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Category Archive : Technology

Is the Law of Attraction Selfish and Hedonistic?

When someone asks you, what do you believe? What is the law of attraction? Do you really believe that everything you think about will appear? Is it possible for you to answer these questions in a few words? Yes.

Isn’t the Law of Attraction Selfish and Hedonistic?

Isn’t life selfish and hedonistic? Yes it is. Life is meant to be joyful. Now this does not mean that you are going to live a lonely life in a big castle on top of a mountain. Most humans get a lot of pleasure from happy families. There is nothing selfish about being part of a happy family. Happy families are work, but very fulfilling work.

There is nothing wrong with hedonism. Christianity sometimes attacks hedonism as the opposite of martyrdom. Well, it does seem so, but how can you know what was in the hearts of those martyrs? You can only guess. You can only know for sure what is in your own heart.

When you live in joy, you usually make those around you happy as well. You see, being in outwardly expressed joy after it’s experienced, but if done with honor, doesn’t take anything away from those around you. Your relationship with Source is a blessing to those around you. On the contrary, how do you feel when you are close to a martyr? You will answer very badly if you have ever lived with a martyr or have been friends with a martyr. What is the unspoken lesson of a martyr? —

“You owe me. I’m being selfless and generous, so you owe me adoration or reciprocity or both.”

This person has not bothered to seek a relationship with Source and seeks joy from their work to align with Source. — Now, is that selfish or selfless?

You owe nothing to anyone except your children and only because you brought them into the world. With anyone else, if giving makes you happy, then give. If walking away from the martyr makes you happy, then walk away.

What if your success hurt someone else?

Wallace Wattles warns us against competition. He assures us that when we manifest our success instead of beating someone else, we won’t be hurting anyone else. The world is not a zero sum experience.

So how do we explain the global warming that has come from all the success and toys that those in vibration with success have manifested? Doesn’t this harm many others, if not all of us?

Life offers contrast. Someone could be reacting to global warming and getting inspired to find a new source of energy. Without the difficulties of this oil energy, we would not need to find a new energy.

In the past, horses provided great transportation, but they left their mess on the ground. Some deliberate creators learned how to use oil in their lamps and then how to use it with a mass of iron to make an iron horse that didn’t leave as much of a mess on the ground. This worked fine for a while. Now, we find out that oil leaves its mess in the atmosphere and we need a new source of energy.

To answer the original question, what do we believe? When we look for reasons to feel good, we will let in clarity and abundance.

There is nothing wrong with this. There is nothing in this that hurts anyone else.

Apple iPad tablet review

Now that Apple’s iPad tablet has been revealed to the public and the industry’s initial enthusiasm has waned, should consumers start planning to buy Apple’s latest toy? The general public still has to wait two months for a chance to buy Apple’s tablet and the big question is will the iPad become another iPod or iPhone and change the technology game or fade into obscurity like Apple Pippin? ? The professional reviews are out, and what they discovered with their initial impressions might surprise you.

The good

Familiarity is the key selling point for Apple’s tablet. The iPad runs a modified version of the current operating system used on the iPhone and iPod Touch. The tablet will sync all your iTunes files, charge and connect using the firmly established 30-pin white connecting cable, let you buy apps from the pre-existing app store you’re used to, and the iPad will even transfer the songs, videos , games and useful apps that you already bought legally (avoiding a “double dip” of a double purchase for the same content).

The screen resolution is beautiful. Every Apple tablet review talks about the high-resolution 1024 x 768 display of the iPad’s 9.7-inch touchscreen. Most of the other tech specs are designed to impress. The CPU runs at 1GHz and provides plenty of ultra-fast power for a handheld device. The tablet’s built-in wireless devices, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, will connect and work just as seamlessly as current generation iPhones and iPods.

