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Astrophobia: fear of the impersonal nature of the personality

DO YOU BELIEVE IN ASTROLOGY? Be careful how you answer – it’s a trick question – the sound of a disoriented, phobic mind trying to get you into its ordered, dualistic paradigm. My answer? “As much as I believe in Hunter.” Why must The Mystery be so ruthlessly and mechanically nailed? Because the ego feels so desperately ephemeral.

Face it: there is no such thing as an “outer” mind. There is only “the” mind. The breeds of anxiety and anticipation that float around in our two-eared fish tanks are anything but exotic. Why do we spend so little time studying and befriending this outrageously interpenetrating, archetype-intoxicated psyche? Here are three possibilities. Choose your option:

1) Because it might reveal just how unnatural and downright tiring it is to keep our “gray matter island” state fixed for a lifetime?

2) Because it might make all the astronomical masks theatrically gorgeous but interchangeably unreal, and thereby blur the line between the definitely nice and unpleasant reference points (aka “personas”) we so sadly depend on for our lives? sail our sad ship across this sad sea?

3) Why is a detached and bullying mind preferable to a provisional one, an expert in dreams?

Do you believe in astrology? I hope not. A conceptually believed or disbelieved (vs. directly experienced) Leo archetype is nothing short of a cult. Smearing our eyes with belief or disbelief in something is no different than stumbling under the influence of a world-numbing hallucinogen.

From the ego’s point of view, astrology is a nuisance because it depersonalizes the personality. The personality traits we used to call “bear” turn out to be on loan to billions. All the sinister, boring and supremely emulable bodies/minds in the world are squeezed together, like kitchen towels, in a humble puddle of beingness. Our best crack at the “specialty”? Being uncommonly and heartbreakingly aware of the divine presence that is badly spoken of and devoutly ignored.

The passing mood of emptiness

The most hateful thing about astrology is not that it dares to associate planetary positions with personality colors, but how it insults our self-made notions of who we are. Whether the way we appear in the world is a function of the passing mood of the Void (as indicated by the constellation mudras), we are descendants of gods derived from a universe-sized psyche, or we are space junk with a flattering self sentiment. concept. Either way, we’re screwed. Option one means our hard-hearted robotic habits will likely follow us from lifetime to lifetime, so we’d better get to work now. Option two means that the kindest gesture and most mystical union we’ve ever known is probably just the Apocalypse of good humor.

Over there. Now you know why the serious study of astrology is so intimidating, and why we’ll never stop flipping through those Sun Sign columns we don’t believe in.

Sending Free Text Messages Online

The use of the Internet to send SMS or text messages is becoming rampant. With more and more people using the web, the convenience of sending free text messages is now widely used, along with voice calls and webcams. Many websites offer free text messaging services as part of promoting their products for commerce. It is an effective marketing strategy that attracts online users to your website to browse your ads.

Here are the trusted sites you can use to send free SMS or text messages to other people’s mobiles:

Google send to phone

Google is one of the most prominent names on the internet. It’s basically a search engine, and later expanded to provide free web email services. Now also includes free text messages. Your text messaging program is very simple, reliable and easy to use. But you still need to install an extension intended for Firefox and IE to be able to send messages directly from your own browser.

The user appropriately fills in the blank spaces provided on the page. Enter the recipient’s ten-digit number, the operator’s name (there will be a selection given), and their message and subject title. The placement of a theme is optional. You can also choose to save the information after you submit it by checking the appropriate box.


This site is very easy to use just like Google. You just need to enter the 10-digit number, your email address (but this is optional), select a carrier, and write your text message before hitting the “send” button. You can also choose to block certain numbers from being disturbed by any of their messages if you wish.

The site is very beginner friendly. It has guides and text helps to help those who have difficulty navigating the page. If you don’t know the wireless provider of the person you’re sending a message to, you can search for the provider by mobile phone number. The other great thing, as mentioned above, is that you can easily block the number of people spamming you.

SMS everywhere

SMS Everywhere is probably the simplest to use among all the free text messaging service providers online. You’ll just fill in the box for the number and the box for your message and hit the “send” button. Compared to the other two, you do not need to know or verify the provider. The system will do it for you. He sits very well with non-technical people.

Send a Yahoo Messenger SMS

Yahoo is Google’s biggest competitor. It is dedicated to providing maximum satisfaction to online users with its many online services. They have a search engine, web-based email, instant messaging for real-time chat, online news, games, and much more.

Yahoo goes a step further by also offering free text messages. And he does it with style. Integrate this service to emails and chats too. You can send text messages to any of your contacts on Yahoo Messenger if their phone numbers are listed. Also, if you are offline in chat, you can log in on your mobile phone, so when an online user sends you a message, it will be delivered to your mobile inbox.

And like all other free text messaging services, the yahoo text program is also easy to use.

send them a text

Compared to other sites, this site does not have any clear advantages over other services. You also need more steps such as provider, email address, carrier, message, and security code respectively. Although it takes a bit of time, it really works.

Therefore, most of the sites mentioned here only work in the US. This means that you can only send messages to US mobile phones. Sending the text message is really free. However, depending on the plan, your recipient may be charged for the messages they will receive.

