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Category Archive : Legal Law

The Dream Act – Immigration Law Reform in 2010?

One of the many changes President Obama has promised the United States is immigration reform. Many ideas have been discussed. One of them is the DREAM Act, sponsored by Senator Lugar of Indiana and Senator Durbin of Illinois, among others. The basic idea is to allow certain illegal immigrants who were brought here by their parents at a young age and who have been educated in American schools to become permanent residents.

Under the DREAM Act, certain undocumented people could become legal residents. The first step in this process is for the person to enroll in some type of higher education, such as a university, trade school, or apprenticeship program. Another option is to enroll in the US military. If certain requirements are met, this person can apply for conditional residency in the US. Upon receiving an associate’s degree or a 2-year equivalent within six years of the initial petition, the conditional status can be changed and the person can become a permanent legal resident of the United States.

To be eligible for permanent residence under the DREAM Act, the person must have entered the United States before turning 16 years of age and must have been in the United States for at least five years without interruption. The individual must also demonstrate the ability to speak English.

Conditional residents under the DREAM Act will be eligible for private loans to finance their education, but will not be eligible for Pell grants. Under the DREAM Act, 65,000 students could become conditional residents each year and eventually become permanent residents and citizens if they comply with current immigration rules and regulations.

One of the ideas behind the DREAM Act is to better utilize taxpayer dollars that are used to educate young illegal immigrants in public schools across the country. If these young people are willing to continue their education through further education or through the military, they would be allowed to become a legal part of our society without fear of losing their families to deportation. Furthermore, the DREAM Act initially only benefits those who were likely brought across the border by their parents without a decision of their own. Many of these people have spent more years illegally in the United States than in their home countries.

The DREAM Act could be merged with other legislation as part of comprehensive immigration reform in 2010. If other ideas do not receive the necessary support from members of Congress, the DREAM Act could be enacted without additional reform measures. Either way, even the proposed legislation gives hope to many people now living in the United States who currently have no way to become legal residents.

Ten book options to use for business gifts

Have you ever come across a business book that is referenced over and over again or that others say they continually reread or use as a resource? So why not consider giving the business gift you keep giving in the form of a good book? There are so many great new books and classic titles to meet all kinds of business needs.

Here are ten unique ideas to consider as gifts that help with common business problems or facilitate a person’s professional growth. These books are not listed in any particular order.

1. Any business professional can use a presentation book to become a better speaker in front of co-workers or clients.

2. Everyone can use more efficient and effective meetings, which is why a meeting management guide is also a great gift for business team members or clients.

3. Time management is important to any professional individual, which is why a book on this topic is often appreciated, as even the best planner can come up with new ideas.

4. If the person receiving the business gift is a new manager, supervisor, or team leader, a book that guides you in your new role may be an alternative to consider.

5. Many professional people and teams need help setting goals and performance, as well as plans to achieve them. Therefore, a planning or goal setting book can be helpful.

6. Conflict management or resolution is another business issue that many individuals and teams may have to grapple with, so this is another option to consider when looking for a gift book.

7. Another business topic that is often overlooked is communication. Consider books on how to improve interpersonal communication or how to write business communications for those who may need it.

8. Negotiation skills are important to salespeople, but books on this topic can also be helpful to other professionals.

9. Most people like to think about how they can help their community, as well as their own personal growth, so be sure to check out a book on how to make life matter or self-esteem too.

10. People who travel a lot for business and spend a lot of time waiting for meetings may find a book of essays or short case studies from other professionals to be an easy and useful read, as they can be taken in small amounts as time allows.

When considering the best business book to give away, think about any complaints or concerns the recipient has raised in the past, and look for a title on that topic or area. The person who receives the book as a gift will appreciate the fact that someone remembered their problem in addition to receiving the gift.

How to preserve employment at will

California has at-will employment, which means that the employer or employee can terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without cause, reason, or notice.

But the presumption at will can be denied by express or implicit agreements to the contrary. Also, an employer cannot fire an employee on the basis of discrimination or retaliation. As a result of these exceptions, employers are often subject to claims from laid off employees.