The bad

Prepare for the bad, because there’s a lot to complain about with the new iPad. Storage comes in three delicate sizes, 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB. Regardless of how Apple tries to resize internal hard drives, they are small for a product meant to compete in the netbook market. USB drives come in comparable sizes for a fraction of the cost (another problem with the iPad, but this is true of most Apple products). Do you enjoy watching TV shows and movies on the go? With minimal hard drive space, Apple’s tablet can barely hold a dozen movies and a single season of the average TV show. This won’t really be an issue though, as battery life is expected to last less than 10 hours with heavy use. Basically, it won’t last a full day with constant use on a full charge.

The ugly one

Deal breaker time, and there are many. No built-in USB ports, no flash support for web pages, no webcam, no SMS text messages, no video conferences or Skype calls, and no monthly fees to access AT&T’s exclusive 3G network are just a few. But nothing pales in comparison to the lack of multitasking. Simply put, Apple’s miniature touchscreen tablet with the power of a netbook, the same size as a netbook, costing twice the average netbook, designed to bridge the gap between cell phones (iPhones) and laptops (Macbooks) CANNOT RUN MORE THAN ONE APPLICATION AT A TIME! For a product designed as a mobile device, the inability to run several applications at the same time is undoubtedly its biggest flaw.

Wasted potential vs. crushing reality

Every Apple tablet review talks about the potential of the iPad. It has the potential to be Apple’s next big game changer, but its apparent shortcomings and suspiciously lacking standard apps and hardware specs also leave the door open for a major flop. The best analogy I’ve found compares Apple’s iPad to a concept car. Just like a pre-production concept car, Apple’s iPad tablet features many new technologies, great ideas, sleek and modern design, but its implementation aims for lofty goals and ignores the current market and reality. It lacks basic functionality and there are just too many flaws in the initial version of the iPad. Essentially, wait until multitasking is resolved and for version 2 of the Apple iPad tablet.

make money online scam

95% – 97% of all people who try to make money online fail. Some failures are due to a lack of effort and motivation. However, the vast majority of people fail to make money online because the programs they buy are scams that steal their hard-earned money, instead of teaching them how to make money online as the program promised. These people end up losing money on the program, and because they can’t risk losing more money, they can’t keep trying and buying programs until they find one that actually works. If you want to make money online and are considering purchasing a program from some king to help you do so, read on.

When buying a program online, don’t buy anything that doesn’t come with a 100% money back guarantee. If the program works, the creators will support it. These guarantees vary in the time you have to recover your money. Eight weeks is ideal. If you are not satisfied with the program, feel free to ask for your money back. He works hard for his money and doesn’t deserve to be ripped off.

Another problem with these programs is that they teach only a small part, if any, of how to make money online. To get access to more information and more of the program, you have to pay more. And often these additional purchases don’t come with a 100% money-back guarantee. (You may need to spend a little more money on top of the program if you want to make money online, such as buying domain names and hosting to have websites, but this should be your choice. You shouldn’t be forced to make additional purchases to understand the program you have already purchased). When looking for programs, choose those that tell you specifically what they will teach you, rather than generally stating that you will make tons of money in a short amount of time without giving anything away. you any clue on how.

Too many people are scammed every day on the internet. Do not be one of them. It’s possible to make money online, but it’s hard to find a program that actually teaches you how to do it. However, they do exist, so proceed with caution.

Finding a good SEO agency

Search engine optimization done right, often called SEO for short, is designed to allow websites to appear in search results when people search for products and services rather than just company names. The idea is that people looking for things online can find a business website without any prior knowledge of the business or its name. There are all kinds of tricks and techniques that go into SEO, but good sustainable methods (also sometimes called “white hat SEO”) are based on the idea of ​​making your website easier for people to read and understand. search engines, which means they rank you higher in searches for appropriately relevant terms.

It’s not uncommon to decide to outsource SEO to external marketing agencies and other companies, but there are just too many dodgy guys who like to take SEO-seeking businesses, especially local and small businesses, at a premium. So how do you actually go about finding a good, honest and legitimate search engine vendor?

