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Category Archive : Legal Law

Healthy Living – Don’t Buy Bottled Water – Get a Water Filtration System!

Chlorine, chloramines, microscopic particles, pharmaceuticals, and a host of pollutants and toxins enter our homes every day through our faucets. Today it is common to see a home with under-sink water filters, drinking water filters, or a bottled water system to provide clean, safe drinking water. But even the best drinking water filters leave you unprotected in the shower, doing laundry, and even running your dishwasher. Without a whole house water filtration system, you are not protecting your family’s health from exposure to harmful unfiltered water.

Also, our air quality is affected by the lack of water filtration throughout the house. Harmful chemicals in water, such as chloramines and chlorine, can release steam into the home when the water is running and this can cause respiratory problems and trigger asthma.

Domestic water filters protect the entire house by filtering from the source; Where does the water enter the house? The water is filtered with broad spectrum filtration that protects you in the shower, your kids in the bath, your clothes in the wash, and your dishes too! Air quality is also protected, since the running water in your home will have been filtered first.

Some water facts can help you fully understand the importance of whole house filtration instead of just providing bottled water.

First, one danger comes from bisphenol A, or BPA, in plastic water bottles, which has been shown to be dangerous to humans, but is still in use. This doesn’t even include the damage to the environment from the huge amount of plastic bottles that end up in landfills.

Second, the EPA’s maximum safe chlorine level is 4.0 mg/L for an adult; however, for children they say that 3 mg/L is safe. Many treatment facilities report levels between 3.2 and 3.9 mg/L. This is barely safe for a full size adult, smaller adults and children are left unprotected and the elderly and infants and those who are sick and need extra protection are often made worse.

It is not enough to avoid drinking chlorine or chloramines. The body absorbs chemicals and pollutants that it comes into contact with, such as when bathing or showering. Additionally, the vapors are also absorbed through the skin and inhaled in showers. All the chemicals and contaminants then enter the bloodstream.

With this in mind, during an average shower, it’s a safe assumption that you may consume more chemicals and contaminants than you would by drinking it; especially if you are a child who loves to play in the bathtub for a long time. Home water filters offer you the safety in the bathtub that the best drinking water filters or bottled water system do not.

A whole house water filtration system removes chloramines, chlorine, lead, arsenic, pharmaceuticals, and other chemicals and contaminants from water. This leaves you with safe water from any tap in your home and leaves your air free of contaminants that can occur from the tap.

Get a bigger butt with kettlebell workouts

It goes without saying that most fitness professionals discourage you from training in a particular area for exercise or weight loss. However, bestselling author Tim Ferriss makes a strong case for kettlebell exercises for women who want a bigger butt.

With previous experience (and little interest) in kettlebell training, Ferriss was re-introduced to the power of the workout over lunch in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with someone he calls “The Kiwi.” With a BSE in exercise physiology, The Kiwi watched a professional Brazilian samba dancer balance tequila shots on the top of each buttock.

Inspired, the kiwi conducted a kettlebell training experiment with his then-Chinese girlfriend on the art of “perfecting the female butt.” Within 4 weeks, the girlfriend, a woman with a “surfboard” body, became one of the ten sexiest girls in her school at the University of Auckland. She was literally bombarded by fellow students wanting to know what she did to push her butt so high over her hamstring. The answer was kettlebell training, specifically swings.

Kettlebell Swings for a Taller, Sexier Butt

Whether or not you plan on balancing shots of tequila on your butt, that would be nice, right? Today’s most popular fitness programs feature intense workouts that deliver maximum results in record time. For women, especially women who want to get an hourglass figure, kettlebell exercises are one of the hottest trends right now.

“By trading ineffective cardio for shorter, more intense bursts of kettlebell activity, you rev ​​up your metabolism like crazy,” says Caroline Radway, kettlebell fitness expert. “You preserve lean muscle, burn fat, and keep your body burning calories for hours after you’re done.”

Here are kettlebell swing instructions to help you get a bigger butt:

  • Stand with your feet 6 to 12 inches apart to each side.
  • Place the kettlebell six inches in front of you on the floor.
  • Use both hands to get a good grip on the handle. Without standing up, lift the kettlebell back and up behind you between your legs. You should feel like you are about to sit in a chair.
  • Come to a full standing position, pushing your hips forward with the help of the momentum of the kettlebell. Allow momentum to guide your body to rotate back into a hinged position as you repeat the movement.