An employer can adopt several strategies to keep the deal at will and protect itself against wrongful termination lawsuits. Here are some key recommendations:

Include repeated statements at will

Job applications, offer letters, employee handbooks, performance appraisals, and other employment-related materials should clearly and prominently state the policy at will. The policy must be reformulated along with any provision that may be construed as incompatible with an at-will agreement. For example, any list of reasons in an employee handbook for why an employee may be fired must be accompanied by a caveat that the list is not exclusive and that employment always remains at will. It’s hard to repeat politics at will too many times.

DO NOT provide job security guarantees

An employer must train its managers not to inadvertently make verbal statements to employees that may be construed as contradictory to at-will employment, such as:

“If you continue to do good work like this, you can look forward to a long and successful association with the Company,” or

“As long as you do a good job, you will always have a home here.”

DO NOT have probationary periods or permanent employees

The use of a “probation” period for new hires possibly creates an inference that an employee can only be fired for good cause after they have successfully completed the period. Instead, an initial phase of employment should be called the “introduction”, “orientation” or “training” period. Additionally, employees who complete the introductory period should be referred to as “regular” rather than “permanent” employees.

DO NOT have a progressive discipline program

Arguably, a progressive discipline policy creates an implicit contract between employer and employee, requiring the employer to follow all steps of the policy before terminating an employee. The practical result is that the employee can no longer be summarily dismissed, as would otherwise be permissible with at-will employment.

Be aware of the laws against discrimination

An employer must take special care before firing someone who is a member of a protected class (e.g., on the basis of race, age, ethnicity, or disability), or whose termination could be seen as retaliation for a protected act (e.g. . Eg, Report of irregularities). blew it). In such cases, an employer must be prepared to establish good cause for termination, despite the general presumption of status at will.


There are many pitfalls for the unwary when trying to maintain an employment-at-will policy. Consequently, an employer should have a competent professional review their work documents and practices periodically. And because of the risk of wrongful termination claims, an employer should consult with legal counsel before firing employees.

Advance Parole Travel Documents: A Must For A Thai Fiancee

Advance Parole is an immigration term that basically means “permission to leave and return to the United States.” This travel document is important because a Thai fiancee cannot leave and re-enter the US without obtaining this document before leaving. Immigration officials will assume abandonment of residence in the US if someone leaves the US after entering with a K1 visa. Therefore, if your Thai fiancee enters the country on a K1 visa and then leaves, she will not be allowed to return to the US with that K1 visa. The whole process must be restarted from scratch.


The issue of early parole often arises when a Thai person wishes to return to Thailand while their application for adjustment of status is still pending. The problem is that USCIS will consider the visa abandoned, as well as the application to adjust status, so once again this leaves the Thai fiancee out of the country without a visa to return. Early parole is crucial if your Thai fiancée wishes to leave the US, regardless of where your adjustment of status petition is in the process. Once you have obtained permanent residence, you can leave the country and return, but until then it is advisable for your fiancée / wife to stay in the United States.


A Thai spouse present in the United States on a K3 visa can leave and re-enter the US without an advance parole travel document because the K3 is a multiple entry visa.


How does early parole become a problem for some American / Thai couples? The answer is simple: the honeymoon. For those who wish to travel outside of the United States, the need for advance parole can postpone or cancel a potential honeymoon. This is better than the alternative: leaving the United States only to find that his Thai fiancee, now a wife, cannot re-enter the United States. Some people have asked me if they can take their Thai spouse to Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. Although both of these places, along with Guam and some other US possessions, are under the jurisdiction of the United States, there is a legal question as to whether going to one of these places constitutes “leaving the country” for immigration purposes. I think leaving the 50 US states when adjustment of status is pending is a reckless decision. Puerto Rico is technically another country, although it is a country in perpetual union with the US, and now anyone traveling between the US and Puerto Rico has to go through customs. As a result, it is prudent to simply avoid traveling to Puerto Rico or the US Virgin Islands until your Thai spouse’s Adjustment of Status is complete.