It’s actually incredibly easy to find a decent SEO agency online. Go to a search engine like Google or Bing and type “SEO agency”. Ignoring the paid ads at the top, any business that has landed at the top of the search results is what you want – it needs to be pretty good at SEO or your own website wouldn’t be as high in the natural listings!

To narrow things down a bit, you could try broadening your search. Let’s say you live in Essex and want a local agency; just type “SEO Essex agency”. Or if your website is specialized and needs special help, you can add your industry or type of site: “SEO tourism” or “SEO e-commerce”, for example. This can be a great way to find niche SEO agencies that have specialized expertise in your field.

Sometimes SEO agencies (or at least people claiming to be SEO agencies) try to solicit companies by sending them emails or submitting contact forms with various incentives and offers. However, if you see something like this, it’s best to ignore it: if a company that supposedly specializes in search engine optimization is reduced to spamming inboxes for business instead of, say, doing SEO for that your own website ranks high and people. you can find them anyway, most likely they are not very good. The same goes for SEO services advertised in paid ads at the top of search engines or in banner ads on other websites. If their search marketing is good, why do they have to pay for their placements?

Another thing to keep in mind is to stay away from any SEO agency that promises you “top position for x keywords” or something similar. Almost all modern search engines use personalized search, which means that everyone sees websites in slightly different ranking positions based on their personal search history. Outright ratings are a thing of the past, anyone claiming to provide this type of service is outright lying. Modern SEO will use sustainable “white hat” techniques to drive useful traffic to your website, not exploits or dubious tricks, constantly slapping them with search engine updates like Google’s infamous Panda and Penguin algorithm changes.

Once you’ve found an SEO company that mostly looks good, you’ll need to ask them a few questions before jumping into their services. In addition to the usual checks like your existing customer list and testimonials, it’s a good idea to speak to someone directly on the phone or in person. Here are some good questions to ask them.

  1. Who does your search marketing work? Is it managed by internal staff? Do you do any subcontracting, especially to foreign companies? Many agencies outsource to cheap link builders in Asia who tend to produce very low quality work which can negatively impact websites in the medium to long term.
  2. How often do you report and what format do these reports take? Any professional SEO agency should provide regular updates to all of its clients, along with written reports detailing actions taken and progress made.
  3. What kind of skills and qualifications do they have? Take a look at your existing client lists for big recognizable names and see if they have someone who is qualified in Analytics. Some companies even use quality standards like ISO 9001, which is an excellent sign.
  4. What else do they do? Many of these companies are primarily website designers who are resellers of outsourced SEO services to increase their profits. It is better to look for an online marketing specialist to ensure that you get a good quality service.

If you don’t have the money to hire a professional SEO agency, there are other options available. Some companies will let you pay for a one-time website review to make recommendations on how to improve your site from a search marketing perspective, or you can research current techniques and ideas for doing SEO yourself.

Many online marketing methods are, in fact, surprisingly simple. Increase your domain authority by getting other relevant sites to link to yours. Get a backlink boost as well as an overall marketing benefit from using social networks like Facebook. Keep your website filled with good quality, regularly updated content to encourage people to link to you and increase the visibility and relevance of the site. Use a good and solid SEO plugin for your content management system and make sure your website code is free of bugs.

Remember that you will get a natural boost from modern search engines if your website is

  • Well designed, easy to use and easy on the eyes.
  • Full of good, up-to-date, useful content designed for real people, not search engine bots.
  • Bug free, fast loading and no spam ads or buggy code

Happy website marketing everyone!

Cleansing for the mind, body and soul

For many people, doing a full house cleaning is a tedious and endless chore that they dread doing every week. But it does not have to be like that. Cleaning has many benefits for your physical and mental health that can help you live a happier, more organized, and more fulfilling lifestyle.

