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Hypothyroidism: An Ayurvedic Approach

the narration of hypothyroidism in Ayurveda it is the same as in modern medicines. The condition caused by the underactive thyroid gland that produces small amounts of the thyroid hormone and this can be caused by an iodine deficiency or a failure of the thyroid gland due to the malfunction of the pituitary gland.

The disease is often overlooked for a long time as the symptoms present in patients are not that dangerous and can be ignored by anyone. Depressions, tiredness, hair loss, dry and cold skin few are often ignored by the patient.

Hypothyroidism in Ayurveda is well described by the great physician named ‘Charaka’. He said that it does not attack those who consume adequate amounts of milk, old rice, barley, green gram, Bengal gram, cane juice, cucumber and other dairy products. These are the recommended foods in current cases as well. Ayurveda says that one should not consume acidic substances as they can aggravate the disease condition.

There are many Ayurvedic herbs prescribed for hypothyroidism. They regulate the thyroid hormone and restore its functionality. These herbs are under investigation and many of them have been shown to be very beneficial for treatment of thyroid conditions.

Ayurvedic herbs are generally well tolerated and free from side effects and this is the reason why Ayurveda is now one of the most famous health sciences that have caught everyone’s attention. These herbs can also be considered as daily health supplements. Many of the herbs that we can find in the kitchen and the rest are easily available in the herbal/ayurvedic store in various forms such as pills, tablets, capsules, decoctions, powders, extracts and natural juices.

Some of the herbs still practiced as Ayurvedic treatment are described below;

Kaanchanara (Bauhinia veriegata) – This is known as purple mountain ebony and is probably the most powerful drug in the Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia to treat any type of thyroid problem. This herb is available in pill or tablet form.

guggulu (Commiphora mukul) – This is the drug that is widely used in Ayurvedic practice today. This is well known for its calorie burning properties and is therefore used extensively to reduce weight i.e. obesity. Hypothyroidism is closely related to obesity and therefore this herb is extremely helpful in treating the condition. This is available in the form of tablets, pills and capsules.

Punarnava (boerhaavia diffusa Linn) – This herb falls into the diuretic category. This is an excellent remedy for treating swelling or inflammation throughout the body. Since hypothyroidism has one of the symptoms of swelling and numbness throughout the body, Punarnava can be very beneficial in treating such conditions. This is a very good tonic and can also be used for general health.

There are many formulas available to treat hypothyroidism. Ayurveda always suggests the patients to take internal medicines by following a strict diet as prescribed and advised by the Ayurvedic doctor. Any of the diseases shakes the three bodily humors called Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Ayurvedic medicines and diet will restore these three humors and thus eliminate the disease.

Related article:

Hypothyroidism: Nature’s Breadth Can Help You

Different ways hypothyroidism can be treated

Don’t believe the myths about facial exercises

Facial exercises are becoming more prevalent for men and women in their quest to look younger, but there are many myths about facial exercise regimens. We separate fact from fiction.

For those who are not sure what yoga facial exercises are, they are generally techniques used on various parts of the face and neck to firm sagging skin on the face, eradicate pork jowls and jowls, revitalize the skin color, tighten the turkey neck and soften the face. and eye wrinkles. Some facial exercise programs involve isometric principles and some employ massage techniques that involve the use of the fingertips.

Here are some interesting things to note about facial exercises:

Myth: You can alter the facial structure of the face with plastic surgery, but not with a system of facial exercises.

Fact: To some extent, you can change the structure of your face using facelift exercises, just not as quickly or drastically as cosmetic surgery. If you focus on certain regions, such as cheek exercises, the cheeks will plump up. If you do it in the eye bags, they will diminish and the shape of your face will change towards a more youthful shape. However, facial yoga is not effective in correcting birth defects or damage caused by an accident.

Myth: Surgically cutting loose skin to firm turkey neck, lift sagging facial skin and sagging jowls, and resolve a jowl problem is better than thoroughly massaging these areas.

Fact: Surgical lifting of sagging skin is temporary. After a while, it will bulge again and you will have to repeat the surgery at a higher cost to you. The face and neck exercises will keep the skin firm and toned continuously, but not invasively.

Myth: Do-it-yourself non-surgical face lifts are not as effective as plastic surgery procedures.