Thank you for reading,

Benjamin W. Hart, Esq.

The information in this document is intended for informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a professional.

Multiculturalism Blinds Historians

As we have traditionally been a bodybuilding nation, the multicultural perspective strips us of our ability to appreciate or understand our past. Apply Bodybuilders’ Knowledge to the Book Property translation by Maria E. Montoya provides ample examples. This book looks at how we resolved land disputes after our victory in the Mexican-American War. The importance of our relationship with Mexico makes it vital that historians and policy makers learn to approach the story that Montoya covers from a bodybuilding perspective.

Mexico allowed government officials to grant huge land grants to their cronies. In a quasi-feudal relationship, workers were allowed to cultivate the land in exchange for payments in kind. The problem in Property translation This is how these land grants were upheld in United States courts after the Mexican-American War, resulting in our taking possession of the present Southwest United States. Montoya describes in living language and with horror, the eviction of the workers when the land is sold to the Anglos. Montoya, as a multiculturalist, wants us to recognize Mexican property laws and relationships. But in the Supreme Court case after the Supreme Court case, our government denies the validity of the workers’ claims based on traditional Mexican relationships.

The rejection of Mexican property relations was done on bodybuilding premises. Americans were dismayed by the large land grants. These feudal relationships were repeatedly criticized as contrary to our ideals of individual self-reliance, property rights, and republican virtue. But Montoya describes all differences and discrimination based on our values ​​as irrational, arbitrary, and unfair. She would have made our legislatures and courts multiculturalist and translate, appreciate and incorporate peonage relationships in the Mexican style. It mocks our predecessor for not being “culturally neutral.” (181) Then he takes another step. It pokes fun at all those who made distinctions based on culture as racists. His editorial decisions are the natural result of using a multicultural perspective while making history.

When it came to eviction and allowing people to stay on the land, post-grant landowners favored Anglos over “Hispanics.” Montoya convinces us of this with a vivid writing style and great detail. One graph shows that Anglos have more than thirty times the number of cattle as Hispanics and four times the amount of fenced area. Montoya calls this “racist” and the discrepancy is attributed to Hispano’s lack of access to capital. It is a painful irony that multiculturalists do not take cultural diversity seriously. Montoya condemns many incidents of Anglos who attribute the difference in productivity to cultural distinctions. She calls him, for example, “prejudiced” and “condescending” when an administrator explains that his discrimination in the distribution of land is due to the fact that Mexicans “follow their usual and indifferent ways.” (143) For multiculturalists like Montoya it is inconceivable that culture can really affect economic results.

Montoya tries to follow the multicultural pattern of appreciating all cultures. As with other historians, this normative multiculturalist pattern is more at odds with his representations of Native Americans. She tells us that the Apaches of Jicarillas, who lived where the land grant to which she pays most existed, saw the land as a “spiritual home for themselves and their ancestors.” (21) Although there were mutual incursions, these Apaches lived in “relatively peaceful coexistence” with each other. (22) This does not sit well with the fact that the first time they are documented they were dancing on the scalp of a white man whose pregnant partner had been murdered. Local tribes, he tells us, capture women and children in raids and sell them as slaves. As usual, both cultural behaviors are attributed to the European incursion. We cannot describe all non-Anglo cultures as naturally angelic and with historical accuracy. Apache and those around them were violent and barely survived.

The good news is that multicultural history allows us to consider points of view other than our own. The Apache war and Mexican peonage relations had their own cultural integrity and virtue. But when American culture is not given parallel respect, our expansion only seems destructive and our decisions arbitrary. Our land patterns were designed to create “urban straightness”. (166) But our customs have also resulted in a much longer lifespan than that achieved by the Apaches or the Mexicans. Our ways have facilitated the largest population boom in human history, democracy, sanitation, and electricity. Our westward expansion was not just a bigoted tragedy. If one takes our perspective as seriously as multiculturalists take that of Apaches and Mexicans, the expansion of Western culture and property arrangements can legitimately be represented as a successful bodybuilding endeavor that resulted in the creation of an enjoyable way of life. .