Tips for Making Effective Kettlebell Swings

Avoid rounding your back. Keep your shoulders retracted (back).

Don’t squat. The movement is not supposed to be a squat. It’s supposed to feel more like you’re about to sit on the edge of a seat.

Imagine that you are pinching a penny between your buttocks when you raise your hips. This creates a forceful pop that further activates the gluteal (butt) muscles. “If your dog’s head gets in the way, Fido should be cool,” says Ferriss.

As you can see, you can get a bigger butt using kettlebell exercises for women, but you can’t expect an immediate transformation overnight, especially if you’re not using proper form. Consider investing in a few kettlebell training sessions to learn proper form so you can execute movements smoothly to maximize your results and minimize your chances of injury.

Intellectual property: who needs it and why?

In today’s competitive world, nearly every business thrives on innovation and ownership. Genuine business assets including ideas and concepts are protected with the help of intellectual property or IP.

Is today’s competitive business world much different from days gone by? The honest answer would be both a yes and a no. While it’s obvious why many would have chosen yes, there are reasons why it’s not an answer. Well, it’s a NO for the economy. Is the economy the same as it was 30 or 50 years ago? It didn’t have the same pits and drops or driving forces as it does today.

What’s different in the economy and why are companies paying more attention to IP than ever before?

We see that many companies create their R&D departments, hire exclusive engineers and designers, include programmers and researchers to allocate a large part of their budget to invest in inventors who bring IP. On the other hand, there is an explosion of innovation and creativity among many ordinary people who become inventors of products and business models. Often these everyday people have no experience or background in business or technical training.

Why do companies show interest in IP? The answer is simple and direct. It’s because IP back country. It pays both the investor and the inventor. It doesn’t matter if the company buys the invention or finances it, it pays for everything. In business, supply and demand are two very closely related forces. Demand creates more supply and vice versa. Consider this: When it comes to a new business, you will want to display your product on supermarket shelves. These shelves are also packed with products supplied by various other companies. There is usually no option to expand the shelf in the supermarket. This is when there is a dispute. The new company will grab the attention of the public only if it has some special features than the reputed company that sells the product. The special feature could be anything: a lower price, a special ingredient, better appearance, better value, improvised quality, eco-friendly materials or ingredients, or simply anything the customer would appreciate now or in the future. Now, it is time for the existing business to protect itself from the competition. They have to maintain their shelf space to stay in business. How do they help themselves? They do the same as startups. They keep updating their features. They use innovative technology to make them sound and feel better than their competition. Intellectual property and patents. Patents are the best way to keep products on the market for a long time.

Years ago, when I was Director of New Product Development for a New Jersey company, I was asked to design a new infant seat that could be installed in shopping carts at major US and Canadian retailers. The company was the best in the field of developing business equipment and products for the retail environment. I still consider the president of the company one of the smartest businessmen I have ever worked with. He was confused. I asked him, “Our company is the best in the market and we lead the industry with the infant seats we have designed before. Why would you want to invest money, effort and time in a new product when your company already has the best of them?” ?” He calmly replied, “Taking care of a business is like taking care of a plant. You can’t give life to a plant that has dried up due to drought. You have to water it regularly to keep it alive and thriving. In fact, reviving a half-dead plant is much more difficult than keeping him healthy.” For me, it was a very valuable lesson. I was lucky to learn another important lesson from him. One day, he announced that he was making an offer to buy one of the competing companies that went bankrupt. It was about to shut down completely. I was shocked. I asked him, “Why do you want to buy a dying company? I guess they don’t have anything you want or need. Am I missing something?” The president replied, “Yes, I understand that this company is almost dead. It may not be around anymore, but they have something that I want. They have several patents. This would open up more market opportunities for the owner of these patents. I am very interested in this dying company just because of its valuable patents.” So this made me realize that the demand for innovation and invention creates a supply of new ideas. New ideas give new solutions that in turn give new proposals that eventually become commercial offers.