Fact: Cosmetic surgery is radical and interferes with the body’s natural energy lines and nodal points. Facial exercises are gentle, non-invasive, and increase energy and blood flow, rather than restrict it.

Myth: You have to perform a system of facial exercises every day, and it is difficult to remember all the techniques and points, as well as taking a lot of time.

Fact: It is recommended to do facelift exercises daily for about twenty minutes. In general, there are about twenty points to massage on the face and neck, so one minute on each point will be enough; They are usually placed in the same positions on the face and neck that are used by acupuncturists to treat certain ailments.

Myth: Facelift exercises are painful or will damage the sinuses.

Fact: Facial exercises must be applied with the fingertips firmly on very specific pressure points. Firm, but not too firm as to cause pain or discomfort. At first, you may experience some nasal congestion for the first few days while massaging the sinus area, but that is perfectly natural and will dissipate quickly.

Myth: Yoga or facial exercises do not produce better results than creams, lotions, Botox, thermage, laser treatments as an anti-aging skincare routine to smooth eye wrinkles (crow’s feet), laughter and forehead lines.

Fact: Lotions and creams are great for long-term anti-aging skin care, and I advise people to use them when doing facial yoga exercises to work on the cream simultaneously. Botox and other artificial methods are quick fixes and can even be harmful to you. But face yoga can easily turn back the clock holistically, not just slowing down the effects of aging.

Before spending substantial amounts of money and risking your appearance with a surgeon, try a facial exercise program. They are very cost effective and a powerful tool to get your youthful appearance back in a couple of weeks!

The best Ayurvedic and home remedies for toothache treatment

Toothache is an extremely annoying problem, which drastically interferes with the person’s normal activities. Sometimes the pain in the teeth becomes so excruciating that the person may feel as if the entire tooth is being ripped from the gums. However, there are many ways in Ayurveda to prevent and treat toothaches.

The mouth is the place of the kapha dosha. Therefore, when the kapha dosha becomes vitiated, there are oral and dental problems, including toothache. Ayurveda deals with toothache by pacifying the kapha dosha. This is achieved through the use of a wide variety of herbs that can be used as tooth powders, tooth paste, and tooth brushes.

There are also a number of powerful oils that can be applied to affected teeth to relieve pain. Even dentists around the world use and prescribe remedies that have originated from Ayurveda, such as the use of clove oil to relieve toothaches.

Therefore, it is a good idea to use Ayurvedic techniques to maintain dental hygiene for life.

(1) Herbs useful in treating toothache

1 Asafetida (Ferula fetida)

Asafetida is an excellent and fast-acting remedy for toothache problems. Its rich content of minerals and vitamins increases the strength of the teeth and allows them to withstand pain.

2 Clove (Syzygium aromaticum)

Clove has the best astringent and antiseptic properties among all tooth remedies. Clove oil greatly reduces pain and also fights cavities germs. Clove oil is an important ingredient in many toothpastes. Even dentists apply a material with clove oil as a vital ingredient when filling cavities.

3 Onions (Allium cepa)

Onion can temporarily give off a bad smell, but in the long run it is very beneficial for dental hygiene. Onion can fight germs that accumulate on your teeth and thus prevent future problems with your teeth. People who chew a raw onion a day are protected against toothaches, in addition to other health benefits.

(2) Dietary treatments for toothache

Since dental problems are due to kapha dosha imbalances, it is necessary to bring the kapha back to normal. To do this, the following points must be obeyed:-

– Sweet foods should be strictly avoided. These will increase kapha in the mouth, which will help the reproduction of microorganisms. This causes cavities in the mouth, leading to toothache.

– Do not consume chocolates and sugary foods at night. Its particles will remain in the gaps between your teeth even if you think you’ve brushed properly.

– Foods that have bitter, spicy and astringent flavors are good for controlling toothaches. These foods can kill microorganisms settled in the cavities.

– Foods that have a good content of vitamin C are also good for teeth. Therefore, amalaki, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables and citrus fruits should be included in the diet.

– Dental hygiene is essential. You should gargle after every meal and also floss before going to bed. Use a toothpick to remove any embedded food particles in the cavities.

(3) Ayurvedic treatments for toothache

In case of toothache, a paste of various beneficial herbs is prepared. This is used as tooth powder and is used instead of toothpaste.

Irimedadi taila is also used to apply to the teeth. Regular use of this oil solves most dental problems.