Video games and learning theories: focus on JP Gee and Howard Gardner

Many people at all stages of their lives are fascinated by video games. Playing the games can be long, difficult and challenging, but players find it fun and inspiring. It’s hard not to admit that playing games has social and cultural significance in our society. According to JP Gee (2003), there are learning principles (LP) that are built into good video games. But these principles do not necessarily drive learning. Several factors are necessary for learning to occur in games and perhaps for intelligence to develop in the semiotic domain of everyday life. Gee teaches that there are thirty-six learning principles that can be found and developed in games.

To explain this, Gee defines games as a semiotic domain (SD), which, in turn, is part of the broader SD of everyday life. So to speak, an SD is a certain division of the world (be it a location, practice, field of study, etc.) and can span sub-domains. For example, first- and third-person shooters are a well-defined subdomain of SD games. Introducing the concept of SD to game studios, Gee gives us examples of SD such as rap, modernist paintings, and first-person shooter games. Gee believes that learning from an SD requires three things: 1) learning to experience the world in different ways, 2) learning to form affiliations with SD members, and 3) learning how to obtain the resources necessary for future learning. and troubleshooting in the domain as well as related domains. As we can see, Gee seeks to approximate the games to a broader definition of literacy that involves different types of “visual literacy”. Following this notion of literacy, people are literate in a domain only if they are able to recognize and produce meaning in the field. Furthermore, Gee proposes that we think of literacy as inherently connected to social practices. In fact, in contemporary culture, articulated language (spoken, gestural or written) is not the only important communication system. Today, images, symbols, graphs, diagrams, equations, artifacts, and many other visual symbols play a particularly important role in our daily lives. For example, it is important to learn visual literacy to “read” the images in an ad. Also, words and images are juxtaposed or integrated in many ways: in magazines, newspapers, textbooks, software, etc. Images take up more space and have meanings that can be independent of the words in the texts. In this sense, games are multimodal texts. They combine moving images and music with language.

Given the diverse forms of human activity in the complex society in which we live, it is necessary to develop a new model of intelligence that allows us to adopt a pluralistic vision of intelligence. Howard Gardner’s (1983) influential definition of intelligence was developed using a model of seven basic intelligences known as the theory of multiple intelligences (MI). MI represents a broader and more pragmatic view of human nature. The eight intelligences are defined as the following abilities:

1) use language competently (linguistics),

2) use logical reasoning in mathematics and science (logical-mathematical),

3) perceiving details of the visual-spatial world and manipulating objects in the mind (spatial),

4) understand, create and enjoy music and musical (musical) concepts,

5) skillfully using the body (bodily-kinesthetic);

6) recognize subtle aspects of the behavior of others and respond appropriately to them (interpersonal),

7) understanding one’s own feelings (intrapersonal), and

8) recognize patterns and differences in nature (naturalist).

These categories or intelligences represent elements that can be found in all cultures, namely music, words, logic, paintings, social interaction, physical expression, inner reflection, and appreciation of nature. Thus, unlike a learning style, which is a general approach that the individual can equally apply to any imaginable content, intelligence, for Gardner, is a capacity with its own processes that adapt to specific content in the world ( for example, musical sounds or spatial patterns).

From this perspective, Gee (2003) and Gardner (1983) value the interaction between learning and the abilities present in the daily life (culture) of people. So, when we think about the SD approach, developed by Gee, we realize that the interaction between both theories, the SD of everyday life, the largest set that exists, where intelligences are located, encompasses the SD of games. . Note that Gardner points out that one of the goals of his effort is to examine the educational implications of a theory of multiple intelligences. Considering that, Gee listed thirty-six learning principles present in games, and considering the importance and popularity of games in contemporary culture, it seems interesting to start investigating how learning principles can be related to multiple intelligences. So we discuss here some possibilities of association between these theories. To achieve this, the question we want to ask ourselves is the following: What can the learning principles integrated into good games do for the development of multiple intelligences, which are so important for everyday life? In other words: What is the relationship between these semiotic domains? To answer this, we have used the following research methodology: literature review, website research, game observation, construction of the interaction model between the two learning proposals, and analysis of the model.

Gee describes thirty-six learning principles that can be found in games. It should be noted that not all of the learning principles listed by the author are necessarily found in a single game: there is a possibility that a game will convey one or more of these principles. The analysis shows that in order to develop one or more intelligences, the learner must be immersed in one or more semiotic domains that meet the necessary conditions and qualities to facilitate their development. For example: it is of no use to an apprentice of a sports modality to have access to a single modality for the full development of his Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence, he needs to have access to several sports, namely several subsemiotic domains that are part of the semiotic domain. broader than sports. In addition to that, there are other extrinsic and intrinsic factors (motivation, injuries, adequate training material, etc.) that are important to succeed in the entire domain, as a sport modality. Examples of various prominent athletes demonstrate this fact: Formula 1 drivers, MMA fighters, and Olympians. In this sense, our research shows the existence of an insurmountable pairing: without learning principles there are no good games, while without the valorization of a domain in the semiotic domain of everyday life there is no way to advance within that domain. Therefore, multiple intelligences cannot fully develop in certain cultural contexts, and learning principles are useless in these contexts.

