
Powering future

Is the Law of Attraction Selfish and Hedonistic?

Is the Law of Attraction Selfish and Hedonistic?

When someone asks you, what do you believe? What is the law of attraction? Do you really believe that everything you think about will appear? Is it possible for you to answer these questions in a few words? Yes.

Isn’t the Law of Attraction Selfish and Hedonistic?

Isn’t life selfish and hedonistic? Yes it is. Life is meant to be joyful. Now this does not mean that you are going to live a lonely life in a big castle on top of a mountain. Most humans get a lot of pleasure from happy families. There is nothing selfish about being part of a happy family. Happy families are work, but very fulfilling work.

There is nothing wrong with hedonism. Christianity sometimes attacks hedonism as the opposite of martyrdom. Well, it does seem so, but how can you know what was in the hearts of those martyrs? You can only guess. You can only know for sure what is in your own heart.

When you live in joy, you usually make those around you happy as well. You see, being in outwardly expressed joy after it’s experienced, but if done with honor, doesn’t take anything away from those around you. Your relationship with Source is a blessing to those around you. On the contrary, how do you feel when you are close to a martyr? You will answer very badly if you have ever lived with a martyr or have been friends with a martyr. What is the unspoken lesson of a martyr? —

“You owe me. I’m being selfless and generous, so you owe me adoration or reciprocity or both.”

This person has not bothered to seek a relationship with Source and seeks joy from their work to align with Source. — Now, is that selfish or selfless?

You owe nothing to anyone except your children and only because you brought them into the world. With anyone else, if giving makes you happy, then give. If walking away from the martyr makes you happy, then walk away.

What if your success hurt someone else?

Wallace Wattles warns us against competition. He assures us that when we manifest our success instead of beating someone else, we won’t be hurting anyone else. The world is not a zero sum experience.

So how do we explain the global warming that has come from all the success and toys that those in vibration with success have manifested? Doesn’t this harm many others, if not all of us?

Life offers contrast. Someone could be reacting to global warming and getting inspired to find a new source of energy. Without the difficulties of this oil energy, we would not need to find a new energy.

In the past, horses provided great transportation, but they left their mess on the ground. Some deliberate creators learned how to use oil in their lamps and then how to use it with a mass of iron to make an iron horse that didn’t leave as much of a mess on the ground. This worked fine for a while. Now, we find out that oil leaves its mess in the atmosphere and we need a new source of energy.

To answer the original question, what do we believe? When we look for reasons to feel good, we will let in clarity and abundance.

There is nothing wrong with this. There is nothing in this that hurts anyone else.

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