Modern technology and advanced communication techniques have helped a lot in the demographic aspect. There are a number of television shows like “Shark Tank” that feature people from different social, professional, and educational backgrounds who meet potential investors. Viewers of these shows soon realize that you don’t have to be rich to make money. You don’t always have to come from an influential family to make more money or invent new things. The critical factors that help you make an invention would be observation, creativity, skills or abilities, and willingness to act on the perceived idea. The logical idea to start your business idea is to address the financial needs and initial investment of many independent inventors. Many crowdfunding websites like Quirky.com, fundanything.com, Ulile.com help raise the money needed to get your business up and running. I know some of the inventors on a personal level, who have managed to make money from these websites. They have been successful with their approach and fund their own project. The development of their ideas has led them to make products based on their ideas. I have to admit that crowdfunding does NOT work for everyone. It is not a permanent solution!

If you ask me how I would see the future in the field of intellectual property rights – invention and innovation – I would say that I see it as a river that receives more water, becomes stronger, wider and wilder.

Tips for choosing a family lawyer

If you are in need of a family lawyer, then the options may come to you as there are many options available. If you are in a big city it can be more difficult to choose as there are so many attorneys that can be found in local phone books and online. However, choosing the right attorney for your family can be simplified and can start with the following tips:

• Ask for references. If it’s a sensitive matter, this could be quite a challenge. Ask around friends or colleagues who may know of a trusted attorney in your area who can help you handle the matter professionally. It might also be worth asking a few attorneys to see who you feel comfortable with. Find a lawyer with whom you feel comfortable sharing sensitive but relevant details related to the case.

• Consider the disparity of laws. One thing to remember is that the laws differ from state to state. Therefore, you should look for a lawyer who is familiar, if not an expert, with the laws of the place where you are located. It would even be better if you get a lawyer within your area, like if you are in San Pedro, CA, get a lawyer who practices there. Getting one from another area may not give you accurate information or the correct advice applicable in your area.

• Look for a lawyer with specialization. Family law is broad in scope. Find a family lawyer who has a specific specialty, as you can be sure of her experience and focus. Remember that there are family lawyers who specialize in divorces, child custody and others. Choose one that specializes in the case you have. It would also be best if you look for a lawyer who has been practicing law for a number of years, as you can rely on her experience.

• Request quotes. Money plays a fundamental role in everything, even in lawsuits. To determine how much you will pay for legal services, ask beforehand what the attorney’s professional fees and other charges are. It would also be best if you request quotes from different legal service providers to compare prices. The price is affordable and reasonable. Legal services can be quite expensive. Know what you are getting yourself into before you finally hire an attorney.

Masonic bible: a man took off his shoe

“Now this was the custom in ancient times in Israel about redeeming and about changing to confirm all things: a man would take away his own and give it to his neighbor…” Ruth 4:7 (Masonic Bible )

During the ceremonies of the entered apprentice degree, the candidate is instructed in the above-mentioned passage of Scripture from the Masonic Bible, which is intended to indicate both confirmation of a contract and a commitment to full compliance with terms and conditions. of that contract. In Freemasonry, this symbolism is intended to convey the sanctity of the contract made between the candidate and the Masonic institution when he assumes their vows. For the Israelite of Ruth’s time there was nothing more essential than shoes, or sandals, without which men and women were forced to walk on hot sand, earth, and rocks. Consequently, giving a shoe to another person not only conveyed the importance of the commitment, but also the feeling that the person to whom the shoe was given was just as important as the person giving it to them.

This symbolism is repeated throughout Masonry through different lessons, for it is the purpose of the Office to ensure that every Mason appreciates the importance of his vows and promises. Entire charities depend on meeting such commitments. Shriners-operated hospitals would disappear if Masons suddenly decided that caring for the homeless is not important. Nursing homes would no longer receive funding if groups of Masons turned their backs on the needs of others. Members of individual Masonic lodges would never experience random acts of kindness from their brethren if Masons concluded that self-interest is more important than helping others. It is the agreement or pact made by each Freemason that guarantees that the world will experience the fruits of Masonic labor. However, as with other Masonic symbolism, there are also other esoteric lessons to be learned from the Masonic Biblical writings found in the Book of Ruth.

“Now this was the custom of old in Israel about redemption and change to confirm all things: a man torn off

his own and gave it to his neighbor…”

Ruth 4:7

“Taking off your shoe and giving it to another” also symbolizes redemption and change and is equally important to Freemasons. For those who regularly attend religious services and watch the collection plate being passed around, it is intriguing to note how often people throw in some change, a dollar or two, or perhaps nothing at all. For some, simply having attended the service is enough, as it represents the sacrifice of time, if nothing else. Similarly, the Freemason who works for a living has likely watched his co-workers express support for those in need during the holidays, but how often does he observe actual acts of charity: giving time, food, shelter, and compassion? ? It is within this realm that redemption and change apply.

