their children. Give them something to strive for and achieve. In the process, they will develop habits, principles, and a mindset that will serve them throughout their lives. In martial arts, we teach, The process is the product.. Reaching a black belt level is worth mentioning, but the fact that becoming a person does not reach such an estimated level does not mean that the lessons learned on the road have wasted or useless. Therefore, parents must put the high bar so that their children can learn to aim high and achieve their goals and, in the process, generate a sense of trust acquired through competition.

7. Sense of values

What has happened to individuals who have a sense of values ​​in their lives? It seems our society is more concerned with its indulgences, pleasures and gratifications than its set of values. For me as a father, grandfather, teacher and citizen, this is extremely sad. To live only to indulge, play and gratify oneself can only result in an empty, non-substantive life. Great people throughout history have lived out of a sense of value, not gratification. As the great Dr. Albert Einstein warned: The goal is to raise the spiritual values ​​of society.Y Try not to become a man of success, but rather a man of value..

Values ​​include, but are not limited to: humility, discipline, self-control, patience, kindness, generosity, kindness, consideration, respect, balance, honesty, integrity, a strong work ethic, and doing what is right instead of what is profitable. . As the American intellectual, writer, reporter, political commentator, and Harvard graduate Walter Lippman stated in his Preface to Morality (1929): You have honor if you adhere to an ideal of conduct even if it is inconvenient, unprofitable or dangerous to do so.. Where is this value today? Something to think about and certainly important for children to know.

8. Right rewards

Giving the right rewards at the right time for the right reason is important in parenting. My message to my own children and studs was and is this: We do the right thing because it is the right thing to do, not because there is a reward attached. Doing the right thing is its own reward. When children learn this simple life lesson, they do things out of principle, not out of the expectation of some material reward. Constantly giving out material rewards like money, candy, clothes, or cars does nothing to promote our children’s character, which is the foundation of their lives. External rewards are occasionally effective, but Doing the right thing is the right thing is the right thing to do when raising children.

9. Appropriate praise

Praise is a necessary act in parenting. However, praise should be given when appropriate and that means when the child performs well, gets a high grade, shows excellent character, etc. Praising a child “just because” gives him a false sense of self. Telling a child that he or she is great when she has misbehaved is doing her a huge disservice. Certainly, the word “big” is overused in today’s society. Telling someone it’s great when they’re not lowering the bar and keep lowering it until there’s no bar to reach for, only to duck. The result is that children and society keep degrading and descending, not upgrading and ascending.

10. Respect

Having respect for oneself and others is fundamental to a well-functioning life. However, it is sorely lacking today. For example, adults should never allow children to address them as “friend” or “friend” or “hello.” How will such a child fair in the real world when he applies for a job and addresses the boss as “dude?” What has happened to children referring to an adult woman as Mrs., Ms., Miss, Ma’am or an adult male as Mr. or Sir? I personally find it interesting that many young people today simply don’t know how to address an adult.

By virtue of the fact that adults have preceded children in age and experience, they need children to respect them, not the other way around. The flow of respect goes first from the child to the adult, not the other way around. For example, in the military it is not for an officer to salute a non-commissioned soldier. It is always the responsibility of the lower-ranking soldier to respect the higher-ranking soldiers. This is life. Who in his right mind would order God to do something or call him “friend”? The same process applies to students and teachers, players and coaches, children and parents. There is a hierarchy in life and it needs to be recognized and respected.


Raising children is demanding. As parents, we all have our ways and means. This article has simply offered some of my personal gray child and gray principles that have worked for me in my tenure as a parent, teacher, and granfather. I do not claim to have all the correct answers but the ones I have offered have been successful. I share them only as a means of doing my part to insure a class of children who become responsible, respectful, independent, whole and healthy adults.

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Quotes from The Comedy of Hamlet

In the competition for Angstiest Dane, Prince Hamlet ranks high up alongside Kierkegaard in the “off the charts” division, giving “Hamlet’s Tragedy” a reputation for being grueling and inaccessible. Hamlet spends four of the play’s five acts in deepening existential funk. And rightfully so, considering the fact that a) his dad died two months ago, b) his girlfriend won’t talk to him, c) his mom is remarried, d) his new “dad” was once his uncle, it’s i.e. mom is butting heads with her own brother-in-law, e) the stepdad also happens to be the guy who killed dad, and of course, the little matter of f) the court *literally* plotting against Hamlet.