In case the toothache is accompanied by gingivitis, the following medications are prescribed:-
– To gargle a decoction of Triphala and Cyprus is used.

– Prepare a mixture of licorice in ghee and honey. This is applied on the teeth.

– Guduchi and mauktik kamadugha tablets are prescribed twice a day for fifteen days.

(4) Home remedies for toothache

1. Asafetida is ground to a paste in lemon juice. Then it warms up slightly. A cotton pad is moistened in the solution and applied to the tooth socket. This is a very quick method of pain relief.

2. A very simple remedy to relieve toothache is to mix a little pepper powder with common salt and rub this mixture on the teeth. Doing this daily will also prevent toothache problems and tooth decay.

3. Mix a pinch of pepper in clove oil. Put this oil directly into the cavity to stop toothache.

4. Prepare a paste of bay bark in vinegar. Apply this on the teeth. This relieves toothache and also helps to strengthen the gums in the long run.

5. Chew on an East Indian oleander root. This helps reduce toothache with immediate effects.

6. If nothing seems to work at the moment, applying an ice pack to the tooth from the outside can provide temporary relief.

7. Eating green leafy vegetables is also a good way to solve toothache problems. If done daily, this will prevent future cavities.

The right skincare for the right skin type

A popular quote from Dr. Howard Murad says, “Healthy skin is a reflection of overall well-being.” This quote beautifully sums up the need to protect your skin against all odds because it reflects the state of your inner being. So a basic mantra for glowing skin is to stay healthy and happy from the inside out.

The next step is to first understand your skin type and then caress it with the proper care. However, we usually do not pay attention to such details and victimize our skin with chemical-laden beauty care products. These products damage the skin and make it look dull and worn.

According to Ayurveda, there are basically three types of skin: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Let’s try to understand each of these types.

  1. Vata skin type

The Vata type is characterized by dry, rough, wrinkled and thin skin with small pores. It is very sensitive to dry and windy weather and can easily become dehydrated. If not treated carefully, vata skin can age faster and always look dry and flaky.

Vata Skin Care Tips

  • Apply products that contain a fusion of essential oils and natural herbs.
  • Try to minimize the level of your mental and emotional stress as it pumps vital juices out of the skin and dehydrates it.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day and eat juicy fruits in your regular diet.
  • Correct Vata imbalance by taking Vata Churna and Vata Tea

  1. Pitta skin type

The pitta type is characterized by fair, sensitive and smooth skin. It is vulnerable to freckles and moles and has a tolerance for hot and spicy food. In the absence of proper care, this type of skin can develop rashes, acne or sunburn.

Pitta Skin Care Tips

  • Apply products that produce a cooling effect on the skin
  • Protect yourself from the strong sun rays by applying natural sun creams
  • Avoid consuming hot and spicy foods and exercising in the hot zone
  • Drink plenty of water every day and eat healthy organic food.
  • Avoid applying chemical-based cosmetics

  1. Kapha skin type

People with the Kapha type have oily, heavy, smooth, dull, dense skin with enlarged pores. Compared to other two types, this one is less prone to aging and wrinkles. This type of skin is susceptible to enlarged pores, excess oil, blackheads and pimples. If not treated well, you can develop cystic acne.

Kapha Skin Care Tips

  • Stay away from fatty, fried and heavy foods and switch to green leafy vegetables
  • Detoxify your body with fruits and vegetables and keep your digestive system in order
  • Consume Kapha Churna and Kapha Tea to correct the kapha imbalance in your body
  • Drink plenty of water every day and eat more fruits and green vegetables.

Once you’ve identified your skin type, the next step is choosing the right products. The right kind of skincare with the right kind of products leads to healthy, glowing skin. The best way to do this is by opting for natural and herbal products. The market is flooded with natural skin care products, but always remember that the word ‘natural’ is not regulated and the authenticity of its claim must be verified every time.

These are the guidelines that you should keep in mind before buying any skin care product.

  1. Check the list of ingredients mentioned on the product before buying it
  2. Check the ‘Natural Ingredient Standard’ benchmark on the product
  3. Verify that the product does not contain Sulfates Parabens or Petrochemicals
  4. Say ‘No’ to fragrances, preservatives and additives and opt for natural mineral-based makeup products.

Natural products are enriched with herbs and natural oils. These ingredients are mild and do not harm the skin. These are some of the effective natural herbs that should be a part of your beauty care regimen.