Theologians frequently remind their audiences of man’s original fall from God’s grace, commonly known within such circles as “original sin.” The villain here is temptation, about which much has been written before. Temptation represents the transition from obedience to disobedience. The man who has given in to the temptations that have invaded his life is truly in need of redemption and change to recover his original obedient nature. The Holy Scriptures offer us the allegory of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to convey to us the importance of all men striving to control their passions and keep them within the proper limits for all humanity.

In the Masonic Bible book of Genesis, Eve heard the voice of the serpent, saw that the tree of knowledge was good for food, and took and ate what she desired in complete contravention of God’s command. There is no greater symbolism of disobedience recorded anywhere in our Holy Scriptures, or anywhere else in any other traditional history. The voice of the serpent represents the living being whose intelligence is more advanced and whose consciousness is turned towards the horizontal or material plane rather than towards the vertical or spiritual plane. The intelligence of both Adam and Eve before the Fall was totally vertical. Their eyes had not been opened to their own “nakedness” and they were conscious of everything vertical, or of God. After the Fall, the understanding of his condition changed radically. Suddenly aware of their nakedness, the fig leaves adjusted to cover the most private parts of the human body and their entire consciousness was consumed with things related to the material plane.

Here, the serpent symbolizes the principle of power apart from God. The rest of the stories and stories expounded in the Holy Scriptures relate to man’s journey back to the living God. Temples are erected in his name; the prophets exhort the generations to obey their laws; wars are fought because of him; men suffer in obedience to his word; and, man seeks a messiah to deliver salvation. Along the way, man also discovers that the true principle of obedience is unreserved devotion to the one voice from on high. It is precisely at this juncture that Freemasonry generally steps aside to allow Freemasons and their families to find their own path to salvation, so that all men at all times and in all places may know that Freemasonry is not a religion. .

Those who follow the Jewish faith find their way to redemption and change through the Law of Moses, including the Ten Commandments. Buddhists walk the path of inner serenity, just like Hindus, each seeking inner peace that illuminates the soul. Christians choose to accept the divinity of Jesus Christ. Muslims try to align themselves with the teachings of Muhammad and his descendants to ensure a proper place in the world of obedience to God. But what about the Freemason who has not chosen a formal religion to follow? If he does not adhere to a particular dogma, is his journey from the Fall to obedience destined to fail? Freemasonry tells such a man that he will not fail if he devotes himself unreservedly to the only voice from above: the voice of the Supreme Architect of the Universe.

All of human existence is about choices: the choice to live in the light, as well as the choice to live in the dark. Humanity is offered a plethora of religious doctrine to choose from and is surrounded by the philosophies developed by the greatest minds that have ever lived. History, literature, and science also weigh in and put before each and every one a literal banquet of options. He who has chosen well has chosen the path that leads directly back to obedience. Man is both redeemed, or claimed by the Creator, and changed when he decides to ask God to reveal his will; he seeks to understand how to apply that will to his own life; and he knocks on the door of the Great Architect with faith that the door will open. The door is never forced open. It is expected to open by the will of God.

It is relatively easy to discern the obedient person. Avoid anger and replace it with kind words to your neighbor. He acknowledges his own faults, apologizes for his slights to others, and resolves to do better next time. He freely gives of his precious time to serve, comfort, and be compassionate to others. He visits widows, orphans, and the elderly. He avoids disputes and builds harmony. He understands different points of view and keeps pride in check. And, he regularly kneels in humble praise and supplication to the Almighty Father of the Universe-the only living God. Simply put, he is a Freemason.

Do you know what sale by owner means?

Nowadays everyone has seen the signs in the front yard that say "For sale by owner," but what does this really mean? Is it going to be a legally correct deal for both parties? Does it really save money? The answer to both questions is yes, but it requires a little more work on the part of everyone involved.

For Sale By Owner simply means that there will be no real estate agent involved in the process. The owner will handle everything directly, from showing to negotiations. There is a range of around 10 to 20 percent of homes sold with a FSBO sale and the number goes up and down from year to year.

Why would you sell with a For Sale By Owner (FSBO)?

From the sellers point of view, the cost involved with selling in this way is greatly reduced. When you deal with a real estate agent, the cost of the commission alone can be anywhere from 5-7% of the final sale price of the home. As an example, if you had a house that sold for 200K at a 5% commission, that would be $10,000 in commission fees. If the seller can sell your house without the use of a real estate agent, you would save all that money.