In light of these and other circumstances, the fact that the play still manages to make us laugh out loud is quite remarkable. That is, when we’re not so caught up in the drama that we miss the mind games, double/triple listening, and general absurdity characteristic of lesser-known quotes from Hamlet. Temperamental though he may be, Hamlet is not without a sense of humour, and Shakespeare even less so.

Take, for example, the argument between King Claudius and Hamlet after Hamlet murders Polonius.

King: Now, Hamlet, where is Polonius?

(Where’s the corpse, brat?)

Hamlet: At dinner.

(Would not you like to know?)

King: At dinner! Where?

(Watch out, kid!)

Hamlet: Not where he eats, but where he is eaten…

(Guess how many worms he’s feeding!)

King: Oh, oh!

(The guy was an idiot, but what can you do?)

Hamlet: A man can fish with the worm that ate a king, and eat the fish that ate that worm.

(The king becomes food for worms, the worm becomes food for fish, the fish becomes food for fishermen. Ergo, the fisherman eats royalty. Circle of life, asshole.)

King: What do you mean by this?

(What the hell?)

Hamlet: Nothing more than to show you how a king can make his way through the guts of a beggar.

(Nuthin, just wondering if you’ve guessed what will happen *after* going through the guts of a beggar.)

King: Where is Polonium?

(This is your last chance.)

Hamlet: In heaven: send there to see: if your messenger does not find it there, look for it yourself in the other place.

(Go to hell!)

Or what about the passive-aggressive exchange between Hamlet and Ophelia during the play (within the play). Note that all of this happens publicly.

Hamlet: Madam, shall I lie on your lap?

(How about I get between your legs?)

Ophelia: No, my lord.

(No, damn it.)

Hamlet: I mean, my head in your lap?

(All I wanted was to rest my head on your knees!)

Ophelia: Oh, my lord.

(Uh huh.)

Hamlet: Do you think I meant country affairs?

(Psh, you thought I meant sex! Just because the first syllable of “country” rhymes with…)

Ophelia: I believe nothing, my lord.

(I don’t play this game anymore.)

Hamlet: It’s a good idea to lie between the maids’ legs.

(Did you really just say “nothing”? Because that’s slang for female genitalia.)

Ophelia: What is it, my lord?

(What do you have, twelve?!)

Hamlet: Nothing.

(You heard me, darlings.)

The fact that Hamlet is ten times smarter than everyone else, not to mention that he pretends to be crazy so he can say whatever he wants, makes it a truly fun read, even amidst all the crying, brooding, and procrastination. regicide. ing

Portrait Photography Tips: Capturing Stunning Images

All budding photographers, as well as those who have been shooting for a while, are looking for the same thing. They want to take stunning photos that capture the “wow” factor. It is not an easy thing to do as beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However, it is not impossible and more than following rules, sometimes it is necessary to break them. Be random and boldly follow your instincts to find that one special image that makes everyone stop and take notice.

1. Change perspective – Almost all portraits are taken with the camera at eye level. Change perspective by changing the angle you’re shooting from. Get up high above your subject for an effect. From that perspective, you can see an even more interesting aspect. Experiment with your composition.

2. Play with the eyes – Eye contact or the direction in which the eyes are looking greatly affects the effect of the portrait. Looking directly into the camera is not always the most interesting way to photograph someone. It may be more intriguing to have the subject look to the side, drawing viewers into the shot to wonder what is there, off-camera, unseen. But be careful how you do this, as drawing the viewer’s eyes to the side also draws them away from your subject.

3. Stay focused within the frame – In other words, having your subject hold an object, such as a woman holding a baby, or a child holding a toy, keeps viewers’ eyes focused within the frame and on the subjects. It creates a second point of interest and helps create a story within the frame with the subject.

4. Composition rules – The composition rules listed in portrait photography tips are meant to be followed and broken. Rules are great to know and use, but stretching or pushing them to the outer limits makes portrait art more interesting. Learn the rules, get comfortable using them, then learn to break them for a more eye-catching result.

5. Experiment with lighting – The possibilities are endless with lighting. The only thing stopping you is your imagination and your ability to be creative. There is no good and bad. So go ahead and play with the lighting. You may surprise yourself. Sidelight, backlight, silhouette, the possibilities are endless.

6. Make the subject move – Interesting portraits happen when you push your subject out of their comfort zone. Make them move. Put them on clothing or in an environment where you wouldn’t normally find them. Surround them with things that say who they are, but make them react differently. For example, put them in business clothes in an office, but have them jump up and down or read a book backwards. Once again, be creative.

