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Microgreens versus sprouts

Microgreens versus sprouts

Microgreen facts

Micro-vegetables (micro-greens) are a tiny form of edible vegetables produced from the seeds of vegetables, herbs, or other plants. They range in size from one to two inches long, including the stem and leaves. Microgreens can have surprisingly strong flavors considering their small size, though not as strong as ripe greens and herbs.

Microgreens are used as a garnish and flavor accent mainly in fine dining restaurants. These restaurants place a strong emphasis on both the creative presentation and flavor of their dishes. The fresh and delicate appearance of Microgreens adds beauty and dimension combined with a variety of different flavor elements.

Dubbed as one of the culinary buzzwords of 2008 by National Public Radio, microgreens are a popular foodie trend. Used by chefs to stimulate and enhance the dining experience, microgreens infuse flavor and innovation into their culinary creations.

The National Restaurant Association released its list of the top food and beverage trends for 2009. The list, made up of survey results from more than 1600 chefs, shows microgreens at No. 5 in the product category.


Microgreens have been produced in the United States since the mid-1990s in Southern California. Initially, very few varieties were offered. The basic types; Arugula, basil, beets, kale, coriander, and a mix called Rainbow Mix. They are now grown in most areas of the country with a growing number of varieties being produced.

A form of micro-vegetables that is sold in a specialized growing medium; Cellulose pulp (paper) has been produced in Europe since about 2002.

Microgreens versus sprouts

Microgreens are not the same as sprouts. Some articles on microgreens characterize them as being very similar to sprouts. There are several important differences. Understanding the different production methods for each can help clear up any confusion between them.

The sprouts are simply germinated seeds. What is eaten consists of the underdeveloped pale seed, root, stem and leaves. The FDA seeks to regulate all companies that produce outbreaks due to numerous food poisoning outbreaks. Salmonella and Escherichia coli 0157: H7 have been the leading causes of disease outbreaks associated with outbreaks. Commercial sprout processors must follow rigorous FDA production guidelines that include multiple laboratory tests of each batch, including drained water for the presence of pathogenic bacteria, to minimize the threat of foodborne illness.

Many retail packages of sprouts actually carry an FDA warning that reads, “The FDA cautions that people who want to reduce the risk of foodborne illness should not eat sprouts raw.”

The shoots are produced entirely in water. The seed is never actually planted. A high density of seeds are placed inside germination equipment or in closed containers such as glass jars. The seed germinates quickly due to the high levels of humidity and humidity that are maintained in the enclosures. The seeds can also be germinated in bags that are repeatedly soaked in water. The germination process occurs in the dark or in very little light. These dark, humid and crowded conditions are ideal for the rapid growth of dangerous pathogenic bacteria.

After a day of soaking and a few days of rinsing in water only (2-6 or more times a day to prevent spoilage such as mold), the sprouted seeds are ready for consumption. This is long before the expansion of the leaves. These sprouted seeds are generally sold as a tangled mass of very pale roots, stems, and leaf buds. Microgreens cannot be grown with these methods.

Microgreens are not grown in water. The seeds are planted and grown in the ground or in a soil substitute, such as peat moss or other fibrous materials. They should be grown in conditions of high light, low humidity, and good air circulation. Seed density is a fraction of what is used in sprout processing so that each individual plant has room to grow and develop. Most varieties require 7 to 14 days to grow, some much longer. Once the leaves are fully expanded, the micro-vegetables are ready for harvest. They are cut above the soil surface and packed rootless. Some microgreens are sold while they are still growing so that the end user can cut them.

If the stem is cut leaving the root behind and it does not grow in water, it is a microgreen, not a sprout. Microgreens that are grown in the brightest light with plenty of space and good ventilation have greater vigor resulting in more color and flavor.

Ideal conditions for growing microgreens do not encourage the growth of dangerous pathogens. These growing methods would not work for sprout production.

To minimize confusion, it is important to avoid using words like “sprouts” or “sprouts” when writing or describing micro-vegetables. FDA inspectors don’t always understand the differences, which could put the microgreen producer in a position to explain them. There could be confusion if the grower has described microgreens as something similar to sprouts. Writers do everyone a disservice when they swap the two terms. The FDA will consider compliance actions against any party that grows sprouts commercially, that does not have effective preventive controls in place, that involve extensive microbial testing and FDA oversight.

Microgreens have much stronger and more developed flavors than sprouts, making them an ideal garnish with a wide range of leaf shapes, textures, and colors.

General specifications of a microgreen

A microgreen consists of a central stem that has two fully developed cotyledon leaves and usually a pair of true plant leaves. Differences in leaf size and configuration are based on the specific plant variety. For example, Micro Borage is a very large microgreen. At one inch tall, it has a pair of very large cotyledon leaves and has no true leaves. By comparison, Micro Mint has extremely small cotyledon leaves and will have three to four sets of true leaves about an inch tall. More typical in leaf size and configuration is Micro Basil at about one to one and a half inches tall, which has cotyledon leaves and a set of small true leaves.

The seeds used to grow microgreens are the same as those used for herbs, vegetables, and full-size greens. Microgreens are simply seedlings that are harvested before they grow into larger plants.

Microgreens and nutrition

It has become an urban legend that microgreens possess high concentrations of various beneficial and nutritional compounds. Numerous articles and websites claim that microgreens are the ultimate nutritional miracle food. The fact is, no micro-vegetable studies have been done to substantiate any of these claims. Of course, it would be beneficial for us to state that microgreens are a kind of superfood. Micro-vegetables are most likely to have a lower nutritional value than normal-size vegetables and herbs. Some sprouts have been said to contain particularly high concentrations of certain chemoprotective compounds, however the highest concentration of these is found in the seed. Since the sprouts are consumed with the seed still attached, this may explain these results. If people feel that they really want more of these compounds, they should simply eat the seed before it sprouts. Of course, microgreens are not sprouts. Microgreens are cut at the stem and have no attached roots or seeds, so there would be no reason to think that these compounds exist in particularly high amounts. Fresh Origins does not rely on unsubstantiated claims to sell its product. If at any time reliable nutritional studies are done on microgreens, and they show high values, Fresh Origins will be very happy to promote them.

The USDA has weighed in on the situation: Although research suggests a promising role for SGS (sulforaphane glucosinolate) in promoting health, the research results do not allow for definitive scientific conclusions about specific health benefits. At this time, the US FDA has not reached such conclusions or authorized any claims specifically for SGS or broccoli sprouts. Microgreens are not mentioned.

Regarding the nutritional value of sprouts, the USDA has listed the nutritional value of sprouts compared to full-size broccoli. In short, broccoli sprouts have significantly less nutritional value compared to full-size broccoli. It is noteworthy: the sprouts were lower in protein (1.4 compared to 2,324 mg.), Fiber, Vitamin A (561 compared to 1,082.64 IU), Riboflavin (none were found in the sprouts compared to 043 mg.) , Vitamin B-6 (. 07 vs. 112 mg.), Vitamin C (20 vs. 58.188 mg), Iron (0.22 vs. 665 mg). This ties in with microgreens in the sense that the younger form of broccoli (sprouts) has a lower nutritional value than mature broccoli, so it stands to reason that microgreens also have a lower nutritional value than their counterparts of full size.

Microgreens varieties

Commonly grown varieties of microgreens include amaranth, arugula, beets, basil, cabbage, celery, chard, chervil, coriander, watercress, fennel, kale, mustard, parsley, radish, and sorrel. Several varieties can be mixed after harvest to create a mix of flavors and colors.

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