Including a cleaning regimen into your daily life may seem like one more thing to add to your ‘to do’ list, but if you fully invest in it and find fun ways to work it into your schedule, you just might enjoy cleaning. your home more than you expect!

Cleanliness is satisfying, works as a mindful distraction to relieve stress or anxiety, helps you reduce your exposure to disease and bacteria, and encourages a cleaner, healthier lifestyle.

Keeping to a regular cleaning routine once or twice a week reduces the amount you need to do in one ‘session’, making it more manageable and less overwhelming to tackle.

However, when you put off cleaning, you’ll likely end up with a large amount that needs to be done at once, and you may find it more difficult to keep things like clothes and bedding sanitary.

“But cleaning is boring and I’m busy!”

There are many ways you can make cleaning more interesting and help it fit into your lifestyle.

First, identify what you enjoy.

If you like music, listening to a song with a strong beat is a great way to keep your momentum going and your mind distracted; this can help prevent you from getting bored. Alternatively, you can try listening to an audio book, or perhaps the radio, to engage your brain.

If you are spiritual or religious, or if you engage in meditative practices, you may want to incorporate cleansing into these to clear your home and body of negative energies.

You can also meditate or pray before cleaning, light incense while you work, and use crystals like selenite or tourmaline to help purify your space. Ritual cleansing is part of many religious practices around the world, including Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism, as well as pagan and spiritualistic practices.

If none of these appeal to you and you prefer a more hands-on approach, you can choose to turn on the TV, clean while you DIY, or just clean while you go about your regular household routine.

Next, identify your lifestyle constraints and requirements.

If you are a creative person, you may find that you are prone to creating a lot of mess. While this is not uncommon among creative people, your home or apartment may become cluttered, leaving less space for your regular activities, and you may become stressed trying to work around clutter.

If you’re more of a strategy-based or logical mindset, you’ll likely have less clutter, but working long hours can make it difficult to commit to a thorough cleaning routine. So instead of doing a big cleanup at the end of the week, why not do one or two small cleaning jobs each day before work?

This eliminates the chores and leaves you free to enjoy your “downtime”. Plus, after a week of cleaning a little every day, you’ll save yourself from having to do it on the weekend!

How to structure a cleaning schedule and stay on top of it

If you want to clean your home, but the thought of doing so is too overwhelming, the best way to approach the job is simply by making a cleaning list. This will help you identify what you need to do, and how and when to do it.

The trick is not to make your cleaning sessions too long and only commit to two or three tasks per session. If you have too long a cleaning session, you are likely to get tired or stressed, which will discourage you next time.

Instead, try to schedule 2-3 longer cleaning sessions a week, with certain jobs (like doing the dishes, cleaning the kitchen, etc.) daily or every other day.

‘But I’m just not motivated to do it!’

If you are having difficulty motivating yourself, especially if you suffer from attention deficit disorder (ADD) or depression, you may choose to ask yourself to clean your house using a journal, your phone’s calendar, or one of the many apps on the market. Alternatively, if you have a reliable support network, you can ask them to help you when you find it difficult to maintain a self-care routine.

Another good way to motivate yourself is to allow yourself a reward every time you clean.

Maybe you can eat a candy bar when you’ve completed a week of cleansing? Or maybe you could be really naughty and have a glass or two of wine when you’ve finished all the cleaning jobs on your list?

Whatever you find motivates you, embrace it and use it to your advantage!

Clean home, clean body

There are many ways that cleaning your home helps keep your body in top condition!

First of all, cleaning is a great way to integrate physical exercise into your daily life, especially for those (such as the elderly) who are unable to engage in more strenuous exertion.

Moving furniture, vacuuming, mopping, making the bed, and many other regular cleaning activities are effective ways to burn calories—up to 100 calories burned in just half an hour! Moving heavy equipment and furniture will also help keep muscles strong, lean, and defined.

Cleaning can also help you eat healthier! Studies have found that people eat more food and more unhealthy food when under stress, and living in a messy, dirty home increases cortisol levels and therefore stress.