7. Do not stage the photo – Taking candid shots is better than posing your subject. People, and children in particular, tend to tense up and hide rather than reveal their personality when the image is staged and they are asked to pose. Shoot your subjects at work or children at play. Try to catch them by reacting naturally to their surroundings.

8. Using accessories – Enhance your shot by creating another point of interest with a prop. For example, if you shoot a doctor, let him use a stethoscope or hold a skull. Be careful not to let the prop dominate the picture, let it be part of the picture and tell part of the story.

9. A part of the whole – Try to focus on one part of the whole, for example, instead of photographing the subject’s head and shoulders, take a photo or two of their hands, or their back, or maybe even a shoulder with a special tattoo, keeping the face in shadow Be dramatic and bold. Sometimes what’s left out of the shot is just as important as what’s inside.

10. Variation on a theme – Hiding the theme to focus on a particular aspect also works well. In other words, wrapping a woman in a shawl leaving only her eyes visible and looking at the camera. Possibly match the shawl to the subject’s eyes for a dramatic color statement.

The possibilities of taking creative and dramatic photographs are only limited by your ability to think outside the box. Know the rules, know how to work with them, and then learn how to break them for a more creative effect. Lastly, take a series of shots…not just one…fire often and fast…sometimes to get what you want.

I hope these portrait photography tips have been helpful to you.

Gaslight Club – Chicago: A Roaring 20s Memory Lives On

Not to be confused with Gaslight in Racine, the Gaslight Club located in the O’Hare Hilton is the last of the original 1920s speakeasies that inspired the old Playboy Clubs. The service staff consists of beautiful and charming can-can girls dressed in corsets, tassels and fishnet stockings. The Gaslight Club extends beyond even that, attracting more of a transient business clientele with few regulars coming from the city or suburbs. Gaslight was open to key members until 2001 and is now available to anyone who wants a cocktail, steak or seafood dinner, and live piano entertainment in a chic, retro setting.

The O’Hare Hilton is located across from Terminal Three, within the boundaries of O’Hare International Airport. Visitors arrive by plane, take the blue “L” line, or park in the short-term lot. The Gaslight Club is located at the northwest end of the lobby, to the right of the front desk. Serbian owner Ranko (Ray) Dabizljevic rents the space from the Hilton and advertises the dress code as “business attire,” a rarity these days.

To the left of the framed Gaslight sign that promises “Fine Dining and Entertainment,” you’ll find the maitre d’s standing under a white statue of a woman who appears to be about to plunge into the water; maybe her wallet at her place… If she’s dining, the hostess will lead you to her table down a narrow hallway carpeted with Victorian wallpaper and lit by Tiffany lamps. A small room to the right of it features a handful of low tables for four, facing a series of tall, leather-upholstered wooden booths. Smaller tables for two are located under false shelving along the east wall.

Beyond the dining room is the heart and soul of the place, The Longhorn Room: a square, two-story space that’s big enough to accommodate a massive crystal chandelier brought from a castle in Europe. Several smallish, low wooden tables fill this space, punctuated by large, ornately framed Rubenesque nudes and a photo of Jimmy Durante grinning broadly and surrounded by the original Gaslight Club girls. Evening entertainment centers around the piano that sits in the middle of the western wall. Although Dixieland Jazz was once featured, you’ll find typical piano bar covers of songs rather than what you’d hear at Redhead Piano Bar, Zebra Lounge, or Davenport’s. Maybe it’s the giant chandelier upstairs, but the piano looks a bit small, especially with the stack of music books stacked on top of it. A portal below the large “Longhorn Room” sign hanging on the east wall leads to the kitchen, beyond which is a small server aisle that is flanked by two raised tables.

The bar is located at the north end of the room with an impressive wooden back bar framed by stately columns. The signature cocktail is the lemon drop. Instead of the shots you might have had at a place like the now-defunct Spike’s Rat Bar, this one comes in the form of a martini, made with Limoncello and a lemon wedge. A rather pedestrian beer list (no craft beers, thanks) is counterpointed by a fine dessert selection of ports, cognacs, single malts and a few other delicious spirits. Although they were previously served in ceramic cups, now all drinks are served in their usual glassware.