Montoya does a service by showing that our legal decisions were “culturally contingent” and “got so active … [Supreme Court] perceptions of what constituted an adequate republican government in the context of Mexican, Spanish, or French law. “Only respecting property deeds on the basis of written documentation was” a problem of ideology. “(176) But his take-home message: that we are biased for not incorporating Mexican culture into our laws – he calls for a neutrality that no Culture worth its salt would accept. Montoya herself is biased. In a book that mocks us for being ethnocentric, she never judges the fact that Mexican land grants are awarded with the stipulation that no land will be sold to foreigners. Feigned cultural neutrality ends up making Western expansionists who promote their own culture abnormal and insensitive.But even Montoya’s book has a point of view.Her own agendas can only distort our appreciation of our bodybuilding past.

In the index of Property translation “Racial bias” lists seventeen entries. Most of these entries cover multiple pages. There is no corresponding entry for “cultural biases” or “bodybuilders”. That reflects the fact that bodybuilding analysis is no longer widely considered. Multiculturalism has almost a monopoly on academic discourse. Accepting the fact that cultural bias is natural and normal can help replace the condemnation of our historical predecessors with recognition. Considering our ancestor’s bodybuilding notion that cultures can have an economic and political impact will help us to replace our depictions of them as totally mean and irrational with portraits of them as reasonable and possibly far-sighted. The history thus taught can train our youth to consider the impact of their cultural choices on our collective destiny. And if bodybuilding understandings regain credibility, perhaps our current politicians can also consider the viability of American culture in politics without being seen as abnormally biased, insensitive, and irrational.

Case Study: The Efficacy of Busch Recycling Bins at Michigan State University


Michigan State University

• Founded in 1855

• The main research institution and leader in international participation.

• It currently has 533 buildings and more than 40,000 students enrolled in the more than 200 programs.

• The first recycling program was launched in 1991

• Thousands of recycling bins have been scattered across campus.

Busch Systems International

• North American leader in waste, compost and recycling containers for the last 25 years

• Set the industry standard for the annual production of new molded containers.

• Each container is 100% recyclable and manufactured in North America with a minimum of 35% recycled content.

Waste Watcher

• Efficient, high-density, attractive and functional space

• Ideal for high traffic areas

• Contains more than 23 gallons of recyclables or waste

• Has custom covers, labels and openings for easy sorting.

• The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) also uses these containers


The new containers marked the beginning of Phase II of MSU’s recycling program. In Phase I, a combination of old and new containers was used in various buildings in the school. The bin combination was confusing for students and looked bad on campus. Phase II went live in late December 2009 with Busch ‘Waste Watchers’. Staff spent four to fourteen hours a day during winter break to set up the program effectively.

Phase II consisted of three thousand dark green ‘Waste Watchers’ that were placed in more than 200 buildings at MSU, including:

• Classrooms

• Research laboratories

• Athletic centers

• Administrative buildings

• Residential houses

• Bus terminals

Previously, deans had objected to recycling bins being in so many public spaces because they were not attractive. The elegant appearance of the ‘Waste Watcher’ meant that more recyclables could be collected at more locations at MSU.

The containers were used to form a recycling station:

• The ‘Waste Watchers’ are designed to come together to form a stylish recycling station.

• Each container collects a different material without taking up much space

• The station collects paper, mix, cardboard, plastics and household metal.

Recycling stations are emptied by custodial staff who:

• Transfer material to larger containers

• The recycling team collects and transports the containers to a recycling center on campus.

• The school then sorts it, packs it up and sells it

• This fosters sustainability and produces profits to fund the program through

The ‘Waste Watchers’ features are designed to assist the schools’ collection process, including:

• Removable lids and easy-grip handles save time and resources

• Custom lid openings

• MSU selected a circular opening for plastics and a thin slot-shaped opening for paper collection

MSU found that custom openings on the containers worked well with their program. The openings feature a simple and clean classification system that is easy to identify and use. This diverts more materials to the correct container and reduces the resources spent sorting them.


