
Powering future

Mastery over marital challenges

Mastery over marital challenges

Do you have relationship problems? Marital challenges are real, but what is more real is the truth that you have mastery over these challenges. God will never allow a challenge greater than you to come your way. The problem is how you approach the problems that come your way. This article provides you with the foundation on which to stand to exercise dominance over all marital matters.

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you – Matthew 6:33 (NIV).

Do not be anxious about anything, but let your requests be known before God in all prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving – Philippians 4: 6 (RV60).

Many people are going through many marital challenges and are allowing them to drown them, when they should be mastering them. Dominion has been given to you by God from the beginning. All you need to do is position yourself well and take your dominance.

What position should you take?

1. Seek first the Kingdom of God and his justice

2. Make your request known to God with thanksgiving.

3. Be free from anxiety

God knows you need those things that you are anxious about. He knows you want to get married or have children, and He has made provisions for you to have them at His word, so it’s decided, a done deal.

Concentrate on God and everything that interests him, while making your request known to him. Believe that He has responded to you in that moment and start thanking Him for the answer. Continue to serve God in all the work of the kingdom that is opportune to do, such as praying for the will of the Lord to be done on earth, preaching the gospel, giving your resources, time and energy for the spread of the gospel. Soon, your answered prayer will come true.

God has a plan for each individual and it is made up of a number of phases or chapters. Some people may have more phases than others, just as some books have more chapters than others. When you stick with God’s plan for your life, He will never mismanage it. When the time comes to switch to a new phase, the Lord will help you do it effortlessly and without sweat.

The Creator of the universe does not have a stereotypical pattern for everyone. Your phase one may be different from my phase one. For some people, God may have planned for them to marry immediately after their first grade, while others will be scheduled for 5 to 10 years later. For some people, children are born within the first year of marriage, while others will start having children a few years later. However, in the end, both groups of people will be married and have children, but all in different phases. God’s plan for each individual is in the best interest of the person in question and is aimed at helping them fulfill their destiny.

When you’re walking according to God’s plan, don’t try to insist on when each phase should be. Trust in God, knowing that all things work together for good to those who love him. God is a master planner. He knows the end from the beginning, so let him bring the best into your life. Do not lean on your own understanding, acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will make your way straight.

When you try to force a phase to happen at the wrong time, you deviate from the Lord’s plan for you. You will find so many challenges that you could have avoided by following the Father’s plan. When you finally decide to go back to His original plan, you will make it longer than it should have been and the scars from the misstep will be there too. However, it is better than not returning at all because you will still get to your desired destination even though it will take you longer to do so.

For example, the Israelites spent an extra 40 years in the wilderness because they went out of God’s plan for them. In the process they lost all the adults who left Egypt except Joshua and Caleb (Numbers 32: 10-13). But, the survivors arrived in the Promised Land as the Lord designed.

Again, God promised Abraham that He would give him a son, but Sarah tried to help God by giving her servant to Abraham so that he would have a son through her (Numbers 16: 1-4). He obtained a son from Hagar, but he only started out thinking that if he had known the future, he would not have. She even ended up not caring for the child herself. However, as they continued to serve God, Sarah finally gave birth to Isaac, 25 years after God promised them.

It’s like a Google map, when you lose the address it was giving you and you check it again, it will reprogram your address from where you are to the desired destination, although in general it may take you longer to get there.

Therefore, to take and remain in control over marriage challenges, to continue serving God and the interest of His kingdom, make your requests known to the Lord with thanksgiving and see that you are not at all concerned about this situation. Let your heavenly Father execute His plan for you and in the end, you will be glad you did.

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