The menu is definitely geared towards those with an expense account. Signature steaks and chops are $34-49, the higher end of which is the Gaslight Steak (bone-in prime rib chop), and surf and turf is $60 and up (filet mignon and lobster tail), all which are served to the card (expect $6 for a baked potato). For those who want to lower the price, the Chicken Florentine and the Wienerschnitzel are recommended. For dessert, the lemon mousse hits the spot pretty well, although Eli’s chocolate mousse and cheesecake are probably more popular.

Of course, dinner and drinks are served by cute, slender, well-endowed, mostly Eastern European Gaslight Girls, who wear low-cut tops, ruffles that cover their buttocks, fishnet or nylon stockings, and high heels, similar to a Playboy bunny outfit, minus the tail (after all, it was this outfit that inspired the bunny outfit). Water and bread (served on a cutting board) are doled out by smartly dressed waiters.

The first Gaslight Club was opened on October 27, 1953, in Chicago’s Gold Coast neighborhood, by Burton Browne, a lookalike for Colonel Sanders who sincerely felt he was a cougar in a past life. The original Gaslight Club was in such demand that it had to move to a larger space at 13 E. Huron (now a high-rise) that also featured the infamous Everleigh Club’s bar. A second Chicago location was added at Palmer House (closed 1988).

In 1956, the New York Club opened in a lavish old mansion and featured Elizabeth Taylor as a Gaslight Girl, while she filmed scenes there for Butterfield 8, for which she won an Academy Award. The Washington DC club opened in 1959 and then Paris in 1961. Gaslight Club O’Hare opened in 1973. After Burton Browne passed away, board member Robert Fredricks ran the clubs until 1984 when Jim Roberts, Jr, a member of the Long-time Gaslight Club Took the Reigns At its height, the Gaslight Club numbered over 26,000 members, each with a gold-plated key. However, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, interest in members-only clubs declined significantly, and both the Gaslight and Playboy Club were closed more frequently. Until a new Playboy Club recently opened in Las Vegas, Gaslight Club O’Hare was the only one of its kind to survive.

Today the Gaslight Club is considered a rarity, prized by the few who know and enjoy it on the scales. While the location and/or cost of tickets scare off most Chicagoans and suburbanites, the Gaslight Club is a one-of-a-kind original and definitely worth a visit. Just get to O’Hare an hour early, resist the urge to squeeze into the nondescript little bar near his door, and grab a drink at the Gaslight Club bar. Just make sure you don’t let the Gaslight Girls make you miss your flight… For more information, visit the Gaslight Club website. Capital!

Tips for Studying for Your LSAT Test

Preparing for the LSAT tests is key to getting accepted to any law school. The LSAT is the law school admissions test. The test is a half-day standardized test that is required for admission to all ABA-approved law schools. The test allows schools to determine the reading and verbal reasoning skills required for law school.

The Law School Admissions Board provides various resources to prospective students. Their website offers many forms and information to prepare for the exam. There are several websites on the Internet that provide information on how to prepare for the LSAT. There are also face-to-face courses that prepare specifically for the test. These face-to-face courses provide lectures on the material and then students are required to answer questions related to the lectures. Students should also explore private tutoring, online courses, and small group tutoring.

Many advisors say that it is better to practice for the LSAT than to study for the test. The test consists of several sections that test your logic and reasoning skills. These skills work better with practice than study. There are various websites that are available for students with practice tests. These will be essential in sections such as analytical reasoning.

Students will also want to develop a test-taking strategy. The exam is timed and you know what the score is based on. Students must answer all the questions, even if they don’t know the answer, it is better to guess. Students will also want to invest in some study materials, such as LSAT books and CD-ROMs. The only area that students may want to study is vocabulary. Most sections of the test are based on reading comprehension and expanding your vocabulary knowledge can help you on the test.

Practice practice practice. Don’t take the test if you don’t feel ready. Prepare early enough to take the exam so you’re not in a rush to prepare or apply to law school. Students can take the test twice, but schools will average the two scores instead of taking the higher score. Retaking the test may not work for you in the long run if you do it wrong at any point.

Experiences that are sweeter than sex and porn

Gaining freedom after days, weeks, months, or years of incarceration: If you think freedom is cheap and unimportant, reconsider. Some inmates can pay anything to get out of detention centers. When you are locked up, your top priority is freedom and the taste for sex dies naturally. Perhaps, the prison sentence of the prisoner is seven years and he gets freedom within a year, what kind of sex will give him what kind of joy he will feel. Prisoners who have sexual desires are those who are comfortable with prison conditions or those who are used to confinement. Be that as it may, neither sex can know better than the prison warden who opens the prison door and tells you to go home. The sweetest word in jail is freedom and not sex. The thrill of freedom cannot be compared to the skeletal pleasure of sex. The agony of being held hostage by kidnappers is immeasurable. Therefore, the joy of gaining freedom after being with people who could kill their hostage at any moment can never be measured by the pleasure of sex.