Why buy a FSBO house?

From a buyer’s point of view, the buying process is much the same as long as you’re an informed buyer and know what’s a good deal and what’s not. The great benefit is that you have direct communication with the person selling the house. Because there are no intermediaries involved, you can call the seller directly without having to deal with a real estate agent as an intermediary. This means that shopping this way can often take less time than if an agent is involved.

things to think about

It’s good for everyone involved to have a team of people helping with the sale, even if no agent is directly responsible. Having a real estate attorney on your side can go a long way and will usually only cost a couple hundred dollars, but it will be some of the best money you’ll ever spend in the whole process.

Another thing to keep in mind is the price. As a seller, it’s easy for you to overprice your home in order to get the most profit on your home sale. For the buyer, you have to remember that you will have to do more work yourself because there is no one to guide the process. It is important for both parties to make sure you have done your homework on the local markets and make sure you have the right price on your house. Obtaining an appraisal report can help the process and ensure that you are setting a good price for your home that is competitive with the rest of the market.


A lot of information has been published lately about how to deal with the ins and outs of these types of deals. Sites like ForSaleByOwner.com and Zillow.com have a huge list of different FSBO homes and tips and advice to make the process easier. Going to the library or another bookstore will show you that there are plenty of books on the subject as well. Buying and selling a home is one of the biggest financial transactions of most people’s lives, but it doesn’t require a real estate agent if you’re willing to do a little more of the legwork yourself.

Helpful Tips You Can Employ to Earn an Online Degree

There are people who are caught between the idea of ​​obtaining a degree or not. You are one of them? Possibly, you have already started it and you are thinking of finishing that particular race. Either way, here are three main reasons why you should consider getting a degree. And if so, would you like to earn an online degree?

– To advance in education.

Yes, college graduates can be employed after graduation, enjoy better careers, are more likely to stay in senior positions in the company, and earn higher salaries and gain greater prospects for promotion due to their higher education level. So when you need to get an associate’s or master’s degree, you should consider getting a degree online.

– To do a good deed for the community.

A better educational workforce can also make a stronger democracy.

– To earn an online degree while you work

Earn an online degree while you work. Yes, it is very possible. Surely, you don’t just want to quit your job just because you want to study. This is the best thing about getting a degree online. You have the opportunity to hit two birds with one stone: you keep your job and earn from it and at the same time you are also starting to get an online degree.

Maybe becoming a successful web developer in the near future is one of your dreams. Or, have you ever dreamed of having your own web development company that can generate great income that you can earn during your retirement? May be. But before you venture into these endeavors, now is the best time to ask the most important question of all, and that is: how will you be able to earn a degree over the Internet?

Here are some tips for you to ponder.

– Start with a survey about the field of study you want to start in

Essentially, it is very important to get a good quality of education through enrollment in accredited online universities and colleges. As a student, you must have a certificate course so that you can achieve your goals and realize your dreams. So, start taking a survey among the schools that offer the course you want. This information can be acquired through the Internet. It can be obtained for free or you can purchase directories of universities and colleges at certain bookstores.

– Second, get an overview of important scripting languages. Some scripting languages ​​that are required to be learned within an online web development apprenticeship. Therefore, each university and college has its own modules for enrollees that have the fundamentals of various cumulative languages, such as:

– core HTML language

– common programming language including: JavaScript, CSS and; action script.

– Personal time management is essential to maintain a balance between study time and work time. On top of that, effective time management can improve productivity as you can spend more time preparing for your study before the start of your online course. Make sure you can also discover the basics of computer programming with common scripting languages.

The preparation allows students to build a proper study habit to overcome the difficulties of studying advanced lessons. With it, you will discover how to work in a server-side framework that uses things like: JSP, Perl, PHP, .NET and; Piton.

It is basically about the management of the information in the database, whether it is within an external system or on web servers.

– Being able to think ingeniously.

To be a web developer, you must also emphasize web design that concentrates on the perspective of a certain website. You should also remember that well-designed websites can capture the attention of many visitors and increase the integrity of that particular website.

There are still plenty of tips that you can find on forums and other links. These will guide you to select the best online institution where you can get a degree online.