Overall, Busch recycling bins have increased MSU’s recycling share. They have also improved the sorting quality of collected materials. What remains to be seen is how the program will take shape in the coming months and how this will affect future initiatives. However, the new containers allow more recyclable materials to be collected in more areas. This increases the profits made by the recycling center and reduces the carbon footprint of the schools.

Syracuse University Orange Mascot Explained

Named after the upstate New York city in which the main campus resides, Syracuse University is home to some 19,000 students at any one time who will always be linked to the lovable mascot Otto the Orange.

The manifestation of Otto, the round, plump orange-shaped guy with human features, is a direct result of the Syracuse University nickname, which has been officially the “Orange” since 2004. Although the gender-neutral nickname has only been officially in place since 2004 The old long-standing names were simple adaptations in the form of Organgemen and Orangewomen. Nicknames based on gender are still used quite frequently today.

The source of Orange’s unique nickname is said to be based simply on the fact that the school’s original color was declared orange in 1890, some twenty years after the school was founded. As strange as it may seem to simply make a university’s nickname the same as the school’s official color, researchers should consider that in an earlier era this was more common. Making a college nickname synonymous with school color happened much more regularly in generations past than it is seen today. A good example can be found on the coast opposite Syracuse at Stanford University in California, where the official nickname and mascot is simply the color Cardinal (not the bird or the Catholic clergy of the same name). Another example can be found in the metropolis of Dallas, Texas, where the University of North Texas proudly proclaims on the outside of its football stadium that it is the home of the “Mean Green.”

The evolution of Otto the Orange is rooted in a disproven campus legend and an olive branch extended to soften racial stereotypes. In 1931, Syracuse chose a Native American warrior as a mascot after an article described a similar archaeological find during an excavation on campus. The Warrior quickly became the athletic mascot and even when the article describing the find was revealed to be a hoax, the wheels were already in motion and the mascot continued to serve the university for another four decades. Four years after formally retiring the Warrior mascot out of Native American sensibilities, fans adopted the Orange cartoon giant named Otto in 1982.

The name Otto was eventually chosen over the alternative consideration of Opie the Orange due to fear that rival schools would resort to calling the lovable mascot with the big blue hat and blue pants “dumb” (a play on Opie). It would be another thirteen years after the inception of the Orange giant before Syracuse University officially accepted Otto the Orange as its official mascot in 1995, after Otto received a tremendous outcry for student support.

MOOC Analytics: What Corporate Training Can Learn From Big Data

What parts of your training program are most or least effective? When are your employees really engaged and when are they daydreaming? What training units / simulations / evaluations / employee actions are most associated with learning? How does training influence the success of your employees and your organization? Would you like to be able to answer these questions? According to ASTD’s 2012 State of Industry Report, in 2011 American organizations spent more than $ 156 billion on training, averaging just under $ 1200 per employee. For that type of dough, companies want to see some results.

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are currently redesigning the educational and training landscape. In January 2013, the Harvard Business Review blog called “the advent of massively open online classes … the most important technological development of the millennium so far.” Did you get it? The most important technological development of the millennium so far.

Why are they having such a big impact? The reasons are many and growing. Not only do they offer unprecedented scalability and access and challenge the long-held notion that content is king, they can also provide large amounts of user data. We are not talking about how much time people spend on a particular task or who answered the question well; we are talking about the ability to track and analyze all aspects of the student experience.

The current model of training analysis is “small data”: data based on reports, assessments, and so on. of a small number of students. But MOOCs can provide data from millions of people, and the data is collected at many different levels: the keystroke level, the question level, the student level, the instructor level, the program level, and even the level. organizational. This “big data” can be used to model the characteristics and results of the learner and the organization and, more importantly, to predict future trends and patterns. It can help organizations identify which programs are working and which are not, where additional training is required, and the best way to deliver that training.

