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How Psychics Work: 3 Weird Ways Psychics Get Information (Weird But TRUE)

How Psychics Work: 3 Weird Ways Psychics Get Information (Weird But TRUE)

How do psychics work? Are they reading my mind? Are they guessing, making it up, or just picking up on nonverbal cues from body language? Or maybe they get information from the environment or from energies or auras that the rest of us can’t see? What about psychics who claim to be communicating with spirits? Is this for real… or just another way to trick us into believing something that sounds too good to be true? In this article, we’re going to take a quick and easy look at how many psychics work, and the weird but true ways many intuitive professionals GET their information in the first place. Are you curious to know more? Read on as we take a closer look below!

Do all psychics work the same?

Absolutely not. The truth is, every psychic I’ve talked to gets their information from a slightly different source or uses a slightly different strategy to get it. Even mediums, who claim to communicate with the dead, report a different process of what is going on while they are getting that information. (and while it may be similar, it’s rarely the same for 2 different media)

The 3 most common ways psychics obtain information?

1 – Energy or Aura readings. This can involve listening to the pitch and inflection of your voice and picking up the emitted energy, literally seeing your aura in a very real way. Most psychics who work with energy will talk about the vibrations and emotions that are associated with the unique frequency (often thought of as a spiritual fingerprint) that every human being has. While this is controversial and skeptics like to attack it, the truth is that there is a LOT of emerging science about energy healing, subtle energies and even energy medicine… all of which seems to prove what psychics and intuitives have been saying for thousands of years! (and I’ve seen how powerful it can be first hand)

2 – Spiritual Readings. Very simply, a spiritual psychic obtains information from people who are no longer living. (or in some cases… guides, angels or teachers who may never have lived in physical form) Many of the famous psychics we see on TV do some variation of this (like John Edward from “Crossing Over”… or Long Island Medium, for example) In my experience, these can be the most powerful, positive and profound types of reading you can ever have.

3 – Psychics Tarot, Astrology or Horoscope style

These are often very funny, very entertaining, can be very enlightening…and yet they are almost ALWAYS based on symbolic interpretation, on great physical or mental gifts. (as described in the first two methods) A great tarot reader, for example…is almost always as proficient with symbolic interpretation as they are with psychic abilities. So are those who read horoscopes and other forms of signs and symbols. And while I personally find these readings very entertaining, they are often not as life-changing as spiritual or energetic readings.

Of course, there are many more too… past life psychics, relationship and romance psychics, channelers, people who read objects (called psychometry) and all sorts of other interesting and curious abilities that you have to see to believe.

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