Five reasons why companies should hire accountants

For many small business owners, taxes are a stress point. Changing guidelines and regulations can make the filing process a difficult process for small business owners, but hiring a team of experienced accountants can take the worry and stress out of tax season. Here are some signs that it’s time to hire an accountant.

business is growing

All owners strive to have a growing business, but this can lead to confusion at tax time. As income increases, the tax liability increases. However, the number of deductions the business may qualify for may also increase. An experienced team of accountants can help determine which deductions will benefit the business and make recommendations for future deductions based on the projected growth of the business.

Managers are too busy for accounting

The path to proper tax preparation depends on accurate bookkeeping. If the business is too busy or growing rapidly, an accountant can help with the bookkeeping. The right company will be able to keep track of the books so that managers and owners can spend their time growing their customer base. The more time they can dedicate to operations and management, the better the business can run.

Profits do not increase along with income

An increase in revenue does not automatically mean an increase in profit. Accountants do more than handle tax preparation—they examine overall costs and look for areas of improvement. If they see a particular expense that can be eliminated or reduced, they will let the company know.

demand investors

Investors put their money into a company if they believe it will be successful, but their support often depends on a degree of participation. Many investors expect the owner to provide them with professionally prepared financial statements. These statements should give investors an idea of ​​the company’s performance, how their contributions have impacted the business, and whether they can expect any return on their investment. Unless the owner or management team is familiar with preparing these returns, the process can take a while.

The Government requests an audit

Audits strike fear into the hearts of many taxpayers, and when people aren’t prepared for them, it can seem like the most daunting part of being a business owner. A team of financial professionals who are familiar with the audit process can help companies navigate the process, reducing the stress associated with government audits. Best of all, they understand the tax code and will work to make sure the audit is done correctly.

When businesses are starting out, they can have a hard time keeping up with the financial expectations required by the government. For financial professionals, the goal is to help make the business as successful as possible by reducing the strain and stress associated with accounting, taxes, and financial records. Owners need to be able to focus on managing and growing their customer base, not keeping track of overhead costs and expenses. A dedicated team of financial professionals will help operations of any size continue to grow and prosper.

Is Do It Yourself The Answer To Your Expensive Bedroom Furniture Problems?

Buying quality bedroom furniture is expensive. Even bargain dorm room furniture isn’t exactly cheap…not unless you consider those flimsy made-in-China plastic drawers some college students use in their dorm rooms for furniture. In theory, you can get significant savings by buying everything you need in one bundle. In practice, many packages come with foreign parts. To add insult to injury, the parts you want (for example, shelves and storage chests) don’t come included and you have to buy these extras at their full prices. Fortunately, for those with patience, there are some solutions.

The default option for most furniture shoppers is to buy online or wait for a warehouse or clearance sale. After all, everyone knows that they can get huge discounts this way. Seeing 30% to 50% off the list price is common. Select pieces can even get 70% or 80% off at certain times — for example, when the retailer is trying to clear out their latest showroom display piece from a discontinued furniture set so they can bring back the fashion. of the next season.

But what if you can’t afford to wait? What if you need it within the week (or month)? One possibility is to build it yourself. You say you have no skill for carpentry or carpentry? Nonsense! Most people have the ability to at least hammer two pieces of wood together. In its crudest form, that’s all it takes to build the simplest of pieces of furniture. Buy some square-edged wood planks (and plywood boards) and whatever dimensions you like, glue them together with wood glue to the ends to make the initial joint, then hammer in some long, narrow nails (carefully) to reinforce the joint. . Of course, there are limits to what you can build this way, but a simple shelf or bookcase is well within the limitations of this technique. If your rack needs to carry heavier things, you may need to hammer a few extra blocks of wood around the joints to further reinforce them. And don’t forget to paint your shelf; otherwise it will look very ugly.

But what if you need to build something a little more complicated? Frankly, if you don’t have the money, you have no right to be picky. But let’s ignore all that. One option is to look for furniture plans. Visit your local library and ask the librarian for help. They must have something in the DIY, woodworking, carpentry, or furniture sections of their catalog. Photocopy the plan you want for reference, then go to your local sawmill or wood shop and buy the lumber you need. The best wood to use is a soft wood like beech or pine. Oak is expensive and too difficult to work for most beginners. In either case, pay a small fee to have the wood cut to the sizes you need. You’ll probably need to drill a few holes, so go begging or borrow a power drill from your friends or neighbors. After that, it’s just a matter of following the plans to assemble the separate pieces of wood into the bedroom furniture you want.