Additionally, a 2013 study found that people who worked in a neat and organized space were more likely to choose an apple over a candy bar when choosing something to eat. So the cleaner your home is, the less stressed you’ll be and the healthier you’ll eat!

Also, if you suffer from insomnia, your messy bedroom could be to blame, as a survey by the National Sleep Foundation found that making your bed in the morning could increase your night’s sleep by up to 20%.

Regularly cleaning your home also means you won’t get sick as easily, as it helps remove nasty viruses, bacteria, pollen, dust, and fungal spores that can trigger respiratory conditions like asthma and allergies.

The best places to start? Mymove.com identified the nine germiest places in your home, including scouring pads, the kitchen sink, toothbrush holders, pet bowls, and bathroom faucets, among others.

The mental health benefits of keeping a clean home

Keeping your home clean is a simple way to reduce your stress levels.

First of all, it helps you stay more organized since you will know where everything you need is. No more last minute rush in the morning trying to locate those important files before work! This will help keep cortisol levels (which is a stress hormone) low and under control.

Also, clutter stresses us out because it overloads our brain with an excess of visual stimuli. This contributes to what is known as sensory overload and is a particular problem for people with ADD, autism, and certain mental health disorders that can cause high levels of stress as a result of external stimulation.

Clutter also creates feelings of guilt and anxiety about looking at work that hasn’t been done yet. It’s hard to let go of feeling overwhelmed when there’s evidence of incomplete tasks right in front of you.

Another aspect of mental health that the disorder affects is concentration. When we’re overstimulated, our brain works overtime trying to process the extra visual information. This results in being unable to focus on other things, like work for example.

Feelings of being overwhelmed by clutter can also promote avoidant coping mechanisms, such as binging on junk food or watching television.

All of this means that by decluttering your home, you can also achieve a more orderly and calm state of mind!

For example, in 2011, researchers using functional magnetic resonance imaging, among other biological measurements, found that removing clutter from the immediate environment resulted in better focus, better information processing, and higher productivity for participants.

So by staying on top of clutter, you can help yourself be more productive, have more energy, and live a healthier lifestyle.

Benefits for your home

In addition to keeping your home cleaner and tidier, there are other benefits to your home that can be achieved with regular cleaning.

For example, if you clean regularly, you’re less likely to encounter serious problems in your home, like black mold and rot, later on. Cleaning stains right away helps them stop “setting” and makes them easier to remove.

Regular cleaning also helps extend the life of carpets, furniture, and more, leading to spending less on buying and maintaining furniture.

Benefits for friends, family, loved ones and pets

Doing your part of cleaning and order also helps to improve relationships!

A Yelp study recently found that up to 80% of households argue about cleaning, with 20% reporting that it is a common cause of conflict. Keeping your home clean can help reduce these arguments, but it’s not that simple!

Many arguments are not about cleaning itself, but about how to do it and who should do it. Cleaning is often a way that gender roles are expressed, so women who do most of the cleaning may feel unsupported, while men may feel like they aren’t doing enough to keep others happy. Your partners.

By creating a regular routine of who does what job, you can help reduce gender-based arguments and communicate more effectively with your partner. They may even decide to set up a ‘date night’ after cleaning day, so they can reward each other and spend time together at the same time!

Also, if you have young children, pets, or elderly relatives with a high risk of falls in your home, the clutter can pose an immediate health hazard. But by regularly cleaning and maintaining your living space, you can keep your loved ones safe by reducing the likelihood of accidents at home.

Benefits for society and the environment

Tidying up your house can even help society in general! By regularly tidying up your home, you can donate to charity shops or list items on websites like Freecycle.com that will help you get the items to people who need them more than you do.

This also helps the environment by ensuring that items you no longer need are reused rather than thrown away. You may also find that you enjoy the creative side of repurposing old items into useful new equipment and decorations for the home!