In a 2012 report on educational data mining and learning analytics, the US Department of Education’s Office of Educational Technology identified several questions that big data can help educators answer. Here are some of them:

  • Which sequence of topics is most effective for a specific student? When are students ready to move on to the next topic?
  • What student actions are associated with increased learning? What actions indicate satisfaction, commitment, progress in learning, etc.?
  • What characteristics of an online learning environment lead to better learning? What will predict student success?
  • When is intervention required?

When the entire learning process takes place online, the entire learning process can be tracked and analyzed, and the data generated goes far beyond what is available in a classroom. MOOC students not only watch videos and answer questions, but interact with each other and with the instructor through discussion forums, social media, blogs, and many other streams, leaving long and rich traces of digital data. This data can reveal trends and patterns that cannot be detected in traditional formats and allows us to go beyond what people are learning to how they are learning. As Coursera co-founder Daphne Koller put it: “The availability of these really huge amounts of data gives us information about how people learn, what they understand, what they don’t understand, what are the factors that cause some students to get it and others that they are unprecedented, I think, in the field of education. “

This knowledge can be used to enhance both instructor-led training (ILT) and online learning. Here are some important areas where MOOC big data can inform training practice:

  • Improving the results. This is the obvious one. Of course, the goal of all training is to increase the skills and effectiveness of the employees. MOOC data can be analyzed at both the micro and macro levels to improve individual and organizational outcomes.
  • Clustering and Relationship Mining. These two concepts have to do with the discovery of relationships between variables. Data can be used in many ways, such as organizing employees with complementary skills into teams and workgroups.
  • Large-scale program customization. MOOCs started out as a one-size-fits-all solution, but are rapidly evolving into adaptable learning environments designed for individual learners. In the near future, the learning experience will be optimized individually and in real time.
  • Predicting future trends. What will be the return on investment (ROI) of your training program? Big data will help organizations predict the impact of training programs on individual, business unit and organizational success.

Businesses already use big data to make decisions about sales, financial services, advertising, risk management, pricing, supply chain management, you name it. But until MOOCs appeared on the scene, most organizations couldn’t accumulate enough data to inform decisions about their training programs. Data is now collected from millions of students in educational and corporate virtual classrooms on the Internet.

The field is very new and educators are beginning to realize the power of having this data available. In a first attempt to quantify this learning experience, Duke recently published a report on its first MOOC. The results provide information not only on the achievements of the students, but also on their activities and results, motivations and attitudes, and the factors that promote and hinder learning. As more organizations collect, analyze and (in true MOOC spirit) share their data, we will begin to develop new models to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of instruction. Smart companies will use that data to make sure they are getting the best possible ROI on their training programs so they have something to show for that $ 156 billion.

So now you are convinced that the learning framework is the way to go and that big data will transform your approach to training, but you don’t know where to start with implementation? Don’t worry, there is a MOOC for that!

How to get started with homeschooling

You may be considering homeschooling for one reason or another. Children often face overcrowded classrooms and dangers such as drugs and violence in public schools. Many parents believe that they have the right to decide what their children should learn, and homeschooling allows them to have this control. However, homeschooling is an important decision that requires you to be well informed about what you will need to do.

Due to the laws and regulations that control homeschooling, it is imperative that you read them carefully and make sure you adhere to them. Homeschooling is controlled by each state in the United States, so the laws of one state will not be the same as those of another state. It wasn’t that long ago that homeschooling your children was very difficult, and it was even illegal in some states. Today all of this has changed and you can legally homeschool your child anywhere. Still, you need to make sure that you fully comply with the laws so that you don’t risk getting into trouble with the authorities, which could mean that your children would be forced to return to public schools. There will be no problem if you read, follow and fully understand the regulations. In many areas, homeschooling parents have formed groups. See if there is one in your area and join in, if possible. These other parents can be a great source of information and can answer your questions.

Strict laws apply in many states, making testing a requirement even if you are homeschooling your own children. Formal testing must be done even if state law does not require it so that you can assess your child’s progress as you teach. Most homeschoolers work hand-in-hand with the school administration under a general program that helps them meet state standards. In some states, it is actually a legal requirement that parents work with such a program. If you want to remain independent or work with the school, having an option like this depends on what state you reside in. The reason most parents like this type of program is that the curriculum is already done for them and they simply have to teach their children. However, there is little freedom in such a situation, which is something you should consider if it is an option. If you have a choice, choose one that meets what you think is correct.