The last step is to “finish” the furniture you just built. Step number one is to smooth all surfaces with sandpaper. Doing this by hand is extremely tedious and takes quite a bit of time. So borrow a power tool with a sanding attachment from someone and use it to speed up the task. The next step is simple: just paint it and you’re done. While there are more sophisticated and higher quality finishing steps for DIY projects, let’s leave those to the enthusiasts.

The first time you build a bookcase (let’s say for your child’s bedroom), it will probably take all weekend (not including the time you have to wait for the paint to dry). You may have to look in the yellow pages to find someone who will sell you the lumber. You may need an hour or two to call your neighbors for tools you don’t have. But think about the advantages: The real solid wood you use is almost always stronger than the fiberboard from which most modern furniture is made, and it saves a lot of money. On top of that, your next project will go much faster, and the next one even faster.

Overall, for those with the right inclinations, building your own freestanding bedroom furniture provides personal satisfaction, quick gratification, and considerable cost savings. While DIY isn’t for everyone, if you’re on a tight budget and need a particular piece of furniture quickly, you’ll surely want to consider it.

The champion goes dumb with Trump

The land of opportunity had an excellent reputation for giving people a way to exceed their possibilities. That’s why they could afford to bet on Donald Trump, who sold them a bill of goods that had no substance and is incredibly supporting them two years into his presidency.

The United States made history by electing the industrialized world’s first non-white president in 2008. Barack Obama saved an economy in shambles brought on by 8 years of conservative leadership. .

Trump became president quite possibly with foreign assistance based on his previous shady dealings. His methods of operation are transparent to those who are not fooled by his antics, such as those who never enrolled in his notorious Trump University. Still, there are enough fools among Americans to hold the entire country captive to Trump’s colossal scam.

In late August 2018, a Trump-initiated trade war dominated the news and the stock market plunged on the uncertain future of world trade. At a G7 meeting of world leaders, Trump announced that China had called and talks would resume. Ready! Shares rose and stayed there even as China denied any calls were made. So far it is not known who was scamming whom, but Trump claimed that a lie on his part would have been a mere negotiation tactic.

Trump’s base, along with the stock market and Trump’s Republican enablers, seem to buy a safe claim. Done right, bragging about a win is just as good as a real win. Proof of that dubious premise remains to be seen, but for those who aren’t fooled, the evidence is already overwhelming.

Trump proclaims that a wall is being built between the United States and Mexico. Numerous on-site sources that contradict the claim. Trump issues an edict to build the wall as soon as possible, breaking laws if necessary to build the wall before the next election. The timeline of those events seems logically clear. But much of Trump’s support network seems to think that Trump is admirable for his tenacity in doing what he wants.

A society based on that mentality is an autocracy. Accept a tyrant as your leader. A democracy like the US that is temporarily headed by a tyrannical business con man is a gullible society taken over by irrational hopes, fears and faith.

Peter Popoff started out as a televangelist and has been skirting the law for 25 years. He now sells miraculous spring water in an elaborate scheme to hook believers. They get a free bottle of water and then dole out small amounts to achieve their goal. Some even get cash and make testimonials useful for ads all over the Water and bring more cash etc.

It is said that Trump is rabid to get what he wants. To an objective observer, that complex hodgepodge of greedy targets boils down to one. Trump wants to fool the US and the world beyond by fooling enough people to keep him in a position to satisfy the entities he owes more than he can pay.

Fortunately, America is bigger than Trump. Infrastructure is not just roads, bridges and railways. It is an aging system in the United States that Trump, the builder, promised to renew. But more than that, infrastructure is America’s skeletal framework, the system of institutions, protocols, and rules that move America forward in an increasingly complex global world facing economic, climate, and immigration challenges. as a single human entity.

The task of uniting the world is daunting. The Amazon burns and emits carbon to affect the whole world. The sacrosanct right of sovereignty gives Brazil the right to handle the situation as it sees fit. If the world does not agree with Brazil’s handling of the crisis, the United Nations was the forum established by the United States to refer to a solution.

It is true that the global infrastructure is much younger and more dispersed than even the US. But you can’t make progress on either as long as the US has Miracle Spring Water in its eyes. You can thank the Founding Fathers for a Constitution that points the way.

Clairvoyants in America stand firm. They are turning the current dumb country into the CHAMP position where it deserves to be.