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Cleaning and maintenance of pre-insulated HVAC ducts

Cleaning and maintenance of pre-insulated HVAC ducts

The air ducts in your heating, ventilation and air conditioning or HVAC system are responsible for producing acceptable indoor air quality. While they are most commonly attributed to being a source of ventilation, these ducts also serve a primary purpose in air conditioning through thermal insulation. As a bonus, they also help improve energy efficiency.

Why You Should Clean Your Air Ducts

With these important roles and advantages, it is important to ensure that they are kept in the best quality. Most HVAC air ducts rarely need cleaning. In fact, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency sees no need to clean your air ducts unless no one in the home is suffering from unexplained symptoms, illnesses, or allergies, or there are clear indications that the ducts are already dirty. and contaminated.

However, it is still necessary to keep the air ducts clean even before these health hazards are already present. It is not just about ensuring thermal comfort in your home; it’s also about ensuring everyone’s safety at home. Your whole family breathes the same air that comes from your HVAC system, and it is far better to prevent any harm than to put your family’s life at risk because you have neglected to properly maintain your air ducts.

But how do you know if it’s time to clean them? Here are some telltale signs:

  • You sweep and dust the house more often than usual because it seems more difficult to get rid of the dust. Even after cleaning, there are still some visible powders that are seen floating in the air.

  • People in the home experience sinus problems, nasal congestion, and headaches during or after sleep.

  • There is little or no air coming from the vents in the rooms of your house.

  • People in the home are constantly getting sick or experiencing allergies more often than usual.

  • People at home experience signs of illness such as sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, fatigue, nausea, or a burning sensation and dryness in the eyes, nose, or throat.

  • When you turn on the air conditioner or oven, it gives off a musty or musty odor.

Cleaning pre-insulated HVAC ducts

As with other types of ductwork, pre-insulated HVAC duct liners and plates can be easily cleaned with special non-metallic bristles. However, to avoid any damage from mishandling, a professional duct cleaner should perform a thorough cleaning. You will be able to get rid of all the dust, cobwebs, calcium deposits, debris, hair, and anything else that shouldn’t be inside.

As a general rule, ducts should be inspected (and cleaned if necessary) every 1 to 2 years.

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