If your child shows an aptitude for art, chess, or a certain sport, you may want to take him to a class or the teacher to help him develop that ability. Just be sure to seek out resources and tools to help fill any gaps when you’re not equipped to teach in a certain area.

You need to manage time management strategies if you are going to be a homeschool parent. When you and your children meet to start school on Monday morning, it may seem like time is not a constraint. However, by Friday afternoon it may be clear that you were unable to complete all of the tasks set for that week. An obstacle will be your other responsibilities. Family counseling is not a part-time effort, but it does require a full-time commitment. The best way to treat homeschooling is to structure the day as much as possible, similar to a regular school. The first thing on your schedule should be when "college" begins and when it ends. It is true that children are not leaving the house, but they need to know when to be in their designated places and ready for school. Somehow the hardest part of homeschooling is getting started. To successfully establish a homeschool, your concept of school as a place you send your children to be taught by someone else will have to change, and you must be prepared for the challenges that will arise. Once you and your family are comfortable with whatever form of homeschooling you are using, you will realize that it was the right decision and you will be glad that your children are receiving their education in healthy and happy conditions.

Legal Nurse Consultant Jobs: The Beginner’s Guide

If you are a registered nurse with several years of experience, you can get training as a certified specialized legal nurse consultant (CLNC) to secure legal nurse consultant jobs. US attorneys and attorneys are always on the lookout for this particular type of nurse with enough experience to advise them on many medical and pharmaceutical cases. In fact, this consultant is also sought after by pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, healthcare facilities, and government agencies.

The job of a certified legal nursing consultant involves doing research; update and help a legal expert understand the complexities of a related medical case. Reviewing medical records, understanding and creating case documents, researching the strengths on which to base a successful case are some of the other tasks of a successful consultant nurse.

Successful legal nurse consultants have consulted on cases such as hip and surface replacement implant recalls, medications involving serious side effects, and many more.

A registered nurse can take a professional legal nursing consultant job to supplement her income and then enter full-time after a certain number of years as a full-time active nurse. The rewards are many. Rates can range from $ 100 to $ 150 per hour. The demand is more than the supply, so you can always find enough work. You can work as a freelancer and be your own boss.

Now we come to the most important question. How to Find, Apply for, and Secure Profitable Legal Nursing Consulting Jobs?

We have simplified everything. Just follow the step-by-step guide that describes the methods along with the contact information. We have done all the hard work for you. All you need to do is religiously “MAKE” the steps. A single passive approach like searching job boards alone will not work. Multiple active and passive methods, as described, will collectively generate enough interview calls for you, which will then put you in control. To choose the “ONE” job that is right for you.

Here is a list of some of the actions you can take:

  • Upload your resume to corporate law firm websites.
  • Upload your resume to recruitment agency websites.
  • Follow some of the top recruiters on Twitter and Facebook.

Uploading and registering your resume on the websites of the following law firms is highly recommended. These companies are some of the big hires and they stand out when it comes to employee satisfaction:

  • Baker and McKenzie
  • DLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary
  • Sidley Austin brown and wood
  • Latham & Watkins LLP
  • Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP

It is highly recommended to upload and register your CV on the websites of the following recruitment agencies. These agencies specifically hire for legal jobs:

  • Spherion Personnel Services
  • Robert Half Legal
  • Michael’s Page
  • Davidson Staffing
  • Apple one

But the most important thing to remember is:

Build a resume that sells …

… Your skills.

If you don’t know how, seek professional help. Taken lightly, this factor alone reduces the number of interviews required of you and also affects the package you are offered.

Some of the top recruiters to follow on Facebook are:

  • Legal jobs forever
  • Get group of legal nursing consultant jobs

Some of the top recruiters to follow on Twitter are:

  • USAJobs_4Ever
  • legal nurses