Furthermore, interpersonal intelligence is very important in learning. We found that it is associated with thirty of the thirty-six principles of learning. Interpersonal Intelligence clearly arises from cooperative work, community involvement, large group simulations, dedication to social issues, etc. Precisely the importance of interpersonal intelligence, as Gardner points out, has diminished in the contemporary educational landscape: sensitivity towards other individuals as individuals and the ability to collaborate with others are less and less important now than in the past. Therefore, we believe that the results of the comparison between these theories question the ways in which we design and manage education in its various fields. For this reason, we believe that deepening the analysis of the intersection of the theories studied here can help us both in the use of games as a pedagogical proposal and in reflection on education.

The association between both theories seemed productive to us to reflect on games and learning in general. First of all, it should be noted that not all games can promote all learning principles. This is because there are many factors in the semiotic domain of everyday life that can hinder the learning and development of multiple intelligences. And this occurs even when the game transmits the principle of learning or the basic conditions to develop it, which demonstrates a close association between the principles and the intelligences.

Secondly, Interpersonal Intelligence is associated with thirty learning principles. This demonstrates the complexity of learning and, consequently, shows the challenges that contemporary education must face. In fact, studying the interaction between theories can help us think about new ways of teaching and learning inside and outside of school. It seems that Gee’s relevance is in highlighting the importance of games culturally and for learning, while Gardner’s learning theory emphasizes the need for favorable conditions (environment, mentors, cultural appreciation, etc.) for skill development. . We must remember that abilities or intelligences are valued differently between cultures.

We believe that good video games represent, in fact, opportunities for direct and indirect learning of content and skills in the semiotic domain of everyday life, given their close link with most intelligences.

Work Cited

Howard Garner. moods. The Theory of Multiple Intelligences (New York: Basic Books, 1983).

James P. Gee. What video games have to teach us about learning and literacy (New York: Palgrave, 2003).

Macbooks: 5 Ways to Make Your Macbook Faster

We all wish our beloved Apple Macbooks could run as fast as they did when we first took them out of the box for good. Unfortunately, that is not the case. The more you use a computer and start filling it up with your data and clutter, they start to get bogged down and performance takes a serious drop.

Do not worry! There are many ways to change this and greatly improve the performance of your old Macbook. Here are our top 5 tips to make your Macbook faster!

1. Clean up the clutter

Over time, it begins to accumulate hundreds, if not thousands, of old files, apps, photos, videos, and music. This data quickly begins to fill up your Macbook’s hard drive, greatly affecting its performance. Ask yourself: do you really need everything that is currently on your hard drive? Those old photos from that party years ago that everyone has already forgotten? That 2 hour long video of your nephews and nephews’ fifth grade play? That app you downloaded the free trial for and then never used? Increasing the available hard drive space on your Macbook is one of the best ways to drastically increase its performance.

2. Delete unused language files

Many of your Macbook apps will include multiple language variants for users around the world. You probably only need your native language variant, but those unused language files still take up valuable space on your Macbook. There are several methods to get rid of these files, the easiest of which is with a free app called Monolingual. This simple application does only one thing: it deletes the language files you don’t need. You can manually select the languages ​​you want to keep and the app will get rid of the rest. Simple!

3. Clean startup and background running apps

When you install an app on your Macbook, how often do you take the time to read everything in the installation dialog window before clicking ‘Install’? I guess never. You’d be surprised what some apps ask you to agree to when you click the ‘Install’ button. Many of them ask you to agree to let them start every time you turn on your Macbook, and just sit quietly and run in the background. This may not seem like a big deal, but they are using up valuable system resources when you don’t want them to. Hogging up precious CPU and RAM capacity that could otherwise be used for the task you’re working on. To remove these unwanted startup apps, go to System Preferences > Users & Groups > Login Items. There you will be able to select the apps you really want to start at startup and get rid of the apps you don’t want.

4.Fix disk permissions

This is commonly debated, but fixing disk permissions can supposedly help your Macbook run more efficiently. Open Disk Utility from your Applications folder and click “Repair Disk Permissions”.

5. Shut down more often

Your Macbook, like you and me, needs to rest sometimes to perform at its best. Your Mac also has some tools that it automatically uses to help maintain itself. Some of these tools only run during shutdown and startup, so get in the habit of turning your computer completely off from time to time to allow these tools to do their job. It’s also a great way to extend the life of your Macbook’s internal battery.

Still not getting enough performance boost? It may simply mean that your Macbook needs a RAM upgrade. However, keep in mind that not all Macbook variants allow users to upgrade internal RAM by themselves. A quick Google of your specific Macbook model followed by the words “RAM Upgrade” will give you an answer right away. These RAM upgrades are usually fairly inexpensive and can keep your Macbook running smoothly for years to come.

Computers work best when they are clean and have room to breathe. Consider this the next time you use your Macbook.