  • kumkumadi oil

Kumkumadi oil is effective in treating acne and pimples and makes the skin tone even while brightening the complexion.

  • Chandan

Chandan or sandalwood possesses germicidal properties and is very effective in balancing the oil and moisture content of the skin’s surface.

  • haldi

Haldi, a natural antiseptic, is very effective in curing pimples and other skin related problems. Helps improve complexion and leaves skin clear and bright.

  • Kessar

Kesar has long been used to brighten the complexion and is also helpful in treating acne, pimples, blemishes, and black spots.

  • aloe vera

Aloe vera is a magical herb that keeps skin hydrated. It is very effective in treating chapped lips and dry, itchy skin. It works wonders in making the skin smooth, supple and youthful.

  • Tulsi

Tulsi acts as an antiseptic and natural astringent that cools the skin and makes it glow.

How to treat constipation naturally?

Around the world, there is still an extraordinary segment of the population that is constipated. This is despite the presence of over-the-counter medications and fiber products.
Constipation can be very irritating, especially if you are someone who pays attention on time. Just suppose you need to go to a meeting or meeting with a client, how could you handle the difficulty that your stomach is giving you? This will undoubtedly interfere with your business.
The problem with being constipated is that you often don’t recognize what may have caused it. And no real effort is made to find out what kinds of foods or activities may have caused this condition. Be that as it may, when you are constipated, specialists can point to different causes. Extreme obstruction can be the result of a gastric problem that you are not aware of.
If you have this problem, you shouldn’t wait long before seeing your primary care doctor. Be that as it may, for ordinary cases, it is possible that certain natural remedies can help.
With today’s regular blockage solutions, it’s virtually unthinkable that you won’t find one that can help you with persistent blockage. In addition, with the different references that we now have, it is impossible for you to find remedies for the blockage.
As you seek treatment, remember to start from home. This is because each family knows a characteristic solution to something that others may not know. Ask your mother or grandparents if they can recommend anything before looking elsewhere for remedies.
To learn about some of the common widely used constipation medications, you can refer to books and the Internet. Additionally, you can seek guidance from your primary care physician, an elective specialist, or even your companions and others you know.
On the other hand, while you are on the road to finding characteristic cures for constipation, here are some things you can follow. These are basic procedures that will help you with stomach problems from not being regular.
Above anything else, make sure you have enough fluids in your body. For that, you need to drink up to 8 glasses of water a day. Some people will require less water, and some of the water may come from fruit, juice, tea, or other beverages that contain water, but not soft drinks.
Apart from water, you can also benefit from prune juice to temporarily fix your constipation problem. You can drink a glass in the morning and a glass an hour later. You can also eat 4 to 6 plums in the morning to make your bowel movements work.

Also, eat a lot of natural fiber. You should eat 30 to 40 grams every day, it is a lot but it is necessary for good health. This will help improve food absorption. Eating an apple every hour in the morning instead of eating a heavy breakfast will help with your bowel movements. Papayas and guavas with their seeds are two additional organic products that you can appreciate to stop constipation.

To get more fiber, start eating more nuts like almonds, cashews, and walnuts. Use these nuts as snacks throughout the day, but don’t overdo it. You can crush almond, sunflower and sesame to put them in your smoothies or cereals.

Acne skin treatment: sodium chlorite is a key ingredient for effective acne removal

As anyone who suffers from acne knows, there are countless over-the-counter remedies that claim to cure acne. The typical sufferer invests in one system and then another and another trying to find the ultimate acne removal solution. Results include comments like: “no help at all”, “partially removed but came back in a short time” and the ever popular “left my skin so dry”. The following review is designed to save you time and money in your search for an acne skin treatment system that actually provides effective acne removal.

Artistry, one of the world’s top five best-selling prestige brands of facial skin care and color cosmetics (according to a Euromonitor Consultancy study of global retail sales in 2003), offers an acne removal system called clear. now. This at-home acne treatment is the only 3-step system that uses patent-pending sodium chlorite combined with salicylic acid to keep pores clean, clear, and cared for. Clear Now is designed to help men, women, and teen adults help acne by preventing the breakout cycle for good.