Why maintain a cleaning routine?

Cleaning benefits you, your home, the environment, society in general and your personal relationships. So surely the question should be, why not properly organize your cleaning routines, so you can see how much better they can help make your life?

Roadmap for Developing a Consistent Food Ordering Mobile App for Foodies

The food/restaurant industry, being one of the fastest growing industries, has always managed to keep up with technological advancements to meet the ever-changing demands of customers. The rise of mobile app development has helped restaurant businesses with consistent on-demand delivery services. Most of the fine dining restaurants, cafeterias, and takeaways are now striving to invest in a smart Android or iOS app to increase their nightly sales. These are all the features that a restaurant business owner needs to incorporate in order to make their app popular and user oriented.

  • GPS order tracking

Any of the on-demand apps for food ordering won’t keep up for a day if they don’t come with the location tracking feature using beacons or GPS. Foodies will always deliberately want to know how far the point of sale is and how long it will take for the delivery person to reach them as soon as they confirm their order. The GPS tracking function serves both ends. While the customers can track the delivery route and the time it takes for the delivery executive to reach them, the latter can easily know the location of the customers and follow the shortest route to make the delivery.

  • Simple search in the menu

Just like all restaurants make it mandatory to provide a menu card at every table or display it in bold at the front counter, having an easily obtainable digital menu card is a prerequisite for apps. It is crucial to allow users to choose the dishes or drinks they want from the batch and seamlessly order with a few taps. It is also imperative to incorporate the search option in the menu so that customers can retrieve any item they wish to have and place an order.

  • Geofencing to send push notifications

While geolocation is all about tracking all users who are near a specific store, restaurant outlets can take advantage of the technology to gain an added advantage for their businesses. They can send push notifications for personalized offers to specific audiences as soon as they get close to the geofence.

  • mobile payment options

With any reliable feature to facilitate payments via credit/debit cards or mobile wallet, an app cannot survive any longer. You may lose many end-customers who are uncomfortable carrying cash or paying through a third-party payment system. Therefore, it is always suggested to offer in-app payment options in addition to COD by integrating trusted gateways like PayPal, BrainTree, Amazon Pay, Apple Pay, etc.

  • table reservation

In addition to increasing takeout orders per day, such an app can simultaneously help owners increase traffic to their restaurants. With the slot or table reservation feature, the app can enable users to reserve a table in advance and have a pleasant dining experience amidst the crowd and congestion at peak hours.

quick conclusion

On-demand food ordering apps are helping restaurant businesses to clearly stand out from the crowd by reaching out to foodies anytime they need to. Therefore, getting a user-friendly app is right now the most prudent solution for most catering businesses.

Why business cards are useful for musicians

Why Musicians Should Use Business Cards

Business cards, we’ve all had them. Some of us use them, some of us say “neh” and delete them. Whatever type you are, I’m sure someone has given you one at some point. And you probably thought, “what the hell am I supposed to do with this?” Or maybe you said “sweet friend, I’ll call you right away”. Either way, it probably got you thinking. You may have thought, “wow, this person really comes prepared.” I seriously doubt you thought, “heh, look at this guy, what a dinosaur, he still uses business cards.”

In this article, we’re going to take a look at some things you can do with business cards to stand out from the sea of ​​musicians out there, and why musician business cards can still be used today.


Agree, it is interesting that in 2018 we are still talking about them. I mean, we’re supposed to have hoverboards, flying cars, self-tying shoes, and time travel should be a thing of the past. Sorry, Marty, we’re not there yet.

As the world becomes increasingly digital with things like SoundCloud, Spotify, and Facebook, it can seem like business cards for musicians are a bit old-fashioned. But are they really? Well, we’re human, so it’s only natural that we like the human touch. Delivering something that is tangible to another person has much more impact than another ‘like’ or ‘follow’ on social media. In 2016, paper books increased their sales by 7%, while e-books decreased by 4%. A great attribute of this was coloring books for adults and children who prefer paper books to a Kindle or iPad. What does this suggest? I think it’s somewhat clear. We don’t like everything in our lives to be digital. We like things that have texture and that we can hold in our hands. Digital can get a little too sterile at times.