Dog Bed Bug Detection: Current Technologies and Future Directions

Bed bug detection and control has become an increasingly important part of the pest control industry over the last ten years. Not surprising given that estimates suggest a 100-fold increase in its population worldwide.

Early detection is essential to limit the spread of these pests. Sting-based detection is ineffective, as reactions to insect bites are often misdiagnosed. Visual inspections for signs of pests are time consuming and, while inexpensive, often fall short at the start of an infestation when relatively few insects are present.

Could the answer to early detection include man’s best friend, the dog? The use of canine inspection dogs (K9s) is gaining in popularity and the future for this method looks very bright. Trained dogs are extremely accurate and quick at detecting pests.

How does canine bed bug (K9) inspection work?

Dogs naturally have incredibly sensitive noses that allow them to detect these vermin! In fact, specially trained canines detect pests with amazing accuracy. Not only can they recognize the scent of live insects and their eggs, but they can also differentiate between live and dead insects, and also between the insects and the debris they leave behind.


Studies have shown that trained dogs can be more accurate than a trained technician in detecting vermin. K9 inspection dogs receive a significant amount of training before and after they are paired with a handler. With this training, one can inspect a room in minutes where a human inspector could take hours, saving time and money.

They can tell which rooms have problems and which ones don’t. This ensures that treatments are carried out only on the necessary areas that are detected, before they develop into large infestations.

future directions

Several new technologies are in the works to detect infestations, but none as promising as canine detection.

A new method analyzes air samples from a room to detect these pests. Using gas chromatography, you can identify airborne chemicals associated with such infestations. Electronic noses are another promising technology. This new technology applies instruments to detect volatile odor compounds at relatively low concentrations, and is already being used in the food and environmental monitoring industries.


The challenge of early bed bug detection may one day be solved with new technology, but for now these new high-tech approaches are not yet practical for widespread use by both pest control operators and homeowners.

Canine inspection (K9), on the other hand, is becoming more and more popular. Based on the speed and accuracy of these trained dogs, it may be the ideal way to detect bed bugs early.

10 reasons to learn Mandarin Chinese

Very often, people will have their own reasons for learning a new or foreign language, but some languages ​​have additional benefits or advantages in today’s world. Mandarin Chinese is one of them.

There are many reasons why Chinese is one of the second most important languages ​​that people from any country can learn, but here are just 10.

1) Almost a quarter of the world’s population speaks Chinese.

This in itself may not be an overwhelming reason to learn the language, but when you consider that there are over 1.3 billion people in China, not to mention the millions elsewhere in Singapore, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, the Americas and Europe who they also speak Chinese. , it is obvious that the language is spreading and growing all over the world. Being able to speak the language then will obviously open up billions of new friends, clients or potential partners than you had before.

2) China has had the fastest growing major economy in the world for the past quarter century.

From a business perspective, China is the place to do business. Its economy has been growing steadily (until very recently) at just under 10% per year. This puts China on track to become one of the biggest economic powers on the world stage within a few years and quite likely the world’s largest economy. Just as people learned English to enter US commerce, Chinese will soon become one of the world’s leading business languages. Why wait?

3) One of the main trading partners of the US.

Imports and exports flow like water between China and the US. It is mainly US imports that have driven the Chinese economy so strongly in recent decades, and yet the newfound wealth allows the Chinese middle classes to enjoy of western luxuries. This open trade between the two countries has made many companies very successful. Learning Chinese will give any business an edge over the competition within this market.

4) Ultimate advantage in the competition for jobsLearning any language is an advantage when looking for a job. Employers like bilingual people. In addition to showing dedication, it also gives them an additional language available within the workforce. Chinese is probably the biggest advantage of all. Any company that is involved in overseas trade or communication will reward Chinese-speaking applicants above all else. As stated above, Sino-American and Sino-European trade is huge and businesses are crying out for people who can talk to the locals. Learn Chinese now and multiply your job prospects.

5) Excellent option for Application for admission to the University.

Mandarin Chinese is rapidly overtaking German, French, and Portuguese to be one of the most studied languages ​​in the US and Europe. Schools that once taught exclusively French or Spanish now offer Chinese as an alternative or replacement, and children are being educated to speak Chinese. Why is this? Aside from the obvious business and employment opportunities provided to those learning the language, Mandarin students are also looked upon favorably when considering to apply to university. Just like employers, universities see the dedication that learning Chinese takes and the opportunities it offers later.

Learn Chinese today and stay ahead of the rest of the crowd.

6) mentally challenging

It is scientifically proven that learning a language is good for the brain. It keeps the brain young and healthy and can improve learning in other subjects, even seemingly unrelated subjects like math. Bilingual students have been shown to consistently score higher on their SATs than non-bilinguals. This also applies to older people: people who learn languages ​​have been shown to be less susceptible to Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia and can keep their brains fit for much longer. This effect is even greater for Chinese: the fact that Chinese is so different from English in sound, tones, and writing means that learning it is even more mentally challenging than other languages. Learn Chinese and keep learning for a long, long time.

7) Chinese culture is one of the oldest in the world.