Why does clear.now seem like the answer?  

clear.now may be the only alternative that offers true relief due to the addition of patent-pending sodium chlorite that no other product contains. The stabilized sodium chlorite contained in the purifying toner penetrates deep into the pores to break down and remove “bacteria-friendly” oil. This is done because the sodium chlorite particles are approximately 200,000 times smaller than the benzoyl peroxide particles found in other acne products. So when it comes to getting deep into your pores and breaking down acne-causing oil, sodium chlorite has a distinct advantage over the competition.

What about dry skin as a potential byproduct?  

The use of benzoyl peroxide in many skin care products to control acne by reducing oil on the skin’s surface can lead to dry skin. As mentioned above, because the particles are too large to penetrate the pores, they tend to stay on the skin’s surface, reducing oiliness and leading to dry skin. Additional ingredients in clear Now reduce the probability of this happening.

What does the clear.now 3-part system include?

-Wash acne treatment to clean pores and gently exfoliate.

-Purifying toner to eliminate acne-producing fat.

– Acne treatment lotion to treat and rejuvenate acne affected skin.

Each of the 3 parts should be used both morning and night.

What people say?  

Testimonials include phrases like: “I no longer have anxiety when I go to work”, “in a week, the blemishes were fewer, smaller and healed faster”, “since using the system, my face is free of pimples”.  

What if you are not satisfied with the results?  

There is a 180 day money back satisfaction guarantee.

Will it damage your skin?  

All Artistry products are dermatologically and allergy tested.

So for those who continue to suffer from acne, ClearNow with its patent-pending Sodium Chlorite to penetrate deep into pores may be the ultimate answer. The fact that it’s supplied by Artistry, one of the top five best-selling facial skincare brands in the world, and comes with a 180-day money-back satisfaction guarantee, should give you a high degree of confidence.

Every woman’s dream is to have smooth and beautiful skin – Get yours today

Did you know that stress and sun exposure rob you of your smooth, beautiful skin? Too much sun and stress cause wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. Most of the time, these conditions are unavoidable, however, you should do everything in your power to maintain healthy skin naturally. The best way to achieve smooth skin that is also beautiful is to implement a regular skin care routine using the best natural products that will work to heal and repair your skin giving it a natural glow.

Getting smooth and beautiful skin is only possible if you use natural products. Stay away from the chemical based products that are so popular. You might be surprised to learn that many of the brand name cosmetic products on the market today contain chemicals such as alcohols, fragrances, parabens and dioxane. These not only damage your skin but also your health.

Your skin loses its glow as you age, especially as the oil-producing puffs begin to diminish. You also experience fine lines and wrinkles because your body is now producing less collagen and elastin, which are essential proteins for beautiful skin.

Using a collagen cream to add collagen to the skin will not be enough. Why? The collagen molecules are too large and cannot be absorbed by the skin, rendering it useless. Using a cream or lotion containing collagen will prove ineffective. This has been scientifically proven; you can investigate for yourself to make sure I’m telling you the truth.

The best way to increase collagen in the skin is to use a natural substance known as Cynergy TK. It has been scientifically proven to stimulate your body to increase your collagen level. It also promotes firmness and elasticity and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Cynergy is a natural substance extracted from nature and is now used in a natural anti-aging skincare line made in New Zealand. You have not yet realized the big brand companies. However, it will soon be a household name.

To seriously repair your skin and restore beautiful, smooth skin, look for Cynergy TK and other natural active ingredients like Phytessence Wakame, Nano Lipobelle HEQ10, and Natural Vitamin in your next line of skin care products.

Best Weekend Getaways: 6 Affordable US and International Destinations

If a long weekend is coming up and you want to take advantage of that extra day off, why not go on a trip for a few days? What’s the use of staying home when there are so many places waiting to be explored? These days, traveling doesn’t involve much planning ahead. You can put together a two or three day itinerary very easily. There may also be some last minute deals for you to take advantage of. Where should you go? Here are some of the best weekend getaways right now (domestic):

Tucson, Arizona

If you don’t mind the desert heat, Tucson is a nice and affordable place to visit. There is plenty to do outdoors, such as visiting Saguaro National Park and visiting the Historic Quarter. Head to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum to see native plants and animals in a stunning landscape. It is VERY easy to find a good hotel in this city for less than $100 a night.