Being vindicated for a crime you did not commit after several attempts to prove your innocence: Only those who have tasted the pains of being wrongfully accused of committing a crime know the sweetness of being vindicated. I’ve seen guys who have been wrongfully accused of raping underage girls. The burden of false accusation will automatically kill sexual desire. Let’s say a happily married father of children is wrongfully accused of raping a ten-year-old girl. Possibly, he could be highly respected in his religious and professional circle. The result could be threatened divorce from his wife, disrespect from his children and dismissal from his job, as well as excommunication from the place of worship. The exoneration of this man is much more pleasurable than sexual intercourse. I have tested the euphoria of people vindicated for wrongly accused crimes and found it to be better than sexual fun.

Calm down after being pressed for a long time: I was once on a bus traveling from Imo State to Rivers State in Nigeria. The trip will take about two hours. Immediately the bus took off, I got very pressured, it was clear that I had to visit the bathroom to poop immediately. I figured I could handle it until we got to Port Harcourt since it was already 9 p.m. From that moment I lost peace. I felt uncomfortable with everything. I wanted to sit down, stand up, move left and right at the same time. The night was cold but I was sweating confused. At one point the waste almost came out of my anus, I almost cried. At this point, not even the most beautiful girl in the world, along with her counterparts in the entire continent of the world would arouse my sex drive. All I wanted was to be free and avoid the embarrassment of getting dirty. We got to the engine part and I immediately ran to the bathroom leaving all my belongings on the bus. The way I felt while pooping, no intercourse can be more pleasurable than that.

Reconnecting with an old close friend after several years of losing contact: There is no measuring the amount of joy that you feel when you meet an old friend or a childhood friend. The carefree cry, the shout, the hug and the kiss are proof of the pleasure of meeting an old friend. Maybe he is now forty years old and his very close friend when he was five years old just showed up after about thirty-five years of losing contact, the pleasure cannot be compared to sex. You will sit with your friend, you will give yourself old nicknames, you will tell life stories and before you understand you will spend hours with him unconsciously.

Succeeding on an exam after multiple attempts: Consider the pain of paying a new tuition and exam fee, the agony of failing after several day and night readings, and the embarrassment of being mocked and the disappointment of seeing your classmates move to a higher class while you repeat. All of this and more will make anyone celebrate success on a particular exam after multiple attempts to pass. You may not understand what I am saying until you have failed a particular exam six times and finally passed it the seventh time.

Your team winning a match you thought impossible to win: It was in the 1996 Olympics and no African country has ever won gold in football. In one of the semi-final matches, Nigeria was playing against Brazil and the score was 3:1 in favor of Brazil. Everyone, including me, felt the game was over until Nwankwo Kanu scored the equalizer and the game-winner, respectively. That night I saw Nigerians running out of their houses into the street completely naked. I saw very responsible men carrying their wives with pots, washing bowls, mortar, etc. upside down and running down the street. Some lay down on the road no matter the series of cars on the road driven by crazy drivers inflicted joy. What kind of sex can make a man feel like this?

Getting a job after several years of unemployment: Receiving an email telling you to return to work the next day after several years of job hunting is more pleasurable than sex.

Another test you had shows that you don’t have the incurable disease that the previous medical test showed you have: confirming that the formal results of a medical test showing that you have a terminal illness is wrong is more desirable than sex. The lab scientist has just found out that he used a leukemia patient’s blood sample to run his own test and he kneels before you, apologizing for his mistake. No type of sex or porn can make you feel the way you feel after this confirmation.

Becoming a millionaire after years of living in poverty: Poverty can be frustrating and suicidal. When a disadvantaged unexpectedly becomes rich, the sexual pleasure cannot be compared to such happiness. Perhaps a $100-a-month earner just won a $2 million jackpot; no porn can compare to the joy of it.

Peace after a long time of political, tribal or religious war in your country: Go and ask the people of Libya, Syria, South Sudan, Nigeria, Iraq, etc., what is their greatest prayer; the common response will be peace. Only the living can have sex, what people in this country want is peace, so when they get it, it’s sweeter than sex.