Chinese culture is ancient. They invented gunpowder and paper, and discovered America even before Columbus was born. Its history and culture are vast and colourful, diverse and fascinating, and learning the language will give you an insight into this history and culture that you would never have otherwise. If you are interested in Chinese medicine, Chinese opera or theater, or even Chinese Kung-Fu movies, then learning the language can give you an added appreciation.

8) It has never been so easy

Possibly not the best reason to learn a language, but definitely the best time. Since the introduction of Simplified Chinese to unify the different dialects and form a national language, the Chinese language has been more accessible than ever. This was made even easier by the government’s radical introduction of Pinyin, a transliterated version of the Mandarin script into Roman letters. This means that anyone can be speaking and reading Pinyin in days and then progress to the more difficult script later on. Of course, there are also now a multitude of great courses available to help you learn Mandarin Chinese. These range from small free vocabulary websites to huge software programs that can teach you everything there is to know about a language… for one price. However, if you are serious about learning Chinese and want to reap the rewards that Mandarin Chinese will bring, then it is definitely worth both the time and money.

9) World Affairs

Sure this is related to some of the reasons above, but it’s just as important in its own right. China is playing an increasingly important role in world affairs today, not only economically but also politically and environmentally. China is becoming a superpower, but it has a long way to go before its environmental and human rights policies are globally acceptable. These issues will become increasingly important as China grows, and if you have an interest in these issues, learning the language could certainly put you in a good position to change some of them.

10) Similar languages

Learning Chinese can give you a strong foundation for learning other languages, especially Japanese. The Japanese and Chinese scripts are almost identical, and while being able to read the script doesn’t mean you can speak Japanese, it will certainly give you a good foundation for learning.

A Simple Life, A Complicated Man: Finding Balance with Red Snow Fence

Cahuenga Press has just published red snow fence by Harry E. Northup (Cahuenga is a cooperative press and red snow fence is the fifteenth book they have published since their inception in 1989). The collection includes poems written from October 2002 to September 2005.

As I read Northup’s poetry, I would have felt like a voyeur if it weren’t evident that Northup’s generous heart invited me into his private conversations about poetry, film, and love, the most universal and therefore most intimate themes. This is the delicate balance of red snow fence, that inclined structure that keeps the cold and harsh realities of the world at bay to allow us to live in a protected place. Artists like Harry E. Northup, talented and generous with his gift, embody that structure. A constant theme in the book is its search for an open and listening community of souls, willing to engage in shared exchange as in past periphery:

communion requires depth,

mystery, respect, listening to one


As I read and listened to his daily life with his wife (Poet Holly Prado) and their cats and their work, I couldn’t help but cry at the simplicity, the clarity of love, passion and compassion that he embodies: just a man. who writes in the middle of the night with a cat on his lap and his wife sleeping in the next room like in the night:

the night has always been a friend

& I’m with cats, my wife sleeps

& I write, no longer alone

The book also recounts his trials and triumphs as a working actor in Hollywood and in that world of material rewards, Northup reminds us that while some find modest success and most sour, there is something bigger at stake in the reason of the heart:

& in 2 or 3 there is care and comfort

and in most a desire to work, a carefree

for movies and directors i appreciate

& in Hemmingway was the theme
to continue life with grace and dignity
although physical damage &
damage has been done to the psyche

& spiritual pain has an interior
indefinable reason to hope
and that’s why I read and that’s why I write

While the first two thirds of the book are based on everyday physical realities, the last third of red snow fence takes us on a journey of night visions that seem to me part memory, part premonition. I was struck by the beauty of these abstract images and in awe of an artist who could move from the basic reality of the everyday world to the surreal terror, hope, and spiritual flight of these poems. In particular, I responded to recluse of lightperhaps because the visions reminded me of my North Dakota roots, so similar to earlier images of Northup’s native Nebraska:

isolation, green valley and then a

rolling disc, giant wheels turn

golden wheat, grain elevator, moon

complete and golden too, an eye on a

dark ship, pushing in the dark

For me, it felt like a passing memory but also a spiritual awakening. The truth is buried deep in our subconscious and waiting for us beyond our imagination at the same time. The simple truth is that red snow fence by Harry E. Northup has deeply affected this reader and writer of poetry and will resonate with me for a long time.

0Xc0000076 Error in Windows 10

Error 0xc0000076 is caused by a missing “library” in Windows, usually Visual C++, DirectX, or similar.

The error appears when you try to run a “big” application, such as a game or some kind of graphics application. This is because the application will require a library item, which is not installed or accessible on your system.

The error will usually show up as “0xc0000076” or, more commonly, as a “0xc000007b” error, cited after the app attempts to load.

The way to solve this problem is to make sure you have the appropriate library/dependencies required by the application to run. It should solve 90% of the problems with the error.


The typical error message for error 0xc0000076 is as follows:

The application failed to initialize correctly (0xc0000076)

The key to fixing this is to understand that every application in Windows requires a series of “libraries” or “dependencies” to help it run.

These libraries are stored on your hard drive as DLL files, applications like DirectX, and “redistributable” packages like Visual C++. While most of the popular libraries are distributed by Microsoft, there are also some provided by other companies.