Kansas City, MO

Smack in the middle of the United States, Kansas City is an affordable destination that offers plenty of fun for a weekend getaway. Many of the attractions like the art museum are free to visit. If you’re a sports fan, head to Kauffman Stadium or Arrowhead Stadium to catch a game.

austin, texas

One of the best weekend getaways in Texas is the city of Austin. It is especially fun to visit if you like music. On Sixth Street you will find both famous bands and new bands performing their best songs. Go to the Austin Zoo if you want to see all kinds of creatures: scaly, furry and feathered. There are many cheap hotels with free breakfast.

Here is one of the best weekend getaways in international destinations:

Guadalajara Mexico

This is a cheap destination if you are flying from a major US city. There is no shortage of affordable accommodation. It’s usually cheaper if you opt for a vacation package that includes airfare and a hotel room. There are plenty of fun things to do, including exploring cultural institutions like Zapopan’s Huichol Wixarica Museum and Clemente Orozco Museum.

Brussels, Belgium

Airlines like WOWAir offer affordable airfares to European destinations. Brussels in particular is an affordable getaway, with over 500 hotels. It’s easy to find a four-star hotel for $100 or less a night. This beautiful and historic city is definitely worth a visit.

Santo Domingo Dominican Republic

While there are plenty of affordable destinations in the Caribbean, the best weekend getaways right now are in Santo Domingo. Airfare, lodging, food, and activities fit any budget. This city is a mix of modern Latin flair and old world charm. You’ll find an incredible mix of historic forts and palaces mixed with 21st-century shopping and nightlife.

Let travel websites be your primary source for the best weekend getaways and travel discounts. Whether you already have a destination in mind or want to explore all the current deals, there may be an online discount code you can use to save even more.

The best way to identify estrogen

A woman’s hormones regulate body processes and become chemical messengers for the brain. The important female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, are produced within the sex gland and manipulate ovulation and the menstrual period. Most of the time, these hormones are composed accordingly in the female body. When excessive estrogen levels rise or progesterone levels fall, a disorder known as estrogen dominance develops.

Causes of hormonal discrepancy

Most women, within their 30s, notice a change in hormones over time simply because they are approaching menopause. Ovulation can be irregular, which reduces the amount of progesterone produced by the sex gland. Excess estrogen levels remain high and overpower progesterone production.

When women experience anxiety, the brain diverts progesterone so that the adrenal glands produce cortisol. The amount of progesterone is minimized and estrogen dominance takes over.

Oral birth control procedures reduce the amount of progesterone produced by the sex gland. The pills trick the body into thinking it’s pregnant, and progesterone levels drop. Excessive levels of estrogen are maintained and the balance of the body’s hormones is disrupted.

A diet full of hormone-injected meat and milk products can lead to an increase in excess estrogen. Synthetic hormones in food mimic excess estrogen and disrupt the body’s delicate balance of hormones. A diet full of sugary and excessively processed foods adds to the imbalance.

Identification of signs and signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms vary for some women and change monthly. Breast tenderness, weight around the abdomen, bloating, anxiety and headaches, and irregular periods are all normal signs and symptoms. Related signs include fatigue, decreased libido, mood swings, insomnia, hair loss, and concentration difficulties.

In the event that you experience PMS or PMS, it is very likely that you are over-estrogen dominant. Young women may also experience menopausal flashes, night sweats, mood swings, along with other signs and symptoms of premature menopause.

Most likely, the most reliable approach to identifying estrogen dominance is through bloodstream or saliva tests; however, many women feel the rise and fall of excess estrogen and progesterone at various stages of normal cycles. Signs, symptoms, and physical history should be incorporated into the diagnosis.

severe complications

Studies have shown that the prevalence of excess estrogen is associated with fibroids, uterine cancer, coronary heart disease and endometriosis, infertility, being overweight, and irregular menstruation. Polycystic ovary syndrome (Pcos) remains under examination and suggested that it is a related complication


Estrogen dominance is a known hormonal discrepancy in women. Changes in progesterone can be caused by extreme changes in ovulation, oral contraceptive methods, and triggered by anxiety. Excess estrogen can be increased by hormone-injected beef products. Results will be different for many women, but they tend to be recognized as having a remarkable pattern of reported and experienced signs and symptoms.

Budgeting like diet doesn’t work, here’s an alternative

Budgeting like dieting doesn’t work because people don’t integrate it into their lifestyle. It is usually a task recommended by a finance person. Is there a better alternative to achieve budget goals?