Knowing that your little help helped save someone’s life, job, or destiny: Acknowledging that the Ten Dollars you gave your neighbor paid for the medicine that saved his son’s life, Identifying that the little training you gave your A man helps you get a better job or the little advice you gave to that teen who helped you get off drugs can provide more satisfaction than sex or porn.

To be alive after you thought you would die from illness, accident or stroke: You are driving in a fast lane face to face with a truck whose brake has just failed. You just close your eyes, waiting for the heavy blow because there is nowhere to hide. A few seconds later you opened your eyes hoping to see the door to heaven, only to discover that you were still driving your car. The truck had crossed into the other lane and crushed more than seven cars. What sex or porn will make you feel the way you feel when someone points a gun to your head and you hear the sound of a gunshot and find out that the police just shot your attacker in the back?

Getting praise and recommendations from your employer after everyone thought you were incompetent: Praise from an employer who has never seen anything good in you can be much better than sex. Perhaps, you have been labeled as the black sheep of the organization and there are even plans to fire you. But, one day your employer shows up and gives you an award as the best staff of the month and a promotion letter.

Completing a task that you thought was too big for you: Completing a mission that you and most people feel is impossible brings greater pleasure than sex. Most inventors have little or no regard for sex because their discoveries satisfy them. The happiness of doing great things overshadows the urge or pleasure of sex and porn.

Giving birth to a baby after months of pregnancy. The discomfort, pain and sleepless nights of pregnancy are indescribable. Fear of complications or death during pregnancy is also scary. The anxiety to see your offspring is tempting. The sought-after prestige and honor of fatherhood is tempting. Therefore, no sexual pleasure can surpass the first cry of a newborn baby. That single cry is worth more than the gold mines of South Africa, No orgasm can beat the sweetness of that cry.

my polish pottery

I didn’t know much about Polish pottery until we started selling it as a retailer. My wife has had pieces for years, but I guess I never really paid attention to them. I know I’m a guy, and I should probably be looking at sports equipment or tools; but this pottery is very beautiful. The art and colors are beautiful and many of the pieces are great to display in your home and make a beautiful collectible that can be passed down as a family heirloom for generations! The ceramic is lead and cadmium free and safe to use in the microwave, oven, dishwasher and freezer. Best of all, it’s affordable and functional! Cooking on it is great and with its non-stick surface it’s better than using a Teflon coated pan (well now it seems like I really know what I’m talking about).

This pottery has been around for centuries. In the 19th century ceramics became popular in Europe. Potters in Boleslawiec, Poland began to use more colors, stamp embellishments (decorating the pottery by hand with stamps), and a white background which made the pottery much more vibrant. What makes this pottery very attractive and attractive is the bright colors that are used, such as cobalt and peacock blues, browns, greens, yellows, and reds.

Polish pottery is beautiful and durable glazed stoneware that is handcrafted in Boleslawiec, which is in the southwestern region of Poland. Stoneware is a clay (unique to the region) that is fired at extremely high temperatures exceeding 2200 degrees Fahrenheit. It is a man-made stone that does not crack or chip easily and is hard enough to resist scratching with a steel point.

There are several factories in Boleslawiec, Poland, that manufacture Polish pottery. I understand that the highest quality pottery is made by Ceramika Artystyczna, and their craftsmanship is internationally recognized. They employ the most talented artists who hand-paint each ceramic piece using brushes and sponges from the Baltic Sea. Another great manufacturer is Zaklady Ceramiczne. There are both “designers” and “artists” in the pottery process, and “potters” who have been involved in the business for generations.

How do I know that the ceramic polish I am buying is a “good deal” while also being of high quality? Ceramic wholesalers generally buy ceramic polishes from the same factories in Poland. However, not all wholesalers select the best quality and buy from top quality factories. Ceramic can have flaws or imperfections in the paint or even in the piece itself. Make sure your ceramic polish is made in a high-quality factory in Poland. A good way to determine the level of quality is to look at where the ceramic polisher is made in Poland (the actual factory) and determine if it is #1 qualityPrayed CAT #1 (GAT short for gatunek – meaning “type” or “type” in Polish), both signify that Polish pottery is of the highest quality.

Some ceramic pieces have a very complex design, are made with six and eight colors and are signed by the artist. These pieces are called signature patterns or Unikat, which is a Polish word meaning “unique”. Does this mean that all other ceramic polishes other than Unikat are not of high quality? Of course not, many, many pieces of Polish pottery, which are not signed by the artists, are beautifully designed and of very high quality.