The bottom line of the 0xc0000076 error is that your system is unable to load the dependencies needed to run the application.

solution steps

1. Reinstall Visual C++

Visual C++ is usually the culprit here. It is a collection of programs distributed by Microsoft to help improve the functionality of Windows.

Unfortunately, like a lot of “Microsoft” things, they’ve overcomplicated it, making VC++ an entirely 3rd party download and split between different versions, each of which must be downloaded to provide the required functionality.

Unfortunately, it often happens that even if the correct VC++ is installed, it becomes damaged or corrupted, preventing applications from reading it correctly.

Therefore, the first step to fixing error 0xc0000076 is to make sure you have installed the latest versions of the required VC++ Redistributable Packages…

  • In Windows 7, click “Start” > “Control Panel” > “Add or Remove Programs”

  • In Windows 10, right-click the “Start” / “Windows” button > select “Programs and Features”

  • From the list that appears, select any version of “Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable” and NOTE its year number (this is important)

  • After noting the years, you must right-click on each of the listings and select “Uninstall.”

  • After uninstalling them, restart your PC

  • After the reboot you will need to google and search for “Latest Visual C++ Packages from Microsoft”

  • For each of the “years” you noted above, download the corresponding download and install.

A quick note on this topic: when you download each VC++ package, you will be asked if you want the “x64” or “x86” version. This corresponds to the “architecture” of your system.

If you are not sure which version of Windows you have, you should do the following:

  • Press the “Windows” + “R” keys on your keyboard

  • In the “Run” dialog box, type “dxdiag” and press “Enter”

  • When DXDiag appears, find the “Operating System” list

  • Make a note of whether it is 64-bit or 32-bit: 64-bit is x64 and 32-bit is x86

  • From there you need to install the various VC++ packages and then let it run.

2. Update DirectX

Next you need to update DirectX.

DirectX is a core element of Windows that allows your system to run 3D graphics etc.

Unfortunately, because many games etc. put their own versions of DirectX files on your system, it often happens that applications will display a large number of errors etc.

If this is the case, you’ll want to install the DirectX “update” which should replace any potentially corrupted files you may have…

  • Click on “Google” and search for “DirectX Download” – click on the first link

  • Click the orange “Download” button

  • Click “No thanks and continue”

  • Save the file to your hard drive

  • Open the app and click on the process (make sure you don’t accept the “Bing Bar” scamware)

  • Let it install the files needed to update DirectX

  • Restart your PC

Once your PC has restarted, you need to proceed to the next step.


.NET is similar to the previous two dependencies in that it provides a large number of features, files, and settings that are required for Windows to function properly.

Unfortunately, like the others, it can become damaged or corrupted. If this is the case, you’ll want to update it to the latest version, which can be done with the following:

  • In Windows 7, click “Start” > select “Control Panel” > “Add or Remove Programs”

  • In Windows 10, right-click the “Start” / “Windows” button > select “Programs and Features”

  • From the dialog that is displayed, click “Turn Windows features on or off” – Uncheck “.NET 3.5” and “.NET 4.6.2” and then click “OK”

  • Let the uninstall process happen and restart your PC

  • After the reboot, you’ll want to google “.net web installer”

  • Click the orange “Download” button and then proceed to install the package.

This will replace any of the .NET Framework files that may be damaged or corrupted on the system. Basically, this will restore most of your system dependencies that *might* be broken.

In addition to this, you’ll also want to make sure that any “registry” errors are removed on your PC…

4. Clean Registry Errors

Registry errors occur when the Windows “registry” becomes damaged or corrupted.

The registry is a central database that Windows uses to store all the settings and options that your system requires to function.

This database is responsible for everything from your desktop wallpaper to the user’s avatar. Unfortunately, it can become damaged or corrupted, preventing your PC from being able to read the settings it requires.

To fix this, you’d better clean it up with a “registry cleaner”:

  • Download a reliable registry cleaning tool (I only recommend CCleaner in 2018, which is available from “Piriform”, just Google “CCleaner Download”)

  • Install the tool and charge it

  • Let it scan your system registry (other parts like junk files don’t matter that much)

  • After the scan, clean/remove any of the issues it found

  • Restart your PC

This not only ensures that you can fix any of the possible problems your computer may have, but also ensures that you can run the programs effectively.

5. Clean malware and reinstall graphics driver

If the above steps don’t work, the next one is to reinstall your system graphics driver (yes, this is a valid cause of the error).

To do this, you’ll want to download “DDU” (Display Driver Uninstaller) from Guru3D. This removes **all** of the graphics driver software your system will have installed…

  • Click on the DDU Download Page: (You’ll need to google “DDU Download”)

  • Save the file on your system

  • Restart your PC in “Safe Mode”

To do this, there are several ways depending on the version of Windows you’re running:

  • In Windows 7, click “Start” > “Restart”

  • When your system reboots, press F8 repeatedly on the keyboard before anything starts to load

  • This will open the “Advanced Boot Options” menu where you need to select “Safe Mode”.

  • In Windows 10, click the “Start” / “Windows” button (bottom left corner)

  • Select the “Power” button – Holding SHIFT, press “Restart”

  • The blue “Recovery Environment” screen will appear.