Most people spend and try to save what’s left, usually not much or not at all. Follow Warren Buffet’s advice: “Don’t save what’s left after you spend; instead, spend what’s left after you save.” The question is: How do you determine how much to keep?

Budgeting like dieting doesn’t work because it’s not part of a lifestyle

Let’s look at budgeting and why it doesn’t work for many people. Budgeting is a means to have enough resources to achieve objectives in an orderly and systematic way. You need discipline, persistence and goals that you are passionate about. Also, it can create stress if you see it as a restrictive tool. On the other hand, in today’s consumerism with cheap money, easy credit, and flashy gadgets seductively marketed, many people don’t stick to a budget. People are not ready to give up the “deal”. Although, to capture this deal, they usually spend on credit without any financial benefit.

Most of the people I counsel struggle with budgeting. If you’re like them, frustrated with budget, try something new in 2019. Decide why you should do something first, though. Why not continue to behave like you are now and spend as you wish? When I put this question to someone I’ll call Richard, he replied, “I need to improve my financial situation, I can’t continue like this.” He explained that he needs to reduce financial stress and have a sense of control over his finances.

Spend what’s left after savings

Going back to Warren Buffet’s advice, Richard decided that for 2019 on a monthly basis he plans to identify amounts to save and then spend what’s left. Contrary to my opinion, he did not want to specify a savings goal: an item, event or project to save. Instead, he decided to set aside $1,000 a month.

“Is this amount realistic?” I asked.

Richard said, “Yes, I developed the figure after reviewing spending over the last six months and highlighting patterns. I’m confident I’ll save this amount and juggle what’s left.”

Richard decided to keep this famous quote from Warren Buffet on his desk every day to motivate him to save: “Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.”

“Won’t this savings approach cause as much stress as budgeting?” I asked.

“No, I know my spending pattern, the critical areas where I need to allocate funds on a monthly basis, and I want to build savings,” Richard replied.

The save-first approach excites Richard. He knows that budgeting like dieting doesn’t work because it needs to be a part of his lifestyle and he doesn’t plan to incorporate that behavior into his routines. However, he is confident that he can embrace the savings approach as part of his lifestyle because he believes savings are crucial to relieving financial stress. That’s why he plans to set up a $1,000 monthly transfer to a tax-free savings account. He will consider the amount available to spend as an acceptable constraint. In addition, he knows that this approach will provide comfort in handling emergencies when they arise.

“Why not add savings to a budget and work with the traditional budgeting approach?” I asked.

Richard responded, “I don’t want to allocate or track funds to individual categories. I just want two broad headings: Savings and Expenses.”

Budgeting like dieting takes commitment to change

I suggested to Richard that when he has a critical expense category in a month, he allocate an amount to that category and put it in an envelope. If you don’t want to put cash in the envelope, you can put a three-by-five card or a different size card with a note of the upper spending limit and record spending on the card for the month so you know when you run out of balance.

Richard agreed and decided to track his monthly spending (using an app and online banking) for one reason only: to better understand his spending pattern and the factors that drive it. In addition, he plans to get a responsible partner to discuss the challenges and help him learn and grow from each month’s experience, especially the missteps.

Essentially, saving and then spending what’s left means continually prioritizing spending alternatives and agreeing to monthly spending limits. You trust that you will succeed because you are intrinsically motivated to save and you want to break the cycle of trying to budget, then failing and not saving.

How is your budgeting approach? Budgeting like dieting doesn’t work because it usually doesn’t become a lifestyle issue, but people see it as a specific and frustrating program. Actually, the problem is not the budget, but the attitude of the people towards it. Do you think it’s time to do something radical with your finances? Richard plans to do it and I intend to work with him. I am excited to travel with him and committed to being his cheerleader.

With Consumer Debt Savings Average Debt Repayment

Richard has no debt but a mortgage. If he had consumer debt, he suggested that he focus on his “savings” to eliminate them before starting the new process.

What if you don’t have cash to save but must live paycheck to paycheck? Your only option is to work with what you have. However, I think this condition needs to work on a budget. Identify an amount, no matter how small, and start setting that amount aside not only to gain the discipline as you work your way out of your current condition, but also to create an emergency fund. To create this fund, pretend you earn less and save the difference.

Many people make a New Year’s resolution to save, better manage money, or some similar approach to getting their finances under control. It is essential that we understand that the problem is finances, but our attitude towards it.