How do I know that the ceramic polish I am buying is a Unikat piece? These pieces although called signature patterns, they are not actually signed by the artist. Artists who paint exclusive patterns have extensive training in Polish ceramic art. It is important to note that there could be the same design number on a piece, but painted in different ways by different artists. The signature is located at the bottom of the piece and will generally indicate the following:

  • The word “UNIKAT” with a number next to it, which is the pattern number.
  • Artists name with a printed signature, or stamped signature of the artist who designed the pattern.
  • Sometimes there is an indication of “Ltd Ed” for Limited Edition. Not all Unikat pieces are limited editions.
  • Factory seal or brand stamped with insignia.
  • printed mark indicating Handmade in Poland.
  • At the bottom of the pottery there is an alphanumeric code which are the initials of the person who painted the piece of Polish pottery. Next to the initials is a number. Each artist is assigned a unique number, to differentiate between artist names that may have the same initials. Examples of these codes are: MO 50 or TL 78.

When selecting this ceramic, please sort it by manufacturer on the retail website. Most websites have a Shop by manufacturer function on the left or right side of the website. There are thousands of pottery designs. Buying Polish pottery can be fun. Find a retail website that allows you to shop online. Pattern identification number, so you can see all the products in the same pattern. An example of this type of Polish pottery classification can be found in the Elizabeth Michaels Home.

Law School: Avoiding Expository Writing on Law School Essay Exams

In law school, as well as in the practice of law, you will have many opportunities to demonstrate your skills in many types of writing. One type of writing that you will need to use from time to time is expository writing. Expository writing is a rhetorical mode of writing in which the author’s purpose is to inform, explain, describe, or define their topic to the reader.

However, when answering law school essay exam questions, you are asked to demonstrate a different type of writing. Exams are opportunities to show your professor your legal problem-solving skills by identifying problems, establishing concise rules to be used in solving the problems, and then applying your analytical talents to reason and draw conclusions. That requires a departure from expository writing.

As an example, to prove a negligence claim, a plaintiff must provide evidence of several elements, one of which is the existence of a “duty” on the part of the defendant to act with reasonable care in relation to the plaintiff. The following is unnecessary in an essay answer:

“Duty” can serve as a touchstone when trying to understand the essence of the concept of negligence. The notion of duty seems to be a universal cornerstone in legal systems around the world. In civilized societies, all human action is in accordance with the law, which the members of each society must obey. The duty may be bound by law or by contract. When imposed by law, a duty is an obligation that requires the actor to conform to a certain standard of conduct for the protection of others against unreasonable risks. The word “must” is used throughout the Restatement of Damages to denote the fact that the actor is required to behave in a particular way; if he does not do so, he runs the risk of becoming liable to another to whom the duty is owed for any damage suffered by that other, of which that actor’s conduct is a real and proximate cause.

From an essay writing standpoint (outside of law school), this may be a good paragraph. Including it in expository writing could be helpful. While introductory explanations, historical justifications, moral discussions, and concluding paragraphs tend to round out good college expository writing, these are not hallmarks of good law school essay exam writing.

Knowledge protection: don’t treat your company’s intellectual property as renewable resources

An idea, by definition, exists primarily in one’s mind, where it remains somewhat safe, but not very useful as long as no one else knows about it. In order to produce (commercial) value from that idea, it needs to be expressed, and there often are the starting points of many potential problems and challenges for the creators, the developers of that idea.

Fundamentally, the protection of the property rights of the products of the mind represents a kind of contract between society, the government and the people who created/developed the idea.

But, the risks (threats, vulnerabilities) to ideas (information assets) today, e.g. compromise, theft, misappropriation, infringement, falsification, etc., are asymmetric, change rapidly, and when they occur they can instantly :

. stifle the drive for further development and/or (economic)

idea marketing

. undermine projected transactions, investments, strategic (business) plans or

competitive positioning and

. erode (evaporate) the value of ideas and their projected (future) use, profitability, or

anticipated competitive advantages.

In the pre-Internet era, when companies experienced compromises/losses in their confidential proprietary information and/or trade secrets, etc., a common strategy/practice was to try to contain (compartment) the damage and/or the extent of the loss. , usually in a contingency planning/business continuity context. Today, however, while such strategies may be feasible in limited circumstances, they rarely reflect the ‘nanosecond speed’ reality at which valuable information assets can be acquired and globally disseminated to an ever-increasing variety of users. adversaries, eg, infringers, competitors, counterfeiters, etc. And, once the asset has been successfully compromised, reliance on containment, in the conventional sense, is rarely a viable option.