  • From here select “Troubleshoot” > “Advanced” > “Startup Settings” > “Restart”

  • When the system reboots, it will load the “Advanced Boot Options” screen from which you can choose “Safe Mode”. From here, you will enter “Safe Mode”.

  • You need to click on the DDU app you downloaded and then let it run.

  • You will need to choose “Clean and reboot (recommended)”.

This will completely remove the graphics driver, which *should* resolve any remaining occurrences of the error. Let the system reboot in “normal” mode and then try to load the app again.

Once in “normal” mode, you will need to reinstall the graphics driver. In Windows 10, this will usually be done automatically. The point is that if you have any custom drivers, it may be causing some sort of conflict, which will be resolved by removing it completely with DDU.

If the above doesn’t work, you may have a problem deeper within Windows.

In addition to using a more powerful debugging tool, Can benefit from seeking more specific advice. To do this I would recommend seeing a repair guy (who will have *exact* the same recommendations as me) or asking online.

Rails Hosting: 10 VPS Providers That FULLY Support Ruby on Rails

The simple answer to running Ruby on Rails applications on different hosting services is that if you have access to the underlying operating system, you will be able to run the applications.

The main requirements (okay, two main requirements) that are essential for Rails applications and are missing from most “traditional” hosting services include…

  • Deployment mechanism (typically GIT)
  • Viable app server that supports Rails (Puma or Passenger)

The first problem can usually be overcome with the help of FTP (not the most effective solution, but it still works).

The second is much more problematic and explains why most people end up using VPS solutions to deploy Rails applications (VPS servers give you unrestricted access to the underlying infrastructure).

VPS servers are basically what “cloud” providers are giving people access to. Unlike “traditional” hosts, which literally allocate space on a single server, the new “cloud” infrastructure setup essentially spreads the load across an entire data center of servers.

This not only reduces cost, but ensures that the buyer can actually *scale* their computing resource without having to physically pay for a new server. In any case, if you absolutely want to host a “rails” based app on a “cloud” VPS. The only problem with this is that you are responsible for provisioning the server (which is another story in itself).

Rails Compatible Hosts

To this end, the most important thing to note is that if you’re looking at this list, ANY VPS server will be able to run a Rails application. You just need to make sure you know how to install the various apps (which I’ll cover in another article). For now, let’s look at the most effective and profitable hosts:

  1. digital ocean

    the indisputable KING of low cost “cloud” VPS providers. Founded in 2011, it was the first to provide a one-price VPS infrastructure for developers. Starting at $5/month, you get access to a multitude of data centers and many different server setups. The most important thing to note about DO, as with most other “cloud” VPS hosts, is that running a VPS server literally gives you access to a Linux box running on a data center. You are responsible for configuring everything else (unless of course you pay for pre-built images etc.). Regardless of this, this is by far the most effective “budget” VPS provider for Rails applications.

  2. vultre

    A lesser known, but still very effective cloud VPS service, Vultr is basically a “mini-me” to DigitalOcean. It has data centers in several different locations (from the US to Japan and even Germany and the Netherlands), which allows for broader coverage. The most important thing to appreciate with Vultr is that it’s basically designed to be the equivalent of DigitalOcean, without any of the added frills that the former can have. For example, it doesn’t have any built-in monitoring software (which DigitalOcean includes for free), and Vultr’s big claim to fame came from its $2.50/mo VPS server (which is currently “out of stock”). This was very effective for developers who just wanted to push simple applications (either for testing in a sandbox environment or to keep costs down). You still have to provision servers like you do with DigitalOcean.

  3. UpCloud

    Touted as the “fastest” cloud VPS provider, Finnish UpCloud essentially provides the same services as the first two providers (DigitalOcean + Vultr), except with a much deeper focus on support. By providing an API along with a myriad of other services, the system gives users the ability to deploy VPS servers in various data centers around the world. Again, the main difference with this is the proportional speed of the servers that operate. This is apparently due to their MaxIOPs technology, which basically allows them to store a large amount of data in memory (thus speeding it up). Pricing starts as low as $5/mo, and yes, you’ll still need to provision the servers yourself.

  4. exoscale

    European “Cloud” Hosting – Based in Switzerland, they specialize in the provision of Euro-centric infrastructure. With 4 data centers (2 in Switzerland, 1 in Austria and 1 in Germany), the company has chosen to be extremely specific in its approach to providing infrastructure for various application developers. Although its price is very competitive, the most important thing to keep in mind about this company is the efficiency they provide. Being Swiss, they benefit from the deep-rooted culture of efficiency that pervades most of the Swiss community. This means you won’t just get quick email responses, but deep, thoughtful responses. They usually provide services to many banks and financial institutions throughout Europe. Their niche-level orientation allows them to specialize in ensuring that the speed, reliability, and efficiency of their service is optimal for the clients they end up working with.