Strengths for networking

When you learn the knowledge of something by yourself, you take responsibility for it. Similarly, when you spend money on something, you are more inclined to use it. A Facebook page or a Twitter account does not cost anything. So it’s much easier to give you the old adage ‘oh, tomorrow, tomorrow’. It doesn’t feel very good to spend money on that New Year’s resolution exercise equipment only to have it just sit there, gathering dust. But what happens when you actually use it and start seeing results? You probably feel like a million bucks. Well, when you’ve spent money on a few business cards, I bet you feel pretty good when you start using them and start meeting people. All the while putting you in the right mindset to get it off your ass and get to those networking events or build up the courage to talk to that one person who could make a difference.

What to put on them?

Your basic setting should be quality paper (paper = paper type). A good 16 pt paper or 38 pt triple layer paper works great. Avoid basic, pre-made layouts or images. Make sure your business cards include the following:

  • Your name
  • Services provided
  • Phone number
  • SoundCloud, Spotify, Facebook or YouTube
  • Email
  • URL of your website

Don’t overwhelm people with every social media account you have. Provide the ones that you use the most and that best exemplify your.

be creative

Your card is a reflection of your art to some degree. So I should speak for you. Are you a simple and boring person? So your business card should be plain and boring. Are you a simple but modern person? So your business card should talk about it. Try things like colorful backgrounds or follow modern artwork trends and try to incorporate them into your design. You don’t have to stop there either. Why not have some fun quotes or descriptions of your services? Don’t settle for ‘guitar player’ or my favorite ‘pianist’. Draw the line on who your are. Just don’t overdo it.


Business cards are not the end of everything. When you have them, you’re not going to start booking exceptional gigs and getting more work (maybe you will). They are simply a way to have your information well placed so that your prospect is interested in what you have to offer. So that can lead them to your website or demo reels. A good business card is only the first step, the rest is up to you…

I ask you this

How many of you musicians still use business cards? What are your thoughts on them as we move further and further towards digitization? Do people really care about tangibility? To my networking musicians, if there was a website that would help musicians by taking the frustration out of designing business cards and other paper promotions, would they use it?

Mobile apps: quality matters

The mobile app consumer market continues to strengthen. According to recent statistics, in October 2011, 2.6 billion applications were downloaded from the two most important stores, Apple and Android, and for December of this year, the forecast amounts to 3 billion downloads per month. The revolution continues across all major mobile milestones, including the number of apps currently available. Apple accounts for over 500,000 with Android quickly closing the gap at 350,000.

For companies that are already involved in the digital medium and those that are undecided, this insatiable appetite brings many opportunities. With analysts and experts anticipating continued demand for smartphones and tablets, the digital medium represents a new frontier for monetizing and nurturing customer relationships. At the same time, the frantic race to enter the mobile app market brings challenges. While the rate of downloads is staggering, the number of apps removed from smartphones and tablets is even more staggering. Yes, retention after the first month of use can be lousy for many apps, but for those that survive, customer engagement skyrockets.

So what is the difference between retained and discarded apps? Simply put, quality matters.

The first half of the quality equation is content. Digital content must be meaningful and useful to meet the high expectations of smart app users or they will move on. If the app’s information is poorly conveyed or fails to deliver on its promise to provide easier and more engaging information than can be found elsewhere, the app has little chance of surviving.