Increasing (exacerbating) the likelihood that a company’s proprietary know-how, etc., will be compromised is the widespread availability of ultra-sophisticated and predatory data mining, scanning and analysis (competitor intelligence) tools ( software) that can discern and extract substantial advantages embedded in a company’s information assets and ultimately distribute them to a growing maze of highly organized and skilled information brokers and corporate- and state-sponsored economic-competitive adversaries globally . This makes a company’s proprietary information assets at risk (vulnerable) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and at increasingly earlier stages of (their) development and without regard to protections conventional intellectual property.

Thus, while conventional IP enforcement mechanisms (i.e. patents, trademarks, copyrights) remain a very nuanced and country-focused requirement to transfer ownership and provide a legal standing to address potential disputes and challenges, the reality is that patents, in particular, are reactive, that is, they require constant self-monitoring and control by the owner/proprietor to be even reasonably effective.

Of equal importance, the purported discovery effects of intellectual property (eg filing – issuance of a patent, for example, will actually prevent others from stealing, infringing, counterfeiting and/or misappropriating) are ( a.) conceptually and practically oversold, and (b.) easily/easily outperformed, circumvented, and completely ignored by a growing global cadre of ‘legacy-free’ players and well-organized information brokers, infringers, and counterfeiters.

Legacy free players, as characterized by Thomas Friedman (The World Is Flat) are individuals, organizations (worldwide) who generally have, for a variety of reasons, little or no cultural, national heritage to respect private property rights (tangible), much less. Intellectual Property Rights. Thus, legacy free players may brazenly engage in theft, misappropriation, and industrial (economic) espionage to acquire the ideas, intellectual property, and proprietary knowledge of others to better themselves (economically, competitively) and without incurring the (huge) down payment. costs associated with ‘idea development’ (R&D).

Arguably then, in the increasingly predatory, aggressive and winner-take-all global (transactional) business environment, conventional forms of intellectual property are rapidly becoming less relevant, perhaps even obsolete, such as (a .) the main “tool” for safeguarding a company’s most valuable assets, (b.) ensuring that the rightful owner receives the benefits of economic and competitive advantage from the hard-earned and costly knowledge they have developed, or (c .) guarantee the control, use, ownership and value of its intangible assets. assets and intellectual property that are at stake – part of a transaction.

That is, in many transactions (in which a company’s intellectual property and intangible assets are at stake, as part of a deal), one can now assume that all or a significant part of the value of those assets and the cycle of functional-commercial life will be significantly reduced. , if not completely lost (unrecoverable).

Unfortunately, the new business reality is that the conventional application of intellectual property produces little benefit to an organization, other than providing a (legal) position to resolve disputes and/or initiate litigation when challenges arise, which is a common occurrence. and increasing consistency. This does not mean that conventional IP protections should not be used. However, any assumption that the issuance of a patent, alone, will be sufficient to absolutely deter (inhibit) infringement, product piracy, misappropriation or theft and allow the rightful owner/holder to maintain control , use, value, and property rights for 20 years, is not a credible, feasible, or prudent course of action.

Therefore, it is imperative today that business decision makers (owners, owners of intellectual property and intangible assets, proprietary knowledge, trade secrets, etc.) practice consistent and effective stewardship, oversight and management of those assets. , including (a.) monitoring their status, stability, fragility, and sustainability, so that (b.) ownership: IP rights, where necessary, can be aggressively pursued in a timely manner (in real time).

Even in light of the economic fact, the business reality in which more than 65% of the value, sources of income and future wealth creation (sustainability) for most companies are directly linked to intangible assets and the PI, a significant percentage of the company’s intangible assets. They go unnoticed and undervalued. This is especially true when a company’s know-how (intellectual capital) has been literally embedded in its products, services and processes over many years, as a “company culture” that often goes unnoticed and underestimated to the extent that that contributes to quality, consistency and sustainability.

Ultimately, the likelihood (chance) that a business will experience a compromise, breach or loss of its IP, intangibles and/or proprietary competitive advantages and know-how should not be characterized as merely representing another ‘risk of doing business’ . Rather, in today’s global business environment, it looks more like an inevitability that, if dismissed or left unchecked by company decision-makers, senior executives, boards, and D&Os, can constitute not only a breach of fiduciary duty, but also cause significant and irrecoverable losses.