  5. Hetzner (cloud)

    Hetzner is a German hosting company with two data centers in the country. While they were founded as “traditional” hosting, which means they essentially assigned their data center to whoever paid for the servers. Since 2017, the company started offering a “cloud” service, whereby you can provision VPS servers in exactly the same way as DigitalOcean, Vultr and the fringe of other providers. With comparable prices, the most important element of Hetzner’s business is that it focuses almost exclusively on the German market. This is not to say that they don’t cater to international customers, but in terms of their data center availability and how they handle support etc, it’s a completely German operation. Obviously, with prices starting at ~$5/mo, they only provide the ability to deploy servers – you are responsible for provisioning them.

  6. linodo

    Not as well known as DigitalOcean or Vultr, but no less effective: Linode is a favorite of many smaller developers, as it was one of the first to offer low-cost “cloud” VPS servers. Linode is cash, with prices starting as low as $5/month – it has multiple data centers around the world and is pretty much on par with the most popular “cloud” services. As always, you don’t get frills with the service. You still have to provision and maintain the servers yourself.

  7. rack space

    RackSpace, the “daddy” of online hosting, has been a major player in the hosting world since its inception in 1998. As you can imagine, they were also involved in the “cloud” game from the very beginning. The problem with Rackspace, like Microsoft, is that it’s expensive. Designed exclusively for larger organizations, their “cloud” servers start as low as $50/mo, but are offset by the “fan” support the company will provide. This support is actually very good and allows users to really trust them to keep things running as effectively as possible. I would not recommend Rackspace for smaller projects. It’s just not worth the price, especially when you have the likes of DigitalOcean doing the same thing but for a fraction of the cost.

  8. microsoft azure

    Microsoft’s “cloud” VPS offering is arguably the most effective of the Big 3 (Google, Amazon, Microsoft). Azure is packed with additional services that help developers launch applications in a large number of Microsoft-owned data centers. Fully compatible with both Linux and Windows VPS systems, the company is one of the few to provide more detailed information on how the various servers work. They provide access to a rich dashboard, through which you can track everything from resource usage to how many requests different servers have received. While this sounds good, it is expensive. Forks For real designed to help large organizations embrace “the cloud”, putting it out of reach for most smaller developers. If you’re interested in using it, you should definitely look it up first.

  9. AWS (EC2)

    AWS is good but expensive (especially if you need more computing resources). Hailed as the “original” cloud provider, each EC2 instance you activate essentially acts as a standalone VPS. The problem with AWS is that since it’s so vast, it’s hard to know what you really need. Also, like Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform, the scale of the infrastructure at stake is enormous. To this end, it should come as no surprise to learn that most popular web-based applications (especially those that rely on S3) rely on EC2 and AWS to operate. Because of this, the service is generally seen as supporting larger deployments, which require multiple server clusters, database servers, and CDN management (Amazon actually owns “CloudFlare”). Ultimately, if you’re looking to deploy a large and popular application, the AWS infrastructure will certainly help you. The price isn’t great, but it’s well supported and backed by Amazon’s gigantic infrastructure (which it uses for its own operations).

  10. Google cloud platform

    Google’s entry into the “cloud” space, its “cloud platform” is used by companies like Apple and Twitter. Like Azure and AWS, the largest organizations use it to optimize their infrastructure requirements. Because Google uses the platform for its own infrastructure, you obviously should be able to trust the system, and their community is actually very strong and active. The big difference with the Google platform is the price. They offer a very competitive pricing set, allowing multiple different developers to implement software without incurring huge expenses doing so.

The key with all of this, as mentioned, is that you’ll typically have to provision the various servers. This means installing the web+ application server software, libraries, and any ancillary services (SSL certificates, etc.).

If you’re prepared to use a service like Nanobox, Hatchbox, RailsHosting, or VPSDeploy, you should be able to avoid the pain of having to set up a valid web server… but in the end, it’s entirely up to you what you do.

To be clear, the beauty of “traditional” / “shared” hosting has yet to be captured in the “cloud” arena. Instead of providing a simple platform for deploying apps, you’re pretty much left to your own devices.

Free Email Services – Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail – What’s the difference and who’s the best?

If you’re looking for an email service provider, you may be feeling overwhelmed by all the options you have to sort through. They may all look the same and have similar features, but some are better than others.

Let’s start with #3:

Microsoft Live Hotmail

Microsoft has been providing email for many, many years. It has become a storage powerhouse of 5 GB. It gives you a good amount of security, but it doesn’t have the best spam filtering service. In my experience, a fair amount of spam gets through the filter and into your inbox. On the plus side, you can chat with your MSN messenger friends directly from Hotmail, making live conversations much faster.


yahoo! Email

yahoo! has a reputation for maintaining the status quo in email, although in recent years (very few changes) they have been trying to reverse that way of thinking. Now you can chat with your Yahoo! contacts, as well as attach files up to 100MB with the built-in app for drop.io. Its spam filtering is about as good as you’d expect from a free service.



Google is the reigning king of web applications. Gmail has the most integrated features of all the popular email services. Unlimited storage, the ability to create, edit, search, publish and save documents, all within your Google account. Its spam filtering is superior to other email service providers. You can even have shared calendars, get your email on your phone, and many other options. This service will not leave you wanting for anything else, as everything is there for you, waiting for you to start it.