The other half of the equation is the technology used to create, implement and support the development of mobile applications. In this dynamic vertical, technology must be truly tried and tested. Unlike building websites, mobile app technology must simultaneously speak multiple languages ​​and operate on four different operating platforms. Compare that to development on the World Wide Web where there is a universal language on one platform. Another key component is that technology must have the ability to evolve as new features and functionality are constantly being developed. Additionally, there is a future proofing requirement as every 90 days there is a significant hardware and/or operating system change in the smartphone and tablet market. Here’s another way to look at it. The result of using the wrong technology is that despite the quality and engaging content that is packed into the mobile app, if it breaks once or fails, it will be discarded.

The mobile app vertical is still in its infancy, so finding the right formula to become an important part of the end-user experience is part of the journey. Fortunately, there are some who already master the formula, and due to increasing competition, quality apps will eventually become the norm.

Companies see mobile game development as a profitable business option

Mobile gaming has become a rage among mobile users and due to the sudden increase in the total number of mobile users, companies are moving towards developing different types of mobile applications for their businesses. What is remarkable is that these games not only keep customers engaged, but are also a great advertising medium. Several companies have taken the initiative to develop sports apps specifically customized for their target customers or loyal customers in order to keep them engaged with the company. The brand image of the company is strengthened with the use of the particular game launched by the company.

To beat the competition and move faster in terms of technology adoption and customer engagement, mobile apps and mobile games are the perfect solution. Games have always been an addiction; Longer use of games means higher engagement and faster advertising at minimal cost. For example, car companies are developing car racing games aimed at certain customers. Businesses find an easy way to keep customers happy and benefit from faster advertising media.

Mobile game development companies are also coming up with creative solutions to help companies achieve their goals. They provide mobile game development services for all major platforms. The most common platforms are Android, IOS and BlackBerry. These three platforms have brought smartphones to a different level.

Companies outsource Flash app development services, 2D app development services and Android app development services to skilled and experienced mobile development companies due to their affordable cost, creativity and innovations in the respective domain. These companies are experts in making profitable and efficient mobile games of all kinds. Multiplayer, action and adventure games are the most common and popular among users. Therefore, companies are developing these types of games based on their market analysis. Regardless of age, everyone is busy with some kind of app on their mobile to pass the time while traveling and waiting. Mobile games come as a perfect solution for them. They can easily spend their time by playing games on mobile.

To advertise movies or certain products, companies creatively design specific sports apps that match the attributes of the products, such as the Karate Kid app that was released before the release of the movie to make the app popular with children. The strategy worked and the film was a huge success. Businesses need to hire efficient mobile game developers or dedicated iPhone or iPad app developers for innovative sports apps for their business.

Distinction between digital books and electronic books

A digital book and an e-book may seem similar, but they are too different from each other. Many people are still unaware of the differences and tend to confuse one with the other. You practically need to know the difference of both books and in that order we are writing this article. This article will give you the necessary knowledge and you will be able to differentiate between the two types of books.

digital books

Digital books are available in PDF format. They are commonly known as electronic books. They can be published, scanned or printed. They are either the soft copies or their harder original counterparts. Most of us read them and are very much in love with them.

The current and newer versions of the books are very close to the originals, while the older ones are much better than the original print copies. Unlike paper prints, the pages of digital books do not turn yellow; neither have they compromised on the quality of the reading. The scanned page of the books does not imply that they are copied versions, so there can be no stains on the digital books, no colored paper or the like.

One can buy these books from the various online shopping platforms available now. The advantage of opting for these books is that they are much more affordable than hardcover paper books.


The basic difference between an ebook and a digital book is that the former is written for the web. Most e-books are not officially published like digital books. Although they are similar in perspective, they are very different in this way.
Ebooks are usually written on short notice. Expenses are also much lower and the most likely expense is distribution. Most of the books are short and have less than 50 pages.

These books can be called self-help books. Historical notes are also found in the form of electronic books. These books are not important for imparting literary values, they just focus on various facts, ideas, or instructions.

Another part is that these books are affordable, often freely available, although the information they contain can be very useful to people. Although they are found in PDF forms, they are nowhere near digital books anyway, as these deal with pure facts or information-based content.